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Ethical Hacking and Co untermeasures Exam 312-50 Certified Et hical Hacker

Scanning Networks

f--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LEARNING OBJECTIVES

e LO# Ol : Explain Network Scanning Concepts e L0#05: Demonstrate Various Scanning Techniques
for OS Discovery
e L0#02: Use Various Network Scan ning Tools
e L0#06: Demonstrate Various Techniques for Scanning
e L0#03: Demonstrate Various Scanning Techniques Beyond IDS and Firewa ll
for Host Discovery
e L0#07: Explain Netwo rk Scanning Countermeasures
e L0#04 : Demonstrate Various Scanning Techniques
for Port and Service Discove ry

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Learning Objectives
After identifying the target and performing the initial reconnaissance, as discussed in the
Footprinting and Reconnaissance module, attackers begin to search for an entry point into the
target system . Attackers should determine whether the target systems are active or inactive to
reduce the time spent on scanning. Notably, the scanning itself is not the actual intrusion but an
extended form of reconnaissance in which the attacker learns more about his/her target,
including information about OSs, services, and any configuration lapses. The information gleaned
from such reconnaissance helps the attacker select strategies for attacking the target system or
This module starts with an overview of network scanning and provides insights into various host
discovery techniques that can be used to check for live and active systems. Furthermore, it
discusses various port and service discovery techniques, operating system discovery techniques,
and techniques for scanning beyond IDS and firewalls. Finally, it ends with an overview of drawing
network diagrams.
At the end of this module, you will be able to :
■ Describe the network scanning concepts
■ Use various scanning tools
■ Perform host discovery to check for live systems
■ Perform port and service discovery using various scanning techniques
■ Perform operating system (OS) discovery
■ Scan beyond intrusion detection systems (IDS) and firewalls
■ Explain various network scanning counterm easures

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Scanning Networks

LO#0 l : Explain Network Scanning Concepts

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Network Scanning Concepts

As already discussed, footprinting is the first phase of hacking, in which the attacker gains primary
information about a potential target. He/she then uses this information in the scanning phase to
gather more details about the target.

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Scanning Networks

Overview of Network Scanning

Network scanning refers to a set of procedures Network Scanning Process

used for identifying hosts, ports, and services
in a network

Network scanning is one of the components of

intelligence gathering which can be used by an
Gets network
attacker to create a profile of the target information
organization Attacker Network

8 To discover live hosts, IP address, and open ports of live hosts

Objectives of 8 To discover operating systems and system architecture

Scanning 8 To discover services running on hosts

8 To discover vulnerabilities in live hosts

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Overview of Network Scanning

Scanning is the process of gathering additional detailed information about the target using highly
complex and aggressive reconnaissance techniques. Network scanning refers to a set of
procedures used for identifying hosts, ports, and services in a network. Network scanning is also
used for discovering active machines in a network and identifying the OS running on the target
machine. It is one of the most important phases of intelligence gathering for an attacker, which
enables him/her to create a profile of the target organization. In the process of scanning, the
attacker tries to gather information, including the specific IP addresses that can be accessed over
the network, the target's OS and system architecture, and the ports along with their respective
services running on each computer.

~- ........................................
Gets network
Attacker Network

Figure 3.1: Network scanning process

The purpose of scanning is to discover exploitable communications channels, probe as many

listeners as possible, and track the ones that are responsive or useful to an attacker's particular
needs. In the scanning phase of an attack, the attacker tries to find various ways to intrude into
a target system. The attacker also tries to discover more information about the target system to
determine the presence of any configuration lapses. The attacker then uses the information
obtained to develop an attack strategy.

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Scanning Networks

Types of Scanning

• Port Scanning- Lists the open ports and services. Port scanning is the process of checking
the services running on the target computer by sending a sequence of messages in an
attempt to break in. Port scanning involves connecting to or probing TCP and UDP ports
of the target system to determine whether the services are running or are in a listening
state. The listening state provides information about the OS and the application currently
in use. Sometimes, active services that are listening may allow unauthorized users to
misconfigure systems or to run software with vulnerabilities.
• Network Scanning - Lists the active hosts and IP addresses. Network scanning is a
procedure for identifying active hosts on a network, either to attack them or assess the
security of the network.
• Vulnerability Scanning - Shows the presence of known weaknesses. Vulnerability
scanning is a method for checking whether a system is exploitable by identifying its
vulnerabilities. A vulnerability scanner consists of a scanning engine and a catalog. The
catalog includes a list of common files with known vulnerabilities and common exploits
for a range of servers. A vulnerability scanner may, for example, look for backup files or
directory traversal exploits. The scanning engine maintains logic for reading the exploit
list, transferring the request to the web server, and analyzing the requests to ensure the
safety of the server. These tools generally target vulnerabilities that secure host
configurations can fix easily through updated security patches and a clean web document.
A thief who wants to break into a house looks for access points such as doors and windows. These
are usually the house's points of vulnerability, as they are easily accessible. When it comes to
computer systems and networks, ports are the doors and windows of a system that an intruder
uses to gain access. A general rule for computer systems is that the greater the number of open
ports on a system, the more vulnerable is the system. However, there are cases in which a system
with fewer open ports than another machine presents a much higher level of vulnerability.
Objectives of Network Scanning

The more the information at hand about a target organization, the higher are the chances of
knowing a network's security loopholes, and, consequently, for gaining unauthorized access to
Some objectives for scanning a network are as follows:
• Discover the network's live hosts, IP addresses, and open ports of the live hosts. Using the
open ports, the attacker will determine the best means of entering into the system.
• Discover the OS and system architecture of the target. This is also known as fingerprinting.
An attacker can formulate an attack strategy based on the OS's vulnerabilities.
• Discover the services running/listening on the target system . Doing so gives the attacker
an indication of the vulnerabilities (based on the service) that can be exploited for gaining
access to the target system .
• Identify specific applications or versions of a particular service.

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Scanning Networks

■ Identify vulnerabilities in any of the network systems. This helps an attacker to

compromise the target system or network through various exploits.

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Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Exam 312-50 Certified Ethical Hacker
Scanning Networks

TCP Communication Flags

Data contained There will be Resets a

in the packet no further connection
Source Port Destination Port
should be transmissions
Sequence No

Acknowledgement No

Offset Res TCP Flags Window

TCP Checksum Urgent Pointer

Sends all Acknowledges Initiates a Options

buffered data the receipt of a connection
immediately packet between hosts
'-------- 0-31 Bits ------>J
Standard TCP communications are controlled by flags in the TCP packet header

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TCP Communication Flags

The TCP header contains various flags that control the transmission of data across a TCP
connection. Six TCP control flags manage the connection between hosts and give instructions to
the system. Four of these flags (SYN, ACK, FIN, and RST) govern the establishment, maintenance,
and termination of a connection. The other two flags (PSH and URG) provide instructions to the
system. The size of each flag is 1 bit. As there are six flags in the TCP Flags section, the size of this
section is 6 bits. When a flag value is set to "1," that flag is automatically turned on.

Source Port Destination Port

Sequence No

Acknowledgement No

Offset Res TCP Flags Window

TCP Checksum Urgent Pointer


- - - - - - - 0-31 Bits ------->-I

Figure 3.2: TCP header format

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Scanning Networks

t"•·· '
TCP Flags

Figure 3.3: TCP communication flags

The following are the TCP communication flags:

• Synchronize or "SYN": It notifies the transmission of a new sequence number. This flag
generally represents the establishment of a connection (three-way handshake) between
two hosts.
■ Acknowledgement or "ACK": It confirms the receipt of the transmission and identifies
the next expected sequence number. When the system successfully receives a packet, it
sets the value of its flag to "1," thus implying that the receiver should pay attention to it.
■ Push or "PSH": When it is set to "1," it indicates that the sender has raised the push
operation to the receiver; this implies that the remote system should inform the receiving
application about the buffered data coming from the sender. The system raises the PSH
flag at the start and end of data transfer and sets it on the last segment of a file to prevent
buffer deadlocks.
• Urgent or "URG": It instructs the system to process the data contained in packets as soon
as possible. When the system sets the flag to "1," priority is given to processing the urgent
data first and all the other data processing is stopped.
• Finish or "FIN": It is set to "1" to announce that no more transmissions will be sent to the
remote system and the connection established by the SYN flag is terminated.
• Reset or "RST": When there is an error in the current connection, this flag is set to "1"
and the connection is aborted in response to the error. Attackers use this flag to scan
hosts and identify open ports.
SYN scanning mainly deals with three flags: SYN, ACK, and RST. You can use these three flags for
gathering illegitimate information from servers during enumeration .

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Scanning Networks

TCP/IP Communication
TCP Session Establishment TCP Session Termination
(Th ree-way Handshake)

Bill Three•way Handshake Sheela Bill Sheela • ·· · · ·· · ················· · · ·· ··· ·· ·· ► 10.0 .0.3:21

· · · ··· ··'·~m done With thed

Sh I Would fike to talk With ·••····•·•·· ata transfer
· •···· ·· · · ee/a on Port 21 A You FIN, SEQ#so ·· · ··· ··· · · · · · ··►
•• •• ••· · ••· ·•• • , reyouopen;,
SYN,S~Q;~•0 ·· ··• ••·•;••• ···►
terrn\nation reque~: .••.
OK I received your ···· ·· ··• •" ...... .
.(· · ·· -'••• ••~~~; ~~~~~~- sEQ~t70

. ed all the data sent •••••••

I nave rece1v ••••• •••••••••
4............ FIN,SEU~171

••••••••• Ok. thanks Sh •••••?k, thanks Sheela

••• •••••• ••• ••• ee/a •••
ACK, ACK#l43, SEQ#ll ·····•••••► ACK, ACK#l72 SEQ • •·· · · • · •• •►
• # St
Client Se rver Clie nt Server

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TCP/IP Communication
TCP is connection oriented, i.e., it prioritizes connection establishment before data transfer
between applications. This connection between protocols is possible through the three-way
A TCP session initiates using a three-way handshake mechanism:

■ To launch a TCP connection, the source ( sends a SYN packet to the
destination ( :21).
■ On receiving the SYN packet, the destination responds by sending a SYN/ACK packet back
to the source.
■ The ACK packet confirms the arrival of the first SYN packet to the source.
■ Finally, the source sends an ACK packet for the ACK/SYN packet transmitted by the
■ This triggers an "OPEN" connection, thereby allowing communication between the source
and destination, which continues until one of them issues a "FIN" or "RST" packet to close
the connection .

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Scanning Networks

Bill Three-way Handshake Sheela ...................................

I Would lik
Sh e t o talk With
••••••••• ee/a on Port 21 You
• • • • • • • • • • • • • , Are You open-;,
SYN, ·······
SEQ# ; ~ ••• • •• • • •.• • • •• •>
Ok, let 's talk Bill \,
I am open On port 21 •••••••• •••••
<• ............ •: c•:••;~~;~~.-S~~#l42
S'iN +"" "'

•• • • • • • • • • • • • Ok, thanks Sheela

A~;:~~~~;~~:-~~Q;•;~.••. •••. ••>

Client Server

Figure 3.4: TCP sessio n est ablishment

The TCP protocol maintains stateful connections for all connection-oriented protocols
throughout the Internet and works similarly to ordinary telephone communication, in which one
picks up a telephone receiver, hears a dial tone, and dials a number that triggers ringing at the
other end until someone picks up the receiver and says, " Hello."
The system terminates the established TCP session as follows:
After completing all the data transfers through the established TCP connection, the sender sends
the connection termination request to the receiver through a FIN or RST packet. Upon receiving
the connection termination request, the receiver acknowledges the termination request by
sending an ACK packet to the sender and finally sends its own FIN packet. Then, the system
terminates the established connection.

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Scanning Networks

Bill Sheela

••.•. ••.'.~';': -~~~~ .'"':!~hthe data transfer

FIN, ;~Q~•;~.••. ••••••••. ••>
. request
. r termination •••••••••
Ok I received you •• •. •. • •••• •

<• ....'.... •~~~: ;~~;~ ~:5EQ#l70

d ta sent
I have received all t ~: ••: •• • •• • ••••••• • •
4: ........ · ·· · · ·

•••••••••••••• Ok, thanks Sheela

A~;:~~~;~;i•;~~;•;;••••... •. •>
Client Server

Figure 3.5: TCP session t ermination

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Scanning Networks

LO#02: Use Various Network Scanning Tools

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Scanning Tools: Nmap

□ X • Zffl""P □ X
Network administrators
Scjn !ooh e.ro1,1e Jjelp
can use Nmap for
inventorying a network,
Tw!Jd: hr!Jd: 3 Profile:

Comm.nd: nm,p-p1•6SSn•TA·A•v10.10.1.11 Cornnwid: j nr,wp-pl-6~~3S-H-A -vl0.10.1 ,11 j

managing service upgrade
schedules, and Nm.ipOutput Ports / Ho Attatkersadd a target IP ~ Setvi<H Nm.,pOutf'III Ports / Ho<t, Topolog)o Ho,t()g•ik Sc•n•

monitoring host or service

rimop ·p 1·6553:s •r, ·A ... i.,_""'
•_,._,,_.,_m_=_•_•;_••-<..c·· OS , Ho,t nm.p-p1•6SS3S-T•-A-v10.10.1 ,11 3 Oelffl
Iii 10.10.1,11 Shrtina Mlwlp 7 .se ( Mtpt://n. .p . or1 I •t l822·8J·U Jnithtint HSf at 21:37
uptime u,n ~ u~ Completed NSE It 21:37, e.ees ellPS<!d

Attackers use Nmap to

!!CU... Lotided15lscrlphforic•nnln1.
ld[..ScrlptPr1·sc•nnln1 ,
Inithti"I NSE 1t 21,n
-ap sca n report for 18 .19 .1- 11
~~ (9.88s llte ncy).

Co-.:,lettd NSE ,t 21:33, e .ees dlPHd PORT STATE SERVICE

extract information such InithtlnaNSf It 21,n 21/tcp OJ>ffltci,wr1pped
Coa,pleted NSE ,t 21 :33, e.ees l hPHd :~;cp ooen http Microsoft 115 httpcl
as live hosts on the Inithtln1 NSE It 21:H
CoaoleUd NS[ It 21:)3, e . ees ehpHd j http-lH:tMds:
Inithtlna ARP Pins sc,n at 21,11 I Supported Heu,,o ,u : OPTIONS TltACf GET HEAD "°5T
network, open ports, Sunnint 18. 18.l. ll (l port] I_ Potentially rhkylH:tllOCS: TltACf
c.,..,1eudAAPPin1Se1n•t21 :33, 8.82sellosed(l l_http- strver- hnde r: Kicrosoft- lIS/18.8
services (application toul nosts) l_http-tith: IIS Windo.s
lnithtlnt P•r•llel ONS resol11tion of 1 nost . •t 21:33 Obtains list of ~/tcp OJ>ffl a1rpe
name and version), types c.,..,1etedP•r•llelONSresolutionofll\Ost.•t2l:33, open ports, OS
of packet filters/
8 .88s elapsed
lnitht ln1 S~ St ulth Sc•n •t 21:33 details, MAC
!;!~1~-u':"" netbios-un
Se1nnin 18.18,1.11 655)5 rts 445/tcp "9NI a.icro•o1t• d•1
firewalls, as well as scoveredopenport ttcoon ••• de tails,and Hl't/tcp "9NI ut/a1•wbt ••erver1
Discovered open port 21/tco on ssl •cert: Subject: ,_....,...Windo,,sll
operating systems and Discovered open port 139/tcp on 19. 19.1.11 services along Issuer: ,_,,,N,ae•Wir>(IOIOll
Discovered open port ~5/ tcp on Publtc Key type: ru
versions used Discovered open port 88/tcp on 19 . 19. 1.11
with their Publtc Key bits: 26'8
Discovered open port 135/tcp on versions 5itn1t11re Al1oritl\a: •1>a256Wltl'lltSAEncryption
Mot v1lid before: 2822 •81• 26185:45:33
Discovered open port 4'Jfi.69/tcp on
Discovered open port 4'1666/tcp on 19. 111 . 1.11 ,tot valid after: 2822•97•28185:45:33
Discovered open port 411671/tcp on ,05: 7587 15•5 9cb8 11•8 5285 61f9 6c82 ef88
Discovered open port 76M/tcp on _SM - 1: 8725 f7l9 42t>e 57ce d!>67 !>453 66de see.i 323e
Discovered open port •!1678/tcp on 19.19. 1 . 11 7dS•
Discovered open port 4'Jfi.67/tcp on l_ssl ·d• t t: 2822·8l·15Te-t:l7:1'oQlt: N; es froa 5cann~r
Discovered open port 49664/tcp on

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Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Exam 312-50 Certified Ethical Hacker
Scanning Networks

Scanning Tools: Hping3

[o Command line network scanning and packet crafting tool for the TCP/IP protocol

It can be used for network security auditing, firewall testing, manual path MTU discovery, advanced traceroute,
remote OS fingerprinting, remote uptime guessing, TCP/IP stacks auditing, etc.

ICMP Scanning ACK Scanning on port 80


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Hping Commands

SYN scan on port 50· 60

hping3 -1 10.0 0.25 hping3 - 8 50-60 - s 10 . 0 . 0.25 - V

e J J
°' I LACK scan on port 80
hping3 -A 10. 0 0.25 -p 80
FIN, PUSH and URG scan on port 80

hping3 - F - P -U 10.0.0 . 25 -p 80
F scanonport80 7------ Scan e ntire subnet for live host

hping3 - 2 - p 80 I hping3 - 1 10 . 0.1 . x --rand-dest - I athO

1~ 0
[ Colle cting Initial Sequence Numbe r
J e I •nte rcept all traffic containing HTTP signature J
1~ 0
10 .., 11,
L hping3 - Q - p 139 I hping3 -9 HTTP -I ethO

-- L
Fire walls and Timestamps
hping3 -s 72 . 14 . 207 . 99 -p 80 --tcp-timastamp
SYN flooding a victim

hping3 -s 192.168 1.1 -a 192 . 168 . 1.25 4 - p 22 J

-- f l ood
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Scanning Networks

Scanning Tools
Metasploit NetScanTools Pro
Metasploit is an o pen-sou rce project t hat provides the infrast ructure, NetScanTools Pro assists attackers in automat ically
co nte nt, and tools to perform penetration tests and extensive security or manually listing 1Pv4/1Pv6 addresses, host names,
auditing domain names, and URLs

, .. ,.... _,_ .... _

.... _...__
.J!.. ------doot.
-- o--.. . o"""'°"""'
Oto_ _ _ _
o ...- -
I:=:: 1=::_-.. 0 _ __

. .-=----- □----- --· ---·

10.l0.1.UU - .... ""
11. 10,1. >l • ...... TO
10, 10,1,,au - .... Ttt
, . . . . _, _, , ,. . _ TCJ

" · " · '· " , . . . .,.,_ _ Jg


sx Unicornscan SolarWinds Port Scanner PRTG Network Monitor https://www.

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Scanning Tools
Scanning tools are used to scan and identify live hosts, open ports, running services on a target
network, location info, NetBIOS info, and information about all TCP/IP and UDP open ports. The
information obtained from these tools will help an ethical hacker in creating the profile of the
target organization and scanning the network for open ports of the devices connected .
■ Nmap
Nmap ("Network Mapper") is a security scanner for network exploration and hacking. It
allows you to discover hosts, ports, and services on a computer network, thus creating a
"map" of the network. It sends specially crafted packets to the target host and then
analyzes the responses to accomplish its goal. It scans vast networks of literally hundreds
of thousands of machines. Nmap includes many mechanisms for port scanning (TCP and
UDP), OS detection, version detection, ping sweeps, and so on.
Either a network administrator or an attacker can use this tool for their specific needs.
Network administrators can use Nmap for network inventory, managing service upgrade
schedules, and monitoring host or service uptime. Attackers use Nmap to extract
information such as live host s on the network, open ports, services (application name and
version), type of packet filters/firewalls, MAC details, and OSs along with their versions.
Syntax: # nmap <options> <Target IP address>

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Scanning Networks

• Zenmap D X
Sqn Iools frofile !::!elp

Target v Profile: v IScanl Cancel

Command: lnmap -p 1·65535 -T4 -A ·v I _J

I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Ho Attackers add a target IP

address to perform scanning
OS ◄ Host
- ~---------- --
nmop -p 1-65535 •T4 -A -v 1

St art in g Nmap 7.80 ( https : //nmap . org ) at 2022-03-14

21 :33 : Time
~ Loaded lSl scripts for scanning. II
NSE : Sc r ipt Pr e-scanning.
Initiating NSE at 21 : 33 11
Completed NSE at 21 :33, 0.00s elapsed
Initiating NSE at 21 : 33
Completed NSE at 21 : 33, 0 .00s elapsed
Initiating NSE at 21:33
Completed NSE at 21 :33, 0.00s elapsed
Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 21:33
Scanning [1 por t]
Completed ARP Ping Scan at 21:33, 0.02s elapsed ( 1
total hosts )
Initiating Parallel DNS r esolution of 1 host . at 21 : 33
Completed Par allel DNS resolution of l host. at 21 : 33,
0.00s elaps ed
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 21:33
Scannin11 10.10. 1.11 f65535 oortsl
Discove r ed open por t 3389/ tcp on
Discovered open port 21/ tcp on
Dis cove r ed open port 139/ tcp on
Discove r ed open port 445/ tcp on 10 .10.1.11
Discove r ed open por t 80/ tcp on
Discove r ed open por t 135/ tcp on
Discove r ed open por t 49669/ tcp on
Discovered open por t 49666/ tcp on
Discove r ed open por t 49671/ tcp on
Discove r ed open por t 7680/ tcp on
Discove r ed open por t 49670/ tcp on 10. 10.1.11
Discovered open port 49667/ tcp on 10. 10.1 .11
Discove r ed open port 49664/ tcp on V
Filter Hosts

Figure 3.6: Screenshot displayi ng Nmap scan

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Scanning Networks

• Zenmap D X
Sqn Iools frofile !::!elp

Target v Profile

Command: ! nmap-p 1-6553S • T4 -A •v ! 7

I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host nmap -p 1-65535-T4 -A •v _J Details

., Initiating NSE at 21 : 37 A
Completed NSE at 21:37, 0.00s elapsed
Nmap scan report for 10.10.1 . 11
Host is up (0.00s latency).
Not shown: 65519 closed oorts
21/tcp open tcpwrapped
80/tcp open http Microsoft lIS httpd
10. 0
I http-methods:
I_ Potentially risky methods: TRACE
!_http-server-header : Microsoft-IIS/10.0
l_http-title: IIS Windows
Obtains list of 135/tcp open ■srpc Microsoft Windows
open ports, OS 139/tcp open netbios- ssn Microsoft Windows
details, MAC netbios - ssn
445/tcp open ■ icrosoft • ds?
details, and 3389/tcp open ssl/ ■s - wbt - server?
I ssl-cert: Subject: co,r.monllame•Windowsll
services along I I ssuer: commonName•Windowsll
with their I Public Key type: rsa
I Public Key bits: 2048
versions I Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
I Not valid before: 2022-01 - 26105:45 :33
I llot valid after: 2022-07-28105:45 :33
I HOS: 7587 15a5 0cb8 1140 5205 61f9 6c82 ef00
I_SHA-1: 0725 f739 42be 57c0 db67 b453 66de 500e 323e
l_ssl-date: 2022·03-15104:37:19+00:00; 0s from scanner
..t...i.,.m_e_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...,
Filter Hosts

Figure 3.7: Screenshot displaying Nmap scan result

• Hping3

Hping3 is a command-line-oriented network scanning and packet crafting tool for the
TCP/IP protocol that sends ICMP echo requests and supports TCP, UDP, ICMP, and raw-IP
protocols. It performs network security auditing, firewall testing, manual path MTU
discovery, advanced traceroute, remote OS fingerprinting, remote uptime guessing,
TCP/IP stacks auditing, and other functions. It can send custom TCP/IP packets and display
target replies similarly to a ping program with ICMP replies. It handles fragmentation as
well as arbitrary packet body and size, and it can be used to transfer encapsulated files
under the supported protocols. It also supports idle host scanning. IP spoofing and
network/host scanning can be used to perform an anonymous probe for services. Hping3
also has a Traceroute mode, which enables attackers to send files between covert
channels. It also determines whether the host is up even when the host blocks ICMP
packets. Its firewalk-like usage allows the discovery of open ports behind firewalls. It

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performs manual path MTU discovery and enables attackers to perform remote OS
Using Hping, an attacker can study the behavior of an idle host and gain information about
the target, such as the services that the host offers, the ports supporting the services, and
the OS of the target. This type of scan is a predecessor to either heavier probing or
outright attacks.
Syntax:# hping3 <options> <Target IP address>

Figure 3.8: ICMP scanning

Figure 3.9: ACK scanning on port 80

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Hping Commands

The various Hping commands are as follows:

o ICMP ping

Ex. hping3 -1 10 . 0.0.25

A ping sweep or Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) scanning is a process of

sending an ICMP request or ping to all the hosts on the network to determine the ones
that are up.

The OS, router, switch, and IP-based devices use this protocol via the ping command
for echo request and echo response as a connectivity tester between different hosts.

Hping performs an ICMP ping scan by specifying the argument-1 in the command line.
You may use --ICMP or -1 as the argument in the command line. By issuing the above
command, hping sends an ICMP echo request to and receives an ICMP reply
similarly to a ping utility.

o ACK scan on port 80

Ex. hping3 -A 10. 0. 0. 25 -p 80

This scanning technique can be used to probe the existence of a firewall and its rule
sets. Simple packet filtering allows the establishment of a connection (packets with
the ACK bit set), whereas a sophisticated stateful firewall does not allow the
establishment of a connection.

Hping can be configured to perform an ACK scan by specifying the argument -A in the
command line. Here, you set the ACK flag in the probe packets and perform the scan.
You perform this scan when a host does not respond to a ping request. By issuing this
command, Hping checks if a host is alive on a network. If it finds a live host and an
open port, it returns an RST response.

o UDP scan on port 80

Ex. hping3 -2 10. 0. 0. 25 -p 80

Hping uses TCP as its default protocol. Using the argument -2 in the command line
specifies that Hping operates in the UDP mode. You may use either --udp or -2 as the
argument in the command line.

By issuing the above command, Hping sends UDP packets to port 80 on the host
( It returns an ICMP port unreachable message if it finds the port closed and
does not return a message if the port is open.

o Collecting Initial Sequence Number

Ex. hping3 192 . 168 .1.103 -Q -p 139

Using the argument -Q in the command line, Hping collects all the TCP sequence
numbers generated by the target host (

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o Firewalls and Timestamps

Ex. hping3 -S 72 .14 . 207. 99 -p 80 --tcp-timestamp

Many firewalls drop those TCP packets that do not have the TCP Timestamp option
set. By adding the --tcp-timestamp argument in the command line, you can enable the
TCP timestamp option in Hping and try to guess the timestamp update frequency and
uptime of the target host (
o SYN scan on port 50-60

Ex. hping3 -8 50-60 -s 10. 0. 0 . 25 -V

Using the argument -8 or --scan in the command line, you are operating Hping in the
scan mode to scan a range of ports on the target host. Adding the argument-Sallows
you to perform a SYN scan.
Therefore, the above command performs a SYN scan on ports 50-60 on the target
o FIN, PUSH and URG scan on port 80

Ex. hping3 -F -P -U 10. 0. 0. 25 -p 80

By adding the arguments -F, -P, and -u in the command line, you are setting FIN,
PUSH, and URG packets in the probe packets. By issuing this command, you are
performing FIN, PUSH, and URG scans on port 80 on the target host ( If port
80 is open, you will not receive a response. If the port is closed, Hping will return an
RST response.
o Scan entire subnet for live host

Ex. hping3 -1 10. 0 .1. x --rand-dest -I eth0

By issuing this command, Hping performs an ICMP ping scan on the entire subnet
10.0.1.x; in other words, it sends an ICMP echo request randomly (--rand-dest) to all
the hosts from to that are connected to the interface eth0. The
hosts whose ports are open will respond with an ICMP reply. In this case, you have not
set a port; hence, Hping sends packets to port 0 on all IP addresses by default.
o Intercept all traffic containing HTTP signature

Ex.hping3 -9 HTTP -I eth0

The argument -9 will set the Hping to the listen mode. Hence, by issuing the command
-9 HTTP, Hping starts listening on port 0 (of all the devices connected in the network
to interface eth0), intercepts all the packets containing the HTTP signature, and dumps
from the signature end to the packet's end.
o SYN flooding a victim

Ex. hping3 -S 192 .168 .1.1 -a 192 . 168 .1. 254 -p 22 --flood

The attacker employs TCP SYN flooding techniques using spoofed IP addresses to
perform a DoS attack.

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■ Metasploit
Source: h ttps ://
Metasploit is an open-source project that provides the infrastructure, content, and tools
to perform penetration tests and extensive security auditing. It provides information
about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature
development. It facilitates the tasks of attackers, exploits writers, and payload writers. A
major advantage of the framework is the modular approach, i.e., allowing the
combination of any exploit with any payload.
It enables you to automate the process of discovery and exploitation and provides you
with the necessary tools to perform the manual testing phase of a penetration test. You
can use Metasploit Pro to scan for open ports and services, exploit vulnerabilities, pivot
further into a network, collect evidence, and create a report of the test results.

Figure 3.10: Screenshot displaying various Metasploit port scan modules

■ NetScanTools Pro
Source: https:j/
NetScanTools Pro is an investigation tool that allows you to troubleshoot, monitor,
discover, and detect devices on your network. Using this tool, you can easily gather
information about the local LAN as well as Internet users, IP addresses, ports, and so on.
Attackers can find vulnerabilities and exposed ports in the target system. It helps the
attackers to list 1Pv4/1Pv6 addresses, hostnames, domain names, email addresses, and
URLs automatically or manually (using manual tools). NetScanTools Pro combines many
network tools and utilities categorized by their functions, such as active, passive, DNS,
and local computer.

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demo - NetScanToolst!l Pro Demo Version Build 7-3-2019 based on version 11.86.3
: File: Edit Access1b1lrty V1f!N tPv6 Help "
• a
Wekome: Click here to Buy Now! Manual Tools• Port Scanner '¥
Automated Tools
Taroct Hos~ or IP Ada-ess Port R ~ and Scan~
Add Note
t-_ _ _
) --"11 ~Ii_o._10_._1.22_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _v~I x 0 TCP FtJ Com,ct
Port Range Q UOP Port,; Orly br<) To Automated
S!Nt 1 Q TCP ftJ-tUJP Ports
D use Ta,oet Ust When Sc....,..., Q TCP SYN 5cM (Half()pofl)
Packet Generator
Scan C~tt: • 2S6 ports scanned in 5 sec.
End 256 Q TCP Custom 5cM 0 Add to Favorites

[ 5cM Rano• of Port,; [ Network Int,rface

Passive Discovery Ethernet ( • Microsoft Hyp,f·V Network Adapt,,
Scan Corrmon Ports
0 Show Al Seamed Port ReSUts Sho TCP Summary Show UOP Summary
Eat Common Ports list
Ping - Enhanced TCP Full Connect. Response summary
Edit Taroct list
Stop • l t AcbveTCPPorts,S
Ping - Graphical SelmQ<

• 2: AdlwTCPPortsRetumiogDab,0
• 3: TCP Ports Re)Kbng Connkbon. 0
Comect Trneout
• 41 No RISp,ortSe - rmeout, 251

3000 IP Ad.dt-e33 Pon Po n Desc Prot ocol Re sults Dat a Receiv ed
10 . 10 .1.22 53 domain TCP Port Active
10 .10 . 1.22 80 http TCP Po rt Ac tiv e
Favorite Tools 10 .10 .1.22 86 ke rberos TCP Port Active
Activt Discovery Tools 10 .10 .1.22 13S epmap TCP Po n Acti ve
10 .10 .1.22 139 netbios-ssn TCP Po rt Ac tive
Pass1Ve Oiscove.ry Tools
ONS Tools
Packet l~el Tools
External Tools
Application Info
For Hel ress Fl NUM

Figure 3.11: Screenshot of NetScanTools Pro

Some additional scanning tools are listed below:

• sx (
• Unicornscan (
■ SolarWinds Port Scanner (
■ PRTG Network Monitor (
• OmniPeek Network Protocol An alyzer (

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Scanning Tools for Mobile

■ IP Scanner
IP Scanner for iOS scans your local area network to determine the identity of all its active
machines and Internet devices. It allows attackers to perform network scanning activities
along with ping and port scans.

Carrier ~ 3:03 PM

IP Network Scanner

network router (Cisco)

192.168 1.2

network router
192.168 1 3 •
n Sonos

Living Room Airport

v 192.168.1 7 •
network router
192.168.1 9 •
Hopedesk iMac
192.168.1 14 •
Brother HL 5370OW series
192.168 1 20

network camera?
192.168.1 100 •
Kim's Tablet
0 192.1681 151

OIi 192 168 1 155 •
iOS Device
192.168 1.158 •
Nest Protect
, •
Rescan Devices:27 Tools

Figure 3. 12: Screenshot of IP Scanner

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■ Fing
Source: h ttps ://www.fing. io
Fing is a mobile app for Android and iOS that scans and provides complete network
information, such as IP address, MAC address, device vendor, and ISP location. It allows
attackers to discover all devices connected to a Wi-Fi network along with their IP and MAC
address as well as the name of the vendor/device manufacturer. It also allows attackers
to perform network pinging and traceroute activities through specific ports such as SSH,
FTP, NetBIOS, etc.


Need help with this device?

Ask our device experts in the Fing Community.

( Ask Fing Community )


Alert me when state changes .

Automatic Wake On LAN

State change timeout (auto)

Amount of ,me to declare this device offline

Wi-Fi signal

Signal strength 81%

Wed, Jan 22 2020 8:02 AM, far 6 hours, 11 minutes

Network details V

IP Address

MAC Address F4:5C:89:XX:XX:XX

MAC Vendor Apple

Operating System macOS17

Figure 3 .13: Screenshot of Fing

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■ Network Scanner

Network Scanner is an Android mobile application that allows attackers to identify the
active hosts in the range of possible addresses in a network. It also displays IP addresses,
MAC addresses, host names, and vendor details of all the available devices in the network.
This tool also allows attackers to port scan targets with specific port numbers.

Figure 3.14: Screenshot of Net work Scanner

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10#03: Demonstrate Various Scanning Techniques for Host Discovery

Copynght C) by IC-CINCII All Rights Reserved Reproduction 1s Strictly Proh1b1ted

Host Discovery
Scanning is the process of gathering information about systems that are " alive" and responding
on the network. Host discovery is considered as the primary task in the network scanning process.
To perform a complete scan and identify open ports and services, it is necessary to check for live
systems. Host discovery provides an accurate status of the syst ems in the network, which enables
an attacker to avoid scanning every port on every system in a list of IP addresses to identify
whether the target host is up.
Host discovery is the first step in network scanning. This section highlights how to check for live
systems in a network using various ping scan techniques. It also discusses how to ping sweep a
network to detect live hosts/systems along with various ping sweep tools.

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Host Discovery Techniques

[ Host discovery techniques are used to identify the active/live systems in the network

···• •~

ARP Ping Scan


( UDP Ping Scan

) ICMPTimestamp Ping

ICMP Ping Scan •
( TCP Ping Scan

( ,,.. IP Protocol Ping Scan)

TCP SYN Ping )
TCP ACK Ping )
• Copynght O by lC~HICII All Rights Reserved Reproduction is Stnctly Prohibited

Host Discovery Techniques (Cont'd)

~ - ~~~~~~ ~>~~] Destination

✓ More efficient and accurate than other host

✓ ARP response - Host is active discovery techniques
ARP Ping ARP request
nmap -sn -PR <Target IP Address>
Scan probe ✓ No response - Host is inactive ✓ Useful for system discovery, where one may
need t o scan large address spaces
✓ UDP response - Host is active
UDP Ping ✓ ✓ Detects systems behind firewalls w ith strict
nmap -sn -PU <Target IP Address> UDP request Error messages (host/network
Scan unreachable or TTL exceeded) - Host TCP filtering
is inactive
✓ Useful for locating act ive devices or
determining if the ICMP message passes
✓ ICMP ECHO reply - Host is active
ICMPECHO ICMP ECHO t hrough a firewall
nmap -sn - PE <Target IP Address>
Ping Scan request ✓ No response - Host is inactive Disadvantage:
✓ Does not work on Windows-based networks

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Host Discovery Techniques (Cont'd)

dl:i:ii:19¥:1:li-i Nmap Command Response


Determines t he live hosts from a range of IP


ICMPECHO ✓ Useful for creating an invent ory of live

✓ ICMP ECHO reply- Host is active
ICMP ECHO Ping nmap -sn -PE <Target IP systems in the subnet
requests to
Sweep Address Range> ✓ No response- Host is inactive
multiple hosts Disadvantage:
✓ Oldest and slowest method used to scan a
✓ Timestamp reply to each t imestamp request ✓ Alternative for the conventional ICMP ECHO

ping scan
ICMP Timestamp nmap-sn-PP <Target IP JCMP timestamp Response from the destination host is conditional,
Ping Scan Add ress> request and it may or may not respond wit h the time value ✓ Determines whether the target host is live,
depending on its configuration by the specifically when the administrators block
administrator at t he target's end ICMP ECHO pings

✓ Address mask response from the destination host ✓ Alternative for the conventional ICMP ECHO
is conditional, and it may or may not respond with ping scan
ICMP Address Ma sk nmap-sn - PM <Target IP ICMP address
the appropriate subnet value depending on its ✓ Determines whether t he target host is live,
Ping Scan Add ress> mask request
configurat ion by t he administrator at the target 's specifically when the administrators block
end ICMP ECHO pings

✓ Used to determine if the host is active

with out creating any connection
nmap-sn-PS <Target IP Empty TCP SYN ACK response- Host is active
TCP SYN Ping Scan ✓ Logs are not recorded at the system or
Address> request ✓ No response - Host is inactive
network level, enabling the attacker to leave
no traces for detection

•' Copynght O by lC~HICII All Rights Reserved Reproduction is Stnctly Prohibited

Host Discovery Techniques (Cont'd)

Nmap Command Request Response Advantages

nmap -sn -PA <Target IP ✓ RST response - Host is active

TCP ACK Ping Scan Empty TCP ACK request ✓ MalCimi zes the chances of bypassi ng the firewall
Address> ✓ No respon se - Host is inactiv e

nmap -sn -PO <Target IP IP ping requests using different IP ✓ Any re sponse - Host is active ✓ Sends di fferent packet s using d iffere nt IP protocols in the
IP Protocol Ping Scan
Address> protocol s (ICM P, IGMP, TCP, and UDP) ✓ No respon se - Host is inactive hope of rece iving a response indicating that a host is online

• Zenmap D X
Sein look £rofile tfelp

brget: 10.10.U-24 _El Pn>file

Command: n-m-, , -.,-" "

'"j -PE
" -24'°'l

~ Setvtcts Nmap OutpYt Ports / Host1 Topolog), Host Oet,ils Sctn.1

OS • Host nmap · rn -PE•24 ":] DetM

ii 10..10.1.9
r=::J St11rt i n1 lfln,p 7.80 ( https : J/ n11,p.ora; ) 11t 2022- 83 - 14
22 :13 P•dfic D11yli1ht Tiae

ICMPECHO -r PO<"t for 10. 10 . 1. 9

0 ..L r=::J

0 . 08s h t ency) .
Ii' 10..10..1.13
~ 02:1S;5D:86 : 26:F7 (UnknOWT'I)
Ping Sweep Ii' 10.10..1.19 port for 10 . 10. 1.11
9.88s latency).
Ii' 10..10.1.22 ~ 88:15 : 50:91:88:80 (Kicrosoft)
r=::J port for 18 .10.1 .13
0.00s 1, tency).
~ 02:15 :50:06 : l6:F6 (Unknown )
port for 18 . 10. t. 22
0 . 80s 1, t ency).
~ 80:15:50:01 : 88:02 (Kicrosoft )
~ e port for 10 . 19. 1 . 19

~ 20 IP , ddresses (5 hosts up) scanned in

0 . 91 s econds

w~ Copyright O by lC~IIIICII All Rights Reserved Reproduction 1s Strictly Proh1b1ted

Host Discovery Techniques

Host discovery techniques can be adopted to discover the active/live hosts in the network. As an
ethical hacker, you must be aware of the various types of host discovery techniques. Some host
discovery techniques are listed below:

• ARP Ping Scan

• UDP Ping Scan

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Scanning Networks

■ ICMP Ping Scan


• ICMP ECHO Ping Sweep

o ICMP Timestamp Ping

o ICMP Address Mask Ping

■ TCP Ping Scan

o TCP SYN Ping

o TCP ACK Ping

■ IP Protocol Scan
ARP Ping Scan
In the ARP ping scan, the ARP packets are sent for discovering all active devices in the 1Pv4 range
even though the presence of such devices is hidden by restrictive firewalls. In most networks,
many IP addresses are unused at any given t ime, specifically in the private address ranges of the
LAN. Hence, when the attackers try to send IP packets such as ICMP echo request to the target
host, the OS must determine the hardware destination address (ARP) corresponding to the target
IP for addressing the ethernet frame correctly. For this purpose, a series of ARP requests are
issued. ARP scan is used to show the MAC address of the network interface on the device, and it
can also show the MAC addresses of all devices sha ring the same 1Pv4 address on the LAN . If the
host IP with the respective hardware destination address is active, then the ARP response will be
generated by the host; otherwise, after a certain number of ping attempts, the original OS gives
up on the host. In other words, when attackers send ARP request probes to the target host, if
they receive any ARP response, then the host is active. In case the destination host is found to be
unresponsive, the source host adds an incomplete entry to the destination IP in its kernel ARP
Attackers use the Nmap tool to perform ARP ping scan for discovering live hosts in the network.
In Zenmap, the - PR option is used to perform ARP ping scan.

Note: -sn is the Nmap command to disable the port scan. Since Nmap uses ARP ping scan as
the default ping scan, to disable it and perform other desired ping scans, you can use --

• -
ARP request probe
..••..•.. ~~; ·r~·s·;~~:: • ..... ·► ~
T; -;J

<·............................ ~~ l
Host is Active
Attacker Target
Figure 3.15: ARP ping scan

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Scanning Networks

• ARP ping scan is considered to be more efficient and accurate than other host discovery
• ARP ping scan automatically handles ARP requests, retransmission, and timeout at its own
• ARP ping scan is useful for system discovery, where you may need to scan large address
• ARP ping scan can display the response time or latency of a device to an ARP packet

· Zenmap □
Sc~n Iools P.rofile t!elp

Target: 10.10.1 .11 v Profile: v !Scan!

Command: ! nmap-sn -PR I 7

I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Tapology Host Details Scans

05 ◄ Host lnmap-sn-PR10.10.1.11 _J [oetails

10.10.1 .11 Starting Nmap 7 . 80 ( https: // nmap . or g ) at 2022-03-14
21: 28 Time
Nma scan r eport for 10. 10.1.11
Host is u (0.00s latency ) .
MAC Address: 00:15:5D:01:80:00 (Microsoft )
Nmap done: 1 IP add r ess (1 host up) scanned in 0.17
Filter Hosts

Figure 3.16: ARP scan in Zenmap

UDP Ping Scan

UDP ping scan is similar to TCP ping scan; however, in the UDP ping scan, Nmap sends UDP
packets to the target host. The default port number used by Nmap for the UDP ping scan is
40,125. This highly uncommon port is used as the default for sending UDP packets to the target.
This default port number can be configured using DEFAULT_UDP_PROBE_PORT_SPEC during
compile time in Nmap.
Attackers send UDP packets to the target host, and a UDP response means that the target host is
active. If the target host is offline or unreachable, various error messages such as host/network
unreachable or TTL exceeded could be returned. In Zenmap, the -PU option is used to perform
the UDP ping scan.

- UDP ping , -;,

- Ht4.
••••••••• ~•~;•r~s•~;~::••• ■■ ••►
<··· .......................... ~____::__l
Host is Active
Attacker Target

Figure 3.17: UDP ping scan to det ermine if the host is active

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. ., UDP ping
························· · ···►
Host unreachable/TTL exceeded
tJ1 '•'

Host is Inactive
Attacker Target

Figure 3.18: UDP ping scan to determine if the host is offline


■ UDP ping scans have the advantage of detecting systems behind firewalls with strict TCP
filtering, leaving the UDP traffic forgotten.

• Zenmap □ X
Sqn I ools P.rofile .tielp

Target v Profile: L________ v Scan Cancel

Command: ..
, n
-m- ap_ _s_
n _-P_U_1_0-.1-0.-1.-1""'
1 l.- 7
I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host nmap-sn -PU10.10.1.11 _!:::] [ oe~

✓ 10.10.1 .11 Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https ://nmap .or g ) at 2022- 03-14
21 : 55 Time
Nmao sc an r eportl for 10.10 . 1.11
I Host is UD 1(0 . 00s latency).
MAC Address : 00:15 : 5D:01:80:00 ( Microsoft)
Nmap done : 1 IP address (1 host up ) sc anned in 0 . 08
Filter Hosts seconds

Figure 3.19: UDP ping scan in Zenmap


Attackers use the ICMP ping scan to send ICMP packets to the destination system to gather all
necessary information about it. This is because ICMP does not include port abstraction, and it is
different from port scanning. However, it is useful to determine what hosts in a network are
running by pinging them all.
ICMP ECHO ping scan involves sending ICMP ECHO requests to a host. If the host is alive, it will
return an ICMP ECHO reply. This scan is useful for locating active devices or determining if ICMP
is passing through a firewall.


Figure 3.20: ICMP echo request and reply

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Scanning Networks

UNIX/Linux and BSD-based machines use ICMP echo scanning; the TCP/IP stack implementations
in these OSs respond to the ICMP echo requests to the broadcast addresses. This technique does
not work on Windows-based networks, as their TCP/IP stack implementation does not reply to
ICMP probes directed at the broadcast address.
Nmap uses the -P option to ICMP scan the target. The user can also increase the number of pings
in parallel using the -L option. It may also be useful to tweak the ping timeout value using the -
T option.

In Zenmap, the -PE option is used to perform the ICMP ECHO ping scan. Active hosts are
displayed as "Host is up," as shown in the screens hot.

· Zenmap □ X
Sc~n Iools E_rofile !::::!elp

Target 10.10.1 .11 v Profile: Jv \Scan\ Cancel

Command: I
nmap -sn -PE i
I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

05 ◄ Host ... nmap -sn -PE -----:-, [ Details

.,, Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https: // nmap. or g at 2022-03-14
21: 59 - · - · - - · · Time
Nmap scan r epor t fo r
j Host is up _(0.00s latency) .
MAC Add r ess : 00 :15:5D:01:80:00 (Micr osoft)
Nmap done : 1 IP add r ess ( 1 host up ) scanned in 0.08

Filter Hosts J

Figure 3.21: ICMP Echo ping scan output using Zenmap

ICMP ECHO Ping Sweep

A ping sweep (also known as an ICMP sweep) is a basic network scanning technique that is
adopted to determine the range of IP addresses that map to live hosts (computers). Although a
single ping will tell the user whether a specified host computer exists on the network, a ping
sweep consists of ICMP ECHO requests sent to multiple hosts. If a specified host is active, it will
return an ICMP ECHO reply.
Ping sweeps are among the oldest and slowest methods used to scan a network. This utility is
distributed across nearly all platforms, and it acts as a roll call for systems; a system that is active
on the network answers the ping query that another system sends out.
ICMP echo scanning pings all the machines in the target network to discover live machines.
Attackers send ICMP probes to the broadcast or network address, which relays to all the host
addresses in the subnet. The live systems will send the ICMP echo reply message to the source
of the ICMP echo probe.

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: ICMP Echo Reply

ICMP Echo Request
Figure 3.22: ICMP ECHO Ping Sweep

To understand pings better, one should be able to understand the TCP/IP packet. When a system
pings, it sends a single packet across the network to a specific IP address. This packet contains 64
bytes (56 data bytes and 8 bytes of protocol header information). The sender then waits or listens
for a return packet from the target system. If the connections are good and the target computer
is "alive," a good return packet is expected. However, this will not be the case if there is a
disruption in communication. Pings also detail the time taken for a packet to make a complete
trip, called the "round-trip time." They also help in resolving hostnames. In this case, if the packet
bounces back when sent to the IP address, but not when sent to the name, then the system is
unable to reconcile the name with the specific IP address.
Attackers calculate subnet masks using subnet mask calculators to identify the number of hosts
that are present in the subnet. They subsequently use ping sweep to create an inventory of live
systems in the subnet.
ICMP ECHO Ping Sweep Using Nmap

Nmap helps an attacker to perform a ping sweep that determines live hosts from a range of IP
addresses. In Zenmap, the -PE option with a list of IP addresses is used to perform ICMP ECHO
ping sweep.

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• Zenmap D X
Sc~n Iools Erofile .t!elp

Target iv Profile:

v [Scan[

Command: !nmap -sn -PE 10.10.1 .5-24 !

I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host lnmap -sn -PE 3 I Details j Star ting Nmap 7.80 ( https :// nmap .org ) at 2022-03·14 ~
22:23 Pacific Daylight Time
.,, Nma scan r eport for 10 . 10.1.9 Host i s u (0 .00s latency) .
MAC Addr e ss : 02:15: 5D:06:26:F7 (Unknown ) Nma scan r eport for 10 . 10 . 1 . 11
Host is u (0 .00s latency) . MAC Address : 00:15: 5D:01:80:00 (Microsoft )
Nma scan r eport for 10. 10 . 1 .13
Host i s u (0.00s latency) .
MAC Addr e ss : 02:15 : 5D:06:26:F6 (Unknown)
Nma scan r eport for 10. 10 . 1 . 22
Host i s u (0 .00s latency) .
MAC Address : 00:15:5D :01:80:02 (Microsoft )
Nma scan r eport for 10.10 . 1 . 19
Host is u
Nmap done : 20 IP addresses ( 5 hosts up) scanned i n
0.91 s e conds
Filter Hosts

Figure 3.23: Ping Sweep output using Zenmap

ICMP Timestamp Ping Scan

Besides the traditional ICMP ECHO ping, there are some other types of ICMP pinging techniques
such as ICM P timestamp ping scan and ICMP address mask ping scan, which an attacker can adopt
in specific conditions.
ICMP timestamp ping is an optional and additional type of ICMP ping whereby the attackers
query a timestamp message to acquire the information related to the current time from the
target host machine. The target machine responds with a timestamp reply to each timestamp
query that is received . However, the response from the destination host is conditional, and it
may or may not respond with the time value depending on its configuration by the administrator
at the target's end. This ICMP timestamp pinging is generally used for time synchronization. Such
a ping method is effective in identifying whether the destination host machine is active,
specifically in the condition where the administrator blocks the traditional ICMP ECHO ping
requests. In Zenmap, the - PP option is used to perform an ICMP timestamp ping scan .

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• Zenmap D X
Sc~n I ools .e_rofile .!:::!elp

Target f10.10.1.11 7 v Profile:

v \Scan\

Comma nd: l nmap -sn -PP 11

I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host ... [nmap -sn - PP __3 [Details Star ting Nmap 7.80 ( https ://nmap . or g at 2022-03 - 14
22 : S3 _ - Time
Nma scan r epor t for 10.10.1. 11
Host is u (0.00s l atency).
MAC Addr ess : 00:lS:5D:01:80:00 (Mic r osoft)
Nmap done : 1 IP add r ess ( 1 host up ) scanned in 0 .08

Filter Hosts

Figure 3.24: ICMP timest amp ping in Zen map

ICMP Address Mask Ping Scan

ICMP address mask ping is another alternative to the traditional ICMP ECHO ping, where the
attackers send an ICMP add ress mask query to the target host to acquire information related to
the subnet mask. However, the address mask response from the destination host is conditional,
and it may or may not respond with the appropriate subnet value depending on its configuration
by the administrator at the target's end. This type of ping method is also effective in identifying
the active hosts similarly to the ICMP timestamp ping, specifically when the administrator blocks
the traditional ICMP Echo ping. In Zenmap, the -PM option is used to perform an ICMP address
mask ping scan.

• Zenmap D X
Sqn Iools Erofile .!:::!elp

Target 10.10.1 .11 7 v Profile:

V :scan]

Command: l nmap-sn -PM 11

I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host nmap -sn -PM Details Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https: // nmap. or g at 2022-03-14
23:01 _ Time
Nma scan r epor t for 10.10.1 . 11
Host is u (0 . 00s latency).
MAC Add r ess: 00 :15:5D:01:80:00 (Microsoft )
Nmap done: 1 IP add ress (1 host up) scanned in 0.08
s econds
Filter Hosts

Figure 3.25: ICMP address mask ping in Zenmap

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TCP SYN Ping Scan

TCP SYN ping is a host discovery technique for probing different ports to determine if the port is
online and to check if it encounters any firewall rule sets. In this type of host discovery technique,
an attacker uses the Nmap tool to initiate the three-way handshake by sending the empty TCP
SYN flag to the target host. After receiving SYN, the target host acknowledges the receipt with an
ACK flag. After reception of the ACK flag, the attacker confirms that the target host is active and
terminates the connection by sending an RST flag to the target host machine (since his/her
objective of host discovery is accomplished). Port 80 is used as the default destination port. A
range of ports can also be specified in this type of pinging format without inserting a space
between -PS and the port number (e.g., PS22-25,80,113,1050,3S000), where the probe will be
performed against each port parallelly. In Zenmap, the -PS option is used to perform a TCP SYN
ping scan.

Attacker Target Host

Figure 3.26: TCP SYN ping scan for host discovery


■ As the machines can be scanned parallelly, the scan never gets the time-out error while
waiting for the response.
■ TCP SYN ping can be used to determine if the host is active without creating any
connection. Hence, the logs are not recorded at the system or network level, enabling the
attacker to leave no traces for detection.

• Zenmap □ X
Scgn Iools Erofile tlelp

Target: v Profile: v :Scan:

Command: ! nmap -sn -PS 10.10.1 .11 !

I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host .. Inmap -sn -PS 10.10.1 .11 ___3 IDetail~ Star ting Nmap 7 . 80 ( https : // nmap . or g at 2022-03-14
23:10 _: : ___ , _:d. Time
Nmap s c an r epor t f o r 10.10 . 1.11
I Host 1s up j (0 . 00s latency).
MAC Address : 00: 1 5:5D :01 :80:00 (Mi c rosof t)
Nmap do ne: 1 IP add r ess ( 1 hos t up) scanned in 0.08
s e conds

Filter Hosts

Figure 3.27: TCP SYN ping scan in Zenmap

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TCP ACK Ping Scan

TCP ACK ping is similar to TCP SYN ping, albeit with minor variations. TCP ACK ping also uses the
default port 80. In the TCP ACK ping technique, the attackers send an empty TCP ACK packet to
the target host directly. Since there is no prior connection between the attacker and the target
host, after receiving the ACK packet, the target host responds with an RST flag to terminate the
request. The reception of this RST packet at the attacker's end indicates that the host is active.
In Zen map, the -PA option is used to perform a TCP ACK ping scan .

.................~~~!Y.:~~.~~~.~!~~···············> ~
11Aa.•~ Host is Active RST packets ~
Attacker Target Host

Figure 3.28: TCP ACK ping scan for host discovery

• Both the SYN and the ACK packet can be used to maximize the chances of bypassing the
firewall. However, firewalls are mostly configured to block the SYN ping packets, as they
are the most common pinging technique. In such cases, the ACK probe can be effectively
used to bypass these firewall rule sets easily.

• Zenmap D X
Sq_n Iools frofile .!:::!.elp

Target: 10.10.1 .11 v Profile:

Command: nmap -sn -PA

I H osts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host • l nmap -sn -PA ~ Details Starting Nmap 7 . 80 ( https ://nmap.or g at 2022 - 03-14

23:20 - ·-· - _-· ~- Time
Nma scan r epor t for 10 . 10.1.11
Host is u (0.00s latency) .
MAC Address: 00:15:5D:01:80:00 (Microsoft )
Nmap done: 1 IP addr ess (1 host up ) scanned in 0.08

Filter Hosts

Figure 3.29: TCP ACK ping scan in Zenmap

IP Protocol Ping Scan

IP protocol ping is the latest host discovery option that sends IP ping packets with the IP header
of any specified protocol number. It has the same format as the TCP and UDP ping. This technique
tries to send different packets using different IP protocols, hoping to get a response indicating
that a host is online.

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Multiple IP packets for ICMP (protocol 1), IGMP (protocol 2), and IP-in-IP (protocol 4) are sent by
default when no protocols are specified. For configuring the default protocols, change
DEFAULT_PROTO_PROBE_PORT_SPEC in nmap . h during compile time. For specific protocols
such as ICMP, IGMP, TCP (protocol 6), and UDP (protocol 17), the packets are to be sent with
proper protocol headers, and for the remaining protocols, only the IP header data is to be sent
with the packets.

............. !~.~-~-~~~.': -~~~'-!.~~-~-~~- .......... ·> ~

Host is Active Any response ~
Attacker Target Host

Figure 3.30: IP protocol ping scan for host discovery

In a nutshell, attackers send different probe packets of different IP protocols to the target host;
any response from any probe indicates that a host is online. In Zenmap, the -PO option is used
to perform an IP protocol ping scan.

• Zenmap □
Sqn Iools E,rofile !::!elp

Target: v Profile: v :Scan:

Command: I
nmap -sn -PO 1
I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host .... [nmap-sn-P010.10.1.11 ____3 [oetai~

10.10.1 .11 St ar t i ng Nmap 7 . 80 ( https: // nma p . or g at 2022 - 03- 14
23 : 29 - _ Ti me
Nma sc an r epor t for 10. 10 .1 . 11
Host i s u (0.00s latency ).
MAC Add r ess : 00: 15:50 :01 : 80 :00 (Micr osoft )
Nmap do ne : 1 I P add r e ss ( 1 host up ) s canned in 0 .08
s e conds

Filter Hosts

Figure 3.31: IP protocol ping scan in Zenmap

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Ping Sweep Tools

Angry IP Angry IP Scanner pings each IP addre ss to check if any of these addresses are live. Then,
Scanner it optionally resolv es hostnames, determines the MAC address, scans ports, etc.

~ IP Range - Angry IP Scanner

Ping Sweep Tools
Scan Go to Commands Favorites Tools Help

e SolarWinds Engineer'sToolset IP Range: _1_0.1_0._1.0

_ _ _ to IP Range ..., i)
( Hostname: Windows11 IPr INetmask "J I ► Start J ;§
e NetScanTools Pro IP Ping Hostname Ports 13+ J
( -o;:;;, ______ Windowsl 1.localdomain 80
e Colasoft Ping Tool 3ms ubuntu-Virtual-Machine.local 80
(https://www.colosoft. com) 3 m, [n/ a] In/a] 4m• In/ a] In/ a)
e Visual Ping Tester 504ms SERVER2022 80
( 1008ms 80 4023 ms In/ a) In/al
e OpUtils ( )


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Ping Sweep Tools

Ping sweep tools ping an entire range of network IP addresses to identify the live systems. The
following are ping sweep tools that enable one to determine live hosts on the target network by
sending multiple ICMP ECHO requests to various hosts on the network at a time.
■ Angry IP Scanner

Angry IP scanner is an IP address and port scanner. It can scan IP addresses in any range
as well as any of their ports. It pings each IP address to check if it is alive; then, it optionally
resolves its hostname, determines the MAC address, scans ports, and so on . The amount
of data gathered about each host increases with plugins. Angry IP scanner has additional
features, such as NetBIOS information (computer name, workgroup name, and currently
logged in Windows user), favorite IP address ranges, web server detection, and
customizable openers. The tool allows the user to save the scanning results to CSV, TXT,
XML, or IP-Port list files. To increase the scanning speed, it uses a multithreaded
approach : a separate scanning thread is created for each scanned IP address.

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~ IP Range - Angry IP Scanner

Scan Go to Commands Favorites Tools Help

IP Range: to IP Range v i)

Hostname: Windows1 1 IP
Netmask v J I [ ► Start ] __

IP Ping Hostname Ports [3+]

l.....-' .·······························-· Windows1.1_.localdomain........................ 80 ..................... ! 3 ms ubuntu-Virtual-Machine.local 80 3 ms [n/ a] [n/ a]
10.10.1 .14 4 ms [n/ a] [n/ aJ 504 ms SE.RVE.R2022 80 1008 ms 80
10.10.1 .2 4023 ms [n/ a] [n/ a]

Figure 3.32: Screenshot of Angry IP Scanner showing live hosts

Some additional ping sweep tools that an attacker uses to determine live hosts on the target
network are listed below:
• SolarWinds Engineer's Toolset (
• NetScanTools Pro (
■ Colasoft Ping Tool (
■ Visual Ping Tester (
• OpUtils (

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10#04: Demonstrate Various Scanning Techniques for Port and Service Discovery

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Port and Service Discovery

The next step in the network scanning process involves checking the open ports and services in
live systems. This discovery of open ports and services can be performed via various port scanning
techniques. Administrators often use port scanning techniques to verify the security policies of
their networks, whereas attackers use them to identify open ports and running services on a host
with the intent of compromising the network. Moreover, sometimes, users unknowingly keep
unnecessary open ports on their systems. An attacker takes advantage of such open ports to
launch attacks.
This section describes the common ports and corresponding services along with various port
scanning techniques and tools used by the attacker to perform port scanning.
List of Common Ports and Services

The important reserved ports are listed below:

Name Port/Protocol Description

echo 7/tcp, udp
discard 9/ tcp, udp sink null
systat 11/tcp Users
daytime 13/ tcp, udp
netstat 15/tcp, udp
qotd 17/tcp, udp Quote
chargen 19/tcp, udp ttytst source

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Name Port/Protocol Description

ftp-data 20/tcp ftp data transfer
ftp 21/tcp ftp command
ssh 22/tcp Secure Shell
telnet 23/tcp
SMTP 25/tcp Email server
time 37/tcp, udp Timeserver
rlp 39/tcp, udp resource location
domain 53/tcp, udp domain name server
sql*net 66/tcp, udp Oracle SQL*net
bootps 67/udp bootp server
bootpc 68/udp bootp client
tftp 69/udp Trivial File Transfer
gopher 70/tcp gopher server
finger 79/tcp Finger
www-http 80/tcp, udp WWW
www-https 80/tcp WWW
kerberos 88/tcp, udp Kerberos
pop2 109/tcp PostOffice V.2
Pop3 110/tcp PostOffice V.3
sunrpc 111/tcp, udp RPC 4.0 portmapper
auth/ident 113/tcp, udp Authentication Service
audionews 114/tcp, udp Audio News Multicast
nntp 119/tcp Usenet Network News Transfer
ntp 123/udp Network Time Protocol
netbios-ns 137/tcp, udp NETBIOS Name Service
netbios-dgm 138/tcp, udp NETBIOS Datagram Service
netbios-ssn 139/tcp, udp NETBIOS Session Service
imap 143/tcp, udp Internet Message Access Protocol
sql-net 150/tcp, udp SQL-NET
sqlsrv 156/tcp, udp SQL Service
snmp 161/tcp, udp SNMP
snmp-trap 162/tcp, udp
cmip-man 163/tcp, udp CMIP/TCP Manager
cmip-agent 164/tcp, udp CMIP/TCP Agent

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Name Port/Protocol Description

ire 194/tcp, udp Internet Relay Chat
at-rtmp 201/tcp, udp AppleTalk Routing Maintenance
at-nbp 202/tcp, udp AppleTalk Name Binding

at-3 203/tcp, udp AppleTal k

at-echo 204/tcp, udp AppleTalk Echo

at-5 205/tcp, udp AppleTalk

at-zis 206/tcp, udp AppleTalk Zone Information

at-7 207/tcp, udp AppleTal k

at-8 208/tcp, udp AppleTalk
ipx 213/tcp, udp Novell
imap3 220/tcp, udp Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3

aurp 387/tcp, udp AppleTalk Update-Based Routing

netware-ip 396/tcp, udp Novell Netware over IP
rmt 411/tcp, udp Remote mt
kerberos-ds 445/tcp, udp Microsoft DS
isakmp 500/udp ISAKMP/IKE
fcp 510/tcp First Class Server
exec 512/tcp BSD rexecd(8)

comsat/biff 512/udp Used by mail syst em to notify users

login 513/tcp BSD rlogind(8)
who 513/udp whod BSD rwhod(8)

shell 514/tcp cmd BSD rshd(8)

syslog 514/udp BSD syslogd(8)
printer 515/tcp, udp spooler BSD lpd(8)
talk 517/tcp, udp BSD t alkd(8)
ntalk 518/udp SunOS talkd(8)
netnews 532/tcp, udp Readnews
uucp 540/tcp, udp uucpd BSD uucpd(8)
klogin 543/tcp, udp Kerberos Login
kshell 544/tcp, udp Kerberos Shell
krcmd Kerberos encrypted remote shell
ekshell 545/tcp
- kfall
pcserver 600/tcp ECO Integrated PC board srvr
mount 635/udp NFS Mount Service
pcnfs 640/udp PC-NFS DOS Authentication
bwnfs 650/udp BW-NFS DOS Authentication

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Name Port/Protocol Description

flexlm 744/tcp, udp Flexible License Manager
kerberos-adm 749/tcp, udp Kerberos Administration
kerberos 750/tcp, udp kdc Kerberos authentication
kerberos master 751/tcp, udp Kerberos authentication
krb_prop 754/tcp Kerberos slave propagation
applix 999/udp Applixware
socks 1080/tcp, udp Socks Proxy
kpop 1109/tcp Pop with Kerberos
ms-sql-s 1433/tcp, udp Microsoft SQL Server

ms-sql-m 1434/tcp, udp Microsoft SQL Monitor

pptp 1723/tcp, udp Pptp

nfs 2049/tcp, udp Network File System

eklogin 2105/tcp Kerberos encrypted rlogin

rkinit 2108/tcp Kerberos remote kinit

kx 2111/tcp X over Kerberos

kauth 2120/tcp Remote kauth

lyskom 4894/tcp LysKOM (conference system)

sip 5060/tcp Session Initiation Protocol
sip 5060/udp Session Initiation Protocol
xll X Window System
ire 6667/tcp Internet Relay Chat

Table 3. 1: Reserved ports t able

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Port Scanning Techniques

The port scanning techniques are categorized according to the type of protocol used for communicat ion


Xmas Scan
( Half-ope n Scan
) . FIN Sca n )
· Port and Service\ < ( Inv erse TCP Flag Scan ) .. l NULL Scan
Discovery • ··
• ACK Flag Probe Scan
} ··: Maimon Scan

• ,• •
( SCTP IN IT Scanning ) •
) )
Scanning )
·► •
• Copyright O by (C-CIUICII All Rights Reserved Reproduction 1s Stnctty Prohibited

Port Scanning Techniques (Cont'd)

✓ SYN+ACK packet response

✓ Easily detectable and filterable
TCP Connect/Full- nmap -sT -v <Target IP - Port is open ✓ Does not require super-user
SYN packets ✓ The logs in the target syst em
Open Scan Address> ✓ RST packet response - privileges
disclose the connection
Port is closed
✓ SYN+ACK packet response
Stealth Scan (Half- nmap -sS -v <Target IP - Port is open ✓ Bypasses firewall rules and
Single SYN packet
Open Scan) Address> ✓ RST packet response - logging mechanisms
Port is closed

✓ Requires raw access to net work

✓ No response - Port is
Probe packet sockets and super•user
Inve rse TCP Flag nmap-{•SF, •SN, ·SX) -v open ✓ Avoids many IDS and logging
(FIN/ URG/PSH/N privileges
Scan <Tar get IP Address> ✓ RST packet response - systems; highly stealthy
Ull) ✓ Not effective against M icrosoft
Port is closed
Windows hosts, in particular

✓ Works only w hen systems are

compliant with the RFC 793-
✓ No response - Port is based TCP/IP implementation
Probe packet open
nmap -sX -v <Target IP ✓ Avoids IDS and the TCP three· ✓ Works on the Unix platform
Xmas Scan (FIN+ URG +
Address> ✓ RST packet response - way handshake only
Port is closed ✓ Does not work against any
current version of Microsoft

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Port Scanning Techniques (Cont'd)

✓ No response - Port is
nmap -sF - v <Target IP Probe packet open
FIN Scan
Address> (FIN) ✓ RST packet response -
Port is closed

✓ No response - Port is ✓ Probe packets enabled w ith

nmap -sN - v <Target IP Probe packet open TCP flags can pass t hrough
NULL Scan ✓ Effective only when used with
Address> (NULL) ✓ RST packet response - filters undetected, depending
Unix-based oses
Port is closed on the security mechanisms
✓ Does not work against any
current version of Microso ft
✓ Works only w hen systems are

No response - Port is compliant with the RFC 793-
open based TCP/IP implementation
✓ ICMP unreachable error
nmap-sM - v <Target IP Probe packet
TCP M aiman Scan response - Port is
Address> (FIN/ACK)
✓ RST packet response -
Port is closed

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Port Scanning Techniques (Cont'd)

Nmap Command Response Advantages Disadvantages

✓ No response - Port is filtered

ACK Flag Probe nmap -sA -v <Target IP ACK probe (stateful firewall is present)
Scan Address> packets ✓ RST packet response - Port is not
filtered (no firewall is present)

ACK probe ✓ RST packet response - Port is

packets (several open (TTL value on a port < 64)
TTL-Based ACK Flag nmap -sA - ttl 100 ~
thousands) to ✓ Can evade IDS in most
Probe Scan <target IP address> ✓ RST packet response - Port is ✓ Extremely slow and can
different TCP cases
closed (TTL value on a port > 64) exploit only older OSes with
ports ✓ Helps in checking t he vulnerable BSD-derived
✓ RST packet response - Port is filtering systems of target TCP/IP stacks
open (WINDOW value on a port is networks
ACK probe non-zero)
packets (several
Window-Based ACK nmap -sA -sw -v <target ✓ ICMP unreachable error response
thousands) to
Flag Probe Scan IP address> - Port is filtered
different TCP
✓ RST packet response - Port is
closed (WINDOW value on a port
is zero)

✓ SYN+ACK packet res ponse - Port

nmap - Pn -p- -sl ✓ Requires the identificat ion
IDLE/IPID Header is open ✓ Offers the complete blind
<Zombie Hostname> SYN packet of sequence numbers of t he
Scan ✓ RST packet response - Port is scanning of a remote host
<Target Hostname> zombie host

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Port Scanning Techniques (Cont'd)

•li!llil Nmap Command Request Response Advantages


Slow because it limits the tCMP

✓ Less informal with regard to an open error message rate as a form of
✓ No response - Port is port because there is no overhead of a compensation to machines t hat
open TCP handshake apply RFC 1812 section
nmap -sU -v <Target IP
UDP Scan UDP packet ✓ ICMP unreachable ✓ Microsoft-based OSes do not usually ✓ A remote host will require access
error response - Port is implement any ICMP rate limit ing; to the raw ICMP socket to
closed hence, this scan operates very distinguish closed ports from
efficiently on Windows-based devices unreachable ports
✓ Requires privileged access

✓ An INIT scan is performed quickly by

✓ INIT+ACK chunk - Port
is open scanning thousands of ports per
second on a fast network not
✓ ICMP unreachable
nmap -sY -v <Target IP obstructed by a firewall, offering a
SCTP I NIT Scan INIT chunk exception - Port is st rong sense of security
✓ Can clearly differentiate between
✓ ABORT chunk - Port is
various ports such as open, closed, and
closed filtered states

✓ No response - Port is ✓ The COOKIE ECHO chunk is not b locked ✓ Cannot differentiate clearly
SCTP COOKIE nmap -sz - v <Target IP COOKIE open by non-stateful fi rewall rule sets. between open and filtered ports,
ECHO Scan Address> ECHO chunk ✓ ABORT chunk - Port is ✓ Only an advanced JDS can detect an showing the output as
closed SCTP COOKIE ECHO scan open I filtered in both cases

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Port Scanning Techniques

Port scanning techniques are further categorized as described below. This categorization is based
on the type of protocol used for communication in the network.

TCP Scanning:
■ Open TCP Scanning Methods

o TCP Connect/Full-open Scan

■ Stealth TCP Scanning Methods

o Half-open Scan

o Inverse TCP Flag Scan

• Xmas Scan

• FIN Scan

• NULL Scan

• Maiman Scan
o ACK Flag Probe Scan

• TTL-Based Scan

• Window-Based Scan

■ Third Party and Spoofed TCP Scan ning Methods

o IDLE/IP ID Header Scan

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UDP Scanning:
• UDP Scanning
SCTP Scanning:

• SCTP INIT Scanning


SSDP Scanning:
• SSDP and List Scanning

1Pv6 Scanning:

• 1Pv6 Scanning

TCP Connect/Full-Open Scan

TCP Connect/Full Open Scan is one of the most reliable forms of TCP scanning. In TCP Connect
scanning, the OS's TCP connect<) system call tries to open a connection to every port of interest
on the target machine. If the port is listening, the connect () call will result in a successful
connection with the host on that particular port; otherwise, it will return an error message stating
that the port is not reachable.
TCP Connect scan completes a three-way handshake with the target machine. In the TCP three-
way handshake, the client sends a SYN packet, which the recipient acknowledges with a SYN+ACK
packet. Then, the client acknowledges the SYN+ACK packet with an ACK packet to complete the
connection. Once the handshake is completed, the scanner sends an RST packet to end the

SYN Packet + Port (n)

• • ■• ■ • • • • • ■ • • • • • ■ ■ ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ ■• • ►

SYN + ACK Packet

◄· ................................. .
.................................. ·►

Attacker Target
Figure 3.33: Scan res ult when a port is open

SYN Packet + Port (n)

■• ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • • ■ ■ ■ ■• ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ►

◄· ................................. .

Attacker Target
Figure 3.34: Scan result w hen a port is closed

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Making a separate connect o call for every targeted port in a linear manner would take a long
time over a slow connection. The attacker can accelerate the scan using many sockets in parallel.
Using non-blocking, 1/0 allows the attacker to set a short time-out period and watch all the
sockets simultaneously. In Zenmap, the -sT option is used to perform TCP Connect/full open

• Zenmap D X
Sc~n Iools .e_rofile .t!elp

Target 10.10.1 .11 v Profile: v Scan

Command: -----------=========-------==;
l !
nmap -sT -v

I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host nmap-sT -v Starting Nmap 7 . 80 ( https: // at 2022-03-15
02 :41 _.:_ .:__ - , _.:. ,.t Time

Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 02 :41

Scanning 10.10.1 . 11 [1 port]
Completed ARP Ping Scan at 02 :41, 0.01s elapsed (1
total hosts )
Initiating Par allel DN.S r es olution of 1 host. at 02 :41
Completed Par allel DNS r esolution of 1 host. at 02:41,
0.02s elapsed
Initiating Connect Scan at 02 :41
Scanning 10.10.1 . 11 [1000 ports]
Discove r ed open por t 445/ tcp on 10 . 10 . 1 . 11
Discove r ed open port 135/ tcp on
Discovered open port 3389/ tcp on 10.10.1 . 11
Discove r ed open por t 139/ tcp on
Dis cove r ed open port 80/ tcp on
Discove r ed open port 21/ tcp on 10 . 10.1.11
Completed Connect Scan at 02:41, 44 . SSs elapsed ( 1000
total por ts )
Nmap s can r epor t fo r 10 . 10.1 . 11
Host is up (0,00s latency) .
Not shown : 994 fi l ter ed ports
21/tcp open ftp
80/tcp open http
13S/tcp open msrpc
139/tcp open netbios-ssn
445/tcp open microsoft - ds
3389/tcp open ms-wbt-server
MAC Address: 00:15:SD:01:80:00 (Micr os oft)

Read data files from: ( :\Pr ogr am Files (x86 )\Nmap

Nmap done: 1 IP addr ess (1 host up ) s canned in 44. 75
Filter Hosts
Ra,~ packets sent: 1 (28B) I Rcvd: 1 ( 28B )

Figure 3.35: TCP Connect/Full Open scan using Zenmap

The drawback of this type of scan is that it is easily detectable and filterable. The logs in the target
system will disclose the connection. Such scanning does not require superuser privileges.

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Stealth Scan (Half-Open Scan)

The stealth scan involves resetting the TCP connection between the client and the server abruptly
before completion of the three-way handshake signals, hence making the connection half-open.
A stealth scan sends a single frame to a TCP port without any TCP handshaking or additional
packet transfers. This type of scan sends a single frame with the expectation of a single response.
The half-open scan partially opens a connection but stops halfway through. The stealth scan is
also called a "SYN scan," because it only sends the SYN packet. This prevents the service from
notifying the incoming connection . TCP SYN or half-open scanning is a stealth method of port
The stealth scan also implements the three-way handshake methodology. In the last stage, it
examines the packets entering the interface and terminates the connection before triggering a
new initialization to identify remote ports. The stealth scan process is described below.
• The client sends a single SYN packet to the server on the appropriate port.
• If the port is open, the server subsequently responds with a SYN/ACK packet.
■ If the server responds with an RST packet, then the remote port is in the "closed" state.
• The client sends the RST packet to close the initiation before a connection can be
established .

SYN + ACK Packet
I" f) -

••• ■ •••••••••••••••••• ·>

Bill Sheela

Figure 3.36: Port is open

.......::~.!~?.':'.~?!.... ~ ""
= ==...L.----LJ

Bill Sheela

Figure 3.37: Port is closed

Attackers use stealth scanning techniques to bypass firewall rules and logging mechanisms, and
they hide themselves as usual under network traffic. In Zenmap, the -ss option is used to
perform a stealth scan/TCP half-open scan.

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Zenmap □ X
Sqn Iools P.rofile l::!elp

Target [10.10.1 .11

_______ Iv Profile: L [v !g Cancel
Command: I nmap -sS-v I
I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans
OS ◄ Host ... G map-sS-v10.10.1 .11 '=3 [Details! Starting Nmap 7. 80 ( https : // nmap . org ) at 2022-03-15
02: 52 ~· -' Time
Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 02 :52
Scanning (1 port]
Completed ARP Ping Scan at 02:52, 0.00s elapsed (1
total hosts)
Initiating Par allel DNS r esolution of 1 host. at 02:52
Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 02:52,
0.02s elapsed
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 02:52
Scanning 10.10 .1 .11 (1000 ports]
Discovered open port 3389/ tcp on 10. 10.1 . 11
Di scovered open port 80/ tcp on 10.10. 1.11
Discovered open port 21/tcp on
Discovered open port 135/t cp on 10. 10 . 1.11
Discovered open port 139/ tcp on
Discovered open port 445/ tcp on 10.10.1 .11
Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 02:52, 1 . 25s elapsed
(1000 total ports)
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0 .00s latency) .
Not shown: 994 closed ports
21/tcp open ftp
80/tcp open http
135/tcp open msrpc
139/tcp open netbios - ssn
445/tcp open microsoft - ds
3389/tcp open ms - wbt - server
MAC Address : 00 : 15:SD:01:80:00 (Microsoft)

Read data files from: (: \ Progr am Files (x86) \ Nmap

Nmap done: 1 IP addr ess ( 1 host up) scanned in 1.36
Raw packets sent: 1011 (44.468KB) I Rcvd:
1001 (40.052KB)
Filter Hosts "

Figure 3.38: TCP St ealth/ Half Open scan using Zen map

Inverse TCP Flag Scan

Attackers send TCP probe packets with a TCP flag {FIN, URG, PSH) set or with no flags . When the
port is open, the attacker does not get any response from the host, whereas when the port is

closed, he or she receives the RST from the target host.

Probe Packet (FIN/URG/PSH/NULL)

No Response
Attacker Target Host

Figure 3.39: Inverse TCP flag scan w hen port is open

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Figure 3.40: Inverse TCP flag scan when port is closed

Security mechanisms such as firewalls and IDS detect the SYN packets sent to the sensitive ports
of the targeted hosts. Programs such as Syslog are available to log half-open SYN flag scan
attempts. At times, the probe packets enabled with TCP flags can pass through filters undetected,
depending on the security mechanisms installed.
An inverted technique involves probing a target using a half-open SYN flag because the closed
ports can only send the response back. According to RFC 793, an RST/ACK packet is sent for
connection reset when the host closes a port. Attackers take advantage of this feature to send
TCP probe packets to each port of the target host with various TCP flags set.
Common flag configurations used for a probe packet include:

■ A FIN probe with the FIN TCP flag set

■ An Xmas probe with the FIN, URG, and PUSH TCP flags set

■ A NULL probe with no TCP flags set

■ A SYN/ACK probe

All closed ports on the targeted host will send an RST/ACK response. Since OSs such as Windows
completely ignore the RFC 793 standard, you cannot see the RST/ ACK response when connected
to a closed port on the target host. However, this technique is effective when used with UNIX-
based OSs.


■ Avoids many IDS and logging systems; highly stealthy


■ Requires raw access to network sockets and super-user privileges

■ Mostly effective against hosts using a BSD-derived TCP/IP stack (not effective against
Microsoft Windows hosts, in particular).
Note: Inverse TCP flag scanning is known as FIN, URG, and PSH scanning based on the flag set in
the probe packet. If there is no flag set, it is known as NULL scanning. If only the FIN flag is set, it
is known as FIN scanning, and if all of FIN, URG, and PSH are set, it is known as Xmas scanning.
Xmas Scan
Xmas scan is a type of inverse TCP scanning technique with the FIN, URG, and PUSH flags set to
send a TCP frame to a remote device. If the target has opened the port, then you will receive no
response from the remote system. If the target has closed the port, then you will receive a remote

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system reply with an RST. You can use this port scanning technique to scan large networks and
find which host is up and what services it is offering. This technique describes all TCP flag sets.
When all flags are set, some systems hang; hence, the flags are often set in the nonsense pattern
URG-PSH-FIN. Attackers use the TCP Xmas scan to determine if ports are closed on the target
machine via the RST packet. This scan only works when systems are compliant with RFC 793-
based TCP/IP implementation. It will not work against any current version of Microsoft Windows.


No Response

Attacker Server

Figure 3.41: Xmas scan when the port is open


• ■ ■ ■ ■ ■• ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • • ■ • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • ■ • • • • ■ ➔


Attacker Server

Figure 3.42: Xmas scan when the port is closed

BSD Networking Code

This method relies on the BSD networking code. Thus, you can use this only for UNIX hosts; it
does not support Windows NT. If the user scans any Microsoft system, it will show that all the
ports on the host are open .
Transmitting Packets

You can initialize all the flags when transmitting the packet to a remote host. If the target system
accepts the packet and does not send any response, it means that the port is open. If the target
system sends an RST flag, then it implies that the port is closed.

• It avoids IDS and TCP three-way handshake.


■ It works on the UNIX platform only.

In Zenmap, the -sx option is used to perform Xmas scan whereas the -sF and - sN options are
used to perform FIN scan and NULL scan, respectively.

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• Zenmap □ X
Sq_n Iools £rofile !::!elp

Target [ Profile: l V

............· Cancel
Command: ..
, n_m
_a_p_--sX- --v-10-.1-0-.1-.1-.
I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

05 ◄ Host [nmap-sX-vl0.10.1.11 ~ [oetails l Starting Nmap 7.80 ( htt ps : // nmap. or g at 2022-03- 15
03:25 Paci fic Daylight Time
Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 03:25
Scanning (1 port]
Completed ARP Ping Scan at 03:25, 0.02s elapsed (1
total hosts)
Initiating Parallel DNS r esolut ion of 1 host. at 03 : 25
Completed Parallel DNS r esolution of 1 host. at 03:25,
0.01s elapsed
Initiating XMAS Scan at 03 : 25
Scanning (1000 por ts ]
Completed XMAS Scan at 03 :25, 1.24s elapsed (1000
total ports)
Nmap scan report for 10. 10.1.11
Host is up (0 .00s latency).
All 1000 scanned por ts on 10.10.1 . 11 ar e closed
MAC Address: 00 :15:5D :01:80:00 (Microsoft)

Read data files from: (: \ Progr am Files (x86) \ Nmap

Nma p done: 1 IP add r ess (1 host up ) scanned in 1.36
Raw packets sent : 1037 (41.468KB) I Rcvd :
1001 (40.028KB )
Filter Hosts

Figure 3.43: Xmas scan output using Zenm ap

TCP Maimon Scan

This scan technique is very similar to NULL, FIN, and Xmas scan, but the probe used here is
FIN/ACK. In most cases, to determine if the port is open or closed, the RST packet should be
generated as a response to a probe request. However, in many BSD systems, the port is open if
the packet gets dropped in respon se to a probe.
Nmap interprets a port as open Ifiltered when there is no response from the Ma iman scan probe
even after many retransmissions. The port is closed if the probe gets a response as an RST packet.
The port is filtered when the ICMP unreach able error (type 3, code 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, or 13) is returned
from the target host. In Zen map, the -sM option is used to perform the TCP M aiman scan .

.....:!~(!':~~!'.~??.~······► I►
No Response
Attacker Target
Figure 3.44: TCP Maimon scan result of open port

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~.......Rs·-i -~~~ic~; ........ .
Attacker Target
Figure 3.45: TCP Maimon scan result of closed port

Figure 3.46: TCP Maimon scan result of filtered port

· Zenmap D X
Sqn Iools P.rofile J:!elp

Target [ _Fl Profile: [ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Jv Scan

Command: j nmap-sM -v l 7

I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host [nmap -sM -v -----:, Details] Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https :// nmap. or g at 2022-03-15
03:49 ____ --, --o- - Time
Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 03:49
Scanning 10.10. 1.11 [1 port]
Completed ARP Ping Scan at 03:49, 0 .02s elapsed ( 1
total hosts)
Initiating Par allel DNS r esolution of 1 host. at 03 :49
Completed Par allel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 03 : 49,
0 .02s elapsed
Initiating Maimon Scan at 03:49
Scanning 10. 10.1.11 [1000 ports]
Completed Maimon Scan at 03:49, 1 . 13s elapsed (1000
total ports)
Nmap scan r eport for 10.10 .1.11
Host is up (0 .00s latency ) .
All 1000 scanned ports on 10.10 . 1.11 ar e closed
MAC Address : 00:15:5D :01:80:00 (Microsoft)

Read data files from: (: \ Pr ogr am Files (x86)\Nmap

Nmap done: 1 IP add r ess (1 host up) scanned in 1.23
Raw packets sent: 1034 (41.348KB ) I Rcvd:
1001 (40 .028KB)
Filter Hosts

Figure 3.47: TCP Mai mon scan displaying port state in Zenma p

ACK Flag Probe Scan

Attackers send TCP probe packets with the ACK flag set to a remote device and then analyze the
header information (TTL and WINDOW field) of the received RST packets to find out if the port is
open or closed. The ACK flag probe scan exploits the vulnerabilities within the BSD-derived TCP/IP

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stack. Thus, such scanning is effective only on those OSs and platforms on which the BSD derives
TCP/IP stacks.
Categories of ACK flag probe scanning include:
• TTL-Based ACK Flag Probe scanning
In this scanning technique, you will first need to send ACK probe packets (several
thousands) to different TCP ports and then analyze the TTL field value of the RST packets
received. In Zenmap, the syntax nmap -ttl [time] [target] is used to perform TTL-
based scan.

Attacker Target Host

Figure 3 .48: TTL- base d ACK flag probe scanning

If the TTL value of the RST packet on a particular port is less than the boundary value of
64, then that port is open . An example showing a log of the fi rst four RST packets received
is presented below:

l: ho~;t 10 . 2 . 2.11 port 20 : F : RST -> t t 1 : 80 win : 0

2: host 10 . 2.2.11 port 21 : F : RST -> t t 1 : 80 win : 0
3 : host 10 . 2.2.11 port 22: F : RST > ttl : :iO win : 0
4 : host 10 . 2 . 2.11 port 2 3: F : RST t t 1 : 80 win : 0

Figure 3.49: Screenshot showing t he open po rt based o n the TTL va lue of the RST packet

In this example, port 22 returned a TTL value of 50, which is less than 64; all other ports
returned a TTL value of 80, which is greater than 64. Therefore, port 22 is open.
• Window-Based ACK Flag Probe scanning
In this scanning t echnique, you will first need to send ACK probe packets (several
thousands) to different TCP ports and then analyze the window field value of the received
RST packets. The user can use this scanning technique when all t he ports return the same
TTL value. In Zen map, the - sw option is used to perform a window scan.

• i~~:,:.~l.............................
<I> ACK Probe Packet s ~
D ····. ~~·s·~;~:~;........
~ -~~~-
J> □

Target Host

Figure 3.50: Window-based ACK flag probe scanning

If the window value of the RST packet on a particular port is non-zero, then th at port is
open. An example showing a log of t he first four RST packets received is presented below:

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l : host 10 . 2.2 . 12 po r t 20: F: RST -> ttl : 64 win : 0

2 : host 10.2.2 . 12 port 21 : F: RST -> ttl : 64 win: 0
3 : host 10 . 2 . 2.12 port 22 : F: RST - > ttl : 64 win : 512
4 : host 10 . 2.2 . 12 port 2 3 : F: RST - > ttl: 64 win: 0

Figure 3.51: Screenshot showing the open port based on the window value of the RST packet

The above figure shows that the TTL value returned for each packet is the same; hence,
you cannot perform TTL-based ACK flag probe scanning to find the open ports. Therefore,
when you observe the window value, the third packet has a non-zero window value,
which means that the port is open. When the returned RST value is zero, then the port is
closed. If there is no response even after many retransmissions and an ICMP unreachable
error (type 3, code 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, or 13) is returned, then the port is inferred to be a filtered

• ~/> ,....................................
·> a]
D .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~l< ····································

' TCP RST with non-zero window field


- a]
Figure 3.52: TCP Window scan result of an open port

<I> t····································>
-==-•' •
TCP RST with zero window field
Attacker Target

Figure 3.53: TCP Window scan result of a closed port

D ==~,
- -:<I> I X <= ······~?.~:.sf.~~!~........
ICMP unreachable error

Figure 3.54: TCP Window scan result of a filtered port


■ This type of scan can evade IDS in most cases.


■ It is extremely slow and can exploit only older OSs with vulnerable BSD-derived TCP/IP

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Checking the Filtering Systems of Target Networks

The ACK flag probe scanning technique also helps in checking the filtering systems of target
networks. The attacker sends an ACK probe packet to check the filtering mechanism (firewalls)
of packets employed by the target network.
Sending an ACK probe packet with a random sequence number and getting no response from the
target means that the port is f iltered (stateful firewall is present); an RST response from the target
means that the port is not filtered (no firewall is present) .

.ft <I>
l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Probe Packet (ACK)

~ □
No Response
Attacker Target Host

Figure 3.55: St at eful Firewall is present

- <I~
l~:: : : : : ::: : ~: ~:~: : : :~ IL Jbl
Target Host

Figure 3.56: No Firewall

ACK Flag Probe Scanning using Nmap

In Zenmap, the -sA option is used to perform an ACK flag probe scan.

· Zenmap □ X
Sqn Iools P.rofile l:ielp

====~--v \Scan\
Target ~ Profile:

Command: ! nmap -sA •v !

~ Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host nmap ·sA · v --=a l oetailsj

lil Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https: // nmap.or g ) at 2022·03·15
04:50 ••· · Time
Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 04: 50
Scanning (1 por t]
Completed ARP Ping Scan at 04: 50, 0.00s elapsed ( 1
t otal hosts )
Initiating Parallel ONS r esolution of 1 host. at 04: 50
Completed Parallel ONS r e s olution of 1 host. at 04: 50,
0.01s elaps ed
Initiating ACK Scan at 04: 50
Scanning 10.10. 1. 1 1 [1000 ports]
Completed ACK Scan at 04:50, 1.13s elapsed ( 1000 total
por ts )
Nmap scan report for
Host is up ( 0.00s latency) .
All 1000 scanned ports on 1 are unfil tered
HAC Add ress: 00:15:5D:01:80:00 (Microsoft )

Re ad data files from: C: \ Pr ogram Files (x86)\ Nmap

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 hos t up) s canned in 1. 24
Raw pac kets s ent: 1031 (41. 228KB) I Rcvd:
1001 ( 40. 028KB)
Filter Hosts

Figure 3.57: ACK Flag Probe scanning using Zenmap

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IDLE/IPID Header Scan

The IDLE/IPID header scan is a TCP port scan method that can be used to send a spoofed source
address to a computer to determine what services are available. It offers the complete blind
scanning of a remote host. Most network servers listen on TCP ports; for example, web servers
listen on port 80, and mail servers listen on port 25. A port is considered "open" if an application
is listening on the port. One way to determine whether a port is open is to send a "SYN" (session
establishment) packet to the port. The target machine returns a "SYN IACK" (session request
acknowledgement) packet if the port is open or an "RST" (reset) packet if the port is closed. A
machine that receives an unsolicited SYN IACK packet responds with an RST. An unsolicited RST
is ignored. Every IP packet on the Internet has an "IP identifier" (IPID) that uniquely identifies
fragments of an original IP datagram. The OS increases the IPID for each packet sent. Thus,
probing an IPID reveals to an attacker the number of packets sent since the last probe. In Zenmap,
the -sI option is used to perform an IDLE scan.

Figure 3.58: IDLE/IPID Header scan using Nmap

The attacker performs this scan by impersonating another computer via spoofing. The attacker
does not send a packet from their IP address; instead, they use another host, often called a
"zombie," to scan the remote host and identify open ports. In this attack, the attacker expects
the sequence numbers of the zombie host, and if the remote host checks the IP of the scanning
party, the IP of the zombie machine is displayed.

• Step 1
The first step in an idle scan is to determine an appropriate zombie. A zombie that
incrementally assigns IPID packets on a global basis is an appropriate or idle zombie for

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performing idle scans. The shorter the time interval for request/response between the
attacker-zombie and zombie-target, the faster is the scan.

Choose a "Zombie" and Probe Its Current IP Identification (IPID) Number

In the first step, the SYN+ACK packet is sent to the zombie machine to probe its IPID
number. Here, the SYN+ACK packet is sent to probe the IPID number and not to establish
a TCP connection (three-way handshake).

IPID Probe SYN+ ACK Packet
Response: IPID=31337
Attacker RST Packet Zombie

Figure 3.S9: IDLE scan: step 1

As the zombie does not expect a SYN+ACK packet, it denies the connection by returning
an RST packet. The RST packet sent by the zombie machine is analyzed to extract the IPID.
As shown in figure, we assume that the zombie responds with IPID=31337.
Furthermore, we assume that the IPID is X.
■ Step 2

The attacker sends a SYN packet to the target machine on port 80, spoofing the IP address
of the zombie.
Idle Scan: Step 2.1 (Open Port)

If the port is open, the target sends the SYN+ACK packet to the zombie (as the IP address
was spoofed) to proceed with the three-way handshake. Because the zombie did not
expect a SYN+ACK packet from the target machine, it responds with an RST packet.


Figure 3.60: Port is open

Because every IP packet has an IPID, which increases by one for every packet
transmission, the zombie now uses the next available IPID, i.e., 31338 {X + 1).

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Idle Scan: Step 2.2 (Closed Port)

Assume that the port on the target is closed. Subsequently, upon receiving the SYN packet
from the attacker, the target responds with an RST packet, and the zombie remains idle


Figure 3.61: Port is closed

• Step 3

Now, follow step 1 again to probe the IPID number.

ft .......•!~!~.~~~?~.~~~ ~-~~-~;.a.~~~~ ... •... ➔

~ -..... R~-s~~~;;~iPio:3-i339°Rsr.P;~k~t..... .
Attacker IPID incremented by 2 since step 1, Zombie
so port 80 must be open

Figure 3.62: Idle scan : step 3

Send a SYN+ACK packet to the zombie, and it responds with an RST packet containing the
IPID. Assuming that the port on the target was open and that the zombie has already sent
an RST packet to the target, the IPID number is increased by 1. Now, the zombie responds
with an RST packet to the attacker using its next IPID, i.e., 31339 (X + 2). Consequently,
the IPID is increased by 2, which implies that the port on the target machine was open.
Thus, using an idle scan, an attacker can identify the open ports and services on the target
machine by spoofing their IP address with a zombie's IP address.

UDP Scan
UDP Raw ICMP Port Unreachable Scanning

UDP port scanners use the UDP protocol instead of TCP. There is no three-way handshake for the
UDP scan. The UDP protocol can be more challenging to use than TCP scanning because you can
send a packet but you cannot determine whether the host is alive, dead, or filtered. However,
you can use one ICMP that checks for open or closed ports. If you send a UDP packet to a port
without an application bound to it, the IP stack will return an ICMP port unreachable packet. If
any port returns an ICMP error, it will be closed, leaving the ports that did not answer if they are
open or filtered through the firewall.

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Are you open on UDP Port 29?
~~ ·;~~~~·~~~·i~·~~~ ·i~·~·~~~· •••► [u]
~··· ................. ..... .. ......... -
~··················································· =
If port is Closed, an ICMP Port
unreachable message is received

Figure 3.63: UDP scanning

This happens because open ports do not have to send an acknowledgement in response to a
probe, and closed ports are not even required to send an error packet.
UDP Packets

When you send a packet to a closed UDP port, most of the hosts send an ICMP_PORT_UNREACH
error. Thus, you can determine whether a port is open if UDP packets or ICMP errors are not
guaranteed to arrive. Thus, UDP scanners of this type must implement retransmission of packets
that appear lost. UDP scanners interpret lost traffic as open ports. In Zenmap, the -su option is
used to perform a UDP scan .

• Zenmap □ X
Sqn l oots .e_rofile !::!elp

Target Profile: \Scan\ Cancel

Command: ! nmap -, U -v 10.10.1 .22!

I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Horn Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host nmap -,U -v --=a Detail~

111 Starting Nmap 7. 80 { https : / / nmap . o r g ) at 2022 - 03 - 15
05:22 = ··· Time
Initiating ARP Ping Sca n at 05: 22
Scanning (1 por t ]
Completed ARP Ping Scan at 05: 22, 0 .01s elapsed (1
t otal hosts)
Initiating Parallel DNS r e solution of 1 host. at 05: 22
Compl eted Parallel DNS r e solution of 1 host. at 05: 22 ,
0 .00s elapsed
Initiating UDP Scan at 05: 22
Scanning (1000 ports]
Discovered open port 137 / udp on 10.10. 1. 22
Discove red open port 389/ udp on 10.10. 1. 22
Discove r ed open port 53/ udp on 10. 10.1.22
Discovered open port 123/ udp on 10. 10. 1. 22
Completed UDP Scan at 05:22, 4.58s elapsed (1000 total
Nmap scan report for 10 . 10 .1. 22
Host is up {0.00s l atency).
Not shown : 996 ooenlfilter ed oorts
53/udp open domain
123/udp open ntp
137/udp open netbios - ns
389/udp open l d ap
MAC Add ress: 00:15:SD:01:80:02 {Mi crosoft )

Read data files from : (: \ Program Files {x86) \ Nmap

Nmap done : 1 IP address {1 host up) scanned in 4.69
Raw packets sent: 1998 {5 7 .687 KB) I Rcvd : 7
Filter Hosts

Figure 3.64: UDP sca nning using Zenmap

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In addition, this scanning technique is slow because it limits the ICMP error message rate as a
form of compensation to machines that apply RFC 1812 section A remote host will
require access to the raw ICMP socket to distinguish closed ports from unreachable ports.
UDP RECVFROM () and WRITE() Scanning

Although non-root users cannot read unreachable port errors directly, Linux informs you
indirectly when it receives messages.
■ Example:

For example, a second write () call to a closed port will usually fail. Various scanners,
such as Netcat and Pluvial pscan. c, perform recvfrom () on non-blocking UDP
sockets, and they usually return EAGAIN ("Try Again," errno 13} if the ICMP error has
not been received or ECONNREFUSED ("connection refused," errno 111}
otherwise. This technique is used for determining open ports when non-root users use -
u (UDP}. Root users can also use the -1 (lamer UDP scan} option to force this process.

The UDP scan is less informal with regard to an open port because there is no overhead of a TCP
handshake. However, if ICMP is responding to each unavailable port, the total number of frames
can exceed that from a TCP scan . Microsoft-based OSs do not usually implement any ICMP rate
limiting; hence, this scan operates very efficiently on Windows-based devices.


The UDP scan provides port information only. If additional information of the version is needed,
the scan must be supplemented with a version detection scan (-sv} or the OS fingerprinting
option (-o} .

The UDP scan requires privileged access; hence, this scan option is only available on systems with
the appropriate user permissions.
Most networks have massive amounts of TCP traffic; as a result, the efficiency of the UDP scan is
low. The UDP scan will locate open ports and provide the security manager with valuable
information for identifying successful attacker invasions on open UDP ports owing to spyware
applications, Trojan horses, and other malicious software.
Stream Control Transport Protocol (SCTP} is a reliable message-oriented transport layer protocol.
It is used as an alternative to the TCP and UDP protocols, as its characteristics are similar to those
of TCP and UDP. SCTP is specifically used to perform multi-homing and multi-streaming activities.
Some SCTP applications include discovering VoIP, IP telephony, and Signaling System 7/SIGnaling
TRAN sport (557/SIGTRAN}-related services. SCTP association comprises a four-way handshake
method, as shown in the screenshot below.

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~ ••••••••'.~' As,od•:::~••••••••►
Four-way Handshake
◄································► Clara 10. 10.10.11

IN/T ••·••••••·►

···········;~~~~~~t ··················
~·....... coOKIE-ACl<.

Client Server

Figure 3 .65: SCTP Association four-way handshake

In SCTP, the INIT scan is performed quickly by scanning thousands of ports per second on a fast
network not obstructed by a firewall offering a stronger sense of security. The SCTP INIT scan is
very similar to the TCP SYN scan; comparatively, it is also stealthy and unobtrusive, as it cannot
complete SCTP associations, hence making the connection half-open.
Attackers send INIT chunk to the target host. If the port is listening or open, it sends an
acknowledgement as an INIT+ACK chunk.

INIT Chunk
.................................... ·->
INIT + ACK Chunk
Attacker Target Host

Figure 3.66: SCTP INIT scan result when a po rt is list ening (O pe n)

If the target is inactive and it is not listening, then it sends an acknowledgement as an ABORT

INIT Chunk
..................................... ➔ ~

◄····· · ································
Attacker Target Host

Figure 3.67: SCTP INIT scan result w hen a port is not list ening (Close d)

After several retransmissions, if there is no response, then the port is indicated as a filtered port.
The port is also indicated as a filtered port if the t arget server responds with an ICM P unreachable
exception (type 3, code 0, 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, or 13). In Zenmap, the -sY option is used to perform the

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• INIT scan can clearly differentiate between various ports such as open, closed, and filtered

· Zenmap □ X
Sc~n Iools ~rofile .t!elp

Target § o.1.11 TI .
Profile: I~ ----_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_---~~lv iScani Cancel

Command: j nmap -sY -v j 7

1 Hosts 1r Services Nmap Output Ports/ Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

05 ◄ Host G map-sY-v 10.10.1 .11 ~ [Details ! Star ting Nmap 7.80 ( https : // nmap . or g ) at 2022-03-15
05:34 · . _ t Time
Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 05:34
Scanning [1 port]
Completed ARP Ping Scan at 05 :34, 0 .02s elaps ed (1
t otal hosts)
Initiating Par allel DNS r esolution of 1 host. at 05:34
Completed Par allel DNS resolut i on of 1 host. at 05 :34,
0 . 00s elapsed
Initiating SCTP INIT Scan at 05:34
Scanning [ 52 ports]
Completed SCTP ! NIT Scan at 05 :34, 2.13s elapsed (52
total ports )
Nmap sca n r epor t for 10. 10 . 1.11
Host is up (0 .0014s latency) .
Al l 52 scanned ports on ar e f ilter ed
MAC Address : 00:15:5D:01:80:00 (Mic rosoft )

Read data files from: ( : \ Program Files (x86)\Nmap

Nmap done : 1 IP add r ess (1 host up ) scanned in 2.23
Raw packets sent : 104 (5.384KB ) I Rc vd : 4
Filter Hosts "

Figure 3.68: SCTP INIT sca n in Zenmap


SCTP COOKIE ECHO scan is a more advanced type of scan. In this type of scan, attackers send the
COOKIE ECHO chunk to the target, and if the target port is open, it will silently drop the packets
onto the port and you will not receive any response from the target. If the target sends back the
ABORT chunk response, then the port is con sidered as a closed port. The COOKIE ECHO chunk is
not blocked by non-stateful firewall rule sets as in the INIT scan. Only an advanced IDS can detect
the SCTP COOKIE ECHO scan. In Zenmap, the - sz option is used to perform the SCTP COOKIE
ECHO scan .

Figure 3.69: SCTP COOKIE ECHO scan result when port is op en

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Attacker Target Host

Figure 3.70: SCTP COOKIE ECHO scan result when port is closed

■ The port scan is not as conspicuous as the INIT scan.

■ SCTP COOKIE ECHO scan cannot differentiate clearly between open and f iltered ports,
and it shows the output as open Ifiltered in both cases.

· Zenmap □ X
Sqn Iools £refile !::!elp

Target ~ Profile: E] B Cancel

Command: ! nmap -sZ -v! 7

I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host
nmap -sZ -v ~ Details Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https : //nmap. org at 20 22-03-15
05 : 38 Time
Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 05:38
Scanning 10.10. 1.11 [1 port]
Completed ARP Ping Scan at 05:38, 0 .02s elapsed (1
total hosts)
Initiating Parallel DNS r esolut i on of 1 host . at 05:38
Completed Parallel DNS r esolution of 1 host. at 05:38,
0 .00s ela psed
Initiating SCTP COOKIE-ECHO Scan at 0S:38
Scanning 10.10 . 1 . 11 [52 ports )
Completed SCTP COOKIE-ECHO Scan at 05:38, 2.13s
elapsed ( 52 total ports )
Nmap sc an r eport for 10.10. 1 .11
Host is up (0.0015s latency) .


7/sctp open I filtered echo
9/sctp open I filtered discard
20/sctp open I f iltered ftp- data
21/sctp open I filtered ftp
22/sctp open I filtered ssh
80/sctp open I filtered http
179. sctp filtered bgp
443/s ctp open I filtered https
1167/sctp open I filtered c i sco- i ps l a
1812/sctp open I filtered r adius
1813/sctp open I filtered r adacct
2049/sctp open I filtered nfs
2225/sct p open I fi ltered rcip-itu
2427/sc tp open I filtered mgcp-ga t eway
2904/sctp open I f iltered m2ua
290S/sct p open I filtered m3ua
2944/s ctp open I filtered megaco-h248
2945/sctp filtered h248-binar~
3097/sctp open I filtered i t u-bicc-stc
3565/sctp open I filtered m2pa
3863/s ctp open I filtered
... _ ...... 1.r.: , .. ......... ..1
asap -sctp
..................... ... .. , -
Filter Hosts ~OCA /,..,.. ..,_...,


Figure 3.71: SCTP COOKIE- ECHO scan in Zenmap

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SSDP and List Scan

SSDPScan List Scan

The Simple Service Discovery Prot ocol (SSDP) is a network protocol that
This type of scan sim ply generat es and prints a list
works in conjunction with the UPnP to detect plug and play devices
of IPs/Names wit hout act ually pinging t hem
Vulnera bilities in UPnP may allow attackers to launch Buffer overflow or
Dos attacks A reverse DNS resolution is performed to identify
Attacker may use the UPnP SSDP M-SEARCH information discovery tool t o t he host names
check if t he machine is vulnerable t o UPnP exploits or not

- D X
Sc1,n lools frof,lt t!elp
hrget: ~ Profile

Comnwnd: l nmap •!.l-vl0.10.1.11 ) -

~ 5eMcff NmapOutput Poru/Hosts Topolog), HostOd.•ilJ Sctn1

os • Host nm.p•sl •v l 3 - Dtrt•ik

Starti nc tmp 7.80 { https :1/rnH o .orc ) at 2922 -83-tS
96 :0 1 '-~ - - · - Ti~
I ni t ht in1 Parallel DNS r esolution 1 host . a t 86:81
C0011Pli!Ud P•r1llel ONS resolution of l host. H 96:81,
e .us ehpsed
NmlO su,n reoort for 1e. 1e.1.11
~ l IP address ( 0 hosts up) sca nned in
filtffHostS seconds
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SSDP and List Scan

Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) is a network protocol that generally communicates with
machines when querying them with routable 1Pv4 or 1Pv6 multicast addresses. The SSDP service
controls communication for the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) feature. It generally works when
the machine is not firewalled ; however, it can sometimes work through a firewall. The SSDP
service will respond to a query sent over 1Pv4 or 1Pv6 broadcast addresses. This response includes
information about the UPnP feature associated with it. The attacker uses SSDP scanning to detect
UPnP vulnerabilities that may allow him/her to launch buffer overflow or Dos attacks.

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Figure 3.72: UPnP SSDP M-SEARCH in Parrot Secur ity

The attacker may use the UPnP SSDP M-SEARCH information discovery tool to check whether the
machine is vulnerable to UPnP exploits. The UPnP SSDP M-SEARCH information discovery tool
gleans information from UPnP-enabled systems, as shown in the figure.
List Scan
In a list scan, the discovery of the active network host is indirect. A list scan simply generates and
prints a list of IPs/Names without actually pinging or scanning the hosts. As a result, the list scan
shows all IP addresses as "not scanned" (0 hosts up). By default, a reverse DNS resolution is still
carried out on each host by Nmap to learn th eir names. In Zenmap, the -sL option is used to
perform a list scan.

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· Zenmap D X
Sc~n lools P.rofile .tfelp

Target [ 10.10. 1.11 v Profile: !Scan!

·............ · Cancel

Command: •1-_ a_p_-s_L___v_l_

nm 0.-10-.-1.-11...-1-

I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host nmap-sl -v Details

Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https: // nma p . org ) at 2022 -03- 15
06:01 ~ Ti~
Initiating Par allel ONS r esolution of 1 host. at 06:01
Completed Par allel DNS r esolution of 1 host. at 06 :01,
0.03s e l apsed
Nmap scan r eport fo r 10.10 . 1 . 11
Nmap done: 1 IP add r ess (0 hosts up ) scanned in 0.05
Filter Hosts s econds

Figure 3.73: Li st scan using Zenmap


■ A list scan can perform a good sanity check.

■ The list scan detects incorrectly defined IP addresses in the command line or in an option
file. It primarily repairs the detected errors to run any "active" scan .

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1Pv6 Scan

1Pv6 increases the IP address size from 32 bits to 128 bits to support more levels of address hierarchy

Attackers need to harvest 1Pv6 addresses from network traffic, recorded logs, or Received from : header
lines in archived emails

Attackers can use the -6 option in Zenmap to perform 1Pv6 scanning

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1Pv6 Scan
1Pv6 increases the size of the IP address space from 32 bits to 128 bits to support higher levels of
the addressing hierarchy. Traditional network scanning techniques are computationally less
feasible because of the larger search space (64 bits of host address space, or 264 addresses)
provided by 1Pv6 in a subnet. Scanning the 1Pv6 network is more difficult and complex compared
to 1Pv4. Additionally, a number of scanning tools do not support ping sweeps on 1Pv6 networks.
Attackers need to harvest 1Pv6 addresses from network traffic, recorded logs, or "Received from"
and other header lines in archived email or Usenet news messages to identify 1Pv6 addresses for
subsequent port scanning. However, scanning an 1Pv6 network provides a large number of hosts
in a subnet; if an attacker can compromise one subnet host, he/she can probe the "all hosts" link
local multicast address if the hosts numbers are sequential or use any regular scheme. An
attacker needs to analyze 264 addresses to verify if a particular open service is running on a host
in that subnet. At a conservative rate of one probe per second, such a scan would take about 5
billion years to complete. Attackers can use Nmap to perform 1Pv6 scanning. In Zenmap, the -6
option is used to perform the 1Pv6 scan.

root(al :~# nmap - 6 scanme .

Starting Nmap ( at 04:25 UTC

Nmap scan report for (Z600:3c01: :f03c:91ff:fe18:bbZf)
Host is up (0.062s latency).
Not shown: 997 closed ports
ZZ/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
31337/tcp open Elite

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 3.94 seconds

Figure 3.74: 1Pv6 Scan using nmap

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Service Version Discovery

• Zenmap 0 X
Service version detection helps atta ckers to
Sqn Iools frofile J:::ielp
obtain information abo ut running services and
their versions on a target system
Target ~ Profile: ==:J ~~ Cancel

Command: Jnmap-sV 1

Obtaining an accurate service version number ~ ~rvices Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host ONails Scans
a !lows attackers t o determine the vulnerability OS 4 Hort ~ _=a - Drlails
of target system to particular exploits Iii Startini Nmap 7.88 ( https : // n11ap . o r 1 ) at 2022·03·15
06:14 · • ... ~ Ti11e
Nmap scan report for
In Zen map, the -sV option is used to detect Host is up (0.00s latency) .
Not shown : 994 c l osed rts
service versions
http Microsoft 11S httpd

cp open ■srpc Microsoft Windows RPC

cp open ndbios -ssn Microsoft Windows
open ■icrosoft - ds?
n ssl/as• wbt• server?
~;;'.;;i!'i~~-~~ ~ \~~~~!~~~::: (:!~~;soft)

Service det ection perior11ed. Please report any

incorrect r esults at https : //n11ap. orat subinit / .
~ 1 IP add ress ( 1 host up) scanned in 82.22

Filter Hosts
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Service Version Discovery

Every port is assigned a specific service, and every service has its own version. Some versions of
the protocols are insecure, and they can allow attackers to compromise the machine by
exploiting this vulnerability. Service version detection helps attackers to obtain informat ion
about the running services and their versions on a target system . By obtaining accurate service
version numbers, an attacker can determine which exploits the target system is vulnerable to.
The version detection technique is nothing but examination of the TCP and UDP ports. The probes
from the Nmap service-probes database are used for querying various services and match ing
expressions for recognizing and parsing responses. In Zenmap, the - sv option is used to detect
service versions.

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• Zenmap □ X
Sqn Iools P.rofile .tielp

Target v Profile: v \Scan: Cancel

Command: l nmap -sV !

Hosts Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host Eap -sV ==-:J Star t i ng Nmap 7 .80 ( https ://nmap . or g at 20 22-03- 15
06 : 14 -., - ::;;::t: Time
Nmap scan r eport -for 10 . 10 . 1. 11
Host i s up (0 . 00s l a t e ncy ) .
Not shown : 994 cl osed oort s 1
21/tcp open tcpwrapped
80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd
135/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Wi ndows RPC
139/tcp open netbios - ssn Microsoft liindows
netbios - ssn
~5/tcp open microsoft - ds?
3389/tcp open ssl/ms-wbt-server?
MAC Add r ess : 00: 15 : 5D:01: 80 :00 (Mi c r osoft )
Service Inf o : OS : Windows; CPE : cpe :/
o :micr oso-ft :wi ndows

Ser vi ce detect i on per-formed . Pleas e r eport any

i ncorrect r e s ul t s at https ://nmap.or g/ s ub mit/ . I
Nmap done : 1 I P add r ess ( 1 host up ) s canned in 82 . 22
Filter Hosts seconds

Figure 3.75: Service version discovery in Zenmap

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Nmap Scan Time Reduction Techniques

L lo Nmap, perto,=ore aod att"racy cao be achle,ed by "'"''"' the scao tlml og

Scan Time Reduction Techniques

IO Omit Non-critical Tests Ie Upgrade Nmap

Ie Optimize Timing Parameters e Execute Concurrent Nmap Instances

Ie Separate and Optimize UDP Scans e Scan from a Favorable Network Location

e Increase Available Bandwidth and CPU Time

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Nmap Scan Time Reduction Techniques

In Nmap, performance and accuracy take high priority, and this only be achieved only by reducing
the long scan time. The important techniques for reducing the scan time are as follows:
■ Omit Non-critical Tests
While performing the Nmap scan, the time complexity can be reduced by the following
o Avoiding an intense scan if only a minimal amount of information is required .
o The number of ports scanned can be limited using specific commands.
o The port scan (-sn) can be skipped if and only if one has to check whether the hosts
are online or not.
o Advanced scan types (-sc, -sv, -o, --traceroute, and -A) can be avoided .
o The DNS resolution should be turned on only when it is necessary.
■ Optimize Timing Parameters

To control the scan activity, Nmap provides the -T option for scanning ranging from high-
level to low-level timing aggressiveness. This can be extremely useful for scanning highly
filtered networks.
■ Separate and Optimize UDP Scans

As many vulnerable services use the UDP protocol, scanning the UDP protocol is vital, and
it should be scanned separately, as TCP scans have different performance requirements
and timing characteristics. Moreover, the UDP scan is more affected by the ICMP error
rate-limiting compared to the TCP scan.

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■ Upgrade Nmap
It is always advisable to use the upgraded version of Nmap as it contains many bug fixes,
important algorithmic enhancements, and high-performance features such as local
network ARP scanning.
■ Execute Concurrent Nmap Instances
Running Nmap against the whole network usually makes the system slower and less
efficient. Nmap supports parallelization and it can also be customized according to
specific needs. It becomes very efficient by getting an idea of the network reliability while
scanning a larger group. The overall speed of the scan can be improved by dividing it into
many groups and running them simultaneously.
■ Scan from a Favorable Network Location
It is always advisable to run Nmap from the host' s local network to the target while in the
internal network, as it offers defense-in-depth security. External scanning is obligatory
when performing firewall testing or when the network should be monitored from the
external attacker' s viewpoint.
■ Increase Available Bandwidth and CPU Time
By increasing the available bandwidth or CPU power, the Nmap scan time can be reduced.
This can be done by installing a new data line or stopping any running applications. Nmap
is controlled by its own congestion control algorithms, so that network flooding can be
prevented. This improves its accuracy. The Nmap bandwidth usage can be tested by
running it in the verbose mode -v.

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10#05: Demonstrate Various Scanning Techniques for OS Discovery

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OS Discovery (Banner Grabbing/OS Fingerprinting)

An attacker uses OS discovery or banner grabbing techniques to identify network hosts running
applications and OS versions with known exploits. This section introduces you to banner
grabbing, its types, and banner grabbing tools.

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OS Discovery/Banner Grabbing

Banner grabbing or OS fingerprinting is the method u sed to determine the operating system running on a remote
target system. Th ere a re two t ypes of ban nergrab bing: active and passiv e

Identifying th e 05 used on t he t a rget ho st a llows an attacker to figure out the vulnerabilities possessed by the
system and the exploits that might w ork o n a syste m t o fu rther carryout additional attacks

Active Banner Grabbing Passive Banner Grabbing

e Specially crafted packets are sent t o the rem ot e OS and 8 Banner grabbing from error messages
the responses are n oted Error messages provide information such as the type of server,
type of OS, and SSL tool used by t he target remote sy stem.
e The respo nses are th en compa red wit h a da t a base to
determine the OS 8 Sniffing the network traffic
Capturing and analyzing packets from the target enables an
e Responses from differentOSes vary due to differences attacker to determine the OS used by the remote syst em.
in the TCP/IP stack implementation e Banner grabbing from page extensions
Looking for an ext ension in the URL may assist in determining
t he applicat ion'sversion.
Example: .aspx => 115 server and Windows platform

Note: We will discuss passive banner grabbing in later modules.

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OS Discovery/Banner Grabbing
Banner grabbing, or "OS fingerprinting," is a method used to determine the OS that is running on
a remote target system. It is an important scanning method, as the attacker will have a higher
probability of success if the OS of the target system is known (many vulnerabilities are OS-
specific). The attacker can then formulate an attack strategy based on the OS of the target
There are two methods for banner grabbing: spotting the banner while trying to connect to a
service, such as an FTP site, and downloading the binary file/bin/ls to check the system
A more advanced fingerprinting technique depends on stack querying, which transfers the
packets to the network host and evaluates them by the reply. The first stack-querying method
designed with regard to the TCP mode of communication evaluates the response to connection
The next method, known as initial sequence number {ISN) analysis, identifies the differences in
random number generators found in the TCP stack. ICMP response analysis is another method
used to fingerprint an OS. It consists of sending ICMP messages to a remote host and evaluating
the reply.
Two types of banner grabbing techniques are described below:
• Active Banner Grabbing
Active banner grabbing applies the principle that an OS's IP stack has a unique way of
responding to specially crafted TCP packets. This happens because of different
interpretations that vendors apply while implementing the TCP/IP stack on a particular
OS. In active banner grabbing, the attacker sends a variety of malformed packets to the

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remote host, and the responses are compared with a database. Responses from different
OS vary because of differences in TCP/IP stack implementation.
For instance, the scanning utility Nmap uses a series of nine tests to determine an OS
fingerprint or banner grabbing. The tests listed below provide some insights into an active
banner grabbing attack, as described at
o Test 1: A TCP packet with the SYN and ECN-Echo flags enabled is sent to an open TCP
o Test 2: A TCP packet with no flags enabled is sent to an open TCP port. This type of
packet is a NULL packet.
o Test 3: A TCP packet with the URG, PSH, SYN, and FIN flags enabled is sent to an open
TCP port.
o Test 4: A TCP packet with the ACK flag enabled is sent to an open TCP port.
o Test 5: A TCP packet with the SYN flag enabled is sent to a closed TCP port.
o Test 6: A TCP packet with the ACK flag enabled is sent to a closed TCP port.
o Test 7: A TCP packet with the URG, PSH, and FIN flags enabled is sent to a closed TCP
o Test 8 PU (Port Unreachable): A UDP packet is sent to a closed UDP port. The objective
is to extract an "ICMP port unreachable" message from the target machine.
o Test 9 TSeq (TCP Sequence ability test): This test tries to determine the sequence
generation patterns of the TCP initial sequence numbers (also known as TCP ISN
sampling), the IP identification numbers (also known as IPID sampling), and the TCP
timestamp numbers. It sends six TCP packets with the SYN flag enabled to an open
TCP port.

The objective of these tests is to find patterns in the initial sequence of numbers that the
TCP implementations chose while responding to a connection request. They can be
categorized into groups, such as traditional 64K (many old UNIX boxes), random
increments (newer versions of Solaris, IRIX, FreeBSD, Digital UNIX, Cray, and many
others), or true random (Linux 2.0.*, OpenVMS, newer AIX, etc.). Windows boxes use a
"time-dependent" model in which the ISN is incremented by a fixed amount for each
■ Passive Banner Grabbing

Like active banner grabbing, passive banner grabbing also depends on the differential
implementation of the stack and the various ways in which an OS responds to packets.
However, instead of relying on scanning the target host, passive fingerprinting captures
packets from the target host via sniffing to study telltale signs that can reveal an OS.

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Passive banner grabbing includes:

o Banner grabbing from error messages: Error messages provide information, such as
type of server, type of OS, and SSL tools used by the target remote system.
o Sniffing the network traffic: Capturing and analyzing packets from the target enables
an attacker to determine the OS used by the remote system.
o Banner grabbing from page extensions: Looking for an extension in the URL may help
in determining the application version. For example, .aspx => IIS server and Windows
The four areas that typically determine the OS are given below:
o TTL (time to live) of the packets: What does the OS sets as the Time To Live on the
outbound packet?
o Window Size: What is the Window size set by the OS?
o Whether the DF (Don't Fragment) bit is set: Does the OS set the DF bit?
o TOS (Type of Service): Does the OS set the TOS, and if so, what setting is it?
Passive fingerprinting is neither fully accurate nor limited to these four signatures.
However, one can improve its accuracy by looking at several signatures and combining
the information.
The following is an analysis of a sniffed packet described by Lance Spitzner in his paper on
passive fingerprinting:
04/20-21:41:48.129662 ->
TCP TTL:45 TOS:0x0 ID:56257
***F**A* Seq: 0x9DD90553
Ack: 0xE3C65D7 Win: 0x7D78
According to the four criteria, the following are identified:
o TTL: 45
o Window Size: 0x7D78 (or 32120 in decimal)
o DF: The DF bit is set
o TOS: 0x0
Compare this information with a database of signatures.
TTL: The TLL from the analysis is 45. The original packet went through 19 hops to get to
the target, so it sets the original TTL to 64. Based on this TTL, it appears that the user sent
the packet from a Linux or FreeBSD box (however, more system signatures need to be
added to the database). This TTL confirms it by implementing a traceroute to the remote
host. If the trace needs to be performed stealthily, the traceroute TTL (default 30 hops)
can be set to one or two hops fewer than the remote host (-m option). Setting the
traceroute in this manner reveals the path information (including the upstream provider)
without actually contacting the remote host.

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Window Size: In this step, the window sizes are compared. The window size is another
effective tool for determining precisely what window size is used and how often it is
changed. In the previous signature, the window size is set at 0x7D78, which is the default
window size used by Linux. In addition, FreeBSD and Solaris tend to maintain the same
window size throughout a session. However, Cisco routers and Microsoft Windows NT
window sizes constantly change. The window size is more accurate when measured after
the initial three-way handshake (due to TCP slow start}.
DF bit: Most systems use the DF bit set; hence, this is of limited value. However, this
makes it easier to identify a few systems that do not use the DF flag (such as SCO or
Open BSD}.
TOS: TOS is also of limited value, as it seems to be more session-based than OS-based. In
other words, it is not so much the OS as the protocol used that determines the TOS to a
large extent.
Using the information obtained from the packet, specifically the TTL and the window size,
one can compare the results with the database of signatures and determine the OS with
some degree of confidence (in this case, Linux kernel 2.2.x).
Passive fingerprinting, like active fingerprinting, has some limitations. First, applications
that build their own packets (e.g., Nmap, Hunt, Nemesis, etc.} will not use the same
signatures as the OS. Second, it is relatively simple for a remote host to adjust the TTL,
window size, DF, or TOS setting on the packets.
Passive fingerprinting has several other uses. For example, attackers can use stealthy
fingerprinting to determine the OS of a potential target such as a web server. A user only
needs to request a web page from the server and then analyze the sniffer traces. This
bypasses the need for using an active tool that various IDS systems can detect. Passive
fingerprinting also helps in identifying remote proxy firewalls. It may be possible to ID
proxy firewalls from the signatures as discussed above, simply because proxy firewalls
rebuild connections for clients. Similarly, passive fingerprinting can be used to identify
rogue systems.
Note: We will discuss passive banner grabbing in later modules.

Why Banner Grabbing?

An attacker uses banner grabbing to identify the OS used on the target host and thus determine
th e system vulnerabilities and exploits that might work on that system to carry out further

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How to Identify Target System OS

Attackers can ident ify t he OS running on the target machine by looking at the Time To Window size values for OS

Live (TTL) and TCP window size in the IP header of t he first packet in a TCP session

Sniff/capture the response generated from the target machine using packet-sniffing tools
like Wires hark and observe the TTL and TCP wi ndow size fields
Linux 64 5840

____ ,.._,_.,._...,._
FreeBSD 64 65535
" ' '.t; ...... " OpenBSO 255 16384
65,535 bytes
Windows 1 28
to 1 Gigabyte

_ ,,., _
.. .. ___.....
,._ "· ....
....... , , , ,
•---•.t,c••111•..... ••·•u
......... .. ..-·
"').---·.. ---··
....... )
•.. ,........ Cisco
255 4128
-•--•-•I• , . , _ , , 1 ' 0 - - - • ( - N U ) , ....... _ U W M U ) .........OC<-'<>_ _j_ _ _ _ _ , _ _I U ),WI

Possible OS is Windows _ _ _ _......~.wi.•·•...,~:.l·l.l,. .. I,••....-_ ••• C

• "'"•-•I Solaris 255 8760
,,., • ..,_...,.. • .,....rot
OS Discovery using AIX 255 16384
Possible OS is Linux
•• • •
..._,_-_·--·~-·~---------11 -::::::~: :::::::: jk~-

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How to Identify Target System OS

Identifying the target OS is one of the important tasks for an attacker to compromise the target
network/machine. In a network, various standards are implemented to allow different OSs to
communicate with each other. These standards govern the functioning of various protocols such
as IP, TCP, UDP, etc. By analyzing certain parameters/fields in these protocols, one can reveal the
details of the OS. Parameters such as Time to Live (TTL) and TCP window size in the IP header of
the first packet in a TCP session help identify the OS running on the target machine. The TTL field
determines the maximum time that a packet can remain in a network, and the TCP window size
determines the length of the packet reported. These values vary among OSs, as described in the
following table:

Operating System Time To Live TCP Window Size

Linux 64 5840

FreeBSD 64 65535

OpenBSD 255 16384

Windows 128 65,535 bytes to 1 Gigabyte

Cisco Routers 255 4128

Solaris 255 8760

AIX 255 16384

Table 3 .2: TTL and TCP Window size val ues for OS

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Attackers can use various tools to perform OS discovery on the target machine, including
Wireshark, Nmap, Unicornscan, and Nmap Script Engine. Attackers can also adopt the 1Pv6
fingerprinting method to grab the target OS details.
OS Discovery using Wireshark
Source: https;//
To identify the target OS, sniff/capture the response generated from the target machine to the
request-originated machine using packet-sniffing tools such as Wireshark, etc., and observe the
TTL and TCP window size fields in the f irst captured TCP packet. By comparing these values with
those in the above table, you can determine the target OS that has generated t he response.

~ C•ptunng from Ethtmlt 0 X

f~• J:drt 1- Sio t•ptu,• A,uly?• it-""'° w;,.i.,,
Tekphonx Jool, J:ltlp
■ "' xc ~ ;;; ~.!. _. _ El.~ Il

n... 5cua OetNIOn Promcd leriglh Info

47S 17. S37233 ,.se, :15: Sdff:t.ia,_ ffei: :fb "°6 371 Standar-d qwry r""HponH txeeee TXT, ucM flush PTA _.ctb._tcp. _
. , , 18.197472 flticrosof_e1:ae:ee ARP •2 11,o h.. 1e.1e.1.221 Tell
4 n Sl.1"865 H1crosof_91:N:82 "1crosof_e1:ee:ee ARP 42 h •t 99:IS:Sd:91:89:92
•n aa.188181 19. 19.1. 11 19. 19.1.22 IOIP 7• IECho (ping) request 1d•9xee81., s~•l/2~, ttl•121 (,-cply in •-
•79 S8.1986SS IOI> 74 Echo (ping) .-.ply l d - 1 , ><q•l/2S6, ttl•128 (.-.quut In..
4'819.129177 IOI> 74 Echo (pins) ld■exeee1, s,q•l/512, ttl•128 (reply In .._
481 89.128719 1e.1e.1.22 1e.1e.1.11 IOIP u. Echo (plna) re:ply id-exeee1, seq•2/512, ttl•128 (request ln-
4112 19. S39869 1e.1e.1., 22,.e.e.2s1 P'ONS 417 St1nd1rd query response exeeee TXT, c-acM flush PTR _&db._tcp.-
483 89.53986' fese: :8b38:ed47:281- ff 92: :fb "'°'6 437 sundal"d query respons.e exeeee TXT, cache flush PTR _edb._tcp,_
.t8' 89.539965 fe89:,1S:Sdff:fd8:- ff92::fb f1)NS 371 sundat"d query response exeeoo nrr, cache flush PTR _Nb._tq,._
485 M . 135915 1e.1e.1.u IOIP 74 fcho (pins) request id-exeee1, seq•3/761, ttl•l28 (reply in 4.-
486 98.136'18 ICHP 74 Echo in repl ld-exeee1, s •3/768, ttl•l28 r uut in-
fraae 479: 74 bytes on wire (592 bits), 74 bytes captured (592 bits) on inter-f,1ce \Dt'Yice\HPF_{5A983518•f693·4923·9986·0CC29A081U4}, id 8
> fthemet II, Src: Kicl"Oso-f_ei:ae:ez (88:15:5d:e1:ae:e2)., Dst: Hicrosof_ei:ae:ee (ee:n:5d:e1:ae:ee)
.., Inumet Protocol Version•, Src:, Ost: 18. 18.1.U
BlM . . . . • Verdon: •
.... 9181 • Heade, Length, 29 bytu (5)

Possible OS is Windows
.. . e eeee eeee eeee • FngKnt Offset: e
J Tl. to Live: 121 I
Protocol: !CNP (I)
liHder Chuksua: h:df?S (vdldation disabled)
(He.der checlc:sua st•tvs: Unverifi~)
t;o.i,cce Addcau• "' 1A 1 2l

99 15 Sd 91 89 99 99 IS Sd 91 ae 92 ea ee 45 ee J
9818 98 3c 45 17 89 89 61 m df 7S ea ea 81 16 ea ea <E I u
e1 9b ee 98 S'5 S• ee e1 99 91 61 62 63 64 6S 66 UZ •bcdef
67 68 69 64 6b 6c 6d 6< 6f 79 71 72 73 74 75 76 ghijkt.n opqrstuv
77 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 wabcdefa hi

0 7 r,..toUYe(c,,nt), tbv,,e -------------------- Po6>ets: 12365 •o.,,lo.-d: 12J65(Ul0.0%) Pfoll<: o.faut

Figure 3.76: Wireshark screenshot showing TTL value {Possible OS is Windows)

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4:J U ptvnng from Ethtmtt - 0 X

fil• [ d< ll"- ~ t•pture a,,.1yz. St,llsbc, T,J,phonx Wireless lools tidp

• X ~ ~, - ;; El. El. EU!

..!.. ..a

IR I"""'" =o1or ~,.,. <C::- ·,> Cl -I+

No. r..,. -.. °"''""""" "'·"""' L<nglll Info
61 U.757U9 f,88 :: 15: Sdff : fdl :- ff82: :fb 11)115 371 St1.nd1rd qutry response exeeee TXT. cache flush PTA _odb._tcp.-
62 17. 759212 f•88 : :8b38:«k7:281.. ff82: :fb 11)115 437 Standard query responn 9xeeee TXT, cache flush PTR _edb ._tcp. -
63 17. 759261 18.18.1.l 22•.e.e.2s1 11)115 •11 Standard query response exeeoo TXT., cache flush PTR _&db._tcp.-
64 17.759279 ft88:: 15:Sdff:fdl:- ff82: :fb l'llllS 371 Standard query rtspon5c exetee TXT., UC~ flush PTA _odb._tcp.- I
65 21. 764189 19.18. 1.3 224.8.9. 251 l'llllS 417 Sta.ndard query ruponse exeeee TXT., cache flush Pn _edb._tcp,_

66 21. 764199 f.S8: :15:Sdff:ftll:- ff82: :fb IOIS 371 Standard query r"tsponse exeeee TXT., cache flush PTR _odb._tcp.-
67 21 , 764189 fd8: :8b38:«k7:281.. ff82:: fb IOIS 437 Standard query response exeeee TXT., cache flush PTR _~b._tcp,-
68 21.985381 Kicroso-f_e1:se:ee Broadcast 42 11,o hu 18.18. 1.91 Tdl
69 21.985935 HS•NL8 • PhysServer• 2- Hi cr-osof_81 : 88 :00 ARP 42 h at 92:15 : Sd: 18:27: eb
7 78 21.985957 18. 18.1.ll ICNP 74 Echo (p1"1) request i d•9lc0081, stq•S/ 1288, ttl•128 ( r , ply !.n _
.,_ 71 21.986492 18,18.1.9 18.18.1,U IOIP 74 Echo (Pi"8) rtply id-oxee&l, seq•5/12st, ttl-64 (request in...
72 22.993879 10.19. 1.9 IOIP 74 Echo (pin() rt u. ., i d - 1, ••9•6/1536, ttl•128 {,..~ in - _
, ,...,_ 7 1: 74 bytes on wi re ( 592 bi t s), 74 byte s capt ured (592 bi t s) on i nterface \Devlce\ HPF_{SA.9835S8•F693~4823· 8986 · DCC29A0811 14}, i d 8
Ethtrnet II , Src: IIS·Hl 8· PhysStrvtr• 21_5d: 18:27:tb ( 62: 15 :Sd:18: 27:tb), Ost: 1<icrosof _81:88:88 (88: 15:Sd:91 :&e:88)
v I nter net Protocol Ve rsi o n 4 , Src: 10. 18. 1 . 9 , Ost: 19 . 18. 1,11
8198 . . . . • ve rsion: 4
.. .. 8181 • H. .dtr l t na th: 26 bytt s ( SJ
!CH : r'ct •fCT)

Possible OS is Linux
.. . e eeee 0000 eeee • Frap,e,nt Offse t: e
ITIM to Liv<: 64 1 ~

Pro<ocol: IOIP ( 1)
He.der CM!cksua: e xtfd [validation d i.sabled]
[HHdt r chtck.sua s utus: Unwr lflt-d)
=- ""'=>....Addc,,<< - ~- -
ea ee 4 5
88 lS 5d 61 88 88 92 15 5d 1s 21 eb 00 J I E•
ee1e 98 3c 44 b9 98 88 m9 1 1f e1 ea ea e1 99 ea ea ·<O.. ·I·
.. w
81 8b 98 88 55 56 98 91 ee es 61 62 63 64 65 66 obcdtt

67 68 69 60 6b 6c 6d k 6f 78 71 72 73 74 75 76 ahij klan opqrst uv

n 61 62 63 64 65 66

T>nt.,Uvo(l>.Ul), lb~
67 68 69 wabcd•f& hi

Pad<ets: 227 · Oosda,ed: 227 (UJ0,0%)


Figure 3.77 : Wireshar k screenshot showing TTL value (Possible OS is Linux)

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OS Discovery using Nmap and Unicornscan

In Nmap, th e -0 o ption is used to perform OS In Unicornscan, the OS of the t arget machine can be
discovery, providing OS detail s of th e t arget identified by observing the TTL values in th e acquired scan
machine result

4- Zenmap - D X
Sc.1n look .1::!etp

Tuget 10.10.1 .11

Command: l nmap- 1 I
~ SeM<a; Nm1pOutpu1 Ports / Hosts Topc>!ogy Hostl>Nik

OS • Host nm1p -O 3 Ott.ik

,- Startlo1 ,-.p 7.88 ( ht t ps : //n1111 p. or1 ) •t 2922·83·15
22:25 1i11191ii111...,."• tTiae
,_,o scan report for 1e. 1e.1.11
Host is up ( 8 .88s latency).
HII.LJ..IJ:IZ!a ff,f closed POrU
21/tcp open ftp
11&/tcp open http
135/tcp open M'"9<
1l9/tcp open ~tblos- un
445/tcp open ■ lU-OHft · dS

~ 98: 15 : SD: 81 : Be:e& (Hicrosoft )

~ 1eneral pur-PQse;_ HicrosoH Windows 10 cpe: / o : ■icrosoft:wi ndows_10 :1763
~ Klcrosoft Windows 10 1763

OS detectiOfl perloraed. Please report any incorrect

results at https ://naap. or1/ subllit / .
~ 1 IP aOdrns (1 host up) sca nnfil in 2.81
Fil ter l-losts seconds htrps;// "

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OS Discovery using Nmap and Unicornscan

OS Discovery using Nmap
To exploit the target, it is highly essential to identify the OS running on the target machine.
Attackers can employ various tools to acquire the OS details of the target. Nmap is one of the
effective tools for performing OS discovery activities. In Zenmap, the -o option is used to
perform OS discovery, which displays the OS details of the target machine.

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· Zenmap □ X
Sqn I ools P.rofile !::!elp

Target: v Profile:

Command: l nmap-

Hosts Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Tapology Host Details Scans
05 ◄ Host nmap -0 V Details
✓ 10.10.1 .11 Starting Nmap 7 .80 ( https ://nmap . or g at 2022-03-15
22:25 - 'wtJt Time
Nmap scan r eport for
Host i s up (0.00s latency) .
Not shown : 994 closed por t s
21/tcp open ftp
80/tcp open http
135/tcp open msrpc
139/tcp open netbios-ssn
445/tcp open microsoft-ds
- - - - 1£. - - -
MAC Address : 00:15:SD:01:80:00 (Micr osoft)
Device t)l[!e : gener al pur pos e
Running : Microsoft Windows 10
OS CPE : cpe: / o:micr osoft :windows_10 :1703
OS details : Microsoft Windows 10 1703
Net:worK u1s1::ance : .1 nop

OS detection performed. Please r eport any i ncorrect

r esults at https : //nmap.or g/ submit/
Nma[! done: 1 IP address (1 host up ) s canned in 2 . 81
Filter Hosts seconds

Figure 3.78: OS Discovery using Zenmap

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OS Discovery using Unicornscan

In Unicornscan, the OS of the target machine can be identified by observing the TTL values in the
acquired scan result. To perform Unicornscan, the syntax #unicornscan <target IP
address> is used. As shown in the screenshot, the ttl value acquired after the scan is 128;
hence, the OS is possibly Microsoft Windows.

Figure 3.79: OS Discovery using Unicornscan

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OS Discovery using Nmap Script Engine

Nmap script engine {NSE) can be used to

automate a wide variety of networking
tasks by allow ing the users to write and
share scripts

.J Attackers use various scripts in the Nmap

Script Engine to perform OS discovery on
the target machine

For example, in Nmap, smb-os-discovery is

an inbuilt script that can be used for
collecting OS information on the target
machine through the SMB protocol

In Zen map, the -sC option o r -script option

is used to activate the NSE scripts

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OS Discovery using Nmap Script Engine

Source: https;//
Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) in Nmap can be used to automate a wide variety of networking tasks
by allowing users to write and share scripts. These scripts can be executed parallelly with the
same efficiency and speed as Nmap. Attackers can also use various scripts in the Nmap Script
Engine for performing OS discovery on the target machine. For example, in Nmap, smb-os-
discovery is an inbuilt script used for collecting OS information on the target machine through
the SMB protocol.
In Zenmap, NSE can be generally activated using the -sc option. If the custom scripts are to be
specified, then attackers can use the --script option. The NSE results will be displayed with
both the Nmap normal and XML outputs.

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Figure 3.80 : OS Discovery using Nm ap Scri pt Engine

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OS Discovery using 1Pv6 Fingerprinting

1Pv6 Fingerp rinting can be u sed to identifythe OS running on the ta rget machi ne

1Pv6 fingerprinting has the same functionality as t hat of 1Pv4

The difference bet ween 1Pv6 and 1Pv4 fingerprinting is that t he 1Pv6 uses several additional advanced
probes specific to 1Pv6 along w ith a separate OS detection engine that is specialized for 1Pv6

In Zen m ap, the -6 option an d -0 option are used t o perform OS discovery using th e 1Pv6
fin gerprinting method
8 Syntax: # nmap -6 -0 <target>
- •
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OS Discovery using 1Pv6 Fingerprinting

1Pv6 Fingerprinting is another technique used to identify the OS running on the target machine.
It has the same functionality as 1Pv4, such as sending probes, waiting and collecting the
responses, and matching them with the database of fingerprints. The difference between 1Pv6
and 1Pv4 fingerprinting is that 1Pv6 uses several additional advanced 1Pv6-specific probes along
with a separate 1Pv6-specifc OS detection engine. Nmap sends nearly 18 probes in the following
order to identify the target OS using the 1Pv6 fingerprinting method.
■ Sequence generation {Sl-S6)
■ ICMPv6 echo {IEl)
■ ICMPv6 echo {IE2)
■ Node Information Query {NI)
■ Neighbor Solicitation (NS)
■ UDP {Ul)
■ TCP explicit congestion notification {TECN)
■ TCP {T2- T7)

In Zenmap, the - 6 option along with -o option is used to perform OS discovery using the 1Pv6
fingerprinting method.
Syntax: # nmap -6 -0 <target>

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10#06: Demonstrate Various Techniques for Scanning Beyond IDS and Firewall

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Scanning Beyond IDS and Firewall

Intrusion detection systems (IDS) and firewalls are security mechanisms intended to prevent an
attacker from accessing a network. However, even IDS and firewalls have some security
limitations. Attackers try to launch attacks to exploit these limitations. This section highlights
various IDS/firewall evasion techniques such as packet fragmentation, source routing, IP address
spoofing, etc.

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IDS/Firewall Evasion Techniques

Though firewalls and IDSs can prevent malicious traffic (packet s) from entering a network, attackers
can manage to send intended packets to the target by evading an IDS or firewall through the follow ing
t echniques:

ra Packet Fragmentation MAC Address Spoofing

El Source Routing Creating Custom Packet s _]

Randomizing Host Order and Sending Bad
D Source Port Manipulation

II IP Address Decoy
II Proxy Servers
II IP Address Spoofing II Anonymizers
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IDS/Firewall Evasion Techniques

Although firewalls and IDS can prevent malicious traffic (packets) from entering a network,
attackers can send intended packets to the target that evade the IDS/firewall by implementing
the following t echniques:

• Packet Fragmentation

• Source Routing
• Source Port Manipulation
• IP Address Decoy

• IP Address Spoofing

• MAC Address Spoofing

• Creating Custom Packets

• Randomizing Host Order

• Sending Bad Checksums

• Proxy Servers

• Anonymizers

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Packet Fragmentation
• Zfflm1p - 0 X
Packet fragmentation refers t o the splitting of a probe Sein look frofilt !:felp

packet into several smaller packets (fragments) wh ile T119tt: 1 _3 P,ofile:

sending it t o a network Command: j nm ap -sS -T4-A-f-v10.10.1.11 j

~ Stivict5 N~pOutput Poru/ Horu Topolog) HostC>euils Sons

It is not a new sca nning method but a modification of the
os • Host runop -sS - T4 -A -f -.-lO.l0.1.11 ~ I ilrt,,s
previo us techniques Startin& "'"ap 7 . 88 ( h t t ps : //naap . ora ) a t 2022-83- 16
82:SS . _ . . . . . Ti11e
lacnin&..i. Packet frapient.tion selected on I host othe r
The TCP header is split into seve ral packets so t hat t he thin Lfoux, OpenllSO, ,rteBSO, or NetllSO. Thi s M y or
..>' not work.
packet filters are not ab le t o detect what t he packets are lfif..i.. Loaded 151 script!. for scannina:.
~ Script Pre -scanni na .

intended to do Inithtinli: NSf 11t 82:SS

Coaplete d NSt at 82:SS, 0.00s d 1 psed
lnl.thtin1 NSf It 82:55
Coapll!ted NSE at 82:SS, 0.00s dapnd
lnl.thtin& NSf at 82 : 55
Coq:,leted NSf at 02:55, e .oos elapse-d
I n itiatin& ARP Pina Sca n at 02:SS
SYN/ FIN Scanning Using IP Fragments Sunnina 18. 10 . 1.11 [l port ]
COIIClleted ARP Pins Son at 82:55, 0-025 elapsed (1 total
hosts )
t nlthtin1 Parallel OHS resolutlon of 1 ho5t . at 82:SS
Co.ipleted Parallel OHS resolution of 1 hos t. at 82:55,
8 . 81s elapsed
Inithtin& SYN Stealth Sc an at 82:S5
SYN/FIN {Small IP Scannins 18. 18. 1.11 [1888 ports}
Oisco11ered open c,ort 445/tcp on 10. 10.1 .11
Fragments)+ Port (n)
Oisco11ered open port 139/tcp on 18.18. t . lt
Discovered open port 135/tcp on 18.18 . 1. 11
Discovered open c,ort 3389/ t cp on
Oiscove r eCI ope n port 80/tcp on 18.18.l.11
RST (if port is closed)
Discove r ed open port 21/ t c p on 18.18.1 . 11
COIIOl eted SYN Stealth Scan at 82:55, 1,45$ elapseo (leee
total ports )
lnithtin1 Service scan at 8 2:55
Attacker Target FdtttHosts

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Packet Fragmentation
Packet fragmentation refers to the splitting of a probe packet into several smaller packets
(fragments) while sending it to a network. When these packets reach a host, the IDS and firewalls
behind the host generally queue all of them and process them one by one. However, since this
method of processing involves greater CPU and network resource consumption, the
configuration of most IDS cause them to skip fragmented packets during port scans.
Therefore, attackers use packet fragmentation tools such as Nmap and fragroute to split the
probe packet into smaller packets that circumvent the port-scanning techniques employed by
IDS. Once these fragments reach the destined host, they are reassembled to form a single packet.
SYN/FIN Scanning Using IP Fragments
SYN/FIN scanning using IP fragments is not a new scanning method but a modification of previous
techniques. This process of scanning was developed to avoid false positives generated by other
scans because of a packet filtering device on the target system . The TCP header splits into several
packets to evade the packet filter. For any transmission, every TCP header must have the source
and destin ation port for the initial packet (8-octet, 64-bit) . The initialized flags in the next packet
allow the remote host to reassemble the packets upon receipt via an Internet protocol module
th at detects the fragmented data packets using field -equivalent values of the source, destination,
protocol, and identification.

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Fragments) + Port (n)

--c(••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••
RST (if port is closed)

Attacker Target

Figure 3.81: SYN/FIN scanning

In this scan, the system splits the TCP header into several fragments and transmits them over the
network. However, IP reassembly on the server side may result in unpredictable and abnormal
results, such as fragmentation of the IP header data. Some hosts may fail to parse and reassemble
the fragmented packets, which may lead to crashes, reboots, or even network device monitoring
Some firewalls might have rule sets that block IP fragmentation queues in the kernel (e.g.,
CONFIG_IP_ALWAYS_DEFRAG option in the Linux kernel), although this is not widely
implemented because of its adverse effects on performance. Since many IDS use signature-based
methods to indicate scanning attempts on IP and/or TCP headers, the use of fragmentation will
often evade this type of packet filtering and detection, resulting in a high probability of causi ng
problems on the target network. Attackers use the SYN/FIN scanning method with IP
fragmentation to evade this type of filtering and detection.

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The screenshot below shows the SYN/FIN scan using the Zenmap tool.

· Zenmap □ X
Sq_n Iools P.rofile .!:::!elp I
Target: ~ 0 .1.11 v Profile: \Scan\ Cancel

Command: lnmap-sS-T4-A-f -v l I

Hosts Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Tapology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host ~ mop -sS -T4-A -f-v /a 1a 1. 11 ~ _ Details

Star ting Nmap 7.80 ( https ://nmap. or g at 2022-03-16
02 : 55 · Time
Wa rn i ng : Packet f r agmentation selected on a host other
than Linux, OpenBSD, Fr eeBSD, or NetBSD . This may or
may not wor k.
NSE: Loaded 151 sc r ipts fo r scanning.
NSE: Sc r ipt Pr e-scanning.
Initiating NSE at 02:55
Completed NSE at 02 :55 , 0.00s elapsed
Init i ating NSE at 02:55
Completed NSE at 02 :55, 0.00s elapsed
Initiating NSE at 02:55
Completed NSE at 02 :55, 0 .00s elapsed
Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 02:55
Scanning 10 . 10.1.11 [1 por t]
Completed ARP Ping Scan at 02 : 55, 0.02s el apsed (1 total
hosts )
Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host . at 02:55
Completed Par allel DNS r es olution of 1 host. at 02:55,
0.01s elapsed
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 02 :55
Scanning 10 . 10 . 1.11 [1000 ports]
Dis cove r ed open port 445/ tcp on
Discove r ed open port 139/ tcp on 10 . 10.1.11
Discove r ed open port 135/ tcp on 10.10.1 . 11
Discovered open port 3389/ tcp on
Discovered open port 80/ tcp on
Discove r ed open port 21/ tcp on
Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 02 : 55, 1.45s elapsed ( 1000
total ports)
Initiating Service s can at 02 : 55
Filter Hosts I

Figure 3.82: SYN/FIN scan using Zenmap

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Source Routing

As t he packet t ravels through the nodes in the net w or k, each router examines the destination IP address and
chooses the next hop to direct the packet to the destin ation

Source routing refers to sending a packet to the intended destination w ith a partially or completely specified
route (w it hout firewall -/lDS-configured routers) in order to evade an IDS or fi rew all

In source routing, the attacker makes some or all of these decisions on the router

This figure shows source routing,

where the originator dictates the
.8 1"'
Sender :
t ~~
- F

~ ~ Destination
eventual route of the traffic
~ ....................~ l-· ············· ·l» •

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Source Routing
An IP datagram contains various fields, including the IP options field, which stores source routing
information and includes a list of IP addresses through which the packet travels to its destination.
As the packet travels through th e nodes in the network, each router examines the destination IP
address and chooses the next hop to direct the packet to the destination.
When attackers send malformed packets to a target, these packets hop through various routers
and gateways to reach the destination. In some cases, the routers in the path might include
configured firewalls and IDS that block such packets. To avoid them, attackers enforce a loose or
strict source routing mechanism, in which they manipulate the IP address path in the IP options
field so that the packet takes the attacker-defined path (without firewall-/lDS-configured routers)
to reach the destination, thereby evading firewalls and IDS.
The figure below shows source routing, where the originator dictates the eventual route of the

■---■ ............. JN ...........►
= F
Sender :
Dest ination
.......... ..
►N ---·--- ·------·► ~N
Figure 3.83: Source Routing

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Source Port Manipulation

Source port manipulation refers to manipulating actual port numbers w ith common port numbers in order to

evade an IDS or firewall
It occurs when a firewall is configured to allow packets from w ell-known ports like HTTP, DNS, FTP, etc.
Nmap uses t he -g or --source-port opt ions to perform source port manipulation

• Zfflmap - □ X
Firewall allowing manipulated Sc:,1n lools f rofff li~P

Port 80 to the victim from attacker Tflr9d: ~ Profile

Comm1nd: l nm1p•98010.10.1.11 I
~ Sc,v,c:ft Nm1pOucpu1 Ports / Hosts T ~ HostOet1ils Sum

OS • Host nn,1p•9 i.l10.10.l. 11 _____B Dft1ik

Actual Startine N111p 7 .80 ( h ttps : l/n11ap .or1 ) at 2622- 63- 16
ee:•t - ' Til,e
Port: 242 Port 242 MIUp sun repot"t for 10 . 10.1.11
Host i s up (e.ees latency) .
~T~ ~!~:~Eport s
'········► 21/tcp open ftp
............ ~(l~~!.~..31- 89/tcp open http
Attacker Port: 80 t35/tcp
139/ tcp
nl!tbios- un
4'5/tcp open • lcroHft• ds
Victim 3389/tcp open as·wbt · sernr
~ 08:1 5 : 50:01 : 88:80 (f'l.icrosoft )

~:rn,97r· l I P ilddrns (1 host up) scarmed in 1.3&


https./ /
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Source Port Manipulation

Source port manipulation is a technique used for bypassing the IDS/firewall, where the actual
port numbers are manipulated with common port numbers for evading certain IDS and firewall
rules. The main security misconfigurations occur because of blindly trusting the source port
number. The administrator mostly configures the firewall by allowing the incoming traffic from
well-known ports such as HTTP, DNS, FTP, etc. The firewall can simply allow the incoming traffic
from the packets sent by the attackers using such common ports.

Port: 242
............. •...................
Port 242
:....... ➔ Blocked
Manipulated Allowed
Attacker Port: 80
...................... ➔

Port 80
Figure 3.84: Firewall allowing manipulated port 80 to t he victim from attacker

Although the firewall s can be made secure using application-level proxies or protocol-parsing
firewall elements, this technique helps the attacker to bypass the firewall rules easily. The
attacker tries to manipulate the original port number with the common port numbers, which can
easily bypass th e IDS/firewall. In Zenmap, the - g or -- source-port option is used to perform
source port manipulation.

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• Zenmap □ X
Sc£n l ools P.rofile .!:::!elp

Target: [ v Profile: jv !Scan! Cancel

Command: "In• m
- a•p --g
- 80
- 1•o .•10• .•1•.1•1_.- -
Hosts Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host ~ map - g 80 __E [Det ails I

~ 1 Starting Nmap 7.80 https: // nmap.or g at 2022-03- 16
00: 41 Ti me
Nmap scan r eport for 10. 10.1 .11
Host is up ( 0 .00s lat ency) .
Not s hown : 994 c l osed ports
21/tcp open ftp
80/tcp open http
135/tcp open msrpc
139/tcp open netbios - ssn
445/tcp open microsoft - ds
3389/tcp open ms -wbt-server
HAC Addr ess : 00:15:5D:01:80:00 (Mic r osoft )

Nmap done: 1 IP address ( 1 host up ) scan ned in 1.38

Filt er Hosts seconds

Figure 3 .85: Scanning ove r Firewall using Zenma p

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IP Address Decoy

IP address decoy technique refers to generating or manually specifying the IP addresses of decoys in order
to evade an IDS or firewall

It appears to the target that the decoys as well as the host(s) are scanning the network

This technique makes it difficult for the IDS or firewall to determine which IP address was actually scanning
the network and which IP addresses were decoys

- □ X

Decoy Scanning using Nmap

3 •.•,~
Comm....t: .... j
, - - •.,- . .-0: ,0-.10.,--,

Nmap has two options for decoy scanning:

OS • """
nm,,p -DRN0: 3 ,...
Iii 10..10.1.11 Snrtln1 7.18 ( http o://1M1ap . o r 1
lfa&p ) at 28Z2· U-16 92:37
e nmap -D RND: 10 I target] --,.-.-
scan r ~port fo.- 19.19 . 1.11
Host hup ( I .IMls l a uncy) .
(Generates a random number of decoys) ~T:: ~:::~EPOrts
11/Hp OPCft ftp
M/tcp _., ~ltP
USftcp _., -.-pc
e nmap -D decoyl , decoy2,decoy3, .. etc. 119/Hp _.,
44S/tcp _.,
n~lblos - nn
IUcrosoft -ds
3119/tcp_,, as-wbl•fff'VN"
(Manually specify the IP addresses of the decoys) ~ 99,15:50,ll:N:&8 (Klcrosoft)

~ l IP -.-us (l hOst ui:,) sca nnfll !.n 1.52 s ~ conds .,.
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IP Address Decoy
The IP address decoy technique refers to generating or manually specifying IP addresses of the
decoys to evade IDS/firewalls. It appears to the target that the decoys as well as the host(s) are
scanning the network. This technique makes it difficult for the IDS/firewall to determine which IP
address is actually scanning the network and which IP addresses are decoys.
The Nmap scanning tool comes with a built-in scan function called a decoy scan, which cloaks a
scan with decoys. This technique generates multiple IP addresses to perform a scan, thus making
it difficult for the target security mechanisms such as IDS, firewalls, etc., to identify the original
source from the registered logs. The target IDS might report scanning from 5- 0 IP addresses;
however, it cannot differentiate between the actual scanning IP address and the innocuous decoy

You can perform two types of decoy scans using Nmap:

■ nmap -D RND:10 [target]

Using this command, Nmap automatically generates a random number of decoys for the
scan and randomly positions the real IP address between the decoy IPs.
Ex. Assume that is the target IP address to be scanned. Thus, the Nmap decoy
scan command will be:
# nmap -D RND: 10

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· Zenmap □ X
Sqn Iools P.rofile .t!elp

Target [ ~ v Profile: l 1

v \Scan \ Cancel

Command: !
nmap -D RND: ! -------- 7
I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host nmap-D RND: "=::E [ Details I Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https : //nmap . org ) at 2022 - 03- 16 02:37
, Time
Nmap s can r eport fo r 10. 10.1 . 11
Host is up (0.00s latenc y ).
Not shown : 994 closed port s
21/tcp open ftp
80/tcp open http
135/tcp open msrpc
139/tcp open netbios - ssn
445/tcp open microsoft - ds
3389/tcp open ms - wbt - server
MAC Addre ss: 00:15:5D:01:80:00 (Mic r osoft )

Nma p done: 1 IP add r ess ( 1 host up ) scanned in 1 .52 seconds

Filter Hosts

Figure 3.86: Decoy using Nmap RND o ption

• nmap -D decoyl,decoy2,decoy3, ... ,ME, ... [target]

Using this command, you can manually specify the IP addresses of the decoys to scan the
victim's network. Here, you have to separate each decoy IP with a comma(,) and you can
optionally use the ME command to position your real IP in the decoy list. If you place ME
in the 4t h position of the command, your real IP will be positioned at the 4t h position
accordingly. This is an optional command, and if you do not mention ME in your scan
command, then Nmap will automatically place your real IP in any random position.
For example, assume that is the real source IP and is the target IP
address to be scanned. Then, the Nmap decoy command will be:
# nmap -D 192 . 168.0.l , 172 . 120.2.8 ,,10.10.l.19 , 10 . 10.l.5
10 . 10.1 . 11

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• Zenmap D X
Sc~n Iools £refile ]:::!elp

Target [ J:i Profile: v !Scan!

Command: !
nmap -D,,,,

I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host In map -D,,,, EJ [Details I Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https : //nmap. or g ) at 2022-03-16 02:49
r • • Time
Nmap scan r eport for 10. 10.1 . 11
Host is up (0 . 00s latenc y) .
Not shown : 994 c l osed port s
21/tcp open ftp
80/tcp open http
135/tcp open msrpc
139/tcp open netbios - ssn
445/tcp open microsoft-ds
3389/tcp open ms-wbt-server
MAC Address: 00:15:5D :01:80:00 (Mi c r osoft)

Nmap done: 1 IP addr ess (1 host up) scanned in 1.80 s econds ..,,
Filter Hosts

Figure 3.87: Decoy using Nmap with manual decoy list

These decoys can be generated in both initial ping scans such as ICMP, SYN, ACK, etc., and during
the actual port scanning phase.

IP address decoy is a useful technique for hiding your IP address. However, it will not be
successful if the target employs active mechanisms such as router path tracing, response
dropping, etc. Moreover, using many decoys can slow down the scanning process and affect the
accuracy of the scan .

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IP Address Spoofing

IP spoofing refers t o changing the source IP addresses so th at th e attack appears to be coming from someone else
When the vict im rep lies to the address, it goes b ack to th e spoofed address rathe r than the attacker's real address
Attackers modify the address information in t h e IP pa cket head er and the so urce address bits fiel d in order t o bypass
the IDS o r firewa ll

IP spoofing using Hping3:

Hping3 www. c ertifi e dhacker. com -a 7 . 7 .7.7

Attacker sending a
packet w ith a spoofed
address7 .7.7.7

Victim IP address
5 .5.5.5

Real address

Note: You wil l not be able t o comp lete t he three-way handshake and open a successful TCP con nection with spoofed IP addresses

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IP Address Spoofing
Most firewalls filter packets based on the source IP address. These firewalls examine the source
IP address and determine whether the packet is coming from a legitimate source or an
illegitimate source. The IDS filters packets from illegitimate sources. Attackers use IP spoofing
technique to bypass such IDS/firewalls.
IP address spoofing is a hijacking technique in which an attacker obtains a computer's IP address,
alters the packet headers, and sends request packets to a target machine, pretending to be a
legitimate host. The packets appear to be sent from a legitimate machine but are actually sent
from the attacker's machine, while his/her machine's IP address is concealed. When the victim
replies to the address, it goes back to the spoofed address and not to the attacker's real address.
Attackers mostly use IP address spoofing to perform DoS attacks.
When the attacker sends a connection request to the target host, the target host replies to the
spoofed IP address. When spoofing a nonexistent address, the target replies to a nonexistent
system and then hangs until the session times out, thus consuming a significant amount of its
own resources.

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IP spoofing using Hping3:

Hping3 -a

Attacker sending a
packet with a spoofed
address 7.7.7. 7

Victim IP address

Real address

Figure 3.88: IP Spoofing using Hping3

IP spoofing using Hping3:

Hping3 -a 7.7.7 . 7

You can use Hping3 to perform IP spoofing. The above command helps you to send arbitrary
TCP/IP packets to network hosts.
Note: You will not be able to complete the three-way handshake and open a successful TCP
connection with spoofed IP addresses.

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MAC Address Spoofing

The MAC address spoofing technique involves spoofing a MAC address with the MAC address of a
legitimate user on the network.

Attackers use the --spoof-mac Nmap option to set a specific MAC address for the packets to evade

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MAC Address Spoofing

Network firewalls filter packets based on the source media access control (MAC) address. They
examine the MAC address in the packet header and determine whether the packets originate
from a legitimate source. Firewalls allow traffic from specific sources using MAC filtering rules
and restrict packets that do not satisfy the filtering rules. To avoid these restrictions, attackers
use MAC spoofing techniques, in which they employ fake MAC addresses and masquerade as
legitimate users to scan the hosts located behind the firewall.
The MAC address spoofing technique allows attackers to send request packets to the target
machine/network, pretending to be a legitimate host. Attackers use the Nmap tool to evade
firewalls via MAC address spoofing.
Performing MAC Address Spoofing to Scan Beyond IDS and Firewall Using Nmap:

Attackers use the --spoof-mac Nmap option to choose or set a specific MAC address for
packets and send them to the target system/network.
• nmap -sT -Pn --spoof-mac O [Target IP]

The above command automatically generates a random MAC address and attaches it to
the packets in place of the original MAC address while performing host scanning. Here, -
-spoof-mac o represents the randomization of the MAC address.

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Figure 3.89: Screenshot of scanning using the Nmap - spoof-mac O opt ion

• runap -sT -Pn --spoof-mac [Vendor] [Target IP]

The above command allows attackers to opt for a MAC address from the vendor and spoof
it by attaching it to the packets in place of the original MAC address during the scan. This
type of scan allows attackers to scan in the hidden mode, as the original MAC address is
not recorded in the firewall logs. - -spoof-mac [vendor] represents the
randomization of the MAC address based on the specified vendor.

Figure 3.90: Scanning using the Nmap - spoof-mac [Vendor] option

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• nmap -sT -Pn --spoof-mac [new MAC] [Target IP]

The above command allows attackers to manually choose or set a new MAC address for
the packets sent during the scanning process. --spoof-mac [new MAC] represents
manually setting the MAC address.

Figure 3.91: Scanning using the Nmap - spoof -mac [new MAC] option

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Creating Custom Packets

. Cola!dtPochtBuild..-

--jj. ,.
fjlc [11,it Mnd Help

Creating Custom Packets I#

lmpOft l,po,t•
,. ., "

by using Packet Crafting ___.1 Pxkm ill Select ed I!J
~ .....
Tools , : . : : ; ~C,,~I\

\fl~lu Th •c
.. ,
,u;,.,..,1.1.. ,, iiiii#i#i#i
1e, •J
Attackers create custom fj'111 11.lw:mJ...;..l
IC,l ou1lnetlo,,,1,11e1,..•u ff:H:ff:ff:ff:H [8/ J
l(li! SouruA<lclrt-n et: N:N:80:N:N [6/ J
TCP packets using various df'Protc><olType

f ..i :'!!?!.!~;o~::.:er, ennesel

[ 11/.J

l { ft• nH U•· J
packet crafting tools like f$J?,<1to,:ol lyp,,
IPva 1161
CIP•atocol Sit• a [ 19/I J
Colasoft Packet Builder, '6'0o<-
~ :,,,,-~ ~-•t AG•US
l ( AIU'A..quot
[28 /
9 i•-•
NetScanTools Pro, etc. to lpAO••n
lll,I Ta•&•t ~.....,.,,,,..,Adrtu N:N:N:N:N:N
· · · · · · ' (211 J
8 .11.8.8 (381 J
['JI J
':J h•Jrt lpAdrUI

scan a target beyond a ljt<o1~ 0fDytt,

{421 1.J
lt ~us [• J, J
&d fCS. few CDWE St<Ntn<t
firewall .,iiFCS

i . tH«W ' f?ff ffffff N88NNNNN96 - . .. loul ~

- NMHN 96~N81N NNNN N ..


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Creating Custom Packets

The attacker creates and sends custom packets to scan the intended target beyond the
IDS/firewalls. Various techniques are used to create custom packets. Some of them are
mentioned below:
• Creating Custom Packets by using Packet Crafting Tools

Attackers create custom TCP packets to scan the target by bypassing the firewalls.
Attackers use various packet crafting tools such as Colasoft packet builder
(https;//, NetScanTools Pro (https;//, etc., to
scan the target that is beyond the firewall. Packet crafting tools craft and send packet
streams (custom packets) using different protocols at different transfer rates.
o Colasoft Packet Builder

Source: https://www. colasoft. com

Colasoft Packet Builder is a tool that allows an attacker to create custom network
packets and helps security professionals assess the network. The attacker can select
a TCP packet from the provided templates and change the parameters in the decoder,
hexadecimal, or ASCII editor to create a packet. In addition to building packets,
Colasoft Packet Builder supports saving packets to packet files and sending packets to
the network.

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• Colasoft Packet Builder

file ,Edit Sffld J:::f~p
~ @ '1 ti ID X f"""al lifl IO ., ~
Import Export • Add Insert Copy DrJde ~ ~ Send SHld All Adapter About
ito~r(;-:--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___._[_
_ k~
-••-No_• ....._.
1 ..,,._-"
ist_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,___ _,__ _ _____,.
E;:} f ~ No. Oelt., Time Source Destination

·E"J Nul!'ber
~ Packet Lenath
-{I Capture
~ Delta

0. 100000000 Second
1 01oo::>oo'.X)'.) 0000:00:00:00:00 FFFFFFFFFFFF

$-,::) Ethernet . II [0L I

j -, Destination Aodress ff:FF:Ff:FF : FF:FF [0/'3 ]
' Q Source Address 00:00 :00:80 :00:00 (6/iS ]
j '--cP Protocol Type 0x806 (ARP ) (12/..]
~~ Addr-eu Rnolution Protocol [14/:l ]
! -cl) Hard.-.are Type 1 ( Ethernet ) [14/.:. ]
' f"-d] Protocol Type 0x800 ( IP ....4 } [16/2 }
{:) Hardware Si.::e 6 [18/1 ]
f.. -€) Protocol Si.:.e 4 [ 19 /1 ]
i -d] Opcode 1 (ARP Request) (20/.t ]
Q Sender HlH'd"are Adre:s s 00:00:00:00 :00:00 [22/ 6]
t Sender Ip Adress 0 .0 . 0.0 (28/4 ]
f" Q Tar&i!t Hard"are Adrus 00:00 :00: 00 :00: 00 [32/ 6 ]
l Tar1et Ip Adress 0.0.0 . 0 [38/.4 )
$"" U1.!:LJ!fil [421 I
I ~ Nu111ber of" bytes 18 bytes (42 /"" ]
8- ,::J HS · f t'j!lftlf {hMk S1!9Ul!"CI!
~ FCS 8x6FEC176O ( Calc ul ated )

~ Hex Edito ToUI 60b es

0000 FF F FF FF Ff FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 88 06
000E 00 0 1 08 00 06 04 00 0 1 00 00 00 00 08 00
001( 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00
002A 00 08 00 00 00 00 88 00 80 00 00 00 00 80
0038 00 00 00 00

Figure 3.92: Screenshot of Colasoft Packet Builder

There are three views in the Packet Builder: Packet List, Decode Editor, and Hex Editor.

• Packet List displays all the constructed packets. When you select one or more
packets in Packet List, the first highlighted packet is displayed in both Decode
Editor and Hex Editor for editing.

• In Hex Editor, the data of the packet are represented as hexadecimal values and
ASCII characters; nonprintable characters are represented by a dot (" .") in the
ASCII section. You can edit either the hexadecimal values or the ASCII characters.

• Decode Editor allows the attacker to edit packets without remembering the value
length, byte order, and offsets. You can select a field and change the value in the
edit box.
For creating a packet, you can use the add or insert packet command in the Edit menu
or the Tool bar to create a new packet.
The attacker can send a constructed packet to wire directly and control how Colasoft
Packet Builder sends the packets, specifying, for example, the interval between
packets, loop times, and delay between loops.
This packet builder audits networks and checks the network protection against attacks
and intruders. Attackers may use this packet builder to create fragmented packets to
bypass network firewalls and IDS systems. They can also create packets and flood the
victim with a very large number of packets, which could result in DoS attacks.

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Randomizing Host Order and Sending Bad Checksums

Randomizing Host Order

Attackers scan the number of hosts in the t arget

net work in random order to scan an intended
target that is behind a firew all
Sending Bad Checksums

Attackers send packets w ith bad or bogus

TCP/UPD checksums to the intended target t o
avoid certain firewall r ulesets
e Z,nmap D X D X
Sc1.n loo~ frofilc tfclp Sein !ools e rofilc J:::lclp

l o11r gtt ~ Profile: T,rgct: ~ Profile:

Comm,nd: l nmap--ro1ndomin--hosts 10.10,1.11 1 Comm,od: I nm,p --b,dsum 10.10, 1.1 J

~ ~
OS ◄
Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topolog), Host Details Scans
nmap••randomizc-hosts =::)
Shrtin1 Nmap 7.88 ( https ://nawip.or1 ) at 2022· 03·16
Ottails os ~Host
... nm,p--badsuml0.10.1.11 =a
NmapOutput Ports / Hosts Topolog)' HostDct,ilt Scans

Startin& Naap 7 .88 ( https : //n11ap.ora ) at 2022·93· 16

05:3-4 1191": • -,::-,.: Ti11e 05:39 •- • - ,-••• TiM
Nlllap s can report for 10. 10 .1. 11 tfllap scan report for 1e. 1e.1. 11
Host is up (0.ees letcnc y) . Host is up (0 . 09s latency) .
~ 994 closed ports All 1909 scanned ports on 10.10 .1.11 arc filtered
POflT STATE S ERVI CE ~ 00:15 :50:01:80:00 (Microsof t )
21/tcp open ftp
88/tcp open http ~ 1 I P address (1 host up) scanned in 23.00
135/tcp open ■srpc seconds
139/tcp open netbios• ssn
445/tcp open ■icrosoft-ds
3389/tcp open ■s - wtit · servcr
~ 00: 15 : 50 :01:88:96 (Microsoft)

~ 1 JP oddrcss (1 host up) sunned in 1.36

FiltH Hosts filter Hom

Copyright Cl by E~ttaell All Rights Reserved Reproduction 1s Strictly Prohibited

Randomizing Host Order and Sending Bad Checksums

Randomizing Host Order
The attacker scans the number of hosts in the target network in a random order to scan the
intended ta rget that is lying beyond the firewall. The option used by Nmap to scan with a random
host order is --randomize-hosts .
This technique instructs Nmap to shuffle each group of 16384 hosts before scanning with slow
timing options, thus making the scan less notable to network monitoring systems and firewalls.
If larger group sizes are randomized, the PING_GROUP_sz should be increased in nrnap. hand it
should be compiled again. Another method can be followed by generating the target IP list with
the list scan command -sL -n -oN <filename> and then randomizing it with a Perl script
and providing the whole list to Nmap using the - iL command.

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• Zenmap □ X
Sqn Iools frofile !::!elp

Target: - 7 Profile: V 1Scan'

Command: ! nmap--randomize-hosts I 7

I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host nmap --randomize-hosts ==:J [Details I

.,, 1 Star ting Nmap 7 .80 ( https ://nmap . or g at 2022-03-16
05 : 34 .:. .:_ _ --; _ .:.

Nmap scan r eport for 10. 10. 1 . 11

Host is up (0 .00s latency).
Not shown : 994 closed ports
21/tcp open ftp
80/tcp open http
135/tcp open msrpc
139/tcp open netbios-ssn
445/tcp open microsoft-ds
3389/tcp open ms-wbt-server
MAC Address: 00:15:5D :01:80:00 (Microsoft )

Nmap done: 1 IP add r ess (1 host up ) scanned in 1 . 36

Filter Hosts

Figure 3.93 : Screenshot of randomizing host s in Zenmap

Sending Bad Checksums

The attacker sends packets with bad or bogus TCP/UPD checksums to the intended target to
avoid certain firewall rule sets. TCP/UPD checksums are used to ensure data integrity. Sending
packets with incorrect checksums can help attackers to acquire information from improperly
configured systems by checking for any response. If there is a response, then it is from the IDS or
firewall, which did not verify the obtained checksum . If there is no response or the packets are
dropped, then it can be inferred that the system is configured . This technique instructs Nmap to
send packets with invalid TCP, UDP, or SCTP checksums to the target host. The option used by
Nmap is --badsum.

· Zenmap □ X
Sqn Iools frofile !::!elp

Target: (w:w.1.11 =x Profile:

P 'Scan: Cancel

Command: l
nmap --badsum 7
I Hosts I Services Nmap Output Ports / Hosts Topology Host Details Scans

OS ◄ Host nmap --badsum ~ [Details!

.,, 10.10.1 .11 Starting Nmap 7 . 80 ( https://nmap. org at 2022 -03 -16
05:39 . ___ _ --,--a• · Time
Nmap scan r eport for
Host is up (0 .00s latenc y).
All 1000 scanned ports on 10.10. 1.11 are f iltered
MAC Address: 00:15:5D:01 :80:00 (Microsoft)

Nmap done: 1 IP add r ess (1 host up) scanned in 23.00

s econds

Figure 3.94: Screenshot of scanning by sending bad checksums in Zen map

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Proxy Servers

A proxy server is an application that can serve as an intermediary for connecting with other computers

0 To hide the actual source of a sca n and evade certain IDS/firewall restrictions

e To mask the actual source of an attack by impersonating the fake source address of the proxy

Why Attackers
Use Proxy
e To remotely access intranets and other website resources that are normally restricted

To interrupt all requests sent by a user and t ransmit them to a third destination such that victims
can only identify the proxy server address

8 To chain multiple proxy servers to avo id det ection

Note : A search in Google will list thousands of free proxy servers

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Proxy Servers
A proxy server is an application that can serve as an intermediary for connecting with other
A proxy server is used:
■ As a firewall and to protect the local network from external attacks.
■ As an IP address multiplexer that allows several computers to connect to the Internet
when you have only one IP address (NAT/PAT).
■ To anonymize web surfing (to some extent).
■ To extract unwanted content, such as ads or "unsuitable" material (using specialized
proxy servers).
■ To provide some protection against hacking attacks.
■ To save bandwidth .
How does a proxy server work?
Initially, when you use a proxy to request a particular web page on an actual server, the proxy
server receives it. The proxy server then sends your request to the actual server on your behalf.
It mediates between you and the actual server to transmit and respond to the request, as shown
in the figure below.

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.....:rt ~- ~ v.......
A J,; •••••••••••• Pm"'I Sme, ••••••••••,.

A·~················X················► ~
Target Organization

Figure 3.95: Attacker using a proxy server for connecting to the target

In this process, the proxy receives the communication between the client and the destination
application. To take advantage of a proxy server, an attacker must configure client programs so
that they can send their requests to the proxy server instead of the final destination.
Why Attackers Use Proxy Servers?
It is easier for an attacker to attack or hack a particular system than to conceal the attack source.
Therefore, the primary challenge for an attacker is to hide his/her identity so that he/she cannot
be traced. Thus, the attacker uses a proxy server to avoid attack detection by masking his/her IP
address. When the attacker uses a proxy to connect to the target system, the server logs will
record the proxy's source address rather than the attacker's source address.
Proxy sites help the attacker to browse the Internet anonymously and access blocked sites (i.e.,
evade firewall restrictions). Thus, the attacker can surf restricted sites anonymously without
using the source IP address.
Attackers use proxy servers:
■ To hide the actual source of a scan and evade certain IDS/firewall restrictions.
■ To hide the source IP address so that they can hack without any legal corollary.
■ To mask the actual source of the attack by employing a fake source address of the proxy.
■ To remotely access intranets and other website resources that are normally off limits.
■ To interrupt all the requests sent by a user and transmit them to a third destination;
hence, victims will only be able to identify the proxy server address.
■ To chain multiple proxy servers to avoid detection.

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Free Proxy Servers

Some free proxy servers available on the Internet, which can help you to access restricted sites
without revealing your IP address. In the Google search engine, type "Free Proxy Servers" to see
a list of such servers. Select one from this list and download and install it to browse anonymously
without revealing your legitimate IP address.

G free proxy serwrs · Google ~a- X + V - D X

~ C O i•free+proxy+servers&aqs•chrome..69157J01512I9.5326J... ~ I!? :. 0.

! free proxy servers ! X 0 ...
a. All El VideOS Ill) News I;;) Images (} Shepp<ng ' More TOOIS

About 86.500.000 results (0.81 seconds)

https:/ , , Anonymous Browsing

A List of Free Proxy Servers in 2022 (Individual Proxies)
Ale you looking for a free proxy server in 2022? Check out our list of free proxy servers to
improve your privacy and freedom onlinel FreeProxy, which runs on Microsoft Windows
platfomlS, was originalty developed in 1999 as a
What is a proxy server? method of internet connection sharing Since that time
Wny would I use a proxy? it has been continuously developed and now offers a
number of internet services The software is free but
not availabte under the GNU General Pubtic License , Wikipedia

Proxy list, free proxy servers list online, hide you r IP address ... Developer(s): Hand-Crafted Software
Free proxy lisl Http, ssl, socks proxy servers for free Fresh public proxy servers lists to unblock License: Freeware
your internet Realtime updated live proxies
Free proxy list US Untted States Proxy list by count,y HTTP proxy list People also search for

~ ~x A
httpsJ/ , free-proxy-list
Free Proxy List HI
IP Port Count,y ORG&ASN Protocol An
190 7197115 5678 coco EPM Telecomunicaciones SA ESP (ASS socks4 eltte Squid Privoxy NordVPN
43 24911 68 8888 usus Zenlayer Inc (AS21859) socks4 elite VPN
218 64 129 3 5678 CNCN N/A(AS4134) socks4 eltte
View 47 more rows

•r I . ~

Figure 3 .96: Free Proxy Servers

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Proxy Chaining

User requests a resource from the dest ination

Proxy client at the user 's system connects t o a proxy server and passes t he request to proxy server

The proxy server strips the user's identification information and passes t he request t o next p roxy server

This process is repeated by all the proxy servers in the chain

At the end, the unencrypted request is passed to the we b server

...................;. [iJ .............. [iJ ··············►[ [iJ .....

IP: IP: 10. 10.20. S IP: 20.10,15.4
Port: rK>12 Port: 8023 Port: 8030
User ......................................................................................................
~ Encrypted/ unencrypted traffic

'···► [iJ
IP: 20.1S.15.3
··············►~ [iJ · · · · · · · ►Q[i]
IP: 15.20.1S. 2 IP:
Port: 8054 Port: 8045 Port: 8028
Web Server

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Proxy Chaining
Proxy chaining helps an attacker to increase his/her Internet anonymity. Internet anonymity
depends on the number of proxies used for fetching the target application; the larger the number
of proxy servers used, the greater is the attacker's anonymity.
The proxy chaining process is described below:
■ The user requests a resource from the destination.
■ A proxy client in the user's system connects to a proxy server and passes the request to
the proxy server.
■ The proxy server strips the user's identification information and passes the request to the
next proxy server.
■ This process is repeated by all the proxy servers in the chain .
■ Finally, the unencrypted requ est is passed to the w eb server.

..................► [i] ............. [i]
Port: 8012 Port: 8023 Port: 8030
Encrypted/unencrypt ed traffic

[i] [i] [i] .·····e;;;;;;;;;;;.-····➔ ~

IP: IP: IP: t raffic
Port: 8054 Port: 8045 Port: 8028
Web Server

Figure 3 .97: Proxy Cha ining

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Scanning Networks

Proxy Tools
Proxy Switcher al lows you to surf
anonymously on the Internet without
disclosing your IP address
CyberGhostVPN hides your IP and
replaces it with one of your cho ice, thus
allowing you to surf anonymously
OiloLN __ _

If•• 11,.

·1!il!J. i~;~~-_IIii ·-
}' Iii >< lll lll 1ii1 D c::I ,(,.

·- Z ""- * >


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.._.., _____ _
p,o,i_,,,,,_ """--·-·-
" . . .15, _ _.. ..,_____ _





> ht tps:j/www.cyberghost vpn. com

Other Proxy Tools: Burp Suite Tor CCProxy Hotspot Shield

https://www.portswigger. net https:/ /www.youngzsoft. net https://www.hotspots

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Proxy Tools
Proxy tools are intended to allow users to surf the Internet anonymously by keeping their IP
hidden through a chain of SOCKS or HTTP proxies. These tools can also act as HTTP, mail, FTP,
SOCKS, news, telnet, and HTTPS proxy servers.

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■ Proxy Switcher
Source: h ttps ://
Proxy Switcher allows attackers to surf the Internet anonymously without disclosing their
IP address. It also helps attackers to access various blocked sites in the organization. In
addition, it avoids all sorts of limitations imposed by target sites.

: : Proxy Swrtcher Unregtsteml (0.-ed Connecbon) 0 X

File Edrt Act,on, V..w Help
, Q )( 1,.•1& ., I = P,'"'ICl,n.,~ .. )(

P,o,yS.:....- Server State ReSPOnH: Cou•trr IL Uptme T wtTt>ted List Ui>da

El lit ct 182.253.JS 11s 8080 T-.g 21047mt - lNOONESlA 0"4 limn.tea <mn.e<

CORE(()! rt 196.22.53 153 80 r...,,., 21062,,,, ... M0ZAMBOUE 0"4 11 mntea <.......
KQI, Pnony,nout (Cl
"'" 37 187115 112 80 Tc,t,,g 21062,,,, 1 1 FAN.CE 01. 11ml'UCS <-
Ncn-SSL(O) ct 54 m 138 m so Te,u,o 21031,.,. I IRElAIJO 0"4 11 mn.Aes <-
Bte(O) rt 54 221.121 8'80 TNU11J 21031n UNITED STATES 0"4 11 ........ <.......

El Deadl'9) I>,,
203.189 89.1!>3 8080 TNU11J 2101&m - INOONESIA O"I. 111"1'1niee <........
El _,,_,,,(O)
P~ffl I>,,190.206 66 75 8080
"'" 79 12518 225 80 r...,,.,
T- 21031""
11 mnA:OI
"'" 91 21742 2 8080 Te,u,o - RUSSIAN FEDERATIOll 01. ,,,,.,..,, <-
1t 37 187.1115&80 TNU11J 26m 1 1FRAI.CE 01. 11- <-
l\o,cySwtchd (0)


o..bled Kceo - luo Swich

115 124 1S 149'"80te«ed• {Dead) beea.Nd anewor 403MN«IWUM1to retPondtoreo,ett.
5912022J080801ated• IOeedl t.e.....danemJt 403--•t••••••••II•....,.•
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45 64 99 251 80801dled as (Oe.d] bee..__ din efl'OI' • MU~er "l!Uet to lt'tpOr'lcf 10 ~

Figure 3.98: Screenshot of Proxy Switcher

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■ CyberGhost VPN

Source: h ttps ://www. cyberghostvpn. com

CyberGhost VPN hides the attacker's IP and replaces it with a selected IP, allowing him or
her to surf anonymously and access blocked or censored content. It encrypts the
connection and does not keep logs, thus securing data.

All servers
~e ,untry tc nect to itnd CyberGhost w,11 route all your traffte through the ~ncrypted

N am e v Distance load Favorite

1.4481tm 11'1\

~ Argentma
ii 436 km I'll

• Australia r-
16.442 k'TI 33'1\

_..... Austria
739 km


• Belarus
t,.tJ6km !lO'I\

81 km 11'1\

• Bosnia and HerzegoV1na

1,089km Sl'I\

• Sulgana
9 787km 13'1\
1.535 km 53'1\ ◊ >

Figure 3.99: Screenshot of CyberGhost

In addition to the proxy tools mentioned above, there are many other proxy tools intended to
allow users to surf the Internet anonymously. Some additional proxy tools are listed below:
■ Burp Suite (
■ Tor (
■ CCProxy (
■ Hotspot Shield (

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Proxy Tools for Mobile

■ Shadowsocks
Shadowsocks is a high-performance, cross-platform secured socksS proxy. It adopts
bleeding-edge techniques with asynchronous 1/0 and event-driven programming. This
tool is available on multiple platforms, including PC, MAC, mobile devices (Android and
iOS), and routers (OpenWRT). It is a low-resource-consumption tool that is suitable for
low-end boxes and embedded devices. It supports open-source implementations in
python, node.js, golang, C#, and pure C.
Shadowsocks help attackers to surf the Internet privately and securely.

Profi les
Switch to another profile or add new profiles

Network Traffic
Internet connection available. {latency; 1841 ms)
Sent. O Bytes 1 O Bytes/s
Received: 0 Bytes. 0 Bytes/s

Server Settings

Profile Name

example .com

Remote Port
8388 (port number of the remote server)

Local Port
1080 (port number of the local server)


Figure 3.100: Screenshot of Shadowsocks

Some additional proxy tools for mobile are listed below:

■ ProxyDroid (
■ Proxy Manager (
■ CyberGhost VPN (
■ Servers Ultimate (

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An anonymizer removes all identity infor mation from Whonix is a desktopoperatingsystem

the user's computer whil e the user surfs the Internet
I designed for adva nced security and
Anonymizers make activity on t he Internet untraceable

Anonymizers allow you t o bypass Internet censors

Why use an Anonymizer?

0 Privacy and anonymity

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Protection against online attacks I'!'!'!

e Access restricted content


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An anonymizer is an intermediate server placed between an end user and a website that accesses
the website on their behalf and makes web surfing activities untraceable. Anonymizers allow
users to bypass Internet censorship. An anonymizer eliminates all identifying information (IP
address) from the system while surfing the Internet, thereby ensuring privacy. It encrypts the
data transferred from a computer to the Internet service provider (ISP). Most anonymizers can
anonymize web (HTTP :), File Transfer Protocol (FTP :), and gopher (gopher:) Internet services.
To visit a page anonymously, you can visit your preferred anonymizer site and enter the name of
the target website in the anonymization field . Alternatively, you can set your browser home page
to point to an anonymizer to anonymize subsequent web access. In addition, you can choose to
anonymously provide passwords and other information to sites without revealing any additional
information, such as your IP address. Attackers may configure an anonymizer as a permanent
proxy server by making the site name the setting for the HTTP, FTP, Gopher, and other proxy
options in t heir application configuration menu, thereby cloaking their malicious activities.
Why Use an Anonymizer?

The reasons for using anonymizers include:

• Ensuring privacy: Protect your identity by making your web navigation activities
untraceable. Your privacy is maintained until and unless you disclose your personal
information on the web, for example, by filling out forms.
• Accessing government-restricted content: Most governments prevent their citizens from
accessing certain websites or content deemed inappropriate or sensitive. However, these
sites can still be accessed using an anonymizer located outside the target country.

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■ Protection against online attacks: An anonymizer can protect you from all instances of
online pharming attacks by routing all customer Internet traffic via its protected DNS
■ Bypassing IDS and firewall rules: Firewalls are typically bypassed by employees or
students accessing websites that they are not supposed to access. An anonymizer service
gets around your organization's firewall by setting up a connection between your
computer and the anonymizer service. Thus, firewalls see only the connection from your
computer to the anonymizer's web address. The anonymizer will subsequently connect
to any website (e.g., Twitter} with the help of an Internet connection and then direct the
content back to you. To your organization, your system appears to be simply connected
to the anonymizer's web address but not to the actual site that you are browsing.
In addition to protecting users' identities, anonymizers can also be used to attack a website
without being traced .
Types of Anonymizers

Anonymizers are of two basic types: networked anonymizers and single-point anonymizers.
■ Networked Anonymizers

A networked anonymizer first transfers your information through a network of Internet-

connected computers before passing it on to the website. Because the information passes
through several Internet computers, it becomes cumbersome for anyone trying to track
your information to establish the connection between you and the anonymizer.
Example: If you want to visit any web page, you have to make a request. The request will
fi rst pass through A, B, and C Internet computers before going to the website.
Advantage: Complication of the communications makes traffic analysis complex.

Disadvantage: Any multi-node network communication incurs some degree of risk of

compromising confidentiality at each node.
■ Single-Point Anonymizers

Single-point anonymizers first transfer your information through a website before

sending it to the target website and then pass back the information gathered from the
target website to you via the website to protect your identity.
Advantage : Arms-length communication hides the IP address and related identifying
Disadvantage: It offers less resistance to sophisticated traffic analysis.

Anonymizer tools use various techniques such as SSH, VPN, and HTTP proxies, which allow access
to blocked or censored content on the Internet with advertisements omitted.

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■ Whonix

Whonix is a desktop OS designed for advanced security and privacy. It mitigates the threat
of common attack vectors while maintain ing usability. Online anonymity is realized via
fail-safe, automatic, and desktop-wide use of the Tor network. It consists of a heavily
reconfigured Debian base that is run inside multiple virtual machines, providing a
substantial layer of protection from malware and IP address leaks.

IP check • Tor Browser

Bio .Edrt \{rew Hi1tory &ookmari<s Iools !:!•Ip

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Figure 3.101: Screenshot of Whonix

Some additional anonymizers are listed below:

■ Psiphon (
■ TunnelBea r (https://www.tunnelbear. com)
■ Invisible Intern et Project (12P) (https://ge
■ JonDo (

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Discussed below are various anonymizers for mobile devices:

• Orbot
Orbot is a proxy app that allows other apps to use the Internet more securely. It uses Tor
to encrypt Internet traffic and then hides it by bouncing through a series of computers
around the world. Tor is a free software that provides an open network to help defend
your system against any form of network surveillance that may compromise personal
freedom and privacy as well as confidential business activities and relationships through
a type of state security monitoring known as "traffic analysis." Orbot creates a truly
private Internet connection.

Figure 3.102: Screenshot of Orbot

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■ Psiphon Pro

Psiphon Pro is a circumvention tool developed by Psiphon, Inc., which uses VPN, SSH, and
HTTP proxy technology to provide you with open and uncensored access to Internet
content. However, Psiphon Pro does not increase online privacy and is not an online
security tool.

o Browser or VPN (whole-device) mode: one can choose whether to tunnel everything
or just the web browser.
o ln-app stats: This lets you know how much traffic you have been using.

Figure 3. 103: Screenshot of Psiphon Pro

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Censorship Circumvention Tools: Alkasir and Tails

Alkasir is a cross-platform , open-source, and Tails is a live operating system that a user
I robust website censorship circumvention tool
that also maps censorship patterns around Tails I can start on any computer from a DVD,

USB stick, or SD card
the world


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Welcome to Tails!

Go gle

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AdditioNI Settings

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r:-_ ---::-J
hu ps://

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Censorship Circumvention Tools

• Alkasir
Alkasir is a cross-platform, open-source, and robust website censorship circumvention
tool that also maps censorship patterns around the world . Alkasir enables attackers to
identify censored links. It keeps them informed about links that are still blocked and links
that are not blocked.

a Goo91, . .-.- - 0 X

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AcMrtl llng Progr9m1 &Jsmns Soluuon, About Google

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Figure 3.104: Screenshot of Alka sir

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■ Tails
Tails is a live OS that users can run on any computer from a DVD drive, USB stick, or SD
card. It uses state-of-the-art cryptographic tools to encrypt files, emails, and instant
messaging. It allows attackers to use the Internet anonymously and circumvent
censorship. It leaves no trace on the computer.

Sh\ltdown li§f@i
Welcome to Tails!

Language & Region i)

l!I Keyboard Layout Fnglt~h (US)

tLJ Fo,rnJ~ United Sidle~

Encrypted Persistent Storage a (D - Show P.issphr.ise

ErtPr your p;ssp_h_,;_sP_o_un_ln<

_ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M@i
Additional Settings (;)

O,c dcldull ~citing~ .UC ~die in mo~l ~iludlion~. lo ddd J lU~lom ~citing, pre~~ lhc. ~'
button bel ow.

Figure 3. 105: Screenshot of Tails

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10#07: Explain Network Scanning Countermeasures

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Network Scanning Countermeasures

In ethical hacking, the ethical hacker, also known as the " pen tester," has to perform an additional
task that a normal hacker does not follow (i.e., adopting countermeasures against the respective
vulnerabilities determined through hacking). This is essential because knowing security loopholes
in your network is worthless unless you adopt measures to protect them against real hackers.
This section discusses various countermeasures to defend against network scanning attacks.

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Port Scanning Countermeasures

D Configure firewall and IDS rules to det ect and

block probes m Use a custom rule set to lock down the netwo rk
and bl ock unwanted ports at the firewall

Run port scanning tools against host s on the network
to det ermine wheth er the firewall properly detects
Filtm ll lCMP mo,,a"' (Le., ,ObooodlCMP
message t ypes and outbound ICMP type 3
port scanning activity unreachable messages) at the firewalls and routers

Ensure that the mechanisms used for routing and Perfo rm TCP and UDP scanning al o ng with ICM P

I) filtering at the ro ut ers and firewalls, respect ively,

cannot be bypassed using a particular source port fJ probesagai nst yourorgani zation's IP address space
t o check the network configuration and its
or source ro uting methods available ports

B Ensure that the router, IDS, and firewall firmware

are updated to t heir latest re leases/versions m Ensure t ha t anti-scanning and anti-spoofing rules
are pro perly configured

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Port Scanning Countermeasures

As discussed previously, port scanning provides a large amount of useful information to attackers,
such as IP addresses, host names, open ports, and services running on ports. Open ports
specifically offer an easy means for an attacker to break into the network. However, there is no
cause for concern, provided that the system or network is secured against port scanning by
adopting the following countermeasures:
■ Configure firewall and intrusion detection system (IDS) rules to detect and block probes.
■ The firewall should be capable of detecting the probes sent by attackers using port-
scanning tools. It should not allow traffic to pass through after simply inspecting the TCP
header. The firewall should be able to examine the data contained in each packet before
allowing traffic to pass through it.
■ Run the port scanning tools against hosts on the network to determine whether the
firewall accurately detects the port scanning activity.
■ Some firewalls do a better job than others in terms of detecting stealth scans. For
example, many firewalls have specific options for detecting SYN scans, whereas others
ignore FIN scans.
■ Ensure that the router, IDS, and firewall firmware are updated with their latest
■ Configure commercial firewalls to protect the network against fast port scans and SYN
■ Hackers use tool s such as Nmap and perform OS detection to sniff the det ails of a remote
OS. Thus, it is important to employ an IDS in such cases. Snort (https://www.snort. org) is

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a very useful intrusion detection and prevention technology, mainly because signatures
are frequently available from public authors.
• Keep as few ports open as possible and filter the rest, as an intruder may attempt to enter
through any open port. Use a custom rule set to lock down the network, block unwanted
ports at the firewa ll, and filter the following ports: 135-159, 256-258, 389, 445, 1080,
1745, and 3268.
• Block unwanted services running on the ports and update the service versions.
■ Ensure that the versions of services running on the ports are non-vulnerable.
■ Block inbound ICMP message types and all outbound ICMP type-3 unreachable messages
at border routers arranged in front of the company's main firewall.
• Attackers attempt to perform source routing and send packets to the targets, which may
not be reachable via the Internet, using an intermediate host that can interact with the
target. Hence, it is necessary to ensure that the firewall and router can block such source-
routing techniques.
■ Ensure that the mechanisms used for routing and filtering at the routers and firewalls,
respectively, cannot be bypassed using a particular source port or source routing
■ Test the IP address space using TCP and UDP port scans as well as ICMP probes to
determine the network configuration and accessible ports.
■ Ensure that the anti-scanning and anti-spoofing rules are configured.
• If a commercial firewall is in use, then ensure the following:
o It is patched with the latest updates.
o It has correctly defined anti-spoofing rules.
o Its fast-mode services are unusable.
• Ensure that TCP wrappers limit access to the network based on domain names or IP
• Test how the network firewall and IDS manages the fragmented packets using fragtest
and fragroute.
• Use proxy servers to block fragmented or malformed packets.
• Ensure that the firewalls forward open port scans to empty hosts or honeypots to make
the port-scanning task difficult and time-consuming.
• Employ an intrusion prevention system (IPS) to identify port scan attempts and blacklist
IP addresses.

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Banner Grabbing Countermeasures

Disabling or Changing Banner Hiding File Extensions from Web Pages

e Display false banners to mislead or deceive attackers

e File extensions reveal information about the
underlying server technology that an attacker can
utilize to launch attacks
e Turn off unnecessary services on the network host to
limit the disclosure of information
e Hide file extensions to mask the web technologies

e Use server masking tools to disable or change banner

e Replace application mappings such as .asp with .htm
or .foo, etc. to disguise the identities of servers

e For Apache 2.x with the mod_headers module, use

e Apache users can use mod_negotiation
a directiveinthe httpd. conf file to change the
banner information header and set the server as New
Server Name
e 11S users can use tools such as PageXchanger to
e Alternatively, change the serverSignature line to manage the file extensions
ServerSi gnature Off in the httpd. conf file
v' It is preferable to not use file extensions at all

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Banner Grabbing Countermeasures

• Disabling or Changing Banner

An open port indicates that a service/banner is running on it. When attackers connect to
an open port using banner grabbing techniques, the system presents a banner containing
sensitive information such as the OS, server type, and version . Using the information
gathered, the attacker identifies specific vulnerabilities to exploit and then launches
attacks. The countermeasures against banner grabbing attacks are as follows:
o Display false banners to mislead or deceive attackers.
o Turn off unnecessary services on the network host to limit information disclosure.
o Use server masking tools to disable or change banner information.
o Remove unnecessary HTTP headers and response data and camouflage the server by
providing false signatures. This also provides the option of eliminating file extensions
such as . asp and . aspx, which clearly indicate that the site is running on a Microsoft
o For Apache 2.x with the mod_headers module, use a directive in the httpd. conf
file to change the banner information header and set the server as New Server

o Alternatively, change the ServerSignature line to ServerSignatureOff in the

httpd. conf file.

o Disable the details of the vendor and version in the banners.

o Modify the value of Server Tokens from Full to Prod in Apache's httpd. conf
file to prevent disclosure of the server version.

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o Modify the value of RemoveServerHeader from Oto 1 in the UrlScan . ini config
file found at c: WindowsSystem32inetservUrlscan. This method prevents
disclosure of the server version.
o Trick attackers by modifying the value of Al ternateServerName to values such as
xyz or myserver.
o Disable HTTP methods such as Connect, Put, Delete, and Options from web
application servers.
o Remove the X-Powered-By header only with t he customHeaders option in the
<system. webServer> section of the web. config file.

■ Hiding File Extensions from Web Pages

File extensions reveal information about the underlying server technology that an
attacker can use to launch attacks. The countermeasures against such banner grabbing
attacks are as follows:
o Hide file extensions to mask the web technology.
o Replace application mappings such as .asp with .htm, .foo, etc. to disguise the
identities of servers.
o Apache users can use mod_negotiation directives.
o 11S users can use tools such as PageXchanger to manage the file extensions.
Note: It is preferable to not use file extensions at all.

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IP Spoofing Detection Techniques: Direct 'TTL Probes ~ :~ ~

L a packet to the host of a suspected spoofed packet that triggers a reply and compare the TTL with that of the suspected
packet; if the TTL in the reply is not the same as the packet being checked, this implies that it is a spoofed packet

This technique is successful when the attacker is in a different subnet from that of the victim

(Spoofed Address Target


Note: Normal traffic from one host can contrastTTLs depending on traffic patterns

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IP Spoofing Detection Techniques: IP Identification Number

Send a probe to the host of a suspected spoofed traffic that triggers a reply and compare the IPID with the
01 suspected traffic

02 If the IPIDs are not close in value to the packet being checked, then the suspected traffic is spoofed

03 This technique is considered reliable even if the attacker is in the same subnet

10.0.0. 5

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IP Spoofing Detection Techniques: TCP Flow Control Method

a Attackers sending spoofed TCP packets w ill not receive the target's SYN-ACK packets

Therefore, attackers cannot respo nd t o a change in the congestion window size

W hen recei ved traffic continues after a window si ze is exhausted, the packets are most likely spoofed

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IP Spoofing Detection Techniques

• Direct TTL Probes

In this technique, you initially send a packet (ping request) to the legitimate host and wait
for a reply. Check whether the TTL value in the reply matches with that of the packet you
are checking. Both will have the same TTL if they are using the same protocol. Although
the initial TTL values vary according to the protocol used, a few initial TTL values are
commonly used. For TCP/UDP, the values are 64 and 128; for ICMP, they are 128 and 255.

Figure 3 .106: IP Spoofing det ection tech n iq ue: Direct TTL Probes

If the reply is from a different protocol, then you should check the actual hop count to
detect the spoofed packets. Deduct the TTL value in the reply from the initial TTL value to
determine the hop count. The packet is a spoofed packet if the reply TTL does not match
the TTL of the packet. It will be very easy to launch an attack if th e attacker knows the
hop count between the source and the host . In this case, th e test result is a false negative.

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This technique is successful when the attacker is in a different subnet from that of the
Note: Normal traffic from one host can contrast TTLs depending on traffic patterns.
• IP Identification Number

Users can identify spoofed packets by monitoring the IP identification {IPID) number in
the IP packet headers. The IPID increases incrementally each time a system sends a
packet. Every IP packet on the network has a unique "IP identification" number, which is
increased by one for every packet transmission. To identify whether a packet is spoofed,
send a probe packet to the source IP address of the packet and observe the IPID number
in the reply. The IPID value in the response packet must be close to but slightly greater
than the IPID value of the probe packet. The source address of the IP packet is spoofed if
the IPID of the response packet is not close to that of the probe packet.
This method is effective even when both the attacker and the target are on the same

Figure 3.107: IP Spoofing detection technique: IP Identification Number

• TCP Flow Control Method

The TCP can optimize the flow control on both the sender's and the receiver's end with
its algorithm. The algorithm accomplishes flow control using the sliding window principle.
The user can control the flow of IP packets by the window size field in the TCP header.
This field represents the maximum amount of data that the recipient can receive and the
maximum amount of data that the sender can transmit without acknowledgement. Thus,
this field helps to control data flow. The sender should stop sending data whenever the
window size is set to zero.
In general flow control, the sender should stop sending data once the initial window size
is exhausted. The attacker, who is unaware of the ACK packet containing window size
information, might continue to send data to the victim. If the victim receives data packets
beyond the window size, they are spoofed packets. For effective flow control and early
detection of spoofing, the initial window size must be very small.
Most spoofing attacks occur during the handshake, as it is challenging to build multiple
spoofing replies with the correct sequence number. Therefore, apply the flow control
spoofed packet detection method to the handshake. In a TCP handshake, the host sending

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the initial SYN packet waits for SYN-ACK before sending the ACK packet. To check whether
you are getting the SYN request from a genuine client or a spoofed one, set SYN-ACK to
zero. If the sender sends an ACK with any data, it means that the sender is a spoofed one.
This is because when SYN-ACK is set to zero, the sender must respond to it only with the
ACK packet, without additional data.

Figure 3. 108: IP Spoofing det ection technique: TCP Flow Cont rol Method

Attackers sending spoofed TCP packets will not receive the target's SYN-ACK packets.
Attackers cannot respond to changes in the congestion window size. When the received
t raffic continues after a window size is exhausted, the packets are most likely spoofed.

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IP Spoofing Countermeasures

Encrypt all the network traffic using cryptogra phic network protocols such as IPsec, TLS, SSH, and HTTPS

e Use multiple firewalls to provide a multi-layered depth of protection

e Do not rely on IP-based authentication

•e Use a random initial sequence number to prevent IP spoofing attacks based on sequence number spoofing

Ingress Filtering: Use routers and fi rewalls at your network perimeter to filter incoming packets that appear
to come from an internal IP address

e Egress Filtering: Filter all outgoing packets with an invalid local IP address as the source address

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IP Spoofing Countermeasures
As mentioned previously, IP spoofing is a technique adopted by a hacker to break into a target
network. Therefore, to protect the network from external hackers, IP spoofing countermeasures
should be applied in network security settings. Some IP spoofing countermeasures that can be
applied are as follows:
• Avoid Trust Relationships

Do not rely on IP-based authentication . Attackers may masquerade as trusted hosts and
send malicious packets. If these packets are accepted under the assumption that they are
"clean" because they are from a trusted host, malicious code will infect the system.
Therefore, it is advisable to test all packets, even when they originate from a trusted host.
This problem can be avoided by implementing password authentication along with trust
relationship-based authentication.
■ Use Firewalls and Filtering Mechanisms

As stated above, all incoming and outgoing packets should be filtered to avoid attacks and
loss of sensitive information. A firewall can restrict malicious packets from entering a
private network and prevent severe data loss. Access-control lists (ACLs) can be used to
block unauthorized access. However, the possibility of an insider attack also exists. Inside
attackers can send sensitive information about the business to competitors, which could
lead to financial loss and other issues. Another risk of outgoing packets is that an attacker
may succeed in installing a malicious sniffing program running in a hidden mode on the
network. These programs gather and send all the network information to the attacker
without any notification after filtering out the outgoing packets. Therefore, the scanning
of outgoing packets must be assigned the same importance as that of incoming packets.

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■ Use Random Initial Sequence Numbers

Most devices choose their initial sequence numbers (ISNs) based on timed counters. This
makes the ISNs predictable, as it is easy for an attacker to determine the concept of
generating an ISN. The attacker can determine the ISN of the next TCP connection by
analyzing the ISN of the current session or connection. If the attacker can predict the ISN,
then they can establish a malicious connection to the server and sniff network traffic. To
avoid this risk, use random ISNs.
■ Ingress Filtering

Ingress filtering prevents spoofed traffic from entering the Internet. It is applied to routers
because it enhances the functionality of the routers and blocks spoofed traffic.
Configuring and using ACLs that drop packets with a source address outside the defined
range is one method of implementing ingress filtering.
■ Egress Filtering

Egress filtering is a practice that aims to prevent IP spoofing by blocking outgoing packets
with a source address from the outside.
■ Use Encryption

To maximize network security, use strong encryption for all traffic placed on transmission
media without considering its type and location. This is the best method to prevent IP
spoofing attacks. IPSec can be used to drastically reduce the IP spoofing risk, as it provides
data authentication, integrity, and confidentiality. Encryption sessions should be enabled
on the router so that trusted hosts can communicate securely with local hosts. Attackers
tend to focus on targets that are easy to compromise. If an attacker desires to break into
an encrypted network, they must decrypt the entire slew of encrypted packets, which is
a difficult task. Therefore, an attacker is likely to move on and attempt to find another
target that is easy to compromise or simply abort the attempt. Moreover, use the latest
encryption algorithms that provide strong security.
■ SYN Flooding Countermeasures

Countermeasures against SYN flooding attacks can also help avoid IP spoofing attacks.
■ Other IP Spoofing Countermeasures

o Enhance the integrity and confidentiality of websites by migrating from 1Pv4 to 1Pv6
during development.
o Implement digital certificate authentication mechanisms such as domain and two-way
auth certificate verification.
o Use a secure VPN while accessing any type of public Internet service such as free Wi-
Fi and hotspots.
o Employ application-specific mitigation devices such as Behemoth scrubbers for deep-
level packet investigation at a high speed of nearly 100 million packets/s.

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o Implement dynamic 1Pv6 address variation using a random address generator to

reduce the time of active vulnerability.
o Configure routers to send encoded information about fragmented packets entering
the network.
o Configure routers to verify the data packets using their signatures by storing the
arriving data packet digests.
o Configure routers to hide intranet hosts from the external network by implementing
modifications to the network address translation (NAT).
o Configure internal switches to table the DHCP static addresses to filter malicious
spoofed traffic.

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Scanning Detection and Prevention Tools

It provi des complete vi sibility, real-ti m e detection, and
intelligent response t o maliciou s network scanning
[!] Splunk Enterprise Security

I PJ. Scanlogd

Vectra Cognito Detect

IBM Security QRadar XOR

Cynet 360
ht tps://

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Scanning Detection and Prevention Tools

Security professionals use various sophisticated tools such as ExtraHop and Splunk Enterprise
Security to detect active networks and port scanning attempts initiated by attackers.
• ExtraHop

ExtraHop provides complete visibility, real-time detection, and intelligent response to
malicious network scanning. This tool allows security professionals to automatically
discover and identify every device and its vulnerabilities, including unmanaged Internet
of things (loT) devices in a network. Further, this tool allows security professionals to
analyze all network interactions in real time, including all cloud transactions and SSL/TLS
encrypted traffic, to provide compl et e visibility inside th e network perimeter.
ExtraHop also assist s in the auto-discovery and cl assification of every device in the
network, using which security teams can analyze all communication .

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Figure 3 .109: Screen sh o t of ExtraHop

Some of the additional scanning detection and prevention tools are listed below:

• Splunk Enterprise Security (

■ Scanlogd (

■ Vectra Cognito Detect (

• IBM Security QRadar XOR (

• Cynet 360 (

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Module Summary

□ □ In this module, we have discussed the following:

• ► How attackers discover live hosts from a range of IP addresses by sending various ping
scan requests to multiple host s

► How attackers perform different scanningtechniques to determine open ports, services,

service ve rsions, etc. on the target syst em

► How attackers perform banner grabbing or OS fingerprinting to determine the opera ting
system running on a remote target system

► Va rious scanning techniques that attackers can employ to bypass IDS/firewa ll rules and
logging mechanisms, and disguise themselves as regularnet work traffic

► Network scanning countermea sures to defend against network sca nning attacks

□ In the next module, we wi ll discuss in detail how attackers, as well as ethical hackers and
pen-testers, perform enumeration t o collect information about a target before an attack
or au dit

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Module Summary
This module discussed how attackers determine live hosts from a range of IP addresses by
sending various ping scan requests to multiple hosts. It also described how attackers perform
different scanning techniques to determine open ports, services, service versions, etc., on the
target system. Furthermore, it explained how attackers perform banner grabbing or OS
fingerprinting to determine the OS running on a remote target system. It also illustrated various
scanning techniques that attackers can adopt to bypass IDS/firewall rules and logging
mechanisms and hide themselves as usual under network traffic. Finally, it ended with a detailed
discussion on network scanning countermeasures to defend against network scanning attacks.
In the next module, we will discuss in detail how attackers as well as ethical hackers and pen-
testers perform enumeration to collect information about a target before an attack or audit.

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