Appellate Practice: Opening
Appellate Practice: Opening
Appellate Practice: Opening
The challenging part of appellate law is that you start with a case that has
already been unsuccessful once in the lower courts. Your job is to come
from behind and earn something for your client, whether it is a new trial, the
client’s freedom, or something in between.
Although all cases are initially tried at the trial court level, the losing party
may appeal his case to higher courts known as appellate courts.
As part of the Job, Appellate attorneys are duty bound to review and
analyze trial records and other documents, research and analyze case law
or jurisprudence which is ofcourse applicable to the case being handled,
draft persuasive briefs and appellate documents, advocate in appellate
courts before the appellate judge(s), framing issues and to gather together
the records for appeal because digging into the past to collect information
useful in preparing your appeal brief would be important.
We should refrain from recycling the trial court pleadings by adding a new
caption, change a few words, and file it in the court of appeals. Such
thoughts are common among attorneys who do not practice regularly in the
appellate courts. However, good appellate briefs usually look very different
from trial court briefs. Here are a few reasons why.
A trial court’s decision is often influenced by the arguments made by
counsel at a hearing, with the briefs receiving less attention. The opposite
should be expected in the appellate courts. Only a small percentage of
appeals receive oral argument. Instead, most appeals are decided on the
briefs alone.
Your best (and possibly only) opportunity to tell your client’s compelling
story will be your appellate brief.
Appellate briefs also receive significantly more scrutiny than trial court
briefs. Appellate briefs are reviewed—often repeatedly—by multiple
appellate justices. Appellate briefs are expected to contain detailed
citations to both the appellate record and legal authority and / or
Trial court’s decisions are not binding on the appellate courts. Nor are
opinions of the court of appeals binding on the Supreme Court. A good
appellate brief is mindful of this “change in venue,” updating and refining
legal authority and arguments accordingly.
Style and formatting of appellate records and briefs are early signals of an
attorney’s proficiency and experience in the field.
Preparation of the appellate record is another area in which style and form
matter. A counsel’s failure to include key documents in the appellate record
can result in dismissal of an appeal or automatic affirmance of the trial
court’s order/decision, e.g. certified true copy of the lower court’s decision.
The most common mistake made by trial lawyers is to think that they
should do the same thing in the appellate court that they did in trial court.
They write their pleadings in a recycle mode addressing the appellate court
as they would address the trial court.
Packaging Arguments
Note that we have referred to "staying within the rules." That is important.
The rules are the first thing any lawyer must consider before putting pen to
paper — or fingers to keyboard.
Observe page limits by not having too many long footnotes. Avoid too long
brief. Produce an attractive, readable product. Use 1 ½ spacing and
margins of 1.25”.
Our own advice on how to meet page limits is not merely to be brief.
Instead, first write lean prose that makes the necessary points and avoid
excessive repetition.
In such a case, you should not present a question such as "Whether the Bill
of Rights has been suspended as a result of the ‘War on Drugs.’ "
You may, instead want to suggest to the court that the search was
unreasonable and illegal. The item seized as a result thereof is
inadmissible in evidence being a fruit of poisonous tree.
You can preserve your credibility for formulating the issues on appeal even-
handedly; but there is another challenge: You must also make the
questions comprehensible. If the judges cannot understand what the case
is about from the initial substantive exposure to your writing — a statement
they expect to be clear — they may have far less patience with the parts of
your brief that may legitimately be complex.
No Argumentative Statements
This does not mean, however, that advocacy plays no role in drafting the
Statement of Facts. Quite the opposite. Although the tone must at all times
remain neutral and dispassionate, artful selection, emphasis, and
organization of facts can go far to shape a reader’s perception of the case.
The trick for the appellant is to make the reader feel that the statement
presents a fair description of what happened — an account of the material
facts leavened with a recognition of the presumption of correctness that
fortifies the fact finder’s resolution of factual disputes.
In a case involving a plain legal issue, a short factual account may suffice,
followed by a more elaborate legal analysis.
The reader is sure to understand the point and may even have gotten a
smile out of the arduous task of reading a brief.
Another point that frequently crops up with fact-intensive legal issues (for
example, the sufficiency of the evidence to support the verdict) is whether it
is best to recite all the relevant facts in the statement or save them for the
Often, you may wish to begin with some background or table-setting that
will not be repeated in the argument section and therefore is not, strictly
speaking, a "summary" of any part of the argument. In such instances, it is
perfectly legitimate to combine the summary of argument with an
introduction, as long as the combination of "introduction and summary of
argument" is so labeled and does not cause the section to be too long
(more than four or five pages).
Ironically, the most critical section of the brief — the argument itself — is
least subject to general rules or advice. There are two primary
determinants of the quality of the argument section of a brief: (1) the quality
of the arguments available and (2) the analytical and writing skills of the
lawyers involved. Nevertheless, some aspects of writing an argument are
specific to the appellate process.
It also is desirable to explain the client’s position in a way that makes sense
from a policy (or common sense) perspective. Judges are concerned about
both the institutional and the real-world consequences of the rules they
adopt. Relatively few cases that reach appellate courts are controlled so
squarely by precedent that the judges have no wiggle room. Accordingly,
even if favorable precedent is available and you intend to rely heavily on it,
write the argument in a way that gives the judges confidence that
they should follow that precedent. That is far better than baldly telling them
that they must follow it — and daring them to disagree.
But be careful about policy forays. You cannot just make up the law. Most
appellate judges are offended by briefs that are merely naked policy
arguments and that pay no attention to such familiar judicial guideposts as
case law, statutory language, and (for most judges) legislative history.
If statutory language makes your position difficult, do not hide the statute at
the back of your brief. The court will see such placement as a tacit
admission that the statute cannot be construed your way. The judges may
think you want the court to ignore the statute. If the statutory
language is favorable, you have done your client even more of a disservice
by not beginning with that and telling the judges that Congress has made
all necessary policy choices. "[S]tart out by discussing policy. . . . [I]nstead
of talking about what Congress did, talk about what it should have done."1
Appellate judges are busy people. There is not always sufficient time for a
judge to untangle convoluted sentences or dense prose. In addition,
typographical and grammatical errors can distract from more important
matters. And, if it is possible to write the brief in a lively fashion — without
making the writing style itself a distraction — the reader is likelier to
comprehend and remember it.
Here again, heated rhetoric and overstatement are harmful. Perhaps the
most common flaw in appellate briefs is writing in emphatic, unequivocal,
Judge Kozinski, in his advice on how to lose an appeal, has written:
and conclusory terms. Such briefs, overconfident, even cocky, in tone and
uninformative in content, are likely to obscure what the judges must really
decide and what analytical steps are needed to reach a sound decision —
especially if the weakness in the argument has been glossed over in an
effort to make the position seem stronger than it is. This is not only
unhelpful to the court, but injurious to the advocate’s own cause. It is far
better to confront the issues coolly, honestly, and logically, guiding the
reader lucidly down a path that leads to victory.
The lawyer, who is prominently affiliated with an elite East Coast institution,
should have been careful to adopt a respectful tone toward the midwestern
state judges he was addressing. We read the briefs before the case was
argued. We concluded that, if the judges thought the issue otherwise close,
human nature probably would make them want to rule against the
defendant because of his lawyer’s imperious tone. We are not mind
readers, but we do know that the defendant lost on appeal by a 2-1 vote.
Appellate rules usually give the bottomside brief writer the option of
dispensing with several of the features required in the topside brief. There
is rarely a need to repeat or correct the predictable recitations of the basis
for jurisdiction and the nature of the rulings below. On the other hand, it is
usually worthwhile in a bottomside brief to reformulate the questions
presented and write a competing statement of the case.
Some appellees seem to feel compelled to go further and to tell the court at
the outset that the other side has misstated the questions presented and
tendered a slanted version of the facts. That can be a bad idea. The court
often will know from reading your questions presented and your statement
that you believe the other side’s version is either inaccurate or incomplete;
you waste space and possibly goodwill by adding another sentence with an
accusatory tone. However, if you can demonstrate flat out distortion, and it
concerns something important, do so.
The other major difference between a bottomside and a topside brief is that
the writer of a bottomside brief already knows exactly what arguments are
being made on behalf of reversal. It is therefore appropriate and —
because the appellee gets no reply — necessary to take on those
arguments. This does not mean, however, that the brief should consist
simply of a point-by-point refutation of each of the appellant’s arguments.
The aim of a bottomside brief is not just to debate the other side. There
also must be an affirmative and coherent statement of the reasons why the
decision being appealed is correct.
Most times, however, it is prudent to defend the lower court’s approach and
offer, in addition, either something explicitly called an "alternative" approach
or an embellishment on the decision below. Of course, there are times
when defending the rationale of the decision below will be the only way to
secure an affirmance. In cases coming from administrative agencies, for
example, the appellate court is not allowed to adopt a rationale that was not
the basis of the agency’s decision; similarly, a court reviewing a jury verdict
may not affirm on a basis never presented to the jury.
A Better Rationale
Finally, what about reply briefs? They are optional, but it is the rare case —
if any case at all — in which it makes sense to forgo the opportunity to file
one. One of us once argued on behalf of the government a Supreme Court
criminal case in which the petitioner simply did not bother to file a reply
brief. The Court decided the case 5-4 in the government’s favor, with the
unusual coalition of Justices Brennan, Marshall, Scalia, and Kennedy
dissenting. It would be easy to believe that the government’s sterling
written and oral advocacy assured the result no matter what the other side
did, but one must wonder whether an effective reply might have swayed
one of the Justices who formed the tenuous majority. It is a mystery why
counsel passed up the chance to have the last word in such a close case.
The reply brief must be (relatively) short, (relatively) punchy, and selective.
Sometimes it will follow the same structure as the opening brief, but
sometimes it will not. What it must do, to be effective, is identify from the
start one or more overall themes in the argument or arguments with the
best chance of winning and explain to the court where the appellee’s brief,
which it just read, went fundamentally astray.
Do not strive to write a pithy ending for its own sake, however. Litigation
gives its authors and editors a style sheet that advises: "Formal
conclusions are not worth the trouble. Start at the beginning, go to the end,
then stop." The same goes for reply briefs.