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Crystal Structure of Glucansucrase From The Dental Caries Pathogen Streptococcus Mutans

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doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2011.02.028 J. Mol. Biol.

(2011) 408, 177–186

Contents lists available at

Journal of Molecular Biology

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : h t t p : / / e e s . e l s e v i e r. c o m . j m b


Crystal Structure of Glucansucrase from the Dental

Caries Pathogen Streptococcus mutans
Keisuke Ito 1 †, Sohei Ito 1 ⁎†, Tatsuro Shimamura 2,3 †,
Simone Weyand 4,5 , Yasuaki Kawarasaki 1 , Takumi Misaka 6 ,
Keiko Abe 6 , Takuya Kobayashi 2,3 , Alexander D. Cameron 4,5
and So Iwata 2,3,4,5
Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Graduate School of Nutritional and Environmental Sciences,
University of Shizuoka, 52-1 Yada, Suruga-Ku, Shizuoka 422-8526, Japan
Japan Science and Technology Agency, ERATO, Iwata Human Receptor Crystallography Project, Yoshida-Konoe-
cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
Department of Medical Chemistry, Kyoto University Faculty of Medicine, Yoshida-Konoe-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto,
606-8501, Japan
Division of Molecular Biosciences, Membrane Protein Crystallography Group, Imperial College London, London
Membrane Protein Laboratory, Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Chilton, Didcot,
Oxfordshire OX11 0DE, UK
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of
Tokyo, 1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo 113-8567, Japan

Received 8 November 2010; Glucansucrase (GSase) from Streptococcus mutans is an essential agent in
received in revised form dental caries pathogenesis. Here, we report the crystal structure of S. mutans
3 February 2011; glycosyltransferase (GTF-SI), which synthesizes soluble and insoluble
accepted 8 February 2011 glucans and is a glycoside hydrolase (GH) family 70 GSase in the free
Available online enzyme form and in complex with acarbose and maltose. Resolution of the
25 February 2011 GTF-SI structure confirmed that the domain order of GTF-SI is circularly
permuted as compared to that of GH family 13 α-amylases. As a result,
Edited by G. Schulz domains A, B and IV of GTF-SI are each composed of two separate
polypeptide chains. Structural comparison of GTF-SI and amylosucrase,
Keywords: which is closely related to GH family 13 amylases, indicated that the two
Streptococcus mutans; enzymes share a similar transglycosylation mechanism via a glycosyl-
glucansucrase; enzyme intermediate in subsite − 1. On the other hand, novel structural
dental caries; features were revealed in subsites + 1 and + 2 of GTF-SI. Trp517 provided
glycoside hydrolase the platform for glycosyl acceptor binding, while Tyr430, Asn481 and
family 70; Ser589, which are conserved in family 70 enzymes but not in family 13
circularly permutation enzymes, comprised subsite + 1. Based on the structure of GTF-SI and amino
acid comparison of GTF-SI, GTF-I and GTF-S, Asp593 in GTF-SI appeared
to be the most critical point for acceptor sugar orientation, influencing the

*Corresponding author. Laboratory of Food Protein Engineering, University of Shizuoka, Yada 52-1, Suruga-ku,
Shizuoka 422-8526, Japan. E-mail address:
† K.I., S.I. and T.S. contributed equally to this work.
Abbreviations used: ASase, amylosucrase; BLA, Bacillus licheniformis α-amylase; GH, glycoside hydrolase; GSase,
glucansucrase; GTF, glycosyltransferase; PDB, Protein Data Bank.

0022-2836/$ - see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
178 Crystal Structure of Glucansucrase

transglycosylation specificity of GSases, that is, whether they produced

insoluble glucan with α(1–3) glycosidic linkages or soluble glucan with α(1–6)
linkages. The structural information derived from the current study should be
extremely useful in the design of novel inhibitors that prevent the biofilm
formation by GTF-SI.
© 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Sweet is an important favorable taste quality region.5,7 The highly conserved catalytic region is
linked to food intake in humans. Sucrose is the essential for glucan synthesis by GSases.
most highly consumed sweetener but also frequent- Several inhibitors of S. mutans GSase have been
ly causes dental caries.1 According to the World identified.8–10 Structural information on this class of
Oral Health Report 2003 released by the World enzyme could facilitate further development of
Health Organization, dental caries is a major health novel inhibitors of GSases that prevent dental caries
problem in most industrialized countries, affecting formation; however, to date, this type of information
60–90% of school children and the vast majority of has been lacking. Here, we present the crystal
adults. If left untreated for a long period of time, structure of GTF-SI, a GH family 70 mutansucrase
dental caries, viewed as a “life-style-related disease,” that synthesizes mainly α(1–3)-linked insoluble
can result in pain, tooth loss, infection and, in some glucan. We also report the structures of GTF-SI in
cases, even death by sepsis. complex with the inhibitor acarbose and acceptor
Streptococcus mutans is the pathogen that is most maltose. These structures provide critical insight
closely associated with dental caries.2 Caries forma- into glucan formation by this type of enzyme.
tion is initiated when glucan, a sticky glucose
polymer produced by S. mutans, forms a biofilm Overall structure of GTF-SI
(or dental plaque) on teeth, which then traps oral
bacteria, food debris and salivary components. Recombinant and selenomethionine-substituted
Acids produced by bacteria in the biofilm as a result GTF-SI from S. mutans was expressed, purified and
of fermentation of dietary carbohydrates such as crystallized.11 The detailed experimental procedure
sucrose, fructose and glucose demineralize the tooth for each structure is provided in Supporting
surface, leading to dental caries. High-molecular- Information Materials and Methods. The final
weight sticky glucan synthesized from sucrose by refinement statistics for all structures are summa-
glucansucrases (GSases), which are extracellular rized in Table 1. The monomeric structure of
enzymes expressed by S. mutans, plays an essential substrate-free GTF-SI is shown in Fig. 1a. While
role in the etiology and pathogenesis of dental GTF-SI formed a tetramer in the crystal (Fig. S1a),
caries.3 Sticky glucan adheres to tooth surfaces to the results of size-exclusion chromatography indi-
form dental plaques, which can in turn cause cated that GTF-SI is likely a monomer in solution
additional infections, periodontal disease and (Fig. S1b), and the structures of the individual
halitosis.4 GSases are members of glycoside hydro- tetramer members were almost identical. The
lase (GH) family 70.2 They catalyze the formation of current model, refined at 2.1 Å resolution, contains
glucan with various types of glucosidic linkages, amino acid residues 244–1087 because the crystalli-
namely, α(1–3), α(1–4) or α(1–6) bonds, from zation was not succeeded from the entire protein of
sucrose via transglucosylation reactions. GSases GTF-SI. The N-terminal His-tag and some of the
are classified into four different types based on the C-terminal residues (amino acid residues 1088–1163)
nature of the glycosidic linkage they catalyze: included in the current expression construct were
mutansucrase, dextransucrase, alternansucrase and not observed in the electron density map. The
reuteransucrase, which catalyze α(1–3), α(1–6), α(1–3 secondary structure of GTF-SI is shown schemati-
and 1–6) and α(1–4 and 1–6) glycosidic linkages, cally in Fig. S2. The structure of GTF-SI comprised
respectively.5 In oral cavities, sticky glucan synthesis four separate domains: A, B, C and IV (Fig. 1a). Each
by S. mutans involves three extracellular glycosyl- domain, with the exception of domain C, was
transferases (GTFs): GTF-I, GTF-SI and GTF-S.6 composed of two separate regions of the polypeptide
GTF-I and GTF-SI are mutansucrases that synthesize chain. Domain IV consisted of IV1 (residues 244–372)
mainly insoluble glucan with α(1–3) glycosidic and IV2 (residues 1057–1087); domain A consisted of
linkages. GTF-S is a dextransucrase that synthesizes A1 (residues 443–692) and A2 (residues 829–961); and
predominantly soluble glucan with α(1–6) linkages.5 domain B consisted of B1 (residues 373–442) and B2
GSases have a molecular mass of approximately (residues 962–1056). Domain C was composed of a
160 kDa and are composed of three functional single stretch of amino acid residues (693–828).
regions: the N-terminal variable junction region, the GH family 13 amylases have high level of
catalytic region and the C-terminal glucan binding similarity in overall structures, especially in domain
Crystal Structure of Glucansucrase 179

Table 1. Crystallographic statistics

Selenomethionine peak Wild type Maltose Acarbose
Data collection
Space group P21212 P21212 P21212 P21212
Cell dimensions (Å) a = 295.43 a = 293.88 a = 295.42 a = 295.52
b = 214.50 b = 215.42 b = 213.94 b = 214.41
c = 219.52 c = 218.95 c = 220.98 c = 220.66
Wavelength (Å) 0.9792 1.0000 0.9796 0.9796
Resolutiona (Å) 30.00–2.70 (2.80–2.70) 50.00–2.10 (2.18–2.10) 50.67–3.09 (3.27–3.09) 61.77–3.11 (3.29–3.11)
Unique reflections 376,846 753,230 248,179 238,131
Completenessa 99.4 (99.4) 100.0 (99.9) 98.2 (99.4) 95.7 (98.1)
I/σa 15.2 (2.7) 22.7 (7.8) 9.8 (2.3) 8.2 (2.1)
Redundancy 5.2 7.0 3.6 3.7
Rmergea (%) 9.7 (39.1) 7.7 (41.7) 8.6 (35.6) 9.1 (40.1)

No. of protein residues 6752 6630 6630
No. of water molecules 4447 229 246
Rworka (%) 20.3 (21.2) 21.2 (29.7) 21.1 (31.0)
Rfreea (%) 23.6 (25.3) 24.2 (34.4) 24.4 (34.1)
Average B-factor (Å2)
Protein 19.2 46.6 45.4
Substrate — 30.0 30.0
Solvent 35.1 39.6 40.5
rmsd from ideal values
Bonds (Å) 0.030 0.022 0.020
Angles (°) 2.27 1.97 1.92
Ramachandran analysis (%)
Most favored 88.5 87.1 84.6
Allowed 11.5 12.9 15.3
Numbers in parentheses refer to the highest-resolution shell.

A. Therefore, the GTF-SI structure was compared separate polypeptide chains, one located at the N-
with that of Bacillus licheniformis α-amylase (BLA) as terminus and the other, at the C-terminus of the
a representative example of GH family 13 amylases, TIM-barrel in GTF-SI (Fig. 1b and Fig. S2). Domain
while the sequence identity between GTF-SI and C, which is located at the C-terminal end of the BLA
BLA is less than 20%. The overall fold of the catalytic TIM-barrel, was positioned between the α6-helix
domains A, B and C of GTF-SI was similar to that of and the β6-strand in GTF-SI. Naturally occurring
BLA (Fig. 1a).12 Domain A formed the core of the circular permutations between homologous proteins
GTF-SI catalytic domains.5,13 This domain shares a have been reported previously, but cases of such
TIM-barrel motif with GH family 13 α-amylases14 extensive permutation are very rare.17 As a result of
but has two additional helices: the α4′-helix (resi- the structural similarity search by the Dali server,3
dues 592–602) and the α4″-helix (residues 614–627) domain B of GTF-SI is most similar to that of BLA
(Fig. 1a and Fig. S2). In a previous study, sequence [Protein Data Bank (PDB) code 1VJS] with a Z-score
analysis predicted that the secondary structural of 2.7. Domain C of GTF-SI is also most similar to that
elements of GH family 70 GSases are circularly of the BLA part of chimera enzyme (PDB code 1E3X)
permuted as compared to those of GH family 13 α- with a Z-score of 9.2. The correlation between these
amylases,15 and this was confirmed by the current domains and reaction specificities is not clear because
structure of GTF-SI (Fig. 1a and b). The first helix BLA hydrolyzes the α(1–4) glycosidic linkage. Many
(α1) of the GTF-SI TIM-barrel was superimposable other structures of GH family 70 GSases may be
on the third α-helix (α3) of BLA. The two additional required to show the role of these domains.18
helices, α4′ and α4″, which are not present in the Domains IV and V are unique to GH family 70
BLA structure, were positioned between the β4- GSases.5 In the GTF-SI structure, domain IV was
strand and the α5-helix of the GTF-SI TIM-barrel positioned next to domain B (Fig. 1a). Domain V is
(Fig. 1c and Fig. S2). The observed permutations thought to be composed of sequences upstream of
extended to domains B and C. Domain B, which domain IV1 and/or downstream of domain IV2,
formed a twisted antiparallel sheet of six β-strands, which implies that it is located next to domain IV.
and domain C, which was composed of eight β- Although domains IV and V are not essential for the
strands with a Greek key motif (Fig. 1a), are well enzymatic activity of GSases,19 domain IV may
conserved among GH family 13 enzymes. 12,16 serve as a “hinge,” swinging glucan-binding do-
Domain B, which in BLA is positioned between the main V toward and away from the catalytic
β3-strand and the α3-helix, was composed of two domains to facilitate glucan extension. The three-
Crystal Structure of Glucansucrase
Fig. 1. Structure of GTF-SI from the dental caries pathogen S. mutans. (a) Ribbon diagrams of GTF-SI and BLA. In GTF-SI, domains IV, A and B are composed of
chains IV1 (orange) and IV2 (salmon), chains A1 (blue) and A2 (purple) and chains B1 (green) and B2 (yellow green), respectively. In BLA, domain B is composed of a
single polypeptide chain, while domain A is composed of two chains, as in GTF-SI. Domains C (magenta) of both enzymes are composed of a single polypeptide chain.
β-Sheets in the TIM-barrels are numbered as they occur in the amino acid sequence. Bound calcium (red) and sodium (black) ions are shown as spheres. (b) Circular
permutation of domains between GTF-SI and BLA. (c) Structure of α-helices α4′ and α4″ of GTF-SI. Acarbose in the active site is shown in a wire frame model. GTF-SI,
BLA and ASase are colored red, green and blue, respectively.
Crystal Structure of Glucansucrase 181

dimensional structure of domain IV seems to be analogy to GH family 13 enzymes, it has been

unique (Fig. 1a) because no structural homologues proposed that three conserved acidic residues of
of domain IV were found in the PDB on the Dali GTF-SI (Fig. 3), Asp477, Glu515 and Asp588, act as a
server. The structure of domain V was not resolved nucleophile, a general acid/base catalyst and a
in the current study. A strong electron density (8 σ) stabilizer of the glucosyl intermediate, respectively,
was observed at the interface of domains A and B as described above.5 In addition to these catalytic
(Fig. 1a). This was assigned to a Ca2+ based on its residues, Arg475 and His587 (GTF-SI numbering) in
similarity to the Ca-binding site I of BLA.12 subsite − 1 are well conserved in family 70 enzymes
and family 13 enzymes; Asp909 and Tyr916 are also
Substrate-binding site structure: Comparison conserved between family 70 enzymes and ASase.
with amylosucrase The active-site structure among the GH family 13
members is well conserved. Thus, the amino acid
Similar to GSases, Neisseria polysaccharea amylosu- residues such as Arg475, Asp477, Glu515, His587,
crase (ASase), which is a GH family 13 amylase, can Asp588 and Tyr916 constructing subsite − 1 of GTF-
synthesize an amylose-like polymer from sucrose.20 SI are also conserved with those of other GH family
GTF-SI synthesizes predominantly α(1–3) glucan 13 amylases, Aspergillus oryzae α-amylase (PDB code
from sucrose, whereas ASases synthesize α(1–4) 7TAA) and Thermoactinomyces vulgaris R-47 α-amy-
glucan from the same substrate. GSases and ASases lase 2 (PDB code 3A60). Our results indicated that
are believed to share a similar transglycosylation recognition of the glucosyl moiety of the primary
mechanism.5,21,22 The glucosyl and fructosyl moieties sucrose and formation of the glycosyl-enzyme
of the “primary sucrose” molecule bind to subsite −1 intermediate at subsite − 1 are well conserved
and subsite +1 of the enzyme, respectively. A proton among GH family 70 and 13 enzymes.
released from glutamate (Glu515 for GTF-SI) attacks In contrast, residues located in subsite + 1 of GTF-
the glucosidic oxygen. The bound sucrose is then SI, such as Tyr430, Leu433 and Trp517, are not
hydrolyzed, leaving a glycosyl moiety covalently conserved in ASase. Interestingly, GSases and ASase
bound to the aspartic acid residue (Asp477 for GTF- have longer insertion sequences between the β4-
SI) as an intermediate, which is stabilized by another strand and the α5-helix. Overall, the structure of
aspartic acid residue (Asp588 for GTF-SI). After ASase was comparable to that of GTS-SI; however,
fructose is released from subsite +1, the glucosyl the structure between the β4-strand and the α5-helix
moiety of a “second sucrose” binds to subsite +1. A was quite different (Fig. 1c). The insertions are
glutamate residue (Glu515 for GTF-SI) pulls off the located adjacent to subsites + 2 and + 3 and seem to
proton from the hydroxyl group of acceptor sucrose be key factors in transglycosylation specificity.20 In
to produce the activated hydroxyl ion. The hydroxyl addition, the subsite + 1 structure of GTF-SI is not
ion engages in nucleophilic attack of the glycosyl- conserved for those of A. oryzae α-amylase (PDB
enzyme intermediate in subsite −1 to form a glucan. code 7TAA) and T. vulgaris R-47 α-amylase 2 (PDB
The structure of ASase from N. polysaccharea was code 3A60) as for ASase. The use of acarbose to
reported by Jensen et al.20 Comparison of the GSase inhibit the GSase activity of S. mutans also results in
and ASase structures, despite limited sequence the loss of activity of maltase-glucoamylase in the
identity, revealed common components involved small intestine, causing hypoglycemia.23 However,
in the transglycosylation in both enzymes. We first there is no similarity of acarbose recognition
investigated the structure of GTF-SI in complex with between GTF-SI and maltase-glucoamylase (PDB
acarbose, which was resolved at 3.1 Å resolution code 2QMJ) because the maltase-glucoamylase
(Fig. 2a and Fig. S3). Acarbose is a pseudotetrasac- belongs to GH family 31.
charide and a strong inhibitor of GSase.8 The Ki of The Ca-binding site in close proximity to subsite
acarbose for S. mutans GSase is 0.2. Figure 2a shows + 1 was observed at the interface of domains A and B
the substrate-binding site structure of GTF-SI in (Figs. 1a and 2). This site was composed of the side
complex with acarbose. The structure of the chains of Glu431, Asp437, Asp959 and the main-
complex was identical with the high-resolution chain carbonyl oxygen atom of Asn481. The Asn481
structure of apo GTF-SI (Fig. S4). The clear density side chain formed a hydrogen bond with the C4 and
corresponding to acarbose (Fig. S3a and b) allows C6 hydroxyl groups of the acceptor maltose (Fig. 2
unambiguous modeling of the inhibitor. There were and Fig. S3c). Thus, the Ca2+-binding site appeared
no other binding sites of acarbose in the present to be essential for the formation or stabilization of
molecule. Figure2a also shows the position of the subsite + 1.
glucosyl moiety in the structure of the covalent
glucosyl-enzyme intermediate of the inactive mutant Transglycosylation specificity: Comparison with
form of ASase superimposed onto the GSase other GSases
structure. The terminal pyranosyl ring of acarbose
in GTF-SI was closely superimposed on the glycosyl To investigate the structural basis of the transgly-
intermediate in subsite − 1 in the ASase structure. By cosylation specificity of GSases in more detail, we
182 Crystal Structure of Glucansucrase

resolved the structure of GTF-SI in complex with structure of apo GTF-SI (Fig. S4) with a clear density
maltose at 3.1 Å resolution (Fig. 2b). The structure of corresponding to maltose (Fig. S5a and b), which
the complex was identical with the high-resolution allowed unambiguous modeling of the molecule.

Fig. 2 (legend on next page)

Crystal Structure of Glucansucrase 183

Fig. 3. Primary structural alignment of three GSases from S. mutans and analysis of sequence diversity using the Pfam
protein family database. Amino acid residues comprising sugar-binding subsites −1, +1 and +2 in GTF-SI are colored red.
The data for these logos consisted of 31 sequences for family 13 enzymes and 12 sequences for family 70 enzymes. The
overall height of the stack indicates the sequence conservation at that position, while the height of the symbols within the
stack indicates the relative frequency of each amino acid at that position. A few sequences with rare insertions were
removed for convenience. Amino acids are colored according to their chemical properties: polar amino acids are green;
basic, blue; acidic, red; and hydrophobic amino acids are black.

There were no other binding sites of maltose in the of homologues of panose linked to the nonreducing-
present molecule. Maltose is a well-known transgly- end glucosyl unit of maltose by an α(1–6) linkage.24
cosyl acceptor for GSases, but not a donor.24 When Indeed, in subsite + 1, the C6 hydroxyl group formed
maltose serves as an acceptor, the acceptor products hydrogen bonds with the carboxyl group of Glu515
with both GTF-S and GTF-I were panose and a series (Fig. 2b and Fig. S5c), which has been proposed to

Fig. 2. Substrate-binding site structures of GTF-SI. (a) Stereo view of the substrate-binding site with acarbose. (b) Stereo
view of the substrate-binding site with maltose. (c and d) Proposed sucrose binding modes to clarify the reaction
mechanism of GTF-S, GTF-SI and GTF-I. Acarbose, maltose and sucrose are shown as stick models. Carbon and oxygen
atoms in the models are shown in yellow and red, respectively. A heptacoordinated Ca2+ and water molecules are shown
in sphere models and colored red and cyan, respectively. The glucosyl intermediate in the structure of ASase is
superposed on the GTF-SI structure and is shown in gray. Domains are colored as in Fig. 1a. Green broken lines indicate
the putative interactions between sucrose and Asp593. Computational models of binding sucrose were constructed using
the programs Coot and Molfeat (FiatLux Co., JPN). The central position of glucosyl unit in subsite +1 was fixed to that of
bound maltose.
184 Crystal Structure of Glucansucrase

serve as a general acid/base catalyst. Bound the resultant glucan.26 Our results were consistent
maltose, adopting a low-energy chair–chair confor- with these previous results and suggested that the
mation, was found in the acceptor-binding site distinct reaction specificities of GTF-SI and GTF-S
composed of subsite + 1, subsite + 2 and a part of are due to structural different structures in subsites
subsite + 3 (Fig. S5c). This binding mode of maltose +1 and +2, particularly Asp593. In the GTF-SI–
is inconsistent with the preference of GTF-SI for the maltose structure, the acceptor sugar was sand-
C3 hydroxyl group using the sucrose as substrate. wiched by Trp517 and Tyr430, and the C6 hydroxyl
Fructosyl unit is more bulky than glycosyl unit; group of the glucosyl moiety in subsite +1 was
therefore, we presumed that the binding mode of pointed toward the active center (Fig. 2b). This result
sucrose is different to that of maltose, as shown in and the preference of GTF-SI for the C3 hydroxyl
Fig. 2c and d. Asp593 might interact with the group using the sucrose indicate that subsites +1 of
sucrose directly and might interact with maltose GSases are capable of accepting the glucose in a dual
via water molecules, although water molecules manner, and a residue, position 593, is the key to
have not been identified in the ligand-bound determine the type of glucan products.
structure of GTF at limited resolution. As de- The unique structural features of family 70
scribed later, we concluded that Asp593 is the only enzymes in the α4′- and α4″-helices were observed
residue that influences the type of glucan products in the current crystal structure, as described above
produced by GTF-S, GTF-SI and GTF-I. In any (Fig. 1c). The results of random mutagenesis of a
case, the proper hydroxyl group was oriented GSase from another oral streptococci, Streptococcus
toward the active center, where the C1 carbon of oralis (47% amino acid identity with GTF-SI)
the covalent glucosyl-enzyme intermediate in indicated that the N-terminus of the α4′-helix and
ASase is located. The glucose moiety in subsite the adjacent loop stabilize the transition state and
+ 1 also interacted with Asn481, Tyr430 and determine the specificity of GSases. 27 The N-
Trp517 (Fig. 2b and Fig. S5c). Trp517 provided terminal end of the α4′-helix and the loop between
the platform for the acceptor glycosyl moiety, and the β4-sheet and the α4′-helix could interact with
Tyr430 participated in hydrophobic interactions with longer or branched substrates, and modifications in
carbon atoms of the glycosyl moiety in subsite +1. this region could alter the reaction specificity of
Asn481, which formed part of the Ca2+-binding site GSases, including regioselectivity and chain length
(discussed above), participated in hydrogen bonding of the resultant oligosaccharides.25,27
with the C4 and C6 hydroxyl groups of the glucosyl In addition to its role as the glycosyl acceptor,
moiety in subsite +1. Thus, these residues appeared maltose also is a very weak inhibitor for GSase,
to be critical for the recognition of the moiety in while the effectiveness is about 1 order of magnitude
subsite +1. smaller than that of the acarbose.8 The structure of
To further investigate the mechanism of glycosyl GTF-SI in complex with maltose revealed that
bond formation, we compared the amino acid maltose serves as a competitive inhibitor of the
sequences of the GH family 70 enzymes (Fig. 3). second acceptor sucrose (Fig. 2b). This information
GTF-SI and GTF-I are mutansucrases that synthesize should prove to be useful in the design of novel
mainly insoluble glucan with α(1–3) glycosidic GSase inhibitors. Acarbose contains a nonhydrolyz-
linkages. GTF-S is a dextransucrase that synthesizes able nitrogen-linked bond that blocks the catalytic
predominantly soluble glucan with α(1–6) linkages.5 activity of various GHs, including maltase-glucoa-
Most of the amino acid residues located in subsites mylase in the small intestine.28 This mechanism
+ 1 and + 2 (Fig. 2 and Fig. S2) were conserved in the could underlie some of the side effects of this
three enzymes, with the exception of Glu431 and inhibitor, such as hypoglycemia.23 New inhibitors
Asp593. This suggested that the glycosyl linkage that specifically target subsites + 1, + 2 and + 3 of
product is determined by limited differences among GSase can now be designed based on the structure
the enzymes. The side chains of Glu431 formed part of the GTF-SI–maltose complex reported herein.
of the Ca-binding site, and Glu431 was in a position Most recently, after the submission of this article,
opposite the active center. The position of Asp593 in the crystal structure of the enterobacterial GSase
the α4′-helix appeared to be the most critical point GTF-180, a homologue to GTF-SI, was reported by
for acceptor sugar orientation. Shimamura et al. Vujicic-Zagar et al.29 While GTF-180 catalyzes both
reported that replacement of Thr at this position in α(1–6) and α(1–3) glycosidic linkages, the structure
GTF-S with Asp or Glu promotes the synthesis of is consistent in principle with that of GTF-SI, a
insoluble glucan, likely having more α(1–3) linkages, dental caries pathogenesis factor, which mainly
while replacement of this Asp residue in GTF-I with catalyzes α(1–3) glycosidic linkages.5
Thr promotes soluble glucan synthesis,25 as the
soluble glucan likely has more α(1–6) linkages. Accession numbers
Moreover, Monchois et al. also reported that
mutation of this position in GTF-I of Leuconostoc Coordinates and structure factors have been
mesenteroides influences the structure and the size of deposited in the PDB with accession codes 3AIE
Crystal Structure of Glucansucrase 185

(apo), 3AIC (complexed with acarbose) and 3AIB factors of mutans streptococci. J. Agric. Food Chem. 48,
(complexed with maltose). 5666–5671.
Supplementary materials related to this article can 10. Koo, H., Rosalen, P. L., Cury, J. A., Park, Y. K. &
be found online at .doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2011.02.028 Bowen, W. H. (2002). Effects of compounds found in
propolis on Streptococcus mutans growth and on
glucosyltransferase activity. Antimicrob. Agents Che-
mother. 46, 1302–1309.
11. Ito, K., Ito, S., Shimamura, T., Kawarasaki, Y., Abe,
K., Misaka, T. et al. (2010). Crystallization and
Acknowledgements preliminary X-ray analysis of a glucansucrase from
the dental caries pathogen Streptococcus mutans. Acta
This study was supported in part by the Crystallogr., Sect. F: Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 66,
Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology 1086–1088.
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