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Electromagnetic Effects

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Electromagnetic Induction

Inducing an EMF in a Conductor

 When a conductor (such as a metal wire) is moved through a magnetic field, it cuts through the field lines,
inducing an EMF in the wire.

As the wire moves downwards, it cuts through field lines, inducing an EMF in the wire

 A similar effect occurs if a magnet is pushed into, or taken out of a coil:

o As the magnet moved through the coil, the field lines cut through the turns on the coil.
o This induces an emf in the coil.

When the magnet enters the coil, the field lines cut through the turns, inducing an EMF

 More generally, whenever the magnetic field passing through a loop of wire changes, an EMF is induced.

Factors Afeccting EM Induction

 The size of the induced EMF is proportional to the rate at which the field lines are cut:
o If the field lines are cut at a faster rate, the EMF will increase.

 This can be achieved by:

o Moving the wire (or magnet) faster.
o Using a stronger magnet (increasing the number of field lines).
o Adding more turns to a coil (assuming a coil is being used, and not just a wire).

Exam Tip
When discussing factors affecting EM Induction:
 Make sure you state:
“Add more turns to the coil”
And not just: “Add more coils”
(This second one means something slightly different).

 Likewise, when referring to the magnet, use the phrase:

“A stronger magnet”
And not: “A bigger magnet”
(Large magnets are not necessarily stronger).

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The RIght-Hand Rule
 When moving a wire through a magnetic field, the direction of the induced EMF can be worked out by using
the Right-Hand Dynamo rule:

The Right Hand Dynamo rule can be used to deduce the direction of the induced EMF

 To use the rule:

o Start by pointing the first finger (on your right hand) in the direction of the field.
(First Finger Field)
o Next, rotate your hand so that the thumb point in the direction that the wire is moving in.
(ThuMb Motion)
o Your Second finger will now be pointing in the direction of the current (or, strictly speaking, the
(SeCond Current)

 The direction of the induced EMF always opposes the change that produces it.
 This means that any magnetic field created by the EMF will act so that it tries to stop the wire or magnet
from moving.

A.C. & D.C.

Alternating vs Direct Current
 An alternating current (a.c.) is one that continuously changes its direction, going back and forth around
a circuit.
 A direct current (d.c.) is one that is steady, constantly going the same way around a circuit, from
positive to negative.

Two graphs showing the variation of current with time for alternating current and direct current

 Electric cells (batteries) produce direct current (d.c.)

 Mains electricity is an alternating current.

Exam Tip

 If asked to explain the difference between alternating and direct current, sketch the graphs shown above.
 A well sketched (and labelled) graph can earn you full marks.

A.C. Generator
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A.C. Generator: Basics
 A generator looks very similar to a motor, but instead of connecting it to a power supply, the coil is spun by
some mechanical process which then produces electricity.

When a coil is spun in a magnetic field, a voltage is induced between the ends of the coil
 As the coil rotates, it cuts through the field lines.
 This induces an EMF between the end of the coil
(which can then create a current).
 The size of this EMF can be increased by:

o Turning the coil faster

o Increasing the strength of the magnetic field
o Adding more turns to the coil.

 Slip rings, attached to the ends of the coil, transfer the current to metal brushes whilst allowing the coil to
rotate freely.

The Output
 The A.C. generator creates an alternating current, varying in size and direction as the coil rotates.

o The induced EMF is greatest when the coil is horizontal, as in this position it cuts through the field at
the fastest rate.
o The EMF is smallest when the coil is vertical , as in this position it will not be cutting through field

Diagram showing how the current varies with the position of the coil

Exam Tip

 When a conductor cuts through field lines, it induces an EMF.

 Motors and generators look very similar, but they do very different things, so:
When tackling a question on either of them, make sure you are writing about the right one!
 Remember to say ‘add more turns to the coil’ and not ‘add more coils’ – if you give the second one it will
be marked wrong.

What is a Transformer?
 A transformer is an electrical device that can be used to increase or decrease the voltage of an alternating
(Transformers only work with a.c.)

A transformer consists of two coils of wire wrapped around a soft iron core

 A step-up transformer increases the voltage of a power source.

 A step-up transformer has more turns on the secondary coil than on the primary coil.

 A step-down transformer decreases the voltage of a power source.

 A step-down transformer has fewer turns on the secondary coil than on the primary coil.

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How It Works
 When an alternating current is supplied to the primary coil, a changing magnetic field is produced by the
primary coil.
 This field passes through the soft iron core and through the secondary coil.
 The changing field in the secondary coil induces an EMF.
 This EMF is also alternating and has the same frequency as the original current.

The Transformer Equation

 The output voltage of a transformer depends on the number of turns on each of the coils as well as the input
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 Although transformers can increase the voltage of a power source, due to the law of conservation of energy,
they cannot increase the output power.
(Increasing the voltage decreases the current, and vice-versa).
 If a transformer if 100% efficient:

Where IP and IS are the currents in the primary and secondary coils

 Hence, if the voltage is increased by some factor, the current must decrease by the same factor.

Transmitting Electricity
High-Voltage Transmission
 When electricity is transmitted along overhead cables, it is done at high voltages.
o A step-up transformer is used to raise the potential difference (voltage) before transmissions.
o A step-down transformer is then used to step the potential difference back down to normal levels
when it reaches its destination.

Electricity is transmitted at high voltage, which reduces both the current and the loss of power

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How High Voltage Reduces Power Loss
 When electricity is transmitted over large distances, the current heats the wires, resulting in energy loss.
 By raising the voltage at which the electricity is transmitted at, the same amount of power (energy per
second) can be transmitted using a much smaller current (P=I×V).
 This results in less heat being produced in the wire and hence there is less energy loss.

The Magnetic Effect of a Current

The Field around a Wire
 When there is a current in a wire, a magnetic field is created around the wire.

Diagram showing the magnetic fields around a current-carrying wire

 The magnetic field lines form concentric circles around the wire.
 The direction of the field is given by the right-hand grip rule:

When the thumb is pointing in the direction of the current, the fingers will curl in the direction of the field

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 Magnetic Field Strength & Direction
 The direction of a magnetic field is defined as being:
o The direction of the force on the north pole of a magnet placed at that point.

 The strength and direction of the field depend on the size and direction of the current:
o If the current is increased, the field will get stronger.
o If the direction of the current is changed, the direction of the field will change.
 The strength of the magnetic field is related to the distance between the field lines:
As the field lines spread out, the field gets weaker.
 The field lines around a wire get further apart the further they are from the wire.

The Field around a Coil

 When a wire is looped into a coil, the magnetic field lines circle around each part of the coil, passing through
the centre of it.

Diagram showing the magnetic field around a flat circular coil

 A solenoid is a long coil.

 The magnetic field around a solenoid looks the same as the magnetic field around a bar magnet:

The magnetic field around a solenoid (a long coil) is identical to the magnetic field of a bar magnet

 One end of the solenoid behaves like the north pole of a magnet; the other side behaves like the south pole.

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Strength & Direction within a Solenoid
 Inside the solenoid the field lines straighten up and are very close together – they form a strong uniform

Solenoid Applications
 A solenoid can be used as an electromagnet by adding a soft iron core.
(This increases the strength of the magnetic field significantly).
 Electromagnets are used in a wide variety of applications including:
o Doorbells
o Electronic door locks
 An electromagnet is also used in a relay:
When a current passes through the coil, it attracts the switch, closing it, which allows a current in the right-hand
part of the circuit

Force on a Current-Carrying Conductor

The Motor Effect
 When a current passes through a wire in a magnetic field, a force is exerted on the wire.

Diagram showing the force acting on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field

 The direction of this force depends on:

o The direction of the field.
o The direction of the current.
 Reversing either of the above will reverse the direction of the force.

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The Left-Hand Rule
 The force is always directed at 90 degrees to both the field and the current.
 The direction of the force on a current-carrying wire can be worked out by using the left-hand rule:
The left-hand rule can help you figure out the direction of the force on a current-carrying wire

 Start by pointing your First Finger in the direction of the (magnetic) Field.

 Now rotate your hand around the first finger so that the seCond finger points in the direction of the Current.
 The THumb will now be pointing in the direction of the THrust (the force).

Force on a Charged Particle

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How a Magnetic Field Deflects a Charged Particle
 When a charged particle passes through a magnetic field, the field can exert a force on the particle, deflecting
 This happens because the moving charge forms a current.

When a charged particle (such as an electron) enters a magnetic field, it is deflected by the field

 The force is always at 90 degrees to both the direction of travel and the magnetic field lines, and can be
worked out by using the left-hand rule.

o However:
If the particle has a negative charge (such as an electron), then the second finger (the current) must
point in the opposite direction to the direction of travel.

 The deflection of charged particles can be demonstrated either by using a cathode ray tube and a pair of
magnets, or by passing a collimated beam of beta particles (high energy electrons) between the poles of a
horseshoe magnet.
(Note: A cathode ray tube fires electrons at high speed towards a target. Old TV sets contained cathode ray
tubes, but you must be careful using these, as holding a magnet to the screen can permanently affect the image.)

D.C. Motor
Simple D.C Motor: Basics
 The simple d.c. motor consists of a coil in a uniform magnetic field:

The simple d.c. motor

 When there is a current in the coil, the magnets exert a turning effect on the coil, causing it to rotate.
 The force supplied by a motor can be increased by:
o Increasing the current in the coil.
o Increasing the strength of the magnetic field.
o Adding more turns to the coil.

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How It Works
 When a current passes through the coil:
o The current creates a magnetic field around the coil,
o which interacts with the field of the magnets,
o exerting a force on the coil,
o in accordance with the left-hand rule (see below).
o This pushes one side of the coil up and the other side down, causing it to spin.

 The commutator:
o Reverses the direction of the current in the coil every half turn.
o This reverses the direction of the forces, which keeps the coil spinning.

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