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Grammar Friends 3

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Eileen Flanr


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Eileen Flannigan


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Starter My family

Comparative adjectives The past simple: be 4

1 My/riends The present simple (1): be 8
2 My hobbies The present simple (2): like + -ing 12
3 Our things Can /or ability, permission and requests Possessive
Review 1 20
4 At the seaside The present continuous (1) 22
5 A visit to the zoo The present continuous (2) 26
6 My day Review of the present simple The present simple (3):
Review 2 34
7 Free time

Adverbs of frequency Time expressions 36

8 Going shopping Countable and uncountable nouns Would like

9 Comparisons Comparative and superlative adjectives 44

Review 3 48

10 Playtime Must and mustn’t

The imperative 50
11 Past times There was, there were
Past time expressions
12 Family memories The past simple (1): have The past simple (2): be

Review 4 62
13 Party time The past simple (3) Ago

14 School time The past simple (4) What, when, where

15 Holiday time Be going to
Future time expressions
Review 5 76
Grammar reference 78
My family Comparative adjectives
The past simple: be

Comparative adjectives

Grandma and Grandpa ar

«• • i

We form the comparative of an adjective by

small smaller Big is dif

loud louder
quiet quieter
fast faster We use com
slow slower
old older We use th
young younger compare on
tall taller The horse is
short shorter
1 Complete the
sentences. Use the
correct word in

Molly is faster man Harry,


Mrs Jones is Charlie,


4 Starter
Charlie is______Molly. (loud/fast)

Grandpa is_____Harry, (slow/short)

Molly is_____Harry, (loud/small)

Name Age Height

Charlie Jones 8 1.20 m

Molly Jones 7 1.10 m

Harry Jones 5 lm
Dad 37 1.80 m

Mum 35 1.50 m

Grandpa 55 1.60 m
Grandma 54 1.50 m

2 Here are some facts about the Jones family. Complete the sentences, using
information from the table. Use the words in brackets.

1 Charlie is —older .than Molly, (old)

2_____________________________ Molly is Harry, (tall)
3_____________________________ Harry is Grandma, (young)
4 Grandma is_____________________Dad. (short)
5____________________________ Dad is Mum. (big)
6 Mum is_____________________Grandpa, (small)
7_____________________________ Grandpa isCharlie, (old)

Starter 5
3 Write sentences.
1 Beth /ta 11 / Lily Beth is taller than Lily.
2_________________________________________________ Oily /small/Beth
3_________________________________________________ Anna/old/Oily
4____________________________________________ Oily / young/Anna
5 Beth / big / Oily_____________________ -
6_________________________________________________ Oily / short / Beth

6 Starter
The past simple: be

\ /1 jc

■ J'
/ -V \l I

I \ \ \ \ IM
\ \ \ VJ v » \ \
iT/ i
\ \ \ I ' "V \ \ \ \ \ ^ r" ■ • 1 m \
I" \ \

f> \mmn I
Yesterday, Molly was at school. Charlie wasn’t at school yesterday.

Affirmative Negative Short forms

I was I was not I wasn’t
you were you were not you weren’t
he was he was not he wasn’t
she was she was not she wasn’t
it was it was not it wasn’t
we were we were not we weren’t
you were you were not you weren’t
they were they were not they weren’t

We use the past simple of be with adjectives to describe/eelings in the past.

I was tired. He was busy. They weren’t angry.

We also use the past simple of be to identify someone or somethingin thepast.

Starter 7
Terry and Steven were policemen. Anna was a doctor.

We use the past simple of be with a place to describe where something happened.
Oily was atschool.GrandmaandGrandpa were intheshop.

4 Circle the correct past simple form of be.

1 Mum and Dad were/was tired. 2 Alex were/was at school.
3 Jim were/ was a doctor in the play. 4 Ted and Oily were/ was busy.
5 It were/was windy yesterday. 6 Louise and Helen were / was happy.

8 Starter
5 Look at the picture on page 6. Complete the sentences.
1 Charlie was ¡11.
2_____________________________ Mum, Charlie, Harry and Grandma in the living
3_________________ Harry a doctor.
4___________________ Grandma tired.
5_____________ Dad at work.
6___________________ Grandpa in the garden.
7_________________ Molly at school.

6 Make the sentences negative.

1 Jamie was angry. Jamie wasn’t __________angry. _
2_______________________________________________________________ Jenny was in the
play. ____________________________________________________________
3_______________________________________________________________ Jack and Jess
were happy. _____________________________________________________
4_______________________________________________________________ Keith and Kate
were busy. ______________________________________________________
5_______________________________________________________________ Anna was in the
kitchen. _________________________________________________________
6_______________________________________________________________ George was a
policeman. ______________________________________________________
7 Heidi was tall._______________________

7 Write the sentences using was or were and a comparative adjective.

1 Jess / fast / Jack
Jess was faster than Jack._____________________________________
2 Jenny and George / young / Keith

3 George/tall/Anna

4 George and Anna /old /Jenny and Jess

5 Mum and Dad /slow/the children

6 Mum / short / Dad

Starter 9
7 Grandpa / big/Charlie

8 Jeanie and Holly / young/Cynthia

10 Unit 1
P My friends The present simple (1): be

The present simple

affirmative and negative:

Affirmative Short forms Negative Short form

I am I'm I am not I'm not

you are you’re you are not you aren’t

he is he's he is not he isn't
she is she's she is not she isn’t
it is it’s it is not it isn’t
we are we’re we are not we aren't

you are you're you are not you aren’t

they are they’re they are not they aren't

1 Complete the sentences. Use short forms.

11 Unit 1
He from Australia. It
They from
fromthe UK.
We from

You from Egypt.

Brazil.You_____eight. He one.

2 Write negative sentences.

1 Sally/from/the USA
Sally isn’t from the USA._________________________
2 you/ten

3 I/from/Australia

4 Mum and Dad/from/the UK

5 we/from / Brazil

6 Jack/five

Unit 3 12
The present simple questions and short answers: be

4 Look at the table. Complete the sentences.

Questions Short answers

Ami? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

Are you? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Is he? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

Is she? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

Is it? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.

Are we? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.

Are you? Yes, we are. No, we aren't.
Are they? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
We often use question words such as where, when, why, be to find out
information. We also use how old. The question word goes at the beginning of the
Where are you from ? How old is she?
In questions, we can use short forms for the he, she or ¡tform. We don't use short
forms for the I, you, we or they forms.
Where's he from? He’s from Egypt.
Where are they from? They’re from Brazil.

1 Is Ke from Russia? Yes, he is.

2 ______________from Egypt?

Unit 1 13
3 ______________from the USA?

4 ______________from Thailand?
14 Unit 1
4 LookName
at the table.Tony
Complete the sentences.
Jenny and Miguel Kanya Rafa and Youssef
George Pedro


Country Australia USA Spain Thailand Brazil Egypt

1 Tonyas from Australia.____ He’s from Au stra lia
2 Jenny and George_____________________________________ from
3____________________________________ from Spain. from
4 Kanya________________________________________________from
5____________________________________ from Brazil.___________ from
6 Youssef______________________________________________ from___________

5 Look at the table in exercise 4. Complete the questions and answers.

1___________________________________________________________________ Are Jenny and
George from Australia? No , t hey a^L_______________________________
2_____________________________________________________________ Kanya from Thailand?
3__________________________________________________________ Tony from the USA?
4__________________________________________________________________ Rafa and Pedro
from Brazil?________________________________________________________
5__________________________________________________________ Miguelfrom Spain?
6 Youssef from Thailand?

6 Read and complete the email using the correct form of be.

Hi James

Houj 1 are you? I 2

______________your new penfriend. My name 1
4 2
I liue in Canada but I _________from Canada. I _________from Scotland.
6 7
UJhere _________you from? I’ue only got your email address. UJhen _________
your birthday? UJhat __________your hobbies?
1 Where are these children from? Write.

2 my brother and I / like / climb/trees 12

Unit 2
Unit 1 15
Please write soon!

16 Unit 1
l like playing I don't like playing
) computer
My hobbies
games. computer games.
The present simple (2): like + -ing

Charlie likes playing computer games. Harry doesn’t like playing computer games.

The present simple: like + -ing

Affirmative Negative Short forms

I like playing you I do not like playing you do I don’t like playing you
Like playing he not like playing he does not don't like playing he
likes playing she like playing she does not like doesn’t like playing she
likes playing it playing it does not like doesn’t like playing it
likes playing we playing we do not like doesn't like playing we
like playing you playing you do not like don’t like playing we don’t
like playing they playing they do not like like playing they don’t like
like playing playing playing

We use the present simple of like + -ing to talk about things that we enjoy
doing or don't enjoy doing. I like reading. She doesn’t Like playing the piano.

1 Write sentences using like + -ing.

1 Mr Jones / like/read / newspapers
Mr Jones likes reading newspapers.
2 my aunt / like / go/to the cinema

3 our cousins / like / play / chess

4 I/like/fish
2 Look at the pictures and sentences. Write the correct sentences.

I don't Like playing tennis.

I like placing tennis._____

She Likes playing tennis.

She doesn’t like play Lag tennis.

We like horse riding.

They don’t like skateboarding.

I like playing the piano.

They like drawing.

They don’t like playing volleyball.

She likes reading.

Look at the table and complete the sentences
playing the piano horse riding drawing swimming reading
Jane /

Jim / /

Simon / /

Anna /

Oscar / X

1 Jane likes playing the piano. 2 Jane doesn’t like drawing.

3 Jane and Anna reading. 4 Jim___________________playing the piano.

6 Simon and Oscar horse riding.
5 Jim_____________ drawing.
Simon 8 Anna and Oscar___________________swimming.
7 reading.
9 Anna reading. 10 Oscar horse riding.

Do you like v
skateboarding? )

Questions Short answers

Do I like playing? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Do you like playing? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
Does he like playing? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
Does she like playing? Yes, she does. No, she
Does it like playing? Yes, it does. doesn’t. No, it
14 Unit Do
2 we like playing? Yes, we do. doesn’t. No, we
Do you like playing? Yes, you do. don’t. No, you
Yes, they do.
Do they like playing? don’t. No, they
Look at the table and complete the sentences

Note that we don't repeat the -ing verb in short answers.

Jamie, do you Like reading? No, I don't Does PoLty Like cooking? Yes, she does.

15 Unit 2
4 Complete the questions with Do or Does.

1 Do gs Paul like horseriding?

2 you Like playing computer games?
3___________ Tack Like playing the piano?
4___________ Paul like playing volleyball?
5___________ Amy and Sally like reading?
6___________ we like swimming?

5 Match 1-5 with a-e.

a No, we don’t, b
1_______________________________ Does Julia
Yes, he does, c Yes,
like reading? _£_________________
they do. d Yes, I do.
2_________________________________ Do we
like skateboarding?_________________ ^_Norsbettoe$rf£
3 Does John like playing computer games?
4 Do Paul and Jim like playing volleyball?
5____________________________ Do you like

6 Look at the chart. Write questions and short


Hobby Like?
1 yourfriends reading /

2 Mary playing the guitar X

3 you drawing /

4 John fishing /

5 Mum and Dad skateboarding /

6 you and Charlie surfing X

1 Do your friends like reading? Yes, they do.



Unit 2 16


Unit 3 17
Can for ability, permission and requests
Possessive adjectives
3 I Our things

Can /or permission and requests

Çcan I use the computer?
Yes, you can. )

Questions Short answers

Can I ...? Yes, I can. No, I can't.
Can you...? Yes, you can. No, you can’t.
Can he...? Yes, he can. No, he can't.
Can she...? Yes, she can. No, she can't.
Can it...? Yes, it can. No, it can't.
Can we...? Yes, you can. No, you can’t.
Can you...? Yes, we can. No, we can’t.
Can they ...? Yes, they can. No, they can’t.

We often use can to talk about ability.

I can play the guitar.
We use Can I...? or Can we...? when we
ask permission to do something.
Can I ride your bike? Can we turn on the
We use Can you ...? when we ask someone
to do something for us (a request).
We can add a comma + please at the end
of a request to make it sound more polite.
Can you buy some bread? Can you turn off
the radio, please?

18 Unit 3
When someone asks permission, we
reply using the short answerform with
you. Can I usethecomputer?Yes, you can.

Unit 3 19
1 Read these sentences. Do they
talk about permission or a
request? Write P or R.
1_____________________________ Can I
turn on the TV? P______________
2 Can you pass the sugar, please? _
3_________________________________ C
an we play in the garden? ___________
4_________________________________ C
an you turn off the radio?___________
5 Can you go to the shops for me?
6 Can we go cut/or dinner, Mum? _

2 Write sentences to ask permission.

1 I/have/an apple/? 2 I/ use/your mobile phone/?
Can I have an apple?___________

3 I /turn up /the radio/? 4 I/turn down/the music/ ?

5 I/take/this pen/? 6 we/borrow/the


7 we/turn on/the DVD player / ? 8

we/listen to/the CD player/?

3 Put the words in the correct order to

write requests.

1 pass / sugar / Can / please / you /

the / ?
Can i)ou pass the sugar, please?_______________________

2 you / Can / please / the / turn up /

radio / ?

3 Can/curtains/the/open/you/?

4 you/turn off/the/Can/music/?

20 Unit 3
5 turn down / you / television /
please / Can / the / ?

6 wash/you/the/car/Can / please/?

Unit 3 21
4 Match questions and answers from the box. Write them next to the pictures.

Can we sit here? No, you can't.

Can I have some cake? Yes, you can.
Can I have arrappteT No, you can't.
Can I borrow your newspaper, please? _Yes r you«rn.
Can I have a new handbag? Yes, you can.

Can I have an apple?

Yes, you can. __________

22 Unit 3
5 Look at the table. Write questions to ask for permission and make requests

Permission Request

1 turn up the music 2 turn off the DVD player

3 go to the cinema 4 give me the newspaper

5 play with my friends 6 go to the shopfor me

7 have a new coat 8 help me in the kitchen

1 Can I turn up the

music? _______
2 Can you turn off the DVD player, please?

Possessive adjectives
my your his her its your our their
This is my DVD. That’s your CD player.

6 Complete the sentences. Write our, your, or their.

l Our book is red.
Your book is blue.

2 Is this
Yes, it's

3 Is this camera?
No, it’s camera.

4 cake is big.
cake is small.

5 Is this______________project?
Yes, it’s____________project.

Unit 3 23
Review 1 Units 0-3

1 Read the information. Complete the sentences.

Mr Taylor - 37 Carl-11
1 Carl is younger than MrTaylor.
2 MrTaylor is older than Carl.

Bob and Tim - 9 Daisy - 8

3_________________________ Bob and Tim are Daisy.
4 Daisy isBob and Tim.

Red car -100 m in 9 seconds

Yellow car -100 m in 10 seconds
5________________________________ The red car is the yellow car.
6_______________________ The yellow car is the red car.

2 Circle the correct past simple negative form of be.

1 Helen and Steffi wasn't / wererV})happy.
2 We wasn’t / weren’t in the kitchen.
3 It wasn’t / weren’t cold yesterday.
4 Alex wasn’t / weren't at the cinema.
5 Fred wasn’t / weren’t a policeman in the play.
6 They wasn't / weren’t angry.

3 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of be. Use short forms where possible.
Tom: Hello. What __________(l) your name?
Rob: Hi. I__________(2) Rob. Where_________(3) you from? I don’t think
you__________(4) English.
Tom: No, I_________(5). I__________(6)American.
Rob: _________(7) you here with yourfamily?
Tom: Yes. My cousins_________(8) English.
Rob: (9) they from London?
Tom: No, they_________(10). They_________(11)from Manchester. We__________(12)
here in London on holiday.

24 Review 1
4 Complete the sentences with like + -ing. Use the affirmative, negative or question
form of a verb from the box.

surf fly climb play read skateboard

1 My Dad doesn’t like surfing the Internet, (not)

2_________________________________ Jane and Jenny comics.
3_______________________________ Gary trees.
4______________ ____________________________you kites?
5_______________________________ Youchess, (not)
6______________ you______________________and Beth ?

5 Permission or request? Write P or R.

1_______________________________ Can you help me, please?
2_____________________________ Can we go out to play?
3_________________________________ Can I borrow your new CD?
4 Can you put the butter in the fridge?
5_________________________________ Can we use the computer?
6_______________________________________________ Can you take this letter to the post
7___________________________ Can I take a biscuit?
8____________________________________________ Can you stay for anotherfive minutes?

6 Complete the sentences using your, our, or their.

1 Can I use your computer? 2 Can we ride__________bikes?

3 Can we go to house, please? 4 Can I have homework, please?
5 Can he have dinner at___________house? 6 Can we be__________friends?

Review 1 25
4 At the seaside The present continuous (1)

Spelling rules: the -ing form

Look at these rulesJor spelling the -ing/orm:

Verb Example Add Present continuous

most verbs play + -ing playing

verbs ending consonant + -e write writing
x+ -ing
verbs ending one vowel double
+ one consonant, except snorkel consonant snorkelling
-y or -w, + -ing

1 Match 1-9 with the correct ending to make -ing words.

1 swim ing
2 carry________________ting
3 read ing_________
4 pla__________________ying
5 draw ing_________
6 go ying
7 put ming swimming
8 stud ing ___________

26 Unit 4
Mumpresent continuous
is making affirmative

Affirmative are playing they we're playing you’re playing they’re playing
I am playing you are playing We don’t use short forms after two
are playing he is Short forms names.
playing she is I’m playing you’re Eric and Charlie are playing volleyball. BUT
playing it is playing playing he’s
They’re playing volleyball John's
we are playing you playing she’s
playing volleyball.
playing it’s playing

We use the present continuous to talk about:

• Something that is happening at the moment we are speaking.
She's talking to someone on the phone at the moment.
• Something that is happening around now for a short time.
I'm staying at my aunt's house for two months.
We do not use the present continuous to talk about things that happen regularly.

2 Write sentences using the present continuous. Use short forms if possible.
1 Dad /windsurf 2 I / comb / my hair
Dad’s windsurfing._________________ _________________________________
3 Scott and Lucy / read comics 4 you / play chess

5 we / skateboard 6 Kate / listen to a CD

Unit 3 27
3 Describe what the people are doing. Use phrases from the box.

sit on the beach eat a sandwich swim jread-Gxormc make a/ire

1 Molly
Molly's reading a comic.
2 Mum, Molly and Toby

3 Dad

4 Toby

5 Charlie and Harry

The present continuous negative

- Negative Short forms
{ I am not playing * I’m not playing
you are not playing he you aren’t playing
is not playing she is he isn’t playing
not playing it is not she isn’t playing it
playing we are not isn’t playing we
playing you are not aren’t playing you
playing they are not aren’t playing they
playing aren’t playing

28 Unit 4
4 Look at the sentences in exercise 3. Make them negative.
1 __________________________________________________________ Molly isn’t reading
a comic.____________________________________________________
2 _________________________________________________

5 Look at the table. Correct the notes. Write complete sentences.

read sleep study work run make lunch drive

Bob /

Mrs Green /

you /

I /

we /

Tim and Billy /

your sister /

1 Bob / read
Bob isn’t reading. He’s driving.
2 your sister/sleep

3 we / work

4 Tim and Billy / make Lunch

5 I/study

6 you/run

7 Mrs Green/drive

Unit 3 29
5 A visit to the zoo The present continuous (2)

The present continuous: questions and

short answers

Questions Short answers

Am I playing? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

Are you playing? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Is he playing? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
Is she playing? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
Is it playing? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
Are we playing? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.

Are you playing? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.

Are they playing? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Note that we don’t repeat the -

ing verb in short answers to
questions in the present
Are you watching TV? No, we aren't.

30 Unit 5
When we give a short answer, we always
use a pronoun.
Is John playing in the garden? Yes, he is.
Are Mum and Dad playing chess? No, they

Unit 3 31
1 Write questions, using the present continuous.
1 he/Light/a/ire?
Is he lighting a /ire? ________________________________

2 Jane / do / her homework?

3 we / have/dinner / now?

4 You and Tom / play/a computer game?

5 you/get dressed?
2 Write questions for these answers.

Is the lion
Yes, the Lion's

No, the monkey isn’t/lying. It’s climbing.

Yes, the parrots are/lying.

No, the kangaroos aren’t sleeping. They're eating.

No, the zebra isn’t eating. It’s running.

32 Unit 5
2 Look at the pictures. Write short answers.
Is Teresa holding a comb?
Yes, she is.

Are they studying?

Is Frank carrying a big bag?

Are they playing games?

Is Mr Rogers reading a newspaper?

^ Is Grandpa dancing?

t i -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Write questions and short answers in the present

1 I/learn/English/?//
Am I learning English? Yes. I am._________________________

2 Amy/talk/?/X

3 my Mum and Dad/sit/on the beach / ?/X

4 we/ have/dinner/ ?//

5 my Grandma and Grandpa / visit/the zoo / ? //

33 Unit 5
- What are the animals doing? Write questions ond short answers.

1 chimpanzee / eat / ? 2 snakes / sleep / ?

Is the chimpanzee eating? ________________
Yes, it is.________________________ ________________________
3 penguins/swim/? 4 mouse/eat/?

5 crocodile / sleep / ? 6 zebra /drink/?

7 spider/climb/? 8 lizard / dive / ?

Unit 5 34
I My day Review of the present simple
The present simple (3): have

The present simple

affirmative and negative

*7 I get up at 7 o'clock

Affirmative Negative Short forms

I play I do not play I don’t play

you play you do not play you don’t pl
he plays he does not play doesn’t play
she plays she does not play she doesn’t
it plays it does not play it doesn’t pl
we play we do not play we don't pla
you play you do not play you don’t pl
they play they do not play they don’t p

We use

I brush my teeth at 7.45.

present simple to talk about:
• habits and things that we do
We walk to school.
• facts and things that are
always true London is thecapitalof
• opinions I don't like cricket.
it forms of the present simple

35 Unit 6
Example Add Form

play + -s plays
study X+ -ies studies

watch + -es watches

Spelling rules
Look at the spelling rules for
the he, she and


most verbs

verbs ending consonant +

-y verbs ending -s, -ch, -sh,

-x, -o or -z Remember that

some verbs are irregular,

e.g. have, can and be.

36 Unit 6
1 Tick ( ✓) the verbs if they are spelt correctly. Correct them if they are not.
He ...

1 sees 2 singgs
fx] washes □
3 washs 4 payes

5 falls 6 goes
7 catches
□ 8 choosies

□ □
9 buyys 10 sleepes
□ □
2 Look at the table. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F t then write sentences.

Calum Heidi Toby Teresa

get up early / X X /

goto school by car X X / /

play tennis / / X X

get dressed at 8 o'clock X / X X

1 CaLum gets up early.------------------------------------T

He gets up ea rly...
2______________________________________ Heidi goes to school by car. _______________
3 Toby doesn’t play tennis._______________________

4______________________________________ Teresa gets dressed at 8 o’clock. ___________

5______________________________________ Calum goes to school by car. _______________
6 Heidi plays tennis._____________________________

7 Toby gets up early.____________________________

8______________________________________ Teresa goes to school by car. ______________


3 Now complete the affirmative and negative sentences about Calum, Heidi, Toby
and Teresa. Use the information in exercise 2.
1_____________________________________________________ Calum doesn’t go to school by

Unit 3 37
2_____________________________________________________ Calum at 8 o’clock.
3 Toby by car.
4____________________________________________________ Toby and Teresa tennis.
5___________________________________________________ Heidi tennis.
6____________________________________________________ Teresa and Calum early.

38 Unit 6
The present simple questions and short answers

Short answers
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.
Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
Yes, you do. No, you don't.
Yes, they do. No, they don’t.
Questions Do I
Be careful with the he and she form:
like milk?
Do you like milk? Does Richard brush his teeth before school?
Does he like milk?
Does she Like The present simple: have
milk? Does it Like
milk? Do we like
Affirmative Negative Questions
I have I don’t have Do I have?
Do you like milk?
Do they like milk? you have you don’t have Do you have?
he has he doesn’t have Does he have?
she has she doesn’t have Does she have?
it has it doesn’t have Does it have?
we have we don't have Do we have?
you have you don’t have Do you have?
they have they don't have Do they have?

Unit 3 39
Note that short answers are the same as for regular verbs. Doyouhavedinnerat7.30?Yes,we do.

In my family, we have
dinner at 7.30 every

40 Unit 6
4 Put the words in the correct order to moke sentences.
1 Heidi/does/go to school/by car / ?
Does Heidi go to school by car?___________________

2 play football / do / after school / you / ?

3 Sally and Polly / do / at 7 o’clock / eat dinner / ?

4 go swimming/do/on Tuesdays/we/?

5 do / after breakfast / your teeth / brush / you / ?

6 like singing/your sister/does/?

7 you and your friends / do / outside / like playing / ?

5 Write short answers to the questions in exercise 4.

1 ___________________________________________________ /
Yes, she does._______________________________________
2 ______________________________________________ / :
3_____________________________________________________ /
4_____________________________________________________ /
5_____________________________________________________ y
6_____________________________________________________ /
7 / ______________________________________________

6 Complete the questions using the correct form of have.

1 Does your Dad have a car?
2___________ ____________________he breakfast every day?
3___________ ____________________you ashower in the
4___________ ___________________________yourfamily dinner
5___________ ______________________they lots of friends?
6___________ _____________________we a lot of

Unit 3 41
7___________ ________________________I longhair?
8___________ _______________________Sallylots of toys?

42 Unit 6
Review 2 Units 4-6

1 Write sentences using

the present continuous.
1 She / write / a letter 2

3 he/wait/at the bus

stop 4

5 we/do/an exam 6

2 Make the sentences in

exercise 1 negative.
1 She isn't writing a
letter. 2
3 ________________________________________ 4
5 ________________________________________ 6
3 Look at the table. Write
questions. Then write
short answers.

do a test drive write a make play meet

letter dinner football friends
1 we /

2 Gina /

3 Max /

4 our parents
5 you and Pat /

6 I /

1 we/ play foot ball? 2

Gina /write a letter?
Are we playing
Yes, you are._______________________
3 Max/drive? 4
our parents / make

43 Review 2

5 you and Pat/do a

test? 6
I /
meet friends?

44 Unit 7
4 Match 1-
1 wat - 8 with a-h to make he/she/it forms of the present simple verbs.

2 was a es __________________________

3 go b sses ________________________
4 tr s s c ies _________________________________

5 choo d ches ..watches_______________

6 make e ses _________________________

7 ad f hes _________________________

8 pa g s ---------------------------------------
h ds _________________________
5 Complete
the text with the
present simple
affirmative or
negative of the verbs
in brackets.
I (1) ...get up (get up)
at 7 o’clock during the
week. First I (2) (wash)
and then I (3)_________________(get
I only (5)____________(have)
fruit juice and toast,
because I (6)______(not like)
cereal. My sister Sandra
her breakfast in a hurry.
We (9)

Review 2 45
because we (10)____________________(not

6 Write questions and

short answers. Use the
present simple.
1 Like/play the
Do you like playing
the guitar? Yes, I

2 you / do / after

breakfast / brush your

teeth / /

3 Jenny/does/get

up/at 7.30//

4 a bike /do /you

have/ X
5 like/eating ice
cream / y o u / d o / /

6 like playing chess /

does / he /X

7 Grandma and
Grandpa / do / live / in
a big house / X

8 do / have / you /
for breakfast / toast / X

46 Unit 7
Free time Adverbs of frequency
Time expressions

Adverbs of frequency

He never goes to the sports centre.

Ben L L L L L Ben’salwayslate.

Amy L L L L Amy’susuallylate.

Mike L L L Mike’softenlate.
Tod L L Tod'ssometimeslate.

Sue Sue’sneverlate.

We often use adverbs of frequency with the present We can't use never in
simple. Look at their position in the sentence. negative sentences.
Jane sometimes goes to school by bus.
I don't often buy souvenirs.
We are usually asleep at 9 o’clock.

We can use ever to ask how often someone does something. Doyouevergoto

We use adverbs of frequency to talk about how often we do something

Look at the table.

Review 2 47
1 Complete the table with X, /, //, /// and ////.

1 never

2 always ////

3 sometimes

4 usually

5 often

2 Complete the sentences with adverbs of frequency.

1 Frank always goes to the cafe before work. ////
2_______________________ Marie buys
presents for her sister.___X
3_________________________ Molly is late for
4___________________ Peter doesn't go to the library. ///
5____________________ We eat ice cream
after dinner._____________/

3 Write sentences. Put the adverb in the correct position.

1 We go to the cinema, (sometimes)
We sometimes go to the cinema. __________________________
2 They’re early, (often)

3 She doesn’t go to the swimming pool, (usually)

4 Calum and Jane go to the theatre, (never)

5 I buy a ticket, (always)

6 You don't visit, (often)

7 Our house isn't warm, (always)

8 I go to the cafe, (never)

Unit 7 48
9 I don’t go to the library on Fridays, (always)

Unit 3 49
Time expressions
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sot

in June, in 2025 on
on Wednesdays, on Saturdays = every

Wednesday, every Saturday 10 n
on Wednesday, on Saturday = next 12 ii 14 15 16 17 18

Wednesday, next Saturday

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

at 6 o’clock, at midnight, at 7.15

My birthday’s in March. 28 29 30 31

It’s her birthday on Wednesday.

She always goes to the library on Tuesdays. School
starts at 8 o’clock.

I'm meeting Mary today at 3 o'clock.

I go swimming on Wednesdays, and on
Thursday I'm going to the cinema.
4 Replace the bold
words with an
expression from the

on Tuesday on
Saturdays on
Monday in July on
Tuesday at 7.30 at

1 Today is Monday.
It's my birthday
It's my birthday
on Tuesday________________________
My Mum goes to
the shops every
My Mum goes to
the shops___________________________________
Today is
Sunday. We're
going to a

50 Unit 7
We're going to a
I'm eight. It's
June. I'm nine
on 10th July.
I'm eight. It’s
June. My
birthday is
It’s seven
o’clock. My
brother is in his
My brother goes
to bed______________________________________





Unit 3 51







52 Unit 7



__________________________________________ .




Unit 3 53




54 Unit 7
5 Put the words in the correct order.
1 Sophie’s / on /Thursday / is / birthday
Sophie’s birthday is on TKursday,

2 g o t o / i n / a concert / Let’s/June

3 always / on / stay in / Mondays/we

4 we / in / the ca/e / Saturdays / meet /

usually / on

5 sometimes / get home / John / midnight / at

6 February / in / are /they/fifteen

6 Use the pictures and words to write sentences.

.bLe....gQgs..tQ the cinema on

+ on
She usually goes to the library on
usually / Saturdays._____
on Saturday

+ not + often

+ sometimes

always / fl on

+ +

Unit 3 55
Coing shopping Countable and uncountable nouns
Would like

A, an and some

A/e need a melon and some apples.)

* T

Countable nouns
Singular Plural
a cat an orange some
consonant vowel (a, e, i, o, u)
Uncountable nouns
These are nouns that don't have a plural
They are amounts of things such asfood
and drink.

fruit asparagus water


We use some before uncountable nouns.

We don’t use a or an.
I’d Like some asparagus.

56 Unit 1
We’d tike some water, piease.
1 Put the words in the correct column.
Note that we can also say: a glass
of, a cup of, a bottle of, a can of for
drinks I’d Like a bottle of water,
Some foods can be countable and
some melon ^0' a melon i \ some ice cream ^ an ice cream

Unit 8 57
dote bread banana fruit Lemon asparagus apple aubergine glass of water
broccoli rice grape water co/fee raisin spinach

Uncountable nouns

2 Complete each phrase using a word from the box. Use each word once
a some two some four some three some

lemons oranges

glass of water
__________________fruit spinach dates

3 Write a, an or some.
1 . apple 2
3 broccoli 4
5 lemon 6
7 aubergine 8
9 asparagus 10
11 dates 12
IB banana 14
some grapes
_________glass of water

58 Unit 1 _________raisins
Would like
1 Put theAffirmative
words in the correct column.
Short forms
I would Like I’d like
you would like you'd like
he would like he'd like
she would like she'd like
it would like we it’d like we
would like you 'd like you'd
would like they like they’d
would like like

When we are in a cafe or shop we often use

would like to say what we want. We often
use the short form ’d like.
I'd Like some tea. He’d Like an apple.

Would you like an apple?
Would I like?
Would you like?
Would he like?
Would she like?
Would it like?
Would you like?
Would we like?
Would you like?
Would they like?

We usually reply to a Would you like...?

question with Yes, please or No, thanks.
Would you like some grapes?
Yes, please. / No, thanks.

Jgt», Don’t
would like
with like,
which we
use to talk
things V
we like in

Unit 8 59
^ I’d Like anice
cream. (= I
want an ice
cream now.)
I Like ice
cream. (= I
like ice

60 Unit 1
3 Write affirmative sentences. Use would like and a, an or some.
1 Dad/grapes
Dad would like some grapes.______________________________

2 Charlie/banana

3 Molly and Harry / water

4 we/asparagus

5 I/apple

6 she /a glass of orange juice

4 Look at the pictures. Write questions with Would you like. Then write the replies.

Would you like some grapes? No, thanks.

3 n

9 I Comparisons Comparative and superlative adjectives

Comparative adjectives

■ h ■ Al *
This cake is smaller than that cake?)

Generally, we add -er to the end of short adjectives to form the comparative.
Adjective Comparative Adjective Comparative
long longer short shorter
small smaller deep deeper
high higher slow slower
Look at these other rules:
Adjective ending Example Add
Comparative adjective
-e wide + -r
consonant + vowel big double the final wider
+ consonant consonant + -er
When we want to directly
compare two things,
places or people, we use
than. Cairoisbigger than London.
Charlieistaller than Harry.

44 Unit 9
1 Add r, ger, or er to the words to make comparative adjectives.

1 Long longer _____________ 2 short ___________________________

3 young __________________ 4 wide ____________________________
5 deep ___________________ 6 high ____________________________
7 big ____________________ 8 Loud ____________________________

2 Write the comparative adjectives.

1 smaLL smaller 2 tall
3 loud _____________________________ 4 long
5 quiet ____________________________ 6 big
7 slow _____________________________ 8 high
9 fast ____________________________ 10 short
11 old _____________________________ 12 young

3 Write sentences, using the comparative adjective of the word

in brackets.

1 (high) A is. higher than B, 2 (old)

4 (wide)
3 (big)

5 (quiet) 6 (tall)

Unit 9 45

46 Unit 9
1 Add r, ger, or er to the words to make comparative adjectives.

That cake is the biggest

To form the superlative of

short adjectives, we add -
est or -st.

Adjective Comparative
long longest
small smallest
high highest
short shortest
deep deepest
slow slowest

Adjective nt
-e A
Example d
wide d
nt + t
vowel + + doubl
consona e

5 (quiet) 6 (tall)

Unit 9 47

ad wides
nt + - je t
Compara bigge

v The always goes before a

Dad is the tallest. The
yellow car is the fastest.
Note that we can say in
the world with
superlative adjectives.
Which is the highest
mountain in the world?
The river Amazon is the
longest river in the world.
«;mnll the smallest tall
1 2
3 loud 4 long
5 quiet big
7 slow 8 high

48 Unit 9
1 Add r, ger, or er to the words to make comparative adjectives.

9 fast 10 short

11 old 12 young

5 Look at the table. True

or false? Write T or F.

High Long Tall

Mountain A 2000 m River D 400 km Building G 150 m

Mountain B 1000 m River E 175 km Building H 300 m

Mountain C 3000 m River F 500 km Building I 75 m

1 River E is the longest.

E 2
Mountain A is the
3 Building I is the
smallest. ______________________________ 4
Mountain C is the
5 River F is the longest.
_______________________ 6 Building H is the

5 (quiet) 6 (tall)

Unit 9 49

6 Complete the
sentences. Use a
comparative or
superlative form,
and add than if
1 Mountain A is
higher than Mountain B,
but Mountain C is
the highest_______
2_____________________________ River D is
3_______________________________ Building G is
but_______________________________Building I is
4_________________________________ Mountain A is

50 Unit 9
1 Add r, ger, or er to the words to make comparative adjectives.

5_____________________________ River D is

7 Complete the
sentences using a word
from the box.

younger bigger
oldest smaller

1 The Nile is the

longest river in Egypt.
2___________________________ The USA is
_____________________________than the UK.
3_______________________ Mount Fuji is
4________________________ My baby sister is
5______________________ The
man______in the world is 113.

5 (quiet) 6 (tall)

Unit 9 51


Review 3 Units 7-9

sentences. Put
the adverbs in brackets
into the correct place
1 I play tennis,
I never play tennis.____________________________________

2 We do our

homework in the

library, (sometimes)

3 Karl wakes up

be/ore 7 o'clock,


52 Unit 9
1 Add r, ger, or er to the words to make comparative adjectives.

4 Mum and Dad

don’t go to the theatre,


5 My friends are

asleep before midnight,

6 I'm tired, (always)

7 You’re Late,

2 Complete the sentences

using in, on or at.
1 My birthday is In

5 (quiet) 6 (tall)

Unit 9 53

2____________________________ We go to the cafe

3_________________________ There’s a party
__________________________8 o’clock tonight. Would
you like to come?
4______________________________ Calum is going to
5_____________ The class starts
6______________________________________ Mum and Dad go on

3 Write a, an or some.
1 some rirp 2 dates
3 orange 4
5 spinach 6 sandwich
7 water
8 coffee
9 lemon 10 lemonade

11 glass of orange juice 12 asparagus

13 tea 14 aubergine

54 Unit 9
4 Complete the conversation using the expressions in the box.

Would you Like 'd Like No, thanks I'd Like Do you Like would you Like

Waitress: Hello. What (1) would you like to eat?

MilLy: I don't know.
Waitress: (2)_________________icecream?
MilLy: Yes, of course I do! Chocolate is my favourite.
Waitress: OK, some chocolate ice cream /or you.
Mum: And I (3)__________________somefruit.
Waitress: (4)_________________some creamwith your fruit?
Mum: (5)_________________,but(6)____________________a glass of water.

5 Look at the pictures. Write two sentences foreach picture, using a

adjective and a superlative adjective.

wide big fast Long old

A is wider than B
A is the widest.

Review 1 50
10 Play time Must and mustn’t
The imperative

I must you must he must
it must she must we
must they must

We use must +
base form to tell
other people what
they have to do.
You must play nicely.
Sometimes you
means 'everyone'.
Although must is most
commonly used in the you
form, we can use it in
other forms. Note that for
he and she we do not add
-s to must.
Jane must try to improve her
We can give a more direct
order simply by using the
imperative form. This is

50 Unit 1
the infinitive without to.
Stay near the playground. Play
The imperative form is
common on signs and

Unit 3 51
Look at the
using You
must and an
from the box.

do the dishes
tidy your
room Listen
to your
teacher do
heLp other
people write
Letters wash
the car eat
your dinner

You must do the dishes.

52 Unit 1

Negative Short forms You mustn't play in the fountain

I must not you I mustn’t you
must not he mustn’t he
must not she mustn’t she
must not it mustn’t it
must not we mustn’t we
must not they mustn’t they
must not mustn’t

In the negative, we often use the short form

mustn’t + base form.
We mustn't talk in class.
We can also use don’t + infinitive without to.
This is the negative imperative.
Don't talk in class.

2 Complete the table.

Must Mustn't Imperative Negative


1 come You must come. You mustn’t come. Come. Don’t come.

2 stay

3 Listen

4 wait

5 go

Unit 3 53
3 Look at the notice. Write sentences, using You must and You mustn't.

1 You mustn’t feed the animals.

1 Don’t feed the animals.
2 Don’t drop Utter.
3 Stay on the paths. 3
4 Don’t play in the fountains.
_ K t*.

4 Look at the picture. Write sentences, using You must and You mustn’t
and a verb and an expression from each box.
climb sit play drop walk Expressions
on the path on the bench the trees litter in thefountain

1 ________________________________________________________ You
mustn’t climb the trees._____________________________________
2 ________________________________________________
4 ______________________________________________________________________

Unit 7 54
1 1I Past times There was, there were
Past time expressions
There was, there were

There was a small There weren't any

tree in the park. noisy cars or buses.




there was + singular noun

there was not

there wasn’t
there were + plural noun

there were not

there weren’t

There was and there were are

the past simple forms of there
is and there are. There were is
followed by a number or
some. There wasn’t +
uncountable noun is followed
by any. There wasn’t +
countable noun is followed by
a, an ora number. After there
weren’t, we use any or a
There was a big park near here.
There were some old cars in the

Unit 3 55
There wasn't a bus stop outside.
There weren’t any computers.

Was there...? Were there...? ( Were there any computers?J

After Was there...? we use a
or an before countable nouns
and any before uncountable
nouns. After Were there...?
we use any or a number.
Were there any trams?

Short answers
Yes, there was. No, there
Yes, there were. No, there

Was there atrainstationnearhere?Yes,

there was. /No, there wasn't. We
don’t repeat the noun in short

56 Unit 1
1 Look at the table about a town in England. True or false? Write T or F.
In 1958

train stations trams cinemas parks bus stations

/ X 3
2 1
In 2008

train stations trams cinemas parks bus stations

1 X 1 2 1

1______________________________________ In 1958, there were three parks. I

2____________________________________________ In 2008, there were two train stations.
3_________________________________________ In 2008, there was one bus station.
4______________________________________ In 1958, there were some trams.
5___________________________________ In 1958, there was one park.

2 Look at the table in exercise 1. Write sentences about the town in the past using
there was a, there were, there wasn't a and there weren’t any.
1 in 1958/parks
In 1958. there were three parks.______________________________
2 in 2008 / bus station
In 2008. there was one bus station.___________________________
3 in 2008/parks

4 in 1958/cinemas

5 in 2008/cinema

6 in 1958/trainstations

7 in 2008/trams

8 in 1958/trams

9 in 1958 / bus stations

Unit 3 57
3 Write questions and short answers using the table on page 55.
1 2008 / a cinema / ?
In 2008. was there a cinema?_____________________________
Yes, there was.__________________
2 1958/three train stations/?
In 1958, were there three train stations?___________________
No, there weren’t.________________
3 1958/two cinemas/?

4 1958/trams/?

5 2008/a bus station / ?

6 2008/three parks / ?

7 2008/two parks / ?

8 1958/two bus stations / ?

Past time expressions

We use last, yesterday and on to talk about specific time in the past. Use last with
Last week, last month, last year, last March, last Friday, last night
Use yesterday on its own or with other nouns. yesterday morning, yesterday
afternoon, yesterday evening
Use on with a day of the week.
On Friday, I stayed with Sophie.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

58 Unit 1
repair Alex's look after help Mr Hill in the
bike baby Sam garden

carry Mrs
clean Mrs
wash Mr play paint Mrs
Evening Clarke's
Brown’s car football Robertson's door

1 Last Monday afternoon, Charlie washed Mr Brown’s car. F

2________________________________________________________________ Yesterday morning,
Charlie cleaned Mrs Clarke's bathroom.______________________________
3___________________________________________________________ Last Tuesday morning,
Charlie looked after baby Sam.________________________________
4 On Thursday evening, Charlie painted Mrs Robertson's door.
5_________________________________________________ Yesterday evening, Charlie played
football. __________________________________________
6______________________________________________________________ Yesterday morning,
Charlie helped Mr Hill in the garden. _____________________________
7_______________________________________________________ On Monday morning, Charlie
repaired Alex’s bike. _____________________________________
8_________________________________________________________ Last Wednesday, Charlie
cleaned Mrs Clark’s house. __________________________________

5 Look at Charlie’s diary in exercise 4. Complete the sentences using past time
1 Last Monday f Charlie repaired Alex's bike.
2________________ Monday evening, Charlie washed Mr Brown's car.
3________________ Tuesday evening, Charlie cleaned Mrs Clarke’s house.
4________________ morning, Charlie helped Mr Hill in the garden.
5________________________ Lastmorning,Charlielookedafter baby Sam.
6________________ evening, Charlie painted Mrs Robertson’s door.
7________________ Last , Charlie played football.
8________________ Wednesday afternoon, Charlie carried Mrs Smith’s shopping.

Unit 7 59
The past simple (1): have
12 Family memories The past simple (2): be

The past simple: have and be

l h ad black hair
when I was

Look at the starter
Affirmative Negative Short forms unit/or the past
I had I did not have I didn’t have tense of be.

you had you did not have you didn’t have

he had he did not have you didn’t have
she had she did not have she didn’t have
it had it did not have it didn’t have
we had we did not have we didn’t have
you had you did not have you didn’t have
they had they did not have they didn't have

We use had to talk about appearance and

possessions in the past. The affirmative
form of had doesn’t change. The negative
form always uses did.
I had very Long hair when I was fifteen. We had a

Write sentences using the past simple of be.

1 Rob / handsome /X 2 Chloe and Eric / clever / /
3 Eric and Mia/friendly /X Rob wasn’t handsome.

4 Julia and Kate / pretty / /

5 Chloe / pretty// 6 Rob/clever//

60 Unit 1
8 Eric / handsome /X

7 Kate / clever / X

Unit 7 61
2 Look at the pictures of the Hill family when they were younger. True or false?
Write T or F.

Bob had red hair. I

Sue had fair


Jill and Julie had long hair.

Philip had dark hair.

Cathy had black hair.

3 Write sentences about the Hill family. Use the past simple negative of have.
1 Bob/brown hair
Bob didn’t have brown hair. He had red hair._____________
2 Sue /short hair

3 Philip/fair hair

4 Cathy/short hair

5 Jill and Julie / short hair

Unit 3 62
4 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences below with the past simple
of be or have.

1 Harry /a baby Mrs Jones / long hair

Harry was a baby. Mrs Jones had long hair.
3 Charlie and Mr Jones/happy 2 4 Mr Jones / cheerful

6 Grandma Jones / pretty

5 Molly/young
7 Grandpa Jones/hungry 8 the weather / sunny

9 Mrs Jones and Harry / brown hair 10 Charlie / a bike

Unit 7 63
And and but

We use and to Link two positive ideas or

two negative ideas.
v Grandma is kind and generous.
Tanya is mean and miserable.
We use but to Link a positive idea with
a negative idea. We use a comma
before but.
Tack is miserable, but kind.

5 Circle the correct answer.

2 Oily is handsome, and / but mean. 4
1 Helen is happy and / but cheerful.
Polly is pretty, and / but mean.
3 Jenny is miserable and / but shy.
6 Eric is relaxed and / but cheerful.
5 Sally is kind and / but generous.

6 Write complete sentences using and or but in the correct place.

1 Cathy/friendly / shy
Cathy is friendly, but shy._________________________________
2 Jeanie / mean / miserable

3 Mary / mean / happy

4 Ted / handsome / shy

5 the weather / hot/sunny

6 my brother/friend/shy

7 Bradley / young / cheerful

8 Alex/shy/friendly

64 Unit 1
Review 4 Units 10-12

1 Look at the list. Write

sentences with You must
and You mustn’t.
1 / study
for your
exams dinn
You must
study for
your er 7

3 / /

do finis

your h

hom your

ewo brea

rk kfas

toni t
2 X get up
ght You
t get
5 X up
4 / wash
swi your

6 X pLay
afte in the

8 X taLk in
an exam
2 Write sentences. Use the
1 You must wait here. 2
You mustn't
stay too
Wait here.
3 You mustn't taLk in the 4 You must write to me
exam. every day.

5 You must get dressed


3 Look at the table about

life in 1900 and in the
year 2000. Write
sentences with there was,
there were and there
wasn’t, there weren’t. Use
any where necessary.

post office recycLing bins parks Internet café supermarkets

6 You must get up earLy.

1900 X / X X

2000 / / X / /

1 In 1900, there wasnt an Internet cafe.

2 In 2000, parks.
3 In 1900, supermarkets.
4 In 2000, recycLing bins.
5 In 1900, a post office.
6 In 2000, a post office.
7 In 2000, an Internet cafe.
8 In 1900, parks.

62 Review 4

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Morning wash the car play tennis help Mum with the shopping

Afternoon paint a picture listen to music watch TV

66 Unit 1 3
washed__________________the car.
painted_________________a picture.
helped______________Mum with the
listened_________________to music.

5 Look at the table about

the Carlton family when
they were younger.
Complete the sentences
with the past simple
affirmative or negative of
be or have.

Grandma Grandpa Uncle Bob Aunt Anna

friendly / y X X

clever X / / /

a teacher X x / /

blue eyes / X X X

1 Grandma had blue

2 Uncle Bob and Aunt
3_________________ Grandpa
4 Grandpa and Uncle
Bob friendly.
5________________________ Aunt Anna Review 1 67

6 Circle the correct word.

1 Gemma is pretty,
2 Polly is mean and /
but miserable.
3 Ted is kind and /
but handsome.
4 Helen is old, and /
but generous.
5 Bill is generous and
/ but friendly.
6 Mary is shy, and /
but kind.

68 Unit 1 3
13 Party time The past simple (3)

The past simple:

regular verbs
Charlie, Molly and Harry played
games at the party. They
didn’t watch TV.

Generally, we add -
ed to the end of
the base form to
form the past
simple of reguLar

Affirmative Negative
I waited I did not
wait I didn’t
’ you waited you did not
wait you didn’t
he waited he did not

Review 1 69
wait he didn’t
she waited she did not
wait she didn’t
it waited it did not
wait it didn’t
we waited we did not
wait we didn’t
you waited you did not
wait you didn’t
they waited they did not
wait they didn’t wait

Look at this other rule:

Verb Example Add

Past simple

ends in -e live + -d


70 Unit 1 3
1 Write the past simple affirmative of these verbs.
1 watch watched 2 live
3 love _________________________ 4 cook
5 start ________________________ 5 Laugh
7 finish ________________________ 6 listen
9 hate ________________________ 10 work

2 Look at the picture. Complete these sentences about the party with a word from the
box in the past simple.
^plag listen cook laugh watch want

1 Charlie ployed the guitar.

2 __________________________________ Molly and herfriends
____________________________________________to music.
3 ______________________________ Mrs Tones party food.
4 ____________________________ Grandpa a lot.
5 ____________________________ Mr Jones TV.
6 ________________________ Harry a drink.

3 Make the sentences in exercise 2 negative.

1 Charlie didn’t play the guitar.______________

Unit 1 3 71
4 Complete Charlie’s diary, using the past simple affirmative and negative of the
verbs in brackets.
I 1th Mfl.y it MiAch.
MofgdAy <2th Mfl.y
Harry aad I (1) washed (wash)
b*dV cap. We.ll, At School today, we.
I (2)---------------------(start) (6) watched (watch) a -GI M
to W4.?h it, but H<VTy About ArsCieist E^ypt. WheA
(3________________ ) (not it (7)----------------------(finish),
want) we (8)_______________(listen)
to -firvi^h it, £o we to owr teacher. It wo6 re.Ally
(4________________ ) (watch) iA.tere*tir^! "Tine. Ar^cieivt
<K -PiIm, but we E^yptiA»^ (9)_______________(live)
(5________________ ) (not like) a lor^ tiMe (Kap . Everybody i^ the cl
a# (10)_______________________
(work) very tard, Arvd I
(11___________________ )(love)
le^orv. A-fter school, I
(12___________________ ) (play)
with My -friervd^. At hoMe,
Mwm (13)_____________(cook)
My di^er. I (14)______________________________
(want) to it Ay iAf> kte
but Mwm £Aid I tad to
<^o to bed early. I (15)___(hate)

5 Write complete sentences using the past simple.

1 finish my dinner/1/Last night want /1 / to get up / early

3 not /Listen to music /Billy 4 the car/ wash / we

5 Polly and Mum / cook lunch 6 Hassan / his teacher / helped

72 Unit 1
Unit 3 73
i ii ii i
We use ago to talk about a
Charlie started school three years ago.
specific time in the past. This
can be a recent time or further
back in history.
two minutes ago a month ago a
few years ago many years ago a
Long time ago

6 Look at the information below. Write expressions using ago.

Now Then
1 the year 2008 the year 2005 three years ago
2 the year 2000 the year 1990
3 10.30 in the morning 9.30 in the morning
4 Tune February
5 midnight 11.59 at night_____

7 Complete the sentences using the past simple and ago.

1 Charlie / start school /three years
Charlie started school three years ago.________________
2 Henry / play tennis/two days

3 Steffi /finish her homework / two hours

4 Dad / listen to a CD/afew minutes

5 Kate / laugh at Kevin / a minute

6 Mum and Dad / watch a DVD / a week

74 Unit 1
14 School time The past simple (4)
The past simple questions and
short answers

Çoid you watch a film?

( Yes, I

Questions Short
Did I learn? Yes, I did.
No, I didn’t.
Did you learn? Yes, you
did. No,you
Did he learn? Yes, he
did. No,he
Did she learn? Yes, she
did. No,she
Did it learn? Yes, it
did. No,it
Did we learn? Yes, we
did. No,we
Did you learn? Yes, you
did. No,you
Did they Learn? Yes, they
did. No,they

The formation of questions

and short answers in the past
simple is the same for most
regular and irregular verbs.

Unit 3 75
2 Write the words in the correct
order to make questions.
1 I/did/eat/breakfast/?
Did I eat breakfast?_______________________________

2 like the film /Sally

/did / ?

3 did / visit your

cousins / you / last week / ?

4 Polly and Heidi/did/go

to school/?

5 did / have fun/at the

party / you / ?

76 Unit 1
2 Write questions in the past simple. Then write short answers.
1 you/go to school/yesterday / ? / /
Did you go to school yesterday? Yes r I did._________________
2 yourfather / work/ last Saturday / ? / X

3 it/rain/last week/?/X

4 your friends / walk to school / this morning / ? / ✓

5 you / have a maths lesson / yesterday / ? / /

6 we/play a new game/today/?//

7 Tess/watchajllm/lastnight/?/X

8 you /finish this exercise / quickly / ? / /

3 Write questions and short answers for each sentence.

1 I didn't paint a picture.
Did you paint a picture? No, I didn’t.________________
2 We looked at maps.

3 The teacher talked about Africa.

4 We didn’t watch a film.

5 The class listened to a CD.

6 I liked the lessons at school today.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Unit 3 77
Morning start homework wait for the bus paint a picture visit Grandma

Afternoon watch a film listen to a CD visit the museum finish homework

Evening play tennis cook with Mum walk to the shops stay with Sally

1 start her homework on Monday afternoon

Did Molly start her homework on Monday afternoon?
2 finish her homework on Thursday afternoon

3 visit the museum on Wednesday morning

4 play tennis on Tuesday evening

5 cook with Mum on Tuesday evening

6 walk to the shops on Wednesday morning

7 visit Grandma on Thursday morning

8 paint a picture on Wednesday evening

5 Write answers to the questions in exercise 3. If you

write No, she didn’t, write a correct sentence.
1 No, she didn’t. She started her homework on Monday morning.

78 Unit 1

Unit 3 79
What, where and when
We use the question words
what, where and when to
find out more information
about things. The question
What did you
word goes at the
do yesterday?
beginning of the sentence.
Use what to talk about
What did you watch Last night?
I watched a film in class.
Use where to talk about
places. m TT

Where did you go yesterday? To

the park.
Use when to talk about
times. rl
When did the party start? At six

6 Circle the correct question

1 When / What did
you eat for dinner last
night? Pizza.
2 Where / What did
you watch thefilm? At the
3 When / Where did
Kate have lunch
yesterday? At midday.
4 Where / What did
Kevin learn at school
yesterday? Maths.
5 When / Where did
you go on holiday?
6 When / Where did
you go on holiday? Last
7 Where / What did
you do at the weekend?
We played football.
8 Where / When did
you go on holiday? The
9 When / Where did
you do your homework?
After school.

7 Complete these sentences using When, What or Where.

1 What. did Kate do last Monday?

2 did Andy clean the kitchen?

3 did Pete go on Friday night?

4 did Julia go to the dentist?
5 did Greg do on Thursday evening?
6 did you have for breakfast?
7 did you go last night?

8 did you eat lunch?

Unit 7 81
Begoingto Future time

15 Holiday time

Be going to: affirmative

Affirmativ going to it's going to we’re

to going to they're going to
I am Short We use be going to to
going to forms
talk about plans and
you are I’m
going to going He’s going to be a doctor.
he is to
We can never leave out
going to you’re the be form.
she is going
We don’t normally use
going to to
the short form 're after
it is he’s
going to going
Paul and Steve are going to
we are to
visit Bob. Mum and I are
going to she’s
going to watch TV.
they are going

1 It’s dark. d a We’re going to buy her a present.

2 I’m tired. b They’re going to live in the countryside

3 She can’t find her purse. c We’re going to start it now.
4 We’ve got a lot of homework. d I’m going to put on the tight.
5 It’s Mum’s birthday. e I’m going to sleep.
We’re all hungry. f Mum's going to cook a big meal for us.
7 I haven't got nice clothes to wear. 9 I’m going to help her look for it.
My parents don’t like noisy cities. h I’m going to buy some new clothes.

72 Unit 15

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Polly windsurf cook dinner visit friends buy a cake read a book
Jack skateboard swim wash the car play football make a cake

1_____________________________________________________________ On Tuesday, PoLLy’s going to

cook dinne r____________________________________________________
2 On Wednesday, Jack
3_____________________________________________ On Monday, Jack
4____________________________________________________________ On Friday, Polly
5_____________________________________________________________ On Thursday, Jack
6______________________________________________________________ On Thursday, Polly

3 Write sentences about the plans

on a camping holiday. Use be going
1 we/make a fire
We’re going to make afire.________________________________________

2 Dad / look for wood

3 Dad and Charlie / put up the


4 Mum and Molly / make the


5 Mum/cookdinner

6 Harry / play with his toys

7 it / be hot

8 we/have fun

9 I/sleep in a tent

10 Charlie / read lots of books

Unit 7 83
IQuestions Short answers
Am I going to? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Are you going to? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Is he going to? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
Is she going to? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
Is it going to? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
Are we going to? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.
Are you going to? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Are they going to? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

In short answers we don’t repeat going

to. Are you going to come? Yes, I am.

We sometimes use time expressions to talk about

when we expect to do something. These include the
words next, this and tomorrow.
Next can be combined with several nouns.
next week, next month, next year, next March, next Friday, next
Tomorrow can be used on its own or with other nouns.
tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow
evening, tomorrow night
Later and soon can be used without other words.

4 Write questions using be going to. Then write true short

1 Jason/go to the cinema//
Is Jason going to the cinema? Yes, he Is.______________________
2 Julia and Mum / play tennis / /

3 Karl and Beth / go shopping / X

4 we / go swimming / /

84 Unit 1
5 Oily/goshopping//

Unit 7 85
5 Look at the table below about the Clark family’s plans for
the weekend. Write sentences, using be going to in the
affirmative and negative forms

Kelly Helen Mum Dad Robert Gary

watch a DVD / / /

buy new shoes / /

visit the museum /

play computer games / /

stay with a friend / /

1 Kelly / play computer games

Is Kelly going to play computer games? No, she isn’t.
2 Helen / stay with a friend

3 Mum and Dad / watch a DVD

4 Gary / visit the museum

5 Robert / buy new shoes

6 Helen and Dad / play computer games

6 Look at the list of times and dates under ‘Now'. Use

phrases from the box to describe the times and
dates under In the future’.

next year later next weekend tomorrow^ next month

tomorrow afternoon

Now In the future

1. 14th January 15th January
2. March 2008 April 2008

3. 11th November, morning 11th November,

86 Unit 1
4. May 2008 May 2009

5. 19th February, morning 20th February, aft

6. Wednesday, 5th May Saturday

and Sunday, 8th and 9th May

Unit 7 87
Review 5 Units 13-15
1 Complete the sentences using the past simple and ago.
1 we / danced at a party/three weeks
We danced at a party three weeks ago._______________
2 Alex/play football/two days

3 Beth and Jamie / visit a museum / a month

4 Holly and Mum / walk to the shops/an hour

5 Jack/finish his homework/ a few minutes

6 I / hate eating chocolate / a year

2 Write questions and short answers using the past simple.

1 Bill/dance to music//
Did Bill dance to music? Yes, he did.____________________
2 Mum and Dad / stay with Grandma and Grandpa /X

3 Holly / play tennis with Gemma //

1 Jack/watch a film/X

5 Heidi and Julie/visit Grandpa//

3 Complete the sentences using What, When or Where.

1 What did your brother do for his birthday? He had a party.
2______________ did you goto France? Last week.
3______________ did Amy do on Thursday? She went
4______________ did yourparents go on holiday? They went to Japan.
5______________ did you go to the cinema? In my town.
6 did you move house? On Friday.

88 Review 1
4 Look at the pictures. Write questions and short answers.
wash the car go swimming watch a play finish a school project play football

1 Is he going to go swimming? No. he isn’t.



5 Look at Sally’s diary for next week. Today is Friday. Write sentences using be going to and a
phrase from the blue box.

Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday

1 play tennis 4 finish her
with Helen homework

3 start her 6 cook lunch

Afternoon 2 visit Charlie 5 watch a film
homework with Mum

Tomorrow morning On Monday morning Next Monday afternoon Next

Tuesday Tomorrow afternoon On Sunday afternoon

1 Tomorrow morning. Sally’s going to play tennis with Helen.


Review 1 89
Grammar reference

Affirmative Short forms Negative Short forms Questions Short answers

I am I'm I am not I’m not Am I? Yes, I am. No, I'm not.
you are you’re you are not you aren’t Are you? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
he is he’s he is not he isn't Is he? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
she is she’s she is not she isn’t Is she? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
it is it’s it is not it isn’t Is it? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
we are we’re we are not we aren’t Are we? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
you are you're you are not you aren’t Are you? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.
they are they're they are not they aren’t Arethey? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Affirmat don’t like I Short they do.

ive I he doesn’t like? answers No, I don’t.
like you like she Do you Yes, I do. No, you
like he doesn’t like like? Does Yes, you don't. No, he
likes she it doesn’t he like? do. Yes, he doesn’t. No,
likes it like we Does she does. Yes, she doesn’t.
likes we don’t like like? Does she does. No, it
like you you don't it like? Do Yes, it doesn’t. No,
like they like they we like? does. Yes, we don’t. No,
like don't like Do you we do. you don't.
Negativ Questi like? Do Yes, you No, they
e I don’t ons Do they like? do. Yes, don't.
like you

Affirmative Short forms Negative I do not Short forms

I have y ou I’ve have you do not I don’t have
have he you've have he does not you have he
has she has he’s have she does not has she has
it has we she’s have it does not it has we
have you it’s have we do not have you
have you we’ve have you do not have you
have you’ve have they do not have
they've have
Do Ihave? Short answers
Do you have? Yes, I do. No, I don't.
Does he have? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
Does she have? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Does it have? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.
Do we have? Do Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.
you have? Do Yes, we do. Yes, No, we don’t.
you have? you do. Yes, No, you don't.
they do. No, they don't.

90 Grammar reference

Units 4-5 The present continuous

----------------------------------------------------------------------- V

Affirm Shor playing they are

ative I t they're not
am form playing playing
playin s I’m Negativ Short
g you playi e I am forms
are ng not I’m not
playin you’r playing playing
g he is e you are you
playin playi not aren’t
g she ng playing playing
is he’s he is he isn't
playin playi not playing
g it is ng playing she isn’t
playin she’s she is playing
g we playi not it isn’t
are ng playing playing
playin it’s it is not we
g you playi playing aren’t
are ng we are playing
playin we’r not you
e playing aren't
g they
playi you are playing
ng not they
you’r aren't
g playing
e playing

Questions Short answers

Am I playing? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Are you playing? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Is he playing? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
Is she playing? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
Is it playing? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
Are we playing? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.
Are you playing? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.


Are they playing? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Ajfirmative Negative Short forms Questions Short answers

I was I was not I wasn't Was I? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.
you were you were not you weren’t Were you? Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.
he was he was not he wasn’t Was he? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t.
she was she was not she wasn’t Was she? Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t.
it was it was not it wasn’t Was it? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.
we were we were not we weren’t Were we? Yes, we were. No, we weren’t.
you were you were not you weren’t Were you? Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.
they were they were not they weren’t Were they? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

Affirmat forms have you didn’t have
ive I I'd did not have you didn’t
had you you'd he did not have you
had he he'd have she didn’t have
had she she'd did not have she didn’t
had it it'd it did not have it
had we we'd have we did didn’t have
had you you'd not have we didn’t
had you did not have you
they Negati have they didn’t have
had ve I did did not have they didn’t
Short not Short have
forms I

Questions they have? they did.

Did I have? Short answers No, I didn’t.
Did you Yes, I did. No, you
have? Did he Yes, you did. didn’t. No, he
have? Did Yes, he did. didn’t. No,
she have? Yes, she did. she didn’t.
Did it have? Yes, it did. No, it didn’t.
Did we have? Yes, we did. No, we didn’t.
Did you Yes, you No, you
have? Did did. Yes, didn’t. No,
they didn't.

Unit 13 I The past simple: regular verbs

Affirmative Negative Short forms
I waited I did not wait I didn’t wait
you waited you did not wait you didn’t wait
he waited he did not wait he didn’t wait
she waited she did not wait she didn't wait
it waited it did not wait it didn’t wait
we waited we did not wait we didn’t wait
you waited you did not wait you didn’t wait
they waited they did not wait they didn’t wait
v ..........J
Unit 14

The past simple: regular verbs

^ ^ ^ ^
Questions learn? Did it learn?
Did I learn? learn? Short answers
Did you Did we Yes, I did.
learn? Did learn? Did Yes, you did.
he learn? you learn? Yes, he did.
Did she Did they Yes, she

80 Grammar reference
did. Yes, it
Yes, we
did. Yes,
you did.
Yes, they
No, I didn’t.
No, you
didn’t. No,
he didn’t.
No, she
didn’t. No, it
No, we
didn’t. No,
you didn’t.
No, they
Friends ^
The step by step grammar presentations in Grammar Friends introduce form, use and
meaning in a way that even young beginner learners can understand and remember. The
series is an ideal supplement to any elementary course book series.

• Builds accuracy and confidence: graded written exercises provide practice and
• Puts the focus on grammar: familiar contexts and situations, using basic vocabulary,
enable pupils to concentrate on learning grammar.
• Revises and consolidates: regular revision units provide extra practice.
• Interactive practice: the student CD-ROM features additional exercises and tests for
even more practice at home or independently at school.
• Photocopiable tests: included in the Teacher’s Book, plus answer key.

Beginner - Elementary (A2)

For students preparing for the Cambridge
ESOL Young Learner's exams.
Starters: Grammar Friends 1 and 2
Movers: Grammar Friends 3 and 4
Flyers: Grammar Friends 5 and 6


82 Grammar reference

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