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Foreword from the Director General

activity to achieve objectives such as

the following:
• Establishing a framework for
improvement and customer
• Providing assurance about
quality in external provider
(supplier) customer relationships,
• Harmonizing quality require-
ments in sectors and areas of
• Qualifying external providers in
Dear Readers, global supply chains,
Welcome to the Rwanda Standards • Providing technical support for reg-
Board Quality Management System ulators,
Guide (QMS Guide). • Giving organizations in devel-
All over the world, the quality of oping countries and transi-
provided service is a key factor in trade tion economies a framework for
and industrial promotion to boost the participating in global supply chains,
social and economic growth. Currently export trade and business process
in many countries more emphasis is on outsourcing,
the integration of management sys- • Assisting in the economic
tems’ standards to achieve the target progress of developing countries
of attaining sustainable development. and transition economies,
When talking about service deliv- • Transferring good managerial prac-
ery, we automatically think about tice,
the Quality Management System,
which became intenationally a • Encouraging the rise of services.
powerful tool in attaining an RSB provides this guide to support all
improved service delivery by ISO 9001 implementers and potential
implementing ISO 9001, which implementers for easier understanding
provides requirement for Quality of ISO 9001 and its benefits.
Management System. All global en-
terprises, government and society at RSB has hope that this will
large scale strive to share in the gains, enable enterprises both large,
efficiency and effectiveness offered by medium and small, public and pri-
ISO 9001. vate sector, manufacturers and service
providers, in all sectors of activity to
ISO 9001 gives requirements for qual- draw the maximum benefits from ISO
ity management systems and is 9001, an International Standard that has
among ISO’s mos well known and become an essential tool of the world
widely implemented International economy.
Standard. It is used in about 183
countries by enterprises both large,
medium and small, in public and
private sector, by manufacturers and Raymond MURENZI
service providers, in all sectors of Director General
ISO 9001, a Standard in a Family of Standards

The ISO 9000 family of The ISO 9000 standard provides the
international quality management fundamentals and vocabulary used in
standards and guidelines has
earned a global reputation as a the entire ISO 9000 family of standards.
basis for establishing effective It sets the stage for understanding the
and efficient quality management basic elements of quality management
systems. as described in the ISO standards. ISO
This family is composed of four 9000 introduces users to the eight
standards; ISO 9000, ISO 9001, ISO 9004 Quality Management Principles as well
and ISO 19011 as explained below: as the use of the process approach to
achieve continual improvement
(See figure 1)

Figure 1: The ISO 9000 Process Approach.

ISO 9001 specifies the basic include services) that enhance customer
requirements for a quality manage- satisfaction and meet applicable
ment system (QMS) that an organization statutory and regulatory requirements.
must fulfil to demonstrate its ability to
ISO 9004 gives guidance on a
consistently provide products (which
wider range of objectives of a quality
management system than services they are looking to purchase or
does ISO 9001, particularly in obtain will meet their requirements for
managing for the long-term quality.
success of an organization. ISO 9004 is
Those customers are looking for the
recommended as a guidefor organiza-
confidence that can be provided by
tions whose top management wishes to
an organization offering products and
extend the benefits ofISO 9001 in pursuit of
services produced under an effective
systematic and continual improvement
quality management system, such as
of the organization’s overall perfor-
one conforming to ISO 9001.
mance. However, it is not intended for
certification or contractual purposes. A quality management system, on
its own, will not necessarily lead to
ISO 19011 covers the area of
an improvement of work process-
auditing of quality management
es or to improvements of your prod-
systems and enviro mental
ucts and services. It will not solve all
management systems. It
your problems. It is a means for you to
provides guidance on the audit
take a more systematic approach to
programmes, the conduct of internal
fulfilling your organization’s objectives,
or external audits, and information on
which in turn should achieve such
auditor competence. ISO 19011 provides
improvements. ISO 9001 contains
an overview of how an audit programme
requirements for improvement. You
should operate and how management
can use this approach to ensure that
system audits should take place.
worthwhile and cost effective
Why implementing QMS? improvements are being achieved.
The adoption of a QMS is a strategic QMS principles
decision that helps an organization to
Quality management principles are a
consistently improve its overall perfor-
set of fundamental beliefs, norms, rules
mance and to provide a sound basis for
and values that are accepted as true
its sustainable development initiatives.
and can be used as a basis for quality
Many organizations implement a for-
management and the below are seven
mal quality management system after
(7) quality management principles:
finding that their customers (in both the
private and public sectors) want
assurance that the products and

QMP 1 – Customer focus
Rationale and benefits Action that your organization can take

The primary focus of quality management is • Recognize direct and indirect customers as
to meet customer requirements and to strive those who receive value from the organization.
to exceed customer expectations where an
organization attracts and retains the con- • Understand customers’ current and future
fidence of customers and other interested needs and expectations.
parties to achieve a sustained success as
every aspect of customer interaction pro- • Link the organization’s objectives to customer
vides an opportunity to create more value needs and expectations.
for the customer.
• Communicate customer needs and expecta-
Therefore, understanding current and future tions throughout the organization.
needs of customers and other interested
parties contributes to sustained success of • Plan, design, develop, produce, deliver and
the organization. support goods and services to meet customer
needs and expectations.
This will allow an increased customer value,
customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, rev- • Measure and monitor customer satisfaction
enue and market share; an enhanced repeat and take appropriate actions.
business, reputation of the organization and
an expanded customer base. • Determine and take actions on interested par-
ties’ needs and expectations that can affect
customer satisfaction.
• Actively manage relationships with customers
to achieve sustained success.

QMP 2 – Leadership
Rationale and benefits Action that your organization can take
Leaders at all levels establish unity of pur- • Communicate the organization’s mission, vi-
pose and direction and create conditions in sion, strategy, policies and processes through-
which people are engaged in achieving the out the organization.
organization’s quality objectives where the
creation of unity of purpose and direction and • Create and sustain shared values, fairness and
engagement of people enable an organiza- ethical models for behaviour at all levels of the
tion to align its strategies, policies, processes organization.
and resources to achieve its objectives.
• Establish a culture of trust and integrity.
This permits to achieve an increased effec-
tiveness and efficiency in meeting the orga- • Encourage an organization-wide commitment
nization’s quality objectives, a better coor- of quality
dination of the organization’s processes, an
improved communication between levels • Ensure that leaders at all levels are positive
and functions of the organization and a de- examples to people in the organization.
velopment and improvement of the capabil-
ity of the organization and its people to de- • Provide people with the required resources,
liver desired results. training and authority to act with accountabil-
• Inspire, encourage and recognize people’s

QMP 3 – Engagement of people
Rationale and benefits Action that your organization can take

Competent, empowered and engaged people at • Communicate with people to promote un-
all levels throughout the organization are essen- derstanding of the importance of their indi-
tial to enhance its capability to create and deliver vidual contribution.
• Promote collaboration throughout the or-
Therefore, to manage an organization effectively ganization.
and efficiently, it is important to involve all people
at all levels and to respect them as individuals. • Facilitate open discussion and sharing of
knowledge and experience.
Recognition, empowerment and enhancement of
competence facilitate the engagement of people • Empower people to determine constraints
in achieving the organization’s quality objectives. to performance and to take initiatives with-
out fear.
This allows to achieve an improved underst
anding of the organization’s quality objectives by • Recognize and acknowledge people’s
people in the organization and increased motiva- contribution, learning and improvement.
tion to achieve them, an enhanced involvement • Enable self-evaluation of performance
of people in improvement activities, an enhanced against personal objectives.
personal development, initiatives and creativity,
an enhanced people satisfaction, an enhanced • Conduct surveys to assess people’s satis-
trust and collaboration throughout the organiza- faction, communicate the results, and take
tion and an increased attention to shared values appropriate actions.
and culture throughout the organization.

QMP 4 – Process approach

Rationale and benefits Action that your organization can take

The quality management system consists of in- • Define objectives of the system and pro-
terrelated processes. cesses necessary to achieve them.
Consistent and predictable results are achieved • Establish authority, responsibility and ac-
more effectively and efficiently when activities countability for managing processes.
are understood and managed as interrelated
processes that function as a coherent system. • Understand the organization’s capabilities
and determine resource constraints prior to
The understanding of how results are achieved action.
by this system enables an organization to opti-
mize the system and its performance. • Determine process interdependencies and
analyse the effect of modifications to indi-
This allows: vidual processes on the system as a whole.
• Enhanced ability to focus effort on key • Manage processes and their interrelations
processes and opportunities for improvement as a system to achieve the organization’s
quality objectives effectively and efficiently.
• Consistent and predictable outcomes through
a system of aligned processes • Ensure the necessary information is avail-
able to operate and improve the processes
• Optimized performance through effective and to monitor, analyse and evaluate the
process management, efficient use of resourc- performance of the overall system.
es, and reduced cross-functional barriers
• Manage risks that can affect outputs of the
• Enabling the organization to provide processes and overall outcomes of the
confidence to interested parties as to its quality management system.
consistency, effectiveness and efficiency

QMP 5 – Improvement

Rationale and benefits Action that your organization can take

Successful organizations have an ongoing focus • Promote establishment of improvement
on improvement, which is essential for an organi- objectives at all levels of the organization.
zation to maintain current levels of performance,
to react to changes in its internal and external • Educate and train people at all levels on
conditions and to create new opportunities. how to apply basic tools/methodologies
to achieve improvement objectives.
Through this, an organization will achieve an:
• Ensure people are competent to success-
• Improved process performance, organization- fully promote and complete improvement
al capabilities and customer satisfaction projects.
• Enhanced focus on root-cause investigation • Develop and deploy processes to imple-
and determination, followed by prevention ment improvement projects throughout
and corrective actions the organization.
• Enhanced ability to anticipate and react to in- • Track, review and audit the planning, im-
ternal and external risks and opportunities plementation, completion and results of
improvement projects.
• Enhanced consideration of both incremental
and breakthrough improvement • Integrate improvement considerations
into the development of new or modified
• Improved use of learning for improvement goods services and processes.
• Enhanced drive for innovation • Acknowledges the improvement

QMP 6 – Evidence-based decision making

Rationale and benefits Action that your organization can take

Decisions based on the analysis and evaluation of • Determine measure and monitor key
data and information are more likely to produce de- indicators to demonstrate the organi-
sired results. Decision-making can be a complex pro- zation’s performance.
cess, and it always involves some uncertainty.
• Make all data needed available to the
It often involves multiple types and sources of inputs, relevant people.
as well as their interpretation, which can be subjec-
tive. It is important to understand cause-and-effect • Ensure that data and information are
relationships and potential unintended consequenc- sufficiently accurate, reliable and se-
es. Facts, evidence and data analysis lead to greater cure.
objectivity and confidence in decision-making. • Analyse and evaluate data and infor-
This has a positive impact on an: mation using suitable methods.

• Improved decision-making processes • Ensure people are competent to anal-

yse and evaluate data as needed.
• Improved assessment of process performance
and ability to achieve objectives • Make decisions and take actions
based on evidence, balanwced with
• Improved operational effectiveness and efficiency experience and intuition.
• Increased ability to review, challenge and change
opinions and decisions
• Increased ability to demonstrate the effectiveness
of past decisions

QMP 7 – Relationship management

Rationale and benefits Action that your organization can take

For sustained success, an organization manages • Determine relevant interested parties
its relationships with interested parties, such as (such as suppliers, partners, customers,
suppliers. Interested parties influence the perfor- investors, employees, and society as a
mance of an organization. whole) and their relationship with the or-
Sustained success is more likely to be achieved
when the organization manages relationships with • Determine and prioritize interested party
all of its interested parties to optimize their impact relationships that need to be managed.
on its performance. Relationship management
with its supplier and partner networks is of particu- • Establish relationships that balance short-
lar importance. term gains with long-term considerations.

This allows: • Pool and share information, expertise and

resources with relevant interested parties.
• Enhanced performance of the organization and
its interested parties through responding to the • Measure performance and provide
opportunities and constraints related to each in- performance feedback to interested
terested party parties, as appropriate, to enhance
improvement initiatives.
• Common understanding of goals and values
among interested parties • Establish collaborative development and
improvement activities with suppliers,
• Increased capability to create value for interest- partners and other interested parties.
ed parties by sharing resources and competence
and managing quality-related risks • Encourage and recognize improvements
and achievements by suppliers and
• A well-managed supply chain that provides a partners.
stable flow of goods and services.

Quality Management System implementation benefits

An effective implementation of ate procedures that ensure immedi-

Quality Management System for an ate corrective actions on occurrence
organization will not only allow of defects. Reduction increases
the full compliance with ISO 9001 customer confidence, and increase in
requirements, but also will lead to business.
achieve the below highlighted benefits
• Increased financial performance :
for the implementing organization:
Investment in quality management
• Customer satisfaction: systems are rewarded by improved
Attaining customer satisfaction is a financial performance.
great achievement for the organiza-
• Increase in market share, reputation
tion that will assist in capturing the
and capability to react to industry
market, or increase the market share.
• Consistent products: Enhance the
• Improvement in internal commu-
effectiveness by improvement in the
nications : encourages frequent
resources and time usage.
interaction between project
• Increase in production: Improved departments or groups, and promotes
production is achieved due to proper harmony. All these factors contribute
evaluation techniques being applied, to improved quality, and customer
and better training of the employees. satisfaction.
• Less rework: Quality is measured
continuously due to the appropri-

Success stories
Locally, manufacturers and service pro- others, with registered success in
viders become progressively aware of the journey of quality management
how the Quality Management System is implementation towards improvement
a booster of their productivity, and can of their processes, and we believe
enhance improvement of their day-to- sharing their success stories inspires
day operations in a consistent manner. your devotion to implementing Quality
Management System.
Below are the four
selected companies, amongst

QMS Success at KIM Univeristy

formance evaluation, internal audits

and management review. In this regard
KIM University is in to process of imple-
mentation of ISO 9001: 2015 QMS since
September 2015 and striving for its cer-

Reasons for implementing ISO


Prof. Peter John Opio Institutes of Higher Learning (IHL)

Vice Chancellor like KIM University, implement ISO
9001:2015 QMS for several reasons. First,
KIM University is the first University in it can be a means of improving internal
Rwanda that has implemented a Qual- processes andproviding quality servic-
ity Management System (QMS) accord- es. Secondly, ISO certification is a mark
ing to the standard of ISO 9001:2015. of quality that is likely to increaseinsti-
The QMS covers all the University’s aca- tutional brand image, both locally and
demic and support operations. The QMS internationally.KIM University therefore
ensures that the academic and support views QMS certification as an opportu-
processes of the University serve the nity to improve internal processes and
best interests of its clientele, students in systems rather than merely seek to get
particular; and are responsive to the re- a certificate on the wall.
quirements of its various stakeholders. Specifically it is anticipated that through
To be able to sustain this, the QMS is implementation of ISO 9001:2015, KIM
supported by continuous improvement University will;
mechanisms like monitoring customer
feedback, departmental trimester per- • Better control and manage
universityinternal activities (both students and other stakeholders
academic and non academic) (both internal and external)

• Improve understanding and • In addition, ensure Quality is an

implementation of university all-envisaged driving force, setting
policies and procedures the tone for every player and driving
every activity at KIM; inspire
• Improve documentation &
institution-wide commitment
knowledge management
• ISO 9001:2015 QMS principle of
• Improve compliance with
process approach provides that all
regulators’requirements at both
activities must be planned
national and regional requirements
before execution and checked for
(High Education Council-HEC and
effectiveness. In this regard by
Inter-University Council of East Africa
implementing QMS will increase
- IUCEA respectively).
proactive behaviour of employees
• Improve a two way communication who will have planned their activities
between university and students in the first hand
and other interested parties (both
• Enhance student engagement,
internal & external) leading to better
generate greater involvement by
customer satisfaction
students and other stakeholders,
• Monitoring of processes by all especially staff and management
staff members and not only by the
• The benefit that we will accrue from
Director of Quality Assurance
the above will effectively lead to
• Enhance evaluation and selec- better compliance with the
tion of suppliers / external service regulatory provisions of High
providers Education Council (HEC)
andachieve better ‘fit’ with
Potential benefits after certification of industry wide requirements
ISO 9001:2015
• In the long run champion QMS in the
It is anticipated that following ISO education sector in Rwanda and the
9001:2015 certification, there will be Great Lakes region as a whole
• Enhanced level of managing Challenges faced
processes in the university
While the most apparent challenges
• Better set of activities inside the in QMS implementing institutions is
university, accurate definition of bureaucracy, which can lead to reduced
authority and responsibility flexibility and clear understanding of
• Clearly identified the needs and ISO 9001:2015 requirements for their
10 expectations of our customers viz implementation in the education sector.
KIM University being the first Higher In- Message for new starters
stitution of Learning (HIL) in Rwanda to
KIM University didn’t go for implemen-
implement QMS, there was no peer to
tation of QMS overnight nor are we
learn from. In addition limited resources
seeking certification for sake of it. We
(financial, skilled manpower and time) to
have gone through a long process of
implement QMS were also a challenge.
QMS implementation. Any new starter
Despite these challenges, thanks to the has to understand that QMS is a process
commitment of management and staff and implementation is not one off activ-
we so far successfully completed stage ity. Quality is not achieved by chance
one certification audit by RSB and are nor is it achieved once, it a matter of
set for final stage of audit leading to continuous commitment and improve-
certification. ment. In conclusion organization ought
to establish systems that work for them
rather than working for the systems. “No
one size fits all”

Ruliba Clays and the QMS Journey

Among Ruliba’s products are bricks,

blocks, partitioning blocks, facing slips,
and coping blocks; Mangalore tiles,
Portuguese tiles, Roman tiles as well as
pavers, floor tiles and Maxpans.
At Ruliba Clays products meet the
highest quality requirements and bear
the “S” Mark, an international assurance
of quality and safety.
Ruliba Clays Ltd was the first Rwandan
industry to be ISO 9001 QMS certified
by the Rwanda Standards Board.

Michel Kayihura Makolo There were several push factors that

Managing Director led us to seek QMS implementation and
ISO 9001 certification, these included;
If Ruliba Clays Ltd could be described
in one word, that word would be Some customers especially the foreign
“Quality”.The companywhich is Rwanda’s developers were asking for certified
leading manufacturer of clay products, this gave us the challenge on
based construction materials, has proving that our products are indeed
distinguished itself for its top qual- quality products. Also with the need of
ity systems, procedures, processes achieving higher sales targets we had
services and products. Our QMS is to find ways to increase efficiency and
made of a set of policies, processes and effectiveness in our company. Finally,
procedures required for planning and with competition in mind we wanted to
execution of work in our company. improve our product quality and ser-
vices to be ahead of our competition.
Now that we are certified, Quality
assurance of our products starts from
the quarries where we get our raw
materials, through the plant to
product delivery.We are therefore strict on
quality checks, we have a robust quality
control team that monitors every detail
so that nothing goes out of the plant with
The company offers a wide range of quality deficiencies. Apart from
quality products for all stages of con- in-house quality checks, we send
struction from walling to roofing and our products to other compentent
flooring and other accessories like ven- laboratories within the country and
tilators, and other customized products. within the region.
It is important to note that the 2 months. Product certification: All our
journey to certification was not a very easy main products have been certified with
one. Like other organizations that have the RSB Quality mark. Improved sales:
dared to take up the challenge, we We have realized an increase in our
had some challenges, for example we sales and also introduced new products
had to carry out investiment in new through research. Employee retention:
production equipment, a  laborato- Turn-over of workers was sharply
ry with testing equipment and these reduced
required monetary resources. There
Overall after attaining certification in
was a skills gap in the organization
2015, we have attained leverage on the
especially in the technical area which
market and we have been able to export
was coupled with a poor mind set which
our products in East and Central Africa
was a hinderance to embrace change.
dur to the superiority of the quality of
The above challenges were addressed our products. Certification has boosted
thanks to the full support and comitt- our brand recognition and enlarged our
ment of the top management and the market reach.
Board of Directors. The success was
attained due to full involvement and
participation of all employees of Ruliba
Clays Ltd.
The benefits for implementing the
Quality Management system at
Ruliba are numerous that they
can not be over looked. The key Lastly, a word to those organizations
benefits include; Improved quality of planning to implement a QMS, you
products: We were able to should know that a QMS will integrate
reduce the number of product the various internal processes within
returns from about 0.5% to below 0.1%. your organization and intends to
Reduction in waste: The waste for provide a process approach for project
product breakage reduced from 5% execution. A Process Based QMS will
to below 3%. Reduction in time loss: enable your organizations to identify,
The time lost on machinery breakdown measure, control and improve the
reduced from 2 major breakdowns various core business processes that
per week to only 1 major breakdown will ultimately lead to improved
per 3 months on average. Customer business performance. Achieve greater
satisfaction: The time to respond to consistency in the activities involved in
customer complaints reduced from 2 providing products or services. QMS will
weeks to 2 days. Increased production: help you reduce expensive mistakes,
Productivity increased from 50 tons per Increase efficiency by improving use of
day to 180 tons of finished products time and resources. It will also Improve
within 2 years. Workers’ safety: The customer satisfaction and Market your
injuries of workers reduced from 3 major business more effectively.
inuries weekly to only 1 major injury in

What were the benefits after

implementation/after being certified
against ISO 9001?

There are many benefits;

- we are now able to meet our

customer requirement,

- We are getting more customers,

- We can now understand and

describe our process

- We have reduce waste and save

the money

GASHUGI Jean Pierre - Empowering our employees

Managing Director to be more professional staffs
through Quality objective and job
We decided to implement QMS, just
description, procedures and work
because we wanted to meet the
requirement of our clients and also to
improve the quality of our services, so Message for new starters
that our customers can have confidence
Dear New starters, it may seem too
that our services are safe, reliable and
difficult at first, but the implementa-
of good quality.
tion of QMs according to ISO 9001 will
What were the faced challenges? help you to describe, understand and
communicate your company processes
- To ensure that the processes are
for better management and control of
understood by employees ,
your business and company will keep
- To ensure that top management focusing on its goals.
understood the requirements
of ISO 9001:2015 standard and
behave in such a way that these
terms are met

- There tends to be rumors among

the employees as of why QMS is
being implemented that it is to
reduce the number of

Experience Sharing on Implimentation of ISO 9001:2015 at Master Steel Ltd

At present the organization is

implementing QMS and has applied for
Why Master Steel decided to
implement QMS.
• Improving domestic market share
and stimulating export market.
• Improving plant reliability.
• Minimize variation in the
manufacturing process
• Increasing efficiency in
operational processes to yield
Mukooli Denis Tonny. continuous revenue growth.
Plant Manager and Quality Management • Achieve international quality
Systems Coordinator. recognition.
- To improve the following:
Company brief history
• Employee motivation and job
We are located at Gahanga sector, satisfaction
Kicukiro district in Kigali.
• Optimum equipment
The organisation was established in effectiveness
2005 under the license of Rwanda
Development Board. We started • Process yield by reducing waste
operation in July 2007 at Gatenga with a • Evaluation and selection of
labour force of 30 workers. We later suppliers
expanded and shifted our operations to
Gahanga. The organisation now has a • Customer retention and
team of 256 employees. customer satisfaction

From a humble beginning, Master Steel

is today among the leading quality steel • Capacity utilization and
construction materials in East Africa and reduce break even period and
a market leader in Rwanda. investment pay back period.

We specialize in production of products Challenges faced during

like roofing sheets, hollow sections, implementation of QMS
open sections, wire nails, MS plates, • Parallel routine assignments giv-
and many others in that category . Most en to the targeted implementa-
of our products are certified by RSB. tion group stagnated progress on
Our annual sales turnover stands at several occasions.
74000 metric tons for both domes- • Language problems created
tic and export market. Our strength is double work especially at a time
encapsulated in using exceptional of implementing a quality policy
raw materials from ISO: 9001 certified and some standard operating
organizations, well trained and skilled procedures.
manpower and modern technology .

• Introduction of ERP system leadership and operations. Above all,
created conflicting interests implementation of QMS requires a clear
amongst the management team. road map agreeable across the entire
• Reduced interest by some
members due to laborious
documentation and record
keeping. Message from Rwanda Standards
Board to QMS implementers and
• Constraints arising from potential implementers
complex technical terminology
in the standard during training of “In simple words, do not work for or
the shop floor workers drive the system; rather let the system
drive you and work for you!”
• Relating the clauses in the stan-
dard with daily operations and
making it part of life at work.
Benefits to the organization after
implementation of QMS
• Reduction in scrap percentage by
• Reduction in operating costs by The system is working for you You are working for the system

12% ►The system is ►You are working

• Brought down slow moving working for you for the system (the
product stock by 10% (the system is fully system is aside to
integrated along your operations
• Increased the market share by your processes and looks as an
10% and eases your additional burden.)
• Improvement in optimum operations).
equipment effectiveness by 8%
• Reduced labour turnover by 20%
• Improved plant reliability by 18%
Message to QMS beginners
QMS should be seen as a holistic
management tool that aids business
Excellence in planning, development
and continual improvement. It is a
framework of a business notion that
captures, preserves, and disseminates
business knowledge.
For an organization to be
effective in truly implementing QMS
each component of the organiza-
tion must work together in harmony,
recognizing every person and every
activity at all levels of
business management,


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