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Faculty of Business and Communications: Individual Assignment For MGT6202E Business Research Methods

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Individual Assignment
MGT6202E Business Research Methods

Name : Hariharasudan Vaskaran

Student ID : i22022590
Program Code : MBALS
Instructor : Dr. Ng Chee Pung
Session : January 2023

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction 4
1.1 Introduction 4
1.2 Background 4
1.3 Research Aim 5
1.4 Rational 5
1.5 Problem statement 7
1.6 Research Objectives 8
1.7 Research Question 8
1.8 Significance 8
1.9 Structure 9
1.10 Summary 9
Chapter 2: Literature Review 10
2.1 Introduction 10
2.2 Dependent variable 10
2.2.1 Rate of employee retention 10
2.3 Independent variables 12
2.3.1 Employees wages 12
2.3.2 Employees working hours 14
2.3.3 Employees' career development 15
2.4 Hypothesis 17
2.5 Theory 17
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 17
2.6 literature gap 18
2.8 Conclusion 19
Chapter 3: Research Methodology 19
3.1 Introduction 19
3.2 Research Philosophy 19
3.3 Research Approaches 21
3.4 Research design 22
3.5 Data collection method 25
3.6 Sample size 25
3.7 Data analysis 25
3.8 Potential research limitation 27
3.9 Ethical consideration 27

3.10 Summary 27
Section Variable Items Source
A Demographics Profile Highest Educxation (Sekaran and Bougie, 2016) Adapted
Duration of tenure at present job
Income Range
B(Dependent Variable) Employee Retention 3
(Sek Khin and Kaur, 2016) Adapted
Employee Salary
increments (Asmawi­ , 2017) Adapted
Employee working
C(Independent Variable) 4
hours (Kholiq and Miftahuddin, 2018) Adapted
Employee career
development (Kholiq and Miftahuddin, 2018) Adapted
Appendix 29
Partial Questionnaire Questions 29
Turnitin Submission Report 32
References 32

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction

Employee retention is an issue for many organisations related to employee satisfaction,

performance and productivity. Employee retention depends on many factors which negatively

impact companies' productivity. When factors affect the productivity or performance of

employees, so they become demotivated (Hee & Ann, 2019). Many factors, such as wages,

working hours and lack of career development, negatively impact employee retention. It can

be stated that the motivational level helps to improve employees' performance or

productivity. So their performance depended on their motivational level (Hussain & Xian,

2019). On the other hand, the employees are satisfied with the help of their position. As a

result, it helps to improve their performance, and it also reduces the turnover rate in the


It is important to increase employee retention in an organisation because it helps to improve

performance and employee engagement. If an organisation increases employee retention, they

become more successful (Hee & Ann, 2019). From the same point of view, most

organisations face a decrease in performance or productivity and less output. It also helps to

achieve the organisation's goal by increasing employee retention. It can be stated that

employee retention is the key factor to achieving success. Employee retention is related to

employee satisfaction (Hussain & Xian, 2019). From the same point of view, employee

retention is related to organisational success. This research includes the research's aim,

background, objectives, rationale, questions, problem statement, structure, and significance.

In addition, The research consists of a summary that discusses the affecting factor in

employee retention in an organisation.


1.2 Background

The definition of employee retention is the ability that retains employees in a company. In

most companies, employee retention is represented by statistical values (Mahadi et al. 2020).

For example, if the rate of employee retention is 70 per cent, that means a company kept 70

per cent of employees within a given period. However, employee retention significantly

affects companies' productivity or performance (Falahat et al. 2019). Companies' main goal is

to reduce turnover by fostering a positive work environment. From the same point of view, a

company uses many factors to retain employees.

An organisation uses many factors which help to improve employees' engagement and

productivity, and performance (Islam et al. 2020). From the same point of view, an

organisation provides a healthy, balanced work life that retains employees in the workplace.

Globally, more than 14 per cent of employees engaged with their organisation in 2021

(Published by Statista Research Department & 16, 2022). It can be stated that the amount has

increased from last year. At the same point, in 2020, low employee engagement and an 11.6

per cent turnover rate negatively impacted the productivity or performance of an organisation

(Published by Statista Research Department & 16, 2022). When employee engagement

increased, so the turnover rate decreased.

1.3 Research Aim

The research aim is to discuss the factor which impacts the employee retention rate in the

Malaysian industry. In addition, it's important and benefits the workplace by identifying the

employee's retention factor.

1.4 Rational

Nowadays, most companies face employee turnover that negatively impacts the productivity

of an organisation. Moreover, most organisations face many challenges and must focus on

employee retention (Hee & Rhung, 2019). Gradually, employee turnover also increases due

to employee retention. From the same point of view, employees expect a high salary that

creates salary dissatisfaction in an organisation. There are many reasons which affect

employee retention, and they leave the workplace in any field (Ibrahim et al. 2019). In

addition, high expectation of salary or wages of employees is also a factor in employee


When the authorities of an organisation do not manage job rotation or working hours, it also

influences the chances of less engagement in an organisation (Alias et al. 2019). In an

organisation, long working hours also negatively impact employees ' health, and they become

ill and bored with their job in the workplace (Yasmeen Bano et al. 2022). From the same

point of view, the management of an organisation also provides many opportunities to reduce

working hours so that they will not be bored. On the other hand, when they are bored with

long working hours, they leave their job and increase the turnover rate, including decreasing

productivity (Hee & Rhung, 2019). In the same context, to reduce employee turnover,

companies focus more on employee engagement and try to improve employee retention in the

workplace. These factors help improve employee retention in an organisation (Ibrahim et al.


Employee retention plays a significant role in various fields. So companies set their goal to

achieve improved employee retention. From the same point of view, employee retention

depends on each company based on different factors (Alias et al. 2019). It significantly

increases productivity, reduces costs, improves employee satisfaction, and improves

employee morale. In addition, many companies focus on many factors, such as providing

skills to staff, providing health packages, giving promotions, giving prizes, tour packages for

entertainment, and providing financial support during the crisis, which helps to improve

motivation and improve employee retention (Hee & Rhung, 2019).


From the same point of view, an organisation focuses on improving performance,

productivity, quality of work, and employee morale, which helps reduce employee and

turnover problems (Ibrahim et al. 2019). The main component of employee retention is to

retain talents by motivating employees. In the same context, this helps increase employees'

value, and they also think they are part of an organisation. As a result, they also provide their

effort to a company's success. In an organisation, many factors, such as employees' wages,

working hours/work-life balance, and career development, help to improve employee

engagement by employee retention and reduce turnover (Hee & Rhung, 2019).

1.5 Problem statement

Now the modern generation is using advanced technologies in various fields. In case, many

organisations use advanced technologies though they need employees to make the machines

work (Alias et al. 2019). An organisation faces employee retention challenges because of low

salaries, an uncomfortable workplace, job satisfaction, communication, lack of unity, etc. the

main challenge of employee retention is wages or salary dissatisfaction. If a company cannot

hold their employee, they do not feel able to achieve the company's goal, which affects its

organisational productivity or performance (Hee & Rhung, 2019). From the same point of

view, retention becomes a problem if the employee asks about their increasing wages. In an

organisation, many authorities use more technologies, making them advanced.

As a result, it helps to improve the working environment and reduce employee retention. For

example, if a company fell 30 per cent of its business in the market (Ibrahim et al. 2019).

The reason is that 47 per cent of employees left their job and broke their relationship with the

company due to salary dissatisfaction. In the same context, salary dissatisfaction is a

significant factor which impacts employee retention broadly (Ibrahim et al. 2019). After the

incident, a company coped with the situation by 50 per cent to provide the expected salary to

their employees in the workplace.


Employee retention is an effective concern in the industry of Malaysia. Most industries face

these issues because of different salaries to give their employees, lack of skilled employees,

and other career development opportunities. For example, in the consumer goods industry of

Malaysia, the high employee turnover is identified with an 8.4 per cent turnover rate (Zainal

et al. 2022). Many factors impact employee retention, such as reward programmes, lack of

training, compensation, communication, and performance appraisal, negatively impacting the

Malaysian business industry. From the same point of view, Malaysia faces a 6.5 per cent

employee turnover in their service sector (Zainal et al. 2022).

1.6 Research Objectives

● To identify if employees' wages contribute to the employee retention rate in Malaysia.

● To identify if employee working hours/work-life balance contribute to employee

retention rate in Malaysia.

● To identify if career development plays a role in employee retention in Malaysia.

1.7 Research Question

1. Do employee wages influence employee retention in Malaysia?

2. Does employee working hours/work-life balance influence employee retention in


3. Do employee career development opportunities influence employee retention in


1.8 Significance

The significance of this paper is to identify factors which impact employee retention in the

Malaysian market. It also elaborates on the factors with a full description, which helps to

understand the factor of employee retention. Employee retention plays a significant role

because that is related to the organisation's productivity and performance (Ebrahim et al.

2021). From the same point of view, the report identified several factors which negatively

impact employee retention. If companies do not give the expected salary to their employees,

they are dissatisfied and leave their job (Hee & Ann, 2019). In an organisation, employees

always expect to want the same salary against putting their effort into the workplace.

From the same point of view, employees start work with another organisation with an

expected salary based on their performance (Hussain & Xian, 2019). As a result, it also helps

to improve employees' job satisfaction. For the existing salary, they leave their job and move

to other companies. They feel that the organisation is uncomfortable for them because of that

reasons. On the other hand, they also leave their job because the employees demand a

comforting, diverse culture and friendly workplace (Islam et al. 2020). In addition, the report

also identified another factor of employees' region, such as the lack of opportunities for

career development and work-life balance.

1.9 Structure

In this research, the first chapter is an introduction part, which helps to give a brief

introduction about the topic. In this part of the research, the researcher explains the

background, Research Aim, rationale, problem statement, Research Objectives, Research

Question, and Significance according to the following topic of employee retention in

Malaysia. The second chapter is the literature review, which explains the research objectives

to identify the employee retention factor, such as employees' wages, working hours/work-life

balance, and role of career development. In addition, the third chapter is about methodology,

which helps the researcher to reach the conclusion of this research.

1.10 Summary

The study is focused on employee retention factors which impact the Malaysian industry,

which is the main focus of this research. The researcher starts the topic by giving a brief

background and also identifying many factors which impact employee retention in the

Malaysian market. It also showed the employee turnover rate in the current Malaysian

industry. The significance was also identified in this research. The research will help future

research. Researchers use it as a primary resource for future resources, and even companies

can use it to analyse the issues that lead to employee retention. Lastly, the research's whole

structure was explained, including every chapter.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

The chapter explains some factors which affect employee retention in Malaysia. It also

identified the employee retention rate, which is an issue in many organisations. When

organisations face high employee retention issues, they also face less performance and

productivity. Nowadays, these are important issues for most companies. In an organisation

many factors negatively impact an organisation's performance. This chapter identifies some

factors which also negatively impact employee retention in an organisation in Malaysia.

From the same point of view, the chapter also explains the theory, such as Maslow's

Hierarchy of Needs, which is the motivational theory and helps to improve employee

retention in an organisation.

2.2 Dependent variable

2.2.1 Rate of employee retention

According to Kadiresan et al. (2019), the term retention means the ability which helps to

manage an employee's relationship with an organisation. It can be stated that retention is a

significant factor in get success in the modern business world and is essential for success in

today's business world. As per Tian et al. (2020), the definition of employee retention is a

vital factor because it gives companies to achieve a competitive advantage along with serves

as a visible representation to meet goals. Retention is also defined because it impacts an

organisation's performance efficiency based on non-monetary values and monetary.


As opined by Mahadi et al. (2020), the procedures of employee retention refer to the

practices and policies businesses use to improve their performance and keep important

employees from leaving. In addition, it also helps to improve the employee's stay with an

organisation for a much longer. Nowadays, many organisations focus on employee retention,

which helps measure employee retention by ensuring employee job satisfaction. As cited by

Tian et al. (2020), this is connected with an organisation’s attempts to help its employees by

measuring the number of people who leave or join the organisation.

According to Kamalaveni et al. (2019), an organisation is retaining to help human resource

development with the help of anticipating the gap between future workforce supply and

demand to follow the organisation's goals. If employees of an organisation have some

authority and voice in their job decisions, they like to stay in the organisation. Alias et al.

(2019) suggested the key elements that affect turnover intention. From the same point of

view, that is also focused on employees' main considerations: supervisor support,

compensation, and work-life policies. Additionally, human behaviour is reinforced with the

help of contextual factors, such as the job's nature and environment.

Kadiresan et al. (2019) opined that adopting and broadening retention policies increased to

develop organisations. In addition, this is well-equipped and also deals with the help of

challenges of employees who want to quit or leave. On the other hand, successful retention is

defined as a company developing an employee who has been employed and developed into a

company. From the same point of view, Aliaset al. (2019) commented that employee earring

is raised because of their performance according to their job. As a result, it helps to improve

their satisfaction, and they are accomplished for a long period of time.

It can be stated that those who are more satisfied and comfortable with their job also like to

engage with an organisation. Hassan & Govindhasamy (2020) argue that their performance is

also improved with the help of increasing the satisfaction level of employees. If the younger

generation is entering the workforce amid constrained budgetary circumstances and

economics, organisations need procedures and strategies such as employee engagement to

retain them in the workplace. From the same point of view, Aliaset al. (2019), in a way, an

organisation helps to retain employees and prevent them from leaving their jobs. For

example, Malaysia's highest voluntary turnover rate is 8.4 per cent in the consumer goods

industry (Zainal et al. 2022).

2.3 Independent variables

2.3.1 Employees wages

As per Frye et al. (2020), employee retention depends on many factors in an organisation,

and employee wages are one of them that help retain employees. In many working places, a

large number of employees quit their jobs because of low wages in the workplace. However,

Herliana et al. (2021) suggested that it can be stated that high wages help to improve

employee retention rates and reduce turnover. In the current situation, employees of an

organisation quit their position or job market altogether. Wages are another factor which

drives employee turnover; with the help of reduced employees, job quitting by high wages.

As cited by Chiat & Panatik (2019), competitive wages are related to high retention rates in

various fields. For example, increasing the pay of warehouse employees so that it a retention

2.8 per cent boost. As a result, it helps to reduce 28 per cent turnover. From the same point of

view, Herliana et al. (2021) suggested that many employees who quit their jobs or positions

are finding professional development opportunities and better work-life balance jobs that

offer hybrid or remote work options. As per Frye et al. (2020), jobs provide them with the

help of a greater sense of aim. When employees seek little tangible profits in their job of

employees, wages become a key element in retaining and engaging employees through

satisfying their basic requirements.

If employees see their requirements or needs match an organisation, they want to stay with it.

In the same context, as cited by Chiat & Panatik (2019), when employees get well-wages

through benefits, pay, and other employee perks based on their work, they motivate

employees or workers to work well. This also helps to improve their satisfaction with their

performance. Herliana et al. (2021) commented that an organisation's lack of a well-

structured wage package or any wage package significantly affects employee productivity,

engagement, profitability, and performance. On the other hand, if they do not give decent

wages, employees do not feel appreciated or valued by the organisation. As a result, As per

Frye et al. (2020), employees of an organisation are not satisfied with working in their

position or roles. From the same point of view, it also influences an unpleasant work

environment. In an unpleasant work environment, less morale and high disengagement are

developed, resulting in less organisational commitment. As a result, Herliana et al. (2021)

argued that it also produces low productivity, decreased customer retention and poor

customer service.

As cited by Chiat & Panatik (2019), wages are another factor which plays a significant role in

employee engagement and improves an organisation's or employee's performance. On the

other hand, High retention is identified as reducing employee engagement, better customer

service, and superior performance. From the same point of view, Herliana et al. (2021)

commented that engagement is a significant factor that helps to increase an organisation's

performance. An organisation cares more about employees and their mission, which is the

main purpose of their performance and role. On the other hand, As per Frye et al. (2020), the

high cost of turnover and the effort and time managers have to spend more to meet

employees' requirements in the workplace because that is directly linked with employees'

roles and the continued development of their current staff. Herliana et al. (2021) argued that

if retention is high in an organisation, which gives permission to managers to spend less

effort and time based on the needs of employees.

2.3.2 Employees working hours

Among many factors, working hours also impact retention in an organisation. All

organisations have their standard working hours for all their employees. From the same point

of view, according to Herliana et al.(2020), each organisation follows their working hours at

8-9 hours. These working hours are general and are not harm employees or workers in their

organisation. Nowadays, working hours are also responsible for employee retention. When an

organisation forces their employees to do more hours, it negatively impacts their productivity

and performance. As cited by Stamolampros et al. (2019), when they engage for a long time,

they do not function with full effort. As a result, it also negatively impacts the productivity of

employees or an organisation.

As per Suzabar et al. (2020), when employees are engaged in their work for long hours, it

creates many physical health problems. An organisation's employees with physical health

problems do not give full efficiency because of unhealthy conditions. As a result, employees

want to quit their job due to health issues. From the same point of view, Herliana et al.(2020)

suggested that employees face a workload, so they give more time in their organisation to

reduce their workload. In the same context, if they regularly do their work for a long time,

they feel unhealthy and also face imbalance in their professional and personal life.

As cited by Stamolampros et al. (2019), in an organisation, work/life imbalance is also

created when employees give more time in their workplace. This imbalance also develops

many mental issues and decreases the employee's satisfaction. As a result, that is also a

reason for increasing employee retention in an organisation. In addition, as per Suzabar et al.

(2020), companies face employee turnover in their workplace. The long working hours

negatively impact organisations and employees' prominence in different sectors in different

ways. It can be stated that that also demotivates employees. Employees face a decrease in

performance, so they become more demotivated. As a result, it also increases employee

retention in an organisation.

As cited by Stamolampros et al. (2019), employees are often sick and absent from their

organisations for long hours of working time. From the same point of view, it also negatively

impacts employees' engagement. As a result, their performance also decreases because of

absence in the workplace. Many employees wanted to quit their jobs during this situation, and

the turnover rate increased. An unhappy working culture also increases employee retention.

In the same context, Herliana et al. (2020) argued that it also increases accidents in the

workplace. This happens because employees are working with illness by working long hours.

Less employee engagement also decreases productivity.

From the same point of view, Stamolampros et al. (2019) commented that if employees work

for a long time in their workplace, they face neck and back pain, reduced sleep, and other

injuries. As a result, it also negatively impacts productivity and performance. They face an

illness that also impacts their productivity and reduces performance. It also causes mental

exhaustion, which creates many mistakes and poor performance. Herliana et al. (2020) stated

that these factors are responsible for increasing employee retention in the workplace.

Employees are physically and mentally disturbed due to engaging in long hours.

2.3.3 Employees' career development

Salleh et al. (2020) commented that employee career development is the most significant

element that helps increase employee retention in the workplace. Many organisations provide

opportunities that help to increase or broaden career development by increasing their


workplace skills. From the same point of view, it is important for a company's management

to be serious about improving their skill. Rasheed et al. (2020) argued that in those cases,

employees are performing well through developing their career development. In an

organisation, many elements impact employee retention, such as maintaining a handsome

salary in the workplace.

As Salleh et al. (2020) suggested in the workplace, many employees quit their position

because they face fewer opportunities to improve their careers and performance. From the

same point of view, they also quit the company due to less pay, including high workplace

competition. Rasheed et al. (2020) opined that a company also faces more challenges in

hiring new employees because they want more salaries. From the same point of view, an

organisation spends more on hiring new employees through recruiting procedures. To follow

this, a company takes more steps which help increase their skills to improve career

development. As a result, a company also give their employees the to improve career


In an organisation, Kurniawaty et al. (2019) opined that employees have to focus on their

career development area. If they lack skill, that is an obstacle to their career development.

Employees face a lack of skills, so they also face a lack of career development. As a result, it

negatively impacts an organisation's performance, and productivity and employee retention

also increase. As Salleh et al. (2020) argued, it happens because a lack of career development

helps employees leave their jobs and increase employee retention. Compensation is also a

significant element of career development. As per Kurniawaty et al. (2019), for example,

With the help of the average increase in compensation plays an effective role in the

workplace. That is useful for those who are quitting their jobs and replacing their old job with

new ones. Rasheed et al. (2020) stated that it could be identified that giving high

compensation helps to increase employees by more than 15 per cent of employee

engagement. As a result, it also helps to increase employee retention.

As Salleh et al. (2020) stated, in the workplace, when employees face a lack of career

development, they also become demotivated and want to quit their jobs. As a result, it helps

to increase the turnover rate of employees. Employees do not want to engage with an

organisation where they do not get any opportunities for career development.

According to Kurniawaty et al. (2019), a lack of career development is directly linked to

employee retention. From the same point of view, that is also related to employee

satisfaction. If their satisfaction decreases, they also reduce their performance, negatively

impacting organisation productivity. As per Rasheed et al. (2020), most companies with high

employee retention also suffer from a lack of career development. That is the reason

employees leave their jobs. Focusing on career development is important because it helps

improve employee retention. In addition, Kurniawaty et al. (2019) suggested that it also

improves employees' motivation and satisfaction.

2.4 Hypothesis

1. employee's wages impact the employee retention rate

2. Employees working hours impacts the employee retention rate

3. Employees' lack of career development impacts the employee retention rate


2.5 Theory

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Figure 1: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

(Source: Hopper, 2020)

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is the model that helps improve employees' motivation. To

follow point Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is called the motivation theory. The theory is

constituted by different needs, such as physiological, safety, and others (Hopper, 2020).

Psychological need deals with human needs such as air, water, shelter, sleep, and food. The

next need is safety, which deals with employee personal security, safety, and resource

(Abbas, 2020). From the same point of view, safety need helps to improve the motivation of

employees by increasing their safety and security in the workplace.

In the same context, the next need is the love and belonging needs of the model, which

describes the importance of family and friendship love. As a result, it helps to decrease stress

and increase employee engagement through a strong relationship (Hopper, 2020). In addition,

it also helps to improve employee retention, which helps to increase performance. Esteem

needs to deal with the self-esteem of employees, and it also shows to give respect and

increases motivation (Abbas, 2020). It is also related to employee retention. In an

organisation, they need help to improve the self-respect of each employee. As a result, it

influences an organisation's employee retention through the esteem needs of employees. Self-

actualisation deals with a person's potential, and Esteem and Self-actualisation need help to

improve employee retention (Hopper, 2020).

2.6 literature gap

The literature review described the employee retention rate in Malaysia. In addition, it also

explained the impacts of employees' wages, employees working hours and lack of career

development of employees in employees' retention rate in Malaysia. However, the

environment is disturbed by the pandemic issues. The gap in this literature review is that it

does not identify the ways to improve employee retention after a pandemic.

2.7 Conceptual framework

Figure 2: Conceptual framework

(Source: Created by author)

2.8 Conclusion

It can be identified as the employee retention rate in Malaysia. Additionally, it identified

many factors that negatively impact employee retention, such as employee wages, working

hours and lack of career development. As a result, it can be identified that these factors

reduce employees' performance and organisation. This chapter also explained the literature


Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction

The research proposal is described with the help of many structures, such as research design,

research approaches, and research philosophy, along with deductive, positivism, and

descriptive. In addition, it also helps to understand the pros and cons of deductive, positivism,

and descriptive. From the same point of view, it also uses the data analysis and data

collection method. The data collection method, researcher methodology uses a primary data

collection method. Moreover, in the data analysis, the paper uses the descriptive analysis

method, which helps the researcher to get the result easily. It also discusses the ethical

considerations, limitations, summary, sample size, data collection method, and questionnaire.

3.2 Research Philosophy

Four types of research philosophy are found in research methodologies such as realism,

positivism, pragmatism, and interpretivism.


The realism research philosophy is a philosophical concept compatible with the help of vital

methodological objectives, quantitative and qualitative (Pandey & Pandey, 2021).


The pragmatism research philosophy also focuses on everyone's decision in a real situation. It

is called pragmatic study; its first function is identifying the research problem, leading with

research inquiry, and solving it (Mohajan, 2018).


The interpretivism research philosophy is a branch of epistemology that helps focus

according to the assessment and several factors. This approach relies on observation and

questions based on order, which generates a deep and rich understanding for researchers

(Mohajan, 2018). The methodology helps the researcher with a wide range of investigations.

From the same point of view, this approach helps to highlight the issues with the help of

choosing the interpretive way. As a result, the advantage of using this approach in the

methodology is to follow different research sources (Pandey & Pandey, 2021).


The positivist research philosophy relies on the object along with dismissing the importance

of each subject values and experiences. The experience gathered by the researchers or

participants (Bleiker et al. 2019). It has advantages like positivism following well-structured

research. In addition, positivism relies on following quantitative data, whereas positivist

thinking is more reliable compared to qualitative research. On the other hand, it also has

inflexibility disadvantages (Al-Ababneh, 2020). Some researchers believe that everything can

be calculated and measured and tend to be inflexible.

The researcher will use a positivism research philosophy in this research. For the research,

the researcher will provide a well-structure of research which will help the researcher to get

accurate research results. The researcher will measure the research outcomes using the

positivism research philosophy. From the same point of view, the researcher will understand

the impact of factors of this research.

3.3 Research Approaches

Inductive and deductive are two types of research approaches in the methodology.


The inductive research approach helps to collect data according to the researcher's interest

which is relevant to the topics. In the same context, one substantial data collection helps

researchers collect data (Pandey et al. 2021). With the help of this approach, the researcher

explains the research pattern and uses it to develop the theory. These approaches identify the

observation part of the research. From the same point of view, the researcher uses inductive

approaches to earn a particular experience.



The deductive approach engages the testing of an explanation, predetermined theory, or

hypothesis. The deductive approach provides researchers to ascertain a hypothesis with the

help of using existing theories. From the same point of view, existing data or information is

subject to rejection or accept the research hypothesis to reach the research aims (Newman &

Gough, 2020).

The advantage of deductive research approaches is that it helps to point out the main factor of

the research. In addition, this approach helps to save time as the research goes

straightforwardly forwards. With the help of using the deductive approaches, the researcher

works independently, which helps to conduct the research. In addition, the researcher focuses

on factors responsible for a particular research issue (Rinjit, 2020). Another advantage is it

has simple methods which help the researcher follow the research.

On the other hand, the disadvantage of the deductive approach is that it does not encourage

the divergent thinking of the researcher. The researcher faces a lack of scope for creativity,

which negatively impacts the research. In that case, the researcher faces the problem of

making assumptions to maintain discipline (Mishra & Alok, 2022).

The researcher will use deductive research approaches in this study because of their benefits.

In addition, the researcher will identify the relationships among all research variables. The

researcher will measure the result of the research by using valid data. As a result, the

researcher will generalise the research findings (Cr, 2020).

3.4 Research design

There are three types of research design such as experimental, descriptive, and explanatory.


The research design is the process that helps carry out the research with its objectives and

produces the result. It helps to maximise and precise and specify the conclusion of the

research. The research design also helps to conclude with the help of a hypothesis statement.


The explanatory research design is a research process which helps to describe the reason

during less information or data is present. This research design helps the researcher improve

their understanding of the selected topic. From the same point of view, it also identifies and

ascertains why or how a particular aspect occurs and predicts results. In the case of

explanatory research, this is offered a wide area of researcher discretion (Pandey & Pandey,



This type of research design helps the researcher to obtain information which helps to

describe situations and phenomena. This type of research design descriptively produces the

information. With the help of the approaches, the researcher identifies the research

objectives. It also finds the answers to the researcher's question, which relates to the

researcher's topic (Snyder, 2019). It has many advantages, such as helping the researcher

study the research and explaining each variable more than once. On the other hand, it also has

limitations because the researcher cannot use the research design to develop cause-and-effect

relationships (Snyder, 2019).

The research will use this descriptive research design method in this research methodology.

With the help of this method, the researcher will measure each variable which will help to get

accurate results. The researcher will use this research design without regard to other

hypotheses or any causal.


Figure 2: Conceptual framework

(Source : Created by author)


3.5 Data collection method

The researcher will choose the questionnaire method for data collection in this research. In

addition, the method will help to conduct an online survey and collect primary data with the

help of conducting the survey.

3.6 Sample size

The researcher will conduct an online survey of 100 employees in an organisation. This is the

same size which will help to conduct the online survey.

3.7 Data analysis

Descriptive analysis

Descriptive analysis is considered a process that uses previous and current data to help

identify relationships and trends (Mishra & Alok, 2022). The researcher will use descriptive

analysis for collecting data and conducting the research methodology. The researcher will use

the data analysis for summarising the data constructively. It will help to fulfil every point of

data collection. This methodology will provide statistical data by data analysis. For example,

it will give graphs, charts, and bar charts.


No. The Purpose Rule of thumb Source



1 Pilot test The Pilot test will identify 1. Distributive Cooper and

if employees’ wages questionnaire survey Schindler

contribute to the 2. Will have 10-20% of (2018)

employee retention rate in the sample size

Malaysia or not. 3. After completion of

the Pilot test,

statistical data will be


2 Regression test The Regression test will 1. It must be fixed <10 if Bougie and

analyse if employee the framework is 0.5 Sekaran

working hours/work-life (2019)

balance contribute to the

employee retention rate in

Malaysia or not.

3 Reliability test The Reliability test will 1. Cronbach Alpha Cooper and

determine if career value is >0.7 or Schindler

development plays a role between 0.6 and 0.7 (2018)

in employee retention in or is replaced

Malaysia or not.

Table 1 : Measurement Table


3.8 Potential research limitation

This research methodology will also have a few limitations, such as a lack of relevance and

accuracy. The researcher will rarely give all answers to this research problem, which will be

needed for these research objectives. In addition, the methodology researchers will not find

the solution to all the issues by using the primary method. On the other hand, the lack of

accuracy will depend on the sampling design, data collection method, and other sources

during the reporting time.

3.9 Ethical consideration

The researcher will maintain all research ethics. From the same point of view, the researchers

re-check the data before releasing it. In the research methodology, the researchers will assure

the research topic will not be responsible for any damage and distress. At the same time, the

research will be plagiarism free, and this will not use for any commercial purpose. In

addition, the researcher will always maintain the confidentiality of data, and this will not use

for any other illegal purpose (Zawacki-Richter et al. 2020).

3.10 Summary

This methodology has included research design, approaches, and philosophy, along with

deductive, positivism, and descriptive. In addition, the research methodology also highlights

deductive, positivism, and descriptive, which help to get the result of the research. The

research also followed the primary data collection method and the descriptive data analysis,

which helped to get the research results. In addition, the research proposal described the

research design as explanatory and descriptive, experimenting with the pros and cons.

As a result, it also helps the researcher to understand the importance of using the research

design, philosophy and approaches. From the same point of view, the methodology also

showed the advantages and disadvantages of the inductive and deductive research

approaches. It also identified the advantages of the primary data collection method. For data

collection, the researcher has developed a questionnaire with a set of questions. As a result,

this helped to collect primary data for this research.

Section Variable Items Source

A Demographics Profile Highest Educxation (Sekaran and Bougie, 2016) Adapted
Duration of tenure at present job
Income Range
B(Dependent Variable) Employee Retention 3
(Sek Khin and Kaur, 2016) Adapted
Employee Salary
increments (Asmawi­ , 2017) Adapted
Employee working
C(Independent Variable) 4
hours (Kholiq and Miftahuddin, 2018) Adapted
Employee career
development (Kholiq and Miftahuddin, 2018) Adapted

Table 2 : Questionnaire Design Table

(Source : Created by author)



Partial Questionnaire Questions

Career development opportunities help to improve employee retention. Do you agree?

● Strongly agree

● Agree

● Neutral

● Disagree

● Strongly disagree

Good communication helps to reduce employee retention rates. Do you agree?

● Strongly agree

● Agree

● Neutral

● Disagree

● Strongly disagree

Performance-based bonuses help to improve employee retention. Do you agree?

● Strongly agree

● Agree

● Neutral

● Disagree

● Strongly disagree

Rewards programmes help to improve employee retention. Do you agree?

● Strongly agree

● Agree

● Neutral

● Disagree

● Strongly disagree

Employees' wages impact employee retention. Do you agree?

● Strongly agree

● Agree

● Neutral

● Disagree

● Strongly disagree

Employees working hours influence employee retention. Do you agree?

● Strongly agree

● Agree

● Neutral

● Disagree

● Strongly disagree

The workplace environment impacts employee retention in Malaysia. Do you agree?

● Strongly agree

● Agree

● Neutral

● Disagree

● Strongly disagree

Organisation's value and mission impact on employee retention. Do you agree?

● Strongly agree

● Agree

● Neutral

● Disagree

● Strongly disagree

Ongoing training in the workplace impacts employee retention. Do you agree?

● Strongly agree

● Agree

● Neutral

● Disagree

● Strongly disagree

Providing meaningful opportunities influences employee retention. Do you agree?

● Strongly agree

● Agree

● Neutral

● Disagree

● Strongly disagree

Turnitin Submission Report


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