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Conformal Algebra

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The Conformal Algebra

Dana Faiez

June 14, 2017

Outline ...

• Conformal Transformation/Generators

• 2D Conformal Algebra

• Global Conformal Algebra and Mobius Group

• Conformal Field Theory

• 2D Conformal Field Theory

• Virasoro Algebra

• Application in Statistical Mechanics

• Massless Free Boson Example

Conformal transformations

Distance squared between two points with coordinates x µ and

x µ + dx µ is

ds 2 = gµν (x)dx µ dx ν
Change of coordinates
x ⇒ x (x)
∂x µ 0 ρ
dx µ = dx
∂x 0 ρ
This coordinate transformation keeps distance between two nearby
points ds invariant.
∂x µ ∂x ν 0 ρ 0 σ 0 0 0 0
ds 2 = gµν (x) dx dx = gρσ (x )dx ρ dx σ
∂x 0 ρ ∂x 0 σ
Under a change of coordinates, the metric transforms according to
0 0 ∂x µ ∂x ν
gρσ (x ) = gµν (x)
∂x 0 ρ ∂x 0 σ
Ex: Scale transformation
(for λ real number)

xµ → x = λx µ
then g transforms like:
0 0 0
gρσ (x ) = gρσ (λx) = Ω2 (x)gµν

such that:
Ω(x) ≡ e 2

0 0 1
where w = −2lnλ ⇒ gρσ (x ) = g (x)
λ2 µν
More generally, we could have
gρσ (x 0 ) = Ω2 (x)gµν (x)

Transformations x → x (x) that satisfy this condition
are known as conformal transformations.
Conformal Group

Conformal transformations forms a group:

For two conformal transformations Ω1 and Ω2 ,

0 (x)
g ”ρσ (x) = Ω22 (x)gρσ

= Ω22 (x)Ω21 (x)gρσ (x) = (Ω2 (x)Ω1 (x))2 gρσ (x).

⇒ conformal transformation associated with Ω2 Ω1 .

Infinitesimal Limit

Consider the infinitesimal coordinate transformation:

x = x µ + ζ µ (x)
Expand Ω2 (x ) for  → 0
0 0
Ω2 (x ) ' 1 + κ(x ) = 1 + κ(x) + O(2 )

with κ being some unknown function of the coordinates. Plug this

into gρσ (x) = Ω2 (x)gµν (x)

gµσ ∂ρ ζ µ + gρν ∂σ ζ ν + ζ λ ∂λ gρσ + κgρσ = 0

Conformal Killing Condition.

Let’s consider the simple case of flat spacetime where

gµν = ηµν

with η =diag(1, −1, −1, ..., −1), in d-dimension. Then the

conformal Killing condition reduces to:

∂ρ ζσ + ∂σ ζρ + κηρσ = 0

Contracting with η ρσ we get:

−2(∂.ζ) = dκ

plugging this into the reduced conformal Killing condition, we get:

∂ρ ζσ + ∂σ ζρ = (∂.ζ)ηρσ
Act with ∂ ρ = η ρσ ∂σ on ∂ρ ζσ + ∂σ ζρ = − d2 (∂.ζ)ηρσ to get:

d∂ 2 ζσ = (2 − d)∂σ (∂.ζ)

We can make two conclusions:

1. The case d = 2 is special.Any solutions of the generalized

Laplace equation ∂ 2 ζσ = 0 yield a conformal transformation.
(We’ll talk about this case later)

2. For d 6= 2 → ζ µ can depend on x at most quadratically.

⇒ All solutions of the conformal Killing condition of Minkowski

peacetime for d 6= 2 can be found:

Lorentz scale Special conformal
z}|{ z }| { z}|{ z }| {
ζµ = a µ
+ bν x + cx µ + dν (η µν x 2 − 2x µ x ν )
µ ν

Transformation Transformation Generator

D x µ → λx µ x µ ∂µ
Pµ x µ → aµ + bνµ x ν ∂µ
Jµν (xµ ∂ν − xν ∂µ )
Kµ x µ → aλ (η µλ x 2 − 2x µ x λ ) (η µν x 2 − 2x µ x ν )∂ν
[D, P µ ] = −P µ
[D, K µ ] = +K µ
[J µν , P λ ] = −η µλ P ν + η νλ P µ
[J µν , K λ ] = −η µλ K ν + η νλ K µ
[J µν , J λρ ] = −η µλ J νρ − η νρ J µλ + η νλ J µρ + η µρ J νλ
[K µ , P ν ] = 2(J µν + η µν D)
(All the ones not mentioned are zero.)
Counting the number of generator (d > 2):
Lorentz #of gen. of SO(d,2)
z }| { scale Special conformal z
translation }| {
z}|{ d(d − 1) z}|{ z}|{ (d + 2)(d + 1)
d + + 1 + d =
2 2
Gen. of conformal (d-D) || Gen. of SO(d,2) (d+2-D):

Denote generators of SO(2,d) by J MN with

M, N = 0, 1, ..., d − 1, d, d + 1 and (µ, ν = 0, 1, ..., d − 1)

Then we have the following commutation relation between J µν s
time-like space-like time-like
z }| { z }| { z }| {
00 ij ij dd d+1,d+1
with η = +1, η = −δ , η = −1, η = +1 :

[J MN , J PQ ] = −η MP J NQ − η NQ J MP + η NP J MQ + η MQ J NP
D = J d,d+1
P µ and K µ L.C . of J µ,d and J µ,d+1
J µ,d = (K µ + P µ )
J µ,d+1 = (K µ − P µ )
These can be checked using commutation relations of Js.

By symmetry considerations, conformal algebra of d-D Minkowski

spacetime with isometry group of SO(d-1,1), is isomorphic to
SO(d, 2) algebra.
2D Conformal Algebra

The Reduced conformal killing condition becomes the

Cauchy-Riemann equation in 2D:

∂0 ζ0 = +∂1 ζ1 , ∂0 ζ1 = −∂1 ζ0

with gµν = δµν .

Complex function satisfying above eq. Holomorphic

For a holomorphic ζ(z), function f (z) = z + ζ(z) gives rise to an

infinitesimal 2D conformal transformation z → f (z).
Generators of 2D Conformal Algebra

In search of 2D Conformal generators,

expand ζ(z) around z=0 using a Laurent expansion:
z 0 = z + ζ(z) = z + ζn (−z n+1 ),
z 0 = z + ζ(z) = z + ζ n (−z n+1 ),

with infinitesimal parameters ζn and ζ n constants.

Generators corresponding to a transformation for a particular n are:

ln = −z n+1 ∂z , l n = −z n+1 ∂z ,

with n ∈ Z. Commutators are as follows:

[lm , ln ] = (m − n)lm+n

[l m , l n ] = (m − n)l m+n
[lm , l n ] = 0

This is known as the Witt algebra.

Number of independent infinitesimal conformal transformations in

2D is infinite.
Global Conformal Algebra

Examining the ambiguity at x=0 and x → ∞ and work on

Riemann sphere S 2 ' C ∪ ∞:

• ln = −z n+1 ∂z non-singular at z=0 only for n≥ −1.

• use conformal transformation z = − w1 ln = −(− w1 )n−1 ∂w

non-singular at w = 0 only for n≤ +1.

Globally defined conformal transformations on S 2 ' C ∪ ∞ are

generated by l−1 , l0 , l+1 .
Determining the global conformal group generated by these

• l−1 = −∂z (z → z + b) : Translation.

• l0 = −z∂z (z → az) (remember z ∈ C)

After Change of variable z = re iφ , we find:

1 i 1 i
l0 = − r ∂r + ∂φ , l 0 = − r ∂r − ∂φ
2 2 2 2
The linear combinations l0 + l0 = −r ∂r and i(l0 − l0 ) = −∂φ are
the generators of dilation and rotation, respectively.
• l+1 = −z 2 ∂z Special conformal transformation and translation
for w = − z1 .

c l1 z = −cz 2 is the infinitesimal version of z → cz+1 .

Operators l−1 , l0 , l+1 generate transformations of the form:

z→ cz+d with a, b, c, d ∈ C requiring ad − bc 6= 0

The conformal group of S 2 ' C ∪ ∞ is the Mobius group Z2 .
Conformal Field Theory
A field theory that is invariant under conformal transformations.
⇒ The physics of the theory looks the same at all length scales
(theory can’t have any preferred length scale. There can not be
anything like a mass, Compton wavelength etc.)

Consider the fields φ of our theory on C2 : φ(z, z).


Chiral fields as φ(z) and anti-Chiral fields as φ(z).

If a field transforms under conformal transformation z → f (z)
according to:
0 ∂f h ∂f h
φ(z, z) → φ (z, z) = ( ∂z ) ( ∂z ) φ(f (z), f (z))
It is called primary a field of conformal dimensions (h, h).
If this holds for f ∈ SL(2, C)/Z2 , i.e. only for global conformal
transformations, then φ is called a quasi-primary field.
**Note: Not all fields in CFT are primary (or quasi-primary).
The energy-momentum tensor:

Consider scale invariance by transformation x µ → λx µ which is

part of global conformal group;

The associated current is : Jµ = x ν Tµν .

Applying Noether’s theorem:

Tµµ = 0

This is the key feature of a conformal field theory in any dimension.

2D Conformal Field Theory
2D CFTs have ∞-D symmetry → severe restrictions on CFTs.

(In some cases) can be solved exactly, using the conformal

bootstrap method. Ex of 2D CFTs: massless free bosonic theories,
and certain sigma models.

Consider 2D Euclidean:
∂x α ∂x β
Tµν transforms as Tµν = ∂x µ ∂x ν Tαβ .

By a quick change of variable: x 0 = 12 (z + z) and x 1 = 1

2i (z − z)
we find:
∂z Tzz = 0 and ∂z Tzz = 0
The two non-vanishing components of the energy-momentum
tensors are a chiral and anti-chiral field:

Tzz (z, z) =: T (z) , Tzz (z, z) =: T (z).

Conformal transformations of the energy–momentum tensor:
Under conformal transformation z → f (z), T changes as follows:

∂f 2 c
T 0 (z) = ( ) T (f (z)) + S(f (z), z)
∂z 12
c is called the central charge and S(w, z) denotes the Schwarzian
S(w , z) = (∂z w )2
((∂z w )(∂z3 w ) − 32 (∂z2 w )2 ).

• For non-vanishing central charges, T (z) is not a primary field.

• Schwarzian derivative S(w , z) vanishes for SL(2, C)

transformations w = f (z) ⇒ T (z) is a quasi-primary field.

Central Charge

Introducing Virasoro Algebra:

Remember Witt Algebra: [lm , ln ] = (m − n)lm+n

translation dilation&rotation special conformal

z}|{ z}|{ z}|{
with l1 , l0 , l−1

This algebra has a central extension i.e.

Group A is abelian and its image is in the center of E, for an

extension of G by A, given by exact sequence of group
homomorphism: 1 → A → E → G → 1.

If Lie algebra of G is g, that of A is a, and that of E is e, then e is

a central Lie algebra extension of g by a.
Denote elements of the central extension of the Witt algebra by Ln
with n ∈ Z. Their Virasoro Algebra, with central charge c has
following commutation relations:

[Lm , Ln ] = (m − n)Lm+n + (m − m3 )δm+n,0

The central charge or conformal anomaly c does not occur in the

classical theory and is thus a purely quantum effect.
translation dilation&rotation special conformal
z}|{ z}|{ z}|{
( L1 , L0 , L+1 )

are still generators of SL(2, C)/Z2 transformations.

Application in Statistical Mechanics

Let φ(x) be a generic order parameter at second order phase

transitions and δφ ≡ φ(x)− < φ(x) > be the fluctuation of the
order parameter about its mean value.

Away from critical point:

− ζx
< δφ(x)δφ(0) >≈ e ,

where ζ is the correlation length. The above is no longer true at

critical point. :

ζ≈L where L is the length of the system.

The divergence of ζ at the critical point implies that the system is

scale invariant.
Physical quantities are given by: Scaling fields.
Looking at scaling transformation x λ → λx, the scaling fields
transform as φ(x) → λ∆ φ(x)
where ∆ = h + h: scaling dimension of field φ.

Sytems exhibiting scale invariance in 2D, are also invariant under

conformal transformation.
2D Ising Model at its critical point is an ex. of a CFT.

It has 3 primary operators:

Identity with h = h = 0,
”spin field σ” with h = h = 16 ,

”energy density ” with h = h = 21 .

It also has central charge c = 21 .

2D CFT: Massless Free Boson Example
Alternative definition of a primary field:

A field φ(z, z) is primary with conformal dimensions (h, h),if the

operator product expansion (OPE) between the Tµν and φ(z, z) is:

h 1
T (z)φ(w , w ) = 2
φ(w , w ) + ∂w φ(w , w ) + ...
(z − w ) (z − w )

h 1
T (z)φ(w , w ) = 2
φ(w , w ) + ∂w φ(w , w ) + ...
(z − w ) (z − w )

OPE of chiral Tµν with itself reads:

c/2 2T (w ) ∂T (w )
T (z)T (w ) = + + + ...
(z − w )4 (z − w )2 (z − w )

with (|z| > |w |).

The action of a single free massless scalar boson reads:
R 2
Sφ = 4π dz (∂φ∂φ) defined on 2D complex plane.

Want to show that even though φ(z) itself does not have a
conformal dimension, the fields ∂z φ(z) have definite dimensions ,
i.e. they transform as primary fields:

We need:
∂φ(z)∂φ(w ) = − (z−w )2
+ ...

and from the action, we get:

Tφ (z) = − 12 : ∂φ(z)∂φ(z) := − 21 limw →z [∂φ(z)∂φ(w ) + 1

(z−w )2

∂φ(w ) 1
Tφ (z)∂φ(W ) ≈ 2
+ ∂ 2 φ(w ).
(z − w ) (z − w )

∂φ is a primary field of dimension h=1.

We can also calculate the value of central charge c, by calculating
OPE of Tφ = − 21 : ∂φ∂φ : with itself:
1/2 2
Tφ (z)Tφ (w ) ≈ (z−w )4
+ (z−w )2
[− 21 (∂φ(w ))2 ] + ...

From this we conclude that a single free chiral boson has c=1.
CFTs in higher dimensions

Higher-dimensional CFTs are prominent in the AdS/CFT


Gravitational theory in anti-de Sitter space (AdS)

Conformal field theory on the AdS boundary.

Well studies example is the d=4, N = 4 supersymmetric Yang–Mills

theory, that is dual to Type IIB string theory on AdS5 x S 5 .

• Group Theory in a Nutshell for Physicists, by Anthony Zee.

• Conformal Field Theory, by Sergei V. Ketov.

• Introduction to Conformal Field Theory: With Applications to

String Theory, by Ralph Blumenhagen, Erik Plauschinn.

• Govindarajan, Suresh. Introduction to Conformal Field Theory,

March 1993, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences.

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