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Physical Education and Health (H.O.P.E. 4) : Quarter 3 - Module 2

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Senior High School

Physical Education
and Health (H.O.P.E. 4)
Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Outdoor Recreation

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Physical Education and Health (H.O.P.E. 4) Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 2: Outdoor Recreation
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from
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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Cagayan de Oro City

Schools Division Superintendent: Dr. Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, CESO V

Development Team of the Learning Activity Sheets

Writer/s: Melody Fair C. Jomuad, MSPE

Eulogio Suaner, Mary Sieras, Paul Badon, Roxanne Fuentes, Anita Gochuco, Jemuel
Galay, Cherrie Lou Lanzaderas, Cynthia Yanez, Annabele Lariba

Management Team
Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Regional Director

Co-Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr. CESO V

Asst. Regional Director

Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, PhD, CESO V

Schools Division Superintendent

Alicia E. Anghay, PhD, CESE

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Mala Epra B. Magnaong, Chief ES, CLMD

Members Neil A. Improgo, EPS-LRMS

Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr., EPS-ADM
Lorebina C. Carrasco, OIC-CID Chief
Eulogio R. Suaner, Jr., EPS-MAPEH
Joel D. Potane, LRMS Manager
Lanie O. Signo, Librarian II
Gemma Pajayon, PDO II
Printed in the Philippines by Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)
Office Address: Fr. William F. Masterson Ave., Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro City
Telefax: (08822)855-0048
E-mail Address:
Senior High School

Physical Education
and Health (H.O.P.E. 4)
Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Outdoor Recreation

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed

by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and or/universities.
We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their
feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education
at action@

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Table of Contents

What This Module is About................................................................................................. i

What I Need to Know.......................................................................................................... i
How to Learn from this Module.......................................................................................... i
Icons of this Module........................................................................................................... ii

What I Know..................................................................................................................... iii

Lesson 1:

Concept of Recreation

What I Need to Know.................................................................................. 1

What’s New: Let’s Dance........................................................................... 1
What Is It.................................................................................................... 1
What’s More: Where Do I Belong #1? ................................................... 2
Where Do I Belong #2?........................................................ 2
Where Do I Belong #3?......................................................... 3
What I Have Learned: ................................................................................ 3
What I Can Do: ....................................................................................... 3

Lesson 2:

What’s In...................................................................................................... 4
What’s I Need To Know ..............................................................................4
What’s New: Guess What?......................................................................... 4
What Is It: .................................................................................................. 5
What’s More: Kung Maibabalik Ko Lang.....................................................7
My Bucket List ........................................................................7
Word Looping ..........................................................................8
What I Have Learned ....................................................................................8
What I Can Do: ....................................................................................... 9

Lesson 3:

Mountaineering (Hiking, Trekking, Camping, Orienteering)

What’s In.....................................................................................................10
What’s I Need To Know ............................................................................10
What’s New: #Extreme Treks.....................................................................10
What Is It: ..................................................................................................11
What’s More: Simple Recall......................................................................12
Camping for Fun .................................................................13

What I Have Learned ..................................................................................14

What I Can Do: ........................................................................................ 14

Summary......................................................................................................................... ..14
Assessment: (Post-Test) ..................................................................................................15
Key to Answers................................................................................................................ ..17
What This Module is About

This module deals with the concept of outdoor recreation and its impact to
overall health of a person. Nature has so much to offer to keep you moving. The
more you engage in physical activities, the more you will appreciate the beauty of life
that good health brings. Keep on walking, do household chores, engage in family
recreational activities – it improves your health.

The following are the lessons contained in this module:

1. Lesson 1: Concept of Recreation
2. Lesson 2: Aquatics
3. Lesson 3: Mountaineering Activities (Hiking, Trekking, Camping,

What I Need to Know

 At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Discuss the nature of different recreational activities ((PEH12FH-IIa-20);

2. Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60
minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in- and out-of school
(PEH12FH-IIa-t-8); and
3. Demonstrate proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment

How to Learn from this Module

 For the Learner:
The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
1. Follow closely the instructions in every activity.
2. Be honest in answering and checking your exercises.
3. Answer the pre-test before going over the material to find out what you
already know.
4. Answer the exercises at the end of every lesson.
5. Review the lesson that you find difficult to understand.
6. Seek assistance from your teacher if you need help.
7. Ask permission from your parents/guardians whenever you have research
and requirements to be conducted outside your home.
 For the Teacher/Facilitator:
The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
1. Communicate with parents and students regularly for updates and feedback
2. Make sure that all activities are complied before accepting them. .
3. You may contextualize or localize your activity as long as it is still within the
bound of the learning competency.

 For the Parents/Guardian:

The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
1. Closely monitor your child’s progress.
2. Do not answer the activities for your child. Just guide them in doing it.
3. Support your child. Talk to him/her about his/her journey with this module

Components in Each Lesson

This part contains
learning objectives that
What I Need to Know
are set for you to learn as
Learning Objectives
you go along the module.

This is an assessment as
to your level of
What I Know? knowledge to the subject
Pre-Assessment matter at hand, meant
specifically to gauge prior
related knowledge
This part connects
What’s In? previous lesson with that
Review Activity of the current one.

An introduction of the
What’s New? new lesson through
Motivational Activity various activities, before
it will be presented to you
These are discussions of
the activities as away to
What is It?
deepen your discovery
Lesson Proper
and understanding of the
These are follow-up
activities that are
What’s More?
intended for you to
Performance Task
practice further in order to
master the competencies.
Activities designed to
What I Have Learned? process what you have
Generalization learned from the lesson

These are tasks that are

designed to showcase
What I Can Do? your skills and knowledge
Application gained, and applied into
real-life concerns and
This evaluates your level
Assessment of mastery in achieving
Post-Assessment the learning objectives of
the lesson.

What I Know


Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose and encircle the letter of the correct

1. Recreation comes from the Latin word recreare which means


a. to be refreshed b. to eat c. to play d. to work

2. Which of the following is an example of passive recreation?

a. hiking b. playing rugby c. reading books d. swimming

3. Which of the following is an example of outdoor recreation?

a. biking b. playing scrabble c. reading books d. watching TV

4. It is a sport or activity of propelling oneself through water using the limbs

a. boating b. fishing c. rafting d. swimming

5. It is the activity of being moved quickly in a raft (small boat filled with air)
along rivers where the current is very strong

a. boating b. fishing c. rafting d. swimming

6. It is a sport or pastime of riding a wave toward the shore while standing or
lying on a surfboard

a. boating b. fishing c. surfing d. swimming

7. It is the activity of catching fish, either for food or as a sport.

a. boating b. fishing c. surfing d. swimming

8. It is an activity of rowing or sailing in boats as a sport or form of recreation.

a. boating b. fishing c. surfing d. swimming

9. This activity is quite challenging, allowing the trekkers to pass through an

uncharted paths.

a. camping b. hiking c. orienteering d. trekking

10. It is an outdoor activity that requires you to follow a specific sequence of pre-
set course with the help of navigating devices, specifically maps and compass
to go through an unfamiliar terrain.

a. camping b. hiking c. orienteering d. trekking

Test II. Matching Type. Match the picture with the different recreational
activities . Write the letter only.

Column A Column B

_________ 11. A. Swimming

B. Surfing
_________ 12.

C. Fishing

_________ 13.
D. Boating

_________ 14.

E. Rafting

_________ 15.

Concept of Recreation
What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Discuss the nature and background or recreation;
2. Identify the different recreational activities.

What’s New

Activity 1: LET’S DANCE

Stretch. Stretch. Stretch. I know that you are already bored at home. But
hey, break the ice by dancing to the music of your choice. You want Budots or Tik-
Tok? Let all the family members take turn in dancing your hearts away. With this
activity, you will not only forget the boredom you experienced the whole long
vacation but unknowingly, you have stretched your muscles. It’s a good bonding
with the whole family, too!

What Is It?

It’s been months that you are staying at home. It was a longer vacation that
you experienced because of the threat of the COVID-19. You may be bored but
don’t worry. You can turn the things around you into something that gives you self-
gratification. There are many recreational activities you can do to relax and to enjoy.
Any activity that takes place during your free time is referred to as recreation.
It does not follow standard rules; it can be done anywhere; and most of all, it gives
enjoyment and self-satisfaction. Recreation is derived from the Latin word,
“recreare” which means to be refreshed (mapasigla), to relax or to enjoy.
Participation in recreational activities varies from one person to another depending
on one’s intention, reason or belief.
How do you spend your free time? Recreation is categorized into active
recreation and passive recreation. Active recreational activities include jogging,
swimming, hiking, biking or gardening while passive recreational activities include
watching television, listening to music or reading books. Moreover, active
recreational activities can be done indoor or outdoor. Where do you prefer to do
recreational activities? It depends on you. Whether indoor or outdoor, what matters
most is its holistic impact on you as a person.
Having in touch with nature can give so much relaxation. Walking on green
grass by the woods or just watching birds early in the morning while holding hands
with your loved ones (family) is a unique bonding time away from the day-to-day
routine. Others love to do these activities in water while those adventurers would
prefer more on air. Our country has many places to explore and to start many
recreational activities, whether on land, in air or on water. In your community, what
activities can you offer? Had you tried it before?

What’s More?

Activity 2. WHERE DO I BELONG #1?

1. Classify the recreational activities. Draw a sun if the activity

is an active recreation. Draw a moon if it is a passive recreation.

____________a. Swimming

____________b. Collecting stamps

____________c. Biking

____________d. Jogging

____________e. Reading books

Activity 3. WHERE DO I BELONG #2?

1. Classify the recreational activities. Draw a heart if the activity

done indoor. Draw a star if it is done outdoor.

____________a. Fishing

____________b. Camping

____________c. Watching TV

____________d. Collecting sea shells

____________e. Picnic

Activity 4. WHERE DO I BELONG #3?

1. Classify the recreational activities. Write L if it is on land, A if it is in
the air and W if it is on water.

____________a. Boating

____________b. Skydiving

____________c. Rock climbing

____________d. Bamboo rafting

____________e. Hiking

What I Have Learned

1. Based on the lesson, what type of recreational activities did you do with your
family during free time? Is it important to spend your leisure time with them?

What I Can Do

1. List down as many recreational activities you can do at home during this
pandemic. Plan out how the whole family can participate in this activity/ies.


What’s In

Nature offers a lot of opportunities for you to enjoy life and have fun with your
loved ones (family and friends). Regardless of your reason for joining, you can do
these anytime, anywhere, anyhow. You have all the choices whether you will have it
on land, in the air or in water.

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Discuss the nature of aquatic recreational activities;
2. Identify the different aquatic recreational activities.

What’s New?

Activity 1: GUESS WHAT?

Arrange the jumbled letters until you get the right term.

Jumbled Words Answer

1. GNISIMWM _____________
2. HGFIISN _____________
3. DGIIVN _____________
4. OOMBBA FTRIGAN _____________
5, IGSILAN _____________

What Is It?
Water or aqua provides environments that are beneficial to you. An array of
recreational activities can be done in rivers, beaches, swimming pools, and the like.
These activities are a good source of relaxation, enjoyment and exercise. What
recreational environments do you have in your community? Feel free to briefly share
your most unforgettable experiences in these environments long before the
community quarantine in your place started, in the space provided below.

Because our country is rich in natural resources, we have varied outdoor

aquatic recreational activities to choose from. These common recreational activities
in the Philippines include the following:

Picture Definition
l Activity

the sport or activity of propelling

oneself through water using the limbs

the sport or pastime of riding a wave

Surfing toward the shore while standing or
lying on a surfboard.

rowing or sailing in boats as a sport

Boating or form of recreation.

the activity of being moved quickly in

White Water a raft (small boat filled with air) along
Rafting rivers where the current is very strong

the activity of catching fish, either for

Fishing food or as a sport.

the activity of traversing the rivers

Bamboo usually using a raft made of bamboo
Rafting to carry people and goods on
extended journeys.

What’s More?

1. Think of the outdoor recreational activities you and your family did before the
quarantine period.
2. Describe how you and your family support and help each other in planning
and realizing such activity. Did you find enjoyment in what you did? What
lesson did you learn from this activity? Write your observations in a 1/2
sheet of paper.

Notes To The Teacher

Use this rubric to evaluate the output of Activity 2. You may also require them
to paste a picture that supports their explanation about the activity. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the
assigned topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The paper conveys a genuine personal
view regarding the topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original.
5 4 3 2 1

Activity 3. MY BUCKET LIST

1. Think of one or more recreational activities that you dream of doing with your
loved ones (family or friends) when the pandemic is over.
2. Draw it in one (1) whole bond paper. Make your drawing colourful.
3. Write your reflection below your drawing

Notes To The Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 3. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the

Rubric for Drawing

Criteria Rating
The drawing clearly expresses the
information and message. 5 4 3 2 1

The drawing is creative and artistic. 5 4 3 2 1

The drawing highlights important
information relevant to the topic. 5 4 3 2 1

Activity 4. WORD LOOPING

Encircle the words related to aquatic recreational activities. Write them also inside
the box provided below.


What I Have Learned

1. Based on the lesson, how important are the aquatic recreational facilities to
your family and the community as a whole?

What I Can Do
1. Modify an aquatic activity you can do at home with your loved ones.
Explain briefly how you are going to do it.

3 (Hiking, Trekking, Camping, Orienteering)

What’s In
How was your aquatic activity at home? Did you just enjoy a bucket of water
in taking a bath or you just had a very relaxing time while singing under the shower?
Perhaps, you made your own version of a bathtub or a swimming pool where you
completely submerged your body to be refreshed from the very hot days during your
vacation. Only if you were allowed to go out on hiking or jogging and feel the cold
breeze early in the morning, you would have been doing it on a daily basis in order to
stay fit. Did you miss it already? Relax and enjoy as you are about to explore the
caves of knowledge and climb the mountains of activities this lesson is going to offer

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Discuss the nature of mountaineering;
2. Identify the different outdoor recreational activities related to mountaineering;
3. Advocate community/home efforts to increase participation in outdoor
recreational activities.

What’s New?

Activity 1: #EXTREME TREKS

1. Find the correct answer by matching the provinces in Region X (Northern

Mindanao) in Column A with the names of the mountains found in Column Write the
letter only.

Answer Column A Column B

1. 1. Bukidnon a. a. Mt. Malindang

2. 2. Misamis Oriental b. b. Mt. Hibok-Hibok
3. 3. Camiguin c. c. Mt. Sumagaya
4. 4. Lanao del Norte d. d. Mt. Kitanglad
5. 5. Misamis Occidental e. e. Mt. Inayawan
What Is It?
Are you planning a walk after the community quarantine? How about a longer
walk with your loved ones (family and friends)? Have you explored the mountains,
hills, caves, forests or hidden falls in/near your community? If your answer is no,
then think again. Maybe you are still a stranger in your own place.
Consider some outdoor recreational activities that bring you closer to nature.
It is very relaxing to hear the sound of singing birds and bubbling brooks; very
soothing when you feel the breath of fresh air on your face and smell the divine
fragrance of flowers. A line in an energy beverage commercial says, “Great things
start from small beginning.” So, start your recreational activities with hiking and/or
jogging even within your compound this season.
To fully understand, the following terms related to mountaineering are defined

Recreational Activity Definition

It is an outdoor activity where there are clear paths to
follow. Paths are usually beautifully charted with signs
Hiking so that hikers won’t get lost along the trails. Natural
hiking trails serve as guides of the hikers to their
destinations. It is usually shorter than trekking.
This outdoor activity is a longer journey on foot
compared to hiking. The activity is quite challenging,
allowing the trekkers to pass through an uncharted
Trekking paths. Sometimes, this will take within a few days or
weeks. Usually, undeveloped places are explored in
trekking where there is a close-up view of the wonders of
Camping is an enjoyable outdoor activity that allows you
to experience simple adventures outside your homes. It
allows a lot of moving since it involves activities like
Camping carrying backpacks, hiking and most of all pitching of
tents. This activity lets you experience interaction and
bonding with others while engaging in different
educational activities.
It is an outdoor activity that requires you to follow a
specific sequence of pre-set course with the help of
navigating devices, specifically maps and compass to go
through an unfamiliar terrain. Aside from physical, this
activity requires mental toughness to be able to reach the
expected destination.

You can always make your own version of these recreational activities at
home. Just be creative and innovative. Even a simple household chore can be
converted into something that will give you and your loved ones an avenue to enjoy,
relax and bond with one another during quarantine period.

What’s More?

1. Have you gone to camping, whether in school, in church or with family?

Share your experience.
2. Did you find enjoyment in the activity? What lesson/s did you learn from this
activity? Write your observations below.


Notes To The Teacher

Use this rubric to evaluate the output of Activity 2. You may also require them to paste a
picture that supports their explanation about the activity. (Rubric may be changed depending on the
agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the learner).

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Rating
The answer relates entirely to the
assigned topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The answer conveys a genuine
personal view regarding the topic or 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original. 5 4 3 2 1

1. Put up a *tent on your lawn on a starry night. Allow the whole family to
suggest activities and participate in your organized camping. Suggested activities
may include but not limited to story-telling, eating dinner together, stargazing or
making hand shadows. How would you evaluate this activity? Does it support
relaxation, enjoyment and family bonding? How? Briefly discuss your answer

Notes To The Teacher

*You may use blanket as a substitute of a camping tent.

*To the teacher/facilitator. Use this rubric to evaluate the output of Activity 3. You may also require
them to paste a picture that supports their explanation about the activity. (Rubric may be changed
depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the learner).

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Rating
The answer relates entirely to the
assigned topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The answer conveys a genuine
personal view regarding the topic or 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original. 5 4 3 2 1
What I Have Learned?


1.Write a reflection on the importance of your participation in outdoor

recreational activities to yourself and to your family. How is doing outdoor
recreational activity with your loved ones contribute significant changes to you
as an individual. Write your answer below

What I Can Do?

1. In times of crisis, food is our most essential basic need. Considering the many
challenges, to include finances, faced by your breadwinners, you can always
help them bring nutritious food on the table to eat. How? Cultivate your vacant
lot into a vegetable garden. If you are living in an urban community, make an
innovation by cultivating an urban garden using recyclable materials as your
pots/plots. In your little ways, you can bring joy to their hearts and at the same
time, keep yourself fit through this physical activity.

 Any activity that takes place during your free time is referred to as recreation. It
does not follow standard rules; it can be done anywhere; and most of all, it gives
enjoyment and self-satisfaction.

 Recreation is derived from the Latin word, “recreare” which means to be refreshed
(mapasigla), to relax or to enjoy.
 Participation in recreational activities varies from one person to another depending
on one’s intention, reason or belief.

 Recreation is categorized into active recreation and passive recreation. Active

recreational activities include jogging, swimming, hiking, biking or gardening while
passive recreational activities include watching television, listening to music or
reading books.

 Active recreational activities can be done indoor or outdoor.

 Our country has many places to explore and to start many recreational activities,
whether on land, in air or on water.

 Water or aqua provides environments that are beneficial to you. An array of

recreational activities can be done in rivers, beaches, swimming pools, and the

 Common aquatic recreational activities in the Philippines include swimming,

surfing, boating, rafting and fishing.

 Mountaineering is another outdoor recreational activity that brings you closer to


 Some terms related to mountaineering are hiking, trekking, camping and




Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose and encircle the letter of the correct

1. Recreation comes from the Latin word recreare which means


a. to be refreshed b. to eat c. to play d. to work

2. Which of the following is an example of passive recreation?

a. hiking b. playing rugby c. reading books d. swimming

3. Which of the following is an example of outdoor recreation?

a. biking b. playing scrabble c. reading books d. watching TV

4. It is a sport or activity of propelling oneself through water using the limbs

a. boating b. fishing c. rafting d. swimming

5. It is the activity of being moved quickly in a raft (small boat filled with air) along
rivers where the current is very strong

a. boating b. fishing c. rafting d. swimming

6. It is a sport or pastime of riding a wave toward the shore while standing or lying
on a surfboard

a. boating b. fishing c. surfing d. swimming

7. It is the activity of catching fish, either for food or as a sport.

a. boating b. fishing c. surfing d. swimming

8. It is an activity of rowing or sailing in boats as a sport or form of recreation.

a. boating b. fishing c. surfing d. swimming

9. This activity is quite challenging, allowing the trekkers to pass through an

uncharted paths.

a. camping b. hiking c. orienteering d. trekking

10. It is an outdoor activity that requires you to follow a specific sequence of pre-
set course with the help of navigating devices, specifically maps and compass
to go through an unfamiliar terrain.

a. camping b. hiking c. orienteering d. trekking

Test II. Matching Type. Match the picture with the different recreational
activities . Write the letter only.

Column A Column B

_________ 11. a. Swimming

b. Surfing
_________ 12.
c. Fishing

_________ 13.

d. Boating

_________ 14.
e. Rafting

_________ 15.

Key To Answers

What I Know (Pretest) pp. iv-v

Lesson 1 (What’s More? – Activity 2) p. 2

Lesson 1 (What’s More? – Activity 3) p. 2

Lesson 1 (What’s More? – Activity 4) p. 3

Assessment (Posttest) pp. 16-17

Aparato, C.R., Talaroc-Brebante, Z., Fernando-Callo, L. & Dajime, P.F.
Physical Education and Health Vol. 2. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.,

Mangubat, A.S., Tolotol, M.B., Urbiztondo, S.M. & Vergara, L.A. HOPE
Health-Optimizing Physical Education – Recreational Activities,
Quezon City: Vibal Group, Inc., 2016

Physical Education and Health - Grade 9 (Learner’s Material)
Management Team
Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Regional Director

Co-Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr. CESO V

Asst. Regional Director

Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, PhD, CESO V

Schools Division Superintendent

Alicia E. Anghay, PhD, CESE

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Mala Epra B. Magnaong, Chief ES, CLMD

Members Neil A. Improgo, EPS-LRMS

Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr., EPS-ADM
Lorebina C. Carrasco, OIC-CID Chief
Eulogio R. Suaner, Jr., EPS-MAPEH
Joel D. Potane, LRMS Manager
Lanie O. Signo, Librarian II
Gemma Pajayon, PDO II
For inquiries and feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

DepEd Division of Cagayan de Oro City

Fr. William F. Masterson Ave Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro
Telefax: ((08822)855-0048
E-mail Address:

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