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Melcs Science8

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Most Essential Learning Investigate the relationship between the amount of force
Competencies with LC applied and the mass of the object to the amount of change in
Code the object’s motion (S8FE-la15)
Week 1 Objectives
Day 1  Define Inertia
 Relate Inertia to mass
 Explain the Law of Inertia
Day 2  Relate Inertia to stopping forces like friction
 Cite situations where the law of Inertia applies
Day 3  Show the effect of force and mass on acceleration
 State Newton’s Second Law of Acceleration
Day 4  Solve problems involving the Law of acceleration
Most Essential Learning Infer That When a Body Exerts a Force on Another, an Equal
Competencies with LC Amount of Force is Exerted Back on it. (S8FE-la-16)
Week 2 Objectives
Day 1  Discuss the Newton’s Third Law of motion as Law of
Day 2  Explain why action and reaction forces do not cancel each
Day 3-4  Apply the law of interaction to falling bodies and to activities
like walking and swimming as well as to jet and rockets
Most Essential Learning Identify and Explain the Factors that Affect Potential and Kinetic
Competencies with LC Energy (S8FE-ld-22)
Week 3 Objectives
Day 1  Define gravitational potential energy
 Determine the factors that affect the gravitational potential
energy gained by an object
Day 2  Define Kinetic Energy
 Determine the factors that affect the kinetic energy of an
Day 3  Differentiate gravitational potential energy from kinetic
Day 4  Illustrate potential and kinetic energy
Most Essential Learning Investigates the Effect of Temperature to the Speed of Sound
Competencies with LC (S8FE –le-25)
Week 4 Objectives
Day 1  Recall the words associated with sound waves
Day 2  Determine the effect of temperature on the speed of sound
Day 3  Compute the speed of sound in air at different temperature
Day 4  Explain how the medium affects the speed of sound
Most Essential Learning Explain the Hierarchy of Colors in Relation to the Energy of Visible
Competencies with LC Light (S8FE-lf-27)
Week 4 Objectives
Day 1  Infer that white light is made up of many different colors
Day 2  Discuss that light is composed of colors of different frequencies
and wavelengths
Day 3  Relate wavelength, frequency, and velocity of colors to energy
that it carries
Day 4  Explain the hierarchy of colors in relation to energy
Most Essential Learning Differentiate Between Heat and Temperature at the Molecular
Competencies with LC Level (S8FE-lg-29)
Week 4 ( 4 Days) Objectives
Day 1  Define heat
 Define temperature
Day 2  Differentiate between heat and temperature at the molecular
Day 3  Explain the effects of heat on a body
Day 4  Relate heat to mass and temperature through the concept of
specific heat capacity
 Calculate the heat absorbed or released to raise or decrease the
temperature of a substance
Most Essential Learning Infer the Relationship Between Current and Voltage (S8FE-lh-30)
Competencies with LC
Week 5-6 Objectives
Day 1  Define electric charge
Day 2  Differentiate between static electricity and current electricity
Day 3  Infer the relationship between current and charge
Day 4  Define current, voltage, and resistance
Day 5-6  Discuss the relationship of current to voltage and resistance in
an electric circuit
Day 7-8  Solve problems involving Ohm’s Law
Most Essential Learning Explain the Advantages and Disadvantages of Series and Parallel
Competencies with LC Connections in Homes (S8FE-li-31)
Week 7 Objectives
Day 1  Illustrate series and parallel connections through schematic
Day 2  Differentiate series and parallel connections in terms of voltage,
current, and resistance
Day 3  Explain the advantages and disadvantages of series and parallel
connections in homes
Most Essential Learning Explain the Functions of Circuit Breakers, Fuses, Earthing, Double
Competencies with LC Insulation, and Other Safety Devices in the Home (S8FE-li-33)
Week 7 Objectives
Day 1  Describe a fuse and a circuit breaker and identify their
functions in a circuit

Most Essential Using models or illustrations, explain how movements along

Learning faults generate earthquakes (S8ES-lla-14)
Competencies with LC
Week 1 Objectives
Day 1  Define earthquakes
 Define faults
 Explain how faults are formed
Day 2  Identify the different types of fault
 Describe the appearance of a fault
Day 3  Differentiate active and inactive faults
Day 4  Explain how movement of faults generate earthquake using
Most Essential Differentiate the :
Learning 1. epicenter of an earthquake from its focus;
Competencies with LC 2. intensity of an earthquake from its magnitude;
Code 3. active and inactive faults (S8ES-lla-15)
Week 2 Objectives
Day 1  Differentiate active and inactive faults
Day 2  Discuss how active faults caused movements of the
 Explain how faults generates earthquakes
Day 3  Explain why not all movement along faults produces
Day 4  Visualize the energy and the strength of shaking of the
Earthquake that took place in Moro Gulf, Mindanao
Most Essential Explain how earthquake waves provide information about the
Learning interior of the earth (S8ES-lla-17)
Competencies with LC
Week 3 Objectives
Day 1  Identify the different types of earthquakes in terms of its
Day 2  Demonstrate how underwater earthquakes generate
tsunamis through earthquake
Day 3  Identify the principal types of seismic waves
Day 4  Discuss how the type of waves are used to provide
information about the interior of the earth
Most Essential Explain how typhoon develops and how it is affected by
Learning landmasses and bodies of water
Competencies with LC
Week 4 Objectives
Day 1  Describe typhoons
 Give the characteristics of typhoons in terms of wind
direction and speed
Day 2  Discuss the categories of tropical cyclone
 Explain how typhoons develop
Day 3  Describe the location of the Philippines with reference to its
surrounding bodies of water
 Infer why Philippines is prone to typhoons
Day 4  Explain how bodies of water affect typhoons
 Discuss how land masses affect typhoons
Most Essential Trace the path of typhoons that enters the Philippine Area of
Learning Responsibility (PAR) using a map and tracking data (S8ES-llf-21)
Competencies with LC
Week 5 Objectives
Day 1  Determine the Philippine Area of Responsibility based from the
given geographic coordinate system
 Trace the path of tropical storm that enters the PAR based from
the given coordinates
Day 2  Explain what is meant when a typhoon has entered the PAR
Day 3  Determine if your location is in the path of a tropical cyclone,
given the latitude and longitude position
Day 4  Explain why PAGASA regularly monitors when a tropical cyclone
is within PAR
Most Essential Compare and contrast comets, meteors, and asteroids (S8ES-llg-
Learning 22)
Competencies with LC
Week 6 Objectives
Day 1  Identify the materials that make up comets, meteors, and
 Describe comets, meteors, and asteroids in terms of appearance
Day 2  Present a chart that compare and contrast comets, meteors, and
 Give examples of comets that appeared in the past years and its
Day 3  Predict the next appearance of comets on the earth’s
atmosphere based on recorded data of previous appearances
Day 4  Describe meteor showers
 Explain what causes meteor shower

Most Essential Learning Explain the properties of solids, liquids, and gases based on the
Competencies with LC particle nature of matter; (S8MT-llla-b-8)
Week 1-2 (8 Days) Objectives
Day 1-2  Distinguish matter from non-matter
 Describe the common properties of matter
Day 3-4  Explain what matter is made of
 explain that matter is made up of tiny particles
Day 5-6  Infer that particles are moving
 Identify the 3 states of matter
Day 7-8  Describe the arrangement of particles in solid, liquid and gas
 Identify the properties of solid, liquid, and gas
 Explain the properties of solid based on the particle nature of
Most Essential Learning Explain physical changes in terms of the arrangement and motion
Competencies with LC of atoms and molecules; (S8MT-lllc-d-9
Week 3-4 (8 Days) Objectives
Day 1-2  Describe the physical changes of matter
 Investigate about evaporation
Day 3-4  Define what is water cycle ; and
 State the four stage of water cycle
Day 5  Discuss the processes involved in phase change
a. evaporation
b. condensation
Day 6  Discuss the processes involved in phase change
a. melting
b. freezing
Day 7  Discuss the processes involved in phase change
a. sublimation
b. deposition
Day 8  Recall the process involved in phase change
 Evaluate student learning about phase change
 Exhibit honesty and self-reliance during the test
Most Essential Learning Determine the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in a
Competencies with LC particular atom; (S8MT-llle-f-10)
Week 5-6 (8 days) Objectives
Day 1-5  Discuss the following atomic models
a. Dalton Atomic model
b. Thomson model
c. Rutherford model
d. Bohr model
e. Bohr and Sommerfield model
Day 6-7  Calculate the mass number of given elements
Day 8  Determine the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in
an atom
Most Essential Learning Use the periodic table to predict the chemical behavior of an
Competencies with LC element (S8MT-llli-j-12)
Week 7-8 (8 days) Objectives
Day 1-2  Understand that the periodic table is a way to sort elements
 Explain that elements are placed on the periodic table due to
similar properties
Day 3-4  Demonstrate understanding of the periodic table of elements
as an organizing tool in determining the chemical properties
of the elements
Day 5-6  Identify the trends in periodic table of elements
 Describe the trends in periodic table of elements
Day 7-8  Arrange elements in periodic table base on their properties
 Create a timeline that shows the development of the periodic

Most Essential Learning

Explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion (S8LT-
Competencies with LC
Week 1 (4 Days) Objectives
Day 1  Identify the different parts of the digestive system
Day 2  Explain briefly the function of the different major parts of the
digestive system
Day 3  Differentiate ingestion from absorption and assimilation
from excretion
Day 4  Discuss the importance of ingestion, absorption, assimilation,
and excretion
Most Essential Learning Compare mitosis and meiosis, and their role in the cell-division
Competencies with LC cycle (S8LT-IVd-16)
Explain the significance of meiosis in maintaining the chromosome
number (S8LT-IVe17)
Week 2 (4 Days) Objectives
Day 1  Discuss the parts of the chromosome
Day 2  Differentiate plant and animal mitosis
Day 3  Identify the different stages of mitosis in plant and animal
Day 4  Compare mitosis and meiosis, and their role in the cell-division
Most Essential Learning Predict phenotypic expressions of traits following simple patterns
Competencies with LC of inheritance (S8LT-IVf-18)
Week 3 Objectives
Day 1  Explain the chromosomal basis of inheritance
 Identify the components of a DNA molecule
Day 2  Explain the incomplete dominance pattern of inheritance
Day 3  Predict phenotypic expressions of traits following simple
patterns of inheritance
Day 4  Illustrate by means of Punnet square a cross involving
incomplete dominance pattern of inheritance
Most Essential Learning Explain the concept of a species
Competencies with LC
Code Classify organisms using the hierarchical taxonomic system (S8LT-
Week 4 Objectives
Day 1  Give the names of organisms as they are known in your
 Recognize the need to have a system of classifying and
naming organisms
Day 2  Define what is biodiversity and its importance in your
 Understand that the binomial naming system gives an
organism a genus and a species name
Day 3  Apply knowledge of the taxonomic hierarchy to classify given
organisms or recognize what taxonomic groups they belong
Day 4  Classify organisms using the hierarchical taxonomic system
 Report on the activities that community engage in to protect
and conserve endangered and economically important
Most Essential Learning Explain the advantage of high biodiversity in maintaining the
Competencies with LC stability of an ecosystem (S8LT-IVh-21)
Describe the transfer of energy through the trophic levels (S8LT-
Week 5 Objectives
Day 1  Differentiate low from high biodiversity
 Give advantages of high over low biodiversity
 Explain the advantages of its biodiversity
Day 2  Identify ecosystems with low and high biodiversity
 Predict what will happen to an ecosystem with low biodiversity
Day 3  Distinguish between producers and consumers
 Analyze the transfer of energy from one organisms to another
Day 4  Construct a food chain in a given ecosystem
 Describe the transfer of energy
Most Essential Learning Analyze the roles of organisms in the cycling of materials (S8LT-
Competencies with LC IVi-23)
Explain how materials cycle in an ecosystem (S8LT-IVi-24)
Week 6 Objectives
Day 1  Explain why organisms in the cycling materials is important
 Discuss the different cycling materials in the ecosystem
Day 2  Explain The oxygen-Carbon Dioxide Cycle
 Explain why plants and animals depend on each other
Day 3  Explain The Water Cycle
 Discuss the different cycling process of water cycle
Day 4  Explain The Nitrogen Cycle
 Present a picture of a nitrogen cycle
Most Essential Learning Suggest ways to minimize human impact on the environment
Competencies with LC (S8LT-IVj-25)
Week 7 Objectives
Day 1  Cite the different methods used by the farmers to increase
food production
Day 2  Discuss how human activities affect the ecosystem
 Suggest ways to minimize human impact on the environment
Day 3  Describe one way by which the following practices may disrupt
a food chain or food web
a. monoculture
b. use of insecticides
c. use of fertilizers
Day 4  Make a poster comparing food choices based on the trophic

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