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Life Function: and Energy Intake

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Life Function

And Energy Intake

GED Life Science
Tr.Min Thet
အ ော်ဂဲနစော် ပစစည်းော် ဘဝလုပော်အ ငော်ချကော်မျ ်း
➢ All living things need energy and organic matter for their life functions.
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➢ Organisms need nutrients, and substances needed for growth and other
activities. They get their nutrients in one of two ways.
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ု ော်သူ စ ်းသ်းု သူ
➢ Organisms are either producers or consumers.
Producer and Consumer
Producers, such as plants, take in energy from their surroundings as well as
an inorganic matter to make their own organic matter or food.

Consumers, such as animals, have to catch and eat food to get the energy
and organic matter needed for life functions. Consumers feed on the
producers or on other consumers.

Producers and consumers are also grouped into the related terms
autotrophs and heterotrophs, respectively.

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ော် ို စ အက ်းသူ
The term autotroph comes from the Greek, meaning “self-feeder.” These
living things do not need to eat food because they make their own food. For
example, plants absorb the sun’s energy to make sugars. The producers and
autotrophs include green plants, algae-like seaweed, and some bacteria.
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Heterotrophs, or consumers, eat other living things for organic nutrients.

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The term heterotroph is a combination of Greek words, meaning “other-

feeder.” Heterotrophs cannot make organic matter from inorganic

materials. Heterotrophs rely on autotrophs or other heterotrophs for

nutrients. Common heterotrophs are some bacteria, all fungi, and all
Types of energy Intake

Producers make their own food by using the sun’s energy during the process known as
photosynthesis. Primary producers are organisms like plants and algae.
လငော််းမှှီစု စ ဖဲွဲ့ ခခငော််း
A consumer cannot make its own food and must consume either animals or plants to gain
energy. စ ်းသ်းု သညော်
ပထမစ ်းသ်းု သူ ပငော်စ ်းသတတဝါ
1. Primary consumers would be herbivores (for example, deer) that eat plants.
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2. A secondary consumer is an animal that eats the animal that ate the plant.

Decomposers break down dead or dying things and help recycle their
matter and energy back into the environment. Without decomposers,
animals and plants would die and never be broken down into nutrients
needed in the soil. Examples of decomposers are bacteria and fungi.
Important Keyords

Producer=Autotroph Consumer =Hetrotroph

• Primary Consumer Herbivore

• Secondary Consumer
• Tertiary Consumer Carnivores


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Trophic Level Pyramid
Ecology and the Environment

When you study the interaction between the living and nonliving world, you must
look at both the biotic (living) and abiotic (nonliving) components of that
ecosystem. Plants take the sun’s energy and convert it to food.
A living organism is known as biotic. Examples of biotic organisms are animals,
plants, and microorganisms.
Something nonliving is abiotic. Examples of abiotic things are rocks, air, and
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Student’s Activity

Look at this Ecosystem and identify biotic and abiotic factors.

Food Chains
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Let’s look at how energy is moved around the environment. A simple diagram of energy
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movement is called a food chain and shows how the calories move. If a grasshopper eats
grass, for example, and a bird eats the grasshopper, you could show this transfer in a food

Grass → grasshopper → bird

Notice how the arrow points from the food source to the animal eating it. Because the
grasshopper eats the grass, the arrow shows the energy from the grass going into the
Food Web
စ ကနော်ယကော်

A food chain is usually too simple of a diagram, however. For example, what if a snake also
eats the grasshopper? In nature, many food chains are occurring at the same time. A food
web is a way to show a more complex system:


Grass → grasshopper → snake

A true food web is more complex than this simple one. Following is an illustration of a food
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် ှု
web in nature. As you can see, many interactions are occurring. We see a bird eating a
snake, but the same bird also is eating the rabbit. This is more real life because there are
often many different food choices an animal could have.
Food Web
Energy Pyramids

When the grasshopper eats the grass, it uses the calories it ate to do what
grasshoppers do: jump, reproduce, etc. These actions use some of the energy and
transfer that energy into heat. The 10 percent rule explains this: if the grass offered
the grasshopper 100 calories and the grasshopper used that energy, the
grasshopper used 90 percent and stored 10 percent. Now, when the bird eats the
grasshopper, it only gets the stored energy, the 10 percent that wasn’t used. So the
bird only gets 10 of the calories that came from the grass.
Energy Pyramids

An example of this energy pyramid would look like this:

Grass → grasshopper → bird

100cal 10cal
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လျှြ် စစ်မီီးလှံီးို ဓောတ်ဆ ီ အရင်ီးအပမစ်

➢ Just as a lightbulb needs electricity and a car needs gasoline, cells need a source of
energy to function.

➢ All organisms obtain energy from food.

➢ Most organisms are consumers; they eat other organisms for food.

➢ Producers, such as plants, take in light energy from the sun and use it to make their own
➢ The process of converting light energy into food is called photosynthesis.
Photosynthesisဓောတိုဓောတ်ပြြုပြင်ီး ပြစ်ြွောီး
Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction that takes place in the cells of plants’ leaves.

1. Carbon dioxide enters cells through tiny holes in the leaf.

2. Water absorbed by the plant’s roots also travels to the leaf cells. When light energy
enters the cells, carbon dioxide and water react in structures called chloroplasts.
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3. The reaction produces glucose (sugar) and oxygen.

4. Glucose travels to the rest of the plant to be used or stored.

5. The oxygen exits the leaf through the tiny holes.

The equation accompanying the diagram summarizes the photosynthesis reaction.

Photosynthesis Diagram
Cellular Respiration
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➢ Organisms cannot perform cell processes without energy.

➢ Cells use a special type of energy that is made during cellular respiration.
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➢ Cellular respiration is an aerobic (oxygen-requiring) process that burns sugars
to make energy for cells, as shown here:

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2+ 6 H2O + ATP energy

Cellular Respiration
Cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria, the “powerhouse” of eukaryotic cells, as
shown in the following figure.
Cellular Respiration
Respiration occurs in two stages, as shown in the diagram.

1. First, glucose from food enters the cell and is broken down into smaller molecules. This
process releases a small amount of energy for the cell to use.
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2. Next, the smaller molecules react with oxygen inside the cell’s mitochondria. This
reaction produces carbon dioxide, water, and a large amount of energy. The cell now has
the energy it needs to carry out its normal functions. The equation accompanying the
diagram summarizes the respiration reaction.
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ု သ စမော််း ငော်ထတ
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ု ော်ခခငော််း
အသှံီးို ပြြုနင
ို က
် သော
Cells use respiration because it produces a large amount of usable energy. Remember,
though, that respiration requires oxygen. When oxygen is not available, some cells can turn
to fermentation, an alternate method for converting energy.
ကနောက်ထြ် နည်ီးလမ်ီး ကီးကပြောင်ီးပြင်ီး

The fermentation process releases only a small amount of energy, but it does not need
oxygen to do so. For example, your muscle cells normally use respiration to convert energy.
When you exercise, however, the cells use energy faster than oxygen can be delivered. Your
muscle cells temporarily switch to fermentation so they will continue to have at least a
စွမ်ီးအင်ကထောက်ြှံို့မှု ပြစ်ကစ
small supply of energy. This lets your muscle cells keep working until the oxygen supply is

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