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Submitted by

Hindustan Insecticides Limited (HIL)

A Government of India Enterprise
Scope Complex,2nd Floor, Core-6
7,Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
Papaya (Carica papaya) has attained an appreciable position among the fruits in
considerations with health benefits as besides being a good source of minerals and
vitamins it improves digestive system of human beings in complementation with the
pancreatic secretions. In India total cropped area under papaya is 0.126 m. ha and a
production of 5.51 million tons which is highest in the world. The average productivity
of papaya in the country is 43.7 tons per ha. India contributes about 42.6% of world’s
papaya productions. This production is followed by Brazil at the 2 nd position much
lagged behind to a production of total 1.6 million tons. Only 0.08% of the total
domestic production is exported and rest (99.92%) all is consumed within the country.
India exports papaya mainly to Bahrain Quwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Netherland.
Among the papaya producing states of the country Karnataka ranks 3 rd and accounts for
10.5% of total production of the country. The state produces 0.44 million tons of
papaya from an area of 0.006 million ha with a productivity of 71.9 tons/ha. Major
papaya growing belts of the state are Shimoga, Chitradurga, Mysore, Belgaon, Hassan,
Bellary, Bedar, Bangalore. To an extent of 0.06 lakh tons of papaya is being traded in
organized markets with average price as low as Rs 5.44/Kg. The principal markets of
papaya are Delhi and Mumbai and other important domestic markets are Jaipur,
Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata and Hyderabad. This is to emphasize that no incentive to
increase production will attract the farmers without improving marketing systems.
Formation, execution and establishment of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) as per
guidelines contained in Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) have to be done.
This part rests with the major responsibility of the Mission for Integrated Development
of Horticulture (MIDH). FPOs would be major organization to streamline marketing system
and enable the papaya growers. to fetch the optimum price of their produce. The
technology adoption gaps in papaya as per result of the study conducted of Gulbarga
district of Karnataka state during 2013 indicated that 41.33% of the respondents
belonged to medium technology gap category followed by 32% and 26.67% high and low
gap category respectively. Higher gap in adoption of technology observed regarding
control of diseases. The fruit being perishable in nature poses problem in marketing.
Development of infrastructure facilities for transport to primary market and
standardization of packing techniques are aspects which need special attention.
Processing facilities also need to be created in the major producing states for value
addition. Varieties in cultivation in Karnataka are Coorg Honey Dew, Coorg Green, Pusa
Delicious and Pusa Nanha.

1. Introduction …………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………1
2. Mandya District Profile ………………………………………………………………………………………………….7
3. Objectives of the Survey ………………………………………….…………………………………………………. 11
4. Survey Materials and parameters …………………………….……………………………………………… …12
5. Approach and Modus Operandi …………………………………………………………………………………..13
6. Detailed Analysis Report
a. Farmer Profile …………………………………………………………………………………………….15-17
i. Age
ii. Land Assets
iii. Physical Assets
7. Outcome of Survey of Mandya District ……………………………………………………………………..…18
8. Major Findings ………………………….……………………………………………………..………………………….23
9. Projected Support – Recommendations ……………………………………………………………………...26
10. Annexure 1: Survey Questionnaire ………………………………………………………..…………………….31
11. Annexure 2: List Figures ………………..………………………………………………………..…………………..35
Papaya (Carica Papaya) is native to tropical America, from Southern Mexico through
the Andes of South America. It was spread to the south by Indians, and throughout the
Caribbean with Spanish exploration. The Spanish also carried it to Europe and the Pacific
Islands. By the mid 17th century, papaya was distributed pan tropically.

Papaya is an evergreen, tree-like herb, 2-10 m tall, usually unbranched, although

sometimes branched due to injury, containing white latex in all parts. Stem cylindrical,
10-30 cm in diameter, hollow with prominent leaf scars and spongy-fibrous tissue has an
extensive rooting system. Leaves spirally arranged, clustered near apex of trunk; petiole
up to 1 m long, hollow, greenish or purplish-green; lamina orbicular, 25-75 cm in
diameter, palmate, deeply 7-lobed, glabrous, prominently veined; lobes deeply and
broadly toothed. Flowers tiny, yellow, funnel-shaped, solitary or clustered in the leaf
axils, of 3 types; female flowers 3-5 cm long, large functional pistil, no stamens, ovoid-
shaped ovary; male flowers on long hanging panicles, with 10 stamens in 2 rows,
gynoecium absent except for a pistillode; hermaphrodite flowers larger than males, 5-
carpellate ovary; occurrence depends on the season or age of the tree. Fruits large,
cylindrical, with fleshy orange pulp, hollow berry, thin yellowish skin when ripe, varied.
Fruits formed from female flowers are oblong, spherical, pear-shaped; from
hermaphrodite flowers, long, obovoid or pyriform. Seeds numerous, small, black, round,
covered with gelatinous aril. Small latex vessels extend throughout the tree and are
particularly abundant in fruit that has reached full size but has not yet begun to ripen.

Papaya comes into fruiting within 5 months and live for 4-5 years. Usually male
and female flowers are on different trees, but some flowers are bisexual. Pollinating
agents include various insects such as larger bees (Xylocarpa, Trigona), honeybees, long-
tongued sphinx moths (Sphingidae), humming-bird moths (Macroglossa) and wind. With
open (uncontrolled) pollination, a cultivar may lose its identity in a few generations.

Papaya grows satisfactorily in a wide range of areas from the equatorial tropics to
temperate latitudes. However, it must be grown in warm, sunny sites sheltered from
wind; preferably below 1500 m. Strong winds are detrimental, particularly on soils that
cannot make up for large transpiration loss. Papaya is not frost hardy; exposure to frost
or cold wind usually results in leaf damage and subsequent death of the tree. Roots are
very sensitive to water logging, and even short periods of flooding can kill the plant. A
range of well-drained soils with pH 5.5-7.0; poor drainage predisposes plants to soil
borne diseases, must be provided irrigation in dry seasons hot, rainy, tropical lowlands,

temperatures 70-90° F; intolerant of freezing; high wind also causes damage by fruit
loss, leaf damage or uprooting.

Ripe papaya is a favourite breakfast and dessert fruit that is available year-round.
It can be used to make fruits salads, refreshing drinks, jam, jelly, marmalade, candies
and crystallized fruit. Green fruit is pickled or cooked as vegetable or as a substitute for
applesauce. About 60% of the ripe fruit is edible. The approximate content per 100 g
edible portion is water 86.6 g, protein 0.5 g, fat 0.3 g, carbohydrates 12.1 g, fibre 0.7
g, ash 0.5 g, potassium 204 mg, calcium 34 mg, phosphorus 11 mg, iron 1 mg, sodium
3 mg, vitamin A 450 mg, vitamin C 74 mg, thiamine 0.03 mg, niacin 0.5 mg, and
riboflavin 0.04 mg. The energy value is 200 kj/100 g. Major sugars are sucrose (48.3%),
glucose (29.8%) and fructose (21.9%).

In some countries, papaya is grown in sizeable plantations for the extraction of

papain, a proteolytic enzyme present in the latex, collected mainly from green fruit.
Papain has varied uses in beverage, food and pharmaceutical industries: in chill-proofing
beer, tenderizing meat, drug preparations for digestive ailments and treatment of
gangrenous wounds. It is also used in bathing hides, degumming silk and softening wool.
The latex yield can be about 70-130 kg of papain/ha per year.

Carapine, an alkaloid present in papaya, can be used as a heart depressant,

amoebicide and diuretic. The fruit and juice are eaten for gastrointestinal ailments; a
fresh leaf poultice is used to treat sores. The fresh root with sugarcane alcohol can be
taken orally or as a massage to soothe rheumatism. A flower decoction is taken orally
for coughs, bronchitis, asthma and chest colds. In some countries, the seeds are used as
an abortifacient and vermifuge.

Health benefits of Papaya concisely read as under;

 Papaya is a tropical fruit high in vit C and A alongwith fiber and healthy plant
compounds. It also contains an enzyme called papain, used to tenderize meat.
 Papaya has powerful antioxidant effects. This may reduce oxidative stress and
lower the risk of several diseases.
 Early researches suggest that the antioxidants in papaya may reduce cancer risk
and perhaps even slow the progression of cancer.
 Chronic inflamation is at the root of many desires. Papayas are very high in
carotenoids that can reduce inflamation.
 Papaya has been shown to improve constipation and other symptoms of irritable
bowel syndrome. The seeds and other parts have also been used to treat ulcers.

 The powerful antioxidants in papaya can help your skin recover from sun damage
and may defend against wrinkling.
 Papaya is rich in fibre, vit C and antioxidants which prevent cholesterol buildup.
 Papaya helps in weight loss as it is higher digestive and low caloric fruit.
 Papaya boosts immunity.
 Great for eyes as it is rich in vit A.
 Protects against arthritis as it is anti-inflammatory alongwith vit C.
 Reduces risk of Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) as Xeaxanthin present
is papaya filters out blue light rays.

Papaya leaf juice benefits as;

 Treats dengue fever – increases platelets count.

 Treats malarial fever - through acetogenin compound found in papaya leaf.
 Heals liver diseases, jaundice and liver cirrhosis.
 Work wonders for diabetes as it regulates insulin production.
 Relieves from menstrual pain.
 Being rich in vit A & C boosts skin health.
 Promotes hair health, prevent baldness and thinning of hairs, used as anti-
dandruff also.

Papaya Production Scenario in India in relation to Global Production

India is the largest producer of papaya, contributing 42% of world production

from 30% of the global area under papaya cultivation as per an FAO report for 2012.
Papaya production in India during last fifty years can be divided into two phases: pre-
World Trade Organization (WTO) until the early 1990s with predominantly dioecious
cultivars when the country followed Nigeria, Mexico, Brazil and Indonesia and post-WTO
after the mid-1990s when India became the world’s largest papaya producer. Major
changes in papaya cultivation occurred in the post-WTO period with the adoption of a
gynodioecious cultivar 'Red Lady' which produced good quality, marketable fruits under
moderate PRSV-P (Papaya ringspot virus-P) incidence. Cultivation improved with good
agricultural practices, robust domestic demand and adequate seed supply. The area
under papaya cultivation was 1.9% of the total area under fruit cultivation and its
production was 6.6% of India's total fruit crops in 2012-2013. Papaya gave the highest
per unit area yield (41 t ha-1) among fruit crops. The area under papaya cultivation in
India and its production grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.2 and
7.1%, respectively, during last five decades. Yield of papaya increased five times from

7.7 t ha-1 in 1985 to 40.1 t ha-1 in 2013 at a CAGR of 6.8%. Presently, major papaya
production comes from Southern and Western India. The most common channel of
papaya marketing was “producer-agent-wholesaler-retailer-consumer.” Despite being the
world's largest producer, India exported only meagre quantities of papaya. Future
expansion of papaya cultivation is likely to succeed in the areas having congenial climate
and less PRSV-P pressure. Considering the industry's growth rate of the last twenty
years, its production is likely to reach 5.2 million t in 2020 and 6.8 million t in 2030.
However, India's dependence on one cultivar is risky. Concerted efforts are required to
provide more cultivar options to the farmers.

Papayas are grown in around 60 countries, with the bulk of production

occurring in developing economies. Table I shows production figures over the last
decade. The global production of papaya was 10.5 million tonnes during 2009- 10, which
is estimated to increase to 12.5 million tonnes during 2012- 13. This growth in
production has been accompanied by an increase in productivity from 14 tonnes to 26
tonnes per hectare. India is the largest producer of papaya fruit, having increased its
share in world production to 37 per cent in 2009-10. The other major papaya producing
countries are Brazil, which accounts for 17.1 per cent of the world’s harvest, followed
by Indonesia with 7.3 per cent, Nigeria with 7.2 per cent and Mexico at 6.7 per cent.

Table 1
Top 5 Papaya Producing Countries in the World

Countries 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
India 2,147,200 1,692,100 2,535,100 2,139,300 2,482,100 2,909,000 3,629,000 3,911,600 4,713,800
Brazil 1,597,700 1,714,590 1,612,350 1,573,820 1,897,640 1,811,540 1,890,290 1,792,590 1,871,300
Indonesia 605,194 626,745 732,611 548,657 643,451 621,524 717,899 772,844 695,214
Nigeria 755,000 803,275 859,359 755,500 759,000 765,000 688,782 763,619 703,800
Mexico 876,150 955,694 787,663 709,477 798,589 919,425 638,237 707,347 616,215
Source : [3]

Table 2
Top 5 Papaya Exporting Countries in the World

Countries 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
Mexico 68,558 74,814 96,525 83,159 94,891 101,306 90,316 134,960 120,635
Brazil 28,541 39,492 35,930 38,757 32,475 32,267 29,968 27,554 25,562
Belize 11,307 16,886 28,751 28,635 34,475 33,341 28,967 27,152 30,137
Malaysia 60,892 71,473 58,149 42,008 50,545 26,938 24,168 24,301 25,686
India 3452 3550 3475 6434 10,344 10,880 13,834 17,573 15,435
Source : [3]

Trends in the global exports of papaya

Globally, papaya exports went up over the period from 2002-03 to 2010-11, although
the growth was somewhat erratic. Total exports in 2009-10 were about 268,476 mt. and
the estimated value was $197.2 million. Although the quantity traded internationally has
been consistently increasing, it still represents only a small share—less than 3 per cent
of the global production of papaya. The performance of three exporting countries,
Mexico, Brazil, and Belize, is shown in Table II. These dominated the papaya export
market in the world during the period 2002-03 to 2010-11. During that period, Mexico
was the leading papaya exporter, contributing about 41 per cent of the world’s papaya
trade, while Brazil and Belize accounted for about 11 per cent of the trade. Other major
papaya exporting countries include Malaysia, India and the United States. India’s
relatively small export volumes go to UAE, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, USA, Germany,
Britain and Bahrain. India exported 17,925 mt. of papaya during 2009-10 [3].

Indian agriculture goes back thousands of years. At present, in terms of agricultural

production, the country holds the second position in the world. In India, the major
papaya producing state is Andhra Pradesh, which contributes around 38 per cent of the
country’s produce. Its annual output is 1.5 mt, with a yield of 80 tons per hectare. It is
followed by Gujarat, which produced 832,000 tons in 2009-10, followed by Karnataka,
West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Of these,
the top four states alone accounted for 79 per cent of the total papaya production in
2009-10. Among these fruit-growing states, papaya occupies a special place. Like banana,
it is available throughout the year and is very easy to cultivate. It produces the highest
income per unit area, next to banana. An the area under papaya cultivation in India is
133 thousand ha and its production is 5639 thousand MT with a productivity of 42.3
thousand MT/ha. Among be total fruit production in India papaya contributes 6.3%
share. Among be papaya producing states of the country Karnataka ranked 3rd in
producing papaya in the country and accounts for 10.5% of the total papaya production.
The state produces 0.44 m. MT of papaya from an area of 0.006 m. ha with
productivity of 71.9 MT/ha. Major papaya producing belts in the state are Shimoga,
Chitradurga, Mysore, Belgaum and Hassan. 0.06 lakh MT of papaya has been traded in
organized markets with average price of Rs. 5.44 /kg[4,5]

[3] Dr. M. Thamaraikannan C. Sengottuvel (2012), Market Survey, Facts for You, Dr M. Thamaraikannan is
associate professor, Department of Commerce, Sri Vasavi College, while C. Sengottuvel is assistant
professor, Department of Commerce CA, Nandha Arts and Science College, Erode.

Major problems in papaya production

The various problems faced by Indian farmers while cultivating papaya are:

1. Low productivity due to the traditional cultivation practices of local varieties

2. Problems of plant diseases, particularly threat from a new kind of pest called
‘mealy bug’, papaya mosaic virus and papaya ringspot virus.
3. Lack of awareness on post-harvest handling and marketing
4. Non-availability of high-yield varieties of papaya fruit
5. Ineffective and inefficient promotional activities

Measures needed

1. In order to improve productivity, it is essential to introduce high-yielding varieties

and adopt modern technologies in production methods; take remedial measures
to control crop diseases; introduce environment-friendly methods; and provide
good training programmes to farmers on recommended pre- and postharvest
2. Set up better cold storage facilities to improve marketing efficiency
3. Promote not only papaya but also its value-added products
4. Develop blended papaya leather to enhance the fruit’s commercial value and
provide a diversified product range in the market
5. Convert the papaya fruit into juices, blended beverages, jam, jelly, fruit bars and
6. Institute national awards for excellent performance, particularly for small farmers
who have demonstrated very high productivity over a period of time

[4] Indian Horticulture Data Base 2014

[5] Indian Horticulture Data Base 2010-11
National Horticulture Board, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.

Profile of Mandya District

Mandya District is one of the most agriculturally prosperous districts in Karnataka. With the
advent of irrigation from the K.R. Sagar reservoir (During 1930’s), there was substantially
marked transformation in cropping pattern, composition of crops, better grown yield level,
ultimately leading to better economic conditions of the people.

The total geographical area of the district is 4,98,244 Hectares, out of which 2,48,825 Hectares
forms the sown area. More than half of the total land area in the district is put to agricultural
use. The total irrigated area is 1,16,901 Hectares out of which around 88,000 hectares is being
irrigated by K.R.Sagar and around 16,000 by Hemavathi reservoir. The rest of the land is
irrigated by other sources like tanks, wells and borewells.

Statistics on Agriculture in Mandya

Crops and Climate:

The major crops of the district are ragi ( 85,467 ha.), rice ( 79,892 ha.), sugarcane (30,630 ha.) ,
pulses (predominantly horse gram and to some extent tur, cowpea, green gram, black gram,
avare) and oilseeds (mainly groundnut and sesame).

Agriculture is the main activity in the district. It is dependant on rainfall, river, well and tank
irrigation. Other major agricultural crops are Jowar, Maize and Horse gram.

The details of food crops grown area wise, and taluk wise and the details of production are as

In the district, the major commercial crops are sugarcane sunflower and groundnut.

Majority of Geographical area of Mandya district is covered by Cauvery basin and agriculture in
the district is classified under agro-climatic zone 6 (Southern dry Zone)

The crop sowing periods are early kharif, late kharif and summer. The average annual rainfall is
700m.m.The district gets bimodal distribution of rainfall. Generally the first peak is during April,
May and the second during September, October. The month of June is known for dry spell.


The district is blessed with irrigation from two major reservoirs, Krishnaraj
Sagar and Hemavathi. Besides these, there are number of anecut channels. Anecut is a low level
barrage constructed across the river. The Cauvery basin is know for extensive system of low
level barrages built during the 19th century and early parts of 20th Century. Hemavathi left
bank canal is irrigating parts of K.R.Pet, Nagamangala, Pandavapura and Mandya taluks. In all,
about 48% of the total area in the district is irrigated from all sources of irrigation


Agriculture Research , Education and Extension

A regional research station of the University of Agriculture, Bangalore is located in

Mandya (V.C. Farm) with 600 acres of research farm. Research is carried on all major crops of
the district. The Research station has developed and released several high yielding, hybrids and
productive packages which are popular not only in the district but also elsewhere in the State.

Mandya has its own Agricultural College with an annual intake of 50 students for the B.Sc.
(Agriculture) course. The University has proposed to begin Ph.D. programmes in selected
disciplines in agricultural science. The agricultural college in Mandya has produced outstanding
B.Sc. (Agriculture) graduates. The College Campus and Research station are both located
opposite to each other and the students get valuable inputs from the Agriculture Scientists.

Department of Agriculture in the district carries out the main function of agricultural extension,
spread of technology and know-how on agriculture among farmers. Establishment of the R.S.K.
(Raitha Samparka Kendra) at Hobli level, is the key element in the restructuring of the activities
of the Department. There are 31 R.S.K.s in the district. (1 each in the revenue Hoblies in the
district) Farmers visit the R.S.K. both for information on crop production and for purchase of
inputs at subsidized rates. From the year 2001-02 R.S.K. is also the sale point for the sale of
seeds of Karnataka State Seed Corporation (KSSC). The concept of RSK is highly appreciated by
the farmers as both information and inputs are available at the same premises.

Training Infrastructure:

Mandya district is unique in having a renowned training centre - RDTC (Rural Development
training Centre). The Centre trains farmers, farm women, under the Women Youth Training
Extension Programme (W.Y.T.E.P.). Extension functionaries of the Agriculture Department are
also trained. Established in 1952, the centre is getting ready to celebrate its golden jubilee.

Indo-Japan Agriculture Extension Training Centre (I.J.A.E.T.C.), Mandya is the only centre of its
kind in the state established with the assistance of Japanese government during 1970’s, to
organize training programmes both to officers and farmers of Mandya and the rest of the
state, on various aspects of rice production.

The Agricultural School at Somanahalli organizes three months' training to farmers, on

agriculture and other related fields viz. Animal Husbandry, Horticulture, Watershed
Development and Sericulture. Annually three batches are trained with an intake of 24 per

Besides, the Vijaya Bank Self Employment Training Institute, established recently in Mandya by
the Lead District Bank (Vijaya Bank) is also providing training support to the farmers of the

Infrastructure relating to agricultural inputs

Karnataka State Seeds Corporation is the main supplier of seeds in the District. The Corporation
has been organizing certified seed production through their registered seed growers. The seeds
so grown are processed in their seed-processing unit in Mandya. Annually the Corporation
handles around 15,000 quintals of seeds, predominant being rice. Karnataka Agro Industries
Corporation (KAIC), a public sector organization, supplies bulk of the requirement of fertilizer
and plant protection chemicals through their outlets (agro Kendra numbering 9 in the District).
Besides the KAIC, the Karnataka State Co-Operative and Marketing Federation (KSCMF), a co-
operative organization, through a network of 214 Co-operative Societies, also supplies
agricultural inputs to farmers. The Rayatha Agricultural Produce Co-operative and Marketing
Society (RAPCMS), another co-operative organization, manufactures and supplies agricultural
implements which are popular in the District.

Agricultural Credit: - Mandya District is known for a network of healthy co-operative institution
which provides timely short, medium and long term loans to farmers. The Vyavasaya Seva
Sahakari Sanghas at the village level provide short term crop loans and medium term
agricultural development loans to the farmers. These Societies in turn borrow from the District
Central Cooperative Society. In all, there are 214 co-operative societies devoted to agricultural
credit. Apart from the Cooperative societies commercial banks and regional rural banks (known
in Karnataka as Grameena Banks) also provide short term and medium term loans for
agriculture development. The Primary Cooperative Agricultural and Rural Banks, one at each
Taluk, provide long term finance for agricultural development.

Agro based industries:-

Rice and sugar cane are the main crops, wherein farmers manage to get some marketable
surplus. In the District there are 35 Rice mills and 4 Sugar factories. There are 532 Jaggery units
which also help in consuming sugar cane produced in the district. The annual production of
sugar in the four sugar factories is 26,00,000 metric tonnes and jaggery produced by the
Khandasari units is 10,00,000 metric tonnes.

Other service institutions in the Department of Agriculture:

1) Soil Health Centre: Routine Soil Sample analysis for PH salt concentration, organic carbon,
P2O 5 and K2O is carried out free of cost in the soil health centre of department located in
Mandya. Besides this, on payment of a nominal service charge micronutrients are also
analyzed. The micronutrients analyzed are zinc, iron, molybdenum, manganese etc.

2) Bio Control laboratory:- The District has the pride of establishing the parasite laboratory for
the production of Trichograma Egg parasite against sugar cane early shoot borers. In view of
environmental hazards caused by chemical insecticides the use of environment friendly bio
control agents is becoming increasingly popular. Annually, 16825 Corcyra eggs are produced

and distributed to farmers on a nominal cost of Rs.4 per acre. Farmers from far off districts are
also receiving the parasites from our laboratory.

Horticultural Resources

The major fruits grown are Jack fruit, Watermelon, Papaya, Mango and others.

The major vegetables grown are Tomato, Gourd varieties, Brinjal, ladies finger, leaf vegetables
and others.

Major Plantation crops are Coconut and Areca nut.

Major livestock resources are Cows, Poultry, Sheep, Goats, Buffaloes and others.

Objectives of Survey

The main objectives of the studies are as follows:-

 To understand on-farm and off-farm constraints.

 To identify the factors affecting supply chain of Fruits & Vegetables.

 Maximize growers gains/income.

 Minimize processing loses and value addition in supply chain of Fruits & Vegetables.

 Reducing the number of intermediaries in the supply chain of Fruits & Vegetables.

 To suggest mitigation strategies for the identified challenges in Supply Chain of Fruits &

Survey Materials and Parameters

A survey with the aforementioned objectives was under taken by us under the directives of
Hindustan Insecticides Limited (HIL). The survey was based in Mandya District of Karnataka.
Papaya was selected as the commodity for studying value chain analysis in Mandya, Karnataka.

A total of 2704 surveys of farmers were conducted in Mandya District of Karnataka. The
distribution is given below.

State District Commodity No. of Farmers No. of Traders Total Surveys

Surveyed Surveyed
Karnataka Mandya Papaya 2704 2704

A total of 15 villages were selected for conducting this survey based on the average number of
banana farmers in the villages. Surveyors with marketing and agricultural background and
experience were selected for this survey.

Frequency of answer to a particular question in the questionnaire was computed and the
percentage of frequency out of persons interrogated were also computed in order to present
the result of the survey. Calculation of frequency and percentage as mentioned above was
done on all India basis and the results and conclusion are given

Approach and Execution



Identification of the villages in

Placement of Supervisors to check
consultation with state horticulture Identification of local team
the execution of the field team

Selection of villages showing Providing them a day training Field Monitors/ back checkers on
substantial banana production the quality check of the filled forms
Educating them what is the
To collect a survey of different Train the team if additional training
importance of the questionnaire
farmers in a village is required
and how it is to be filled
Mandates post filling up the
survey( complete form filled by the
farmer, attestation by the farmer(
Signature /thumb impression), ID
Proof, Photograph

Controlling Mechanism:

Responsible in project planning & control &
bridge between field team & client

Training the field team on the technicalities &
final report submission analysis


To check on the field
Data Compilation &
Execution To check on the Report analysis
quality of Job & generation
provide field
training if
SURVEYORS required
To get the forms filled from the farmers & educating the farmers on
the importance of the survey and to collect the necessary document
post survey

Farmer Profile

Age Profile

Age (Years)
1200 42.01%


600 20.30%



20 to 40 40 to 60 60 to 80

Figure 1: Age Profile of the Farmers surveyed

Age profile of the 2704 farmers surveyed in Mandya district indicated that 37.68% of
the farmers engaged in agriculture belonged to age group of 20 - 40 years 42.9% in the
age group of 40 to 60 years and 20.3% were the senior citizens engaged in agriculture
from an age group of 60 to 80 years. This age distribution and agriculture occupation
did not appear to show any definite correspondence, however, middle age group, 40 -
60, showed a greater proportion.

Asset Profile of the Farmers

Asset Profile - Land

Land asset profile of 2704 farmers surveyed in Mandya indicated that 95.7% of the
cropped area was owned by the farmers whereas 3.6% of the farmers had taken
cropped area in-lease and 0.7% area they leased out.


Own Cropped Area

Leased-in Cropped Area

95.7% Leased-out Cropped


Figure 2: Area profile of surveyed farmers

Land Profile of the Farmers

Own Crop Under Cultivation Area(Acre)




2.59% 2.18% 0.85% 0.78% 1.22% 0.22% 0.96% 1.78% 3.99%
0 to 10 10 to 20 20 to 30 30 to 40 40 to 50 50 to 60 60 to 70 70 to 80 80 to 90 Above

Figure 3: Distribution of farmers under different land holding groups

Information regarding own cropped area under cultivation indicated that 85% of the
farmers were having area less than or equal to 10 acres, 2.59% were having 10 to 20
acres land area, 2.18% were having 20 to 30 acres and likewise in decreasing trend of
farmers. 3.99% of the farmers, however, showed to have an area above 100 acres.

Regarding leased-in cropped area as the 97 farmers were having leased-in area, it could
be evident that 87.63% of those farmers who had leased in area had area of 10 acres
or below on lease, 4.12% of farmers had leased-in area of 10 to 20 acres. This is also to
note that 3.09% of the farmers were having leased-in area above 100 acres.

Leased-In Crop Area(Acre) Leased-Out Crop Area(Acre)
100 87.63% 20

20 5
4.12% 3.09% 1.03% 1.03% 3.09% 10.00%
0 to 10 10 to 20 20 to 30 30 to 40 70 to 80 Above 0
100 0 to 10 10 to 20 20 to 30

Figure 4: Farmers under different groups of leased-in orchard area Figure 5: Farmers under different groups of leased out
orchard area

Out of 2704 farmers only 20 farmers leased out their land. Out of those farmers 85%
farmers leased out 10 acres each or less than that, 10% leased out from 10 to 20 acres
each and 5% of the farmers leased out from 20 to 30 acres.

Physical Assets

Major Physical Assets

1.15% 2.07%

No Physical Assets

96.78% Pick-up van/truck

Figure 6 : Physical Assets of the farmers

Data for physical assets indicated that 96.78% of total farmers surveyed did not have
any major physical assets, 2.07%, however, were having pick up vans and 1.15% only
were having tractors as a major physical asset.

Major Marketing Constraints

Major Marketing Constraints








Low Price Market is too Far Monopoly of Buyer Transportation Bad Weather

Figure 6: Major Marketing Constraints of Farmers of Mandya

Major marketing constraint was recorded to be low price and it is hardly controllable at
farmers’ end. Lack of price rate information in distant markets is also important
constraint which could be taken care of by setting up information booths and through
audio visual aids. Also setup of new markets can be taken into consideration as the market
was far for the farmers. Due to low number of buyers there was it was observed that there was
a monopoly of buyers. Inadequate, improper and untimely transportation which could be
realized problematic in marketing. This is followed by bad weather.

Outcome of Survey on Papaya Production in Mandya district

The survey team reported that only four of the entire farmers (2704) grew papaya that
too in a very less area. The inferences may hardly be drawn from such a small sample
size. Rather, farmers overwhelmingly grew ragi (Eleusine coracana) which is a nutritious
smaller millet and grown in kharif season, in general. On asking during conversation
whether they are interested in cultivation of papaya fruit they admitted in affirmative if
the purchasers are available they may like to opt for that. Since, they are not cultivating
papaya at present, therefore, asking about the production and marketing constraints
would be a spurious question. However, one of major marketing constraints what they
have conceived is the non-availability of market / buyers.

As per secondary data, various reports exemplified as database of National Horticulture

Board, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India have included Mandya as one of the
potential growing belts of papaya cultivation in Karnataka, therefore, it appeared to be
feasible to say that there is a lot of scope to initiate and intensify papaya cultivation in
a mixed cropping pattern under Agro-Horti system. Moreover, sandy loam soil,
reasonably warm climate and less water requirement as required for ragi are fairly good
for papaya which justifies that intensification of papaya cultivation may be a successful
attempt in Mandya. Also a scope of sole cropping always exists in papaya cultivation,
however, mixed cropping would be more remunerative. Suggested crop mixtures may be
exemplified as ragi + papaya, ragi + Cajanus + papaya, mungbeen + Cajanus + papaya
and Cajanus + papaya. Growing of a pulse crop in Agro-Horti system appeared important
as it provides an opportunity to enrich soil nitrogen profile while target crop is in the

Projected Production Constraints and Remedy thereof

Farmers may likely face following production constraints when they cultivate papaya in
their fields as those constraints are prevailing
in Karnataka [1].

- Virus attack
- Small land holdings

[1] Hemambara, H. S. and yogesh, M.S. (2014). Production and Marketing Problems of
Papaya growers in North Karnataka. IOSR J. Business Management, 16 : PP 20-23.

- Labour intensive
- Water scarcity
- Duplication of seeds
- Power supply
- Technical know-how

In addition to above following constraints conceived may also be taken care of which
are expected to be faced by the grower.

- low productivity in the begining

- threat from mealy bug, papaya ringspot virus – P and papaya mosaic virus (CPMV)
- problems in postharvest handling

Indian council of Agriculture Research and State Agricultural universities have already
been entrusted to carry out researches on most of the constraints for example
developing varieties resistant to diseases and insects, finding out agronomical packages
for higher productivity of papaya and to disseminate a technology to the fruit growers.
Duplication of papaya seed is non-scientific practice and it has to be overcome by the
growers themselves by purchasing new seed / seedlings. The new seed materials /
seedlings may be purchased from a trusted seller / nursery. New seed materials
obtained through controlled pollination or its seedling every time is required in papaya
planting because papaya is a highly cross pollinated dioecious crop and genetic purity
may hardly be maintained by use of uncontrolled papaya seed production. In accordance
to same justification and faster propagation tissue culture technology is also required.
Any one of the high yielding varieties may be selected out of following varieties as
given herewith. These are namely Honey Dew, Coorg Honey Dew, Washington, Pusa
Delicious, Pusa Majesty, Pusa Dwarf, Co-1 to Co-7 and Taiwan. This is to mention that a
variety ‘Red Lady’ the seed of which has been introduced from Taiwan has shown a
miracle in India, especially, in Tamilnadu [2]. A progressive farmer has been able to earn
about Rs. 2,30,000 as a gross income from his 600 trees in 1.5 Years [2]. In another
study two farmers one from Maharashtra and another from West Bengal gained net
profit of Rs. 5,03,500/ha and Rs. 4,20,000/ ha only respectively by using balanced
nutrients [3]. Also in another study a net profit from papaya cultivation from the
meduim and large farms was obtained to be Rs. 2,47,381 / ha in Bidar district of

[2] S. Rajaratnam, No. 23/14 – Karuppayamal Jhottam, Vellipalayam road, Mettupalayam,

Tamilnadu – 641301, Web :, mobile : 09486094670 and 9486094660

Karnataka [4]. Papaya doesn’t require much irrigations. An irrigation is required when
only drying of the soil surrounding the plant appear to initiate. The initial investment to
plant an orchard is only once that too is comparatively less as compared to other crops.
Moreover, planting of an orchard comes under Govt. support as per MIDH operational
guidelines. The financial support from the Govt. may be utilized to mitigate financial
stress which likely hinder in developing of an orchard. Power supply and labour
problems are the local ones and have to be overcome at the domestic level.

Projected Marketing Constraints

As per an statement of a progressive papaya grower of Tamilnadu a ready market for

produce becomes a big bonus for growers. “Whatever be the crops grown availability of
an immediate selling point and a good price from a prompt buyer encourages a farmer
to grow more,” [3]. The projected marketing constraints of papaya as essenced out from
a survey done for North Karnataka state as a secondary data [2] may be read out as
under which, probably, may also be applicable to Mandya districts as well in addition to
those which are self conceived.

 Markets for away from farms

 Storage problems
 Price fluctuations
 High Commission
 Lack of availability of market information
 Lack of skilled labours for packing

Immediate Solutions to Create a Ready Market

Problem of distant market is very much common problem for fruit growers almost in
the entire country. Any of the fruit growers do not like to face the problematic means
of transportation on which he does not have a control. This is the reason as to why
every grower requires a short distant market. There is a good mandi in Mandya under
Karnataka state Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) situated at V.V. Nager,
Kollahalli, Mandya - 220792. This mandi, however, is not involved in papaya produce

[3] Biswas, B.C. (2010). Success Stories of Papaya Farmers. Fertilizer Marketing News. 41 : PP.

[4] Javedmiyan and Dinesh Kumar (2017). Economics of Papaya in Bidar district of Karnataka. J.
Pharmacog. and Phytochem., 6 : 879-88.

marketing, simple reason being there is no production of papaya in the state. In order
to initiate papaya production in the state, Govt. has to look into that fruit growers may
not get deprived due to non-lifting or say non-selling of their produce. For this Govt.
has to take initiative regarding following two points.

 Identification of traders from APMC mandi at Mandya for collecting the farmers
produce paying them promptly taking a baseline of wholesale market price
available with APMC for Karnataka state, adjusting their commission and fringe
expenses occurred in packing and transportation. The production of papaya may
lead to generate demand in the area for self consumption and the local market
by and by will take an effective and functional shape for marketing of papaya.

 Establishment of liason between traders of Mandya and papaya traders of

Bengaluru mandi. Bengaluru mandi under Karnataka state Agricultural Produce
Market (APMC) Committee is situated at Mill complex, Binnypet, Agarhar Tank
Bond Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560023. The distance of mandi of Mandya and
this mandi at Bengaluru is 106 km by road. The papaya produce may also be
well transported to that mandi for a total disposal.

Long Term Remedy of Marketing Constraints

The most important means of mitigating several marketing constraints at a time in one
stroke is formation and establishment of FPOs and making them functional. A national
policy for the promotion of farmer produce organization has already been detailed in
Small Farmers Agri Business Consortium (SFAC). The national policy has a vision oriented
mission to promote economically viable, democratic and self governing Farmer Producer
Organization (FPOs). The mission delivers several functional modes including to provide
required assistance and resource – policy action, inputs, technical knowledge, financial
resources and infrastructure in order to strengthen these FPOs. SFAC document may be
referred for process guidelines for promotion of FPOs. A Farmer Producer Organization
(FPO) embodies a set no. of member fruit growers and provides many services which
concisely may be given hereunder.

FPO Service Model

The FPO will offer a variety of services to its members as illustrated in the table. It can
be noted that it is providing almost end-to-end services to its members, covering almost

all aspects of cultivation (from inputs, technical services to processing and marketing).
The FPO will facilitate linkages between farmers, processors, traders and retailers to
coordinate supply and demand and to access key business development services such as
market information, input supplies, and transport services. Based on the emerging needs,
the FPO will keep on adding new services from time to time.

The set of services include Financial, Business and Welfare services. An indicative list of
services includes:

Financial Services: The FPO will provide loans for crops, purchase of tractors, pump set,
construction of wells, laying of pipelines.

Input Supply Services: The FPO will provide low cost and quality inputs to member
farmers. It will supply fertilizers, pesticides, seeds, sprayers, pumpsets, accessories,

Procurement and Packaging Services: The FPO will procure agriculture produce from its
member farmers; will do the storage, value addition and packaging.

Marketing Services: The FPO will do the direct marketing after procurement of
agricultural produce. This will enable members to save in terms of time, transaction
costs, weigtment losses, distress sales, price fluctuations, transportation, quality
maintenance etc.

Insurance Services: The FPO will provide various insurance like Crop Insurance, Electric
Motors Insurance and Life Insurance.

Technical Services: FPO will promote best practices of farming, maintain marketing
information system, diversifying and raising levels of knowledge and skills in agricultural
production and post-harvest processing that adds value to products.

Networking Services: Making channels of information (e.g. about product specifications,

market prices) and other business accessible to rural producers; facilitating linkages with
financial institutions, building linkages of producers, processors, traders and consumers,
facilitating linkages with government programmes.


Major Findings of the Survey

 Out of 2704 farmers surveyed in Mandya district, farmers of age group of 40 to

60 years were found to be in a greater frequency. Age and agriculture occupation
did not show a definite correspondence.

 As for land assets, 96% of the farmers’ cropped area was their own and 3%
leased in.

 85.43% of the farmers were having an area of 10 acres or less than that,
meaning thereby, a majority belonged to small farmers group.

 Regarding physical assets 96.78% were not having any major physical asset, 2.87%
showed to have pick up vans and 1.15% each reported to have a tractor.

 The aforementioned cropped area belonged to under cultivation of ragi (Eleusine


 Farmers are ready to cultivate papaya as well, however, they have reservations to
opt because of lack of buyers.

 Source of seedling for an improved exotic variety, Red Lady, maybe procured from a
progressive farmer from Tamil Nadu. His nursery has been identified as, “New Rural
Industry” under the National Innovation Project of ICAR, New Delhi and is also is a
registered member in the Agri Business Incubator model of Tamil Nadu Agricultural
University, Coimbatore. The address of the progressive farmer is Mr. S. Rajarathnam, No
23/15- Karuppayamal Jhottam, Vellipalayam road, Mettupalayam, Tamilnadu –
641301, Web :, mobile : 09486094670 and 9486094660

 A mandi is operative at V. V. Nagar, Kollahalli, Mandya - 220792 under state

APMC, but papaya marketing lacks therein.

 For developing a ready market of papaya following suggestion have been putforth
for consideration and execution in the part of Govt.

1. Identification of traders from APMC mandi at Mandya for collecting the

farmers produce paying them promptly taking a baseline of wholesale

market price available with APMC for Karnataka state, adjusting their
commission and fringe expenses occurred in packing and transportation.
The production of papaya may lead to generate demand in the area
for self consumption and the local market by and by will take an
effective and functional shape for marketing of papaya.

2. Establishment of liason between traders of Mandya and papaya traders

of Bengaluru mandi. Bengaluru mandi under Karnataka state Agricultural
Produce Market (APMC) Committee is situated at Mill complex,
Binnypet, Agarhar Tank Bond Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560023. The
distance of mandi of Mandya and this mandi at Bengaluru is 106 km
by road. The papaya produce may also be well transported to that
mandi for a total disposal.


Projected Support from Govt. / MIDH
A substantial support is required from Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture to
initiate and fortify papaya cultivation in Mandya distt., Karnataka state and streamline the
marketing chain in order to enhance the income of growers. The support category is detailed

Sl. Item Pattern of Support/Assistance

1(a). Production of Planting Materials
(i) Hi Tech Nursery Public sector owned Hi-Tech Nursery
is required to be established.
(ii) Small Nursery Small nurseries in the private sector
have to be established. Financial
support in terms of credit linked
back ended subsidy of cost may be
(iii) Setting up New Tissue Culture (TC) units New Public sector owned Tissue
Culture units are required to be
established especially to multiply as
such a promising material.
(iv) Strengthening of existing Tissue Culture (TC) units Already existing Public sector owned
TC units if any may be
strengthened. In case of private
sector owned existing TC units 50%
subsidy credit linked back ended to
the cost of strengthening may be
(v) Hybrid Promotion/popularization of hybrid, if
any, may be done as per MIDH
operational guidelines.
1(b) Establishment of New Orchard (Area expansion –
for a maximum area of 4 ha. per beneficiary)
(i) Integrated package with drip irrigation Fruit growers may be awarded
financial support for meeting
expenditure on planting material,
drip irrigation and cost of material
for INM / IPM as per Govt. norms.
(ii) Without integration Fruit growers unable to afford drip
irrigation may be provided finances
for meeting expenditure on planting
materials and cost incurred for INM
/ IPM.
1(c) Creation of Water Resources

(i) Community tanks/on farm ponds / on farm water Financial aids may be awarded to
reservoirs with use of plastic / RCC lining passion fruit growers for creating
such water resources with plastic /
RCC lining or without plastic / RCC
linings as the case may be in
accordance to the Govt. norms.
(ii) Water harvesting system for individuals – for Financial assistance is required to
storage of water in (20m x 20m x 3m) ponds/tube be awarded to papaya growers by
well/dug wells the Govt. for creating defined water
harvesting system as per Govt.
1(d) Promotion of Integrated Nutrient Management
(INM) and Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
(i) Promotion of IPM/INM Financial assistance to passion fruit
growers as per area coverage
according to Govt. norms may be
(ii) Plant Health Clinic Public sector controlled / or Public
private partnership owned clinics
may be awarded to Mandya.
(iii) Bio control lab At least 01 100% Public sector lab may
be established to take care of pests.
1(e) Organic farming
(i) Adoption of organic farming Financial assistance to passion fruit
growers as per Govt. norms may be
(ii) Organic Certification Project based and area based
assistance to banana growers is
required as per Govt. norms.
1(f) Horticulture Mechanization
(i) Tractor Papaya growers are required to
award financial support in terms of
subsidy to purchase a tractor.
(ii) Land Development tillage Papaya growers may be awarded
financial assistance as per Govt.
(iii) Plastic mulch laying machine Passion fruit growers may be
awarded financial assistance to
purchase the machine.

(iv) Power Tiller (below 8 BHP) Financial assistance as per MIDH

operational guidelines may be

(v) Plant protection equipments Since large no. of passion fruit
 Manual Sprayer growers are small to marginal
 Knapsack/Foot operated sprayer farmers, therefore, these two types
of sprayer would suffice the need
for which financial assistance may
be awarded as per Govt. norms.


2(a) Pack Houses Financial assistance as per MIDH
guidelines may be remitted.
2(b) Precooling unit Credit linked back ended subsidy as
per MIDH norms may be
2(c) Cold room (staging) Credit linked back ended subsidy as
per MIDH guidelines may be
remitted to the beneficiaries.
2(d) Ripening Chamber Credit linked back ended subsidy in
the capital cost of project as per
norms of the Govt. may be
awarded to the growers.
2(e) Technology induction and Modernization Credit linked back ended subsidy as
per MIDH norms may be remitted.
3(a) Rural Marketing/Apni Mandies/Direct markets Credit linked back ended subsidy in
the capital cost of project is
required to be awarded for passion
fruit growers.
3(b) Retail Markets/Outlets (environmentally Credit linked back ended subsidy in
controlled) the capital cost is required to be
awarded to the passion fruit
4(a) District level exhibition and Kisan Mela These are required to be organised
by the Govt. / SAU sponsored by
MIDH collectively both the events in
one stroke two times in a year.
4(b) Information dissemination through publicity, This information dissemination part
printed literature etc and local adventures may be clubbed with the above
4(c) 7 Promotion of Farmer Producers Organisation As per norms issued by SFAC
(FPO) / Farmer Interest Groups (FIG) of 15-20 farmers / finances are required to be
20 ha. Growers Association and tie up with financial provided.
Institution and Agregators.

Annexure 1: Survey Questionnaire

Annexure 2: List of Figures
Figure 1 Age Profile of the Farmers surveyed
Figure 2 Land profile of surveyed farmers
Figure 3 Distribution of farmers under different land holding groups
Figure 4 Farmers under different groups of leased-in orchard area
Figure 5 Farmers under different groups of leased-out orchard area
Figure 6 Asset profile of surveyed farmers
Figure 7 Major marketing constraints


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