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Comparative Metabolomics of Root-Tips Reveals Distinct Metabolic Pathways Conferring Drought Tolerance in Contrasting Genotypes of Rice

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et al. BMC Genomics (2023) 24:152 BMC Genomics

RESEARCH Open Access

Comparative metabolomics of root‑tips

reveals distinct metabolic pathways conferring
drought tolerance in contrasting genotypes
of rice
Zahra Ghorbanzadeh1, Rasmieh Hamid2, Feba Jacob3, Mehrshad Zeinalabedini1,
Ghasem Hosseini Salekdeh1,4 and Mohammad Reza Ghaffari1* 

Background  The mechanisms underlying rice root responses to drought during the early developmental stages are
yet unknown.
Results  This study aimed to determine metabolic differences in IR64, a shallow-rooting, drought-susceptible geno-
type, and Azucena, a drought-tolerant and deep-rooting genotype under drought stress. The morphological evalu-
ation revealed that Azucena might evade water stress by increasing the lateral root system growth, the root surface
area, and length to access water. At the same time, IR64 may rely mainly on cell wall thickening to tolerate stress.
Furthermore, significant differences were observed in 49 metabolites in IR64 and 80 metabolites in Azucena, for
which most metabolites were implicated in secondary metabolism, amino acid metabolism, nucleotide acid metabo-
lism and sugar and sugar alcohol metabolism. Among these metabolites, a significant positive correlation was found
between allantoin, galactaric acid, gluconic acid, glucose, and drought tolerance. These metabolites may serve as
markers of drought tolerance in genotype screening programs. Based on corresponding biological pathways analysis
of the differentially abundant metabolites (DAMs), biosynthesis of alkaloid-derivatives of the shikimate pathway, fatty
acid biosynthesis, purine metabolism, TCA cycle and amino acid biosynthesis were the most statistically enriched bio-
logical pathway in Azucena in drought response. However, in IR64, the differentially abundant metabolites of starch
and sucrose metabolism were the most statistically enriched biological pathways.
Conclusion  Metabolic marker candidates for drought tolerance were identified in both genotypes. Thus, these mark-
ers that were experimentally determined in distinct metabolic pathways can be used for the development or selec-
tion of drought-tolerant rice genotypes.
Keywords  Root Tips; Rice, Drought Stress; Root Architecture, Metabolites

Mohammad Reza Ghaffari
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Ghorbanzadeh et al. BMC Genomics (2023) 24:152 Page 2 of 20

Introduction metabolite pathway or class [20–22]. The metabolic pro-

Drought is a major abiotic stress that restricts crop file of drought-stressed barley and maize leaves and roots
growth, development and yield and thus has turned into indicated a substantial buildup of metabolites belong-
a grave threat to universal food security [1]. In addition, ing to glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism in maize
global climate change, particularly high temperatures roots and isoflavonoid biosynthesis in barley roots [23–
and erratic rainfall patterns, combined with a growing 25]. Further findings revealed that drought stress toler-
world population, is placing tremendous stress on food ance is linked to a signature of metabolites of different
security and sustainability. These challenging conditions metabolic pathways [20]. Plant drought tolerance has
can be overcome through breeding programs to develop been thoroughly characterized at various levels, but the
drought-resistant crops [2, 3]. The combined effect of metabolite-mediated regulatory mechanisms involved
drought and other abiotic stresses can reduce potential in the RSA traits of upland rice remain a mystery. Root
crop production by more than 50%. According to mod- tips have a developmental gradient from meristematic to
eling simulations, drought-affected cropping regions mature cell zones, each of which responds to water stress
could quadruple by the end of the twenty-first century differently and serves a specific purpose in the formation
[4]. In response to these conditions, rice employs various of RSA [26, 27]. Among the different zones, the meris-
adaptive methods, such as building up various osmopro- tematic zone is the most critical zone for determining
tectants or solutes and changes in the direction of plant roots’ length, angle, and thickness [28]. Thus, investigat-
growth to avoid drought [5]. Roots are the plant’s main ing the changes in the metabolite profile of the meris-
organs that anchor it in the soil and are required for tematic zone could be a practical approach to identifying
nutrition and water absorption. Favorable responses of metabolites related to drought tolerance and could help
plants to water stress is dependent on the roots’ capac- develop drought-tolerant varieties [29]. For the current
ity to maintain growth (i.e., modifying the root traits study, a metabolomics approach was employed to deter-
such as depth, density, and root angles) and maintain/ mine the alteration of the corresponding metabolites in
increase root hydraulic conductivity [6–8]. The ability of the root tip (5 mm) regions of IR64, a stress susceptible,
roots to tolerate water deficiency depends on their abil- shallow-rooted lowland genotype, and Azucena, a stress-
ity to maintain adequate carbohydrate metabolism, cell tolerant, traditional upland genotype, grown in con-
wall protein composition, osmotic potential, and metab- trol and drought conditions to get additional molecular
olites involved in the oxidative stress response [9, 10]. insights on how drought affects metabolite production.
Most research has been focused on improving features Root-tip differentially abundant metabolites (DAMs)
in above-ground tissues to tolerate these pressures, but suggested a distinct pattern of metabolite accumulation
roots (the ‘hidden half ’ of a plant’s architecture) remain which confers drought tolerance to rice.
an underutilized source of crop development [11]. Root
System Architecture (RSA) is critical for improving
nutrient and water uptake and maintaining crop yield Results
under optimal and drought conditions [12]. Extensive Root morphological changes induced by drought stress
root systems can help plants overcome drought, which To evaluate the changes in root morphology and meta-
is influenced by growth angle, root thickness, and length bolic content of the two genotypes, samples were
[13, 14]. The meristematic zone of root tips is ideal for treated with severe drought stress (30% FC). Table  1
studying these root traits because of its high mitotic rate shows that the phenotypic responses of roots of both
[15]. Lowland rice with a shallow rooting system is more genotypes to drought stress were significant statistically
susceptible to drought stress, whereas upland rice with (p-value < 0.05). Drought stress increased the mean root
a deep rooting system is more drought-tolerant [16]. length and root surface area, lateral root development,
Understanding the adaptive reactions of different root and primary and secondary root diameters in Azu-
sections is critical for generating better stress-tolerant cena (Table  1). While slightly relaxed P-value of 0.05 to
rice. The omics technologies, viz. genomics, transcrip- no statistically detectable lateral root formation, diam-
tomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, have been used eters of the primary and secondary roots were observed
to uncover metabolic pathways that could be altered to in IR64. The root length in Azucena grew from 30.1 cm
overcome the effects of drought stress [16–18]. Metab- to 49.18 cm after drought stress induction, whereas this
olomics is a potent tool for obtaining extensive data change was prolonged in IR64 (25.14  cm to 29.09  cm)
on metabolite profiles and metabolic network analysis (Table  1). Similar results were observed for the surface
[19]. Various metabolite profiling methods are used to area parameter; thus, the mean surface area increased
understand the plant molecular responses to drought from 90.77 c­m2 to 115.87 c­m2 in stressed Azucena,
stress and determine the metabolites’ levels in a specific whereas it changed from 70.01 c­ m2 to 77.61 c­ m2 in IR64.
Ghorbanzadeh et al. BMC Genomics (2023) 24:152 Page 3 of 20

Table 1  Phenotypic parameters of the roots assessed for both genotypes using the SmartRoot system
Genotype Treatment ARA​ ARW​ ARH RL SA N.Tip LR% RD t-test

IR64 Control 41.08 ± 1.01d 43.09 ± 2.08d 60.70 ± 2.47d 25.14 ± 1.19c 70.01 ± 2.14d 27 ± 1.17d 35.09 ± 2.98d 0.30 ± 0.02c 0.017
c b b b c c b,c
Drought 47.10 ± 1.12 53.01 ± 1.18 75.25 ± 1.61 29.09 ± 1.04 77.61 ± 1.10 30 ± 0.09 46.12 ± 3.13 0.35 ± 0.01b 0.048
b c c b b b b
Azucena Control 52.14 ± 1.26 46.35 ± 1.49 70.15 ± 2.29 30.01 ± 2.87 95.77 ± 3.07 35 ± 2.11 50.87 ± 4.75 0.35 ± 0.04b 0.014
a a a a a a a
Drought 59.49 ± 1.50 56.10 ± 1.15 90.25 ± 4.85 49.18 ± 3.14 115.87 ± 3.02 48 ± 3.76 89.14 ± 3.69 0.46 ± 0.02a 0.010
ARA​Analyzed Region Area ­(cm2), ARW​ Analyzed Region Width (cm), ARH Analyzed Region Height (cm), RL Root Length (cm), SA Surface Area (­ cm2), N. Tip number of
tips, LR lateral root (%), RD root diameter (cm). In each column, the same letters do not differ at significance level P < 0.05 (Duncan’s multiple range test)

Table 2 Explanation and predictability values of the principal derivatives, benzoxazinoids, fatty acid, flavonoid, lipids,
component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares-discriminate nucleic acid derivatives, organic acid, phenolamides,
analysis (PLS-DA) polyphenols, sugar, sugar alcohol, vitamins and non-
Control- Control- Control- Stress (Azu & IR) classified (Table S1). The metabolic data of the AZs, AZc,
stress (Azu stress stress IRs, and IRc groups were subjected to PCA, an unsuper-
& IR) (Azu) (IR) vised multivariate data analysis method to decrease the
PCA R2X 0.713 0.742 0.759 0.659 data’s dimensionality and visualize the sample grouping.
Q2 0.497 0.4015 0.462 0.4055 Four principal components (PCs) with explanatory and
PLS-DA R2X 0.586 0.485 0.672 0.501 predictive values of 71.3% and 49.7% each were used to
R2Y 0.512 0.901 0.906 0.588 build the PCA model (Table 2). The score plot of the first
Q2 0.471 0.717 0.794 0.086 two PCs is shown in Fig. 1A. The majority of the data fell
inside the 92% confidence interval (Hotelling T2 ellipse).
The PCA results for the four cluster samples showed that
there was a clear distinction between the control (c) and
The numbers of root tips were also more pronounced in
treated samples (drought-stressed), while no clear differ-
Azucena than in IR64 (Table 1).
ence was seen between the two genotypes (Fig.  1A). To
confirm this trend, three of the whole competitive groups
Metabolic changes in roots in response to drought stress were examined by PCA, yielding similar results. The
Metabolites of root tip (5 mm) regions were subjected to PCA models yielded two, two, and three PCs, respec-
GC–MS to measure a wide range of metabolic changes tively, for comparing AZs vs. AZc, IRs vs. IRc, and AZs
of drought-stressed Azucena (AZs), control Azucena vs. IRs samples, respectively. The ­R2 X and Q­ 2 (goodness
(AZc), drought-stressed IR64 (IRs), and control IR64 of prediction) values are shown in Table  2 and indicate
(IRc). In total, 156 metabolites were identified unambigu- that the differences between groups could be predictably
ously and included, alkaloids, amino acids, amino acid explained by all the models. However, no distinct limit

Fig. 1  Principal component analysis (PCA) and Partial least squares-discriminate analysis (PLS-DA) score plots of metabolic profiles in rice roots
under drought stress. A PCA score plot for Azucena normal (red), IR64 normal (blue), Azucena-treated (yellow) and IR64-treated (green) samples, B
PLS-DA score plot for Azucena normal (red), IR64 normal (blue), Azucena-treated (yellow) and IR64-treated (green) samples
Ghorbanzadeh et al. BMC Genomics (2023) 24:152 Page 4 of 20

could be seen between the two groups’ PCA score plots (12.2%), polyphenols (12.8%), nucleic acid derivatives (8.3%)
(Table  2). PLS-DA is a supervised method that catego- and unclassified (others, 7.1%) were the most common dif-
rizes the observations into groups that yield the largest ferentially abundant metabolites (Fig. 2B).
predicted indicator variable. The obtained data resulted Compared to the control condition, the levels of 56 metab-
in two PCs (­R2 X  =  0.586, ­R2 Y  =  0.512, ­Q2 = 0.471) olites increased and 24 metabolites decreased in the Azucena
between the four cluster, and enhanced the classifica- root-tips in response to drought stress. In contrast, in IR64,
tion between these groups in the score plot (Fig.  1B). It the levels of 30 metabolites increased, and 19 decreased in
led to better modeling and prediction results with two response to drought stress (Fig. 3A). A cross-comparison of
PCs, when the data were examined with only the control the differentially abundant metabolites between genotypes
and the treated-AZ or treated-IR64 ­(R2 Y > 0.9, ­Q2 > 0.7) showed that number of accumulated metabolites were nearly
(Table 2) As shown in Table 2, the treated AZ and IR sam- two times higher in the root tips of the tolerant genotype (53
ples could be separated with two PCs in spite of the slight metabolites) than the sensitive one (22 metabolites), and of
overlap in the PLS-DA score plot (R2 Y > 0.5, Q2 > 0.08), which 27 metabolites were commonly altered between the
indicating intrinsic metabolic differences between these two genotypes in response to drought stress (Fig.  3B). The
two genotypes in the treated conditions. 25 most differentially abundant metabolites are shown in
Fig. 4. The ­log2 fold change values and VIP score for these
Overview of Azucena and IR64 root‑tips metabolome metabolites are mentioned in Table S2 & Table S3. As shown
under control and drought stress conditions in the Fig. 4, the levels of amino acids including aspartic acid
The line plots of the X-loadings of the first component of the and glutamic acid, nucleotides namely thymine and guanine
PLS-DA pairwise comparison models were used to identify increased in both genotypes under drought stress. Inter-
the primary altered metabolites. Based on the parameter estingly, glycine, phenylalanine, threonine, isoleucine, and
VIP > 1, p-value ≤ 0.01, log fold change (log FC > 2.0), and GABA were accumulated in IR64, while there was no sig-
Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA, a total of 103 drought respon- nificant difference in the levels of these metabolites in Azu-
sive metabolites with significant differences were identified cena under drought stress. Likewise, there is a considerable
(Table S2 and S3). The most significant metabolites had increase in the levels of TCA cycle intermediates comprising
variable importance in the projection (VIP) values greater of malic acid, isocitric acid, succinic acid and fumaric acid,
than 1, which was reported to explain the responses [30]. and sugar and sugar alcohol such as sorbitol, mannitol, galac-
The VIP values for metabolites categorized by superclass are tinol, myo-inositol, D-raffinose, sucrose, ribose and treha-
shown in Fig. 2A. Amino acid and organic acid groups were lose. In particular, the levels of several metabolites involved
most abundant. For example, GABA and aspartic acid had a in secondary metabolism comprising of genistein, vanil-
VIP value of 20.52 and 18.30, although the average value of lin, scopoletin, conifery aldehyde, farnesyl pyrophosphate,
the exclusive VIP was 5.63. Organic acid (16%), amino acid betaine, cyanidin 3-O-rutinoside 5-O-beta-D-glucoside, and

Fig. 2  Classification of the differentially abundant metabolites and their variable importance in the projection (VIP) distribution in IR64 and
Azucena in root tips. A VIP distribution in each metabolite superclass as a scatter plot. The average mean of the differentially abundant metabolites
is shown in the red dashed line (B) A pie chart depicting the proportion of each metabolite in the superclass
Ghorbanzadeh et al. BMC Genomics (2023) 24:152 Page 5 of 20

Fig. 3  Overview of differentially abundant metabolites (DAMs) between the Azucena and IR64. A Up- and down-regulated metabolites of Azucena
and IR64 in response to drought stress. B Venn diagram showing the overlap between DAMs responsive to drought stress

syringic acid showed the highest levels in the drought toler- would be a tolerance marker because its higher concen-
ant cultivar Azucena. trations would contribute to the tolerance. Metabolites
with negative correlation are sensitivity markers. Most
of the significant correlations between metabolite lev-
Identification of potential association between metabolites
els and root phenotypic parameters were found to be
and observed root traits
positive under drought stress (Fig.  6). Positive correla-
Metabolite content was determined in the root tips of tions were observed for the concentration of the treha-
control and drought-stressed plants from two different lose, proline, succinic acid, tryptophan, salicylic acid,
genotypes. The hierarchical clustering for both metabo- sucrose, fructose lysine and mannitol. Higher concen-
lites and samples (genotypes × conditions) is shown in trations of these metabolites were associated with the
Fig. 5. Clustering of the samples showed complete sepa- number of tips, root length (cm), surface area ­(cm2),
ration of the metabolite pattern between the control and root diameter. In tolerant plants as opposed to sen-
and drought-treated samples. Thus, drought treatment sitive plants, concentrations of these metabolites were
was the main source of variance in the data, indicating a higher during drought stress.
complete change in metabolism under stress conditions However, for most of these metabolites, no correla-
in both genotypes. Figure  5 shows the metabolites that tions were found between concentrations under control
changed significantly under drought stress; glutamic acid, conditions and root performance under drought. In
aspartic acid, proline, glucose-6-phosphate, and thymine contrast, concentrations of ribose under control con-
were among the predominant metabolites that increased ditions correlated positively with performance under
in response to drought stress, whereas metabolites drought and since there was a positive correlation
belonging to quinic acid and ribonic acid (lowest group between concentrations and root traits performance
in Fig. 5) decreased under drought stress. under control conditions also, ribose concentrations
The potential correlation between the abundant appear to be related to rate of root growth rather than
metabolites and the root phenotype were tested by ana- drought tolerance. Gallic acid and ascorbic acid made
lyzing the correlations of expression of the metabolite better candidates for drought markers because their
levels with phenotypic traits. We rely on the predic- concentrations exhibited positive correlation with
tion marker for high concentrations since high amounts root performance only under drought stress condi-
of a metabolite can be detected more accurately than tions. Negative correlations were found for concen-
low concentrations or their absence. High metabo- trations of leucine, isoleucine, pyroglutamic acid,
lite concentrations in tolerant cultivars are indicated phenylalanine, and glycerol. Higher concentrations of
by significant positive correlations of metabolites with these metabolites were associated with decreased root
phenotypic traits, whereas high concentrations in sus- length, surface area, and number of root tips. However,
ceptible cultivars are indicated by significant negative GABA concentration was strongly correlated with root
correlations. In a positive correlation, the metabolite
Ghorbanzadeh et al. BMC Genomics (2023) 24:152 Page 6 of 20

Fig. 4  A Bar graph of 25 differentially abundant metabolites in Azucena root tips. VIP values are in a blue column and the red columns represent
log2 (fold change, FC) values. B Bar graph of 25 differentially abundant metabolites in IR64 root tips. VIP values are in a blue column and the red
columns represent log2 (fold change, FC) values
Ghorbanzadeh et al. BMC Genomics (2023) 24:152 Page 7 of 20

Fig. 5  Metabolite response to drought differs between the two rice cultivars. Hierarchical clustering and heatmap of metabolite levels in root tip of
IRc: IR64 genotype under control condition, IRs: IR64 genotype under drought stress conditions, AZc: Azucena genotype under control conditions,
AZs: Azucena genotype under drought stress conditions
Ghorbanzadeh et al. BMC Genomics (2023) 24:152 Page 8 of 20

Fig. 6  Correlation of root phenotypic data with metabolite levels. Correlation coefficients for selected metabolites with significant (p≤0.05) positive
(blue) or negative (red) correlation between concentration metabolite levels with root phenotypic data under drought or control conditions. Data
of root tip of two cultivars (Azucena and IR64) grown in two conditions. Mean values of three to five replicates per cultivar and condition were
correlated. ARA (Analyzed Region Area (cm2)); ARW (Analyzed Region Width (cm)); ARH (Analyzed Region Height (cm)); RL (Root Length (cm)); SA
(Surface Area (cm2)); N.Tip ( number of tips), LR ( lateral root (%)), RD (root diameter (cm)

diameter. The levels were 10 to 100 times higher in the the metabolic pathways of Azucena, may have a substantial
sensitive genotype than in the tolerant genotype. impact on how resistant Azucena is to drought. Drought
stress can have severe consequences for phenylalanine pro-
Functional annotation of DAMs duction in IR64. The high GABA expression together with
The differentially altered metabolites were functionally cat- its negative string correlation with root traits also indicates
egorized based on the DAMs in Azucena and IR64, respec- that IR64 restricts root elongation. Candidate DAMs dem-
tively, according to the KEGG database (www.​kegg.​jp/​kegg/​ onstrating important functions or variant-specific expres-
kegg1.​html). When the control and treated plants were sion profiles in Azucena and IR64 are listed in Table S2 and
compared, it was observed that drought stress significantly S3, and their relationships to major functional categories are
altered the relative abundance of the levels of several metab- shown in Fig. 9. A total of 103 DAMs were enriched in 30
olite classes. The most represented categories were organic metabolic pathways, which were most strongly represented
acid compounds, amino acids, polyphenols, flavonoids, and by starch and sucrose metabolism, amino acid biosynthesis,
sugars. Between the Azucena and IR64 genotypes, there was secondary metabolite biosynthesis, purine metabolism, and
a significant variation in the proportion of organic acid com- fatty acid biosynthesis.
pounds and biosynthesis of carbohydrates and amino acids.
The metabolites in Azucena were mainly associated with Expression of genes involved in drought stress response
amino acid biosynthesis and the TCA cycle, aminoacyl- Potential marker genes involved in sugar metabolism,
tRNA biosynthesis, and fatty acid biosynthesis (Fig. 7) while root growth and elongation were identified in our pre-
metabolites in the IR64 genotype were mainly related to vious transcriptome studies on two rice genotypes with
phenylalanine and galactose metabolism (p < 0.05) (Fig.  8). different drought tolerance [31, 32]. Thirteen genes were
Increase in sucrose, glucose, tryptophan, and proline in selected as candidate markers, and their expression
Ghorbanzadeh et al. BMC Genomics (2023) 24:152 Page 9 of 20

Fig. 7  KEGG pathway classification of the differentially abundant metabolites under drought stress in Azucena (www.​kegg.​jp/​kegg/​kegg1.​html)

Fig. 8  KEGG pathway classification of the differentially abundant metabolites under drought stress in IR64 (www.​kegg.​jp/​kegg/​kegg1.​html)

levels were measured by qRT-PCR in the roots of the two (SUT5), dehydration responsive element binding protein
genotypes grown under control and drought stress con- (DREB) increased (upregulated) in Azucena by 4.86-fold,
ditions. It was found that the gene Ethylene response fac- 5.38-fold, 5.90-fold, 8.45-fold and 6.75-fold, respectively,
tor (ERF35) was significantly expressed in the Azucena while they had no detectable change in IR64 (Fig.  10).
genotype (5.63-fold), whereas it was less expressed in the Primer sequences and more details about genes can
IR64 genotype (3.56-fold). Gene expression of serine/ be found in Table S6. To find the interrelation between
threonine kinase (SnRK2), IAA19, Trehalose -phosphate expression levels of selected genes and metabolites, the
phosphate1 (OsTPP1), SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 correlation analysis was done. The connections between
Ghorbanzadeh et al. BMC Genomics (2023) 24:152 Page 10 of 20

Fig. 9  Primary metabolism responses in two rice genotypes (Azucena and IR64) after drought stress. Colors depict the relative accumulation levels
of each metabolite: white (no significance), red (increase) and blue (decrease)

Fig. 10  Validations of selected genes using qRT-PCR in root tip zone of both genotypes, Azucena and IR64, in response to water stress
Ghorbanzadeh et al. BMC Genomics (2023) 24:152 Page 11 of 20

metabolite levels and expression levels were in the posi- decrease in osmotic potential and matric potential [33],
tive rather than in the negative direction indicating a as well as a decrease in turgor pressure and cell volume
co-regulation at both the transcriptional and metabolite [34]. Root cells need to develop techniques to counter-
levels. For instance, there was a significant positive cor- act water loss and its consequences. At times, the solu-
relation between the level of proline and expression of tion potential of the cells is reduced, increasing turgor
the pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase (P5CR) which in pressure and allowing development to continue under
involved in proline metabolism (Fig.  11). Further posi- water-deficient conditions [14, 35, 36]. The tiered struc-
tive connections were found between PRP5, glycine- and ture of the root system can increase hydraulic lift and
proline-rich protein 3 (OsGPRP3), trehalose phosphate thus enhance the water uptake from deeper soil layers
phosphate1 (TPP1), sucrose transport protein (SUT5), [37]. With the developments in breeding drought-toler-
and auxin-responsive protein IAA19 (IAA19) with treha- ant plants, it is beneficial to focus on the characteristics
lose, sucrose, and tryptophan, which were present at high of the root and patterns of root growth at different loca-
levels under drought condition (Fig.  11). Thus, the high tions and time [38]. The morphological and metabolic
expression of these genes indicates drought tolerance responses of two rice genotypes with different drought
under drought stress conditions. stress responses were examined in this study under con-
trol and drought stress conditions. Total root growth,
Discussion average root diameter, root length, and surface area were
Contrasting drought tolerances of the two rice genotypes the primary morphological traits studied. Improved ver-
The effectiveness of water uptake from a diverse soil envi- tical root formation under water stress has been shown
ronment is determined by root architecture. In drought to benefit crop production [39]. Irrigation regimes have a
condition due to increased soil resistance and decreased significant effect on bread wheat root density and depth
water availability, roots are unable to absorb or release via soil water content [40]. In addition, cotton under
water to the soil when the soil dries out. This leads to a drought stress formed thinner fine roots but longer root

Fig. 11  Correlation of the expression level of selected genes with the abundance of metabolites. Correlation coefficients for selected metabolites
with significant (p ≤ 0.05) positive (blue) or negative (red) correlation between metabolite concentration and expression level of selected gene data
under drought conditions
Ghorbanzadeh et al. BMC Genomics (2023) 24:152 Page 12 of 20

hairs [41]. According to these studies, under drought photosynthesis, sugar metabolism, flavonoid metabolism,
stress conditions, Azucena has longer roots and a large transporters, and transcription factors were found to be
surface area for water uptake and storage. The average involved in the drought tolerance response in plants sub-
root length of this genotype varies from 35 to 50  cm, jected to drought stress [47, 48]. Sucrose accumulates in
while the root diameter ranges from 35 to 46 μm. These many plant tissues as a result of ecological stresses such
values are almost double than those of IR64. These dif- as water, salt, and cold stress [49].
ferences indicate that the two genotypes have different Sugar alcohols, the primary photosynthetic products,
drought resistance mechanisms. Although root length function as reserves of carbohydrate in many plants,
and surface area have an effect on soil resource uptake when water is scarce [50]. Mannitol has previously been
[42], the most important sites for water uptake are the shown to promote tolerance to drought and salt, in trans-
immature root tips [43]. The uninterrupted growth of genic tobacco and wheat [51, 52]. Compared with the
root tips may be necessary for water and nutrient uptake IR64, Azucena accumulated significant amounts of sugar
[44]. In this study, different metabolites were detected alcohol comprising of mannitol, sorbitol, myoinositol
in the two genotypes under drought stress. On the basis in its roots, which could contribute to improved devel-
of the PLSDA analysis, a clear distinction was found opment and promotion of the tolerance mechanism in
between the metabolite content of different rice geno- Azucena, while IR64 did not accumulate mannitol in
types under two different water conditions. In addition to its roots. Proteomics and transcriptomics analysis of
the metabolites that showed similar patterns of increase drought stress in cucumber revealed that sorbitol and
or decrease in both the rice genotypes, a few metabo- mannitol are among the major players in plant adaptation
lites showed differences among the two genotypes. In to salinity and drought stress [53]. Sorbitol and mannitol
response to water stress, 80 and 49 metabolites were penetrate the cell wall and alter the cellular response to
detected in Azucena and IR64, respectively. In Azucena, low water potential [54]. Ogbaga et  al. [55], studied the
56 specific metabolites were accumulated in root tips, response of two sorghums (Sorghum bicolor) cultivars
whereas in IR64, 30 different metabolites were accu- Samsorg 17 and Samsorg 40, to drought stress and found
mulated. These results suggest that different metabolite substantial up-regulation of sugars (sedoheptulose, cello-
mechanisms are involved in rice genotypes of contrast- biose, fructose, galactose and lactose) and sugar alcohols
ing drought tolerance. These findings suggest that rice (ribitol, xylitol and myoinositol) in the tolerant samsorg
genotypes with varying drought tolerances are affected 17. Trehalose is another metabolite that increased in
by various metabolic pathways. Azucena when exposed to drought stress. Trehalose is an
important osmolyte for osmotic control [56]. Trehalose
phosphate synthase 1 (TPS1) controls trehalose metab-
DAMs involved in the biosynthesis of carbohydrates olism and has been demonstrated to increase drought
and energy metabolites tolerance in a number of plant species [57]. Overexpres-
Increased levels of energy and carbohydrate metabo- sion of the trehalose -6-phosphate phosphatase OsTPP3
lites, including those involved in sugar metabolism, increases drought tolerance in rice, transgenic plants
were found in the Azucena in this study. Sugar is essen- show higher root length in response to drought stress
tial for plant development and affects every stage of the [58]. Moreover, TPSP-transgenic plants exhibit less
life cycle of the plant. It controls growth and develop- sodium ion accumulation and less damage in roots under
ment of stressed plants, by interacting with the plant salinity and drought stresses, and the transgenic seed-
hormones [45]. Lower sugar accumulation can lead to lings also exhibited better growth as evidenced by greater
weak root system in IR64 genotype, while higher con- shoot and root length [59]. Furthermore, Deyanira et al.
centration of sugars promotes drought tolerance and 2012 [60] reported that trehalose metabolism serves as
behave as a signal molecule in root growth of Azucena. a biochemical marker in rice breeding because drought
Sugars (trehalose and sucrose), N-containing molecules increased trehalose synthesis only in drought-tolerant
(glycine and, betaine), and polyols were all identified as varieties [60].
suitable solvents for plant cells [46]. According to our
study, the sugar content of Azucena increased when DAMs involved in amino acid metabolite and signal
exposed to extreme water stress. Sugars (ribose, raffi- sensing and transduction
nose, glucose, sucrose, xylonate, and erythronate) and Amino acids act as significant metabolites for synthesis
pyruvate, an intermediate of glycolysis, increased in of protein and other cellular activities in plants; they also
Azucena roots when water was scarce. These results are maintain the osmotic potential of the cell, by acting as
consistent with a transcriptome analysis in potato and osmolytes and also scavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS)
barley after drought stress. A variety of genes involved in produced in drought-stressed plants [61]. According to one
Ghorbanzadeh et al. BMC Genomics (2023) 24:152 Page 13 of 20

study, amino acids that encourage stomatal opening can whereas this metabolite did not appear in the metabolite
likewise undo the effects of ABA or mannitol on stoma- profile of the tolerant genotype. High GABA accumulation
tal closure, which lowers leaf evaporation [62]. Transcrip- in Arabidopsis restricts cell expansion and suppresses genes
tomics and metabolomics profiling of drought-tolerant involved in cell wall synthesis [69]. The accumulation of
and susceptible sesame genotypes, in response to drought GABA under drought stress conditions in barley might be
stress, showed that ABA, proline, arginine, lysine, aromatic related to the suppression of primary root growth [70]. In
and branched chain amino acids, saccharopine, 2-aminoa- this study, it was observed that the accumulation of endog-
dipate, and allantoin were higher in drought-tolerant gen- enous GABA not only restricted root development but also
otype under stress condition [63]. Valine, phenylalanine, reduced or delayed the formation of adventitious roots in
isoleucine, and tryptophan content consistently increased susceptible genotype.
under drought stress. Among them, tryptophan metabo- Arginine can increase proline level [71], which was
lism was more increased in Azucena. L-tryptophan is a reported to increase plant tolerance to stresses brought
physiological precursor to auxin and is crucial for reducing on by freezing, salinity, and drought [72]. Proline was
the impacts of drought [64]. Drought tolerance was discov- the most significantly altered metabolite among all
ered to be positively correlated with the expression level common metabolites. Proline behaves as an osmolyte
of one of the tryptophan decarboxylase genes, which was for osmotic adjustment and helps in stabilization of
thought to be the initial enzyme gene for melatonin pro- subcellular structures, prevention of oxidative burst
duction [65]. Additionally, tryptophan has only been found and is the explanation for increased drought toler-
to increase in wheat that is drought-tolerant [66]. Moreo- ance [73]. Proline was found in higher concentrations
ver, as tryptophan is involved in the metabolism of gly- in the roots of Azucena under stress conditions than
cine, serine, and threonine, it is probable that tryptophan in IR64 (39% more). Many plants have been shown to
can increase plants’ ability to withstand drought. Under be drought-resistant when proline accumulates, and
conditions of water stress, Azucena accumulated greater this accumulation is significantly larger in tolerant
amounts of two different amino acids, fructoselysin and genotypes than in sensitive genotypes [7]. It was pre-
L-cysteinylglycine, compared with IR64. L-cysteinylglycine viously found that higher concentrations of proline in
is a vital metabolite for numerous activities such as plant roots stimulate the synthesis of root hairs and root bio-
growth, development, and response to drought stress due mass, resulting in vigorous plant growth despite poor
to its unique biological properties, which are due to the environmental conditions [16]. Due to its strong pro-
presence of Cys in the chemical reactivity of GSH (- SH) line accumulation, Azucena root can produce more
and the higher water solubility of the thiol group [22]. This root biomass than IR64 under dry conditions. Proline
L-cysteinylglycine with Cys and thiol can also be thought has several advantages: It acts as an osmolyte, contrib-
of as a potent antioxidant in stress responses in drought- utes to the stability of cell structure, helps scavenge
resistant genotypes. Previous studies in Arabidopsis have free radicals and protect the redox potential of cells,
shown that oxidative stress increases protein glycation [56] improves cytoplasmic acidosis, and maintains an opti-
and both glucoselysin and fructoselysin exhibit antioxidant mal NADP + or NADPH ratio in metabolism [7]. The
activity [57]. The fructoselysin of the drought-tolerant gen- greater accumulation of sugars and amino acids in the
otype could also function as an antioxidant, and is respon- roots of the Azucena genotype may have promoted the
sible for drought tolerance. Isoleucine and phenylalanine absorption of micro- and macro nutrients, resulting in
are two other amino acids found in large amounts in IR64. improved growth of root and thus more biomass. The
Aside from their role in protein production, amino acids lower growth of genotype IR64 during drought could
also act as the building blocks for a number of other biolog- be due to the synthesis of metabolites such as pyroglu-
ical processes and as precursors for a variety of secondary tamic acid that were less responsive to drought, and
metabolites. They are also crucial for antioxidant activity were produced in the roots only under stress. These
and ROS scavenging. A low content of isoleucine helps the findings are congruent with previous studies that have
plant to scavenge ROS [67]. However, in IR64, the content linked amino acids to plant root growth, symbiotic
of these amino acids is increased, which has a negative partnerships, and diseases in the rhizosphere [74].
effect on the scavenging activity of ROS, resulting in lower
drought tolerance of IR64. DAMs involved in TCA cycle and secondary metabolite
GABA is essential for different functions, including car- biosynthesis
bon–nitrogen balance maintenance, pH control, and energy It is well understood that pyrimidine and purine nucleo-
synthesis [68], and it accumulates rapidly in stressed plants, tides are essential for the production of lipids, peptides,
making it a stress marker. GABA content in the roots of secondary metabolites and carbohydrates along with
IR64 increased significantly during prolonged drought, being directly involved in the synthesis of nucleic acids
Ghorbanzadeh et al. BMC Genomics (2023) 24:152 Page 14 of 20

[62]. Therefore, biosynthesis and metabolism of nucleo- tabacum roots, a 20-fold increase was detected in the
tides are of fundamental importance in the growth, first hours (between 1 and 2  h) and a 70-fold increase
development and plant’s response to stress. Purine degra- after four hours of drought stress. This indicates that N.
dation contributes to the protective responses to drought tabacum stores 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutaric acid as soon as
stress, such as the buildup of the protective cellular water is not available, which is then reduced to pyruvate
chemical proline and the synergistic activation of absci- and glyoxylate [80]. Isocitric acid, a constituent of the
sic acid metabolism [22]. In the current study, Azucena TCA cycle, was deposited at considerably higher levels
accumulated significantly more thymine (a purine nucle- in the tolerant genotype roots, which may have contrib-
otide) and guanine (a pyrimidine nucleotide) compared uted to the maintenance of a vigorous root system and
to IR64 [75]. Recent studies have shown that guanine and assimilation of nutrients and water in the current study.
thymine can contribute to drought tolerance of cereal The TCA cycle serves as both an energy source and a car-
genotypes through energy production and enhancement bon scaffold for the production of various amino acids
of defense responses [76]. [85]. The obtainability of carbon and the energy that is
Drought has been shown to elevate the concentra- required for cell division influence the development of
tion of phenolic compounds in various plants. Plants roots [86]. TCA cycle intermediates such as citric acid,
form phenolic molecules (or polyphenols) as one of their malic acid and fumaric acid have been shown to be
defense mechanisms against oxidative damage caused by higher in stressed roots [87].
desiccation [77]. Some drought-resistant genotypes may
form more phenolic compounds with or without drought DAMs involved in lipids and fatty acid metabolites
treatment [38, 78, 79]. The total content of phenolics, biosynthesis
anthocyanins, saposides, and flavonoids in rice leaves Fatty acids are important for several biological processes,
increased after drought treatment [80]. Earlier stud- including energy production and the formation of mem-
ies indicate that phenolic compounds have a protective brane lipids in living organisms. Plant defense systems
effect due to their unique structure, which includes dou- also rely on fatty acid metabolic pathways [88]. Changes
ble carbon bonds, hydroxyl groups, and modifications in lipid profiles brought on by stress cause membrane
such as prenylation, methylation, and glycosylation [80, lipid remodeling and activate plant defense mecha-
81]. All the eight phenolic compounds found in Azucena nisms in response to biotic and abiotic stresses, such as
in this study had hydroxyl groups, double carbon bonds, drought [89, 90]. The amount of alpha-linolenic acid in
or methyl groups. Consequently, the phenolic compo- the stressed roots of the Azucena genotype was increased
nents of Azucena could behave as potent antioxidants when compared to the control condition. Moreover, the
and thus prevent the oxidative damage caused in plants content of alpha-linolenic acid under well-watered condi-
by drought stress. tions was significantly higher in the Azucena compared
Drought tolerance of plant species is affected by a to IR64, showing a genotype-specific expression pat-
change in the content of various organic compounds tern. Thus, the increased metabolism of linolenic acid in
due to environmental stress conditions. The compara- drought-stressed plants is consistent with the intrinsic
tive content of organic matter depends significantly on drought tolerance of the Azucena genotype. Our results
the specific metabolites under the given conditions, such indicate that Azucena can be employed as an important
as succinic acid, malic acid, and galacturonic acid, which genetic resource to improve drought tolerance in other
show the largest increases of all organic acids in response cereals. According to Gundaraniya and Ambalam [91],
to long-term drought stress. Levi et  al. [82] observed the buildup of saturated FAs (stearic acid) was enhanced
that increase of various organic acids, particularly citric in the leaves of a drought-tolerant peanut genotype dur-
acid, could lend to improved drought tolerance in some ing drought stress, while the accumulation of 8,11-octa-
cotton genotypes. Malic acid increased drought toler- decadienoic acid decreased in the roots of a peanut
ance in several plant species including speargrass, cot- genotype, that is drought-sensitive.
ton, and tropical grasses [83, 84]. In the root, Azucena
accumulated 3-dimethylallyl-4-hydroxymandelic acid, Profiling of genes involved in drought stress response
4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutaric acid, succinic acid, salicylic In addition to metabolite profiling, qRT-PCR was exe-
acid, and isocitric acid to a considerable extent; in con- cuted to validate some of the major genes involved in
trast, IR64 accumulated only phosphoric acid in higher the root growth and elongation. Our results indicated
concentrations. Another metabolite, 4-hydroxy-2-oxog- that the expression of DREB2B and IAA19 were much
lutaric acid, increased five-fold in Azucena roots during higher in the drought tolerance genotype. Auxin co-
drought stress. In another study, 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutaric receptors and transcriptional repressors known as Aux/
acid was not detected in N. tabacum leaves, but in N. IAA proteins are essential for auxin signaling in plants.
Ghorbanzadeh et al. BMC Genomics (2023) 24:152 Page 15 of 20

GLS content is controlled by IAA19, IAA6, and IAA5, be a promising genotype for future drought breeding
the auxin-responsive Aux/IAA repressors. These pro- programs.
teins maintain high GLS expression in drought-stressed
plants through a transcriptional cascade [92]. These Aux/ Materials and methods
IAA proteins are produced by the Aux/IAA genes IAA19, Plant material and stress treatment
IAA6, and IAA5, which are directly controlled by the IRRI provided the seeds of two known contrasting rice
drought-responsive transcription factors DREB2A and genotypes (Oryza sativa L.), Azucena (a deep-rooted
DREB2B [93]. Synthesis, transport and signal transduc- upland Japonica-type genotype), and IR64 (a shallow-
tion of auxin are essential for root elongation and adven- rooted lowland Indica-type genotype) from the Interna-
titious root development [94]. IAA is formed via the tional Rice Genebank Collection. Seeds were germinated
Trp-dependent or Trp-independent pathway. Trp bio- on wet filter paper after sterilization. Then, the 7-day-
synthesis is considered an important step in both path- old, equal-sized seedlings were hydroponically grown in
ways [95]. Auxin is synthesized from Tryptophan via the Yoshida solution at 22–25  °C, relative humidity of 85%,
shikimic acid pathway [96]. It has been previously shown and a 16 h light/8 h dark photoperiod for two weeks [97].
that an increase in auxin levels promotes shoot and root On the 20th day, the seedlings were transferred into root
development in a mixed nitrogen environment [87]. The boxes filled with 1:1:2 combinations of sand, peat, and
observed changes in the stress-dependent formation of clay. The root boxes were constructed from 5  mm thick
quinic acid and shikimic acid could be a cause of root Plexiglass sheets and then transferred to the greenhouse
elongation. (with the same environmental conditions). Drought
stress was imposed upon the 35-day-old well-watered
Conclusions plants by withholding irrigation for 14  days until field
The cell and tissue structure of plants is affected by capacity reached 25%-35%. Control plants were irrigated
drought stress. Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach regularly. According to Puértolas [98], field capacity was
(genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabo- randomly determined twice daily for at least 40 root
lomics) would increase our knowledge of the funda- boxes during the treatment period. Using a Soil Moisture
mental processes of drought tolerance in rice. GC–MS Sensor SM150, the soil moisture of the 40 root boxes was
Metabolomics was applied to differentiate root tip randomly tested (Delta-T Devices, UK). The collection
metabolites under stress and well-watered conditions. of seeds and the complete experiment was carried out
This study showed that roots from two varying genotypes according to the national guidelines [99].
subjected to drought stress, had different mechanisms
for regulation and accumulation of metabolites, which Root morphological parameters assay
is important for understanding the overall mechanisms After 16  days of treatment, complete roots from three
of drought stress tolerance. Moreover, there was signifi- plants of each genotype were collected, washed, and
cant change in 103 metabolites of the root tips during dried to analyze root morphological characteristics
drought stress, and the concentration of most metabo- under control and stress. The SmartRoot system (https://​
lites increased. To maintain osmotic balance, the con- www.​quant​itati​ve-​plant.​org/​softw​are/​smart​root) was
centration of various compatible solutes such as sugars used to measure average root diameter, length and num-
and polyols was increased. Positive correlations between ber of lateral roots, root length, number of tips, surface
metabolite content and drought tolerance characteris- area, number of branches, and overlap sections (intersec-
tics were found for trehalose, proline, sucrose, succinic tions) [100, 101]. The diameter of the primary and lateral
acid, aspartic acid, tryptophan, salicylic acid and manni- roots was determined under an optical light microscope
tol. The concentrations of these metabolites were much (Olympus BX51, 10X objective).
higher in tolerant plants than in sensitive plants. Under
water-limited conditions, Azucena performed better Sampling and metabolite extraction
than IR64 because the root elongation rate increased Root tip sections from about 3 plants were pooled as bio-
more in this genotype, which could be due to the promo- logical replicate, and eight independent biological rep-
tion of the TCA cycle in this genotype. Under drought licates were taken. Freshly collected root-tip samples of
conditions, the biosynthetic pathways of several amino Azucena and IR64 genotypes were pulverized thoroughly
acids, such as alanine, glutamate, and aspartate, was using liquid nitrogen and mortar and pestle, and about
increased in the roots of Azucena and IR64. Based on the 100  mg of this powder was taken in a 5  ml centrifuge
metabolomic and phenotypic changes in the roots, such tube. 1400 μL of pre-chilled methanol was then added
as greater swelling capacity, faster transport from source to each tube and shaken for about 30  s before 60 μL of
to sink, and better absorption capacity, Azucena could
Ghorbanzadeh et al. BMC Genomics (2023) 24:152 Page 16 of 20

ribitol (0.2  mg  ­mL−1) was supplemented as an internal metabolite data was processed, and the online statistical
quantitative control and shaken for a further 30  s [24, software MetaboAnalyst 5.0 (https://​www.​metab​oanal​
102]. The tubes were then placed in an ultrasonic appa- yst.​ca/) [106] was used for statistical analysis. The peak
ratus for 30 min at room temperature (25 °C), after which areas of the chromatograms were considered for statisti-
750 μL and 1400 μL of pre-chilled chloroform and deion- cal analyses.
ized water (dH2O), respectively, were supplemented The search program database National Institute of
and vortexed for a minute, followed by centrifugation at Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA
14,000 r ­min−1 (4 °C) for 10 min. One ml of the superna- (NIST) [107], the GOLM metabolome database (GMD)
tant was then transferred into a new tube; vacuum dried [108], and the Wiley Registry of Mass Spectral Library
in a concentrator and then 60 μL of Methoxyamine- were updated with structural information and thus
pyridine (15  mg  ­mL−1) solution was added, vortexed allowed the discovery of new and targeted metabolites.
(0.5 min), and allowed to react at 37 °C for two hours. To All matched spectra were analyzed and verified with
this 60 μL of the BSTFA reagent was added and the mix- authentic standards [109]. In the studies, peaks of the
ture was incubated for 1.5 h at 37 °C and then centrifuged metabolites with more than 70% similarity index were
at 12,000 r ­min−1 (4 °C) for 10 min and the supernatant considered effective, while those with less than 70%
was placed in a vial for GC–MS analysis [103]. were deleted from the data [110]. Each metabolic com-
ponent was assigned its own lane for measurement and
contained amino acids, organic acids, and sugars [111].
Untargeted metabolomics analysis
The peak areas were normalized to the area of a single
Non-targeted metabolite profiling was carried out using
lane of the internal standard, giving the relative reac-
gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-TOF–MS),
tion ratios normalized by the fresh weight of each sample
according to Ghaffari et  al. 2016 [104]. The injection of
1μL of each sample was done using a split ratio of 10:1
into a GC–MS, Shimadzu QP2010Plus, Japan) equipped
with a DB-17 MS capillary column (0.25 mm I.D., 30 m Metabolomics data processing and analysis
length, 0.25  μm film thickness; Agilent Technologies Significant analysis of metabolites (SAM) and principal
Inc) at 1.2 mL ­min−1 constant flow rate. The samples in component analysis (PCA) were individually utilized to
replication were continuously injected in random order pinpoint the most significant metabolites that get altered
to discriminate the technical variations from biological in the different genotypes during stress [112]. To identify
ones, as one batch. The temperatures for the ion source, the metabolites that were significantly changed between
the transfer line and the injector were set to 230  °C, different conditions (control and drought), or in different
280  °C, and 280  °C respectively. Helium (purity 99.99%) genotypes (tolerant and sensitive) (P value < 0.01), mul-
was used as the carrier gas, flowing at a rate of 1 mL per tifactorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) was executed.
minute. A 70  eV electron ionization was utilized in the Additionally, Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis
full scan mode (50 − 1000  Da, m/z). The mass spectra (PLS-DA) was used in this work to optimize and identify
provided the result data files in CDF formats, which were differences between the metabolic profiles of the control
then imported into the XCMS software using the R soft- and drought-stressed plants. The R2 and Q2 (goodness
ware platform (http://​cran.r-​proje​ct.​org). XCMS could be of prediction) values, which reflected the total explained
automatically preprocessed using procedures such peak variance and the model predictability, were collected
detection, data baseline filtering, raw sign al extraction, from these studies using a default seven-fold internal
and integration [105]. Ultimately, after alignment using cross-validation. Pathway analysis was implemented
the statistical component for comparison, the ‘CSV’ file for better interpretation of the functions of the altered
was acquired which included data sets like retention (significantly changed at P < 0.01) metabolites using the
time, sample information, and intensity of peaks. For MetaboAnalyst 5.0 (https://​www.​metab​oanal​yst.​ca)
quality control of the data (reproducibility), the internal [113], via Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes
standard ribitol was used. Additionally, all false posi- (KEGG) pathway database (http://​www.​genome.​ad.​jp/​
tive peaks, such as those brought on by column bleed, kegg/​pathw​ay.​html) and compared with Oryza sativa
noise, the BSTFA derivatization procedure, and inter- ssp. japonica (Rice Annotation Project Data Base http://​
nal standards, were eliminated from the data set. The rapdb.​dna.​affrc.​go.​jp) pathway library [114]. The t-test
total peak intensity of each sample was used for data set (P-value < 0.05) was performed to assess the statistical
normalization, after which each sample was separately significance of the root morphology data [113].
imported into the SIMCA-P software package. (Version
11.0, http://​www.​umetr​ics.​com/​simca). The untargeted
Ghorbanzadeh et al. BMC Genomics (2023) 24:152 Page 17 of 20

Correlation analysis DAMs Differentially abundant metabolite

OsTPP1 Trehalose -phosphate phosphate
Correlation analysis between metabolite levels, root SUT5 SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5
phenotyping and candidate gene expression data sets of DREB Dehydration-responsive element binding protein
paired samples was performed using Pearson correla- PRP5 Proline-rich protein
tions (function cor. test, R) according to Ghaffari et  al.
2016 [104]. Supplementary Information
The online version contains supplementary material available at https://​doi.​
Quantitative gene expression analysis
Consistent with our previous miRNA-seq and mRNA Additional file 1: Table S1. Identification results of differently accu-
reports [31, 32], 13 genes involved in root growth and mulated metabolites between two rice genotypes under drought.
elongation and regulation of root primary metabolism Table S2. List of significant metabolites (between normal and drought
conditions) identified through ANOVA with their p-value in root tip IR64.
were selected. Total RNA isolation was done using the Table S3. List of significant metabolites (between normal and drought
TRIzol reagent (BioBasic-BS410A, Canada) as per the conditions) identified through ANOVA with their p-value in root tip Azu-
manufacturer’s guidelines. RNA quality was assessed cena. Table S4. The KEGG pathways  of the altered metabolites exposure
to drought stress in Azucena root samples. Table S5. The KEGG pathways

NanoPhotometer® spectrophotometer (NP80 NanoPho-

on an agarose gel (1%). RNA quantity was found using a of the altered metabolites exposure to drought stress in IR64  root
samples. Table S6. List of primers with details of sequence and expression
tometer, IMPLEN). The cDNA was reverse transcribed profile used for RT-qPCR validation.
from the isolated RNA using the SuperScript First-Strand

Invitrogen™ Kit. PerlPrimer v.1.1.21 software was used

System for the RT-qPCR, which was performed using Acknowledgements
The authors thank the Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of Iran
(ABRII) for providing lab facilities for this work.
for primer designing from the transcribed region of the
rice genes (sequences obtained from the RAP-DB data- Authors’ contributions
base). qRT-PCR was accomplished using SYBR Green ZGH collected samples, performed laboratory procedures, prepared the first
draft of the manuscript, and performed data analysis and figure prepara-
Master Mix (Eurogentec, Köln, Germany) in the ABI tion. RH assisted with data analysis, and figure preparation, and edited the
Prism 7900HT (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) manuscript. FJ and MZ assisted in editing the manuscript. GHS edited the
with the usual thermal cycling conditions (95  °C for manuscript and provided supervision. MRG conceptualized the experiments,
data analysis, editing of the manuscript, and supervision. The author(s) read
10 min, 95 °C for 15 s for 40 cycles, 60 °C for 1 min). The and approved the final manuscript.
experiment was conducted in three biological replicates
and two technical replicates were used. For the purpose Funding
This research was not supported by any agency.
of examining the dissociation curves for shoulders or
extra peaks, the SDS 2.2.1 software (Applied Biosystems) Availability of data and materials
was utilized. The expression values were normalized The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/
Supplementary Material; further inquiries can be directed to the correspond-
using the UBQ (Ubiquitin) gene as a housekeeping gene ing authors.
[115]. LinRegPCR was used to calculate primer efficiency
[116]. “Normalized expression of the genes of interest Declarations
was calculated by dividing the average relative expression
(primer efficiency P to the power of cycle number Ct) of Ethics approval and consent to participate
All experimental studies on plants were complied with relevant institutional,
the housekeeping genes (H1) by the relative expression national, and international guidelines and legislation.
of the gene of interest (GOI): (GOI): ((PH1^CtH1)/2)/
PGOI^CtGOI.” Consent for publication
Not applicable.

Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
FC Field capacity
GC–MS Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Author details
PCA Principal component analysis 1
 Department of Systems Biology, Agricultural Biotechnology Research Insti-
PCs Principal components
tute of Iran (ABRII), Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organiza-
PLSDA Partial least-squares-discriminant analysis
tion (AREEO), Karaj, Iran. 2 Department of Plant Breeding, Cotton Research Insti-
VIP Variable importance in the projection
tute of Iran (CRII), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization
QTL Quantitative trait locus
(AREEO), Gorgan, Iran. 3 Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology,
RL Root length
Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, India. 4 Department of Molecular Sci-
SA Surface area
ences, Macquarie University, North Ryde, NSW, Australia.
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
GMD GOLM metabolome database
Received: 7 September 2022 Accepted: 14 March 2023
SAM Significant Analysis of Metabolites
cDNA Complementary DNA
Ghorbanzadeh et al. BMC Genomics (2023) 24:152 Page 18 of 20

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