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Question /Test problem for CO assessment


Unit I

1 Q. Differentiate between line and end standards. Discuss the characteristics of line and end standard

Line Standard End Standard

When length is express as distance When length is expressed as distance
between two parallel line is called line between two parallel faces is called
standard. as end standard.
Measurement is quick and easy. Measurement is time consuming.
It is not used for précised measurement. It is used for précised measurement.
It is subjected to parallax error. It is not subjected to parallax error.
It is not subjected to wear and tear. It is subjected to wear and tear.
It is cheaper. It is costlier.
It is simple in construction. It is complicated in construction.
No skilled worker is required for
It is very accurate.
Less accurate. More accurate
Ex. Scale, meter tape, yard. Micro meter, Vernier, slip gauges

2 Q. List linear measuring instrument and angular measuring instrument used in metrology draw any
one sketch
List down instruments used for angular measurement.
Bevel protractor, sine bar, angle gauges, autocollimator, angle dekkor, clinometers,
sprit level Angle gauges. Divided scales. Sine bar with slip gauges. Autocollimator. Angle

Q What are the various types of linear measuring instruments?

The various devices used for measuring the linear measurements are
i. Vernier calipers. Micrometers. Slip gauge or gauge blocks.Comparator

3 Q. Define. a) Precision b) Accuracy c) Sensitivity d) Readability e) Calibration

a) Precision:

• Precision is the repeatability of the measuring process.

• It refers to the group of measurements for the same characteristics taken under identical
conditions. It does not have any meaning for single measurement.
• It indicates to what extent the identically performed measurements agree with each other.
• If the instrument is not precise it will give different (widely varying) results for the same
dimension when measured again and again.
• The set of observations will scatter about the mean. The scatter of these measurements is
designated as σ, the standard deviation.
• It is used as an index of precision. The less the scattering more precise is the instrument.
Thus, lower, the value of σ, the more precise is the instrument.
b) Accuracy:

• Accuracy is the degree to which the measured value of the quality characteristic agrees with
the true value.
• The difference between the true value and the measured value is known as error of
It is practically difficult to measure exactly the true value and therefore a set of observations
is made whose mean value is taken as the true value of the quality measured.

c) Sensitivity:

d) Readability :

• It is the ability of measuring instrument to repeat the same results for the measurements for
the same quantity, when the measurement is carried out,
• By the same observer,
• With the same instrument,
• Under same conditions,
• Without any change in location,
• Without the change in method of measurement,
• And the measurements are carried out in short interval of time.

e) Calibration:

4 Q. State the classification of standards with the help of block diagram?

5 Q. Define metrology. And state its objective? and explain in brief importance and need

Define metrology.
Metrology is the science of measurement which deals with the measuring instruments,
measuring techniques and measuring standards.
Metrology is defined by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures as "the
science of measurement, embracing both experimental and theoretical determinations
at any level of uncertainty in any field of science and technology"
What is the basic Principle of measurement?
It is the physical phenomenon utilized in the measurement. If energy kind of quantity
measured, there must be a unit to measure it. So this will give the quantity to be measured
number of that unit
What is the need of inspection?
To determine the fitness of new made materials, products or component part and to
compare the materials, products to the established standard, inspections are needed

Need for Measurement

Ø to ensure that the part to be measured conforms to
the established standard.
Ø to meet the interchangeability of manufacture.
Ø to provide customer satisfaction by ensuring that no
faulty product reaches the customers.
Ø to coordinate the functions of quality control,
production, procurement & other departments of the
Ø to judge the possibility of making some of the
defective parts acceptable after minor repairs

6 Q. Explain with neat sketch hole basis system. and shaft hole basis system.

Hole Basis system

In hole basis system the hole is kept as the constant and the shaft upper and lower deviation values
determine the type of fit. In hole basis system the Lower deviation of the hole will be Zero.
- In this system lower deviation of the hole is Zero i.e the lower limit of hole is the same as
basic size.
- The higher limit of hole and the two limits of size for the shaft are then varied to give the
desired type of fit.
- - The system is denoted by symbol ‘H’.
Hole basis system is preferred over the shaft basis system because holes are machined by
standard drills or reamers having fixed dimensions, while the shafts can be turned or ground to any
given dimension. Hence it is convenient to produce various sizes of shafts than holes of various sizes

Differentiate between hole basis system and

shaft basis system.
Hole basis system Shaft basis system
• Size of hole whose lower deviation is • Size of the shaft whose upper deviation
zero is assumed as the basis size. is zero, is assumed as the basis size.
• Limits on the hole kept constant and • Limits on the shaft kept constant and
those of shaft desired type at fit. those on the hot varied to have necessary fit.
• The Hole basis system is referred to in • This system is not suitable for mass
mass production because it is convenient and production because it is inconvenient and time
less costing to make a hole of correct size due to consuming and costly to have a shaft of the
availability by stand grills. correct size.
• It is more easily to vary a shaft size • It is some difficult to find the hole size
according to the fit required. according to the fit required.
• It required large capital, storage space.
• It requires less amount of capital and
for a large number of tools required to produce
storage space.
holes of different size.
• Gauging of the shaft can be easily and • Being internal measurement gauging of
conveniently done. the hole cannot be easily conveniently done
Hole basis Shaft basis
Hole size constant Shaft size constant
Represented by capital alphabets as per ISO Represented by small alphabets as per ISO
system. system
Preferred for mass production Preferred for special production
Needs precise boring / hole manufacturing
Needs precise shaft manufacturing machines

7 Q. Differentiate between Precision and Accuracy also clearly depicts from figure

Accuracy Precision
It is concerned with closeness to true value Degree of repetitiveness
It is related to single measurement It is related to group of measurement
It represents average of spread It represents measure of spread
Various sources of error can affect accuracy Various influences can affect accuracy
8 Q. State the Classification of Gauge Draw the different of sketch of gauges


9 Q. Explain sine bar Explain how conical work pieces are inspected on a sine centre

ü The sine bar is used to measure angles based on the sine principle. Its upper surface forms the
hypotenuse of a triangle formed by a steel bar terminating in a cylinder near each end. When
one of the cylinders, called rollers, is resting on a flat surface, the bar can be set at any desired
angle by simply raising the second cylinder.

The required angle is obtained when the difference in height between the two rollers is equal to the
sine of the angle multiplied by the distance between the centres of the rollers

ü Sine bars are made of corrosion resistant steel, hardened, ground and stabilised. The size is
specified by the central distance between the cylinders, which is 100mm, 200mm or 300mm.

ü The upper surface has high degree of flatness up to 0.001 mm for 100 mm length and is
perfectly parallel to the axis joining the centres of the two cylinders.

10 Q. List any four methods of measurement & Give classification of measuring instruments.

Give any four methods of measurement

1. Direct method.
2. Indirect method.
3. Comparison method.
4. Coincidence method.

Give classification of measuring instruments.

1. Angle measuring Instruments.
2. Length measuring Instruments.
3. Instruments for surface finish.
4. Instruments for deviations

11 Q. List type of Fit .Define unilateral tolerance and Bilateral tolerance

12 Q Explain the term Sine and Cosine error giving a suitable example

13 Q. What are the possible sources of errors in measurements? Discuss the different reasons for the
occurrence of systematic errors

14 Q. Differentiate between systematic and random errors

15 Q. The main scale in a Vernier instrument is graduated in millimeters, with the smallest division being
1 mm. Ten divisions on the Vernier scale correspond to nine divisions on the main scale. Answer the
following questions
(a) What is the least count of the instrument?
(b) If the main scale reads 13 mm and the fifth division on the Vernier scale coincides with a division on
the main scale, what is the value of the dimension being measured?

Least count = ( smallest division on main scale) / ( total no. of divisions on vernier scale )
= 0.1/10 = 0.01 cm
Total reading = ( MSR) + (VSR* LC)
= ( 13) + ( 5*0.01 )
= 13.06 cm

Unit II

16 Q. What are the considerations while manufacturing the slip gauges?

What are the considerations while manufacturing the slip gauges?

The following additional operations are carried out to obtain the necessary qualities in
slip gauges during manufacture.
1. First the approximate size of slip gauges is done by preliminary operations.
2. The blocks are hardened and wear resistant by a special heat treatment process.
3. To stabilize the whole life of blocks, seasoning process is done.
4. The approximate required dimension is done by a final grinding process.

17 Q. Explain Advantages and Disadvantages of sine bar.

ü Sine bar can also be used to measure unknown angles to a high degree of precision.

ü The angle of the work part is first measured using an instrument such as bevel protractor.
Then, the work part is clamped to the sine bar and set on top of a surface plate to that angle
using slip gauges as shown in.

18 Q. List out any four angular measuring instrument used in metrology explain with suitable example
sine of angle Ɵ with the help of sine bar

ü The sine bar by itself is not a complete measuring instrument. Accessories such as a surface
plate, slip gauges, etc are needed to accomplish the measurement process.

ü The sine of the angle ‘θ’ formed between the upper surface of sine bar and the surface plate
(datum) is given by :

Sin (θ) = h/L

19 Q. Differentiate between sensitivity and range with suitable example.

20 Q. Explain the terms interchangeable manufacture and interchangeable assembly Explain. advantages
of interchangeability

State the term selective assembly.

In selective assembly, the parts are classified into several groups as per size and mating
parts are also classified in same number of groups. Assemblies are made as per the
sizes from corresponding groups with little or no further machining. Selective
assemblies results in reduced cost of production without affecting the quality of the

Advantages of Interchangeability:-
i) Assembly time is reduced, as the operator is not required to waste his/her skill in fitting the mating
components by trial and error.
ii) There is an increased output with reduced production cost.
iii) Improve quality and reduce the time for operation.
iv) The replacement and worn-out or defective parts and repairs becomes very easy.
v) The cost of maintenance and shutdown period is also reduced to minimum.

21 Q. Discuss the essential requirements for maintaining accuracy in the construction of a sine bar. How is
a sine bar specified?

22 Q. Explain how conical work pieces are inspected on a sine center.

ü Sine centre provides convenient means for measuring angles of conical work pieces, which
are held between centres as shown in figure.

ü One of the rollers is pivoted about its axis, thereby allowing the sine bar to be set to an angle
by lifting the other roller.

ü The base of the sine centre has high degree of flatness and slip gauges are wrung and placed
on it in order to set the sine bar to the required angle.
23 Q. How does an angle dekor differ from an autocollimator? Discuss the applications of an. angle decor
in metrology.

ü Angle dekkor is a small variation on the autocollimator. This instrument is essentially used as
comparator and measures the change in angular position of the reflector in two planes.

ü It has an illuminated scale, which receives light directed through a prism. The light beam
carrying the image of the illuminated scale passes through the collimating lens as shown in
figure and falls on to the reflecting surface of the work-piece.

ü After getting reflected from the work piece it is refocused by the lens in field view of eyepiece.
While doing so, the image of the illuminated scale would have undergone a rotation of 900
with the optical axis.

ü Now, the light beam will pass through the datum scale fixed across the path of the light beam
as shown in figure.
ü When viewed through the eye-piece, the reading on the illuminated scale measures angular
deviations from one axis at 90 ° to the optical axis and the reading on the fixed datum scale
measures the deviation about an axis mutually perpendicular to this.

ü The view through the eye-piece, which gives the point of intersection of the two scales is
shown in figure. The scales usually measure up to accuracy of 1 minute. This reading actually
indicates changes in angular position of the reflector in two planes.

ü The initial reading of the angle dekkor corresponds to the reading on the two scales before
shifting of the position of the reflector.

ü After the reflector undergoes angular tilt, the second reading is noted down by recording the
point of intersection on both scales. The difference in readings on the two scales indicates the
tilt of the reflector in two planes at 900 to each other.

ü Applications of Angle Dekkor

ü Measuring angle of a component.

ü Checking the slope angle of a V-block

ü To measure the angle of cone or taper gauge

24 Q. Describe with a sketch the principle behind the working of an autocollimator. Discuss any. two
important uses of an autocollimator in the industry

Auto-collimator is an optical instrument used for the measurement of small angular differences,
changes or deflection, plane surface inspection etc. For small angular

measurements, autocollimator provides a very sensitive and accurate approach. An autocollimator

is essentially an infinity telescope and a collimator combined into one instrument.

The distance of focus from the object is given


f = focal length of the lens.

θ = fitted angle of reflecting mirror.

Applications of Auto- Collimator

1. Measuring the difference in height of length standards.

2. Checking the flatness and straightness of surfaces.

3. Checking squareness of two surfaces.

4. Precise angular indexing in conjunction with polygons.

5. Checking alignment or parallelism.

6. Comparative measurement using master angles.

7. Measurement of small linear dimensions.

8. For machine tool adjustment testing.

25 Q. State and explain Taylor's principle of gauge. design Describe why a GO gauge should be of full.
Form design.

Taylors Principle of Gauge design:-

It states that
GO gauge should be designed to check the maximum material limit, while the NO-GO gauge
should be designed to check the minimum material limit.
Plug gauges are used to check the hole, therefore the size of the GO plug gauge should
correspond to the low limit of hole, while that of NO-GO plug gauge corresponds to the high
limit of hole. Similarly, the GO snap gauge on the other hand corresponds to the high limit of
shaft while NO-GO snap gauge corresponds to the low limit of shaft.
GO gauges should check all the related dimensions (roundness, size, location ect).
Simultaneously whereas NO-GO gauge should check only one element of the dimension at a
time. For example the bush to be inspected has a curved axis and a short GO plug gauge is used
to check it. The short plug gauge will pass through all the curves of the bent bushing. This will
lead to wrong result that the workpiece (hole) is within the prescribed limits. Actually such a
bushing with curved hole will not mate properly with its mating parts and thus defective. A go
plug gauge with adequate length will not pass through a curved bushing and the error will be
detected. A long plug gauge will thus check the cylindrical surface not in one direction but in a
number of sections simultaneously.

26 The main scale is graduated as one main scale division is 1° and Vernier is graduated into 12 divisions
on each side of zero. Calculate least count Vernier bevel protractor

27 Q. Design the general type of GO and NOT GO for plug gauge gauges a 90 mm hole pair designated as
90 H8 given that

(b) 90 mm lies in the diameter range of 80–100mm
(c) IT8 = 25i

(d) upper deviation of shaft

(f) wear allowance assumed to be 10% of gauge tolerance

28 Q. List the advantages of wavelength standards Write a note on wavelength standards

Define wavelength standard. State advantages and disadvantages.

wavelength standard :
Using wavelength of monochromatic light which is natural and invariable unit of length, the
working standard is no more dependent upon the physical standard. Rather the definition of a
standard of length relative to the metre is expressed in terms of the wavelength of the red
radiation of cadmium. Thus for all practical purposes the use of phenomenon of the
interference of light waves to provide working standard may be accepted.
it was decided that Kr 86 is used in a hot-cathode discharge lamp maintained at 68 °K
temperature generates orange radiation can be used as ultimate wavelength standard.
• Since wavelength standard is not a physical one, it need not be preserved.
• This is reproducible standard of length, and the error of reproduction can be of
the order of 1 part in 100 million.
• Used for comparison with high accuracy.
Maintenance cost is high.
Requires accurate wavelengths of spectral radiation

29 Q. Define tolerance. Intepret the meaning of 35H6 f8

Meaning of 27H5f6
Basic size is 27 mm. ----------------------------------------------- 01 Mark
H type of hole with tolerance grade IT 5 ----------------------------------------------- 01 Mark
F type of shaft with tolerance grade IT6 ----------------------------------------------- 01 Mark
Type of Fit :- Clearance Fit ----------------------------------------------- 01 Mark

Tolerance Allowance
It is the permissible variation in It is the prescribed difference
01 dimension of a part (Either a hole or between the dimensions of two
shaft) . mating parts ( hole and shaft) .
It is the intentional difference
It is the difference between higher and
02 between the lower limits of hole
lower limits of a dimension of a part.
and higher limit of shaft .
The tolerance is provided on a
Allowance is to be provided on the
dimension of a part as it is not possible
03 dimension of mating parts to
to make a part to exact specified
obtain desired type of it.
dimension .
Allowance may be positive
04 It has absolute value without sign. ( Clearance) or negative
( Interference ).
30 Q. Explain the working of autocollimator with neat sketch

ü It is a special form of telescope, which is used to measure small angles with high degree of
resolution. It is used for various applications such as precision alignment, verification of angle
standards, and detection of angular movement and so on.

ü It projects a beam of collimated light on to a reflector, which is deflected by a small angle

about the vertical plane. The light reflected back is magnified and focused either on to an eye-
piece or a photo detector. The deflection between the beam and the reflected beam is a
measure of angular tilt of the reflector.

ü The reticle is an illuminated target with cross hair pattern, which is positioned in the focal
plane of an objective lens. A plane mirror perpendicular to the optical axis serves the purpose
of reflecting an image of the pattern back on to the observation point.

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