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This Text Is For Number 1-2:: Soal Latihan Usp (Ujian Satuan Pendidikan)

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This text is for number 1-2: junior high school in Bukittinggi, he became
interested in politics and joined the League of Young
STUDENT INFORMATION FORM Sumatrans. He left Bukittinggi to study in Batavia.
Name : Anastasya Ivy Then he went to the Netherlands. He studied
Date of Birth : June 7, 2011 economics and gained a doctorate there. During his
Child home adress : 8 Color street, Rainbow Valley stay there he was active in the National Movement.
Phone : 555-555666 Because of his activities, he was arrested.
Email : In 1923 Hatta returned to Indonesia. He
Parent Name : Catherine Ivy joined a political organization called “Pendidikan
Contact : 01-54321 Nasional Indonesia”. One of its goals was to develop
Allergies Concerns : - political awareness among the Indonesian people.
Siblings : Hanna Ivy His activities again led to his arrest. The colonial
government exiled him to Boven Digul, and later to
What would youlike me to know about your child?
Banda Naira. Shortly before the Japanese invasion.
Anastasya is an active and cheerful little girl. She likes tomove
arround, play and sing. She also realli likes drawing. She will
He was brought back to Java.
sit calm and still at her place when she is drawing.
When the Japanese surrendered in August
1945, Soekarno and Hatta proclaimed Indonesia’s
What is the primary way your child will go home each day? Independence. Hatta became the first vice-president
Her mother will pick her up at school every day. of the Republic of Indonesia. In 1956 Hatta resigned
as vice-president and devoted himself to writing. On
EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION March 14, 1981, Dr Mohammad Hatta passed away
Name : Duran Ivy in Jakarta.
Contact : 02-55566 Nowadays, he is no longer living among us.
Relationship to The Child : Grandfather However, his spirit of loving the country and nation
is one of the reasons why he is well remembered.
YOUR CHILD 6. What is the main idea of paragraph three?
A. Hatta became the First Vice-President
B. Moh Hatta was exiled to Boven Digul
1. What kind of text is it?
C. Moh. Hatta activities in political organization
A. Student Information Form
D. The nationalist movement
B. Library Application Form
E. The study in the Netherlands
C. Medical Form
7. Dr Moh. Hatta passed away in 1981.
D. Ordering Form
What is the synonym of passed away?
E. Merchandise Form
A. Lived again
2. What is the meaning of “sibling”?
B. Died
A. Father and mother
C. Kept the position
B. Brother or sister
D. Brought back
C. Aunt and uncle
E. Joined in
D. Niece and nephew
8. Which statement is not true based on the text?
E. Other relatives
A. Moh Hatta gained his doctorate in the
3. Lulu : Ana where are you heading?
Ana : I am going to the mall
B. Moh. Hatta was arrested by the colonial
Lulu : What will you do there?
Ana : ________________________.
C. Japanese brought Moh. Hatta back to Java
A. I would have lunch with my friends.
D. Moh. Hatta became the First Vice-President of
B. I will have lunch with my friends.
C. I will has lunch with friends.
E. He was the founding father of Indonesia
D. I am lunch with my friends.
9. The jacket is _________ big for you.
E. I do lunch with my friends.
A. too
4. Neither Mr harry _________ Mrs Anderson visited
B. much
a famous place in Paris.
C. many
A. or
D. enough
B. nor
E. to
C. but
D. not only
This advertisement is for number 10:
E. either
5. Mr Allister is _________ a poet, but he is also a
A. both
B. either
C. neither
D. rather
E. not only

This text is for number 6-8:

Mohammad Hatta
Dr Mohammad Hatta was born in
Bukittinggi on August 12th, 1902. While still in
15. “But your beauty is when the mist crawls”
The sentence refers to __________.
A. Mountain
B. Commander
C. Elegant
D. Amazing
E. Skies

This text is for number 16-18:

Once upon a time, there were four little
rabbits. Their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-
tail and Peter. One morning they were allowed to
play outside. Their mother reminded them not to go
to Mr McGregor’s garden because their father had
an accident there.
Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail were good
10. How can the job seeker apply for the job? little rabbits. They went down the lane to pick
A. By mail blackberries. But Peter was naughty. He ran
B. Online straight away to Mr McGregor’s garden. He ate
C. By phone some lettuces, French beans, and radishes.
D. By email Suddenly, he met Mr McGregor. Peter was very
E. On Facebook frightened and rushed away as fast as he could. He
11. Johny : I'm worried that we won't have anything lost a pair of shoes and a jacket while he was
to do on Sunday. running. Peter never stopped running or looked
Indra : Well, why don't you come with us to behind him till he got home. During the evening,
play football together? he was sick because he was so tired. He had to
Johny : That's a good idea. drink some medicine while three of his brothers
The underlined expression expresses had bread, mild and blackberries for supper.
A. expressing satisfaction 16. Who was the naughtiest rabbit?
B. making suggestions A. Flopsy
C. making an appointment B. Mopsy
D. giving opinion C. Cotton-tail
E. expressing sadness D. Peter
12. Ery : __________________. E. Mr McGregor
Kevin : That's a nice idea. 17. Why did Peter get sick? Because ….
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue A. He was so tired.
is __________________. B. He did not eat.
A. Can you show me your plan C. He caught a cold.
B. Shall we have some music? D. He was eating too much.
C. I think we should visit Tia in the hospital. E. He was naughty.
D. You are a great student 18. What did Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail eat?
E. I love your idea A. Carrot
13. The car __________ ten times before it landed on B. Blackberries
its roof. C. Lettuce
A. Had flipped D. Strawberry
B. Has been flipping out E. French beans
C. Flip 19. What will you say when you can’t hear someone on
D. Has been flipping the telephone?
E. Have been flipping A. Pardon me.
14. I will visit your hometown __________________. B. Thank you.
A. if I come to Indonesia C. Goodbye.
B. if I came to Indonesia D. I have something to do.
C. if I will come to Indonesia E. I love you.
D. if I would come to Indonesia 20. Make a reservation means….
E. if I had come to Indonesia A. an arrangement that you make with a
restaurant, hotel or travel agent so they hold a
This poem is for number 15: table, room or seat for use at a certain time in
the future.
B. an arrangement to meet someone at a particular
time and place.
C. indicate that one is not willing to accept or
D. push oneself off a surface and into the air by
using the muscles in one's legs and feet.
E. a suggestion or proposal as to the best course
of action, especially one put forward by an
authoritative body.
21. ____________, I would explain why inflasion is so
A. If I understood economics B. Solar energy generators can be found in most
B. If I understand economics houses.
C. If I am understanding C. It is easy to convert solar energy into
D. If I will understand electricity.
E. If I had to understand D. The potential source of solar energy can only
22. The view of the mountain was wonderful. If I be found in desert areas.
_________ (have) a camera, I_________ (take) E. Most people in bright sunny areas use solar
some pictures. energy.
A. had had, would have taken 28. Choose the right answer to complete the sentence.
B. have had, will taken _________ it was raining, we went for a walk
C. has had, will have taken A. Nevertheless
D. have had, would have take B. But
E. had, would take C. However
23. I will give you some money _________ I need it D. Although
myself. E. Therefore
A. even though 29. Choose the right answer to complete the sentence.
B. in spite of _________________ she is very old, she runs fast.
C. and A. Even though
D. however B. Unless
E. despite C. Even if
24. There are three empty rooms. _________, we can't D. However
use any of them. E. On the other hand
A. However 30. "The most eye-catching feature of the new iPhone is
B. Even if the imaging capabilities: with two sensors on the
C. Nevertheless rear, you can now take wider-angle snaps alongside
D. In contrast the ‘normal’ main images. These sensors are 12MP
E. Although each, and are raised from the rear of the phone in a
25. _________ I had free time tomorrow, I wouldn't square glass enclosure - which we’re not enamoured
want to go to the beach because it's too cold outside with visually."
A. Unless The writer reviews the iPhone 11's
B. Even if _________________.
C. However A. camera
D. On the other hand B. memory
E. Although C. software
D. screen
This text is for number 26-27: E. sensors

Will solar energy ever be the main source of energy This text is for number 31-32:
for industrial societies? Solar energy is cheaper than any
fossil fuel because we can get an abundant source of Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stones
energy from the sun. Judged by this first volume, the Harry Potter
In sunny deserts, the sun’s radiation that reaches the books are a fine addition to English children’s
ground can be used to produce electricity for industries fantasy literature. Harry Potter, orphaned when his
and homes. In one experiment, solar ponds can produce parents are killed by the evil wizard Voldemort, is
hot water to drive generators. taken in by his aunt and uncle, who are Muggles –
Unfortunately, we can’t power our homes entirely ordinary, non-magical people. Harry is rather out of
on sunlight. Solar energy can only be exploited in bright place there, but things improve greatly for him when
light. Its great potential, therefore, is in countries that goes to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
have clear skies for most of the year. Most houses, Wizardry – except that one of the staff is in league
however, are not in the sunniest part of the world. with Voldemort.
Besides, to convert sunlight directly into electricity, solar Part of the attention of Harry Potter and the
cells are needed. Although they are very cheap to turn, Philosopher’s Stone comes from the familiar but at
relatively they are expensive to buy and many people the same time exotic setting of an English public
can’t afford them. school, complete with houses and schoolboy
adventures, in which Harry and his friends Ron and
26. Which of the following statements does not agree Hermione struggle to save the world and win the
with the text? house cup.
A. Solar energy can only be harnessed in bright So, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s
sunlight. Stone will be a great Christmas present for kids who
B. Solar energy is cheaper than any other fossil haven’t read it yet – and it is a book that adults (at
fuel. least those without stunted imaginations) can read as
C. Solar energy is non-polluted. well.
D. Solar ponds produce hot water to drive
generators. 31. When Harry Potter lived with his uncle and aunt,
E. The main important device to harness solar _________________.
energy is cheap. A. he felt uncomfortable
27. From the text, we know that _________. B. he befriended Voldemort
A. Converting solar energy into electricity is C. things improved in his life
expensive. D. he had a fantasy about magic
E. he became ordinary people
32. We can conclude from the first paragraph that This report text is for number 38-40:
A. Harry Potter’s parents were muggle An electronic calculator is a small,
B. Harry Potter lived in a magical place portable electronic device used to perform both
C. Harry Potter is a relative of Voldemort arithmetic operations and complex mathematical
D. Harry Potter’s parents adopted him as an operations.
orphan The first solid electronic calculator was
E. Harry Potter enjoyed his life with his uncle and created in the 1960 s, building on
aunt the extensive history of tools such as the abacus
(developed around 2000 BC), and the mechanical
This text is for number 33-34: calculator (developed in the 17 th century AD). It
was developed in parallel with the analogue
computers of the day.
In addition to the general purpose of
calculators, there are those designed for specific
markets, for example, there are scientific
calculators which include trigonometric and
statistical calculations. Some calculators even can
do computer algebra. Graphing calculators can be
used to graph functions defined on the real line or
higher-dimensional Euclidean space.
38. According to the text, what is the usage of a
A. To count numbers
B. To play music
C. To write numbers
D. To make notes about numbers
E. to check time
33. What is the text about? 39. When did the mechanical calculator develop?
A. An offer of catering 1. 17 Century
B. Party at your place 2. 1960
C. Birthday party 3. 2000 BC
D. Festival Pooja 4. 2007
E. House Warming 5. 1986
34. Desi chef is capable of serving any kinds of 40. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
occasion, except _______________. A. Electronic calculators are varied.
A. Wedding Party B. Calculators are designed for specific
B. Kitty Party markets.
C. House Warming C. There are many kinds of calculators based on
the purpose.
Ela : Mom, do you need some help? You look so D. There is a computer algebra.
busy this morning. E. Scientific calculators are trigonometric and
Mom : Of course, dear. I need another pair of hands statistic.
to wash the dish. 41. The underlined sentence expresses …….
D. Birthday Party
E. Festival Pooja
35. Stress may cause some health issues,
______________, blood pressure, heart disease and A. Accepting help
asthma. B. Offering help
A. for example C. Refusing help
B. such as D. Looking for something
C. like E. Apologizing
D. as 42. Complete the following sentence wit the suitable
E. both word!
36. In the economic sector, ______________, Andri have met many famous singers. …………..
Indonesia is still better than Thailand. , he met Ariel ‘Noah’ last week.
A. for instance A. Such as
B. example B. and
C. such as C. For example
D. then D. Then
E. while E. Like
37. James can speak several languages, 43. Food ................. pizza and hamburgers are not
______________, he is fluent in English, French, really junk food; they contain a lot of protein and
Spanish and Chinese. vitamins.
A. for instance A. such as
B. then B. then
C. therefore C. so
D. and D. however
E. but E. named
44. In the development of technology ,..................... , Then one day Prabu went into the jungle.
Singapore is still better than Thailand. There he prayed to his god for a child. A few months
A. for instance later, the queen was expecting a baby, and all the
B. for example people in the kingdom were happy. Prabu and the
C. such as queen loved their little daughter and gave her
D. then everything. Th is made the princess a very spoiled
E. but girl. If she didn’t get what she wanted, she became
very angry. But even though the princess behaved
Read the text below and answer the questions badly, her parents loved her, and so did the people
number 45 to 47: in the kingdom.
Being on time is a beautiful social ethic and Day by day, the princess grew more
one of great importance, as it creates efficiency in beautiful. When she was 17, her parents invited all
system and implies respect for one another. the people in the kingdom to a party. Prabu took
However, it is one the many values that is not easy their gift s of gold and bright jewels and had a
for our students to learn. beautiful necklace made for his daughter.
Inner discipline, one that comes from an On the day of the birthday, people gathered
understanding of the set rules and regulation, is the in the palace field. When Prabu and the queen
highest form behavior. Most excellent school try to appeared, people welcomed them happily. The
instill this with a loving environment. Why, even cheers were even louder when the beautiful princess
adults arrive late to meeting, work, etc. Here, we do appeared. Prabu took the necklace. “My beloved
not agree that late comers should be shut out. They daughter,” he said, “today I give this necklace to
can be given warnings, most of which are enough to you. It is a gift from the people of this country
make them try their best to reach the school on time because they love you so much.”The princess
latter .If this fails, invite the parent to school. looked at the necklace. “I don’t want it! It’s ugly!”
By Closing the gates, the school is behaving she shouted, and she threw the necklace on the
cruelly, to which we prefer not to expose our ground, where it broke into pieces. Everyone was
children. Every school has responsibility to implant shocked. Nobody spoke.They never thought that
good educational principle, but It should be in their beloved princess would do that terrible thing.
appropriate ways. Good schools create competitive In their silence people heard the queen
students who can organize themselves effectively in crying. Everyone was sad and began crying, too. A
society, so that everyone gets a quality life as a result pool of water formed on the ground. Soon the pool
of the ethics and values learned for as long as 12 became a big lake. The lake sank all of the kingdom.
years. Today, people called the lake Talaga
Children are precious and dependent on the Warna. It means ‘Lake of Colours’. It is located in
adult for guidance. Understanding them is the key, Puncak, West Java. On a bright day, the lake is full
and to this end, both parents and schools must work of amazing colours, which in fact come from the
hand in hand without playing the blame game. reflection of the trees and flowers around it. But
45. According to the text, what should the school do if some people believe that the colours are from the
a student can’t stop his/her habit to come late to princess’s necklace, which still lies in pieces at the
school? bottom of the lake.
A. Punish him/her
B. Try to understand him/her 48. Which of the following statements is correct?
C. Shut him/her out A. King Prabu and his queen had lots of children.
D. Rude to his/her parents B. The little princess was a very good child.
E. Punish his/her parents C. Prabu gave his wife a necklace for her birthday.
46. What does the writer think to be “the highest from D. The people in Prabu’s kingdom loved their royal
of behaviour” (in the second paragraph)? family.
A. respect for one another E. The people envied to see the king’s happiness to
B. not being late to school have a beautiful princess
C. inner disipline 49. The people were shocked
D. understanding the regulation A. by Prabu’s words to his daughter.
E. loving environment B. by the princess’s bad behaviour.
47. What is the main idea of paragraph three ? C. when the royal family appeared.
A. Children need adult’s guidance D. when the queen began to cry.
B. Being on time makes someone independent E. because of her kindness
C. Good school create competitive student 50. The lake is called Talaga Warna because ...
D. Closing the gate is not the solution to overcome A. of the necklace that lies at the bottom.
the students who come late B. of the colours reflected in the water.
E. It is not the school responsibility to implant C. that was the name of the princess.
good educational principle. D. it is located in Puncak.
E. they had dreamt for a child for a very long time.
Read the text below and answer the questions 51. Complete the following sentence wit the suitable
number 48 to 50: word!
Talaga Warna The movie ………. we saw last week won three
Long ago there was a kingdom in West Java. awards.
The kingdom was ruled by a king called Prabu.Prabu A. who
was a kind and wise king, and there was no hunger B. when
in his kingdom. But Prabu and his queen didn’t have C. which
any children. It made them very, very sad. D. whom
E. where
52. Complete the following sentence wit the suitable 3) He pulled me outside and the door slammed
word! behind me in the wind.
The people ………. names are on the list will stay 4) He began to bark and pull on the lead.
here. 5) I took a shower and got dressed.
A. whose 6) It was a lovely day so I decided take my dog,
B. where Toby, to the park.
C. that 7) Unfortunately, my keys were inside.
D. whom 8) Then I put Toby on the lead and got ready to
E. where leave the house.
53. Complete the following sentence wit the suitable The best arrangements for the sentences above is …
word! A. 2 – 5 – 6 – 8 – 7 – 1 – 4 – 3
Can you find the teacher ………. you talked to this B. 2 – 6 – 5 – 8 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 7
morning? C. 5 – 1 – 8 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 7 – 6
A. whose D. 1 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 8
B. whom E. 3 – 1 – 5 – 7 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 8
C. when 58. Neither Mr. Candra ………. Mrs. Lina visited a
D. where famous place in Paris.
E. why A. or
B. nor
Read the text below and answer the questions C. but
number 54 to 56: D. not only
My favourite sport is marathon running. E. either
There is a small town in Greece called Marathon, 59. Mr. Alchemist is ………. a journalist, but he is also
and the race is called marathon because of a Greek a writer.
legend. A Greek messenger ran all the way from the A. both
battlefield of Marathon to Athens to announce B. either
victory. He did it without stopping, but died on C. neither
arrival! Now there are about 500 marathon races D. rather
worldwide. E. not only
I ran in my first marathon in 2011, and it 60. There were ………. questions to answer, so he ran
was fantastic. I trained for four months for the race. out of time.
Sometimes it was hard, but usually I enjoyed it. A. enough
There were five thousand runners in my race, and I B. too much
was one of the last ones to arrive – it took me seven C. too many
hours and twelve minutes! But that isn’t important. D. much enough
I enjoyed it and felt proud that I finished the 42.195 E. many enough
kilometres. Yes, that’s how far we ran. Now I’m 61. He is old ………. to make his own bed now.
training for my next marathon. If I’m fit enough, I’ll A. too
take part in the London Marathon next year. B. enough
54. The text tells us about ………. C. too much
A. the background to the marathon race and the D. too many
writer’s own experience. E. much enough
B. the history of the marathon race and the kind of 62. I did not buy the shirt because it was ……….
people who run in it today. expensive.
C. the background to the Battle of Marathon and the A. too
reasons for victory. B. enough
D. details of the writer’s training plan for the C. too many
London Marathon next year. D. many enough
E. details of my training plan for the London B. much enough
Marathon next year. 63. Guess the riddle below!
55. How did the writer feel about the race? “I fly forever and never rest. Who am i?”
A. Disappointed because he was one of the last ones A. A mosquito
to arrive. B. The wind
B. Angry because he thought he should have trained C. A bird
harder. D. Plane
C. Unhappy because it took so long. E. A fly
D. Pleased that he had managed to complete it. 64. “Memory is the treasure of the mind.” The proverb
E. dissatisfied because he couldn’t complete it means ……….
56. ‘………. and felt proud that I finished the 42.195 A. Remember every lesson!
kilometres.’ B. Do forget what you have learned
What is the opposite of the underlined word? C. A good memory is very precious
A. pleased D. Study many time so you will remember it
B. ashamed E. Remembering the lesson is the hard thing
C. sad
D. superior Read the text below and answer the questions
E. happy number 65 to 67:
57. Arrange the sentences into a good paragraph. Alex Fletcher (Hugh Grant) is a washed-up
1) As we were leaving the house, Toby saw a cat. 80’s pop star who’s been reduced to working the
2) I got up early and looked out of the window. nostalgia circuit at county fairs and amusement
parks. The charismatic and talented musician gets a
chance at a comeback when reigning diva Cora 70. James can speak several languages,_______, he is
Corman (Haley Bennett) invites him to write and fluent in English, French, Spanish and Chinese.
record a duet with her, but there’s a problem--Alex A. for instance
hasn’t written a song in years, he’s never written B. then
lyrics, and he has to come up with a hit in a matter C. therefore
of days, enter Sophie Fisher (Drew Barrymore), D. and
Alex’s attractively quirky lady, whose flair for E. but
words strikes a chord with the struggling songwriter.
On the rebound from a bad relationship, Sophie is The following text is for question number 1-5!
reluctant to collaborate with anyone, especially Social networking websites like Facebook and
commitmentphobe Alex. As their chemistry heats Twitter are breaking down barriers between teachers
up at the piano and under it, Alex and Sophie will and students, redefining the way they communicate
have to face their fears- -and the music--if they want and interact with each other. Both current and
to find the love and success they both deserve. former students ‘friend’ their teachers on such
Casts : HUGH GRANT, DREW websites, which often contain a lot of information on
BARRYMORE, KRISTEN the private lives of both parties. Some educators
JOHNSTON, JASON have found such sites to be an excellent tool to reach
ANTOON, BILLY out to students who might otherwise have difficulty
GRIFFITH speaking out in class or asking for help. However,
Duration : 96 minutes parent groups, school administrators, and legislators
Directed by : MARC D. LAWRENCE have become concerned that unsupervised online
Written by : MARC D. LAWRENCE contacts might lead to inappropriate relationships
Producer : NANCY JUVONEN, between students and their teachers.
BRUCE BERMAN, HAL The proposition toward the ban of the way
GABA teachers and students communicate using social
Production : WARNER BROS. networking websites believes that interacting with
Company PICTURES one’s teachers the same way as with one’s friends,
sharing personal information, can only erode the
65. What is the function of the review above? respect and distance that a teacher needs in order to
A. to amuse the readers be an authority figure and a mentor for her young
B. to give information to the readers charges. Even if such ‘friendships’ were entirely
C. to entertain the readers innocent, they would still cast enough suspicion on
D. to persuade the readers the teacher-student relationship to put considerable
E. to explain the readers strain on the teacher’s role as educator and their
66. What does the review present? ability to do the job.
A. the reviewer’s assessment On the other hand, the opposition toward the
B. the reviewer’s speculation ban believes that social media has become the
C. the movie’s prediction primary way in which children interact with their
D. the movie’s rating peers. These interactions are largely unsupervised
E. the movie’s synopsis by any adult, and yet they have a fundamental
67. What is the genre of the movie based on the impact on the development of the children involved.
review? Adolescents use social networking websites to gage
A. horror peer opinion about themselves which may
B. action subsequently influence identity formation. With so
C. romantic drama much cyber bullying happening on such websites,
D. comedy and postings of inappropriate behavior that may later
E. thriller surface to affect a student’s chances of getting into
68. If he had been more confident during the interview, college or getting a job, it would be useful to have a
he would have got the job he wanted. teacher supervise these interactions to make sure no
From the sentence the fact is he didn’t get the job he harm comes to the children involved.
wanted because…….. In short, the ban on the way teachers and
A. if he had been more confident during the students communicate using social media websites
interview provides new medium of interaction. For sure it
B. he was more confident during the interview remains weaknesses in some sense. The important
C. he wasn’t more confident during the interview point to take is how actually the increasing use of
D. he is more confident during the interview technology can educate both teachers and learners.
E. he is not more confident during the interview
69. If she had taken an English course, it would have 71. Why is the adult supervision important in the
been easier for her to get a good job. interaction?
The fact is…………… A. To avoid harm caused by the social networking
A. It wasn’t easy to find a good job although she websites
had taken an English course. B. To let the students express their opinion and
B. She had taken an English course, so it wasn’t feelings
difficult for her to find a good job. C. To limit the students’ participation in the
C. Even though she had taken an English course, interaction
it wasn’t easy for her to find a good job. D. To increase the students’ confidence
D. She didn’t took an English course so it was not E. To make friends with students
easy for her to get a good job. 72. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
E. She took an English course so that it would be A. People support the interaction between students
easier for her to find a good job. and teachers using social networking website
B. People oppose the interaction between students
and teachers using social networking website
C. The social networking website has bad impact
on children
D. People criticize the interaction between students
and teachers
E. People criticize the use of social networking
73. Which of the following thing that makes parents
worried about teacher-student relationship in
A. The degradation of students’ motivation
B. The appropriateness of code ethics of teachers
C. The identity information theft
D. The reveal of parents’ assets
E. The improper behavior of posts
74. ... can only erode the respect and distance that a
teacher needs ... . The underlined word has similar
meaning as....
A. Increase
B. Make
C. Affect
D. Reduce
E. Improve
75. What can we infer from the text above?
A. Teacher-student interaction using social
networking website doesn’t affect the teacher’s
role and job.
B. There are only the students who cannot speak
well in class that make interaction with teacher
using social networking website.
C. Children are not allowed to use social
networking website.
D. Teacher doesn’t have responsibility on the
interaction using social networking website.
E. Teacher will be able to supervise the interaction
using social networking website.

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