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Modification of The Railway Traction Elements

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Modification of the Railway Traction Elements
Jarosław Konieczny 1, * , Krzysztof Labisz 1 and Wojciech Pakieła 2

1 Department of Railway Transport, Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering,

Silesian University of Technology, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
2 Department of Materials Engineering and Biomaterials, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Silesian University of Technology, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
* Correspondence:

Abstract: This paper presents the results of research on a newly developed surface layer made by
laser remelting the working surface of the Cu-ETP (CW004A, Electrolytic Tough Pitch) copper section
insulator guide with Cr-Al powder. For the investigation, a fibre laser was used with relatively high
power, reaching 4 kW, so as to ensure a high gradient of cooling rate for microstructure refinement.
The microstructure of the transverse fracture of the layer (SEM) and the distribution of elements in
the microareas (EDS) were investigated. The test results showed that chromium does not dissolve in
the Cu matrix, and its precipitates take the shape of dendrites. The hardness and thickness of the
surface layers as well as the friction coefficient and the influence of the Cr-Al powder feeding speed
on them were examined. For the distance from the surface to 0.45 mm, the hardness of the produced
coatings is above 100 HV0.3 , while the friction coefficient of the produced coatings is in the range of
0.6–0.95. More sophisticated investigation results concern the d-spacing lattice parameters of the
crystallographic structure of the obtained Cu phase reaching the range between 3.613–3.624 Å.

Keywords: section insulator guide; Cu-ETP; laser alloying; wear treatment; hardness; X-ray; SEM;

1. Introduction
Copper is highly reflective to infrared-wavelength light, which is the typical wave-
length of almost all the laser sources mounted on MAM machines today (i.e., ~1080 µm).
Citation: Konieczny, J.; Labisz, K.;
Pakieła, W. Modification of the
As a result, Cu powder is not able to absorb the energy required for melting, so to overcome
Railway Traction Elements. Materials
this critical issue, more energy should be supplied by using more powerful laser sources.
2023, 16, 2941. For this reason, the undertaken research was carried out to minimize surface properties [1].
10.3390/ma16082941 Section insulator guides play an important role in railway transportation; they are
especially of huge importance when the fluency and stability of an electric current in the
Academic Editor: Sergei A. Kulinich
grid should remain stable. They should be built of material that presents excellent electri-
Received: 30 January 2023 cal conductivity and their surface should ensure optimal mechanical properties such as
Revised: 24 March 2023 hardness, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance in elevated temperature because of the
Accepted: 27 March 2023 occurrence of an electric arc. Some parameters can still be improved, especially the plastic
Published: 7 April 2023 deformation stability, which is the main reason for exchanging used and deformed parts.
The section insulator guides and the wires of the railway traction are made of copper
(CW004A) Cu-ETP [2,3]. During operation, they are exposed to several tribological mecha-
nisms, including corrosion (oxidation of copper), friction, abrasive wear, and arc erosion [4],
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
the most destructive of which is an electric arc [5]. The generation of an electric arc causes
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
disturbances in current flow, a rapid increase in temperature at the contact points [6], which
This article is an open access article
leads to increased wear of the guides and the phenomenon of micro-welding [7]. Changing
distributed under the terms and
the geometry of the guide and changing the smoothness of the surface contribute to the
conditions of the Creative Commons
more frequent occurrence of an electric arc [8].
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://

Materials 2023, 16, 2941.

Materials 2023, 16, 2941 2 of 21

Therefore, it seems advisable to strengthen the working surface of the guide that is
in contact with the pantograph current collector of the pantograph. The result of such a
modification of the surface should be an increase in tribological resistance and resistance
to high temperature induced within the electric arc [9]. Modification of the guide surface
should also reduce the electrical conductivity of the guide as little as possible.
One of the methods used to modify the structure and properties of the surface layers
is alloying by using a laser beam [10]. The first attempt to use a laser for the enhancement
of the surface layer microstructure was done using a CO2 laser. Due to some disadvantages
and also the availability of new laser technology in this work, a fibre laser was used. Fibre
lasers have advantages concerning good output laser beam quality, as well as high electro-
optic efficiency, a wide range of work materials, low comprehensive operating cost, and
showcase higher technical and economic performances. Compared with CO2 lasers, fibre
lasers have a higher conversion efficiency and lower use cost. According to the economic
calculation, the use cost of fibre lasers is 50% lower than the usage cost of CO2 lasers per
hour. Fibre lasers have higher power, efficiency, and also do not require any adjustment
or maintenance.
Fabrication of metallic matrix composite (MMC) coatings by adding ceramic powders
often suffer from weak interfacial bonding due to poor wetting, formation of undesirable
interfacial products, and nonuniform distribution of the ceramic phase in the metallic
matrix. In order to solve such a problem, the composite coatings are fabricated in-situ [11].
As a result of the laser introduction of Cr-Al particles into the surface layer of the guides
of sectional insulators made of Cu-ETP copper, the structure of the surface layer changes,
and the properties are improved while maintaining thermal and electrical performance to
those of existing and functioning insulators.
Since Cu-ETP melts at a temperature about 800 ◦ C lower than the Cr melting point [4],
the optimal selection of the process parameters is crucial to achieve complete sludge melting
and obtain the desired microstructure and composition in AZ. Additionally, both elements
Cu and Cr differ in values in terms of thermal conductivity, specific heat, or density [4,12].
The aim of this publication is to investigate the functional properties of the guide
layer made of Cu-ETP copper alloyed with CrAl powder by means of a high-power fibre
laser beam.

2. Material and Investigation Methodology

2.1. Laser Treatment Parameters
Laser remelting was performed by feeding the powder with a speed in the range of
0.2–0.8 mm3 /min in a continuous manner to the area of the molten metal pool by dosing
the granulate using a fluidized feeder. The powder feeder was connected to the transport
gas cylinder and the powder feed nozzle. The feathering was made in an argon shield to
protect the substrate against oxidation (Figure 1). A fibre laser (GOPhotonics, New Delhi,
India) was used to remelt the working layer of the guide (Figure 2). CrAl powder in a ratio
95% Cr to 5% Al was used as the alloying material.
Based on the macrostructure analysis of the remelted surface layer, the optimal laser
power P = 4 kW for the Cu-ETP copper substrate material and the appropriate speed of
fusion and remelting the guide were determined. It was found that the optimal speed of
the laser beam Vskan = 0.05 m/min. The powder feed rate was 0.2 mm3 /min, 0.4 mm3 /min,
and 0.8 mm3 /min.

2.2. Microstructure Analysis

The grain microstructure and disorientation studies were performed on the ZEISS
SUPRA 25 scanning electron microscope (SEM—Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany) using the
EDS and EBSD methods. Samples for SEM observation in EBSD mode were prepared
on a GATAN ion polisher. For phase identification, the Titan 800 transmission electron
microscope (FEI, Eindhoven, The Netherlands) was used with the field electron gun X-FEG
Materials 2023, 16, 2941 3 of 21

Materials 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW

Materials 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW
with a brightness reaching 5·107 A·m−2 ·sr−1 V−1 and electron energy ranging from 80 to
300 kV, especially using the selected area diffraction patterns (SAED).

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the stand for laser feeding of metal powder to the top lay
Figure 1. 1. Schematic
Schematic diagram
diagram of theforstand
of the stand for laser
laser feeding feeding
of metal of metal
powder to the powder to the
top layer of the top lay
insulator guide:
guide: 1—laser
1—laser head, head,
beam, beam, 3—focussing
3—focussing lens, lens, 4—protective
4—protective glass, glass, 5—p
insulator guide: 1—laser head, 2—laser beam, 3—focussing lens, 4—protective glass, 5—p
gas nozzle, 6—applied
6—applied layer layer alloying
alloying material,material,
7—alloyed7—alloyed layer,
layer, 8—native 8—native material.
gas nozzle, 6—applied layer alloying material, 7—alloyed layer, 8—native material.

Figure 2. 2. Applied
Applied fibrefibre
laser. laser.
Figure 2. Applied fibre laser.
2.3. Hardness Measurement
Based on
Hardness on
the macrostructure
on a Zwick/ZHR
of the remelted
the tester
hardness remelted surface layer,
(ZwickRoell, layer, the
the optim
Ger- optim
power P = 4 kW for the Cu-ETP copper substrate material and the appropriate s
many) P
using= 4
the kW for
Rockwell the Cu-ETP
method. The copper
indenter substrate
load was 590 material
N, and the and the
indenter appropriate
was 1/16and
fusion inch.remelting
and The hardness
remelting the guide
the were
were determined.
is equipped
guide It
It was
with an electronic
determined. was found
found that
that the
to calculate optimal
the hardness.
laser beam V skan = 0.05 m/min. The powder feed rate was 0.2 mm 3/min, 0.4 m 3
the laser beam Vskan = 0.05 m/min. The powder feed rate was 0.2 mm /min, 0.4 m
and 0.8
2.4. mm
The abrasion resistance test was performed on a Taylor Hobson tribometer (Taylor
2.2. Microstructure
Hobson Ltd., Leicester, Analysis
Microstructure UK). The ball-shaped counter sample with a diameter of 6 mm was
made of ZrO
The and
grain the load was 10 N. and
microstructure Each measurement consisted of were
1000 cycles across
and disorientation studies performed
on th
the path grain
length microstructure
of 7.2 mm. The total distancedisorientation studies
that the sample made eachwere performed
time was th
36 m.
SUPRA 2525 scanning
scanning electron
electron microscope
microscope (SEM—Zeiss,
(SEM—Zeiss, Oberkochen,
Oberkochen, Germany)
Germany) u u
EDS and EBSD methods. Samples for SEM observation in EBSD mode
EDS and EBSD methods. Samples for SEM observation in EBSD mode were prep were prep
GATAN ionion polisher.
polisher. For
For phase
phase identification,
identification, the
the Titan
Titan 800
800 transmission
transmission elec
croscope (FEI, Eindhoven, The Netherlands) was used with the field electron gu
(FEI, Eindhoven, The Netherlands) was used with the field electron gu
with a brightness reaching 5·107 A·m−2·sr−1 V−1 and electron energy ranging from 8
The surface layer produced on the Cu-ETP surface with the help of chromium and
aluminium powder can be classified as a quasi-coating. There is clear difference between
the base material and the remelted surface layer marked with border boundary: in the
surface layer, the fed chromium occurs in forms, such as in the bulk phase, as well as in
form of very small precipitates acting as the precipitation strengthening factor. However,
Materials 2023, 16, 2941 it is clearly separated from the ground (Figure 3a). In the quasi-structure, the chromium 4 of 21
precipitates take the shape of fish bones (Figure 3b).
Figure 4 shows the cross sections of the top layer after the CrAl powder has fused in.
In the laser-remelted
3. Investigation layer of chromium, the solubility of which in copper is very low, it
takes the formMicroscope
3.1. Scanning of dendrites. Depending
Investigation on the remelting parameters, the amount of den-
dritesThein the observed space is very large,
surface layer produced on the Cu-ETP small (Figure 4a),with
surface or large (Figure
the help 4c). The reason
of chromium and
for the large dendrites is a relatively low cooling rate, which
aluminium powder can be classified as a quasi-coating. There is clear difference allows the dendrites
groove. It should be noted that samples were not cooled after laser
the base material and the remelted surface layer marked with border boundary: in the treatment. Moreover,
the presence
surface layer,ofthe
smaller Cr dendrites
fed chromium occurstestify to a difference
in forms, such as in inthethe cooling
bulk phase,rate in theasre-
as well in
melted layer. The aluminium used for alloying does not form any large
form of very small precipitates acting as the precipitation strengthening factor. However,structures such as
bulk precipitates
it is clearly or dendrites,
separated from theso it will (Figure
ground be further
3a).revealed that the aluminium
In the quasi-structure, occurs in
the chromium
form of smaller praticles not visibile in this
precipitates take the shape of fish bones (Figure 3b). range of magnification.

Figure 3.
Figure Cross-sectionalstructure
3.Cross-sectional structureof
(a) surface
surface layer
layer zones,
zones, (b) chromium dendrites; laser power, melting rate; SEM.

Figure 4 shows the cross sections of the top layer after the CrAl powder has fused
in. In the laser-remelted layer of chromium, the solubility of which in copper is very low,
it takes the form of dendrites. Depending on the remelting parameters, the amount of
dendrites in the observed space is very large, small (Figure 4a), or large (Figure 4c). The
reason for the large dendrites is a relatively low cooling rate, which allows the dendrites to
groove. It should be noted that samples were not cooled after laser treatment. Moreover,
the presence of smaller Cr dendrites testify to a difference in the cooling rate in the remelted
layer. The aluminium used for alloying does not form any large structures such as bulk
precipitates or dendrites, so it will be further revealed that the aluminium occurs in form of
smaller praticles not visibile in this range of magnification.
In Figure 5, the relation between the powder feed rate and the respective layer thick-
ness is presented. What was unexpected, on the basis of analysis of other studies [9,10,13],
is that the increase of the feed rate causes the increase of the layer thickness. The highest
measured thickness layer value corresponds to the feed rate of 0.4 [mm3 /min]. A reason
for the increase of layer thickness could be a result of the higher values of the powder feed
rate, which reached more than 0.8 [mm3 /min]. This could be due to the laser beam energy
absorption by the additional amount of powder, as the powder particles accumulate heat
energy and are therefore able to remelt deeper regions of the treated surface layer.
On the basis of the results of the X-ray qualitative and quantitative EDS microanalysis,
the presence of the elements Cu as a matrix component and Al and Cr, i.e., the elements
included in the fused powder, was confirmed. Moreover, it was found that in items 1 and
2, the chromium concentration was 96 wt.%. (Figure 6, Table 1) while the copper concen-
tration was about 4%. In turn, in item 6, which characterizes the matrix, the chromium
concentration was only 4.1 wt.%. while copper was 95.9 wt.%. In areas 3, 4, and 5, which
in the microstructure in Figure 6 are visible as heterogeneously distributed, small, almost
Materials 2023, 16, 2941 5 of 21

Materials 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 22

spherical precipitates, there is copper (25.4–86.5% by weight), chromium (11.9–65.0% by
weight), and aluminium (1.6–9.6% by weight).

(a) (b)

Figure 4. Cross
Figure 4. section of
Cross section of the
the top
top layer
layer of
of the
the Cu-ETP
Cu-ETP guide
guide after
after fusion
fusion of
of CrAl
CrAl powder:
powder: powder
feed rate (a) 0.2 mm33/min; (b) 0.4 mm3/min; (c) 0.8 mm3/min; SEM.
feed rate (a) 0.2 mm /min; (b) 0.4 mm3 /min; (c) 0.8 mm3 /min; SEM.

The Figure 5, the relation
distribution between
of alloying the powder
elements in thefeed rate and theofrespective
microstructure the alloyed layer thick-
+ness is presented.
CuAl What was
layer is shown unexpected,
in Figure 7. Based on the
on basis of analysis
the results of other
of the X-raystudies
is that the increase
quantitative of the feed rateitcauses
EDS microanalysis, was foundthe increase of the
that there waslayer thickness.
a clear The highest
segregation of the
measured thicknessInlayer
alloying elements. largevalue corresponds
precipitates, to the feed
(1) chromium rate of 0.4in[mm
dominates, 3/min]. A reason
smaller precipitates
for the
with increase ofshape
a spherical layer(2) thickness
aluminium coulddominates,
be a resultwhile
of thethe
higher values
matrix wasofidentified
the powder feed
rate, which reached
exclusively by copper. more than 0.8 [mm /min]. This could be due to the laser beam energy

absorption by the additional

In the investigation of theamount of powder,
microstructure as the
of the powder particles
transmission electronaccumulate
microscope, heat
well as and are therefore
electron diffraction able to remelt
analysis, thedeeper
Cr phaseregions of the
particles treated
were surfaceon
confirmed layer.
the SAED
On the(Figure
diffraction basis of8c).
the results
As theof the X-ray phase,
chromium qualitative and quantitative
the cubic EDS microanaly-
crystallographic phase was
sis, the presence
recognised with theof the elements
lattice Cu as of
parameters a matrix
a = b =component
c values equaland toAl2.97
andÅCr,and i.e.,thethe ele-
α β = γ equal to 90 ◦
ments included in the fused powder, was confirmed. Moreover, it was found that in items
= , as well as with the zone axis of the [1-1-2] direction. The chromium
1 and 2, thepresent in the concentration
chromium copper matrixwas are 96
nm or(Figure
higher,6,as shown
Table in thethe
1) while SEM. The
morphology iswas
concentration uniform
about in 4%.this
In range
turn, in ofitem
size;6,however, the nature of
which characterizes theCrmatrix,
the chro- is
mium from that ofwas
concentration the equilibrium
only 4.1 wt.%. diagram one. In was
while copper addition, the microstructure
95.9 wt.%. In areas 3, 4, and of the
matrix in
which material reveals a relatively
the microstructure high6level
in Figure of diversity
are visible of the microstructure
as heterogeneously compounds,
distributed, small,
which comes from the high energy level delivered by the laser beam.
almost spherical precipitates, there is copper (25.4–86.5% by weight), chromium (11.9– The high amount of
energy leads to obtaining a very non-homogeneous
65.0% by weight), and aluminium (1.6–9.6% by weight). structure compared to standard heat
treatment, which is desirable for the task of the treated material surface, ensuring a longer
lifetime by stability of the obtained properties, because a non-homogeneous structure
Materials 2023, 16, 2941 6 of 21

s 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 22

delivers higher mechanical properties, according to the Hall–Petch equation, as well as
according to dispersion strengthening.

Figure 5. Effect of the powder feed rate on the thickness of the formed layer.

The distribution of alloying elements in the microstructure of the alloyed Cu-ETP +

CuAl layer is shown in Figure 7. Based on the results of the X-ray qualitative and quanti-
tative EDS microanalysis, it was found that there was a clear segregation of the alloying
elements. In large precipitates, (1) chromium dominates, in smaller precipitates with a
spherical shape (2) aluminium dominates, while the matrix was identified almost exclu-
sively by copper.
Figure 5. Effect of 5. Effect
the powder of the
feed ratepowder feed rate on
on the thickness thickness
of the formed of the formed layer.

The distribution of alloying elements in the microstructure of the alloyed Cu-ETP +

CuAl layer is shown in Figure 7. Based on the results of the X-ray qualitative and quanti-
tative EDS microanalysis, it was found that there was a clear segregation of the alloying
elements. In large precipitates, (1) chromium dominates, in smaller precipitates with a
spherical shape (2) aluminium dominates, while the matrix was identified almost exclu-
sively by copper.

Figure 6. Microstructure of the cross section of the remelted surface layer after CrAl powder laser
Figure 6. Microstructure of the cross section of the remelted surface layer after CrAl powder laser

Figure 6. Microstructure of the cross section of the remelted surface layer after CrAl powder laser
treatment; the marked points are explained in Table 1; SEM.
Base(11)_pt5 1.6 3.7 11.9 13.8 86.5 82.5
Base(11)_pt6 – – 4.1 5.0 95.9 95.0

Materials 2023, 16, 2941

In the investigation of the microstructure of the transmission electron7microscope of 21
well as electron diffraction analysis, the Cr phase particles were confirmed on the SA
diffraction (Figure 8c). As the chromium phase, the cubic crystallographic phase was
ognised with the
Table 1. Results of thelattice parameters
quantitative of a = b =ofcthe
EDS microanalysis values equal
chemical to 2.97 of
composition Å the
and the angle α
γ equal to 90°,
after fusion as well
of CrAl as into
powder with thethe zone
surface axis
of the of the
guide [1-1-2]
rail and direction.
the sectional The
element madechromium
of p
Cu-ETP present
copper. in the copper matrix are 200 nm or higher, as shown in the SEM. The m
phology is uniform in Al this range of size; however, Cr the nature of Cr precipitation
Cu is differ
from that of the equilibrium
Wt, % At, %
diagramWt,one. %
In addition,
At, %
% At, %
of the ma
material reveals a relatively high level of diversity of the microstructure compoun
Base(11)_pt1 – – 96.2 96.9 3.8 3.1
which comes from the high energy level delivered by the laser beam. The high amoun
Base(11)_pt2 – – 95.9 96.6 4.1 3.4
energy leads to obtaining a very non-homogeneous structure compared to standard h
Base(11)_pt3 5.3 10.4 59.2 60.1 35.5 29.5
treatment, which is desirable for the task of the treated material surface, ensuring a lon
Base(11)_pt4 9.6 17.7 65.0 62.3 25.4 20.0
lifetime by stability of the obtained properties, because a non-homogeneous structure
Base(11)_pt5 1.6 3.7 11.9 13.8 86.5
livers higher mechanical properties, according to the Hall–Petch equation, as well as 82.5
cording to dispersion– –
strengthening. 4.1 5.0 95.9 95.0

Figure 7. The
Figure 7. Themicrostructure
microstructure of surface
of the the surface
of theof
topthe topafter
layer layer afteroffusion
fusion the CrAlofpowder
the CrAlintopowder
the into
guide surfaceofofthe
guide surface the Cu-ETP
Cu-ETP copper
copper section
section insulator;
insulator; image obtained
image obtained with
with the use of the use of second
electrons (A)and
electrons (A) anda map
a map of the
of the surface
surface of theofdistribution
the distribution of the elements
of the elements Al, Cr, andAl,
Cu.Cr, and Cu.

As shown in Figure 9, chromium particles can take both an oval shape (Figure 9a,b)
and a shape close to oval with rounded edges (Figure 9c). They can also take the shape
of dendrites (Figure 9b). Chromium particles are arranged irregularly in the Cu matrix,
which is particularly visible in Figure 9a,b, i.e., for the powder feed rate of 0.2 mm3 /min;
0.4 mm3 /min.
As shown in Figure 9, chromium particles can take both an oval shape (Figure 9a,b)
and a shape close to oval with rounded edges (Figure 9c). They can also take the shape of
dendrites (Figure 9b). Chromium particles are arranged irregularly in the Cu matrix,
Materials 2023, 16, 2941 which is particularly visible in Figure 9a,b, i.e., for the powder feed rate of 0.2 mm3/min;
8 of 21
0.4 mm3/min.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 8. Results of
of the
microstructures,(a)(a) bright
bright field
field image
image Cr Cr phases,
phases, (b) (b)
matrix, (c) SAED pattern from the areas in (a), (d) solution of the diffraction pattern presented inpre-
matrix, (c) SAED pattern from the areas in Figure 8a, (d) solution of the diffraction pattern (c).
sented in Figure 8c.
Unlike in the equilibrium ternary phase equilibrium diagram, in the studied case the
cooling rate in the equilibrium
significantly ternary
exceeds phase equilibrium
the conditions diagram, in the
close to equilibrium. Forstudied case the
this reason,
cooling rate significantly
phase composition exceeds the conditions
in the laser-processed component close to differ
may equilibrium.
from theFor thiscomposition
phase reason, the
phase composition
in the ternary in the laser-processed
equilibrium system. For thiscomponent may differ
reason, the obtained from of
results thestructural
phase composi-
the ternary equilibrium
tests can be system. For this reason,
used—although thethe
it was not obtained results of
main research structural
intention of
the research
and/or phasepresented
composition in the article—to
tests create a complete
can be used—although Cu-Cr-Al
it was not theequilibrium
main research system.
tion of the researchthermodynamic
presented in the data of phase equilibria
article—to are known
create a complete only for equilibrium
Cu-Cr-Al the relevant
system. systems. Recently, the ternary system has received renewed interest because of
the ability to synthesize quasicrystals in Al-rich compositions. In particular,
Experimental thermodynamic data of phase equilibria are known only for the rele- compositions
vant Cr15Cu20Al65,
binary Cr20Cu10Al70,
systems. Recently, Cr15CuxAl85-x
the ternary (x = 0–20)
system has received have been
renewed investigated
interest because
of the ability[14].
to synthesize quasicrystals in Al-rich compositions. In particular, composi-
tions around Cr15Cu20Al65, Cr20Cu10Al70, Cr15CuxAl85-x (x = 0–20) have been investi-
3.2. Qualitative
gated extensively X-ray Phase Analysis
The following phases were found in the structure of the CrAl coating on copper Cu-
ETP based on the qualitative X-ray phase analysis: copper Cu-peaks coming from planes
(111), (200), (302), (411), and (400) and chromium Cr-peaks from planes (011), (002), and
(112) (Figure 10). Regardless of the powder feeding speed, during laser surfacing (0.2–0.8),
the diffraction patterns show peaks from the same planes, and only the intensity of the
peaks differs (Figures 10–12). Similar results were obtained in Ref. [15].
Materials 2023,
2023, 16, 294116, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 219 of 22



Figure 9. Cr particle morphology in the Cu matrix, cross section of the top layer of the Cu-
Materials 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 22
ETP guide after fusion of CrAl powder: powder feed rate (a) 0.2 mm3 /min; (b) 0.4 mm3 /min;
(c) 0.8 Figure
mm /min;9. CrSEM.
particle morphology in the Cu matrix, cross section of the top layer of the Cu-ETP guide
after fusion of CrAl powder: powder feed rate (a) 0.2 mm3/min; (b) 0.4 mm3/min; (c) 0.8 mm3/min;

3.2. Qualitative X-ray Phase Analysis

The following phases were found in the structure of the CrAl coating on copper Cu-
ETP based on the qualitative X-ray phase analysis: copper Cu-peaks coming from planes
(111), (200), (302), (411), and (400) and chromium Cr-peaks from planes (011), (002), and
(112) (Figure 10). Regardless of the powder feeding speed, during laser surfacing (0.2–0.8),
the diffraction patterns show peaks from the same planes, and only the intensity of the
peaks differs (Figures 10–12). Similar results were obtained in Ref. [15].

Figure 10. X-ray diffraction pattern for the qualitative CrAl coating on Cu-ETP copper, powder feed
rate v = 0.8 mm3 /min.
Figure 10. X-ray diffraction pattern for the qualitative CrAl coating on Cu-ETP copper, powder feed
rate v = 0.8 mm3 / min.
Materials 2023, 16, 2941 10 of 21
Figure 10. X-ray diffraction pattern for the qualitative CrAl coating on Cu-ETP copper, powder feed
rate v = 0.8 mm3 / min.

Materials 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 22

Figure 11.
Figure 11. X-ray
X-ray diffraction
diffraction pattern
pattern for the qualitative CrAl coating on copper Cu-ETP,
Cu-ETP, powder
powder feed
rate 0.4 mm 33 / min.
rate 0.4 mm /min.

Moreover, on the basis of the diffractogram analysis, it was noticed that only copper
and chromium were present in the coating structure. No other phases were found, which
corresponds to the phase equilibrium system presented in Ref. [12].

Figure 12.X-ray
the qualitative
qualitative CrAl
CrAl coating
coating on
on copper
copper Cu-ETP,
rate 0.2 mm 33 / min.
rate 0.2 mm /min.

Figure 13 on
Moreover, shows the change
the basis of the Cu(aCu) analysis,
of the diffractogram matrix lattice
it wasparameter of Cu-ETP
noticed that as a
only copper
and chromium
function of thewere present in(N-R)
Nelson–Riley the coating structure.
parameter for theNo other phases
respective peakswere found,
obtained which
from the
corresponds to the phase equilibrium
XRD analysis of the test samples: system presented in Ref. [12].
Figure 13 shows the change of the Cu(aCu) matrix lattice parameter of Cu-ETP as a
𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃 for𝑐𝑜𝑠
function of the Nelson–Riley (N-R) parameter 𝜃
+ the respective peaks obtained from the (1)
XRD analysis of the test samples: 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 𝜃
The functional relationship (2)
 is advantageous
cos2 θ
  2 to
cos θ determine the exact parameters of

the network (𝑎 ) by a suitable extrapolation + [16].θ (1)
For the lattice parameters calculations, the stronger XRD pics were used according to
the crystallographic state of the art (Figure 13).
𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃
+ (1)
𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 𝜃
The functional relationship (2) is advantageous to determine the exact parameters of
the network (𝑎 ) by a suitable extrapolation [16].
Materials 2023, 16, 2941 11 of 21
For the lattice parameters calculations, the stronger XRD pics were used according to
the crystallographic state of the art (Figure 13).

Figure 13.
Figure Variation of
13. Variation of the
the lattice
lattice parameters
parameters of
of Cu
Cu (αCu)
(αCu) as
as aa function
function of
of the
the Nelson–Riley
Nelson–Riley (N-R)
parameter [16]; for analysis, the four strongest XRD picks from Figures 10–12 were used.
Figures 10–12 were used.

The functional
3.3. Hardness relationship
of the Surface Layers (2) is advantageous to determine the exact parameters of
the network (a0Cu ) by a suitable extrapolation [16].
For the lattice parameters calculations, the stronger XRD pics were used according to
the crystallographic state of the art (Figure 13).

3.3. Hardness of the Surface Layers

The hardness of the Cu-ETP guide before remelting was 60 HV. In the sample remelted
with a laser with a powder feed speed of 0.2 mm3 /min to a depth of 0.4 mm, an almost two-
fold increase in hardness can be seen. On the other hand, at a depth of more than 0.6 mm,
the hardness of the coating takes the value of the base material (Figure 14). This suggests
that the coating layer has a maximum thickness of approximately 600 µm. The maximum
mean hardness value was obtained for the depth of 0.25 mm, which was 115 HV0.3 . The
maximum measurement value for this depth was 142 HV0.3 (1 of 8 measurements) with a
standard deviation of 11.73, which is 10% of the mean value.

Figure 14. Change in hardness in distance from the coating surface.

Materials 2023, 16, 2941 12 of 21

On the other hand, in the sample remelted with a laser with a powder feed rate
of 0.4 mm3 /min, the highest hardness was measured for a distance from the surface of
0.05 mm; 0.25 mm, and 0.45 mm, which were, respectively, 99 (standard deviation 3.8),
100 (standard deviation 5.2), and 98 HV0.3 (standard deviation 8.9). The highest values
of single measurements were recorded for the distance from the surface of 0.25 mm and
0.45 mm, respectively, 111 and 110 HV0.3 . Hardness measurements at a greater distance
from the surface showed a decrease in hardness to the value of the Cu-ETP guide material.
However, in the sample remelted with a laser with a powder feed rate of 0.8 mm3 /min,
the highest hardness was observed among all the samples, which for a distance from the
surface of 0.45 mm was 123 HV0.3 . In comparison to the hardness of the base material
of the Cu-ETP guide, it is a two-fold increase in hardness. The hardness of this sample,
measured at a distance from the surface of 0.05, 0.25, and 0.45 mm is 118, 110, and 123 HV0.3 ,
respectively. For the value of 118 HV0.3 , the standard deviation is 10 HV0.3 ; for a hardness of
100 HV0.3 –4.3 HV0.3 and for the highest measured value, 123 HV0.3 is as much as 31 HV0.3 ,
which is almost 27% of the average value (Figure 14). It should be assumed that at this
depth there is a large amount of precipitates of chromium, which is responsible for the
increase in hardness; however, the distribution of these particles is definitely uneven and
there may be local clusters of chromium dendrites, as evidenced by a very high value of
the standard deviation (27% of the average value).
When comparing the highest hardness values for the three tested samples, it was
observed that they were in the range of 98–123 HV0.3 , regardless of the CrAl powder feed
rate used (Figure 14). For all samples, the highest hardness values were recorded for the
distance from the surface in the range of 0.05–0.45 mm.
For all samples, the hardness at a distance from the surface of 0.85 and 10.5 mm is
50–56 HV0.3 , which is below the hardness of the base material. This slight reduction in
hardness is most likely caused by the alloying provided in the process., where the original
microstructure of the copper base material was destroyed by the laser beam energy, and a
growth of the grain size took place. As we already know, larger grains are the reason for
the lower hardness, according to the Hall–Petch equation [3]:

R e = R0 + √ (2)
Re —Yield strength of the material
R0 —Yield strength of a single crystal (stress of lattice wear)
k—Material constant;
d—Average grain size
On the other side, a higher hardness value, obtained for the smaller distance from the
surface reaching up to 0.45 mmm from the surface, is caused by a relatively high energy
density of the molten material, and therefore a higher gradient of the cooling rate, causing
the nucleation process to be interrupted, and more small grains could therefore come into
existence. More small grains mean a higher tension between the boundaries, and as a result,
a higher hardness compared to material heat treated using standard procedures, e.g., for
quenching or ageing after solution heat treatment.
A second reason for the strengthening of the surface layer up to 0.45 mm after the
laser alloying was the possible occurrence of solution strengthening involving the addition
of chromium powder. However, some additional investigations could be provided here,
especially using a transmission electron microscope for detecting the possible strengthening
phases, as even small Cr particles could be present in the remelted Cu matrix.

3.4. Wear Resistance

In the next stage of the investigation, an analysis of the abrasion trace made by the
countersample of ZrO2 was performed. In the Cu-ETP base material, the edges of the
wear track are parallel and straight. The wear track surface is smooth with numerous
Materials 2023, 16, 2941 13 of 21

visible grooves parallel to the sliding direction, with abrasion via ploughing (Figure 15a,b).
Furthermore, some traces of delamination were observed (Figure 15b). Friction products
(wear debris) can only be observed outside the wear track. The wear debris consisted of
Materials 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 22
tiny particles about 1 µm in size and large flakes with visible signs of plastic deforma-
tion (Figure 15c).




Figure 15.15. Wear
Wear track
track (a,b)
(a,b) ofof the
the tested
tested Cu-ETP
Cu-ETP substrate
substrate and
and (c)(c)wear
wear debris.

In the case of all CrAl layers, the edges of the wear track are uneven
(Figures 16a, 17a and 18a). Furthermore, numerous grooves parallel to the sliding direction
were observed on the wear surface. Numerous traces of plastic deformation were revealed
in the case of the layer with the highest volume of powder introduced (Figure 16b). Wear
debris consisted of individual flakes up to 15 µm in size and fine dust for this layer. In
addition, the most significant oxidation was visible (very bright areas). Numerous signs
(a)delamination and fatigue wear were observed on the wear track surface of all layers
(Figures 16b, 17b and 18b). Wear debris after the tribological test of the layers with the

Materials 2023, 16, 2941 14 of 21

average and lowest amount of powder introduced consisted mainly of large metal pieces
Figure from track
15. Wear the substrate
(a,b) of (Figures 17cCu-ETP
the tested and 18c).
substrate and (c) wear debris.


Materials 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of



Figure 16. Wear track (a,b) of the tested CrAl v = 0.8 mm /min 3layer and (c) wear debris.
Figure 16. Wear track (a,b) of the tested CrAl v = 0.8 mm /min layer and (c) wear debris.

Materials 2023, 16, 2941 15 of 21

Figure 16. Wear track (a,b) of the tested CrAl v = 0.8 mm3/min layer and (c) wear debris.



Materials 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 1


Figure 17. Wear track (a,b) of the tested CrAl v = 0.4 mm3 /min layer and (c) wear debris.
Figure 17. Wear track (a,b) of the tested CrAl v = 0.4 mm3/min layer and (c) wear debris.

Materials 2023, 16, 2941 16 of 21
Figure 17. Wear track (a,b) of the tested CrAl v = 0.4 mm3/min layer and (c) wear debris.




Figure 18.Wear
Figure 18. Wear track
track (a,b)(a,b) oftested
of the the tested
CrAl v CrAl v =3 /min
= 0.2 mm 0.2 mm 3/min layer and (c) wear debris.
layer and (c) wear debris.

The influence of the powder feed rate during laser remelting on the depth of the wear
trace is shown in Figure 19. It was found that the CrAl coating produced by laser remelting
of the surface layer provides greater wear resistance. This is visible primarily at the smaller
depth of the abrasion band for the Cu-ETP + CrAl layer for all manufacturing parameters.
level of 0.36 (Figure 21). In turn, the Cu-ETP + CrAl coating made at the powder feed rate
v = 0.2 mm3/min at the beginning of the friction coefficient test decreased to a value of
about 0.5, and then increased until it reached the value of 0.8 after 800 cycles. The next
layer of Cu-ETP + CrAl v = 0.4 mm3/min is characterized by a relatively constant value of
the friction coefficient, which was approximately 0.65 during the entire test. The highest
Materials 2023, 16, 2941 17 of 21
friction coefficient is characteristic for the Cu-ETP + CrAl v = 0.8 mm3/min coating, which
has a friction coefficient of approximately 0.85.

Figure 19. Effect of
19. Effect of the
the CrAl
CrAl powder
powder feed
feed rate
rate during
during laser
laser remelting
remelting on
on the
the depth
depth of
of the
the wear
wear trace.

The smallest wear trace width was found in the native material of the Cu-ETP guide
s = 487 mm with the standard deviation σ = 14.9, which is 2% of the mean width value
(Figure 20). Among the modified surfaces, the smallest wear track was observed for the
Materials 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW
CrAl coating v = 0.2 mm3 /min and the greatest abrasion track width of the wear18track
of 22

v = 0.8 mm3 /min.

Figure 20.
Figure 20. Effect
Effect of
of the
the CrAl
CrAl powder
In the next stage of the investigation, the coefficient of friction of copper Cu-ETP and
melted layers of Cu-ETP + CrAl were measured. On the basis of the results obtained, it

Materials 2023, 16, 2941 18 of 21

was found that the lowest coefficient of friction is characteristic of Cu-ETP copper, which
at the beginning was slightly more than 0.36, but after about 500 cycles, it stabilised at a
level of 0.36 (Figure 21). In turn, the Cu-ETP + CrAl coating made at the powder feed rate
v = 0.2 mm3 /min at the beginning of the friction coefficient test decreased to a value of
about 0.5, and then increased until it reached the value of 0.8 after 800 cycles. The next
layer of Cu-ETP + CrAl v = 0.4 mm3 /min is characterized by a relatively constant value of
the friction coefficient, which was approximately 0.65 during the entire test. The highest
Effect of the CrAl powder feed
is characteristic rate Cu-ETP
for the during laser remelting
+ CrAl the3width
v = 0.8onmm /min of the wear
coating, which
has a friction coefficient of approximately 0.85.

Friction coefficient





0 200 400 600 800 1000

Figure 21. Comparison of the friction coefficient of the modified Cu-ETP copper surface; Cu-Cu-ETP
Figure 21. Comparison of the friction 3coefficient of the modified Cu-ETP 3copper surface; Cu-Cu-
substrate; I-CrAl coating v = 0.2 mm /min; II-CrAl coating v = 0.4 mm /min; III-CrAl coating
ETP substrate; I-CrAl coating v = 0.2 mm3/min; II-CrAl coating v = 0.4 mm3/min; III-CrAl coating v
3 /min.
v = 0.8 mm
= 0.8 mm3/min.
4. Discussion
4. Discussion
In alloyed copper, the addition of chromium increases the tensile strength and hard-
ness In alloyed
[17,18]. copper,
During thethe
heataddition of chromium
treatment of Cu alloysincreases
with thethe tensileofstrength
addition chromium,andhighly
ness [17,18].CrDuring
dispersed the are
particles heatreleased
treatmentfromof Cuthealloys with the addition
supersaturated of chromium,
solid solution α (Cu).highly
results in an Crincrease
particlesinare released
strength andfrom the supersaturated
a decrease solid solution α (Cu). This
in plasticity [18].
results in laser
The an increase
alloyingin of
strength and alayer
the surface decrease inworking
of the plasticitypart
[18].of the guide consisted of
introducing alloying elements into the treated parent material byof
The laser alloying of the surface layer of the working part the guide consisted
hydrodynamic mixing ofof
both materials. alloying elements
A necessary into thefor
condition treated parent
remelting material
is that one ofbythe
hydrodynamic mixing
materials is liquefied.
Theboth materials.
laser A necessary
beam causes condition
the material to melt forand
form a is that one
puddle. Asofa the materials
result is lique-
of gravitational
fied. The laser beam
and convective causes as
movements thewell
as thetopressure
melt andof form a puddle.
the laser beam, Astheamaterials
result of mix
tional and convective
The mixing movements
of the alloyed materialas well
can be as the pressure
of different of the
kinds; laser beam,
sometimes therethearematerials
mix [10]. The
detected onlymixing
on theofbottom
the alloyed
of thematerial can be
metal lake, of different
sometimes kinds;
only sometimes
in the there are
upper region. Of
course, the best option would be to have a relatively homogeneous mixture in the entire
region of the remelted area of the surface layer. Regarding the external effects of the
remelting, there could also be differences between the materials and processing parameters.
In this case, there is, for example, an outflow at the edge of the lake. This process depends
mainly on the temperature gradient, the concentration gradient of diffusing elements, and
the diffusion time [19,20].
In CuCr alloys with a chromium content below 2%, chromium crystallises in the form
of highly dispersed particles in interdendritic spaces. Due to the heterogeneous distribution
of chromium particles (Figure 3b), it significantly affects the electrical conductivity of the
layers produced. This structure defect can be eliminated by applying heat treatment,
supersaturation, and aging [21].
The depth of diffusion saturation with the alloyed element usually does not exceed
10 µm, which is less often when the diffusion zone reaches the depth of 200–300 µm. This
is because the laser beam does not allow for diffusion, causing the formation of large
Materials 2023, 16, 2941 19 of 21

temperature gradients in a very short time [13]. However, in this experiment, the calculated
depth of fusion of the working surface of the Cu-ETP guide with CrAl powder for the
parameters of the first variant is 637 µm, for the second variant it is 854 µm, and for the
third variant it is 736 µm (Figure 5).
This condition can be explained by the very low solubility of chromium in copper, as
well as the fact that chromium does not form chemical compounds with copper in com-
mercial alloys. Chromium solubility increases with temperature and reaches its maximum
value of 0.73% by weight at a temperature of 1076.6 ◦ C. However, at ambient temperature,
it is only 0.03% [12]. As the concentration of chromium in copper increases, the resistivity
of the alloy increases and with each addition of 1 wt.%, Cr increases to 4.9 µΩ*cm [22]. The
limit of chromium in copper is determined by the following relationship [23]:

CCr = 1745exp (3)

CCr —chromium concentration in wt.%;
R—universal gas constant;
Interpretation of the structure obtained on the basis of the collected research results
encounters great difficulties related to the fact that the description of the structure of CuCr
alloys and the mechanisms of precipitation of chromium particles in the Cu matrix refers to
the CuCr alloy copper with a relatively low chromium content (usually up to about 2%) and
the related classic heat treatment: solution with subsequent aging [24] or thermomechanical
treatments [25]. Moreover, some scientific works describe the structure and properties of
CuCr alloys obtained by powder metallurgy [26] or as a result of selective laser melting [27]
or treatment of CuCr25 and CuCr50 alloys by a High Current Pulsed Electron Beam [28].
The coating obtained in this study is an experimental method of forming only the surface
layer of chromium on Cu-ETP copper with a fibre laser beam.
As in other composites, the addition of a component representing completely different
properties, as in the case of Cu-ETP copper, the addition of chromium strengthens the
matrix, which increases the mechanical and tribological properties, etc. [29].
The results obtained for the friction coefficient were compared with Ref. [30], where
the friction coefficient between pure copper (99.9%) and graphite (DE9000) was obtained
in the range of 0.2–0.5 depending on the applied force. However, in Ref. [31], the friction
coefficient between pure copper (99.99%) and graphite (C 84.5%; O 10.2%, the rest of S) was
obtained at the level of 0.12–0.13 depending on the test speed (30–180 km/h). The latter
values are consistent with the results obtained in Ref. [32] for the copper Cu-ETP pair and
for various carbon materials for which the friction coefficient is set at 0.116–0.147. As you
can see, all these coefficients are lower than those obtained in this study. This difference
may result from the nature of the coating as well as the ZrO2 counterpart used. Another
advantage presented in this work is the practical nature of the investigations started and
provided by Dutta [19], namely the application of laser remelting and alloying in the means
of railway transport for the surface modification of traction section insulators. For this
task the fibre laser was used instead of the old-type CO2 laser, with innovatory features
such as a more precisely worked laser beam control. Another advantage of the fibre laser
used here is a relatively higher power density caused by the laser in the upper part of the
treated surface layer, which leads to an even higher maximal temperature value achieved
during the remelting process, compared to the CO2 laser. This fact makes it possible to
obtain a higher solidification rate of the molten material, which is the reason for refinement
of the microstructure, and therefore the lower grain size. As we know, a smaller grain
size in the microstructure is the reason of higher hardness, because of the internal stress in
the regions between the grain boundaries. In this work, this result was observed during
the analysis of the hardness measurement, which is presented in Figure 14, where the
grainsize refinement reaches a depth of ca. 0.45 mm into the treated surface. Reassumed,
Materials 2023, 16, 2941 20 of 21

after the Dutta investigations we were able to obtain a more hard surface layer due to a
more intensive cooling speed of the molten and/or alloyed material of the surface.

5. Conclusions
As part of the experiment, CrAl coatings were made on Cu-ETP copper in the laser
alloying process using a fibre laser. Based on the test results of the obtained coatings, it was
found that:
• The layers thickness of the obtained layer when smelting copper Cu-ETP with CrAl
powder varies between 600 and 850 µm; the speed of powder feeding affects the thick-
ness of the layer produced. The layer has the smallest thickness for v = 0.2 mm3 /min
and the highest for v = 0.4 mm3 /min;
• As a result of the low solubility of chromium in copper, it was found that in the
microstructure of the layer chromium dominates in large precipitates, whereas in the
matrix it was identified almost exclusively with copper;
• The Cu-ETP + CrAl layers are characterised by a higher coefficient of friction than the
Cu-ETP starting material, which for the layer, the CrAl coating v = 0.08 mm3 /min,
increased almost three times;
• For all the coatings produced, the highest hardness was recorded for the distance from
the surface in the range of 0.05–0.45 mm, with the maximum hardness of the coatings
being 98–123 HV0.3 compared to the base material Cu-ETP 60 HV0.3 ;
• On the basis of the analysis of XRD patterns, only two phases were found: copper
and chromium.
• After the laser remelting/alloying of the Cr powder, the Cr precipitations are very well
distributed in the Cu matrix, reaching a size of 200 nm, which makes the laser beam sur-
face more stable according to the Hall–Petch equation, ensuring higher hardness and
wear resistance compared to standard heat treated element. This should significantly
extend the lifetime of the section insulator guides working under real conditions.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.K.; Methodology, K.L.; Formal analysis, J.K. and K.L.;
Investigation, J.K. and W.P.; Writing—original draft, J.K. and K.L. All authors have read and agreed
to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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