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Sylhet City Lions Club

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What is the Leadership Development Institute Grant Program?

The Leadership Development Institute Grant Program offers funds towards conducting either an Emerging Lions
Leadership Institute (ELLI) or Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI).

Eligible expenses (refer to the Leadership Development Institute Grant Program Reimbursement Packet) will be reimbursed
in an amount not to exceed actual expenses incurred. The maximum grant available is:

Multiple District: USD $4,500.00

Single District*: USD $1,800.00
Undistricted Provisional District/Region/Zone: USD $750.00

Fifty percent (50%) of the total grant amount will be paid approximately thirty (30) days prior to the confirmed institute start
date. All multiple districts, single districts*, and undistricted provisional districts/regions/zones are eligible to participate in this
grant program.

*A single district is a district that is not connected to a multiple district. For example, District 50 – Hawaii, USA is a single
district, while District 1A is a sub-district of Multiple District 1 – Illinois, USA.

What is the application process?

All Global Action Team (GAT) area leaders and Global Leadership Team (GLT) multiple district coordinators, and single
district coordinators on record with Lions Clubs International are eligible to apply for institute grant funds by submitting a
completed 2022-2023 Leadership Development Institute Grant Program Application.

Grant applications will be accepted between May 15, 2022, and October 15, 2022. All completed applications will be
accepted. Confirmation of acceptance and/or additional instructions will be emailed to the institute coordinator listed on the
application approximately three (3) weeks after receipt of initial application.

Applications must be submitted a minimum of 3-4 months prior to the proposed institute start date. This will guarantee that
all materials are provided to the institute coordinator with enough time to properly prepare for the selected institute.

Applications with partial information and/or missing signatures will not be considered.

Where can the designated curriculum for these training programs be found?

Emerging Lions Leadership Institute (ELLI): Curriculum will be available to download after approval of application.
(Please refer to the Emerging Lions Leadership Institute Supplement for a list of all topics covered.)

Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI): Curriculum will be available to download after approval of application.
(Please refer to the Regional Lions Leadership Institute Supplement for a list of all topics covered.).

May an application be submitted for a grant towards both an ELLI and a RLLI?

Currently, a multiple district, single district or undistricted provisional district/region/zone area is only eligible to apply for and
receive one (1) Leadership Development Institute Grant for either an ELLI or RLLI. Please research each institute to
understand the differences and select the institute that is best suited for the Lions and Leos in your area.

Emerging Lions Leadership Institute (ELLI): Training to prepare Lions for leadership positions at the club level.
Qualified Candidates: Lions in good standing who have successfully served on a club committee and have not yet
obtained the level of Club President. Club Vice Presidents are strongly encouraged to attend ELLI.
Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI): Training to prepare Lions for leadership positions throughout the
Qualified Candidates: Lions ready to pursue leadership roles within their Lions’ communities. Club leaders would
benefit from attending. The RLLI program may be customized to best accommodate the needs of the area.
Please review the Institute Planning Guide and the institute specific Institute Supplement for additional information and
details on each institute.

Is there an option to organize a virtual institute?

The Leadership Development Committee has provided approval for a virtual Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI). In
addition, a virtual RLLI can be used in conjunction with Leadership Development Institute Grant. (see the Leadership
Development Institute Grant Program Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI) Virtual Request document on the webpage
for additional information.)

Currently, we are unable to approve and support a virtual Emerging Lions Leadership Institute (ELLI). The current ELLI is not
designed to be run as a virtual session and therefore, a virtual ELLI will not be approved.

Constitutional Area 5 Only

The Leadership Development Committee has provided approval for a virtual Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI) to be
used in conjunction with the Leadership Development Institute Grant.
Constitutional Area 5 is unable to use the Leadership Development Institute Grant Program in conjunction with an in-person
Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI).

Virtual RLLI Approval Process

Submit this application to organize a virtual RLLI a minimum of twelve (12) weeks from the date of institute. This will allow
time for the Leadership Development staff to review the virtual modifications of the standard RLLI curriculum and provide
feedback if the submitted plan requires additional adjustments. In addition, time will be needed to allow the institute
coordinator and faculty to review the plan, materials, and activities for the virtual RLLI.
Using the guidelines provided in this document, please provide additional information about how the RLLI curriculum will be
locally adapted for virtual delivery. Include the following items in the request to implement a virtual RLLI:
Leadership Development Institute Grant Program Application
Virtual training agenda
A detailed plan for making each session interactive for virtual delivery.
Before planning and promoting a virtual RLLI, Leadership Development staff must review and approve the agenda and plan
for adapting the curriculum for virtual delivery. Send your virtual training agenda and plan to
Please allow fifteen (15) business days for review and approval.
For additional guidelines and details, please see the Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI) Virtual Request Process
document found on the Lions Clubs International website.

What is required to obtain reimbursement from the grant program?

To receive the Leadership Development Institute Grant Program final reimbursement the following steps must be

1. A completed 2022-2023 Leadership Development Institute Grant Program Application Form must be on file with
the Leadership Development Division.

2. After the conclusion of the institute submit the following documents:

☐ A completed Leadership Development Institute Grant Program Reimbursement Form

☐ Copies of receipts for eligible expenses (see the reimbursement form for additional information)

☐ Completed Institute Attendance & Consent Form with faculty and participant signatures as verification of attendance.
Include Member and Club ID numbers for all faculty and participants.

☐ Completed Leadership Development Institute Final Summary

Failure to submit the required documents to the Leadership Development Division within 60 days of completion of the
institute, will prevent the institute from receiving official recognition by Lions Clubs International and will prevent faculty and
participants from receiving acknowledgement of attendance. Claims received after 60 days may not be eligible for

Reimbursement will be made payable to the multiple district, single district, sub-district, or undistricted provisional


Where should completed forms and/or questions be directed?

By email to the Leadership Development Division By mail to:

at Lions Clubs International,
Leadership Development Division (LD Institute Grant)
300 W. 22nd Street
Oak Brook, IL 60523-8842 USA

2022-2023 Leadership Development Institute Grant Program
Application and Disbursement Agreement

Type of Institute

Please review the Leadership Development Institute Planning Guide and the specific Institute Supplement for additional
information and details on each institute. (select one)

☐ Emerging Lions Leadership Institute (ELLI): Training to prepare Lions for leadership positions at the club level.
Qualified Candidates: Lions in good standing who have successfully served on a club committee and have not yet
obtained the level of Club President. Club Vice Presidents are strongly encouraged to attend ELLI.

☐ Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI): Training to prepare Lions for leadership positions throughout the
Qualified Candidates: Lions ready to pursue leadership roles within their Lions communities. Club leaders would
benefit from attending. The RLLI program may be customized to best accommodate the needs of the area. (Not
available in CA 5)

☐ Virtual Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI): Additional information including a virtual training agenda and a
detailed plan for making each session interactive for virtual delivery is required. For additional guidelines and details,
please see the Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI) Virtual Request Process document.

Institute Information

List multiple district(s), single district(s), sub-district(s) or undistricted country(s) that are participating in this institute:

Location of institute (city, name and venue address if available):

Dates of institute (3 days required for ELLI):

Language(s) of instruction:

*Anticipated number of participants: *Number of classrooms:

*Note minimum and maximum number of participants per classroom in the table below

Minimum Maximum Maximum

Maximum Maximum
Participants Participants Faculty
Participants Classrooms
(per classroom) (per classroom) (per classroom)

ELLI 75 20 25 3 3

RLLI 100 20 25 4 3

**Curriculum is designed to accommodate the maximum participants per classroom as stated above. Any requests
outside of these guidelines will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

2022-2023 Leadership Development Institute Grant Program
Application and Disbursement Agreement

Local Institute Coordinator

Local Institute Coordinator Information: (Due to unique responsibilities, this Lion should not be a member of the faculty team):

Name: Membership Number:

Title: Email:

Multiple District Number / District Number / Undistricted Country:

Preferred Language of Correspondence:

*If the GLT Coordinator is not the Local Institute Coordinator, please provide the contact information of the GLT Coordinator:

Name: Membership Number:

Name and street address of the Lion (typically the local institute coordinator) where certificates (ELLI and RLLI) and pins
(ELLI only) should be mailed (no P.O. boxes accepted). Items will be shipped approximately forty-five (45) days prior to
confirmed institute start date.

Name: Attention:


Address 2:

City: State/Province:

Postal Code: Country:

Phone: Email:

Faculty Information

Each classroom should have two – three (2-3) faculty members and meet the following criteria:

o At least half of the faculty in each classroom must be a Faculty Development Institute (FDI) graduate
or Lions Certified Instructor Program (LCIP) certified.

o All faculty members should have prior facilitation or training experience.

The faculty members’ personal experiences and presentation styles may offer some opportunities to expand
on the topics and enhance the learning environment. Lions Clubs International welcomes their suggestions
and requires that any changes to be implemented within the board-approved curriculum be reviewed and
approved in advance by Learning and Development Programs Department by email submission to no later than 21 days prior to the start of the institute.

o If there are any changes to the faculty list, notification must be provided to Lions Clubs International prior to
the institute occurring. Failure to notify Lions Clubs International of faculty changes may result in losing the
Leadership Development Institute Grant and receiving acknowledgment of the institute.
Email faculty changes to the Leadership Development Division at (You may copy
the faculty sheet if you have more than eight (8) faculty members.)

2022-2023 Leadership Development Institute Grant Program
Application and Disbursement Agreement

Faculty #1 Faculty #2

Name & Title

Membership Number

FDI attended (location / year)

LCIP Certification (location / year)

Previous training experience

Faculty invited and accepted (date)

Faculty #3 Faculty #4

Name & Title

Membership Number

FDI attended (location / year)

LCIP Certification (location / year)

Previous training experience

Faculty invited and accepted (date)

Faculty #5 Faculty #6

Name & Title

Membership Number

FDI attended (location / year)

LCIP Certification (location / year)

Previous training experience

Faculty invited and accepted (date)

Faculty #7 Faculty #8

Name & Title

Membership Number

FDI attended (location / year)

LCIP Certification (location / year)

Previous training experience

Faculty invited and accepted (date)

2022-2023 Leadership Development Institute Grant Program
Application and Disbursement Agreement

Reserved Grant Disbursement Conditions

The 2022-2023 Leadership Development Institute Grant Program Application and Disbursement Agreement must be signed
and received by the Lions Clubs International Leadership Development Division to be eligible to secure a grant.

The Lions Clubs International banking form or account payee name must be submitted to the Leadership Development
Division prior to the disbursement of the grant. Contact your treasurer to ensure the required information is provided to the
Leadership Development Division. Approximately thirty (30) days prior to the start of the institute, approved applicants will
receive a disbursement of 50% of the total grant amount.

The final reimbursement will be paid upon review of the Leadership Development Institute Grant Program Reimbursement
Form and required documentation. Incomplete reimbursement claims will not be processed. The Leadership
Development Division must receive all documentation within 60 days of completion of the institute. Claims received
more than 60 days after the completion of the institute, may not be eligible for reimbursement.

Should the maximum allowable reimbursement be less than the initial 50% disbursement provided by Lions Clubs
International, the institute coordinator will be responsible to refund any overpayment to Lions Clubs International within sixty
(60) days after being notified. The Leadership Development Division will provide the institute coordinator with notification and
an explanation of how the overpayment was calculated.

General Conditions
A. Purpose: The institute grant shall be used solely for the above-described purpose, to conduct an ELLI or RLLI in your
multiple district, single district, or undistricted provisional district/region/zone.

B. Program and Budget: Reserved institute grants are contingent upon review and approval of a completed Leadership
Development Institute Grant Program Application and Disbursement Agreement. No significant changes may be
made to the program as proposed in the approved application without prior written approval from the Leadership
Development Division.

C. Funding: The multiple district, single district, or undistricted provisional district/region/zone is expected to provide
funding in addition to the Leadership Development Institute Grant Program if needed.

D. Reversion of Grants: If the ELLI or RLLI is not conducted during the dates agreed upon, deposit must be returned to
Lions Clubs International, within thirty (30) days after the agreed upon dates, unless written approval is secured from
the Leadership Division for a date change.

The grant is intended to support the specific institute for which the approved application was submitted. Any portion of
the grant unexpended upon completion of the institute shall be immediately returned to Lions Clubs International. We
reserve the right to deny any payments for expenses not deemed to be reimbursable.

E. Liability: The multiple district, single district, or undistricted provisional district/region/zone is responsible for its ELLI or
RLLI. While Lions Clubs International provides grant support, it is not liable for multiple district, single district, or
undistricted provisional district/region/zone operations and/or any expenses associated with the ELLI or RLLI.

F. Insurance: The institute host will ensure that adequate insurance coverage for the institute is in effect and will provide
a valid certificate of insurance as proof of coverage. Please note the general liability insurance program of Lions Clubs
International may not provide coverage for all operations of this activity.

2022-2023 Leadership Development Institute Grant Program
Application and Disbursement Agreement


By signing this Leadership Development Institute Grant Program Application and Disbursement Agreement,

☐ I understand that if the institute is presented in a non-official language of Lions Clubs International, translation of all
materials is the responsibility of the organizing multiple district, single district, or undistricted country.

☐ I agree to deliver the ELLI or RLLI institute curriculum per the instructor manual as provided by Lions Clubs

☐ I understand the faculty requirements and agree to invite faculty members who meet the criteria.

☐ I agree to above listed Reserved Grant Disbursement Conditions and assures Lions Clubs International that the
institute will be conducted according to board policy.

☐ I agree to complete the required documents, including all itemized eligible expense receipts, as listed in the
Leadership Development Institute Grant Program Reimbursement Packet and submit to the Leadership Development
Division within sixty (60) days post institute. Claims received after 60 days may not be eligible for reimbursement.

☐ I agree to inform Lions Clubs International of any changes to institute information, including changes to institute dates,
faculty, and/or curriculum no less than fourteen (14) days prior to the start of the institute to allow for proper review
and approval. Failure to submit institute changes to the Leadership Development Division could result in loss of the


☐ By signing this form, I hereby agree to coordinate the ELLI, RLLI per the guidelines as provided by Lions Clubs
International in the Institute Planning Guide. Furthermore, I agree to provide all required pre- and post- institute
documentation to Lions Clubs International in the appropriate timeframe.

Name of Local Institute Coordinator Signature Date

Multiple District

Name of GLT Multiple District Coordinator Signature Date

Name of Council Chairperson Signature Date

Name of Global Action Team Area Leader Signature Date

2022-2023 Leadership Development Institute Grant Program
Application and Disbursement Agreement

Single District

Name of GLT District Coordinator Signature Date

Name of District Governor Signature Date

Name of Global Action Team Area Leader Signature Date

Undistricted Provisional District/Region/Zone

Name of Coordinating Lion Signature Date

Name of Global Action Team Area Leader Signature Date


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