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Safety Management System: Week 3

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Week 3

Lecturer Niyazi Cem GÜRSOY

Course Content
1. Introduction
2. Development of safety concept – Accident statistics
3. Approaches/models to accident investigations
4. Human Performance and Limitations
5. Positive Safety Culture
6. Introduction to safety management
7. Hazards
8. Safety risks
9. ICAO Safety Management SARP’s
10. SMS-Safety Management System
11. SMS - Planning
12. SMS - Operation
13. Phased implementation approach to SMS
14. SSP-State Safety Programme

Approaches/Models to Accident

Reasons Model SHELL Model

Reason Model* - Cause / Result
• The - Swiss-Cheese Model, developed by Professor James Reason,
illustrates that accidents involve successive breaches of multiple system
defenses. These breaches can be triggered by a number of enabling factors
such as equipment failures or operational errors.
• Since the Swiss-Cheese Model contends that complex systems such as
aviation are extremely well defended by layers of defences, single-point
failures are rarely consequential in such systems.

YS/Safety Management System
Reason Model* - Cause / Result
• Breaches in safety defenses can be a delayed consequence of
decisions made at the highest levels of the system, which may
remain dormant until their effects or damaging potential are activated
by specific operational circumstances.
• Under such specific circumstances, human failures or active
failures at the operational level act to breach the system’s inherent
safety defences.
• The Reason Model proposes that all accidents include a
combination of both active and latent conditions.

Swiss Cheese

The original source for the Swiss Cheese illustration is: “Swiss Cheese” Model – James Reason,
1990. The book reference is: Reason, J. (1990) Human Error.
Cambridge: University Press, Cambridge. 6
• Active failures are actions or inactions, including errors and
violations, which have an immediate adverse effect. They are
generally viewed, with the benefit of hindsight, as unsafe acts.
Active failures are generally associated with front-line personnel
(pilots, air traffic controllers, aircraft mechanical engineers, etc.)
and may result in a harmful outcome.

• Latent conditions are those that exist in the aviation system well
before a damaging outcome is experienced. The consequences of
latent conditions may remain dormant for a long time.
• Initially, these latent conditions are not perceived as harmful, but
will become evident once the system’s defenses have been
breached. These conditions are generally created by people far
removed in time and space from the event.

A concept of accident causation

Latent conditions trajectory

The organizational accident
• The notion of the organizational accident underlying Reason’s Model can
be best understood through a building-block approach, consisting of five
blocks. The top block represents the organizational processes.
• These are activities over which any organization has a reasonable degree
of direct control. Typical examples include policy making, planning,
communication, allocation of resources, and supervision.
• Unquestionably, the two fundamental organizational processes as far as
safety is concerned are allocation of resources and communication.
Downsides or deficiencies in these organizational processes are the
breeding grounds for a dual pathway towards failure.

The organizational accident

Latent Conditions
• Latent conditions have all the potential to breach aviation system
defenses. Typically, defenses in aviation can be grouped under three
large headings: technology, training and regulations.
• Defenses are usually the last safety net to contain latent conditions, as
well as the consequences of lapses in human performance.
• Most, if not all, mitigation strategies against the safety risks of the
consequences of hazards are based upon the strengthening of existing
defenses or the development of new ones.

• Error
An action or inaction by an operational person that
leads to deviations from organizational or the
operational person’s intentions or expectations. …
• Violation
A deliberate act of willful misconduct or omission
resulting in a deviation from established
regulations, procedures, norms or practices…

Organizational Accidents (5 main cause)
1. Institutional (Organizational / In-Business) Processes
2. Invisible Conditions
3. Defense Mechanisms
4. Workplace Conditions
5. Current Failures

Other Causes
• Incorrect resource allocation
• Inadequate hazard identification and risk management
• Inadequate technology-training
• Inadequate communication
• Insufficient regulation control
• Normalization of ordinary actions
• Insufficient reporting feedback

Reason Model
• There are multiple causes / factors for the occurrence of accidents.
• The occurrence of an accident can not be attributed solely to operational
errors/ violations. The operator itself is also an important influence.
• Effective faults (errors and violations), latent conditions (business,
workplace, people) also lead to the formation of accidents with the effect.
• As a precaution, the process must be well monitored and the defense
mechanisms must be established consistently)...

Examples of active errors/violations;
• Generally, it comes from the people who are at the forefront of the
• Braking test not to be done despite heavy snowfall (violation),
• The air traffic controller is driving the pilot to the wrong track (error),
• The carelessness of the operator, which brings the passenger bridge closer
to the aircraft (error),
• Ground handling vehicle driver's carelessness (error)….

The Practical Drift
• Drift from «baseline performance». Always happens….
• Reasons;
• Technology not always operated as predicted,
• Procedures cannot be exacuted as planned under some conditions,
• With capturing and analyzing we introduce safety adaptations to the

Why was the SCM so successful
• Previous section shows this idea particularly well: the metaphors of
resident pathogens (from the medical domain), defence in depth (from
engineering) and Swiss cheese (food) are combined to produce the most-
popular safety model.
• The SCM, in particular, owes its success to a systemic foundation that
broadens the scope of the analysis to the organisation’s complexity,
environment, management and defences.

Case Study
• There is such accidents in the aviation history.
• You need to analyze the accident assigned to you through the SCM model
and identify active faults and latent conditions.
• You need to submit a 1 or 2 page report.
• You need to present in the class with a presentation of maximum 5
minutes, either through a presentation or a picture.

0clear%20and%20precise). 27
SHEL Model
• The SHEL Model is a conceptual tool used to analyse the interaction of a
multiple system interaction ofcompenents which provides a basic
depiction of the relationship between humans and other workplace
• People make mistakes.
• In order to achieve expected performances, it is necessary to know the
factors (such as; relations with other people, environment, hardware, etc.).
• The SHEL model Developed by Edwards in 1972, presented in 1984 by
Hawkins in its present form, is a conceptual approach used in the analysis
of organizational/operational structures/properties and their interaction
with humans.
Understanding the relationship between
people and operational contexts

(First L; human itself, Second L; the others…)

You can not change people,
Change the terms and conditions. "

• The model attaches importance to human and human interfaces

• with other components and features of the aviation system.

• The model has taken its name from the first letters of its associates.

• Liveware-Hardware (L-H)
• Liveware-Software (L-S)
• Liveware-Liveware (L-L)
• Liveware-Environment (L-E)

a. Liveware-
Hardware (L-H)
• Technology vs Human
• Relationship between the human
and the phsical attributes of
equipment, machine and

b. Liveware-
Software (L-S)
• Supporting Systems vs Human
• Relationship between the human
and the regulations, manuals,
checklists, publications, standard
operating procedures and
computer software, including
formats and symbology

c. Liveware-Liveware (L-L)
• People vs People
• Relationship between the human
and the other people (such as
relations between the pilots,
technicians, engineers… their
roles/functions in the groups…)

d. Liveware-Environment (L-E)
People vs Workplace Environmental
Relationship between the human and
both internal and external
environments (such as temparature,
ambient light, noise, vibration, air
quality, etc…) including psychological
and physiaological forces (such as;
ilness, fatigue, social/financial
problems, career concerns, etc.)

• According to the SHEL Model, the humans are in the center of the
operations. Although humans are remarkably adaptable, they do not
interface perfectly with the various components of the workplace.
• Physical factors; necessary factors for the person to perform the required
tasks (power, height, reach distance, sight, hearing, etc...)
• Physiological factors; Factors influencing the physical performance of the
individual (general health and form status, illness, tobacco, drug, alcohol use,
stress, fatigue, pregnancy, etc…)
• Psychological factors; Coping with the conditions that may arise (education,
knowledge, experience and workload, etc…)
• Psycho-social factors; Job and non-workplace pressures (workplace
• discussions, financial problems, family problems, etc…)
For example, the gaps in the Personnel-Hardware
interface can be turned off as follows
• The designer can ensure the reliability of the hardware performance under
specified operating conditions.
• During the certification process, the regulatory authority can identify the
realistic conditions under which the equipment can be used.
• Management can develop standard operational practices
and develop and deliver trainings for safe use of equipment.
• Individual hardware operators ensure that the equipment can be safely
used in all desired operating conditions ....

• As indicated before, an error is defined as «an action or inaction by an
operational person that leads to deviations from organizational or the
operational person’s intentions or expactations.
• In the context of SMS, both the State and the product or service provider
must understand and expect that humans will commit errors regardless of
the level of technology used, the training or the existence of regulations,
processes and procedures.
• An important goal then is to set and maintain defenses to reduce the
likehood of errors and just importantly, reduce the consequences of errors
when they do occur.

• To effectively accomplish this task, errors
must be identified, reported and analysed so
that appropriate remedial action can be taken.
Errors can be divided into two categories:
• Slips and lapses are the failures in the
execution of the intended action. Slips
are actions that do not go as planned.
Lapses are memory failures. For
example, operating the flap lever instead
of the (intended) gear lever is a slip.
Forgetting a checklist item is a lapse.
• Mistakes are failures in the plan of
action. Even if execution of the plan were
core correct, it would not have been
possible to achieve the intended outcome.

Aviation businesses use intensive technology.

Every day new systems / applications come into play.

Intense technology-continuous development, difficulty in harmonization

/ interaction between personnel and equipment, can cause errors
(Human Error).

Even the most educated and experienced staff can make mistakes.
Statistically, there are millions of operational errors resulting from
humans until a significant safety fault occurs.

Most operational faults are non-voluntary and are made up of

existing conditions and are considered normal.

Controlling incompatibility of personnel /hardware is an inevitable


In fact, these faults are attached to the advanced / strong defense

systems that are close to the cluster and the damage potentials are

Error Deviation Amplification Degradation /


The flight crew performs the after-engines-start checklist, but do not detect the incorrect flap
setting, and the aircraft initiates taxiing for departure. They start the take-off roll, they do not
identify the warning and continues the take-off roll. ACCİDENT
Error Deviation Amplification Normal flight

After the accident; New checklists (Check-list)

(a)The after landing checklist; (b) the before start checklist;

(c) the taxiing checklist; (d) the before-take-off checklist;
(e) the take-off configuration warning.

The possibility of a similar accident was removed.

• Safety strategies must be put into place to control or eliminate
errors. The strategies to control errors leverage the basic defences. Some
of these are;
• Reduction strategies
• Capturing strategies
• Tolerance strategies
• Reduction strategies provide direct intervention to reduce or eliminate the factor contributing to the error.
Examples of reduction strategies include improvement of ergonomic factors and reduction of environmental

• Human-centred design

• Ergonomic factors

• Training

• - .....

• Capturing strategies assume the error will made. The intent is to «capture» the error before any adverse
consequences of the error are left. Capturing strategies are different from reduction strategies in that they utilize
checklists and other procedural interventions rather than directly eliminating the error.

• Checklists

• Task cards

• Flight strips

• - .....

• Tolerance strategies refer to the ability of a system to accept that an error will made but without
experiencing serious consequences. The incorporation of redundant systems or multiple inspection processes
are examples of measures that increase system tolerance to errors.

• System redundancies

• Structural inspections

• - ...

YS/Safety Management System 47

• A violation is defined as «a deliberate act of wilful
misconduct or omission resulting in a deviation from
established regulations, procedures, norms or
practices.» Nonetheless, non-compliance is not
necessarily the result of a violation because deviations
from regularity requirements or operating procedures
may be the result of an error.

• Violations are intentional actions.

• Individuals may knowingly deviate from norms, they

are not automatic behaviors.

Violations (depending on workspace conditions) can be categorized as follws:

Sitiuational violatins are committed in response to factors experinced in a specific

context, such as time pressure or high woklload.

Routine violations become the normal way of duing business within a work group. Such
violations are committed in response to situations in which compliance with established
procedures make completion difficult. These deviations are called as «drift» and over time result
in severe consequences (safety is not compromized).

Organizationally induced violations may be considered as an extension of routine violations.

These type of violations tends to ocur when an organization attempts to meet increased output
demands by ignoring or stretching its safety defences.


If the minimum safety distance between two planes is 20 NM, if the controller is doing 18 NM

- If this is a calculation mistake, ERROR,

- If done intentionally, VIOLATION.

In the areas where the service vehicles should not enter in the airplane parking area;

- if entered by mistake, ERROR

- If entered intentionally, VIOLATION.

Safety Review (Investigation)
• Examination of safety related incidents is the most important component of safety
management. Accident investigations in system security are important safeguards.

• In Classical Approach (funeral purposes)

• To put losses behind,

• To reassert trust and faith in the system,
• To resume normal activities, and
• To fulfil political purposes...

• In Modern Approach, for improved system

• To learn about system vulnerability,

• To develop strategies for change, and
• To prioritize investment of resources...


Clasical System / The facts

• An old generation four engine turboprop freighter flies into

severe icing conditions
• Engines 2 and 3 flameout as consequence of ice accretion,
and seven minutes later engine 4 fails
• The flight crew manages to re-start engine number 2
• Electrical load shedding is not possible, and the electrical
system reverts to battery power
• …

• *From ICAO SMS Course

The facts (cont...)
• While attempting to conduct an emergency landing, all electrical power is lost
• All that is left to the flight crew is the self-powered standby gyro, a flashlight and the
self-powered engine instruments
• The flight crew is unable to maintain controlled flight, and the
• aircraft crashes out of control
• …

Investigation - Findings
• Crew did not use the weather radar
• Crew did not consult the emergency check-list
• Demanding situation requiring decisive thinking and clear action
• Conditions exceeded certification condition for the engines
• Did not request diversion to a closer aerodrome.

Investigation – Findings (cont…)
• Crew did not use correct phraseology to declare emergency

• Poor crew resource management (CRM)

• Mismanagement of aircraft systems

• Emergency checklist – presentation and visual information

• Flight operations internal quality assurance procedures

• Multiple engine failures
• Incomplete performance of emergency drills
• Crew actions in securing and re-starting engines
• Drag from unfeathered propellers
Causes • Weight of ice
• Poor CRM
• Lack of contingency plans
• Loss of situational awareness

• Authority should remind pilots to
use correct phraseology
• Authority should research
into most effective form of
presentation of emergency
reference material

Same Example / Modern System / The Facts
• An old generation two engine turboprop commuter aircraft engaged in a regular
passenger transport operation is conducting a non-precision approach in marginal
weather conditions in an uncontrolled, non-radar, remote airfield

• The flight crew conducts a straight-in approach, not following the published approach

• …

The Facts (cont…)
• Upon reaching MDA, the flight crew does not acquire visual references

• The flight crew abandons MDA without having acquired visual references to pursue the

• The aircraft crashes into terrain short of the runway

• Findings
• The crew made numerous mistakes
• But
• Crew composition legal but unfavourable in view of demanding flight
• According to company practice, pilot made a direct approach, which was against
• …

… But
• The company had consistently misinterpreted regulations

• Level of safety was not commensurate with the requirements of a scheduled passenger
operation Aerodrome operator had neither the staff nor the resources to ensure regularity
of operations

• …

… But
• Lack of standards for commuter operations
• Lack of supervision of air traffic facilities
• Authorities’ disregard of previous safety violations
• Legislation out of date
• …


• Conflicting goals within the authority

• Lack of resources within the authority
• Lack of aviation policy to support the authority
• Deficiencies in the training system


• Decision to continue approach below MDA without visual contact

• Performance pressures
• Airline’s poor safety culture

• Safety recommendations
• “Tip-of-the-arrow” recommendations

• But
• Review the process of grantingAOC
• Review the training system
• Define an aviation policy which provides support to the task of
• the aviation administration

• Reform aviation legislation
• Reinforce existing legislation as interim measure
• Improve both accident investigation and aircraft and airways
• inspection processes

• Classical understanding (result focused) saved the day, closed the file.

• The advanced system (process-oriented) has shown direction for a safer future ...

• Nowadays, in developed countries, accident investigations are carried out by a

specialized team in every detail. Sometimes all the remaining parts are brought together,
the examination is not months but years.

• The controllers are fully independent, with all the resources they need.

• The file is not closed before there are real reasons.

Poor design

Inadequate training

Inadequate defenses

Conflicting goals



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