W Dzon57
W Dzon57
W Dzon57
Table of Contents
03 Welcome Letter
Tyler Sedlar, Software Engineer at DZone
34 Application Self-Healing
Alireza Chegini, Senior DevOps Engineer, Azure Specialist at Coding as Creating
Application performance management (APM) is one of simulation scripts tailored to performing actions on a live
the most crucial toolsets one can utilize when releasing site while recording metrics such as availability and response
applications to the public. Broadly, APM enables teams times. Programmatically, Selenium is often the tool of choice
to create a successful application that drives the end- for active monitoring. It gives webmasters the ability to
user experience in a positive direction. In particular, proactively identify if a web page is experiencing slow speeds
profiling an application for CPU and memory performance or even downtime, then mitigate any problems before they
enhancements is incredibly important to any application — affect end users. Many common metrics are collected in
enterprise or not. this way, including time to first byte, speed index, time to
interactive, and page complete, just to name a few.
Application performance management consists of two
different components: passive and active monitoring. Passive DZone's 2021 Application Performance Management
monitoring relies on incoming web traffic for analytics and Trend Report explores the industry's current state through
metrics. Active monitoring, on the other hand, relies on our research on application design and architecture for
simulations and behavioral scripts. performance and self-healing, practices to ensure reliability,
and how organizations are measuring performance.
Both components are vital to improve the user experience
behind the scenes (via the back end) and up front on the Featured contributors also share their insights into
user-facing application prior to multiple users encountering areas including performance of distributed cloud-based
off-putting issues like slow performance or downtime. architectures, OpenTelemetry, and criteria for choosing
APM tools. Read on to learn more about the importance of
Passive monitoring can be used to analyze web traffic
integrating APM into your application’s lifecycle for a better
and collect engagement metrics on targeted pages or
end-user experience.
subdomains. This APM approach can also be used to detect
Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. Further, it helps measure Sincerely,
endpoint latency, giving teams the ability to know which
popular endpoints should receive engineering attention
in order to improve performance. Active monitoring,
sometimes referenced as synthetic monitoring, consists of Tyler Sedlar
DZone Publications
Meet the DZone Publications team! Publishing
Refcards and Trend Reports year-round, this DZone Mission Statement
team can often be found editing contributor At DZone, we foster a collaborative environment that empowers
pieces, working with sponsors, and coordinating developers and tech professionals to share knowledge, build
with designers. Part of their everyday includes skills, and solve problems through content, code, and community.
collaborating across teams, specifically DZone's
We thoughtfully — and with intention — challenge the status
Client Success and Editorial teams, to deliver
quo and value diverse perspectives so that, as one, we can inspire
high-quality content to the DZone community.
positive change through technology.
As the Head of Publications, Caitlin oversees the creation and publication of all DZone Trend Reports
and Refcards. She helps with topic selection and outline creation to ensure that the publications
released are highly curated and appeal to our developer audience. Outside of DZone, Caitlin enjoys
running, DIYing, living near the beach, and exploring new restaurants near her home.
Lindsay is a Publications Manager at DZone. From working with expert contributors on editorial
content to assisting Sponsors with report materials, Lindsay and team oversees the entire Trend
Report process end to end, delivering insightful content and research findings to DZone's global
developer audience. In her free time, Lindsay enjoys reading, biking, and walking her dog, Scout.
As a Publications Manager, Melissa co-leads the publication lifecycle for Trend Reports and
Refcards — from coordinating project logistics like schedules and workflows to conducting
editorial reviews with authors and facilitating the design stage. She often supports Sponsors
alongside her Client Success teammates. At home, Melissa passes the days reading, sewing,
woodworking, and (most importantly) adoring her cats, Bean and Whitney.
John Esposito works as technical architect at 6st Technologies, teaches undergrads whenever they
will listen, and moonlights as research analyst at DZone.com. He wrote his first C in junior high and
is finally starting to understand JavaScript NaN%. When he isn’t annoyed at code written by his
past self, John hangs out with his wife and cats Gilgamesh and Behemoth, who look and act like
their names.
In November 2021, DZone surveyed software developers, architects, and other IT professionals in order to understand how
applications are being designed, released, tuned, and monitored for performance.
We created a survey and distributed it to a global audience of software professionals. Question formats included multiple
choice, free response, and ranking. Survey links were distributed via email to an opt-in subscriber list and popups on
DZone.com. The survey was opened on October 28 and closed on November 12. The survey recorded 321 responses.
In this report, we review some of our key research findings. Many secondary findings of interest are not included here.
Additional findings will be published piecemeal on DZone.com.
This has left a large portion (in fact, we conjecture, the large majority) of performance optimization to 'higher'
levels that undergraduate degrees — especially those with a heavier focus on computer science as distinguished
from software engineering — are less precisely aimed at treating. We wanted to see how developers are handling
performance at these supra-control-flow levels.
2. Tony Hoare's catchy (and obviously useful) dictum, "premature optimization is the root of all evil," too often serves as a
blanket excuse to consider performance too late — sometimes due to engineering incompetence, sometimes due to
managerial cost-cutting.
Of course, any human (and perhaps especially engineering) endeavor must balance costs and benefits of up-front
planning time, real-world feedback from a running system, likelihood of future changes that obsolete fragile early
tuning, runtime costs amortized over time, etc. But this simply means that one may pay too much attention to
performance both too early and too late. We wanted to see how developers are making these trade-offs under real-
world pressures.
The aesthetic side of any programmer must recoil in horror at this, even when the trade-off (based on time, expense,
source complexity, readability, etc.) seems desirable. We wanted to get a better sense of the triumphs, tactics,
roadblocks, and annoyances encountered in the war against entropy that software professionals fight every day.
• Express Train – for some tasks, create an alternate path that does only the minimal required work (e.g., for data fetches
requiring maximum performance, create multiple DAOs — some enriched, some impoverished)
• Hard Sequence – enforce sequential completion of high-priority tasks, even if multiple threads are available (e.g., chain
Ajax calls enabling optional interactions only after minimal page load, even if later calls do not physically depend on
earlier returns)
• Batching – chunk similar tasks together to avoid spin-up/spin-down overhead (e.g., create a service that monitors a
queue of vectorizable tasks and groups them into one vectorized process once some threshold count is reached)
• Interface Matching – for tasks commonly accessed through a particular interface, create a coarse-grained object that
combines anything required for tasks defined by the interface (e.g., for an e-commerce cart, create a CartDecorated
object that handles all cart-related calculations and initializes with all data required for these calculations)
• Copy-Merge – for tasks using the same physical resource, distribute multiple physical copies of the resource and
reconcile in a separate process if needed (e.g., database sharding)
• Calendar Control – when workload timing can be predicted, block predicted work times from schedulers so that
simultaneous demand does not exceed available resources
Results (n=321):
Figure 1
This is perhaps the most broadly applicable and least complex pattern listed, and it is similar enough to basic
principles such as data locality (e.g., when batching permits reused values to be held as in-memory static variables
rather than requiring multiple I/O calls) that we might expect batching from even the most junior developers.
This turns out to be only partly true: Both senior (>5 years' experience) and junior (≤5 years' experience) software
professionals used batching more overall (93.1% and 89.2%, respectively) than any other performance pattern, but
junior respondents report using the interface matching pattern more often (34.7%) than batching (31.1%).
The difference is small, but from this, we weakly conjecture that less-experienced developers' minds may fly a bit more
in "application space" than "infrastructure space" since the pattern we called interface matching involves grouping
work under constructs meaningful in the application domain.
2. Interface matching is the second most commonly applied performance pattern, both often (28.1%) and overall (89.3%).
To interpret this, we note that the use of the interface concept and the example provided in our definition suggest a
class/inheritance-based, object-oriented approach to encapsulation, which may or may not be aimed intentionally
(or effectively) at performance. Segmentation of responses by "primary programming language used at work"
suggests this may influence responses: Java-primary developers were significantly more likely than JavaScript-primary
developers to use interface matching often (28.8% vs. 18.2%).
This may indicate that Java or another interface-happy OO language is more naturally suited to this particular
performance pattern. It may also indicate some answer contamination by respondents who might have checked
this answer option simply if they use interfaces or decorators, whether or not they do with specific intent to optimize
performance. Note: Differences in "often" responses between Java-primary and JavaScript-primary respondents were
significantly smaller for all other answer options — most within two or three percentage points, and one around six
percentage points.
3. Express train and copy-merge are effectively tied for third most commonly implemented performance pattern. No
significant differences obtained between senior and junior respondents' use of express train. Copy-merge, however, was
significantly more likely to be used by senior developers: 25.4% (senior) vs. 18.2% (junior) use this pattern often, and 84.6%
vs. 74.2% use this pattern ever.
We tentatively explain this difference by the varying levels of experience we suppose are required to implement these
patterns effectively: Any sufficiently clever person (of any experience level) understands that, for instance, a database
query can be accelerated by selecting fewer fields — an insight that does not involve a wide-ranging mental model
of the system. But experience (as distinguished from cleverness) helps build confidence in the more global mental
modeling required to make scheduling decisions.
We suppose that self-healing is especially important in modern software development for three primary reasons:
1. Even simple programs written in modern high-level languages can quickly explode in complexity beyond the human
ability to understand execution clearly and precisely (or else formal verification would be trivial for most programs,
which is far from the case). This means that reliably doing computational work requires robustness against unimagined
execution sequences.
2. Core multiplication, branch prediction (and related machine-level optimizations) and horizontal worker scaling — often
over the Internet — have borne the brunt of the modern extension of Moore's Law. This means that communication
channels (represented as graphs) have high cardinality, grow rapidly, may not be deterministic, and are likely to
encounter unpredictable partitioning.
Further, many popular modern languages implement garbage collection, whose details are (by design) should not
enter the application programmer's awareness. That is, a lot of low-level work is supposed to be handled invisibly to
the programmer — which means that modern programs must be able to respond increasingly well to situations that
were not considered the application's own formal design.
We wanted to know what techniques software professionals are using for automatic recovery from application failure, asking:
Which of the following approaches to self-healing have you implemented? {Retry | Circuit breaker | Backoff | Critical resource
isolation | Failover | Queue-based load leveling | Client throttling | Leader election | Chaos engineering | Graceful degradation
| Long-running transaction checkpoints | Compensating transactions | Database snapshotting}
Figure 2
Circuit breaker
resource isolation
load leveling
Client throttling
Leader election
Chaos engineering
Graceful degradation
transaction checkpoints
Database snapshotting
Other - write in
0 20 40 60
1. The top three self-healing techniques — retry, failover, and database snapshotting — are old enough to have obvious pre-
computer, and probably even pre-engineering, analogues: All living things retry, anyone planning a dinner party makes
failover plans, and redundancy is as old as the scribe.
2. Two of the next three self-healing techniques — circuit breaker, queue-based load leveling, and client throttling — are
more organizationally sophisticated in the sense that they require representation in more complex data structures and
execution paths.
3. Java-primary developers were significantly more likely to implement circuit breakers than JavaScript-primary developers
(50.7% vs. 36.4%), perhaps because Java applications are more likely to be server-side and, therefore, more likely to locate
the architectural complexity that benefits from circuit breakers.
4. Java-primary developers were also significantly more likely to implement backoffs (33.6% vs. 18.2%), perhaps because
web servers, most likely to be called by JavaScript, are designed to accept promiscuous connection attempts (i.e., do not
expect backoff from clients).
5. The most architecturally explicit self-healing technique — a reserved healing layer — was rare but not negligibly so (10.3%
of respondents). This number was higher than we expected and will be interesting to monitor in the future.
1. More complex, more distributed, and more heterogeneous architecture makes precise understanding of low-level details
more difficult; low-level details often make a huge difference in performance.
2. Many mature tools (profilers, loggers) and techniques (core dump analysis, resource checkpoints) were originally
designed for single virtual machines. Microservices make these tools less useful, and the analogous tooling ecosystem for
more distributed systems is not yet as mature.
3. The release independence that microservices offer as a development time benefit can make runtime performance a
gambling-esque headache, as a change used to improve performance in one microservice may harm performance in
another without anyone noticing until the change is released. For instance, if an identity microservice that all other work
needs to call suddenly slows down, the other services will all slow down even though none of their code has changed.
We wanted to see how software professionals think about microservices' impact on performance at a high level and how
attitudes toward microservices relate to approaches taken to performance optimization, so we asked:
Microservices make performance engineering, tuning, and monitoring more difficult: {Strongly disagree | Disagree | Neutral |
Agree | Strongly agree}
Results (n=312):
Figure 3
23.7% Neutral
Strongly agree
We did not ask how much more difficult — presumably the how much enters the trade-off calculus that weighs
performance and other factors when deciding on an overall approach to architecture — but these high numbers
should remind software architects not to forget about performance when considering microservices.
2. Senior respondents were almost twice as likely to respond that they "strongly agree" than junior respondents (19.3%
vs. 10.6%).
At this high level, it is impossible to know which group is more correct, but if we apply a general principle of "more
trust in more experience," then we might take these responses as a strong indicator that special attention should be
paid to performance when implementing microservices.
3. However, a comparable number of respondents strongly disagreed (11.9%) or strongly agreed (35.6%) that microservices
make performance engineering, tuning, and monitoring more difficult.
Complementing the senior vs. junior divergence with respect to agreement or strong agreement, more junior
respondents disagreed (27.3% vs. 22.3%), but slightly more senior respondents strongly disagreed (11.6% vs. 9.1%). This
perhaps mitigates the "beware performance w.r.t. microservices" inference we might draw from the senior agreement/
strong agreement.
4. Attitudes toward microservices' impact on performance engineering map onto attitudes toward infrastructure
abstraction's impact on performance engineering.
This suggests that perhaps some of respondents' judgment of microservices' impact on performance engineering
stems from the general impact of complexity and abstraction on performance engineering, rather than exclusively
suggesting something specific about microservices:
Figure 4
Agree/strongly agree that
microservices make performance
engineering more difficult
20 Disagree/strongly disagree
that microservices make performance
engineering more difficult
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
disagree agree
The high degrees of abstraction, elasticity, and virtualization layers common in modern software deployments make
performance engineering, tuning, and monitoring more difficult: {Strongly disagree | Disagree | Neutral | Agree | Strongly
Results (n=310):
Figure 5
18.1% Agree
Strongly agree
1. Results for this question are less equivocal than for the analogous question w.r.t. microservices. The majority (57.1%) of
respondents agreed or strongly agreed (18.4%) that the high degrees of abstraction, elasticity, and virtualization layers
common in modern software deployments make performance engineering, tuning, and monitoring more difficult.
2. Almost a fifth of respondents (18.7%) disagreed, but only 6.1% strongly disagreed. So respondents' ambivalence toward the
impact of microservices on performance engineering is absent here.
3. In other surveys, we asked about general attitudes toward infrastructure abstraction. Between 2020 and 2021, the percent
of respondents who answered:
• "Infrastructure abstraction in {YEAR} is excessive and getting out of control" grew slightly (16% to 18.4%).
• "We're finally getting close to pure, non-leaky infrastructure abstraction" fell by a similar proportion (21.3% to 18.8%).
• "No opinion" grew comparably (13.7% to 15.5%).
Together, with the results of the present question, we speculate that the difficulty of performance engineering on these
abstractions contributes to growing suspicion of these levels of abstraction. However, since we have only one data point
regarding performance, we cannot yet determine a parallel trend. We intend to ask this performance-related infrastructure
abstraction question in future surveys, as we continue to ask about general infrastructure abstraction each year.
How often have you encountered the following root causes of web performance degradation? {High CPU load | CPU thrashing
| Memory exhausted (paging) | I/O bottleneck | Network bottleneck | Too many disk I/O operations due to bad code or
configuration | Slow disk I/O due to bad code or configuration | Excessive algorithmic complexity due to bad code | Misuse
of language features | Deadlocks or thread starvation | Load balancing lag | Geographic location lag | Selective/rolling
deployment lag | Log rotation batch | Database reorganization | Garbage collection | Network backup}
Figure 6
Too many disk I/O operations due to bad code or configuration 17.0% 41.5% 30.7% 10.8%
Slow disk I/O due to bad code or configuration 12.2% 39.3% 36.6% 11.9%
Excessive algorithmic complexity due to bad code 22.2% 39.0% 30.8% 8.1%
1. High CPU load was the most common overall (97.4%) and by far the most likely cause of web performance degradation to
be encountered often (38.3% vs. 28.9% for its nearest competitor, memory exhaustion/paging).
In future surveys, we will distinguish explicitly between client-side and server-side CPU load, but given these numbers,
we interpret most responses as referring mainly to server-side CPU load. This is interesting because we expected I/O
bottlenecks to rank highest — in fact, they come in as third most common to have been encountered often (25.1%).
The fact that CPUs are much more likely than I/O to cause web application performance degradation suggests very
rapid adoption of high-performance non-volatile memory (e.g., NVMe) and the ability of I/O systems to take advantage
of modern persistence hardware, which may in turn, follow from high adoption of cloud/managed server hardware
(given the cost of upgrading self-maintained datacenter hardware).
2. Further, it seems that high CPU load is responsible for web application performance degradation due to genuinely large
amounts of processing work. CPU thrashing, which might indicate some misuse of resources (e.g., threading at the wrong
level, poor memory alloc/dealloc), was reported as far less likely to degrade web performance often (only 15.7% vs. 38.3% for
high CPU load) or at all (89.7% vs. 97.4% for high CPU load).
3. Geographic location lag was the least likely factor to cause web performance degradation ever (71.2%) and among the
least likely to cause web performance degradation often (11%). The Internet works; BGP is doing a good job.
If algorithmic complexity is responsible for a quarter of web performance degradation incidents, then we might
suppose that static code analysis and/or more low-level code reviews might significantly improve web performance.
However, since our data does not indicate how severe the performance degradation from each cause in each instance
was, we cannot draw any conclusions about the overall impact of algorithmic improvements on web performance.
And since time complexity can easily vary by many orders of magnitude across algorithms, we expect that calculations
based on mean effect of big-O fails will not be very useful.
In future research, we may attempt to combine our survey data with empirical data from open-source static
code analysis and commit messages. But we are not yet sure how to factor in the potentially massive variance
in performance degradation effect caused by poor algorithm design without careful manual analysis (thanks,
Overall, I blame the following factors for poor performance of the software I have worked on — rank from "blame most" (top)
to "blame least" (bottom): {Bad code that others wrote | Bad code that I wrote | Database misconfiguration | Network issues |
Insufficient memory | Slow I/O | Slow CPU | Slow disk read/write | Slow GPU}
Results (n=252):
Table 1
1. Bad code is by far the most (recognized
as) to blame for poor performance. This Performance Factors Rank Score n=
holds true across all code-producing or
code-adjacent respondents — developers, Bad code that others wrote 1 2,085 252
developer team leads, and architects. Bad code that I wrote 2 1,709 225
2. Architects blame bad code even more Database misconfiguration 3 1,524 233
than developers. The score gap between:
Network issues 4 1,419 203
• "Bad code that I wrote" and the
next-highest-scored cause, "database Insufficient memory 5 1,391 214
3. Ranking of blame is remarkably similar across all code-adjacent respondents with only one notable exception: slow CPU.
Developers ranked slow CPU as the sixth highest cause, while architects ranked slow CPU as eighth highest. We
conjecture that this is accounted for mainly by developers working "closer to the CPU" than architects, but this inference
is weakened by the (presumed) likelihood that technical architects may be assigned their role due to high level of
programming skill.
• Some developers take much more pride in performance than others; performance is a "harder" metric than code
readability, for instance (and craftsperson-ego is better serviced by 'hard' metrics).
• Architects may or may not be impacted, at high variance of degree of impact, by performance considerations.
• Functional requirements, acceptance criteria for individual user stories, or whatever task-definitional equivalent may
or may not contain performance constraints.
Assignment of responsibility for performance, therefore, seems subject to a nontrivial degree of choice — and hence, a
useful target for survey-based inquiry. We wanted to understand how these semi-arbitrary assignments are made.
2. Whether optimization is, in reality, premature does not generally determine when performance optimizations are
considered — in no small part because (as Hoare is noting) the on-the-ground reality is hard to know at build time.
In practice, management decisions — including service-level objectives driven by business requirements, product, or
marketing — greatly determine when and how much application performance is considered. We wanted to know where
performance enters the SDLC.
3. Some organizations have teams dedicated to responding to performance degradation in production, or even teams
dedicated to performance engineering at all stages of the SDLC. In contrast, other organizations may throw a dashboard
at a non-specialist developer, SRE, or sysadmin; others lack organizationally defined systems for addressing performance.
We wanted to understand how these approaches distribute across organizations.
How often do you identify a performance problem using the following approaches? Rank from most often (top) to least
often (bottom). {Log monitoring | Customer/end-user reporting/feedback | Server monitoring | Infrastructure monitoring |
Crash reporting | Audits | Intelligent alerting | End-user monitoring | Transaction tracing | Deployment tracking | Manual
instrumentation | Synthetic transactions | Browser-synthetic monitoring | Not sure}
Results (n=250):
Table 2
1. Log monitoring — the simplest, most immediate, most manual way to identify performance problems — is the highest-
scoring method of identifying performance problems. Further, log monitoring (and its kin, server monitoring) are rarely
ranked low (i.e., the rank distribution is skewed right), meaning that most respondents use log monitoring often.
Because logs facilitate performance tuning at any stage of the SDLC, the popularity of log monitoring suggests some
continuity between how software professionals approach performance in any environment.
2. However, rankings differed significantly between senior and junior respondents. Among junior respondents, customer/
end-user reporting/feedback is, by a slight margin, the highest-scoring performance issue identification method. Next is
log monitoring and server monitoring, while among senior respondents, log monitoring ranks highest, followed by server
monitoring and customer reporting/feedback — though somewhat more distantly.
We take this difference as a reflection of the tendency to assign support tickets to junior developers, which we observe
anecdotally but ubiquitously.
3. More specialized and sophisticated performance issue identification methods scored considerably lower than simpler
and more generic methods. Worth noting, however, is another difference between senior and junior respondents: While
senior respondents ranked manual instrumentation as the eleventh most common method, junior respondents ranked
manual instrumentation as seventh.
This may reflect difference in experience with new tools, which is partly a function of the learning overhead. Junior
developers must learn a lot about many things very quickly, so they may not have the capacity to learn a more
general-purpose tool than they need to track a specific performance metric. Senior developers are under less intrinsic
pressure to learn as much as quickly, so they may have more time to learn a general-purpose tool, in addition to the
greater likelihood that they have encountered these tools before.
4. Unsurprisingly, Java-primary developers ranked log monitoring higher (No. 2) than JavaScript-primary developers (No.
5). The difference may be compensated for by higher usage of audits reported by JavaScript-primary respondents (No.
4) vs. Java-primary respondents (No. 7) — an active intervention that makes up for the lack of centralized log availability
common in (at least client-side) JavaScript applications.
If the performance goal is something vague like "better performance," then effort spent on performance optimization is
a matter of personality and leisure time — i.e., not forced from the outside. But if a performance goal ties to the business
requirements, software professionals must explicitly consider performance before release. We wanted to see how often
organizations set service-level objectives (SLOs) and what these SLOs are, so we asked:
Figure 7
31.5% 29.8%
I don’t know
1. Almost a third of respondents (31.5%) did not know whether their organization has any SLOs. This, at the very least, means
that SLOs do not contribute to respondents' decision-making.
2. The largest portion of respondents reported positive knowledge that their organization does not have any SLOs (38.7%).
Insofar as SLOs improve performance (and whether they do or not is another question, discussed below), this high
number suggests that the industry has room for improvement with respect to setting performance-related goals.
3. SLOs appear to impact perception of performance optimization timing. Respondents at organizations that set SLOs
are more likely to report that their organization optimizes performance too early and less likely to report that their
organization optimized performance too late, while the inverse is true of respondents at organizations that set no SLOs:
Figure 8
30 Yes SLOs
20 No SLOs
Too early Too late At exactly I don’t know
the right time
4. Similarly, the presence/absence of SLOs impacts where responsibility for monitoring application performance is located
within the organization:
Figure 9
30 Yes SLOs
20 No SLOs
Development Operations Responsibility for I don’t know
performance is
equally divided
between dev and ops
2. As the cynical engineers er put-upon workers er anti-Taylorist management theorists say: A goal measured is a goal
sought irrespective of actual desirability of the thing for which the metric is a proxy. So we wanted to know how the use of
specific metrics related to assignment of blame for performance issues.
3. Because measurement itself is a nontrivial task, performance measurement may be sought or avoided proportionally to
the pain or pleasure of measuring. Performance monitoring tools exist on spectra of features, breadth of target systems,
hosting requirements, complexity, support, etc. We wanted to know how often such tools along these spectra are used.
Which of the following metrics does your organization use to measure application performance? {User satisfaction | Apdex
score | Average server response time | Error rate | Number of autoscaled application instances | Concurrent users | Request
rate | Uptime | Any garbage collection metric | Number of database queries | Average database query response time |
Maximum heap size/heap size distribution | Longest running processes | CPU usage | I/O response time | I/O access rate | Time
to first byte | Request queue size | Other (write in)}
Figure 10
User satisfaction
Apdex score
Average server
response time
Error rate
Number of autoscaled
application instances
Concurrent users
Request rate
Any garbage
collection metric
Number of
database queries
Average database
query response time
CPU usage
Other - write in
0 15 30 45 60 75
2. As with the elevated identification rate of high CPU usage as a root cause of web performance problems, we were mildly
surprised about the prevalence of attention paid to CPU usage as a performance metric. Perhaps some or all of the
following might account for this result:
• It is a relatively intelligible metric (or thought to be — modern predictive-pipelined multicore architectures are harder
to reason about w.r.t. utilization metrics).
• It is a common cost center in commodity compute clouds.
• It is commonly noted, but not weighted heavily, in performance analyses (our survey did not ask for weighting of
each metric).
• CPU-feeding subsystems (main memory, memory and I/O buses, non-volatile storage) really have caught up with
processor speeds.
3. Performance metrics reported by developer and architects correlate rather strongly with a few notable exceptions:
Architects are significantly more likely than developers to report tracking average server response time, concurrent users,
uptime, CPU usage, I/O response time, and time to first byte.
These specific metrics are what we might expect from their job descriptions, with the possible exception of CPU
usage (where the difference is comparatively small), for reasons noted above: that developers are more likely to live
"close to the CPU" than architects.
4. Developer team leads are more likely to report tracking database query response time, maximum heap size/heap size
distribution, and I/O response time than developers and architects — with the exception of architects for I/O response
time, where response rates are nearly identical.
These metric-tracking specializations suggest the sort of developer team leads who function as deep technical
experts worth consulting on tricky low-level matters, rather than the sort who function as technically inclined project
managers. In future surveys, we intend to distinguish kinds of work done by developer team leads more precisely.
Is your organization currently using any application performance monitoring tool(s)? {Yes | No, but we are currently
considering it | No, and we are not currently considering it | I don't know}
Results (n=301):
Figure 11
No, but we are
currently considering it
No, and we are not
currently considering it
I don’t know
2. Easily the second largest single response bucket is "no, but we are currently considering it," further suggesting that the
scuttlebutt on APM tools is positive enough to merit a high level of consideration among those who do not currently use
any APM tool.
3. The percent of respondents who reported they are not considering using APM tools is extremely low (7%). This may
indicate that manual performance monitoring is painful enough that few are uninterested in taking dedicated steps to
handle monitoring in a more automated manner.
Further Research
Application performance is a vast topic that touches all aspects of software development and operations, requires expertise
in the most mathematically oriented and most physically oriented aspects of computer science and engineering, often elicits
philosophical and ethical debates during technical decision-making processes, and yet noticeably impacts (and annoys) end
users (human or machine) densely in perpetuum.
We have barely begun to address this topic in our research, but we should note that the present survey included questions
whose analyses we did not have space to present here, including:
• Percent of application performance problems solved without satisfactory root cause identification
• Percent of application performance problems solved later than preferred
• Location of performance monitoring in the SDLC
• Responsibility for monitoring application performance within organizations
• Use of AI for application performance monitoring
We intend to analyze this data in future publications. If you are interested in this data for research purposes, please contact
publications@dzone.com and we may be able to share, depending on your research proposal.
John Esposito works as technical architect at 6st Technologies, teaches undergrads whenever they will
listen, and moonlights as research analyst at DZone.com. He wrote his first C in junior high and is finally
starting to understand JavaScript NaN%. When he isn’t annoyed at code written by his past self, John
hangs out with his wife and cats Gilgamesh and Behemoth, who look and act like their names.
OpenTelemetry Moves
Past the Three Pillars
Why a Single Braid of Data Will Power the Future of
Last summer, the OpenTelemetry project reached the incubation stage within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. At the
same time, OpenTelemetry passed another mile marker: over 1,000 contributing developers representing over 200 different
organizations. This includes significant investments from three major cloud providers (Google, Microsoft, and AWS), numerous
observability providers (Lightstep, Splunk, Honeycomb, Dynatrace, New Relic, Red Hat, Data Dog, etc.), and large end-user
companies (Shopify, Postmates, Zillow, Uber, Mailchimp, etc.). It is the second largest project within the CNCF, after Kubernetes.
What is driving such widespread collaboration? And why has the industry moved so quickly to adopt OpenTelemetry as a
major part of their observability toolchain? This article attempts to answer these questions, and to predict several important
trends that will continue to gain momentum as OpenTelemetry stabilizes over the next year.
OpenTelemetry Overview
OpenTelemetry is a telemetry system. This means that OpenTelemetry is used to generate metrics, logs, and traces, and then
transmits them to various storage and analysis tools. OpenTelemetry is not a complete observability system, meaning it does
not perform any long-term storage, analysis, or alerting. OpenTelemetry also does not have a GUI. Instead, OpenTelemetry
is designed to work with every major logging, tracing, and metrics product currently available. This makes OpenTelemetry
vendor-neutral: It is designed to be the telemetry pipeline to any observability back end you may choose.
The goal of the OpenTelemetry project is to standardize the language that computer systems use to describe what they are
doing. This is intended to replace the current babel of competing vendor-specific telemetry systems, a situation which has
ceased to be desirable by either users or providers. At the same time, OpenTelemetry seeks to provide a data model that is
more comprehensive than any previous system, and better suited for the needs of machine learning and other forms of large-
scale statistical analysis.
In order to instrument applications, databases, and other services, OpenTelemetry provides clients in many languages. Java,
C#, Python, Go, JavaScript, Ruby, Swift, Erlang, PHP, Rust, and C++ all have OpenTelemetry clients. OpenTelemetry is officially
integrated into the .NET framework.
OpenTelemetry clients are separated into two core components: the instrumentation API and the SDK. This loose coupling
creates an important separation of concerns between the developers who want to write instrumentation and the application
owners who want to choose what to do with the data. The API packages only contain interfaces and constants and have very
few dependencies. When adding instrumentation, libraries and application code only interact with the API. At runtime, any
implementation may be bound to the API and begin handling the API calls. If no implementation is registered, a No-Op
implementation is used by default.
The SDK is a production-ready framework that implements the API and includes a set of plugins for sampling, processing, and
exporting data in a variety of formats, including OTLP. Although the SDK is the recommended implementation, using it is not a
requirement. For extreme circumstances where the standard implementation will not work, an alternative implementation can
be used. For example, the API could be bound to the C++ SDK, trading flexibility for performance.
Figure 2
After passing through processors, exporters convert the data into a variety of formats and send it on to the back end — or
whatever the next service in the telemetry pipeline may be. Multiple exporters may be run at the same time, allowing data to
be teed off into multiple observability back ends simultaneously.
The OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) is a novel data structure. It combines tracing, metrics, logs, and resource information
into a single graph of data. Not only are all these streams of data sent together through the same pipe, but they are also
interconnected. Logs are correlated with traces, allowing transaction logs to be easily indexed. Metrics are also correlated with
traces. When a metric is emitted while a trace is active, trace exemplars are created, associating that metric with a sample
of traces that represent different metric values. And all this data is associated with resource information describing host
machines, Kubernetes, cloud providers, and other infrastructure components.
This vertical integration created a form of vendor lock-in. Users could not switch to a different observability tool — or even try
one out, really — without first ripping and replacing their entire telemetry pipeline. This was incredibly frustrating for users
who want to be able to try out new tools and switch providers whenever they like. At the same time, every vendor had to invest
heavily in providing (and maintaining) instrumentation for a rapidly expanding list of popular software libraries, a duplication of
effort that took valuable resources away from providing the other thing that users want — new features.
Figure 3
OpenTelemetry rearranged this landscape. Now, everyone is working together to create a high-quality telemetry pipeline,
which they share. It is possible to share this telemetry pipeline because, generally, we can all agree upon a standard definition
of an HTTP request, a database call, and a message queue. Subject matter experts can participate in the standardization
process, along with providers and end users. Through this broad combination of different voices, we create a shared language
that meets everyone’s needs.
OpenTelemetry makes it easier than ever to develop a novel analysis tool. Now, you only have to write the back end. Just build
a tool that can analyze OTLP, and the rest of the system is already built. At the same time, it is easier than ever for users to try
these new tools. With just a small configuration change to your collector, you can begin teeing off your production data to any
new analysis system that you would like to try.
This is unfortunate because library authors should be the ones maintaining this instrumentation — they know better than
anyone what information is important to report and how that information should be used. Instrumenting a library should be
no different from instrumenting application code.
Instrumentation hooks, auto-instrumentation, monkey patching — all the things we do to add third-party instrumentation to
libraries are bizarre and complicated. If we can provide library authors with a well-defined standard for describing common
operations, plus the ability to add any additional information specific to their library, they can begin to think of observability as
a practice much like testing: a way to communicate correctness to their users.
If library authors get to write their own instrumentation, it becomes much easier to also write playbooks that describe how
to best make use of the data to tune and operate the workload that library is managing. Library author participation in this
manner would be a huge step forward in our practice of operating and observing systems.
Library authors also need to be wary about taking on dependencies that may risk creating conflicts. The OpenTelemetry
instrumentation API never breaks backwards compatibility and will never include other libraries, such as gRPC, which may
potentially cause a dependency conflict. This commitment makes OpenTelemetry a safe choice to embed in OSS libraries,
databases, and complex, long-lived applications.
Figure 4
Figure 5
For example, one of our most common observational activities is looking at logs. When something goes wrong with a user
request, we want to look at all of the logs related to that request from the browser, the front-end application, back-end
applications, and any other services that may have been involved. But gathering these logs can be tedious and time
consuming. The more servers you have, the harder it is to find the logs for any particular request. And finding the logs when
they stretch across multiple servers can require some trickery.
However, there’s a simple solution to this problem. If you are running a tracing system, then you have a trace ID available to
index all of your logs. This makes finding all of the logs in a transaction quick and efficient — index your logs by trace ID, and
now a single lookup finds them all!
Figure 6
These time savings are compounded further when you consider what it is we are often looking for — correlations. For example,
extreme latency may be highly correlated with traffic to a particular Kafka node — perhaps that node was misconfigured. A
huge, overwhelming spike in traffic may be highly correlated with a single user. That situation requires a different response to a
traffic spike caused by the sudden rush of new users.
Sometimes, it can get really nuanced. Imagine that an extremely problematic error only occurs when two services — at two
particular versions — process a request with a negative value in a query parameter. Worse, if the error doesn’t actually occur
when those two services talk, it occurs later when a third service encounters a null in the data and the second service is handed
back. Long, sleepless nights spin themselves from hunting down the source of these types of problems.
This is probably the biggest takeaway from this article: Machine learning systems are great at finding these correlations,
provided they are fed high-quality, structured data. Using OpenTelemetry’s highly integrated stream of telemetry, quickly
identifying correlations becomes very feasible, even when those correlations are subtle or distantly related.
Significant time savings through automated analysis — this is the value that OpenTelemetry will ultimately unlock.
Continuing this trend into the future paints a fairly clear picture. In the first two quarters of 2022, all of the remaining
OpenTelemetry core components are expected to be declared stable, making OTLP an attractive target for these products.
By the end of next year, features that leverage this new integrated data structure will begin appearing in many observability
products. At the same time, a number of databases and hosted services will begin offering OTLP data, leveraging
OpenTelemetry to extend transaction-level observability beyond the clients embedded in their users’ applications, deep into
their storage systems and execution layers.
Access to these advanced capabilities will begin to motivate mainstream application developers to switch to OpenTelemetry.
At this point, OpenTelemetry and modern observability practices will begin to cross the chasm from early adoption to best
practice. This, in turn, will further motivate the development of features based on OTLP, and motivate more databases and
managed services to integrate with OpenTelemetry.
This is an exciting shift in the world of observability, and I look forward to the advancement of time-saving analysis tools. In
2022, keep your eye on OpenTelemetry, and consider migrating as soon as it reaches a level of stability you are comfortable
with. This will position your organization to take advantage of these new opportunities as they unfold.
Ted Young is one of the co-founders of the OpenTelemetry project. With 20 years of experience, he has
built distributed systems in a variety of environments, from visual fx to container scheduling systems.
He currently works as Director of Developer Education at Lightstep.
Observability measures how well you can understand a system's internal states from its external outputs. In the real world,
observability uses telemetry data to help developers understand what's happening within their system to answer: What's going
on? Where is the problem? Why is the problem happening? Observability covers all layers of an app or service, beginning
with the infrastructure and network and building up to the application layer. Developers can gain visibility into "unknown
unknowns," allowing them to better sense the true user experience of their products.
• Do I need to create a template (or regex-rules) to align logs and metrics for the same resource?
• Once an alert on a metric is created, do I need to write a query to retrieve the relevant logs?
If you answer "yes" to even one of these questions, you are likely facing an upsell attempt rather than evaluating a platform
that will improve the user experience through comprehensive observability. Eventually, you should ask yourself: Will this
observability suite truly deliver innovation, or will it cost you more but deliver the same business outcomes as you have today?
The necessity to gain observability is crucial — especially if your DevOps teams are tasked with activities such as digital
transformation, maintaining/building distributed architecture (e.g., Microservices), adopting cloud and hybrid environments,
and embedding third-party SaaS solutions (e.g., access management).
However, we should not forget that observability is a means to an end. With more workers depending on remote
functionalities, application health has become a priority to achieve minimal downtime and friction along the customer
journey. Regular checks can significantly reduce the risks and durations of outages.
About LogicMonitor
At LogicMonitor®, we expand what’s possible for businesses through our fully automated, SaaS-based observability platform.
LogicMonitor seamlessly monitors everything from networks to applications to the underlying cloud infrastructure,
empowering developers to focus less on problem-solving and more on innovation. Our cloud-based platform helps you see
more, know more, and do more.
Today, more than ever, users are unwilling to wait and tolerate failure. Nearly 50 percent of users expect a load time of less
than two seconds. Hyperconnectivity has become the new status quo, and with it comes higher pressure on the industry
to provide the best service possible. This has also transformed the software application landscape into an intricate net of
components — from APIs to CDNs — each of which can easily become the weak link when a problem occurs, leading to poor
customer experiences and unhappy end users.
Teams of developers, product owners, test engineers, etc. must work more closely and seamlessly than ever before to solve
these issues. This is where application performance management/monitoring (APM) can help manage expectations for
performance, availability, and user experience. APM helps teams and companies understand these expectations by gathering
software performance data and analyzing it to detect potential issues, alerting teams when baselines aren’t met, providing
visibility into root causes, and taking action to resolve issues faster (even automatically) so that the impact on users and
businesses is minimal.
State-of-the-Art APM
When the first APM solutions were designed, the most common software architectures were different from what they are
today — they were simpler and more predictable. Demand has driven applications to move from a monolithic architecture to
a cloud-distributed one, which is often more complex and more challenging to manage and monitor without dedicated tools.
This increased complexity has forced APM tools to seek new strategies and monitor a myriad of moving parts now present in
the software stack.
In addition, over the last two years, social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic has forced a new shopping paradigm, and
consumers — for safety and convenience — have turned to this new digital experience. In the US alone, in March 2020, 20-30
percent of the grocery business moved online, reaching a 9-12 percent penetration by the end of 2020 — and the forecast is to
continue growing.
Figure 1
Countries like Germany and Switzerland, who are known for their preference to use physical currency, have massively turned to
wired or contactless payments, either motivated by the restrictions from governments or to avoid unnecessary contact.
APM will be crucial to fulfilling these requirements, giving DevOps teams insight into problem isolation and prioritization
that consequently shortens MTTR (mean time to repair), hence, preserving service availability and experience. The increased
demand by businesses to meet shorter time-to-market requirement roll-outs, the acceleration of cloud and containerized
migrations, and the evolution of technology stacks all contribute to organizations’ efforts to aggressively keep up with the new
wave of users, which has increased the risk of service disruptions and delays.
The future is to combine observability with artificial intelligence to create self-healing applications. Together, with machine
learning, real-time telemetry, and automation, it’s possible to foresee application issues based on the system outputs and
resolve them before they can have a negative impact. Further, machine learning will help determine motive, predict and detect
anomalies, and reduce system noise.
Figure 3
All stakeholders should be involved in defining requirements, setting up expectations, and configuring the metrics and queries
that will be responsible for creating the rules, budgets, and visualizations. It is not straightforward to only understand the
metrics that should be examined more closely. Since all telemetry is stored and analyzed, and we are constantly bombarded
with information, we must be frugal with the metrics chosen.
"The first step is to measure whatever can be easily measured. This is OK as far as it goes. The second step is
to disregard that which can't be easily measured or to give it an arbitrary quantitative value. This is artificial
and misleading. The third step is to presume that what can't be measured easily really isn't important. This is
blindness. The fourth step is to say that what can't be easily measured really doesn't exist. This is suicide."
— Daniel Yankelovich, "Corporate Priorities: A continuing study of the new demands on business," 1972
• Easily measurable, stable, and responsive – If the effort spent to measure the metric is overwhelming and needs the
implementation of new complex systems with the single purpose of measuring and computing that metric, it’s probably
not worth measuring in the first place. Basing decisions on a metric that is generated inside a black box is not ideal.
The complexity of the solution needs to be balanced against the gain — or even lead to the selection of a more realistic
metric. When implementing the metric, the future application should also be taken into account to accommodate the
volume of data and ability to apply it throughout the platform.
• Relevant – It should align with teams and business objectives. All metrics should be tracked, if possible, but if creating
custom metrics or collecting something that is not out of the box, vanity metrics are good for team morale, but they
shouldn’t be the totality.
• Real-time – The time to compute and collect a metric should not be so long that the time to display renders it obsolete.
These metrics, when carefully selected, can become the standards to communicate the status of the system with teams or
stakeholders. They can also serve as a motivator when sharing good outcomes, for example, from technical or marketing
Keep in mind: It is paramount to have the support at the executive level to guarantee the success of implementing APM
systems as well as observability and monitoring techniques.
• Enable end-to-end visibility in an automated way — with little intervention from teams
• Access a topological service map visualization that can help spot issues and fix them faster, while also showing all
dependencies between application and infrastructure components
• Monitor and gather information for application usage from a user perspective — either proactively through synthetic
monitoring or passively through RUM (real user monitoring)
• Identify and alert on deviation trends and performance issues to help build better contingency plans and predict future
occurrences that might affect the user
• Profile user actions from front end to back end so that they can be traced to the code, database query, or third-party call
In the end, APM is about providing insights through a diagnostics view that exploits every element of the software so that
the end-user experience can be understood and continuously improved. By making observability and monitoring first-class
citizens in the development process, teams can focus more on the quality of the solutions and less on firefighting.
Joana has been a performance engineer for the last 10 years, during which she did root cause analysis
from user interaction to bare metal, performance tuning, and new technology evaluation. Her goal is to
create solutions to empower the development teams to own performance investigation, visualization,
and reporting so that they can, in a self-sufficient manner, own the quality of their services. Currently working at
Postman, she mainly does performance profiling, evaluation, analysis, and tuning.
We ship all of our logs to Coralogix and turn them into metrics. Then
we can monitor them all in a dashboard and pinpoint exact problems.
Roi Amitay - Head of DevOps
Choosing new cloud-native approaches to building and deploying software allows for better agility and flexibility, although it
does demand that we update our monitoring approach to ensure we don't lose visibility.
Implementing and managing observability for distributed, cloud-native applications at scale is more costly and less effective
with traditional tooling. New containerized environments are running a more diverse set of technologies and configurations,
and generate higher data volumes faster. The nature of cloud-native applications means not only more data, but more
complex data flows coming from more varied data sources.
When we overcome observability challenges such as coverage, correlation, and cost in our distributed systems, we can look
forward to unlocking benefits beyond keeping customers happy.
Increased agility promised by the move to containerized environments requires better observability in order to be fully realized.
As more features and services are being introduced, together with increased users, the volume of event data being generated
grows exponentially.
Companies that are shipping comprehensive logs from across their systems and workflows are better able to pinpoint exact
problems not only within their application, but within their build pipelines. One way to do this is to convert log data to metrics
which can then be monitored in a centralized dashboard.
Cloud-native observability tools are designed to help companies monitor typical behavior within their applications and alert on
any anomalous behavior. This can enable teams to identify where they may be vulnerable and to detect an attack.
Scaling capacity as usage increases and decreases allows businesses to be very cost-efficient, paying only for the storage and
compute that they use. It can also allow them to allocate private servers according to what is needed at that time, scaling back
capacity for computing that is not time-critical.
Developers can use observability data to fine-tune capacity settings to further increase efficiency. For example, Armis Security
has scaled 7X in the past 3 years using Coralogix as their observability platform. As their systems grow and generate more data,
they maintain good coverage and are able to pinpoint issues and constantly make improvements.
Application Self-Healing
Common Failures and How to Avoid Them
Today, automation is one of the major goals in IT projects. Most platforms are running on a cloud infrastructure and fully
automated at both the platform and infrastructure levels. Companies are moving forward with automation and extending it to
disaster recovery. As a result, many applications are designed in such a way to avoid failures and recover automatically. This is
often called "self-healing." In this article, we will familiarize readers with self-healing and review some common features when
applications experience failures.
Self-Healing Levels
Each application or platform is not just the developed code. The hardware in which you run your code on and the
connecting third parties are also part of your application. It is quite common for applications to depend on several third
parties. On one hand, it is easier to focus on your main application’s functionality and use third parties for other services, but
on the other hand, if a third party fails, that can lead to your application failing.
Then, it is on you to take action and fix the issue. Moreover, when running your application on the cloud, you are dealing
with virtual infrastructure and responsible for your infrastructure disaster recovery strategy and setup. Although all cloud
providers give an SLA time and promise to keep all services up and running at the highest level they can, it is up to you to
ensure your application is always accessible no matter where the failure is.
Before thinking about how to create a self-healing mechanism, you need to identify the points of failure. To design a self-
healing system, you need to have a holistic monitoring overview of your application. Make sure nothing is left out of your radar.
Then, you can define the possible scenarios and act accordingly to keep your application up and running all the time. To get a
better picture of what needs to be done on the monitoring side, let’s break the monitoring into some sub-areas.
Monitoring is one of the most important parts of any application. The monitoring solution gives an observation of application
behavior during runtime. Additionally, we can check infrastructure performance, network transactions, and third-party
availability. The monitoring setup is not only about the application itself, but covers everything related to the application, from
infrastructure to application components and third parties.
When setting up alerts, engineers have to specify warning and critical thresholds for each alert. However, people often begin
to see notifications or emails about it as soon as alerts are set up. These notifications do not necessarily mean that there is a
Logging is not necessarily part of monitoring, but what makes it important is the data you collect. With logging, you can
record all events with the exact time and date. When something fails, logs are golden information you have that tells you
what happened, when, and where. That’s why it is vital to log everything to track all possible reasons behind failures. It is
recommended to centralize the logging into your monitoring system.
In most monitoring tools, you can connect the logging system to the monitoring setup, and the monitoring system will process
the logging data. Smart monitoring systems can identify the relationship between application components, hardware, and
third parties. Therefore, they can create a summary out of monitoring and logging data at the time of failure, which helps find
the root cause faster.
When the number of requests on an application is higher than it can handle, the application starts to fail or cannot handle
the requests. The solution for this is to make the application scalable. Scaling is something that can be designed and
handled in different stages of application development. The best place to think about scalability is at architecture time,
when you design your application with all components. You can choose technologies that cover scalability in an automated
manner. One example is using container-based architectures and tools like Kubernetes, which handle scalability at
different levels.
Failures happen for long-running transactions, and after each failure, the transaction should start from the beginning. To keep
the resiliency of these transactions, you can create checkpoints that help understand at which stage the failure occurred. Then,
the system can start the transaction and continue from where it left off.
If an instance of an application cannot be reached, the only solution is to have another instance failover. This should be
considered at the design stage, and instances should be added or removed based on need. So, if the instance is a database,
that can be replicated to other instances to failover. If the instance is an application, you can use a load balancer or any traffic
distributor service and add instances behind it. Currently, all cloud providers are supporting this feature as high availability. So
this has to be configured at the same time that infrastructure is created.
Sometimes, sudden spikes in traffic can lead to high pressure on APIs, enabling applications to process requests properly. This
can be prevented by using a queue to take jobs asynchronously.
Last but not least is to test your application and infrastructure to make sure they are continuously in a good configuration for
the current workload. You could consider conducting load tests from time to time to simulate a higher workload to measure
this. This is a continuous activity that helps keep your application running and reliable.
Alireza has more than 20 years of experience in software development. He started this journey as a
software developer and continues working as a DevOps Engineer. In last couple of years, he has been
helping companies move away from traditional development workflows and embrace a DevOps
culture. These days, Alireza is coaching organizations as an Azure Specialist in their migration to public cloud.
Developing Your
Criteria for Choosing
APM Tool Providers
Identifying APM Requirements, Researching Solutions,
and Building a Checklist
Before Choosing a Vendor, Figure 1: Example of an IT environment with diverse performance management needs
Conduct research, evaluate the sample criteria presented here, and add your own where needed. Carry out a rigorous proof of
concept (POC) with the vendor's assistance and work with at least two or more vendors before deciding on a solution.
Develop Your APM Requirements and Identify Appropriate Suppliers Who Meet Your Needs Assess APM Implementation
Success Criteria • Check APM reviews and ratings — e.g., Gartner, and Operation
Examples: APM Digest, Solutions Review • Do vendors provide adequate
• Monitor end-user experiences training?
Key practices: • What are tech support options?
• Issue alerts for real-time incidents
• Identify sources of delays in response • Consider a proof of concept • Are external professional
time; in real time • Identify multiple suppliers services available?
• Measure application performance • Investigate vendor assurances • What operational skills are
• Perform root cause analysis on • Include future needs in requirements needed?
application issues • Request demos from all providers • Is there an online community?
• Provide visibility across partial and • Demo against your own use cases
entire app stack • Avoid artificial demos
Before speaking with What do you Create a shortlist Identify Plan for
APM providers... need to plan for? of APM providers APM users implementation
The APM requirements and selection process should quickly reveal features deemed essential for your organization. Users may
access your apps from anywhere in the world through different browsers, devices, and connection speeds. Identify an APM tool
or platform that provides real-time visibility into your websites, web services, infrastructure, and networks; simultaneously, the
tool should include features that complement your monitoring objectives.
Many reputable resources are available to help guide you during the research process before adopting a solution. Look for
experts and analysts in the industry who have researched, assessed, and collected reviews of leading providers and specific
tools. In particular, groups such as Gartner and Solutions Review have resources dedicated to APM. Table 1 contains a summary
of notable APM capabilities compiled by Solutions Review and offered by one or more of Gartner's top providers described as
"Leaders" in the space.
Table 1
Capability Description
Application • Allows users to analyze the content of critical processes across application hosts to identify
analytics performance bottlenecks
• Takes your network's blind spots into account, offering a more authentic user experience
Applied Allows users to detect, diagnose, and resolve problems before their IT staff or customers notice them,
intelligence enabling them to identify and explain abnormalities for proactive and quick diagnosis and response
Automated • Uses machine learning to automate anomaly detection and response, finding and fixing issues that
anomaly affect application performance
detection • Helps customers reduce MTTR with root cause diagnostic capabilities
Built-in Several APM solutions offer built-in (embedded) integrations in various categories, including
integrations orchestration, containers, service mesh, public cloud, messaging, DevOps toolchain, Internet of
Things (IoT), and databases.
Code-level • Provides end-to-end observability of code-level transactions that affect the key performance
transaction indicators, including conversion and revenue
monitoring • It helps users clearly understand the effect on business performance
Code-level Code-level visibility inspects methods, classes, and threads for requests
End-to-end • Provides distributed tracing from the front end to the database
distributed • Tracks requests from RUM sessions to services, serverless functions, and databases, then connects
tracing API and browser test failures to back-end errors
Full-stack Allows users to visualize, analyze, and optimize the entire software stack, including distributed
observability services, applications, and serverless functions
Capability Description
Integrated • Offers digital performance monitoring that keeps track of all application tiers, including server hosts
health and network health
monitoring • Can collate application performance metrics with server resource metrics to provide an integrated
view of network and application health
Intelligent • Delivers intelligent observability for applications and networks with contextual information, artificial
observability intelligence, and automation
• Helps users understand the full context of observed data from user impact through entity
Telemetry • Ingests and stores all of a user's operational data, including logs, in one place with live alerts and
data platform custom application support
• Features several hundred agents and integrations, including OpenTelemetry
Table 2
APM data and • What is the complete selection of APM charts and graphs available?
reporting • What type and how many users will access and use the information — C-suite executives who want
simplified visualizations to comprehend the data quickly, or are data experts the primary people on
the team who should access and interact with the information outputs?
• To process and visualize APM data, how many servers would be needed?
• Do I need a supporting APM database on separate devices?
• If the APM uses agents to collect data, how many and what kinds of agents are necessary to support
my implementation? Is it all going to be on our network or the vendor's network?
• Is the APM tool able to extract data from other existing tools and correlate the data?
• Do you need to recover the data manually, or can it be sent to your development team's existing
alert tools?
• Does it include an API that allows other tools to extract data from it?
Budget and As you put your new tools (and new expertise) to use to solve more APM problems, you may be presented
pricing with opportunities to innovate with outside‑of‑the‑box thinking. Ask yourself:
• How much can you spend?
• Does the vendor's pricing scheme work for you?
• What is included and what options could be more costly?
End-user Some APM tools with digital experience monitoring are explicitly designed for application developers,
which can be too restrictive for users not involved in development.
KPIs Does the solution you are considering measure the KPIs you require? For example, is the granular data
you need to be provided on areas such as diagnostics at the code level or tracking performance under
specific parameters such as user location?
Integration You likely have other tools in your organization to help manage and monitor the IT environment.
You will want your new APM tool to slide right onto it without creating yet another place to search
for data, so:
• Learn about the tools that the APM product you are considering integrates with.
• Compare APM tools under consideration with tools you already have or are considering implementing.
Scalability • Should the APM solution only address your application and service management issues now, or
should it be able to grow as your operations expand?
• Does the APM tool tie you to proprietary hardware and/or software?
Implementing well-chosen APM solutions can renew your computing operations. The economic value your chosen APM
solution will provide is remarkable and easily quantifiable. IT infrastructures have grown so complex that the traditional APM
"silo" approach doesn't work anymore. Many organizations have a variety of surveillance products deployed. They can be
reduced to one or a few in most cases, thereby lowering costs and increasing value.
If you have not assessed your existing application performance management process and tools recently, start looking right
now to avoid pressure later. And if you don't have a current APM solution, it is time to consider setting up a proof-of-concept
demo with prospective providers. It will cost nothing upfront, and the vendors will be eager to show you how their products
can bring value to you and your team.
Wayne Yaddow has 12 years of experience leading data migration/integration/ETL testing projects
at organizations including J.P. Morgan Chase, Credit Suisse, Standard and Poor's, AIG, Oppenheimer
Funds, and IBM. Wayne has written extensively on this topic and taught IIST (International Institute of
Software Testing) courses on data warehouse, ETL, and data integration testing. He continues to lead ETL testing and
coaching projects as a freelance consultant. You can contact Wayne at wyaddow@gmail.com.
Common Performance
Management Mistakes
How to Avoid Pain Points Introduced by Cloud-Based Architectures
Performance in any cloud-distributed application is key to successful user experience. Thus, having a deep understanding of
how to measure performance and what metric IO pattern to use is quite important. In this article, we will cover the following:
Adjust monitoring tools to gather info about events between base components
Imagine you have a microservice that is deployed as a Docker container, and it is eating more CPU and memory than other
containers. That can lead to outages since other services might not receive enough resources. For example, if you use
Kubernetes, it may kill other containers to release some resources. You can easily fix this by setting up CPU and memory limits
at the very beginning of the design and implementation phases.
Some applications that tend to work under a high load do not contain any caching mechanisms. This may lead to fetching the
same data and overusing the main database. You can fix this by introducing a caching layer in your application, and it can be
based on a Redis cache or just a memory cache module. Of course, you don’t need to use caching everywhere, since that may
lead to data inconsistency.
Sometimes, you can improve your performance by simply adding output caching to your code. For example:
namespace MvcApplication1.Controllers
public class HomeController : Controller
Above, I’ve added the output cache attribute to the MVC application. It will cache static content for 60 seconds.
This issue is often found in modern microservices architectures, when all services are in a Kubernetes cluster and deployed
via containers, but they all use a single database instance. You can fix this problem by identifying the data scope for each
microservice and splitting one database into several. You can also use the database pools mechanism. For example, Azure
provides the Azure SQL elastic pool service.
Retrying storms and the issues they cause usually occur in microservice- or cloud-distributed applications; when some
component or service is offline, other services try to reach it. This often results in a never-ending retry loop. It can be fixed,
however, by using the circuit breaker pattern. The idea for circuit breaker comes from radio electronics. It can be implemented
as a separate component, like an auto switch. When the circuit runs into an issue (like a short circuit), then the switch turns the
circuit off.
Here, you can find an example of how to set up a JMeter load test in Azure DevOps.
Figure 1
Figure 2
First of all, you should never run load testing against the Production stage as it may (and often will) cause downtime when
you run an excessive load test. Instead, you should run the test against the Test or Staging environments. You can also create
the replica of your production environment explicitly for load test purposes. In this case, you should not use real production
data, since that may result in sending emails to real customers! Next, let’s look at an application that should be architected
under a high load.
• Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) with Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler are used as the main distributed environment and
mechanism to scale compute power under load.
• Istio’s service mesh is used to improve cluster observability, traffic management, and load balancing.
• Azure Log Analytics and Azure Portal Dashboards are used as a central logging system.
Figure 3
In the figure to the right,
you can see that the AKS
cluster contains nodes that
are represented as virtual
machines under the hood.
• Load balancing
• TLS termination
• Service discovery
• Health checks
• Configuration management
Please note that the architecture includes the stages Dev, Test, Staging, and Production, of course. The formula for the highly
available Kubernetes cluster is having separate clusters per stage. However, for Dev and Test, you can use a single cluster
separated by namespaces to reduce infrastructure costs.
For additional logging reinforcement, we used Azure Log Analytics agents and the Portal to create a dashboard. Istio contains a
lot of existing metrics, including those for performance and options to customize them. You can then integrate with a Grafana
dashboard. Lastly, you can also set up a load test using Istio. Here is a good example.
• Apache Sky Walking is a powerful, distributed performance and log analysis platform. It can monitor applications written
in .NET Core, Java, PHP, Node.js, Golang, LUA, C++, and Python. It supports cloud integration and contains features like
performance optimization, slow service and endpoint detection, service topology map analysis, and much more. See the
feature map in the image below:
Figure 4
• Pinpoint is a performance monitoring tool for Python, Java, and PHP applications. It can monitor CPU, memory, and
storage utilization. You can integrate it into your project without changing a single line of code.
• Code Speed is a simple APM tool. It can be installed into your Python application to monitor and analyze the performance
of your code.
There are various tools that have community licenses or trials. If you are using Azure, you can enable Azure AppInsights with
low cost or no cost at all, depending on bandwidth.
In this article, we’ve dug into common performance mistakes and anti-patterns when working with distributed cloud-based
architectures, introducing a checklist to consider when building applications that will face heavy loads. Also, we explored the
open-source tools that can help with performance analysis, especially for projects on limited budgets. And, of course, we’ve
covered a few examples of highly performant applications and an application that may have performance issues so that you,
dear reader, can avoid these common performance mistakes in your cloud architectures.
I’m a Certified Software and Cloud Architect who has solid experience designing and developing
complex solutions based on the Azure, Google, and AWS clouds. I have expertise in building distributed
systems and frameworks based on Kubernetes and Azure Service Fabric. My areas of interest include
enterprise cloud solutions, edge computing, high load applications, multi-tenant distributed systems, and IoT solutions.
In this thoughtfully curated collection, systems' strength with the overall business health,
readers will discover diverse, wide-ranging highlighting the state of complex systems, processes,
perspectives from both newcomers and and microservices of a tech stack and/or application — all
seasoned professionals in the SRE space. purely from existing data streams. In this Refcard, explore
You'll not only get useful tips and trusted the fundamentals of full-stack observability and adopting
advice but also explore leading approaches to site reliability, OpenTelemetry for increased flexibility.
Software Telemetry: Reliable Logging part to the effort required to implement them. Automation
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Gain insight into the state of your applications learn the fundamentals of E2E test automation through test
and data sources with telemetry systems coverage, integration, and no-code options.
Performance Zone
Smash your bottlenecks — your end-users will thank you. A lot has changed in the
world of performance and monitoring. Today’s environments are increasingly
complex and typically involve loosely coupled architectures, making it difficult to
pinpoint bottlenecks in your system. Whatever your performance troubles, this
Zone has you covered, with everything from root cause analysis and application
monitoring to log management and multithreading.