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Engineerd Nanoparticles

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Panchangam and Dutta, J Pharm Drug Deliv Res 2015, 4:1
Journal of Pharmaceutics &
Drug Delivery Research
Review Article a SciTechnol journal

therapy with claimed targeted accomplishment [1,8], that not

Engineered Nanoparticles for only supplemented the conventional treatment measures but also
intended to overcome the challenges in conventional treatment, by
the Delivery of Anticancer involving new concepts of drug delivery, “The Targeted Therapy”
[5,8]. Targeted therapy inhibits cancer cell proliferation by impeding
Therapeutics with molecules required for growth and development of tumor,
Ramam Bala Srinivasa Panchangam and Tathagata Dutta* encompassing direct (by targeting tumor antigens by monoclonal
antibodies or small molecule inhibitors, to alter their signalling)
and indirect approaches (by relying on tumor antigens expressed
Abstract on cell surface) [6,7]. Nevertheless targeted therapy has its own
limitations owing to different side effects, not limited to folliculitis,
Therapeutic agents in cancer treatment are aimed at rapidly nail feebleness, xerosis, diarrhoea, interstitial lung disease, cardiac
dividing cells, limiting their multiplication, and promoting apoptosis.
Lack of selectivity of these conventional methods resulted in
toxicity, anorexia, hypertension, gastrointestinal perforation [9]. To
needless damage to normal cells leading to severe adverse effects. overcome the systemic toxicity and the adverse events associated with
Nanotechnology in medicine gratify the constraint in conventional the targeted therapy, novel methods of directing the drug to the target
treatment by delivering conventional drugs to the targeted tissue or tissues, using nanodevices were developed [10]. Nanotechnology
organ and plays an important role in targeting the delivery, thereby in medicine gratify the constraint in conventional treatment by
avoiding systemic toxicity and increasing the bioavailability and delivering conventional drugs to the targeted tissue or organ and
therapeutic index of the drug. The advantage of using nanoparticles plays an important role in targeting the delivery, thereby avoiding
as drug carriers is in their binding competence and reversing
multidrug resistance. Using active and passive targeting strategies,
systemic toxicity and increasing the bioavailability and therapeutic
nanoparticles enhance intracellular drug concentrations. The index of the drug [3,11]. The added advantage is in their ability to
present review focuses the on the basic pathophysiology of cancer be unrecognized by P-glycoprotein, resulting in overcoming drug
and the various types of nanoparticulate drug delivery systems resistance and increased intracellular drug concentrations [11].
that have been explored so far, taking advantage of the tumour
vasculature and other molecular mechanisms which differentiates Physiology of Cancer
cancer cells from normal ones, for the delivery of anticancer
therapeutics for effective management of cancer. The article also Cancer or neoplasm or tumor is a large group of diseases with
aims to focus on the various surface engineered nanoparticles for the basic characteristics property of “abnormal growth” [12]. Normal
targeted delivery of cancer. growth of cells is a controlled and regulated process, whereas cancer
growth is highly uncontrolled process [12]. Cancer progress is a
multistep process involving progressive or rapid acquirement of
Nanoparticles; Anticancer therapeutics; Targeted drug delivery; genetic changes, caused by epigenetic mechanisms such as gene
EPR effect; Polymeric nanoparticles; Dendrimer amplification or inactivation, leading to inception of malignancy
[12,13], the crucial in understanding the molecular origins of cancer.
The nature of cell transformation and the bases of tumor development
Introduction and progression can be understood from the knowledge of molecular
Cancer, the most shattering disease, claims more than 6 million origins of cancer [14]. Cancer research has exposed that cancer is a
lives every year worldwide [1,2] with increasing numbers each disease involving vibrant alterations in the genome [12,13].
year. Therapeutic agents in cancer treatment are aimed at rapidly The gain of function of the proto-oncogenes, which provide
dividing cells, limiting their multiplication, and promoting apoptosis
transformation and invasive properties to the cell and loss of function
[3]. Surgery, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy including hormonal
of tumor suppressor genes which restrain cell division have been the
therapy, Immunotherapy and Combined modality therapy are the
basis of these genetic changes [13,14]. The basic morphological and
standardized approaches for cancer treatment [4]. Lack of selectivity
physiological difference between normal tissue and tumor tissue is
of these conventional methods resulted in needless damage to normal
the size and shape, and vasculature [15] respectively. Tumor cells
cells, alopecia, drug resistance, myelosupression, gastrointestinal
are characterized by self-reliance in growth signals, insensitivity to
damage, high tumor interstitial fluid pressure, making the treatment
anti-growth signals, avoiding apoptosis, uncontrolled replication,
less efficacious [5-8]. With advances in cancer molecular biology
continuous angiogenesis, tissue invasion and metastasis [15-19].
and the pathways involved in cell transformation [5], the second
half of the 20th century hallmarked new approaches in anticancer Self-reliance in growth signals
Normal cells cannot proliferate in the absence of growth signals
*Corresponding author: Dr. Tathagata Dutta, Deputy Director, Drug Delivery & [13]. Tumor cells on the other hand generate their own growth signals
Nanotechnology Division, Formulation Research and Development, Aizant Drug reducing their dependence on normal tissue microenvironment,
Research Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Apparel Park Road, Hyderabad-500100, India,
Tel: +91-9618621283;Fax: +91-40-42212217; Email: duttatathababu@gmail.
leading to disruption of the homeostatic mechanism. This autocrine
com secretion of growth signals and responding to their own is an
important concept in linking oncogene and growth factor research
Received: Mayr 05, 2015 Accepted: June 06, 2015 Published: June 10, 2015

All articles published in Journal of Pharmaceutics & Drug Delivery Research are the property of SciTechnol, and is protected
International Publisher of Science, by copyright laws. Copyright © 2015, SciTechnol, All Rights Reserved.
Technology and Medicine
Citation: Panchangam RBS, Dutta T (2015) Engineered Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Anticancer Therapeutics. J Pharm Drug Deliv Res 4:1.


[13, 20]. Over expression of cell surface receptors may facilitate hyper A continuous supply of oxygen and nutrients are required for
responsiveness to the ambient levels of growth factor and may elicit the growth, survival and functioning of the living cells. The process
ligand-independent signalling [13]. Cancer cells transducer signals to of formation of primary vascular plexus is called Vasculogenesis
the extracellular matrix through the extracellular matrix receptors, and the differentiation of the plexus is termed Angiogenesis [18].
Integrins, influencing cell behaviour and foyer into active cell cycle Angiogenesis in normal cells and tissues is a controlled process and
[13]. These signals convey alterations in the components of the also occurs under pathological conditions such as wound repair,
downstream cytoplasmic track causing the deregulation in signalling rheumatoid arthritis, diabetic retinopathy and tumor [24]. The main
pathways [13]. Also the cell-cell communications, heterotypic difference between normal cells and tumor cells is the vasculature
signalling, where the tumor cells induce the normal cells to release [15]. As the tumor cells grow in number and size, they are limited in
growth signals explains the tumor cell proliferation potential [13]. supply of oxygen and nutrients. Thus there develops a state of hypoxia
where the cells strive for survival [18]. The ultimate success of the
Insensitivity to anti-growth signals tumors lies in their ability to generate new blood vessels [17]. The
Proliferation of normal cells is controlled by the signals received angiogenesis initiation is facilitated by signals from platelet derived
by transmembrane cell surface receptors coupled to intracellular growth factor receptors, vascular endothelial growth factors, fibroblast
signalling circuits. These signals include soluble growth inhibitors growth factors [13,15,17]. However the newly formed blood vessels
and inhibitors present on the extracellular matrix and the cell surface are defective structurally and physiologically, which is the hallmark
[13,21]. These signals inhibit proliferation by forcing the actively of the tumor vasculature [15]. This property has been exploited in
dividing cells into quiescent phase and/or cells nay be induced the development of anti-cancer therapeutics to target tumors in
into post-mitotic phase [13,21]. Mutations in tumor suppressor angiogenesis, drug accumulation in the tumor microenvironment,
genes, which inhibit cell division result in increased cell division. radiation, gene therapy, overcoming drug resistance [13,15,17,18].
Retinoblastoma (Rb) protein, p53 gene, Tumor growth factor β
Tissue invasion and metastasis
(TGFβ) are some of the extensively studies examples of tumor
suppressor proteins [13,21]. In normal cells growth and development Tumor metastasis is a multistage process where malignant cells
is stimulated by transcription factor c-Myc in association with invade local host tissue, extravagate and colonize in the distant organs
another factor, Max. Differentiation in normal cells occurs when [13,25-27]. Metastasis is systemic in nature and resistant to therapeutic
Max complexes with Mad transcription factors. c-Myc oncoprotein is agents, explaining the cause of mortality in cancers [25,26]. Genetic
over expressed in many tumors, which favours Myc-Max complexes, variations lead to uncontrolled proliferation and provide survival
inhibiting differentiation and promotes growth [13,21]. advantage to support metastasis [25-27]. Cancer cells because of the
overgrowth of the tumor leave the primary tumor through the newly
Avoiding apoptosis
formed blood vessels and invade the local host tissue. From there they
Acquiring resistance to apoptosis is a trait in almost all cancer enter the systemic circulation and reach distant organs, where they
types [13,22,23]. Apoptosis is programmed cell death mediated by extravasate and form new colony of tumor [13,25-27]. Inhibition of
sensors and effectors. The apoptotic program is triggered by an over natural proteinases and up regulation of tumor metastasis suppressor
expressed oncogene and removal of such cells bearing over activated genes can suppress invasion and metastasis [25].
oncogene represent the way by which mutant cells are selected from
body tissues [13]. Disrupting the balance between anti-apoptotic Novel Drug Delivery Systems in Cancer Therapeutics
and pro-apoptotic. Proteins, impaired death receptor signalling and Nanotechnology in cancer is an interdisciplinary branch of
reduced caspase function are the mechanisms by which tumor cells therapeutics that combines the expertise of Science and Engineering
evade apoptosis [13,23]. These evidences provide a rationale for the integrated with Medicine, implementing the bio-medical application
resistance to apoptosis in tumor development. of designing, production, and characterization through application
Uncontrolled replication of structures, devices and systems of nano-size, to provide targeted
drug delivery, molecular diagnosis, molecular imaging, tissue
By basic definition, cancer cells are capacitated to divide regeneration, biosensors, cell culture, and other areas in molecular
uncontrollably. Unlike normal cells which tend to terminate division biology [2,28-30]. Nanoparticles with a size range of 1-100 nm
after few cell cycles, a condition termed senescence; cancer cells [28,29] charm scientists owing to the opportunity to design the
have triumphed over this condition and are in ever replicating backbone structure, size, shape, surface area and attachments [31].
stage [13,21]. The chromosome length in normal cells is maintained Nanoparticles are submicronic colloidal systems made of polymers,
by the chromosomal ends, telomeres, which maintain constant lipids, viruses, organometallic compounds [11], to which the drugs
length, prevent end-to-end fusion of the chromosomes and protect are either incorporated during polymerization or adsorbed [32]. The
the DNA from degradation by nucleases. On repeated cell cycles a advantage of using nanoparticles as drug carriers is in their binding
short segment of the telomere is lost, ‘end replication problem’, competence and reversing multidrug resistance [32]. Using active and
progressively shortening the length of DNA, chromosomal end-end passive targeting strategies, nanoparticles enhance intracellular drug
fusions, array and ultimate death of the cell. Cancer cells up regulate concentrations [11], thereby providing an alternative to oral delivery
the expression of telomerase enzyme, which adds the hexanucleotide of chemotherapeutics which have limitations of solubility, stability
repeat units to the ends of the chromosome, thus maintain the length and permeability [33]. First pass metabolism by cytochrome P450
of telomeres above threshold, preventing erosion and allowing liver enzymes [33] and degradation by reticuloendothelial systems of
unlimited replicative potential [13,21]. liver and spleen [11], the limiting factors for drug bioavailability were
overcome by designing the nanoparticles using an appropriate carrier
Continuous angiogenesis matrix such as polymers in a size which prevents them from leaking

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Citation: Panchangam RBS, Dutta T (2015) Engineered Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Anticancer Therapeutics. J Pharm Drug Deliv Res 4:1.


into blood capillaries and capture by macrophages. Anticancer drug nanoparticles are highly stable and can be functionally optimized for
resistance mediated by P-glycoprotein can be stunned by surface diagnosis and treatment, using attachments such as biocompatible
coating of the nanoparticles using bio-adhesive materials, which coatings, targeting sequences, biologically active molecules, imaging
also improves adhesion and absorption [11,33] leading to higher devices. Nanoparticles are classified based on the dimension as one
intracellular concentration of the drug. Conventional methods of dimensional, two dimensional and three dimensional nanoparticles
drug delivery have potential drawbacks such as low water solubility, [29,37]. Thin films, monolayers and manufactured surfaces with a size
nonspecific bio-distribution, poor pharmacokinetics, requirement of of 1-10 nm find their use in chemical and biosensors, optical devices
large drug doses, all resulting in harmful effects on healthy tissues [37]. Two dimensional nanoparticles range from <1 nm in diameter
[11,34]. Drugs loaded in suitable carrier (liposomes- lipid matrix, to about 100 nm in length. Nanowires, carbon nanotubes, nanofibres
polymeric nanoparticles – polymer matrix, viral nanoparticles – and nanopolymers come under this category. Dendrimers, fullerenes,
viral matrix, nanotubes– organometallic compounds) [11] known as quantum dots are classified under three dimensional nanoparticles.
drug-carrier complex circumvent some of these obstacles. HPMA- Polymers: Macromolecular drugs designed using polymers have
Doxorubicin complex was the first to enter clinical trials [34]. But, to the advantage of pliability to chemical modifications, where the drug
reduce the systemic toxicity (due to lack of specificity) and increase the can be physically caught in or covalently bound to the polymer matrix,
systemic availability at the site of action, the drug should be directly rendering them particularly suitable for applications in nanomaterial
targeted. This is achieved by conjugating the drug-carrier. Complex drug delivery systems [11,31,38]. The polymeric matrix thwarts drug
with a suitable ligand [3] (or simply bioconjugate) such as antibody, degradation and allows precise control over its release kinetics from
antigen, homing peptide [34]. Studies by Acharya et al have showed nanoparticles [3].
that the epidermal growth factor receptor conjugated rapamycin
loaded poly (lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles have superior anti- Polymeric nanoparticles: Polymeric nanoparticles are capsule
proliferative activity compared to native rapamycin and unconjugated shaped [11,31]. Based on the source of polymer, these drug carriers are
rapamycin [3]. Similar work by Alexis et al. proved the increased classified as synthetic polymers, natural polymers, pseduosynthetic
binding affinity of the drug encapsulated nanoparticles conjugated with polymers [11,38]. Polymers of synthetic origin include polyethylene
poly-(D, L-lactic acid)-poly (ethylene glycol)-maleimide copolymer, glycol (PEG), N-(2-hydroxypropyl) methacrylamide copolymer
targeting the HER-2 protein [35]. It is important for the increased (HPMA), poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA), polystyrene-maleic
therapeutic efficacy that the drug remains stable and for a long time at anhydride polymer, poly (vinylpyrrolidone), poly-L-glutamic acid
the site of action. Liposomes have high biocompatibility, encouraging (PGA), poly (ethyleneimine), linear polyamidoamines (PAMAM).
pharmacokinetic outline and ease of surface modification, with PLA and PLGA are biocompatible and biodegradable carriers,
limitations to insufficient drug loading, instability and fast release approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration
of hydrophobic drugs. Polymeric nanoparticles on the other hand (USFDA) for human use owing to their extremely small size and
dominate by having high permeability, small size, controlled drug surface coating that plans their escape from hepatic degradation by
P450 enzymes and capture by P-glycoprotein, thereby providing
release, encapsulate poorly soluble drugs and long systemic half-
sustained and targeted drug delivery with better efficiency and fewer
life, and yet are less biocompatible. Thus fabricating liposomes and
side effects [3,31,33]. Dextran, dextrin, albumin, alginate, gelatin,
polymeric nanoparticles yield lipid-polymer hybrid carriers which
chitosan, heparin, hyaluronic acid are natural polymers [11,31,38,39]
are biocompatible, efficacious with controlled and targeted delivery
used to deliver molecules such as oligonucleotides, DNA, proteins
[32]. Paclitaxel loaded Poly (D, L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA), a
and drugs [11]. Pseudosynthetic polymers are man made polymers
biodegradable polymer with good bioavailability, hybridized with
and these include poly (L-lysine), poly (L-glutamic acid), poly
1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DLPC) having
(aspartamides), poly (malic acid) [31,38].
high stability resulted in improved drug encapsulation, enhanced
absorption and reduced phagocytosis. Quantum dots loaded in Polymeric micelles: Polymeric micelles have amphiphilic core
biodegradable polymers were successfully used in imaging and or shell structures of 10 to 1000 nm [11,31]. The polymeric micelle
targeting tumors by Pan et al. by using folate-decorated nanoparticles structure consists of an external hydrophilic shell and an inner
conjugating them with vitamin-E TPGS-carboxyl (TPGS-COOH) hydrophobic core [11, 39-41], suggesting the amphiphilic property
[36]. of the micelles in aqueous medium. The hydrophobic core serves
as a reservoir for hydrophobic and amphiphilic drugs, while the
Types of nanoparticles hydrophilic shell stabilizes the hydrophobic core making them water
The classification of nanoparticles may be done based on the soluble and increasing the circulation time in blood and accumulation
source of production and/or dimension [31,37] (Figure 1). Table in tumoral tissues [11,39] and also protects them from enzymatic
1 represents the classification of nanoparticles. Based on source of degradation, hydrolysis and elimination by reticuloendothelial
production, nanoparticles are classified as Organic nanoparticles system [41]. Drug loading is done by either drug conjugation and/or
and Inorganic nanoparticles. Organic nanoparticles are produced drug encapsulation [11,40]. Hydrophobic drugs are conjugated to the
from organic materials, such as lipids, dendrimers, carbon, hydrophilic backbone using biodegradable chemical linkers. In drug
polymers, protein aggregates, milk emulsions, viruses, and so encapsulation the drugs are physically entrapped in the hydrophobic
on. As these nanoparticles are organic in nature, they offer simple core of the micelles [40]. Polymeric micelles constitute excellent
routes of encapsulation and fabrication, added with their ability of delivery vehicles owing to their tuneable size and morphology, surface
biocompatibility and biodegradability making them most appealing functionality, brilliant stability and high monodispersity [40,41], thus
drug delivery systems. On the other hand Inorganic nanoparticles being employed for sustained targeted intracellular drug delivery and
make them appropriate candidate for parenteral delivery [11,39].
are produced from inorganic compounds such as alumina, silica,
metals, metal oxides and metal sulphides [31]. The inorganic Dendrimers: Dendrimers are polymer based, monodisperse,

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Citation: Panchangam RBS, Dutta T (2015) Engineered Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Anticancer Therapeutics. J Pharm Drug Deliv Res 4:1.


Dendrimer Fullerene


Gold Nanoparticle Silicad Nanoparticle


Nanocrystal Solid lipid Nanoparticle

Figure 1: Types of nanoparticles.

Table 1: Classification of nanoparticles.

Classification of Nanoparticles

Based on production source

Gold nanoparticles, Nanorods, Nanoshells, Quantum, dots Nanowires, Paramagnetic
Polymeric nanoparticles, Liposomes,Dendrimers, Carbon nanotubes
nanoparticles, Solid lipid nanoparticles, Fullerenes

Based on dimension
One dimensional, Two dimensional, Three dimensional Thin films, monolayers, Carbon nanotubes,Fullerenes, Dendrimers, Quantum dots

highly branched macromolecules with symmetric architecture haviour while external groups determine the chemical behaviour
[11,29,30,31,37-39,41,42]. Their structural units are monomeric or and the solubility. The globular structure and the presence of internal
oligomeric units and consist of a central core, branching units and cavities enable encapsulation of drugs and modification of the de-
terminal functional groups [31,41]. They have a symmetrical struc- gree of branching may allow for more [31,39]. Drugs can be physi-
ture and the core shell architecture grows linearly in diameter and cally entrapped or chemically attached. With a size of about 10 nm,
exponentially with respect to the surface groups [31,38]. The core they are considered to be basic elements for the synthesis of 1 to 100
determines the environment of the nanocavities and chemical be- nm organic and inorganic nanostructures [29,37,39]. They also can

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Citation: Panchangam RBS, Dutta T (2015) Engineered Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Anticancer Therapeutics. J Pharm Drug Deliv Res 4:1.


be functionalized with hydrophilic end groups making them water Silica nanoparticles: Silica nanoparticles are generally prepared
soluble, and designed with internal hydrophobicity for incorpora- by sol-gel methods [31]. They have uniform pore size and high
tion of hydrophobic drugs. Functionalizing the terminal groups with surface area, making them ideal drug carriers, where the drugs are
amino group renders positive charge enabling interaction with nega- physically adsorbed [40]. Treated cells showed reduced viability [42].
tively charged phosphate group of nucleic acids [29,31,37]. Mono- Ease of synthesis and functionalization with amino-hexyl-amino-
disperse size, ease of preparation, modifiable structure, functionality, propyltrimethoxysilane, decrease the toxic effects and enable as ideal
water solubility, availability of internal cavity, multivalency to dis- drug carriers [31,42].
play multiple copies of surface groups make them attractive candi-
dates for chemotherapeutic drug delivery, imaging, targeting ligands Calcium phosphate nanoparticles: Calcium phosphate
[11,29,30,31,37-39,41,42]. However, toxicity is of main concern in nanoparticles are efficient carriers of DNA for the targeted delivery
the use of dendrimers as carriers along with stability and capture by of genes in anticancer therapy [47,48]. The calcium ions form ionic
mononuclear phagocytes, which can be overcome by surface func- complexes with DNA and impart stability to DNA [44]. Single shell
tionalization with PEG chains [30,38,41]. and multi shell calcium phosphate functionalized with DNA, siRNA
are carried across the cell membrane through endocytosis mediated
Metal nanoparticles by ion channels [47,48]. These nanoparticles are also used for the
Gold nanoparticles: Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) were applied delivery of vaccines across the skin [49].
in the field of medical sciences since the past decade [43]. They Carbon nanoparticles: Carbon nanoparticles include
are produced and characterized by a variety of methods, and carbon nanotubes and fullerenes. Carbon nanotubes are long
functionalized biocompatible gold nanoparticles demonstrate cylindrical structures in a hexagonal network of carbon atoms,
encouraging optical and chemical properties used in diagnosis, ranging approximately 1.5 nm in diameter and 100 nm in length
imaging and therapy [2,30,31,39,42,43]. GNPs accumulate in the [11,29,30,38,42]. These nanotubes are either single walled or multi
tumor site via the EPR effect and are engulfed into the cell walled [29-31,37,42]. They are composed of either polymer or silica
via non-specific receptor mediated endocytosis. Functionalization or carbon or metal [38]. Carbon nanotubes are insoluble and render
of the GNPs with PEG, folate, and thiamine prevents their toxicity issues [11]. Chemical modification causes them to be water
destruction by the reticuloendothelial cells and render increased soluble and functionalized to be linked to peptides, proteins, nucleic
circulation times, internalization [39,43]. Nanoshells, nanocages, acids, therapeutic agents [11]. They are nontoxic, highly biocompatible,
nanospheres, nanorods, nanogold, Surface enhanced Raman and chemically stable with high surface area, low leakage of the
scattering (SERS) nanoparticles are the different types of gold drug [30,37,39]. Nanotubes can be conjugated with fluorescent or
nanoparticles [2,30,42,44]. Large surface are of GNPs facilitate radiolabelled ligands and can be used in imaging and targeting [30].
more drug loading, but the toxicity issues need to be considered Fullerenes, also known as bucky balls are carbon allotropes made of
[39,43,45]. more than 60 carbon atoms and are spherical in shape [29,30,39].
Nanoshells are synthesised using growing silica cores They find their use in the delivery of anticancer drugs, biomolecules
with gold, and gold and copper, gold and silver find their across cell membrane and to stimulate the host immune responses
application in photothermal ablation and in imaging respectively [30,39]. Endohedral, exohedral and heterofullerenes are the different
[2,30,42]. Nanoshells are also used in diagnostics by coupling types of Fullerenes [30].
them with antibodies in whole blood immunoassays [30]. Gold Quantum dots: Quantum dots are assorted, colloidal, semicon-
nanospheres range from 2 to 100 nm in diameter and with their ductor, luminescent, nanocrystals extending from 1 to 10 nm in di-
fast penetration ability they find their use in phototherapy and ameter [29-31,37,42]. They are synthesised from semiconductor ma-
diagnostics [43,45]. Colloidal gold particles or nanogold44 are terials using methods like colloidal synthesis and/or electrochemistry
used in immunotargeting owing to their ease of bioconjugation [37]. Their structure consists of an inorganic core, inorganic shell and
[45]. GNPs targeting epidermal growth factor receptor are used aqueous organic coating [30,31]. The size of these nanoparticles de-
in the treatment of breast cancer, pancreatic cancer [43]. They termines the luminescence colour and colour coded quantum dots
also enhance the apoptosis and antiproliferation of human are used in DNA testing [30,37]. Quantum dots are used in diagnos-
hepatoma cells [2]. tics, drug delivery, imaging, tissue engineering, owing to their large
Iron oxide and super paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: surface area [30,31,37]. Toxicity is a major constraint in the use of
Iron oxide nanoparticles have been extensively used as imaging quantum dots which can be overcome by surface modification with
agents, owing to their magnetic make up and biocompatibility [30,39]. N-acetylcystine [42]. PEGylation of quantum dots increase the bio-
Targeting these nanoparticles enables evaluation of tumor location as compatibility and stability [31]. Cadmium selenide, cadmium tellu-
well as the stage of the disease. Conjugation with antibodies to HER- ride, indium phosphide and indium arsenide are the commonly used
2, luteinizing hormone release hormone facilitates detection of breast quantum dots [37].
cancers [30]. Circulation time of these nanoparticles can be increased Liposomes: Liposomes are lipid based drug carriers, composed
by covalently linking with chemicals and internalization by treating of a lipid bilayer with a surrounded phospholipid membrane and
with drugs like lovastatin [30]. Owing to their miniscule size, large contains a central aqueous core [11,30,31,39,41]. They may also
surface area and magnetic properties, these NPs serve as excellent drug be unilamellar or multilamellar [30]. The phospholipids include
carriers to the desired tumor location [39]. Flavin mononucleotide phosphatidylglycerine, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylserine,
coated fluorescent nanoparticles are used in targeting and labelling of phosphatidylethanolamine [39]. The drugs can be loaded either in
endothelial cells and active cancer cells by targeting riboflavin carrier the aqueous compartment or in the lipid membrane [30]. Polar drugs
protein [46]. are generally loaded in the aqueous interior, while the amphiphillic

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Citation: Panchangam RBS, Dutta T (2015) Engineered Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Anticancer Therapeutics. J Pharm Drug Deliv Res 4:1.


and lipophilic drugs are solubilized in the phospholipid bilayer [41]. escalation and less toxicity [31,53-55].
Ease of modification, high biocompatibility, targeted drug delivery,
preventing drug degradation, amphiphillic nature, less side effects Characteristics of nanoparticles
make them ideal drug carriers [11,30,31,39,41]. However, poor The asset of using nanoparticles in therapeutics lies in their
storage capacities, low encapsulation efficiency, rapid leakage of the modifiability with regards to their physicochemical properties and
drug are the limitations, yet to be overcome [39]. Surface modification biological activity for desired biodistribution, establishing sustained-
with PEG improves the circulation time of the liposomes in blood, release drug profiles and providing an intracellular haven to protect
while conjugating them with antibodies, ligands render targeted them from degradation [31,56]. Characterization of nanoparticles
delivery and stability [31,39]. Niosomes, marinosomes, ethosomes, involves evaluation of the physicochemical properties, assessment
transferosomes are the different types of liposomes in use for drug of pyrogenicity, toxicity, sterility, and biodistribution tailored to
delivery [39]. individual therapeutics and dosage regimen [31,56], as these assess
Viral nanoparticles: Viral nanoparticles (VNPs) are naturally the safety and toxicity of the nanoparticles [56].
occurring bionanomaterials derived from plants, insects and bacteria Physicochemical characterization: This involves particle size, size
which are not only biocompatible and biodegradable, but also non- distribution, surface chemistry, porosity, solubility, purity, stability,
infectious and non-hazardous to humans. Virus-like nanoparticles aggregation/agglomeration state, all of which determine/influence
(VLNPs) are a subtype of VNPs that are devoid of genetic material the in vivo distribution, targeting ability, drug loading ability and
[50]. VNPs are well-characterised, structurally uniform with high release pattern, safety, stability, toxicity, efficacy of the nanoparticle
loading capacity, safe, and easy to produce in bulk and engineer and provide a basis for understanding the structure and activity
[50,51]. The first VNPs produced were from plant cowpea mosaic
relationship [3,11,29,37,56,57]. Simple molecules can be adequately
virus, which showed increased delivery to cancer cells due to the ease
characterized by their molecular weight and spectral properties to
of binding of the drug encapsulated nanoparticles to the virus cells.
determine purity and functionality. However for nanoparticles which
The protein coating of VNPs can be conjugated or encapsulated with
are multipart and multifunctional, thorough assessment individual
specific ligands and antibodies for targeted delivery [11,50]. VNPs can
parts, chemical stability, physicochemical properties along with in
thus be used in delivery of vaccines, imaging using iron oxide, gene
vitro and in vivo evaluation needs to be performed [56].
delivery and targeted delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs [11,50,51].
Size, size distribution and surface properties: Particle size
Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN): Solid lipid nanoparticles are
affects the drug release, as smaller particles have large surface area
submicron colloidal lipid carriers, made of biodegradabale solid
[37]. Surface properties influence the adsorption of proteins, fugacity
lipids like cetylpalmitate, glycerol tripalmitate, glyceryl behenate,
from phagocytes and fate of bioavailability. These parameters, which
having a size range of 10 to 1000 nm and added advantage over lipid
are often complicated, are determined by the following techniques.
emulsions and polymeric nanoparticles [31,39,40,52]. They possess
Particle size, size distribution and polydispersity index (PDI) can be
solid, rigid core matrix consisting of hydrophobic lipids surrounded
determined by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Atomic force
by a monolayer of phospholipids [19]. These NPs are stabilised
microscopy (AFM) and Photon-correlation spectroscopy (PCS) {also
by inclusion of high levels of surfactants to solubilize lipophilic
known as Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS)} [56,57]. Transmission
molecules [40]. They are easily biodegradable, less toxic with high
electron microscopy (TEM) is used to determine the core size of the
physical stability, high drug loading capacity, controlled drug release
particles along with the homogeneity [57]. The hydrodynamic size
and can be produced on large scale [31,39,40,52]. They also show
at physiological pH and temperature in an isotonic solution, which
good tolerability, site specific targeting and controlled release of drugs
influence the degree of agglomeration, can be measured by DLS, Quasi
[39,40]. Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) composed of solid and
elastic light scattering (QELS) and Analytical Ultracentrifugation
liquid lipids were designed to overcome the limitations of solid lipid
(AU) [56,57]. Mercury porositometry, Laser defractrometry, Rose
nanoparticles. NLCs have high drug loading capacity and increased
bangle (dye) binding, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy are also
stability over solid lipid nanoparticles. Lipid drug conjugates take the
techniques used to determine the particle size [29,58,59].
advantage of incorporating both lipophilic and hydrophilic drugs.
These nanoparticles can be used to deliver drugs orally, topically and Surface charge and hydrophobicity: Surface charge determines
via inhalation [31,39,40] the electrostatic interaction of nanoparticles with bioactive com-
pounds. This is evaluated through Zeta potential of the nanoparticles,
Nanocrystals: Nanocrystals are aggregates of crystalline form of
which provides information about surface hydrophobicity, storage
drugs surrounded by a surfactant coating [31] and have emerged as
stability, and nature of the material encapsulated [37]. Surface hydro-
an alternative form of drug delivery for poorly soluble drugs [53].
phobicity can also be determined by contact angle measurements, bi-
Nanocrystals have been formulated for hydrophobic drugs with
phasic partitioning, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, while
a thin hydrophilic coating [31,54], and can be prepared by top-
specific chemical groups attached to the surface can be identified by
down method or bottom-up method [53,55]. The hydrophilic layer
X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy [37].
determines the biological reactions, and benefits in biodistribution
and bioavailability, preventing aggregation [31]. The drugs loading Purity, composition and functional characterization: The
capacity of these nanocrystals is about 100% and are most stable structure, purity and functionality can be characterized by Nuclear
[55]. These formulations can be delivered intravenously and does not Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy [57,60-62]. Purity
require prior solubilisation of the drug and hence are safer in terms of the particles can be determined by UV-Visible detectors and
of cellular toxicity [53,55]. The advantages of nanocrystals are in their fluorescence detectors. CHN analysis ascertains the purity and
ease of drug-loading, formulating poorly soluble drugs, excellent elemental composition of the nanoparticles. Composition can also
antitumor activity, easy scale-up for manufacture, cost effective, dose be determined by Atomic absorption (AA) and Atomic emission

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Citation: Panchangam RBS, Dutta T (2015) Engineered Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Anticancer Therapeutics. J Pharm Drug Deliv Res 4:1.


(AE) [57]. Surface Plasmon resonance (SPR) characterizes functional (MTT) reduction assay. Monolayer adherence can be investigated
components like quantity, activity, orientation and distribution. by Sulforhodamine B total protein staining assay [56,57]. Cell cycle
analysis, Cell binding and pharmacology can be elucidated by Flow
Stability, molecular weight and other characteristics: Stability
Cytometry, ELISA, Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR), Liquid scintil-
of the nanoparticles under physiological and non physiological
lation counter (LSC) [37,57,65,66]. Biodistribution and Pharmacoki-
conditions deems essential for their biological activity, storage, light
netics which are indexed by localization of the nanoparticle in the
and thermal exposure, lyophilisation, ultra filtration, pH variation
[57]. Molecular weight can be determined by Matrix-assisted tissues can be identified by Energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) [56]. Blood
laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass contact is determined by Chromatography, High Performance Liquid
spectroscopy, along with presence of impurities [57]. The structural, Chromatography and Gel Electrophoresis. Cellular uptake is deter-
magnetic, thermal and electronic properties can be considered using mined by Fluoresence Microscopy, Scanning Electron Miscroscopy,
scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM), magnetic field microscopy and Electrophoresis. Reactive oxygen species generation by nanopar-
(MFM), scanning thermal microscopy and electric field gradient ticles is vowed to the unique surface chemistry, large surface area
microscopy (EFM) [57]. Quantification of nanoparticles can be and catalytic contaminants of nanoparticles, which can be assessed
performed by Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or by fluorescent dichlorohydroflourescein (DCFH) assay [57]. Phago-
bicinchoninic acid (BCA), UV spectroscopy or High performance cytosis can be assayed by EM, chemiluminescence [56]. Sterility and
liquid chromatography [37,57]. pyrogenicity of the nanoparticles is determined by lumulus amebocye
lysate (LAL)-based assay and rabbit pyrogen test [56]. In vivo char-
Drug loading and drug release: Drug loading and subsequent acterization involves the examination of effects on internal organs
release are the two major factors which determine the amount of and immune system, evaluating the hematology, pathology, clinical
drug reaching the tumor site. The process of incorporation of a drug chemistry, histology [56], the primary goal of which is to evaluate the
in a nano carrier is known as drug loading/encapsulation, and the pharmacokinetics, safety and efficacy [57].
reverse process of drug liberation is known as drug release, both
depend on the type of nanoparticle [63]. Drugs can be loaded during Exploiting tumor properties
the preparation of nanoparticles and /or after the preparation [63]. Lack of selectivity, systemic toxicity and rapid renal clearance
There are 3 methods of drug loading, viz., physical entrapment, are the major constraints of delivering drugs to solid tumors [67-
chemical conjugation and poly ionic complexation [64]. Different
techniques for analysing the mechanisms of drug loading are UV
spectroscopy, ultra filtration, gel filtration, NMR, Fourier transform
infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) [63], while X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy (XPS) and electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis
(ESCA) investigate the surface chemistry [63]. As the drug reached
the targeted site, its release is governed by drug solubility, desorption
of the surface adsorbed drug, nanoparticle matrix degradation, drug
diffusion through nanoparticle matrix and combination of erosion/
diffusion processes [37]. Dialysis bag diffusion method, reverse
dialysis bag method, agitation followed by ultracentrifugation, side-
by-side diffusion cells, centrifugal ultracentrifugation methods,
analyse the time period for the release of drugs [37]. An important
parameter in the development of successful formulations is the
efficient release of the nanoparticle encapsulated drug [3].
In vitro and in vivo characterization: In vitro characterization of Normal Blood vessel

nanoparticles performed frequently with in vivo studies assesses the

pharmacokinetics, efficacy, physiological and biochemical mecha-
nisms, providing information about the biodistribution and toxicity
profiles [56,57] of nanoparticles. In vitro studies offer a preliminary
assessment concerning therapeutic nanoparticles, establishing the
strategy of investigations required for in vivo trials [56]. In vitro char-
acterization includes binding and pharmacology, cellular uptake and
distribution, contact with blood, sterility and pyrogenicity [56,57,65].
The toxicological end points include protein synthesis inhibition and
microtubule injury, which provide information of the potential cell
death mechanisms and identify the compounds that cause these tox-
icities via mechanisms like apoptosis, oxidative stress, and mitochon-
drial dysfunction [57]. Target organ toxicity assessments are carried
out on liver and kidneys, as these are the principle sites of accumu-
Tumor leaky blood vessel
lation, processing and clearance of nanoparticles [57]. Trypan blue
exclusion assay and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage assay mea-
sure the membrane integrity. Metabolic activity can be measured by Figure 2: Normal vs tumor vasculature.

3-(4, 5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl) 2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide

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Citation: Panchangam RBS, Dutta T (2015) Engineered Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Anticancer Therapeutics. J Pharm Drug Deliv Res 4:1.


70]. Nanoparticles exploit the advantage of tumor vasculature is acidic in nature, many drugs are conjugated to tumor specific
characteristics such as the disorganised tumor vessels, the enlarged molecules/delivery systems and administered, where the nanoparticle
gap junctions between the vascular endothelial cells and compromised is degraded to release the active drug [11,34]. The delivery systems
lymphatic drainage, and are passively targeted to the tumor site, include liposomes, nanocrystals, inorganic nanoparticles, micelles,
thereby limiting systemic toxicity and bypassing elimination etc and molecules include PEG, polyvinyl alcohol, chitosan, dextran,
(Figure 2). Selective targeting is achieved by taking advantage of etc [40,87]. Successful passive targeting is limited by the extravasation
the aberrant vascular construction, hypervascularization, thereby of the nanoparticle, as being tumor specific and high interstitial fluid
enhancing the permeability of the drug to the tumor site, while lack pressure [11,69]. To overcome these obstacles, the nanoparticles
of lymphatic drainage and tight endothelial junctions prevent their have to be actively targeted. Active targeting involves conjugation
escape leading to increased retention in plasma. This effect known of targeting ligands on the surface of the nano carrier with
as “Enhanced Permeability and Retention” (EPR) effect [7,11,67 receptors that are over expressed on the target tumor site, evading
80] is a medal standard for novel drug design. Macromolecular drug efflux pump, to increase tumor cellular take and retention
drugs easily are spilled through the gaps in the vascular endothelial [3,11,28,34,40,69,86,87,88]. One approach to achieve this is to target
cells and are cleared from tumor tissue at a much slower rate than the tumor microenvironment including the extracellular matrix and
from normal inflammatory tissue [73,75]. This permeability has alternatively to target the tumor surface receptors [88]. Peptides,
become an important phenomenon for the targeted delivery of drugs antibodies, growth factors, transferrins, cytokines, nucleic acids,
and imaging using Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Positron glycoproteins, polysaccharides, folate, small molecules are expansively
emitting tomography (PET), fluorescent imaging [73]. The vascular engaged as targeting moieties [3,34,40,69,87]. Nevertheless large
permeability and the EPR effect are generally enhanced by mediators hydrodynamic size limits their intratumoral uptake, and distribution
such as bradykinins, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, in tumor. On the top, conjugation of antibody to multifunctional
oxygen radicals, nitric oxide [69,70,73,75,81]. Also, the tumor tissue nanoparticle adds further complexity in the scale-up production [35].
has derailed autoregulatory homeostatic blood flow control, allowing
elevated blood pressure and flow. This property can be made use to Optimizing nanoparticles by computing and engineering
deliver specific drugs to the tumor [75]. Impaired lymphatic drainage
Nanoparticles have significantly influenced the medical domain
due to tissue destruction and increased interstitial pressure is another
with imprints in diagnosis, treatment, prevention. The effectiveness of
attribute permitting selective accumulation/retention of the drug for
the nanoparticles can be enhanced by understanding their behaviour
longer time in the tumor interstitium [7,11,69,70,73,75,82,83]. Cancer
in vivo using computational methods, allowing classification of
cells are hyper proliferative and hyper metabolic [84]. The circulating
nanomaterials, analysis of data derived from biomedical application,
enzymes metabolise the nutrients providing energy and tumor cells
and simulation of nanoparticles interaction with biological
obtain extra energy via glycolysis [11,69,70,77,85], creating tumor
environment [89]. Identification of specific biomarkers or drug
acidic environment [7,11,67,69,70]. This acidic microenvironment
targets minimizes adverse effects of the drug molecule, while it
is yet another imperative feature for selective release of pH sensitive
simultaneously maximizes the therapeutic efficiency. This computer
slow release drugs. All these features added together can be used in
modelling is done at different levels based on timescale and length
tumor specific drug delivery.
scale, viz., electronic scale, atmositic level, mesoscale level and
Passive and active targeting continuum level [90,91]. Strategies to bypass the physiological
barriers, like use of targeting agents, employment of materials that
The conclusive objective of cancer therapeutics is to potentially promote intracellular trafficking and enable controlled drug release,
target tumor cells alone, limit the drug dose and dosage, and avoid to maximize blood half-life and facilitate the navigation in the body
systemic toxicity and side effects. Nanoparticle technology offers a have been facilitated by tuning the overall size and surface chemistry
rousing stand for drug delivery and to perform more intricate and of the nanoparticles. Surface modification of nanoparticles is done
targeting functions by engineering them [28,70]. The phenomenon by physical and chemical methods [92,93]. Chemically, organic
by which nanoparticles escape from the tumor vasculature and get and inorganic compounds are used or polymeric grafting is done.
aggregated in the interstitia by EPR effect is called Passive targeting This way hydrophilic nanoparticles are made hydrophobic which
[11,28,34,40,69,70,86,87,88], taking the advantage of vascular ultimately increases the interface interactions [92]. Surfactants
permeability. For the nanoparticle to reach the target site, the or macromolecules are adsorbed on the surface of nanoparticles
systemic circulation time should be increased, which can be achieved in physical methods [92], which decrease the particle-particle
by coupling the chemotherapeutic agent to a suitable molecular interactions, deteriorating agglomerate development. Natural or
carrier [34,40]. Very high concentrations of the nanoparticles synthetic polymer nanoparticles can be engineered, because of their
can be achieved in the tumor site and the basis for this is the stability and ease of surface modification, to achieve controlled drug
differential accumulation of nanoparticles, which in turn depends release and localization at the disease site. Mahmoudi et al., have
on the interstitial fluid pressure [69,86,87]. For passive targeting architecture the surface of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanopartciles
to be effective three properties should be carefully considered. (1) by surface coating with polymers, polyethylene glycol, polyethylene
Nanoparticles should be effectively sized to escape the capture of glycol fumarate, polyvinyl alcohol, polysaccharide-based coatings,
liver and filtration by kidneys, ideally between 10 nm to 100 nm. (2) acrylate-based coatings, alginate, chitosan and polyethylenimine,
The nanoparticles should be of neutral or anionic charge for evading and inorganically with iron silica to achieve nanoparticles with
renal elimination and (3) Nanoparticles should escape destruction hydrophilic surface without deterioration of magnetic properties to
by reticulo-endothelial system [28,69,87]. Drugs coupled to certain have high colloidal stability and dispersibility [94]. Liposomes,
molecular carrier via degradable linker effectively increase the dendrimers, micelles which are macromolecules with globular
concentration in tumor site [28,34]. As the tumor microenvironment structure can encapsulate or entrap the therapeutic and/or diagnostic

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Citation: Panchangam RBS, Dutta T (2015) Engineered Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Anticancer Therapeutics. J Pharm Drug Deliv Res 4:1.


3A 3B

Figure 3: Surface modified nanoparticles (A) nanoparticle coated with synthetic polymers, (B) surface modified liposomes (C) surface modified polymeric

agent(s) improving solubility and systemic circulation period while Drug delivery to brain, ovaries, breast, skin, and lung:
protecting them from biodegradation and/or elimination [95]. For Tumors of the brain represent the most challenging and difficult
maximum effectiveness the surface of the nanoparticles are modified areas of medical treatment, due to the lack of effective drug delivery
with hydrophilic agents such as polyethylele glycol, and conjugated methods to the brain and blood-brain barrier (BBB), blood-brain
with homing devices such as antibodies or aptamers and imaging tumor barrier (BBTB) limiting the uptake of neurotherapeutics
devices such as quantum dots and gold nanoparticles (Figure 3). and neuroimaging contrast agents [5,31,45,79,103-106]. Novel
nano-drug delivery systems targeting brain tumors have been
Applications in cancer therapeutics researched successfully over the past years with decreased toxicity
In gene therapy: and improved pharmacological profile 104]. Though the exact
mechanism of delivery of nanoparticles to the brain is not elucidated
Tumor growth and metastasis are dependent on angiogenesis [105] nanoparticle targeting to brain relies on the presence of specific
and this has led to the development of a new therapeutic modality receptor-mediated transport systems in the BBB and the interaction
to target the tumor vasculature where gene therapy a novel approach of the nanoparticles with them [45,79,104]. Physical adhesion
holds promising clinical applications in this regards [5,67,96-99]. The of the drug to the nanoparticle is necessary and uptake of anionic
use of gene therapy yields sustained expression, while lack of safety nanoparticles was superior to neutral and cationic nanoparticles
and efficient delivery systems, and efficacy are the setbacks [67,96- at lower concentrations [45]. Targeting low-density lipoprotein
98]. Two types of vectors find their use in gene therapy – viral and receptors (LDLR) offers the potential of therapeutic selectivity in
non-viral vectors [97,98,100,101]. Despite their high transfection chemotherapeutic drug delivery to treat Glioblastoma multiforme, a
efficiency of viral vectors, their toxic and immunogenic apprehensions most lethal and devastating neoplasm [31]. Poly (alkylcyanoacrylate),
encumber their usage, making non-viral vectors a better choice polyacetate, polysaccharide nanoparticles were able to deliver
[30,67,97,98,100,101]. Non-viral vectors are safer and easy to produce dalagrin, doxorubicin and other agents successfully into the brain
with low immunogenicity, have long term gene expression, can [45,79,104]. Biodegradable polymers greatly expand the spectrum of
drugs available for the treatment of malignant brain tumors [5,103,105].
incorporate large DNA molecules targeting specific genomic sites
Other routes to bypass the BBB would be olfactory and trigeminal nerve
with no detrimental consequences [67,101]. Gene therapy entails the
endings, by conjugating nanoparticles with bioactive ligands-lectins
delivery of antisense oligonucleotides, specific to oncogene targets
to the surface of poly (ethylene glycol)-poly (lactic acid) (PEG-PLGA)
which can inhibit or alter the gene expression in target cell or tissue
[45]. Therapeutic agent loaded nanoparticles using mesenchymal cells as
[32,67]. Nanoparticles in gene delivery are of two types: cationic and carriers injected intracranially, show increased therapeutic activity [107].
anionic nanoparticles, which overcome the hindrance in intracellular
penetration, degradation and cytotoxicity by using an appropriate The fifth leading cause of cancer deaths, ovarian cancer, is associ-
bioconjugated vehicle [32,67,100]. ated with high morbidity and mortality among women [108]. Con-

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Citation: Panchangam RBS, Dutta T (2015) Engineered Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Anticancer Therapeutics. J Pharm Drug Deliv Res 4:1.


ventional treatment measures such as surgery, chemotherapy with poor targeting, systemic toxicity, intolerability, which can be over-
paclitaxel and intraperitoneal delivery of therapeutic DNA increased come by the use of nanoparticles mediated drug delivery [120-122].
survival rate, nevertheless relapse due to multidrug resistance could Carbon nanoparticles, polymeric nanoparticles, metal nanoparticles,
not be deprived of [108-110]. Nanoparticles, liposomes, polymers, liposomes, viral nanoparticles just to name a few are commonly used
micelles, conjugated peptides are of use in ovarian cancer therapy novel treatment measures [120-123].
recently [108]. Use of nanoparticle targeted therapy results in the
In diagnostics and imaging: Enhanced cancer treatment is
overall increased survival rate with efficous outcomes. With the ad-
aimed at identifying the cancer signatures, monitoring drug delivery
vancements in cancer therapy, there have been reduced mortality
and assessing the drug-induced effects using noninvasive methods
rates in women with breast cancer [111,112]. Well established treat-
ment measures of breast cancer include surgery, hormonal therapy, [123]. Cancer nanotechnology this is a multidisciplinary, problem-
radiation and chemotherapy [24]. Treatment with alkaloids, alkylat- driven approach with the aim of bringing advances in cancer
ing agents, anthracyclines, antimetabolites, topoisomerase inhibitors detection, diagnosis, imaging and treatment [44,124]. In order to
focused on suppression of cell division and inhibition of proliferation diagnose, treat and monitor responses to therapy, single integrated
of cancer cells [24], but led to serious side-effects [24,112]. Under- nanoparaticles termed Theranostic nanoparticles were developed,
standing the pathophysiology of breast cancer paved way to therapy with a hope of reducing the manufacturing cost and toxicity, while
by molecular targeting [112,113]. Targeting therapies in breast cancer promoting the targeted delivery of chemotherapeutic agents [40,77].
involve targeting the hormonal and nonhormonal receptors, which Multifunctional magneto-polymeric nanohybrids, supramagnetic
regulate cell differentiation, and growth, movement, cell-cell commu- iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION), polyacrylamide-based hydrogel
nications, and other complex interactions between cancer and tumor nanoparticles are some of the potential theranostic agents extensively
cells, respectively [113]. Liposomes, dendrimers, micelles, nucleic ac- studied [40,77]. For personalised therapy, the theranostic agent has
ids are the different carriers used in the novel treatment strategies to be modified to produce required physical and chemical changes
against breast cancer [24,113]. The most common targets of these in the body based on the response by activating them. This holds
carriers include HER-2 receptor, which is over expressed in about 20- the advantage of restricting the amount and the duration of drug
30% breast cancers [6,7,113,114], folate receptors, estrogen receptors release, thereby closely monitoring the treatment efficacy [40]. Radio
[112], epidermal growth factor receptors [114-116]. Application of labelled nanoparticles tagged with appropriate fluorescent moieties
these treatment measures increased the survival rate and reduced the conjugated with functional molecules serve as new diagnostic tools
overall side effects of the conventional therapy [113]. Skin serves as a in cancer therapy [44]. Also the fluorescent nanoparticles such as
physical biological barrier for the penetration of microbes, chemicals, Quantum dots can be used as subtle and highly specific probes for
ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) radiation and some drugs, thereby high-throughput screening, cellular biology and cell imaging [123].
protecting the body form the callous eternal environment [117-119]. Conventional imaging techniques such as MRI, PET, Ultrasound,
Skin cancers are mainly of two types: Melanoma skin cancers and Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), etc. are
Non-melanoma skin cancers [117,118]. Melanoma skin cancer origi- able to detect cancer only once the tumor or lumps are visible, while
nates from melanocytes, the cells which produce melanin, the pigment noninvasive molecular cancer imaging permits early detection of
that gives the skin its characteristic colour or tan, and is malignant in cancer at molecular level, even before the onset of phenotypic changes
nature [118]. Non-melanoma skin cancer is of two types: Basal cell [40,77]. Lipid-based nanoparticles, quantum dots, multimodal
carcinoma and Squamous cell carcinoma, and are the most common imaging theranostic nanoparticles have growing importance
of the skin cancers in humans [117,118]. Though the under etiology in cancer imaging [28,29,124]. Carbon nanotubes, and gold
is not completely understood, interactions between the skin and en- nanoparticles are extensively studied for optical and acoustic imaging
vironmental factors, such as UV radiation might explain the patho- [77]. These imaging functionalized nanoparticles have the capability
genesis [117,118]. Conventional surgical treatment measures include to allow focused and targeted therapy monitoring [77]. Polymeric
surgery, curettage and nonsurgical methods involve chemotherapy, nanoparticles loaded with docetaxel and superparamagnetic iron
radiation [118]. However, owing to the non-specific targeting and oxide nanocrystals are used in cancer therapy and imaging [125].
side effects such as pain, inflammation, scars these healing techniques
Targeted delivery
are limited [117,118]. Nanoparticulate systems have been successful
in increasing skin drug absorption and release time, achieved by the Antibody – targeted therapy and targeted delivery by small
use of liposomes as nanoemulsions, biodegradable polymers, solid molecules: With the advent of therapies that target critical molecular
lipid nanoparticles, magnetic nanoparticles, which improve the drug pathways of tumors, finest treatment at low doses has become possible,
adhesion to the skin and create hydration [117,118]. Titanium diox- as these offer better tolerance with fewer side effects [6]. Targeted
ide, zinc oxide, 5-fluorouracil, imiquimod are some of the chemo- therapy interferes with specific molecules that are required for
therapeutic agents frequently formulated with naoparticles for use in growth and development of tumor, thereby inhibiting the tumor cell
skin cancers [117]. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer tran- proliferation [6]. Antibodies were the earliest targeted therapies, and
sience globally [120-122], amongst all types of cancers. Small cell lung have emerged as important therapeutic agents for several malignancies
carcinoma and non-small cell lung carcinoma are the two types of [6,7] and their ability to target tumors enabled improved selectivity,
lung cancers widely classified [120-122], the causative being the use which is influenced by multiple antigen recognition sites, effector
of tobacco and nicotine products. Adenocarcinoma is another type of domains, altered size [7]. Also, cytotoxic drugs can be selectively
lung cancer associated with radiation, asbestos, and other environ- delivered using tumor-specific antigens as targeting moieties,
mental toxins [120]. Conventional treatment involves surgery, che- reducing toxic side effects [3]. Vascular epithelial growth factors
motherapy with Cisplatin and Carboplatin, radiation therapy, gene (VEGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF/HER1), HER2/neu are some
therapy [120-122]. However these methods have limitations such as of the pathways often targeted [6,7]. Two antibody-targeted therapies
[6]-Monoclonal antibodies target extracellular components such as

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Citation: Panchangam RBS, Dutta T (2015) Engineered Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Anticancer Therapeutics. J Pharm Drug Deliv Res 4:1.


ligands and receptor binding domains and small molecule inhibitors intravenously to avoid gastrointestinal degradation and hepatic
enter cell and block receptor signalling and interfere downstream metabolism [6]. Identification of antigens and receptors specifically
intracellular molecules are actively under research and development, overexpressed on tumor cells are under active research and utilize
the differences of which are depicted in Table 2. The fragment antigen data from serological, proteomic, genomic and bioinformatic
binding (Fab) site of the monoclonal antibody recognises and binds branches [128]. Therapeutically loaded nanoparticles with surface
to the antigen with high specificity [6]. Monoclonal antibodies serve bound specific recognition ligands such as antibodies open a new
as carriers in immunoconjugate therapy by conjugating monoclonal era in the diagnosis, imaging and treatment of neoplasms [129,130].
antibodies to drugs, toxins, radioisotopes to enable enhanced Nanoparticle-antibody conjugates can be used both as targeting agent
killing of tumor cells [126]. Choice of target tumor antigen, ability for the drug loaded nanoparticle and a therapeutic agent. Some of the
to penetrate solid tumors, immunogenicity, half-life and immune nanoparticle-antibody conjugates are exemplified in Table 3. Size of
effector functions of the antibodies are consideration factors for the nanoparticle and the surface ligand density are the critical features
designing the appropriate monoclonal antibodies [7,126,127]. The to be optimized in the development of NP-Ab conjugates for better
development of antibodies in linked to the understanding of in vivo clinical applications [130]. Small molecule inhibitors on the other
antibody properties, cancer serology, mechanisms of resistance, hand interrupt cellular processes by interfering with intracellular
protein-engineering techniques and the assessment of the functional signalling of tyrosine kinases, which plays a key role in cell growth
effects on cancer cells [127,128]. Based on the mechanism of action, and proliferation, migration, angiogenesis [6]. Phosphorylation of
i.e., engagement of antibodies with cell surface receptors, or to activate proteins regulates most cellular activities and abnormality leads to
complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC), or antibody-dependent flawed proliferation, anti-apoptosis and angiogenesis [7]. The delivery
cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) the antigen-monoclonal antibody of small molecules by nanoparticles bypasses limitations such as
complex should not be internalized, allowing maximum availability poor water solubility, nonspecific biodistribution and targeting,
of Fc region to complement proteins and immune effector cells and drug resistance thereby enhancing solubilized drug delivery,
[127,128]. Antibodies that function by downstream regulation of cell increased systemic circulation time, enhanced accumulation in
surface receptors and by delivering toxins into cancer cells tumor cells and reduced drug resistance [78]. Several small molecule
require internalization [127,128]. These antibodies are administered chemotherapeutic agents [78] are encapsulated in nanoparticles with

Table 2: Difference between monoclonal antibodies and small molecule.

Attribute Monoclonal antibodies Small molecule inhibitors Reference

Administration Intravenous Oral
Preparation Bio-engineering Chemical methods
Targeting Specific targeting Less specific targeting
Metabolism Not metabolized Metabolized by P450
Drug interactions Not significant Significant 6
Half life Long (days to weeks) Short (few hours)
Dosage Weekly Daily

Table 3: Nanoparticle-antibody conjugates..

Antibody Nanoparticle Target Indication Reference

Rituximab CD20 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 7, 125, 126

Trastuzumab PLGA HER-2 Metastatic breast cancer 6,7, 125-128

Bevacizumab VEGF Metastatic colorectal cancer 6, 7, 125-127
Anti-nectin -2 Nectin-2 Breast and ovarian cancers 130

Gemtuzumab CD33 Acute myeloid leukemia 127, 131

Alemtuzumab Gold CD52/ VEGF Chronic lymphotic leukemia 125-127, 131
Cetuximab Gold EGFR Colorectal cancer 6, 125-128
Panitumumab Gold EGFR Colorectal cancer 6, 125-128
Herceptin Polymeric HER-2 Breast cancer 122

Table 4: Small molecule inhibitors. (CML: Chronic myeloid leukaemia, Ph +ALL: Pheladelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukaemia)..

Drug Nanoparticle Targeted Ligand Target organ/tissue References

Rapamycin PLGA EGFR Breast cancer 1
Paclitaxel PLGA N-acetylglucosamine, sialic acid Colon cancer 134
Cisplatin PLGA-mPEG Multiple cancers 76
Paclitaxel SLNPs Folate receptor Solid tumors 49
Doxorubicin Human serum albumin DR4, DR5 Multiple tumors 135

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Citation: Panchangam RBS, Dutta T (2015) Engineered Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Anticancer Therapeutics. J Pharm Drug Deliv Res 4:1.


Table 5: Ligand targeted nanoparticles. associated antigen delivery efficiency to the target immune cells, and
Small molecule Target Indication Reference
prevent the degradation of vaccine, thereby increasing the immune
responses against tumor cells [39,67,144-146]. The benefit of this
Gefitinib EGFR Small cell lung cancer 6, 7 approach lies in the ability to systemically stimulate the anti-tumor
Imatinib immune response in the host body inducing tumor cell killing
Tyrosine kinase Chronic myeloid leukemia 6
specificity while resulting in immunological memory to provide long
Dasatinib Tyrosine kinase CML, Ph + ALL 6 term protection against relapse [146]. Tumor associated antigens
Hepatocellular and renal (TAAs) are proteins that are specifically expressed on tumor cells
Sorafenib Protein kinases 6
cell carcinoma and nanocariers loaded with TAAs can be specifically targeted to
Sunitinib Tyrosine kinase Renal cell carcinoma 6 the Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) or dendritic cells (DCs), to
Doxorubicin DNA Metastatic breast cancer 75 successfully deliver tumor specific antigens and enhance immune
response for cytotoxic T cells [143,146]. Moreover the potential of the
wide and approved treatment of several cancers, some of them are nanocarriers to control or sustain the release of antigens at tumor site
listed in Table 4. results in site-specific accumulation for long term antigenic memory
[144,146]. The advantage of nanoparticles is that they can encapsulate
Ligand-targeted therapy: The delivery of ligand-targeted
various antigens simultaneously demonstrating inhibition of tumor
nanoparticles involves active targeting, which is based on molecular
growth and metastasis, while boosting the immunity and relapse
recognition of biomarkers overexpressed on tumor cells, through
prevention [143,145]. Surface fabrication is one more attribute
specific molecules conjugated to their surface and aims to increase
to functionalize the nanoparticles, for example, in dimensions
specific cell uptake reducing systemic toxicity [7,133,134]. Ligands
resembling pathogens to orient surface active nanoparticles to attract
such as monoclonal antibodies, peptides, lectins, aptamers, and folate
and engulf more nanoparticles [144,146]. Antigen loaded polymeric
are coupled to nanoparticles so that the ligand can interact with the
nanoparticles hold noteworthy potential as vaccine delivery systems
specific receptor at the target site, portrayed in Table 5.
Paclitaxel loaded heparin carrier target folate receptors in head
and neck tumor [11].
Challenges involved with nanoparticles
In manufacturing, research and development, and regulatory:
Cisplatin loaded PEG-PLGA nanoparticles conjugated with
Production of nanoparticles using the conventional trials and safety
aptamers are used to target angiogenic blood vessels in cancer tumor
procedures may not be apt [147]. The testing procedures for assessing
and endothelial cells.
the safety of nanoparticles are deemed inadequate [9,29-31,37,
Stem cell therapy: Researchers have confirmed the presence of 39,41,42,148] and extra measures and assays are under investigation
two types of cells in a tumor: small, unusual, dormant, transformed to call off the toxicities associated with the use of nanoparticles.
cells known as Cancer stem cells (CSCs) or tumor initiating cells For the nanoparticle to penetrate the deeper tissues, they should be
(TICs) and rapidly proliferating cells [74-76]. CSCs have the ability to nanosized. The smaller is the size, the greater is the surface area and
retain their genetic program and thus can self-renew, regenerating the some nanoparticles with large surface area show increased toxicity
tumor and offer self-protection. Moreover these cells are resistant to [29,37,39]. Any drug, device or biologic product meant for human
conventional therapies, leading to relapse and formation of metastases and/or animal intervention has to be approved by certain regulatory
[77,137,138]. CSCs have been identified in numerous tumors such as authorities, complying with the good clinical practice (GCP) and good
cancer of breast, lung, brain, colon, liver, bladder, prostrate, pancreas, manufacturing practices (GMP) guidelines [30,148]. Nanoparticles
head and neck, kidney, melanoma [137,138]. Normal stem cells have to triumph the stringent assessment criteria to be approved for
have their application in the replenishment of blood and immune human use. This calls for investors and manufacturers to invest time
systems that were injured in cancer treatments. They also subsidize and capital [30,148]. More over the data and statistics generated from
as delivery vehicles and in tissue regeneration in cancer [139]. Self- animal and in vitro studies cannot be completely co-related with use
renewal, ability to produce wide spectrum of progeny, utilization of in humans, which demands further research and tests obsessed by the
common signalling pathways, expression of specific surface markers applications and risk involved [30,42,148]. Producing nanoparticles
and oncogenes are some traits commonly shared by both normal and of desired size, using the correct choice of carrier, drug entrapment,
cancer stem cells. One character that differentiates these cells is that biocompatibility, biodegradability, to permit enhanced retention
CSCs have tumorigenic ability, and that these cells do not have the and controlled release of the encapsulated drug sustain as major
control on their cell number, a trait which is thought to be obtained challenges in the research and development and manufacturing
through multiple mutations in the genomic level resulting in their [29-31,39,41]. Modifying the characterization of the nanoparticles,
genetic instability or oncogene-induced plasticity [138,139]. Ligand
targeted nanoparticles with impounded chemotherapeutic agents
overcome the risk of drug resistance increasing the selectivity and Table 6: Nanoparticles in stem cell therapy.
internalization [137]. Examples of nanoparticles targeting CSCs Nanoparticle Conjugated/ Target Reference
have been depicted in the Table 6. New treatment models targeting encapsulated with
CSCs are under research with several of these nanomedicines under Curcimin loaded NP Polymer Brain tumor 136, 139
clinical trials, with a focus on the elimination of cancer initiating cells
[137,138]. Gold NP Doxorubicin Breast 140

Mesoporous silica NP Folate Notch signalling 136, 141

In vaccines: Immunotherapy is a new cancer treatment modality
where Nanoparticles as cancer vaccine carriers increase tumor- Paclitaxel loaded NP Anti-CD133 antibody Liver cancer 142

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Citation: Panchangam RBS, Dutta T (2015) Engineered Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Anticancer Therapeutics. J Pharm Drug Deliv Res 4:1.


conjugation with appropriate ligands, are some of the ways to tackle mankind is still at stake, owing to the increasing number of diseases,
the scenario [39]. However large scale up production poses the less effective treatment regimen, acquired drug resistance and toxicity,
risk of low concentration of nanomaterial, improper encapsulation and cancer occupies the first position. Novel therapeutic agents and
of the drug, agglomeration, cost of material and time involved in methods have been developed which tend to increase the treatment
production. These challenges are still to be addressed, standards to efficiency and survival rate. However, this set of advancement has
be designed to characterize and measure the benefits and risks [39]. its own limitations not limited to systemic toxicity, drug resistance,
bulk drug doses, targeting inefficiency, side effects and high treatment
In drug delivery: Nanoparticles are designed and optimised
costs. The advances in molecular biology and understanding of the
to overcome the barriers in drug delivery, by improving the
critical pathways involved in cell transformation has escorted to
bioavailability, stability, solubility, sustained release of drug at the
the development of targeted drug delivery using nanoparticles,
tumor site, and ease of access to the targeted location, and to by-pass
which have overcome most of the limitation of the conventional
the systemic toxicity and macrophage uptake [1,10,11,28,34,41,67-
healing course. Biocompatible and biodegradable nanoparticles,
70,148]. Of all the routes of drug administration peroral route is
with high drug loading and release capacity have been developed
still extensively investigated owing to the advantage of convenience
in the recent years and stand as the active tools of clinical research.
and low manufacturing cost [41]. However the barriers of acid and
Nevertheless, nanotechnology in cancer has the cons of large scale
enzymatic degradation are still live. Pulmonary delivery has the risk
manufacturability, high cost, unexpected toxicity, intervention with
of drug accumulation in the alveoli and blood capillaries. Inhalation
normal biological processes, which when overcome might direct the
and sublingual routes have the shortcoming of ocular and delivery
medical sciences to prosperity.
to internal tissues. Transdermal delivery avoids gastrointestinal
discomfort and first pass metabolism, but cannot dodge slow Conclusion
penetration, lack of dose precision [41]. One more deficiency is the
lack of understanding of the in vivo behaviour of the nanoparticles, in Cancer nanotechnology unlocks opportunities for personalised
terms of distribution, accumulation and elimination [31,42], which is diagnosis and treatment by the use of multifunctional nanoparticles
currently under investigation. for sensing cancer specific biomarkers, imaging tumors and
functional delivery of therapeutic agent with real time progress
Toxicity, hazards and ethics: Regardless of the potential benefits monitoring. Extensive research is going on all over the world for
of nanoparticles, there are certain detriments that were not considered exploring engineered nanoparticles for the delivery of anticancer
until recently [29,42,148]. Cytotoxicity, by-products, inflammation, therapeutics. While some such formulations are already in the
accumulation in the body tissues are some of the major problems market, the regulatory agencies are still sceptical about the safety,
associated with the use of nanoparticles that are beyond those caused efficacy, scalability and stability of these formulations.
with traditional drug delivery systems [39,41,42,148]. Pathologies
of gastrointestinal system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems Notes: The authors declare no competing financial interest.
are not exhaustive [30]. Size of the nanoparticle, surface area and References
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