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Topswitch: Designing Multiple Output Flyback Power Supplies With

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Designing Multiple Output Flyback
Power Supplies with TOPSwitch®
Application Note AN-22

Many TOPSwitch flyback power supply applications require analog and digital low voltage circuitry. Motor control
two or more outputs to supply a variety of secondary circuits. applications often require several separately isolated outputs
Typical consumer applications of these multiple output to supply half-bridge drivers and control circuitry.
converters include television and related products such as set-
top decoders and video cassette recorders (VCRs). Industrial When compared to single output flyback supplies, multiple
applications generally require a number of outputs to supply output applications demand further design considerations to

10 Ω
30 V
D5 C2
47 µF
50 V L3
3.3 µH
12 V
D4 470 µF C6
35 V 100 µF
35 V
3.3 µH
VR1 C10 R2
1000 µF C11
P6KE200 100 Ω 100 µF
35 V 1/2 W 35 V
68 µF D1
400 V BYV26C U2
L2 400 V
33 mH 1N4148 C4
0.1 µF R4
10 kΩ
T1 R1
100 Ω
U1 C9
C8 D TOP223 0.1 µF
0.1 µF U3
F1 TOPSwitch-II C
1.0 A
S R5
L 6.2 Ω
C7* 10 kΩ
C5 1.0 nF
N Y1
47 µF
* Two series connected, 2.2 nF, Y2-capacitors can replace C7.


Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of 85-265 VAC, 25 W Power Supply Using TOP223.

March 1998

The design begins with system specifications that define

POWER SUPPLY SPECIFICATIONS regulation requirements, followed by selection of an appropriate
feedback scheme. It then moves to calculation of transformer
Input Voltage: 85-265 VAC parameters and application of construction techniques specific
to multiple output supplies, aided by reference to Application
Notes AN-17 and AN-18 for detailed descriptions.
Voltage 5 VDC ± 5%
Output 1
A discussion of output cross regulation includes measurements
Current 0.40 A to 2.00 A
and test results. Additional EMI considerations are presented
with reference to AN-15 and AN-16. There is also a listing of
Voltage 12 VDC ± 10% general tips which may be appropriate to specific designs.
Output 2
Current 0.12 A to 1.20 A Appendix A provides some additional reminders for use of the
transformer design spreadsheet, while Appendix B contains
Voltage 30 VDC ± 10% special techniques for use with output voltages of 3.3 V and
Output 3 5 V. Appendix C gives complete construction details of the
Current 0.01 A to 0.02 A transformer used in the hardware examples.

Total Output Power: 25 W Design Procedure

Table 1. Outline Power Supply Specification. The design procedure for multiple output power supplies is a
simple extension of the single output case. The circuitry on the
primary side of the transformer is the same for either application.
optimize the performance. The design of multiple output Additional steps in the design for multiple outputs are needed
power supplies always requires some breadboarding to verify only to calculate turns ratios and wire sizes for the extra
transformer designs, feedback techniques and system behavior. windings. Transformer construction has more degrees of
freedom than in the single output case. The designer can apply
This Application Note provides guidelines to streamline the several circuit techniques to adjust output regulation
decision making process and to reduce development effort for characteristics as needed.
an optimized design. An example multiple output power
supply design illustrates the procedure. All essential aspects
are considered.


Output Regulation
Feedback Technique
Main Output Other Outputs Notes

Primary ±10% Wider than ±10% Any lightly loaded output may
(Basic or Enhanced) be post-regulated to get ±5%
or better regulation

Opto/Zener ±5% Wider than ±10% With 2% Zener

Proportional feedback from two

Opto/TL431 ±5% Tighter than ±10% or more outputs optional

Table 2. Choice of Feedback Technique Depends on Requirements for Output Regulation.

Regulation Requirements RD5 reference design board. The output voltage is determined
by the Zener voltage, the forward voltage of the optocoupler’s
Specification of the regulation requirements on all outputs is LED and the series resistor that sets the loop gain. A 2%
essential to successful design of the circuit configuration and tolerance Zener diode allows ±5% tolerance on the regulated
transformer. Requirements differ significantly depending on output voltage. However, it is often necessary to improve cross
the application. regulation by providing feedback from more than one output.
The second technique uses a TL431 precision shunt regulator
One output usually requires tighter regulation than the others. to offer more flexibility in such cases.
Usually the 5 V supply for logic circuitry requires regulation
of ±5% or less, while other outputs have a wider tolerance of The TL431 precision shunt regulator integrates an accurate
typically ±10%. Many applications now require both 3.3 V and 2.5 V bandgap reference with an amplifier and driver into a
5 V outputs, with ±5% regulation specifications. There are single device. It is popular as a secondary referenced error
several techniques which can be used to achieve this amplifier. The TL431 also introduces the possibility of
performance, and they are discussed in more detail in Appendix combining feedback from two or more outputs simultaneously
B of this application note. to its reference pin. This can be a useful technique when it is
required to employ one output as the primary source of
While a 5 V output may have the most stringent regulation feedback but also introduce a proportion of the feedback
specification, a different winding often has a higher output from another output. This advanced technique is described in
load specification. Consideration must therefore be given to more detail later.
the required cross regulation between these outputs, because it
will influence the transformer winding technique for an optimum This application note, therefore, focuses on the use of the
design. TL431 shunt regulator. Figure 1 shows a schematic in a
typical application with an optocoupler to provide tight
Table 1 gives an outline specification for a 25 W power supply regulation on the 5 V output of a multiple output power supply.
with three outputs. Note that the 5 V output has the highest
current and the tightest regulation, but the 12 V output delivers Transformer Design
the highest power. The techniques presented here can be
extended to any number of outputs. Some specific The choice of TOPSwitch and calculation of the primary
considerations for more outputs are discussed later. transformer characteristics is independent of the number of
outputs. As such, the Power Integrations standard transformer
The next step of the design is to determine the most appropriate design spreadsheets (available from your local Power
feedback technique. As a quick reference for deciding the Integrations representative or on the Power Integrations Web
optimum feedback technique, Table 2 provides broad design site at can be used to define the basic
rules which can be used, based on the required output tolerances transformer specification in terms of the transformer core,
of a specific application. If no tighter than ±10% tolerance is primary inductance, primary turns and the output volts per
required on all outputs, a primary side feedback scheme may turn. This basic design can then be extended to define the turns
be employed. This technique eliminates the need for an and wire selection on other outputs.
optocoupler by using the primary bias winding of the
transformer to derive information about the regulated output Two spreadsheets are available: one for discontinuous
on the secondary. This type of feedback scheme is detailed in conduction mode (DCM) designs and one for continuous
AN-16. It is difficult, however, to achieve the output voltage conduction mode (CCM) designs. Refer to AN-16 and AN-17
tolerance of ±5% with this scheme alone. in the Power Integrations 1996-97 Data Book and Design
Guide for further explanation of converter operation and use of
If outputs requiring ±5% are only lightly loaded, primary side the spreadsheets.
feedback may be used with a linear post regulator on these
outputs at the expense of some drop in efficiency. From the Operation in DCM results in smaller transformer core sizes for
specification in Table 1, however, the 2 A peak load on the 5 a given output power, but the smallest size is often not the most
V output would lead to excessive dissipation in a linear desirable choice in multiple output power supplies. Transformer
regulator; therefore, the remainder of this application note will hardware is usually selected to allow optimum circuit board
concentrate on feedback that uses an optocoupler. layout. This motivation drives the selection of a transformer
bobbin with the best arrangement of the number of pins and the
There are two common techniques to generate a secondary pin spacing.
reference with optocoupler feedback. The first uses a simple
Zener diode as a secondary reference. This technique is Designing for CCM provides the optimum utilization of the
described in the supporting literature for Power Integrations’ TOPSwitch silicon for a given output power. Therefore, this



1 Rev 2.1 INPUT OUTPUT CONTR2P1.XLS: TOPSwitch Continuous Flyback Transformer Design Spreadsheet
3 VACMIN 85 Volts Minimum AC Input Voltage
4 VACMAX 265 Volts Maximum AC Input Voltage
5 fL 50 Hertz AC Mains Frequency
6 fS 100000 Hertz TOPSwitch Switching Frequency
7 VO 5 Volts Output Voltage
8 PO 25 Watts Output Power
9 n 0.8 Efficiency Estimate
10 Z 0.5 Loss Allocation Factor
11 VB 12 Volts Bias Voltage
12 tC 3 mSeconds Bridge Rectifier Conduction Time Estimate
13 CIN 68 uFarads Input Filter Capacitor
16 VOR 110 Volts Reflected Output Voltage
17 ILIMITMAX 1 . 6 5 TOP224 Amps From TOPSwitch Data Sheet
18 VDS 10 Volts TOPSwitch on-state Drain to Source Voltage
19 VD 0.7 Volts Output Winding Diode Forward Voltage Drop
20 VDB 0.7 Volts Bias Winding Diode Forward Voltage Drop
21 KRP 0.45 Ripple to Peak Current Ratio (0.4 < KRP < 1.0)
24 ETD29 Core Type
25 AE 0.76 cm^2 Core Effective Cross Sectional Area
26 LE 7.2 cm Core Effective Path Length
27 AL 2100 nH/T^2 Ungapped Core Effective Inductance
28 BW 19 mm Bobbin Physical Winding Width
29 M 3 mm Safety Margin Width (Half the Primary to Secondary Creepage Distance)
30 L 2 Number of Primary Layers
31 NS 4 Number of Secondary Turns
34 VMIN 9 0 Volts Minimum DC Input Voltage
35 VMAX 3 7 5 Volts Maximum DC Input Voltage
38 DMAX 0.58 Duty Cycle at Minimum DC Input Voltage (VMIN)
39 IAVG 0.35 Amps Average Primary Current
40 IP 0.78 Amps Peak Primary Current
41 IR 0.35 Amps Primary Ripple Current
42 IRMS 0.46 Amps Primary RMS Current
45 LP 1 3 3 9 uHenries Primary Inductance
46 NP 77 Primary Winding Number of Turns
47 NB 9 Bias Winding Number of Turns
48 ALG 225 nH/T^2 Gapped Core Effective Inductance
49 BM 1 7 7 1 Gauss Flux Density at PO, VMIN
50 BP 3 7 6 7 Gauss Peak Flux Density (BP < 4200)
51 BAC 399 Gauss AC Flux Density for Core Loss Curves (0.5 X Peak to Peak)
52 ur 1583 Relative Permeability of Ungapped Core
53 LG 0 . 3 8 mm Gap Length (Lg >> 0.051 mm)
54 BWE 26 mm Effective Bobbin Width
55 OD 0 . 3 4 mm Maximum Primary Wire Diameter including insulation
56 INS 0.06 mm Estimated Total Insulation Thickness (= 2 * film thickness)
57 DIA 0 . 2 8 mm Bare conductor diameter
58 AWG 3 0 AWG Primary Wire Gauge (Rounded to next smaller standard AWG value)
59 CM 102 Cmils Bare conductor effective area in circular mils
60 CMA 2 1 9 Cmils/Amp Primary Winding Current Capacity (200 < CMA < 500)
63 ISP 14.98 Amps Peak Secondary Current
64 ISRMS 7.62 Amps Secondary RMS Current
65 IO 5.00 Amps Power Supply Output Current
66 IRIPPLE 5.75 Amps Output Capacitor RMS Ripple Current
68 CMS 1667 Cmils Secondary Bare Conductor minimum circular mils
69 AWGS 1 7 AWG Secondary Wire Gauge (Rounded up to next larger standard AWG value)
70 DIAS 1 . 1 5 mm Secondary Minimum Bare Conductor Diameter
71 ODS 3 . 2 5 mm Secondary Maximum Insulated Wire Outside Diameter
72 INSS 1.05 mm Maximum Secondary Insulation Wall Thickness
75 VDRAIN 6 2 6 Volts Maximum Drain Voltage Estimate (Includes Effect of Leakage Inductance)
76 PIVS 2 4 Volts Output Rectifier Maximum Peak Inverse Voltage
77 PIVB 5 5 Volts Bias Rectifier Maximum Peak Inverse Voltage
80 VX 12 Volts Auxiliary Output Voltage
81 VDX 0.7 Volts Auxiliary Diode Forward Voltage Drop
82 NX 8.91 Auxiliary Number of Turns
83 PIVX 5 5 Volts Auxiliary Rectifier Maximum Peak Inverse Voltage

Page 1

Figure 2. Spreadsheet to Design Transformers for Single Output and Multiple Output Flyback Converters.

example uses the spreadsheet for continuous conduction mode. are equally applicable. The bobbin style does not influence the
The techniques described in the following sections to extend calculation of the primary inductance, but specific bobbin
the standard single output transformer design to multiple width must be input to determine the physical space available
outputs are the same for either spreadsheet. for the primary winding. Although triple insulated wire
techniques are not normally favored in applications requiring
Spreadsheet Transformer Design a high number of secondary turns, transformer suppliers should
be consulted for advice on the optimum construction technique
Figure 2 shows the spreadsheet for a transformer that meets the in a particular application.
output power and input voltage specification of Table 1. A full
explanation of the use of the spreadsheet is provided in AN-17, The spreadsheet defines two layers for the primary winding to
but a brief overview will suffice for this explanation. minimize construction costs. If other cores with reduced
bobbin widths are used, additional layers may be necessary to
The first section of the spreadsheet is used to input the satisfy recommendations for current capacity (CMA). It
application variables. Note that only the 5 V output is needed should be noted that an even number of layers will ease
to determine the number of turns of the primary, while the total construction because the start and finish of the primary winding
output power for all outputs is specified in this section to select will be at the same side of the bobbin.
the transformer core, primary inductance and wire gauge.
The remaining sections of the spreadsheet provide the
Initial design requirements may not be firm enough to transformer design that results from the input variables described
determine which TOPSwitch will be used in the final product. above. The key parameters that must be checked before a
The designer usually has to choose between two likely design can be deemed acceptable are detailed in AN-17 and
candidates (see AN-21). In all designs, whether single or summarized in Appendix A.
multiple output, the transformer design should accommodate
the largest TOPSwitch that might be used with it. A designer Since the spreadsheet is written for single output supplies, the
may find it necessary to use the larger TOPSwitch (with a lower ‘Transformer Secondary Design Parameters’ show values
on-resistance) to permit the use of a smaller heatsink, for assuming the total output power is provided by the 5 V output.
example. It is therefore necessary to extend these calculations to account
for the partitioning of output power defined in the power
Thus, although the circuit of Figure 1 specifies the TOP223Y, supply specification of Table 1. The following section
the spreadsheet uses the upper current limit value for the provides the equations necessary to assign appropriate numbers
TOP224Y/TOP224P. The higher value is used here to ensure of turns and wire gauges to each output.
flexibility to allow the use of the TOP224 should the application
require it. The change may be necessary if mechanical Calculation of Secondary Turns
restrictions in the available space of the power supply’s
enclosure force the use of a smaller heatsink. From the spreadsheet, the 5 V output winding is defined as
having 4 turns. The voltage on the cathode of D2 in Figure 1
The upper current limit is subsequently used in the spreadsheet is 5 V. Therefore, 4 turns produce the output voltage plus the
to determine the peak flux density BP, which should be limited forward drop of the output diode D2.
to prevent excessive core saturation under overload and start
up conditions. The volts per turn VPT is defined as:

The ferrite core used here is the industry standard ETD29. This
is used as an example only. Other standard cores such as the VPT =
(VO + VD )
EE or EER families can be substituted as desired. NS
The design is based on a margin wound construction, where where:
3 mm margins are provided at each side of the bobbin to give
a total of 6 mm primary to secondary creepage distance. This VPT = volts per turn
is the standard creepage distance allowed for mains input
power supplies meeting IEC950 (or equivalent) isolation. VO = output voltage (5 V)
Local safety agency requirements for creepage and clearance
should be obtained before committing a design to manufacture. VD = output diode forward voltage drop (typically 0.7 V
for ultra fast PN power diodes and 0.4 V for
Other transformer construction techniques, such as slotted Schottky diodes)
bobbin, concentric bobbin or the use of triple insulated wire,


30 V
22 T
0.5 mm (24 AWG) 30 V
77 T 77 T 13 T
0.3 mm RTN
0.3 mm 0.5 mm (24 AWG)
(29 AWG) 12 V
9T (29 AWG)
12 V
0.5 mm (24 AWG) 5T
2 in parallel 0.5 mm (24 AWG)
RTN 2 in parallel
5V 5V
9T 4T 9T 4T
0.3 mm 0.5 mm (24 AWG) 0.3 mm 0.5 mm (24 AWG)
(29 AWG) 3 in parallel (29 AWG) 4 in parallel

(a) Separate Winding (b) Stacked Winding


Figure 3. Transformer Winding Diagrams Showing Two Techniques for the Secondary Winding.

NS = number of secondary turns (4 turns for the 5 V output) A practical transformer requires integer numbers of turns;
therefore, the 12 V output uses 9 turns.
Substitution of these values into (1) gives:
For the 30 V output,
VPT = 1.43 V per turn
VO = 30 V
This value is used to calculate the turns required by the other
VD = 0.7 V
Simple rearrangement of (1) gives:
Substituting in (2) gives:

(VO + VD )
NS = (30 + 0.7)
VPT (2) NS30 = = 21.5 turns
For the 12 V output, Select 22 turns for the 30 V winding.

VO = 12 V This last result highlights a frequently encountered problem in

multiple output transformers. An integer number of turns, such
as 21 or 22, will make the output voltage lower or higher
VD = 0.7 V respectively than desired. Since this is a high voltage output
with a large number of turns, the difference between the
Substituting in (2): desired value and the integer value amounts to only about 2%.
The resulting change in output voltage is not significant, and
(12 + 0.7) will be masked by other factors such as cross regulation and
NS12 = = 8.9 turns diode characteristics. However, it is worth mentioning the
1.43 options available should this problem be encountered with

lower voltage outputs where the requirement for integer final choice of turns on each output is therefore shown in
numbers of turns can introduce a significant deviation from the Figure 3(a), and summarized as follows:
desired value.
5 V — 4 turns
1. If the output in question requires a high degree of 12 V — 9 turns
accuracy, then a higher output voltage can be defined in 30 V — 22 turns
equation (2) and a linear post regulator employed to
achieve the output voltage. Figure 3 illustrates two winding diagrams: one with separate
windings for each output and one with stacked output windings.
2. If the tolerance is less critical, a series resistor and a These two configurations are discussed in detail later in the
Zener diode of appropriate value can be used as a shunt section on transformer construction.
regulator for low power outputs.
Choice of Output Wire Gauge
3. The fundamental transformer design could be modified
such that the main 5 V output uses a number of turns Appropriate wire gauge for the outputs is determined on the
which yields an integer number of turns on the other basis of the maximum continuous RMS current rating for each
windings when calculated using equations (1) and (2). winding. The analysis of the distribution of current in the
various outputs can be very complex, but a few reasonable
4. The choice of rectifier on the main regulated output can assumptions make the task easy.
be used to influence the volts per turn. If a Schottky
diode with a forward voltage of typically 0.4 V were The waveshapes of the currents in the individual output
employed on the 5 V output, the VPT from (1) would be windings are determined by the impedances in each circuit.
1.35. A standard PN diode on the 30 V output would Leakage inductance, rectifier characteristics and capacitor
from equation (2) yield 22.7 turns, which is closer to the values are some of the parameters that affect the magnitude and
integer number 23. duration of the currents. The average currents are always equal
to the DC load current, while the RMS values are functions of
Use of the Schottky diode with 4 turns on the 5 V output, peak magnitudes and conduction times. The RMS values
however, would decrease the accuracy of the 12 V output. The determine the power dissipation in the windings. For ordinary
required number of turns would move farther away from an multiple output designs it is valid to make the reasonable
integer value, from 8.9 to 9.4 turns. simplifying assumption that all output currents have the same
shape as for the single output case. This is the case of greatest
The designer can investigate alternative integer turns ratios dissipation.
with both Schottky and PN diodes by repeating the spreadsheet
design for other values of secondary turns. If a need for higher Ultimately the final design of the transformer has to be decided
efficiency calls for a Schottky diode on the 5 V output, then 3 on the basis of tests and consultation with transformer suppliers.
turns on the 5 V output with 7 and 17 turns for the 12 V and However, the first order analysis that assumes the same
30 V outputs respectively may give acceptable results. waveshape for all output currents provides a start point for the
choice of wire gauge.
Designers often use the "golden ratios" of 3:7:9 with a
Schottky diode for the 5 V output and a PN diode for the 12 V The single output design of the spreadsheet calculates the RMS
output, or 4:9:11 with all PN diodes to achieve outputs of 5, 12 current in the secondary as if the 5 V winding supplied all the
and 15 V. Another useful ratio is 2:3 for outputs of 3.3 and power. However, from the specification of Table 1, the 5 V
5 V with Schottky diodes on each. The turns could be in the output supplies a maximum of 10 W. The actual currents in the
ratio of 3:4 if the 3.3 V output uses a PN diode and the 5 V uses multiple output application are computed from quantities on
a Schottky diode. All designs need to be tested thoroughly to the single output spreadsheet.
verify acceptability.
Since we assume the currents in the output windings have the
In practice, if tight tolerance is required on windings other same shape, each will have the same ratio of RMS to average
than the main feedback output, some form of post regulation as the single output case. If KRA is the ratio of RMS to average
or combined feedback circuitry is often necessary. These current, then
issues of cross regulation are discussed later in the section on
circuit performance. ISRMS 7.62 A
K RA = = = 1.524 (3)
In this case, as mentioned above, the choice of 22 turns for the IO 5A
30 V output will not introduce a significant inaccuracy. The

where ISRMS and IO are from the spreadsheet. 493 and 197 CMA respectively) allows acceptable power
dissipation in the majority of applications, depending on the
To find the RMS current in a winding, we simply multiply its conditions of maximum ambient temperature and efficiency
average current by KRA. requirements. In the United States, it is common to use the
reciprocal of current density expressed as circular mils per
I RMSX = I X × K RA (4) ampere (CMA). One mil is 0.001 inch, and the area in circular
mils is the square of the wire diameter in mils. One circular mil
is 7.854 × 10-7 in2 or 5.067 × 10-4 mm2.
Hence, the RMS current in the 5 V winding is
Based on 9 A/mm2 (219 CMA), using the RMS current
I RMS5 = 2.0 A × 1.524 = 3.05 A calculated above, the minimum bare copper diameter for each
output is:
and the RMS current on the 12 V winding is
5 V output — 0.66 mm (22 AWG)
I RMS12 = 1.2 A × 1.524 = 1.83 A
12 V output — 0.51 mm (24 AWG)
Similar calculations for the 30 V output yield
30 V output — 0.07 mm (41 AWG)

I RMS30 = 30.5 mA The above calculations define the minimum wire diameter
specifications. However, practical considerations of
The wire diameter can be chosen on the basis of the total transformer manufacture determine the actual wire gauges
dissipation in the output winding. One can find the resistance used. For example, two or three parallel windings on the higher
of the winding from the resistance per unit length of a particular current outputs can reduce the required wire diameter while
wire gauge and the length of the wire associated with each optimizing coverage of the bobbin. These issues are discussed
output winding. However, a calculation based on the current in detail next.
density can be used to make a first estimate of the required wire
gauge on each output. Transformer Construction
A current density between 4 and 10 A/mm2 (corresponding to Primary winding techniques are well documented in AN-18


Separate Output Windings 1. Flexibility in winding 1. Poor regulation of lightly loaded

placement; Output with outputs due to peak charging.
highest current can be
positioned closest to primary 2. Generally higher manufacturing
to minimize energy lost from costs.
leakage inductance.
3. More pins on bobbin.

Stacked Output Windings 1. Improved cross regulation. 1. Winding with lowest or highest
voltage output must be placed
2. Generally lowest cost closest to the primary winding
manufacturing technique. – no flexibility to reduce leakage
inductance of outputs with higher

Table 3. Comparison of Secondary Winding Techniques in Margin Wound Transformers.


30 V
C12 C6
D5 100 µF
100 µF
UF4004 50 V 50V
3.3 µH
12 V
C10 C11
D4 390 µF 100 µF
MUR420 35 V 35 V
3.3 µH
D8 C2
VR1 MBR745 1000 µF C3
P6KE200 35 V 120 µF
25 V
68 µF D1 U2
400 V BYV26C CNY 17-2
BR1 R2
400 V D3 100 Ω
L2 1N4148
33 mH C4 1/2 W
0.1 µF R4
R1 10 kΩ
75 Ω

U1 C9
C8 D TOP223 0.1 µF
0.1 µF
F1 TOPSwitch-II C
1.0 A TL431
L 5.2 Ω C7*
1000 pF
250VAC 10 kΩ
N C5
47 µF
* Two series connected, 2.2 nF, Y2-capacitors can replace C7.

Figure 4. Schematic of Multiple Output 25 W Power Supply with Stacked Secondary Windings.

and are not influenced by the number of output windings. The leakage inductance of a transformer is the inductance
There are, however, two secondary winding techniques associated with flux which does not link all windings. As such,
commonly used in margin wound transformers. These are this flux does not contribute to the transfer of energy. In single
described below and summarized in Table 3. Other transformer output transformer structures, all the leakage is usually measured
constructions such as slotted bobbin and concentric bobbin on the primary by shorting the output winding and measuring
designs may demand other considerations. The designer should the resulting inductance of the primary. This provides a good
consult with the specific transformer supplier to insure the estimate of the energy which the primary clamp circuitry will
optimum technique in each case. dissipate. In Figure 1, components D1 and VR1 are specified
for clamping the leakage energy.
Separate Output Windings
However, in a multiple output design, there are leakage
The winding diagram of Figure 3(a) shows each output wound inductances associated with each output winding according to
as a separate coil. In this way each winding conducts only its coupling to the primary and to other secondary windings.
current associated with the specific load on that output. Since Placement of the output windings should be made to minimize
each output is wound as a separate operation, this construction the leakage inductance associated with outputs that provide the
technique provides flexibility in the placement of output most current. For example, in the circuit design of this
windings relative to the primary winding. This freedom can be application note, the 5 V and 12 V outputs handle most of the
an important consideration in multiple output transformers to power with 2 A and 1.2 A respectively, while the 30 V output
minimize the leakage inductance. has a load of only 20 mA. The windings therefore should be

The stacked configuration improves cross regulation while
reducing construction costs. Consider this example where the
5 V output is fully loaded but the 12 V and 30 V outputs have
minimum load applied. With separate output windings, the
FINISH capacitors on the 12 V and 30 V outputs would tend to peak
charge under the influence of leakage inductance. However,
with a stacked winding, the fact that the 5 V output forms part
START of the 12 V and 30 V windings reduces the impedance of these
windings and reduces the effect of peak charging.

The only disadvantage of this winding technique is that there

Turn Turn Turn Turn Turn is little flexibility in the placement of the windings relative to
1 5 2 4 3 the primary. Either the 30 V or 5 V winding must form the start
of the output windings closest to the primary. In this case, since
the 5 V has the highest loading, it is defined as the start of the
secondary winding.
Figure 5. Cross Section of Bobbin Showing Five Interleaved Turns
of Four Parallel Conductors on a Single Layer.
Since the stacking technique generally offers the best cross
regulation, the winding construction of Figure 3(b) was chosen
arranged such that the 5 V and 12 V outputs have the best for the example circuit in this application note, as illustrated in
coupling to the primary winding. Figure 4. The only difference between T1 in Figures 1 and 4
is the use of the stacked winding technique on the transformer
An arrangement that has the 30 V winding closest to the in Figure 4.
primary may show the same primary leakage inductance as the
preferred structure when measured with the standard technique Construction to Improve Cross Regulation
of shorting all outputs together. In the application, however,
efficiency will be reduced since the leakage inductance The cross regulation is a measure of how well the output
associated with the 5 V and 12 V outputs will be higher. voltages regulate under the influence of varying load conditions
on other outputs. The quality of cross regulation depends on
The use of separate output windings provides complete the coupling between the various output windings. The better
flexibility in the winding arrangement. In this case the optimum coupled these windings are, the better the cross regulation.
configuration for separate layers might be to wind the 5 V
output first followed by the 12 V winding and finally the 30 V As such, it is recommended that each individual winding is
output. That is, the winding with the greatest output current wound to cover the complete bobbin width. Therefore, the
would go next to the primary. An even better arrangement easiest way to wind the transformer is to use several parallel
would have the two highest current windings share a single wires of the same gauge to insure the bobbin is well covered.
layer using the nesting technique illustrated in Appendix C.
In this case, the total copper area used by the 5 V winding must
Separate windings, however, tend to increase the cost of the handle the total RMS current of all outputs.
transformer since every output winding is a separate operation.
The alternative stacking technique described below improves The total output RMS current is:
the regulation, particularly on lightly loaded outputs.
I RMSTOT = I RMS 5 + I RMS12 + I RMS 30 = 5.03 A
Stacked Output Windings

Figure 3(b) shows a stacked output winding configuration, This summation is possible only when the currents have the
which is generally favored by transformer manufacturers. The same shape, which is a valid simplifying assumption for the
windings of the 5 V output provide the return and part of the design.
windings for the 12 V output. Similarly, the 30 V output uses
the turns of the 5 and 12 V outputs and additional turns to make Based on a current density of 9 A/mm2 (219 CMA), the copper
up the full winding. The wire for each output must be sized to diameter of a single wire would need to be 1.03 mm (20 AWG).
accommodate its output current plus the sum of the currents for However, if the wire is split into several parallel sections, each
the other outputs stacked on top of it. carrying an equal share of the current, we may use a smaller
diameter wire which is much easier to handle during

Also, the multiple parallel strands of thinner wire can be placed Output Rectifier Specification
flat for good coverage of the bobbin as shown in Figure 5. This
will insure that the winding is well coupled to the primary and As in single output converters, the proper choice of output
to the other secondaries that are wound afterwards. rectifiers in multiple output converters is essential to achieve
desired performance and reliability. It is important to use only
In this example we chose to split the 5 V winding into six Schottky and ultra fast PN junction rectifiers. The effects of the
conductors to fit the pin arrangement of the bobbin. One pin reverse recovery characteristics on the primary circuit are
can accommodate three wires. Since each wire carries one amplified in multiple output applications because the output
sixth the current, or 0.84 A RMS, we may use a wire diameter rectifiers are effectively in parallel. Refer to AN-19 for a
of 0.4 mm (27 AWG), which is much easier to handle during discussion of how the selection of output rectifiers influences
manufacture. efficiency.

The 12 V winding must handle a total of 1.86 A RMS (IRMS12 The specification on each output rectifier diode is determined
+ IRMS30). To maintain a maximum current density below on the basis of the required voltage and current rating. The
peak inverse voltage (PIV) on each diode is given by:
9 A/mm2 (219 CMA) we can use the same 0.4 mm (27 AWG)
wire with the number of parallel strands reduced to 2. Again
this should be wound evenly across the bobbin with turns  N 
distributed to provide the optimum coupling with the 5 V and PIVX = VX +  VMAX × X  (5)
primary winding. Appendix C shows how to put both windings  NP 
on the same layer for best coupling.
where VX is the voltage of the particular output, NX is the
Finally, the 30 V winding is added across the entire bobbin number of output turns on the particular output and NP is the
width. This winding carries the current for only the 30 V load; transformer primary turns. VMAX is the maximum primary DC
therefore, we can use a single strand of the 0.4 mm diameter rail voltage, which for 230 VAC input applications is typically
(27 AWG) wire. If desired, a thinner wire gauge may be 375 VDC (peak value of 265 VAC).
specified to reduce the volume occupied by the winding. The
same wire may be used in all windings to reduce cost. Appendix For the transformer in this example,
C illustrates these methods with complete construction details
of the transformer used in this Application Note. N P = 77 turns
The techniques detailed above should be used in the transformer
construction to optimize cross regulation. However, additional VMAX = 375 V
external circuit techniques to further enhance cross regulation
are discussed in the section on circuit performance. Hence, for the 5 V output,

105 105

Output Voltage (% of Nominal)

Output Voltage (% of Nominal)

12 V
30 V

100 100

12 V
30 V

95 95
0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
(a) 5 V Load (A) (b) 5 V Load (A)

Figure 6 (a). Cross Regulation with Feedback from 5 V Only. Figure 6 (b). Cross Regulation with Feedback from 5 V and 12 V.
Response to a 5 V Load. Response to a 5 V Load.


30 V
C12 C6
D5 100 µF
100 µF
UF4004 50 V 50V
3.3 µH
12 V
D4 390 µF
MUR420 C11
35 V 100 µF R6
L1 35 V 75 kΩ
3.3 µH
D8 C2
VR1 MBR745 1000 µF C3
P6KE200 35 V 120 µF
25 V
68 µF D1 U2
400 V BYV26C CNY 17-2
BR1 R2
400 V D3 100 Ω
L2 1N4148 C4
33 mH 1/2 W
0.1 µF
R1 21 kΩ
75 Ω

U1 C9
C6 D TOP223 0.1 µF
0.1 µF
F1 TOPSwitch-II C
1.0 A TL431
L 5.2 Ω C7*
1000 pF
250VAC 10 kΩ
N C5
47 µF
* Two series connected, 2.2 nF, Y2-capacitors can replace C7.

Figure 7. Modified Schematic with Feedback from Both 5 V & 12 V Outputs.

voltage never exceeds 80% of the rating of a particular diode.

PIV5 = 5 +  375 ×
= 25 V Hence, in this case, the diode on the 5 V output should be rated
 77  for more than 30 V, the 12 V output more than 70 V, and the
30 V output more than 171 V. Peak reverse voltages should be
For the 12 V output, measured on all diodes under maximum load and startup
conditions to ensure that ratings are not exceeded.

PIV12 = 12 +  375 ×  = 56 V
The rule of thumb for the diode current rating is to choose a
 77  device with a DC current rating at least three times the average
DC output current of the particular output. From the current
For the 30 V output, specifications of Table 1 and the voltage requirements above,
the following minimum ratings should be defined in this case:

5 V output diode — 6.0 A, 30 V

PIV30 = 30 +  375 ×  = 137 V
 77  12 V output diode — 3.6 A, 70 V

The diodes chosen for each output should have a reverse 30 V output diode — 60 mA, 171 V
voltage rating 1.25 × PIVX. This insures that the peak reverse


105 105


Output Voltage (% of Nominal)

Output Voltage (% of Nominal)

12 V
30 V

100 100

12 V
30 V
95 95
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20
(a) 12 V Load (A) (b) 12 V Load (A)

Figure 8(a). Cross Regulation with Feedback from 5 V Only. Figure 8(b). Cross Regulation with Feedback from 5 V and 12 V.
Response to Variation of 12 V Load Response to Variation of 12 V Load

For reverse voltage ratings less than 100 V, Schottky diodes changes with load current and temperature. As the outputs
can be used to minimize power losses. As discussed earlier, have varying loads, the output diodes will exhibit different
Schottkys can also be used to improve the relative accuracy of forward voltages depending on the load conditions on the
output voltages when calculating the number of turns. Schottky particular output. Changing load conditions on the 5 V output,
diodes are more expensive than PN junction diodes. The for example, will inherently influence the voltages on the other
circuit of Figure 1 uses ultra fast recovery PN diodes for the outputs.
lowest cost, while the circuit in Figure 4 uses a Schottky diode
on the 5 V output with the same transformer design. Circuit In addition, secondary effects such as voltage spikes from
performance may be improved with a transformer designed leakage inductance and quality of coupling between output
specifically for a Schottky diode on the 5 V output. windings, lead to reduced voltage accuracy on outputs which
do not provide feedback through the optocoupler.
In this example many possible diodes are available to achieve
the required characteristics. The devices in the example of The basic circuit of Figure 4 derives feedback only from the
Figure 4 are: 5 V output. As a consequence, the other output voltages vary
as the 5 V output current changes. The influence on the 12 V
5 V output: MBR745 output is shown in Figure 6(a). Use of a Schottky diode in a
7.8 A, 45 V circuit designed for a PN diode emphasizes the effect of a
Motorola change in voltage drop, as illustrated in this example.

12 V output: MUR420 The 5 V output voltage is well controlled since it exclusively

4.0 A, 200 V provides the feedback signal. The 12 V output, however, is
Motorola seen to vary by ± 2% as the 5 V load is varied between 25% and
100% (0.5 amps to 2.0 amps). For this test the 12 V output load
30 V output: UF4004 was held constant at 0.6 amps. The 12 V and 30 V outputs are
1.0 A, 400 V also below their nominal values because of the lower drop of
General Semiconductor the Schottky diode.

Other suitable diodes are available from different Transformer construction techniques to optimize output cross
manufacturers. Tests with a number of diodes are regulation were discussed earlier. However, it is often necessary
recommended to verify the optimum devices in each to further enhance cross regulation using external circuit
application. techniques. For example, if improved regulation is required
on the 12 V output, a simple technique is to derive the feedback
Circuit Performance from both 5 V and 12 V outputs. In this example, as in most
applications, higher accuracy is required on one of the outputs.
The volts per turn defined in Equation (1) is an approximation Here it is assumed that the main output is still the 5 V, but some
based on the forward voltage of the output diode. This value feedback may be drawn from the 12 V output to improve its


30 V
C2 C12
D5 100 µF
100 µF
UF4004 50 V 50 V
3.3 µH
12 V
D4 C3 C6
390 µF 100 µF
MUR420 35 V 35 V
3.3 µH
MBR745 C13 C11
VR1 C10 R2 1 nF 120 µF
P6KE200 1000 µF 100 Ω 500 V 25 V
35 V 1/2 W
68 µF D1
400 V BYV26C U2
CNY 17-2
L2 400 V
33 mH 1N4148 C4
0.1 µF R4
10 kΩ
T1 R1
75 Ω
U1 C9
C8 D TOP223 0.1 µF
0.1 µF U3
F1 TOPSwitch-II C
1.0 A
S R5
L 6.2 Ω
C7* 10 kΩ
C5 1.0 nF
N Y1
47 µF
* Two series connected, 2.2 nF, Y2-capacitors can replace C7.


Figure 9. Modified Schematic of Figure 4 with Isolated 30 V Output and C13 for Common Mode Current Return.

load regulation. The schematic of Figure 7 illustrates a simple A good rule of thumb as a start point for tests is to choose R6
modification to the original circuit of Figure 4, where resistor such that it yields about 10% of the current in R4 (with the
R6 is introduced from the 12 V output to the reference pin of TL431 reference pin at 2.5 V).
the TL431 shunt regulator.
In this example the current in R4 before modification is:
Figure 6(b) illustrates the improvement obtained by
employing this new feedback scheme where the load (5 − 2.5) V
regulation on the 12 V output is improved to ± 1.5%. The I R4 = = 250 µA
effect would be more dramatic if the transformer had greater 10 kΩ
leakage inductance on the output windings.
To emphasize the effect, we let the 12 V output provide 50%
The value of R6 is generally determined through iteration and of this amount through R6. Assuming that the TL431 reference
depends on the degree of feedback desired from the second pin is still at 2.5 V
output. Introducing feedback from a second winding has a
detrimental effect on the regulation of the main output. In this (12 − 2.5) V
example the change in the 5 V output increases from effectively R6 = = 76 kΩ
125 µA
0% in Figure 6(a) to ± 0.75% in Fig 6(b).

A standard resistor value of 75.0 kohm was chosen for R6 in

Figure 7.

Note that since the sum of the currents through R4 and R6 is a 100%. In Figure 8(a), the 5 V output is very stable since this
constant equal to 2.5V divided by R5, the additional feedback is exclusively providing output feedback, while the 12 V
that R6 introduces from the 12 V output will tend to reduce the output drops by 4% over the load range. In Figure 8(b), the
regulated value of the 5 V output. This requires that R4 is in introduction of R6 maintains tighter regulation on the 12 V
turn adjusted to retain the 5 V output at the desired level. To output (± 1.5% variation with load), whereas this additional
retain the voltage at the reference pin of the TL431 at 2.5 V, the feedback introduces a ± 0.75% variation in the 5 V output
value of R4 must therefore be increased to reduce its current by voltage over the same load range.
The degree of feedback required from each output can thus be
(5 − 2.5) V determined depending on the application requirements for
R4 = = 20 kΩ output voltage tolerance. Breadboard evaluation is necessary
(250 − 125) µA to adjust component values for the desired performance.
A slightly larger precision 21.0 kohm resistor was specified in
the circuit of Figure 7 to compensate for the small penalty in EMI Considerations
regulation on the 5 V output.
In general, the EMI considerations in a multiple output
Figure 8 shows load regulation measurements before and after TOPSwitch power supply do not differ from those of a single
these circuit modifications with the 5 V output load held output supply, and are covered in detail in AN-15. There are,
constant at 1 A and the 12 V output load varied from 10% to however, specific multiple output power supplies where

30 V
C12 C6
D5 100 µF
47 µF
UF4004 50 V 50V
3.3 µH
12 V
C10 C11
D4 470 µF 120 µF
MUR420 35 V 35 V
3.3 µH
D8 C2
VR1 MBR745 1000 µF C3
P6KE200 35 V 120 µF
35 V
68 µF D1 U2
400 V BYV26C CNY 17-2
BR1 R2
400 V D3 100 Ω
L2 1N4148
33 mH C4 1/2 W
0.1 µF
T1 R1 10 kΩ
75 Ω

U1 C9
C8 D TOP223 0.1 µF
0.1 µF
F1 TOPSwitch-II C
1.0 A U3
S C15 TL431
L 5.2 Ω
22 µF R5
25 V 10 kΩ
N C5
47 µF
1000 pF
* Two series connected, 2.2 nF, Y2-capacitors can replace C7. PI-2132-121897

Figure 10. Modified Schematic of Figure 4 with Soft-Start Capacitor C15 Added.


DC Rail DC Rail
+V Output +V Output

DRAIN Output DRAIN Output

Bias RTN Bias RTN

Primary –V Output Primary –V Output


(a) (b)


Figure 11 (a), (b). Two Configurations to Get Negative Outputs.

additional measures are necessary to optimize the EMI The need for additional capacitors in this type of circuit
performance. This is particularly true when the outputs are depends on the transformer’s interwinding capacitance.
galvanically isolated from each other. In motor control circuits, Additional capacitors from an isolated output may not be
for example, several isolated outputs may be required to necessary if its capacitance to the primary is low enough.
supply high side drivers in an inverter output stage. However, tests are essential to verify the necessity of additional
In these cases it is important that displacement currents driven
by the TOPSwitch DRAIN node through the transformer’s One other EMI consideration related to output diode snubbers
interwinding capacitance have a low impedance return path is worthy of note. Output diodes are always a source of
from a specific output to the primary side of the power supply. additional noise that depends on their forward and reverse
This consideration demands that each isolated output provide recovery characteristics, particularly the di/dt and dv/dt during
a low impedance path for common mode displacement recovery. Many diodes are now available with so called ‘soft
currents to return from its own return to the primary return recovery’ characteristics which are designed to limit switching
(TOPSwitch SOURCE potential). This low impedance path noise. It is often desirable, however, to further snub the diode
can usually be provided from the output’s return through a characteristics with external components.
capacitor (suitably rated for the isolation voltage required on
a particular output) to the main secondary return, from where These external snubbers are usually a single capacitor, or series
a safety Y capacitor is connected to the primary return rail. resistor and capacitor in parallel with the output diodes.
This configuration is shown in Figure 9, where the isolated
30 V output has a 500 V capacitor, C13, connected between In many cases the snubbing circuitry can be limited to a single
its return rail and that of the main power supply output. output diode to achieve the desired reduction in switching
noise. In such cases, the highest voltage winding with
If these low impedance capacitive paths are not provided on significant loading should be chosen for the snubber circuitry.
each isolated output, then the common mode displacement In this example, the 12 V output diode would be chosen since
currents transferred through the transformer interwinding the capacitors on that output have lower ESR than the
capacitance will return to their source on the primary of the capacitors on the 30 V output. It also has the best overall
transformer through any alternative route that is available. coupling with the primary winding because it is physically
The common mode currents may split many times on their closest. During the primary switching events, these snubber
route to the DRAIN node. If a capacitive return path is not components are an AC current path in series with the output
present, there is the risk that enough of the displacement electrolytic capacitors. They therefore provide a low
current will flow through the AC input conductors to fail impedance AC path across the transformer output winding and
regulatory emission specifications. the output diode to confine the noise currents created by
primary switching events.


Additional Tips When introducing soft start, it is useful to supply the

optocoupler LED from a higher voltage output, such as the
Following are some tips which can be considered and tested 12 V rail in this case, since this will insure that C15 begins to
where necessary to improve circuit performance. charge and provide the soft start function as soon as possible
after the power supply starts to operate. The issues of
Optocoupler Connection minimum load on the higher voltage output, discussed above,
must be considered when doing this to insure loop stability
In multiple output power supplies, the current for the under all conditions.
optocoupler LED is often supplied via the loop gain setting
resistor from an output other than the main feedback voltage. Improving Regulation in Lightly Loaded Outputs
In Figure 4, this connection of R1 is made to the 5 V winding.
This technique introduces some AC feedback from the 5 V Some outputs, such as the 30 V output in this example, can
winding, which helps reduce variation on that output during have very light loads even under maximum load conditions.
transient load conditions. These are prone to peak charging, which can produce output
voltages much higher than expected by the turns ratio of the
R1 and R2 may be connected to the 12 V output instead of the transformer output. The degree of this peak charging is
5 V output (with their values changed appropriately). Ripple strongly influenced by the loads on the other outputs.
current from this output has a path to the TL431 reference pin
via R1 and C9. This type of connection, however, will often The output in question can simply be clamped with a Zener
introduce loop instability with very light loads on the 12 V diode between the output and secondary return. However, a
output. The reason is that the 12 V output is subject to peak lower cost and more efficient solution is to provide some low
charging from energy in leakage inductance as its load pass filtering that will reject the short voltage spikes from
approaches zero. Peak charging effectively uncouples the leakage inductance to prevent charging of the output capacitors.
output so that it is no longer related to the 5 V output by the The introduction of a resistor in series with D5 in Figure 4 will
turns ratio. If instability is observed during light or no load provide this function. Values from 10 to 100 ohms should be
conditions on the 12 V output, two options are available: tested to determine the optimum. See R6 in Figure 1.

1. The optocoupler LED should be supplied from the 5 V Negative Outputs

winding (with the value of R1 selected to maintain
acceptable AC gain) or Negative outputs are often required in a system for
operational amplifiers or other analog circuitry. Two simple
2. A dummy or minimum load resistor can be added to the configurations generally used to provide these outputs are
12 V output to eliminate the effects of peak charging. shown in Figure 11.
Dummy loads are usually added to improve regulation at
light loads. R2 is used for this purpose on the 5 V output Figure 11(a) shows the most usual configuration, where the
in Figure 4. R2 might be moved to the 12 V output if one direction of the output diode is reversed such that that diode's
dummy load is sufficient to meet specifications. The cathode is connected to the transformer’s output pin. The other
value of this resistor should be adjusted as necessary to end of the negative winding is connected to the common
allow for the load range of a particular application. secondary return using the same dot convention as the other
output windings. An alternative technique connects the anode
Soft Start Circuitry of the output diode to the return end of the winding with the
cathode connected to the common secondary return as shown
Soft start circuitry is often useful to avoid output voltage in Figure 11(b). The alternate, however, is not available with
overshoot during power supply turn on. This is achieved stacked windings.
simply by introducing a capacitor from the TL431 cathode to
anode as shown by C15 in Figure 10. The calculation of the number of output turns is identical to that
for positive outputs, and the same transformer construction
Note a discharge path is required for this capacitor to insure techniques are used to optimize cross regulation. Since
the soft start function is reset when the output voltages decay negative outputs are often lightly loaded, the techniques to
at turn off. This function is provided in Figure 10 by the improve regulation in lightly loaded outputs detailed above are
minimum load resistor R2. often useful. Alternatively, the output can simply be post
regulated with a linear regulator.


Appendix A BP — This must be below the recommended value of

4200 gauss to avoid excessive core saturation at
Key Spreadsheet Variables. the peak TOPSwitch current limit. Here the value
of 3767 gauss is well within this requirement.
The following key variables in the transformer design
spreadsheet of Figure 2 should be checked before a transformer
LG — Although the guidance of transformer vendors
design can be deemed acceptable:
should be sought, airgaps of <0.051mm are not
recommended because such small gaps make
DMAX — Must be less than the TOPSwitch data sheet
it difficult to hold a reasonable tolerance on the
minimum value of 64% (0.64).
specified primary inductance.
IP — To allow for thermal effects, this should be no
CMA — Values between 200 and 500 allow reasonable
greater than 90% of the data sheet minimum
temperature rise in the windings. Smaller
current limit specification for the chosen
values indicate higher temperatures from
TOPSwitch at 25 °C. In this example, the
greater losses in the copper. The value of 219
minimum current limit for the TOP223Y is
circular mils per amp in Figure 2 meets the
specified as 0.9 A, so the spreadsheet value of
recommended lower limit of 200.
0.78 meets the above criterion.
Again, AN-17 should be consulted for full details on the use of
the spreadsheet of Figure 2.


Appendix B the volts per turn provides a solution where 4 turns are used
with a Schottky diode for the 5 V output.
3.3 V and 5 V Outputs
An increasing number of applications require that both 3.3 V (VO + VD )
and 5 V outputs in multiple output power supplies, both
VPT = (1)
requiring ±5% regulation to supply digital control circuitry.
Several commonly used techniques to achieve this
performance are described below. If

Linear Regulator VO = 3.3 V

The simplest, though least efficient technique, is to design VD = 0.7 V

only a 5 V output winding with wire capable of supplying the
RMS current for both the 5 V and 3.3 V outputs. A linear
regulator is then placed on this 5 V output, regulating down to NS = 3 turns
3.3 V as shown in Figure 1. Integrated 3.3 V regulators are now
available from a number of suppliers with varying current Then from (1) find
capabilities. A simple emitter follower regulator could also be
employed using discrete components. VPT = 1.33 V per turn
The disadvantage of this technique is reduced power supply rearranging (1) to calculate the turns required for the 5 V output
efficiency, although it simplifies the transformer construction yields:
and reduces the number of output pins.

Transformer Turns Ratio VO + VD

NS = (2)
Two techniques are commonly used to design separate
transformer windings for each output. Each has the required
turns ratio relationship to provide the regulation required.

1. Copper wire VS = 5 V
If 3 turns are defined for the 3.3 V output and an ultra fast PN
junction diode is specified for this output, the calculation of VD = 0.4 V


Linear Regulator

3.3 V


PI-2133 -121597

Figure 1. Derivation of 3.3 V Output from 5 V with Linear Regulator.


Wrapped to
to Exact

5 V Output
Return 3.3 V Output Point
Termination Termination
Point Point

PI-2134 -121897

Figure 2. Preparation of Foil Windings for 5 V and 3.3 V Outputs.

VPT = 1.33 V per turn wound as a single operation. Termination to the transformer
pins is performed afterwards. Figure 2 illustrates this
From (2), the turns required on the 5 V output are: technique.

The foil is prepared to fit the bobbin width of the chosen

NS = 4.06 turns transformer exactly, and is backed with insulation material
which is wrapped around the foil to provide creepage
This result demonstrates that this choice of turns and output distances appropriate to the required isolation requirements of
diodes yields an almost perfect integer turns ratio between the the application.
3.3 V and 5 V outputs. It is a very popular solution for this
reason. Although this technique may add some cost to the transformer
construction, the fact that the foil is prepared to the exact
The coupling between the output windings is still a crucial bobbin width provides excellent coupling with the primary
factor to insure that the turns ratio calculated above does winding. In addition, the 3.3 V and 5 V windings have very
indeed result in the required output cross regulation. Since so good mutual coupling that improves cross regulation. This
few turns are involved in these outputs, it is usual for multiple mutual coupling makes the stacked winding construction the
parallel wire strands to be used on each output winding, and for preferred technique when using foil windings.
the 3.3 V and 5 V outputs to be constructed as separate
windings. Stacked windings are not appropriate in this case. As shown in Figure 3, subsequent output windings can be
As discussed in the body of the application note, windings stacked on the foil windings, though the total RMS current
should be constructed in 2 layers and interleaved across the requirements must accounted for in the choice of the foil.
bobbin width to optimize coupling with the primary winding.
Independent of whether copper wire or foil winding
2. Foil windings techniques are used, the output feedback configuration must be
An alternative technique is to use foil instead of multiple determined according to the load and regulation requirements.
strands of copper wire. Using this technique, the turns ratio of
3 turns on the 3.3 V output and 4 turns on the 5 V output is Figure 4 shows the use of a TL431 where the feedback is
retained. The foil is cut to the required length with appropriate derived from both the 3.3 V and 5 V outputs. The proportion
termination points included prior to winding. The foil is then of feedback from each output can be adjusted as required, and
is discussed in detail in the body of the Application Note.




PI-2136 -121997

Figure 3. Winding Arrangement with Foil and Wire for Multiple Outputs.


3.3 V


PI-2138 -121997

Figure 4. Use of Feedback from Both Outputs with TL431 to Improve Regulation on 3.3 V Output.


Appendix C
Transformer Construction Details


7 13

1 13
77 T
5 T #27 AWG x2 3 TOPSwitch DRAIN
3 11 5 VBIAS
5 10
4 T #27 AWG x6 7, 8 RETURN
3x #27 AWG
8 9, 10 +5 V OUTPUT
CORE# - ETD29 (Philips) 12 +12 V OUTPUT
GAP FOR AL OF 225 nH/T2 13 +30 V OUTPUT
BOBBIN# 4322 021 3438 (Philips) 1 7

60 Hz, 1 minute,
Electrical Strength from pins 1-6 to pins 7-13 3000 VAC

Creepage Between pins 1-6 and pins 7-13 5.0 mm (min)

Primary Inductance All windings open 1340 µH, –10%

Resonant Frequency All windings open 1 MHz (min)

Primary Leakage Inductance Pins 7 through 13 shorted 34 µH (max)

NOTE: All inductance measurements should be made at 100 kHz



Item Amt. Description Part # Manufacturer

1 1pr. Core, ETD29 4312 020 3750* Philips

2 1ea. Bobbin, ETD29-1S-13P, 13 pin 4322 021 3438 Philips
3 A/R Wire, 30 AWG Heavy Nyleze
4 A/R Wire, 27 AWG Heavy Nyleze
5 A/R Tape, Epoxy 2.5 mm wide #10 3M
6 A/R Tape, Polyester 14 mm wide #1298 3M
7 A/R Tape, Polyester 19 mm wide #1298 3M
8 A/R Varnish

*Gap for AL of 225 nH/T2 ± 5%




+30 V 13
(4 PLACES) 7
+5, +12 V 10

Primary and Bias Margins Tape Margins with item [5]. Match height with Primary and Bias windings.

Double Primary Layer Start at Pin 3. Wind 39 turns of item [3] from left to right. Wind in a single
layer. Apply 1 layer of tape, item [6], for basic insulation. Wind remaining
38 turns in the next layer from right to left. Finish on Pin 1.

Basic Insulation 1 Layer of tape [6] for insulation.

Bias Winding Start at Pin 5. Wind 9 Parallel Trifilar turns of item [4] from left to right. Wind
uniformly, in a single layer, across entire width of bobbin. Finish on Pin 6.

Reinforced Insulation 3 Layers of tape [7] for insulation.

Output Margins Tape Margins with item [5]. Match height with all output windings

+5 V and +12 V Winding Start with two sets each containing three wires item [4], and one pair of
wires item [4]. Terminate first set of three wires to pin 9 and the second set
of three wires to pin 10. Terminate the pair of wires to pin 12. Wind the
combination of eight wires in parallel right to left evenly across the bobbin,
with the pair of wires closest to the right side of the bobbin. After four turns
of the combination of eight wires, terminate the first set of wires to pin 8 and
the second set of wires to pin 7. Continue to wind the pair of wires one
more turn for five turns total. Finish at pin 11.

Basic Insulation 1 Layer of tape [6] for basic insulation.

+30 V Winding Start at Pin 13. Wind 13 turns of item [4] from right to left. Wind uniformly,
in a single layer, across entire width of bobbin. Finish on Pin 12.

Outer Assembly 3 Layers of tape [7] for insulation.

Final Assembly Assemble and secure core halves. Impregnate uniformly with varnish.


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