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Chapter6 Notes

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6 Exceptions and exception handling

In this chapter we are going to discuss exceptions and their handling. We will start
the discussion by explaining exceptions and exception handling in general terms.
Subsequent to that we will talk about how to work with exceptions and their handling
in a web development environment.

6.1 What is an exception?

An exception is an unexpected condition that can take place during programme ex-
ecution. So this is a condition that a program was not designed to work with. For
example you can have a program that adds numbers. If a user provides nonnumeric
input instead, the program will malfunction. It is important to design our program in
such a way that they are able to continue working even when the unexpected hap-

Exceptions are mainly divided into two, we have runtime exceptions and compile
time exceptions. Runtime exceptions are exceptions that can only be detected dur-
ing runtime, the time when a program is running. They are logical in nature and the
programmer is expected to know how to handle them prior execution. Going back
to the addition problem, the programmer needs to think ahead as to what must take
place when a user enters a nonnumeric value for a number. This is called exception
handling. Runtime exceptions are also known as unchecked exceptions. This
means they are not checked at program compile time. So a programmer is not
forced to handle them.

Compile time exceptions are exceptions that the compiler detects at compile time if
they are not handled. The compiler forces the programmer to handle them before
proceeding any further. These kinds of exceptions are also known as checked ex-
ceptions. Examples of compile time exceptions are all your file I/O (Input/Output)

6.2 What is exception handling?

Exception handling is the mechanism used to handle exceptions when they occur.
Through exception handling we avoid a situation whereby the behavior of a program
becomes unpredictable due to the occurrence of an exception. So we manage the
exception and bring the program back to normalcy. There are two ways of handling
exceptions, namely:

• Usage of a try catch block; or

• Design a method that rethrows an exception.

6.2.1 Try catch block

The try catch block is used to handle an exception. Code that is likely to throw an
exception is kept inside the try block, and code that must handle the exception is
put inside the catch block. Below is the generic syntax of a try catch block.

When an exception takes place, an exception object is created. The object is then
thrown into the catch blocks. We can have many catch blocks. Each catch block is
responsible for handling one exception type. Then a catch block matching the
thrown exception is sought. If one is found, the code inside that block is executed.
If none is found, the program crashes or simply behaves in an unpredictable man-

6.2.2 Exception rethrowing methods

Another way of handling an exception is through an exception rethrow. This is ac-

complished throw a method that executes a piece of code that is likely to throw an
exception. Rather than handling the exception inside the method, the method gets
to rethrow the exception. This approach defers exception handling to other users of
the method. The figure below shows exception rethrow through a method.

6.3 Predefined exceptions

The Java programming language comes along with predefined classes, some of
which some represent exceptions. These are the exceptions that the JDK creators
encountered when developing the language. Some of the exception classes con-
tained in the JDK is the Exception, RuntimeException, and NumberFormatExcep-
tion class.

6.3.1 Exception class

Below is a brief description of the class which is located in the java.lang package

6.3.2 NumberFormatException class

Below is a brief description of the class which is located in the java.lang package

6.3.3 RuntimeException

Below is a brief description of the class which is located in the java.lang package

6.4 User-defined exceptions

As a programmer you can also define your own exception classes. These classes
will simply be there to represent a specific condition that is not catered for by the
predefined exception classes. The handling of the exception will work the same as
that of predefined exceptions. The generic syntax for defining a user-defined excep-
tion is as follows:

6.5 How to handle exceptions in a web development environment?

In the web development environment we use a combination of the DD and corre-

sponding files to handle exceptions. In the DD we state the exceptions we want to
handle, and also the files that must be called to handle those exceptions. In the DD,
an exception can be referenced either by its fully qualified name or code. For exam-
ple, if we want to catch the NumberFormatException we will have the following in
the DD:

The <error-page> element is used to represent exception handling. Inside the <er-
ror-page> element we define the type of error we want to handle, <exception-
type>, and the file that will handle the error, <location>.

The exception code is used if we know the code that represents an error. For exam-
ple, if we were to work with the famous 404 FileNotFoundException, we could rep-
resent it as follows in the DD:

Again we define the error handling file inside and the location element.

6.6 Example

Create a robust web application that will allow a user to perform a preferred arith-
metic operation on two numbers. After the user has entered the two numbers and
the preferred operation, the application must perform the operation and return the
outcome. If the user enters an invalid input (letter instead of number, not any of the
recognised operators or no input at all), an appropriate error message must be dis-

1. Project structure.
Below is the project structure which acts as the solution to the problem we are solv-

Description of the project’s structure:

We can notice the following from the above figure:
• The name of the project is project6_1. The 6 stands for chapter 6 and the 1
stands for example number 1. So this is the first example of chapter 6.
• The project has two main folders, development and deployment.
• In the development directory we keep the code that is under construction.
After we are done, we then transfer the code to the deployment folder. The
code in the deployment folder is code that is ready to be deployed in the Web
Server, that is Tomcat.
• The contents of the development folder are copied to the deployment folder.
The are two major changes in the deployment folder, etc folder is changed

to WEB-INF, and in this folder we keep the DD file, the classes folder to-
gether with its contents from the development folder.
Description of the project’s files:
o The name of the web application is ArithmeticWebApp.
o The web application has three types of files, namely:
▪ The index.html file is the landing page. It has a link to the arithmetic_en-
tries.jsp file.
▪ The arithmetic_entries.jsp file allows a user to enter two numbers and
the operation to be performed.
▪ The arithmetic_outcome.jsp displays the outcome of the requested op-
▪ The arithmetic_operator_error_page.jsp handles an exception that oc-
curs when an invalid operator is entered.
▪ The file_not_found_error_page.jsp handles an exception that occurs
when a requested file is not found.
▪ The number_format_error_page.jsp file handles an exception that oc-
curs when a nonnumeric value is entered.
▪ The gets arithmetic data from the arithmetic.jsp
file. The servlet performs the requested operation. The outcome is for-
warded to the arithmetic_outcome.jsp file.
▪ The class defines arithmetic methods for de-
termining sum, product, quotient and difference. This class is instantiated
and used inside the servlet class.
▪ The class is thrown when any of the arithme-
tic entries is invalid. This is caused either by a nonnumeric input value or
an operator other than ‘+’, ‘*’, ‘/’ or ‘-’.
▪ The web.xml file is the configuration file of the web application. It defines
the welcome file, servlet, servlet initialisation parameters, and
servlet context parameters.

2. Create the files.
Create the files as follows:
o html
▪ index.html

o jsp
▪ arithmetic_entries.jsp

▪ arithmetic_outcome.jsp

▪ file_not_found_error_page.jsp

▪ number_format_error_page.jsp

▪ arithmetic_operator_error_page.jsp

o servlet

o models


o xml
▪ web.xml

3. Prepare for deployment
Copy the ArithmeticWebApp folder and paste on the deployment folder.

Change etc to WEB-INF and ensure that the classes folder and the web.xml file
are located inside this folder.

4. Deploy web application
Copy the ArithmeticWebApp folder deployment and paste it under under the
webapps folder of Tomcat.

Get to the bin directory of Tomcat.

Copy the address of the bin directory

Launch the command line.

Change to the bin directory of Tomcat.

Start Tomcat by typing ”startup” on the command line and then click the Enter key.

The ArithmeticWebApp application is deployed in 334 ms.

5. Run the web application
Open the browser and type:

▪ http: is the protocol used to communicate between the browser and the Web
Server, Tomcat.
localhost: is the address of the machine that hosts the Web Server. In this in-
stance the Web Server is running on the local machine.
▪ 8080: is the port where the Web Server is running.
▪ ArithmeticWebApp: the name of the web application deployed on the server
that we want to communicate with.


Click on the link.

Click on the SUBMIT button. An exception is thrown for providing nonnumeric data
and subsequently handled through a file.

Click on the link.

Click on the link.

Enter a number, a letter and a valid operator.

Click on the SUBMIT button. An exception is thrown for providing nonnumeric data
and subsequently handled through a file.

Click on the link.

Click on the link.

Enter valid numbers and an invalid operator.

Click on the SUBMIT button. An exception is thrown for providing an invalid operator
and subsequently handled through a file.

Click on the link.

Click on the link.

Enter valid numbers and an valid operator.

Click on the SUBMIT button. The expected output is displayed.

6.7 DIY (Do It Yourself)

In this DIY we want you to develop robust web applications through exception han-

Task #1
Find out about what constitutes a valid South African ID. After that create a web
application that can be used to check the valiidty of an ID given an ID number.

Task #2
Relebogile is an intern student at CodersThink.Inc company. The company
specialises in developing web applications for companies. As his first task at the
company, Relebogile is given the responsibilty of creating a web application that will
help users come up with strong passwords. A strong password must meet the
following requirements:
• The size must be at least 10.
• Consist of letters, special characters and numbers. At least two of the letters
must be uppercase, and another two lowercase.
• The @ and # special characters must not be part of the password.

Assuming that you are Relebogile, create such a web application for

Task #3
Mulumba is a newly appointed software developer at an academic institution XYZ.
The institution has a set selection criteria for first year intake into their Computer
Science programme. Below is the selection criteria.

The institution wants a web application that prospective students can use to calcu-
late their APS (Admission Point Score) before applying. This will save students time
and money so that they don’t apply if they don’t meet the minimum requirements.

The table below shows the relationship between APS and the grades obtained by
students at matric (NSC).

So the web application must allow a prospective student to enter his/her NSC
grades, together with the respective subject names. The application must then cal-
culate the APS and tell whether the student qualifies or not. The application must
make sure that the NSC grades are in the specified ranges. Also Life Orientation
information must not be accepted.

Assuming that you are Mulumba, create such a web application for institution XYZ.

6.8 Conclusion

In this chapter we managed to introduce the student to exceptions and their han-
dling. In the next chapter we discuss the concept of EJBs, the business component
of JEE.

Thank you very much for having taken time to go through this chapter. Enjoy the
rest of the day and God bless you.


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