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This book deals with key aspects of designing and building digital
electronic circuits on the basis of the different families of elemen-
tary electronic devices. The implementation of various simple and
complex logic circuits is considered in detail, with special attention
paid to the design of digital systems based on complementary
metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) and pass-transition logic (PTL)
technologies acceptable for use in planar microelectronics technology.
It is mainly intended for students in electronics and microelectronics,
with exercises and solutions provided.
Alexander Axelevitch
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The main purpose of this book is to help present and future students
understand the principles of digital circuits design, and their place
and application in microelectronics. The second goal, which may be
more important for students, is to help them overcome the exam for
the course “Digital Circuits” which I taught at the Holon Institute
of Technology (HIT) for more than 20 years, two semesters per year,
including the summer semester. Considering that after each semester
I prepared three variations of the exams, I was compelled to always
come up with new schemes, questions and problems. I present most of
these examination problems together with the solutions in the book
as examples. So, I hope that this book will be useful to students, as
well as practical engineers engaged in the design and realization of
microelectronic circuits and devices.
The course “Digital Circuits” is part of a system consisting
of several consecutive courses: “Digital Logic Design,” “Digital
Electronic Circuits,” “Digital Systems,” “VLSI Design,” and “Pro-
gramming with the VHDL.” Evidently, this sequence can provide an
understanding of only one side of microelectronics for students. The
second side is the technology. However, the part devoted to the design
is interesting and important. The course “Digital Electronic Circuits”
allows you to give meaning to those “black boxes” that comprise
logic, and fill them with diodes, transistors, and other elements.
A complete study of these systems enables you to understand and
create novel digital electronic devices for different applications: the
viii Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
Preface v
Introduction vii
x Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
Bibliography 283
Index 285
Chapter 1
2 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
Fig. 1.1. A sampling operation to convert the analog signal to a digital one.
1 state and will signal the level change. In this digital binary system,
we can measure two levels: lower and higher.
Figure 1.3 shows two additional examples of the measurement of
different quantities.
In the picture on the left, a thermocouple (two different metals
joined together) measures the temperature and transforms this
natural parameter into voltage. All changes are continuous in the
system; therefore, such a measuring system implements an analog
device. In the picture on the right, a lamp shows the state of the
switch “S.” If a supply is connected to the lamp by the switch, the
lamp lights up and we can see that “S” is in the connected state.
The switch “S” only has two different states. In other words, we can
describe the action of this switch with two digits, 0 and 1. A digital
system is one that processes a finite set of data in a digital (discrete)
form. The signals may be represented in binary form or in a form
that only has two operating states. These operating states, called
logic states, may be of high (1) or low (0) logic levels. An electrical
4 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
Fig. 1.5. The definition of input and output loading in the logical systems.
are connected in parallel with the input of a logic gate from the same
logic family. A maximum fan-in is defined as the number of logic
inputs which can be accommodated by a logic gate from the same
logic family. In some logic families the operating speed falls as the
number of inputs is increased. So, the values of fan-in and fan-out are
significant parameters of a logic system and the designer must take
into account all limitations and conditions of the designed devices.
A very good example of the fan-out value is the number of
memory cells that may be driven by one controller. These parameters
of logical systems, fan-in and fan-out, are required at a stage of
technical design. However, the logic designer has to consider the type
of technology which he will use while creating the system.
All logic systems may be divided into two basic groups: combi-
national logic systems and sequential logic systems. Figure 1.6
presents the basic scheme of the combinational logic circuit. The main
property of combinational logic circuits is the dependence of each of
the outputs on the input signal values. So, each change in the value of
the input signals immediately changes the state of the output signals.
Unlike combinational logic circuits, the state of the outputs for the
sequential logic circuit depends on the state of the input signals and
the previous state of the output signals.
Figure 1.7 represents an example of the sequential logic circuit.
As shown, the sequential circuit always includes feedback. Therefore,
6 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
The pulse shown in Fig. 1.10 differs from an ideal pulse in that
it does not have abrupt edges. Instead, it has a finite rise time
t r (a time when the pulse level increases from 10% up to 90% of
maximal value) and a finite fall time t f (a time when the pulse
level decreases from 90% down to 10% of maximal value). The 10%
bands from the lower and upper levels provide stability boundaries
of a logic system and their insensitivity to noise. These disfigurations
are defined by real parameters of logic systems. Also, the response
impulse of the logic system does not appear at the same moment that
the input impulse was obtained. There is a certain delay between
input and output, which is conditioned by the logic system structure
and fabrication technology.
Figure 1.11 shows the pulse propagation through an inverting
logic gate. Let us assume that at the initial time the input of our
inverter is at the low logic state. Due to the general function of the
Basic Definitions and Logic Families 9
Fig. 1.11. Input-output waveforms for pulse propagation through a logic system.
inverter, its output state will be in the high state. We can say that
the system or logic gate is in the high logic state when its
output is high. Our diagram consists of two parts: upper and lower.
The upper part presents the behavior of the input pulse and the
lower part shows the response pulse behavior.
Let us also assume that our pulses represent the voltage changes
in the input, Vin , and output, Vout , of the inverter. Here, VOL and
VOH are the minimal and maximum voltages enabled for logic gates
of the same logic family. In this diagram (Fig. 1.11), τp,in is the
input pulse duration, τp,out is the output pulse duration, tP LH and
tP HL are the time propagation delays which occur while increasing
and decreasing the pulse respectively, and VOH and VOL are the
maximum and minimum possible voltages in the input or output
of the logic gate. If we assume that the input pulse duration is
zero, the propagation delay time required by the pulse to pass
through an inverter will be equal to tp = (tPHL + tPLH )/2 =
tPHL /2 + tPLH /2. Thus, we estimate the time propagation delays
tPHL and tPLH for decreasing and increasing pulses from half of the
input pulse maximum value up to half of the output pulse maximum
value only.
10 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
rises. We can say that the logic gate is in the high state while the
input voltage is in the interval of VOL –VIL . This high state we
designate as the logic “1”. Also, we define the system state as a
low state while the input voltage is in the interval of VIH –VOH . This
low state we designate as the logic “0”. Therefore, our inverter may
be in three states: the high state, the low state, and the transient
or amplifying process. This transient process occurs for the input
voltage interval of VIL –VIH , at the transition from one state to
another. So, we can define the VIL voltage as the maximum input
voltage saving the system (logic gate) in the high state, “1”. Also,
the VIH will be the minimal input voltage saving the system in the
low state, “0”.
Usually, the high and low states are stable. All variations of the
input voltage in the ranges of VOL –VIL or VIH –VOH do not change
the state of the system. These ranges are called the safety zones or
the noise margins:
When we talk about the various logic families, we mean the different
technological bases used for the logic gates and systems fabrication.
The diagram in Fig. 1.14 represents basic logic families and the
technologies used. There are two basic semiconductor technolo-
gies: bipolar devices and unipolar devices. These technologies have
emerged and evolved over the past several decades.
Logic systems began from the mechanical switching devices called
relay. A principal electrical scheme and a photo of the relay are shown
in Fig. 1.15. Such a system consists of an electromagnet and switching
12 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
(a) (b)
Fig. 1.15. Relay: (a) principal electrical scheme and (b) external view.
Fig. 1.16. Basic logical operations: (a) NOT, (b) OR, and (C) AND.
• Large dimensions;
• Low speed of switching;
• High electrical energy consumption;
• Presence of moving parts.
14 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
18 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
(a) (b)
Fig. 2.1. Various diodes: (a) silicon diodes and (b) a high voltage germanium
Fig. 2.2. Schematic view of the diode: (a) section of the diode and (b) charge
distribution in the diode.
Fig. 2.3. I–V characteristics of diodes: (a) an ideal diode, (b) a diode with a
rectifying threshold, (c) a diode with finite internal resistance and (d) the I–V
characteristic described by Shockley’s model.
20 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
(a) (b)
Fig. 2.4. Some applications of a diode: (a) Measuring the electrical circuit and
(b) measuring the I–V characteristic.
22 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
input voltage quickly increases to the value VF > VD,on . At this point,
the internal dynamic resistance is infinite, the diffusion capacity is
very small due to the missing of the charge transfer, and the junction
capacity represents zero resistance due to an abrupt increase in the
input voltage. Figure 2.8(b) illustrates the current behavior at this
time. As shown in the current diagram, the first-time current value
is equal to VF /R. After that, the junction capacitance disappears,
the diffusion capacitance is charged, and the value of the internal
resistance is reduced to a minimum. Figure 2.8(c) presents the final
state of the current in the circuit, iD = VF /(R + rγ ). A diagram
of charge, QD , illustrates the charge behavior in the time interval
Logic Families Based on the Bipolar Devices 25
For example, let us consider the circuit presented in Fig. 2.9 which
relates to Problem 1.
Example 1.
It is known that VA = 5 V, VB = 4.8 V, VC = 0.7 V, R = 4 kΩ,
VD,on = 0.7 V, and VD,γ = 0.5 V.
Solution 1.
1. As the names for all the input points to the scheme (A, B, C) are
chosen at random, we can consider them equal, that is, this circuit
is symmetric with respect to inputs. If one of the applied input
voltages exceeds the value VD,on , an output voltage Vy will repeat
the input voltage. Therefore, this circuit realizes the “OR” logic.
2. To solve the second part of the problem, we need to choose the
input that will transfer a maximum voltage to the output. If we
choose a voltage applied to the input B, VB = 4.8 V, to achieve
this goal, we can conclude that Vy will be equal to:
Output voltage, Vy (V)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Input voltage, Vin (V)
Fig. 2.10. The transfer function for the circuit shown in Fig. 2.9.
Example 2.
In the same conditions that characterized Problem 1:
1. Estimate the minimum and maximum output voltage (logic “0”
and “1”).
2. Build a transfer function.
Solution 2.
1. To solve the first part of the problem we must short all inputs and
consider two cases:
Vin = “0”.
VY = VX + VD,on ≈ VCC .
Output voltage, Vy (V)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Input voltage, Vin (V)
Fig. 2.12. The transfer function for the circuit shown in Fig. 2.11.
direct relation between the applied voltage and the measured current
(Fig. 2.13(a)) and described by Ohm’s law, V = R · I, where R is
the contact resistance, known as the Ohmic contact. The second
contact has a significantly non-linear shape and is known as the
recifying contact. Its I–V characteristic looks like the junction diode
characteristic. However, the physical processes occurring in this
case are different from the processes taking place in the junction
The first and most important difference is that the metal and
the semiconductor are two different materials. A metal may be
characterized by the overlapping of the conductive band and the
Logic Families Based on the Bipolar Devices 31
Fig. 2.14. The metal work functions for a clean metal surface in a vacuum versus
an atomic number (after Michaelson, IBM J. Res. Dev., 22, 1978, 78).
valence band. Thus, the conductive electrons are also the valence
electrons. The free conductive electrons that belong to each atom
constituting the metal crystal lattice fasten the atoms together. This
type of connection is referred to as a metallic type. In this case, the
Fermi level is within the overlapping zone. To liberate an electron
from the metal, it is necessary to apply an energy equal to the work
function to the metal. Figure 2.14 presents the metal work functions
for a clean metal surface in a vacuum versus an atomic number.
To liberate an electron from a semiconductor, we also need to
apply an energy equal to the work function. However, the amount
of energy needed to liberate an electron from a semiconductor is
different from the amount of energy needed to liberate an electron
from a metal. In the semiconductor, the conducting band and
the valence band are non-overlapping. They are separated by the
so-called band gap. This energy band does not trap electrons in the
32 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
Fig. 2.16. The formation of a potential barrier on the interface between two
N > Blocking
N < Ohmic
P > Ohmic
P < Blocking
Logic Families Based on the Bipolar Devices 35
Schottky diode.
In the case of a reverse voltage applied to the contact, the
termionic current disappears and a diffusion reverse current begins
to flow. This current is described as follows:
Is = . (2.10)
The potential barrier in the Schottky diode is significantly lower
than in the junction diodes; it is equal to approximately 0.2–0.3 V.
A comparative picture is shown in Fig. 2.18.
iB + iC = iE . (2.11)
Let us consider how the transistor works. Due to the direct bias
of the BE junction, electrons injected from the VB supply to the
emitter cross it and go to the base. As the thickness of the base is
40 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
lower than that of the mean free path of the electrons, most of them
move through the base without collisions and enter the collector.
As the collector is inversely biased, the electrons drift to the collector
electrode and close the circuit created by the VCC supply. A small
number of electrons recombines in the base. A schematic distribution
of minority charged carriers within the transistor shown in Fig. 2.24
helps us to understand the transistor’s behavior.
Parameters designating the impurity concentrations in different
parts of the transistor are shown as n — the concentration of
electrons — and p — the concentration of holes. So, the majority
charged carriers’ concentration in the n-type part is designated as
nn and the majority charged carriers’ concentration in the p-type
part is pp . According to this definition, parameters pn and np are
designated the minority charged carriers’ concentrations. An index 0,
when appended to the concentration, designates the concentration
without voltage: pn0 , np0 . According to the “Law of Junctions,”
tr w2
αT = 1 − τb =1− 2Dn τb . (2.25)
α = γE αT . (2.26)
However, for the diode we have the very good model described by the
Shockley equation or Eq. (2.1). Therefore, we can present a current
through a diode as a current defined by two power sources: one
of them is the controlled supply VBE or VBC and the second one
represents a reverse saturation current. Using such a representation
of a transistor, we can present it according to the model shown in
Fig. 2.28.
In this model, we replaced the PN junctions on the diodes
with additional current generators. Therefore, the currents through
the collector and emitter diodes, iDC and iDE , will be expressed
according to Eqs. (2.27) and (2.28).
iDE = IsE e t − 1
V (2.27)
iDC = IsC e Vt −1 (2.28)
where IsE and IsC are reverse saturation currents for both diodes.
It was stated in the previous section that the areas of the junctions
are not equal and because of this, the collector saturation current,
IsC , is more than the IsE . Therefore, one can determine the following
relation between these currents and the coefficients αR and αF :
αR IsC = αF IsE = Is . (2.29)
Now, using Fig. 2.26 we can add three other equations to
Eqs. (2.27) and (2.28). As the transistor represents a node, we can
Logic Families Based on the Bipolar Devices 47
The joint solution of Eqs. (2.27), (2.28), (2.30), (2.31), and (2.32)
allows us to obtain a mathematical model of Ebers–Moll which
enables us to analyze the transistor behavior in all its operation
⎧ V V
⎪ Is BE BC
⎪ iE = e Vt − 1 − Is e Vt − 1
⎪ αF
⎪ V V
⎨ BE Is BC
iC = Is e Vt − 1 − e Vt − 1 . (2.33)
⎪ αR
⎪ V V
⎪ Is Is
⎪ i e
− e
⎩B = Vt 1 + Vt 1
βF βR
As an example, let us consider the use of the Ebers–Moll model
to study the transistor behavior in various operation modes.
Example 3.
Using the model of Ebers–Moll, show the different modes of operation
of the transistor NPN.
Solution 3.
1. An active mode.
In this state, the applied supplies are as follows: VBE > 0 and
VBC < 0.
Therefore, e Vt 1 and IDC ≈ −IsC and our Eq. (2.33) will
transform into the following equations:
⎧ V
⎪ BE Is
⎨IC = Is e Vt − 1 − α
V R .
⎪ Is BE
⎩iE = e Vt − 1 − Is
48 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
3. A saturation mode.
Now, VBE > 0 and VBC > 0. Equation (2.33) remains the same:
⎧ V V
⎪ BE Is BC
⎨iC = Is e t − 1 − α
V e t −1
V V .
⎪ Is BE BC
⎩iE = e Vt − 1 − Is e Vt − 1
In the case of VBE Vt and VBC Vt, these equations transform
as follows:
⎨iC = Is e Vt − αIRs e Vt
⎩iE = Is e Vt − Is e Vt
At the same time, the current iC flows through the transistor and
relates with the input voltage, as shown by the Ebers–Moll model,
for example.
We can find this relation using the Ebers–Moll model. For our
circuit (Fig. 2.31), the system of equations will look as follows:
⎨VCC = iC RC + VCE output equation
Vin = iB Rb + VBE input equation . (2.35)
VCE = VBE − VBC coupling equation
Logic Families Based on the Bipolar Devices 51
− − V BE
−ICS e Vt e Vt + ICS = αF I ES − ICS e t e Vt
Fig. 2.32. The I–V characteristics and the transfer function of the RTL circuit.
the value closing transistor Q4. The additional increasing of Vin leads
to the transition of transistor Q1 into the saturation mode. The
described behavior may be approximately presented with the transfer
function using the piecewise approach. We have two transistors, each
of them has two break points as was mentioned above. Therefore, in
the circuit’s behavior, there are four break points. We present the
circuit’s behavior with these break points in Table 2.3.
Now we can calculate the coordinates of all four break points:
1. BP1
As shown in the first line of the table, transistor Q1 is in the cutoff
mode and transistor Q4 is in the saturation mode up to the point
that VBE1 is more than VBE,γ . So, bearing in mind that iC = 0 and
using Kirchhoff’s law, we can write the following equations:
iL Rb s
VCC = iL RL + n + VBEL (2.40)
Vo = VCC − iL RL (2.41)
where VBEL designates the saturation voltage of transistor Q4. Using
the value of iL from Eq. (2.40), we obtain for Vo :
Vo = . (2.42)
nRL + Rb
As we decided above, in the BP1, transistor Q1 transits from
the cutoff mode to the linear mode and this point is defined by
the beginning of the collector current flow through the transistor,
0.01Imax . Therefore, at this point iC = 0.01VCC /RL . Using the
Ebers–Moll coupling Eq. (2.39), we can estimate the voltage on the
Logic Families Based on the Bipolar Devices 57
Then, using the input Eq. (2.35) and Eq. (2.21) for the linear
mode of operation for the transistor Q1, we obtain the following
input voltage:
iC Rb 0.01VCC
Vin = ib Rb + VBE = + Vt ln . (2.44)
Thus, we calculated the coordinates of BP1 : Eqs. (2.42) and
2. BP2
Here the transistor Q1 is in the linear mode and the transistor Q4 is
beginning to shift to the border of its linear region. So, to find the
output voltage Vo , we need to calculate the total consumption of the
load. A current flowing through Q4 is equal to:
VCC − VoL s
iCL = (2.45)
where VOL s = VCE,sat ≈ 0.2 V is the minimum possible voltage,
VCE,sat . Using the Ebers–Moll coupling Eq. (2.39) we can find the
voltage drop on the BE-junction of transistor Q4:
s )
iCL (VCC − VoL
VBEL = Vt ln = Vt ln . (2.46)
Now, we will begin to analyze the circuit shown in Fig. 2.36 using
the approach described. This circuit is logical, therefore the input
signals can be in two states only: a logic “0” and logic “1”. We will
only use the intermediate values of input variables for building the
transfer function. Usually, the initial data for such circuits are as
60 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
N A B V0
1 0 0
2 0 1
3 1 0
4 1 1
Fig. 2.38. Calculation of the maximum fan-out for DTL logic family.
N A B V0
1 0 0 1
2 0 1 1
3 1 0 1
4 1 1 0
We did two parts of the logic gate analysis: we found the logic
function and we calculated all the currents in the circuit for two of
its states. Our following task is to calculate the maximum fan-out
for the circuit when connected to circuits from the same logic family.
According to the definition in Chapter 1, the fan-out maximum is
the number of inverters from the same logic family which can load
the logic gate without changing the logic. In other words, this is an
integer number of inverters which will not remove the transistor from
the saturation state. One additional loading inverter will take the
transistor to the linear mode. Figure 2.38 illustrates this calculation
for N logic gates connected with the circuit output in parallel.
It is known that the output voltage in the digital logic gate may
take only two different values: “1” and “0”. If Vo = “1”, all load
Logic Families Based on the Bipolar Devices 63
diodes will be in the cutoff mode and their number will not matter. If
the output voltage is “0”, all load currents (input currents of the load
inverters) will enter the transistor. In response to too much load, the
transistors respond by increasing their resistance and moving from
saturation to linear mode. Thus, the maximum number of load gates
will meet at the transition point from saturation to linear mode,
providing Eq. (2.21), ic = βib . This equation may be rewritten for
our calculation as follows:
βib = ic = N iin + iRc . (2.57)
Therefore, the fan-out maximum for the DTL NAND circuit
shown in Fig. 2.36 will be as follows:
βib − iRc
Nmax = Int . (2.58)
The result in this equation should be rounded down.
The last parts of the analysis are the calculation of the break
points, the drawing of the transfer function and the estimation of
the noise margins. We have only one transistor in the DTL inverter
as shown in Fig. 2.36. So, it only has two break points to fully define
the transistor’s behavior.
Point A designates the transition of the transistor from the cutoff
to the linear mode of operation. At this point, the internal resistance
of the BE-junction of the transistor decreases and the transistor
begins to conduct. This point has been previously identified as
VBE = VBE,γ = 0.5 V for silicon transistors. To obtain this
value of VBE , the voltage in the point VX should be equal to
VX = 2VD,on + VBE,γ = 2∗ 0.7 + 0.5 = 1.9 V. In our circuit:
Vin = VA = VB = VX − VD,on = 1.9 − 0.7 = 1.2 V. Since this voltage
marks the beginning of the transition process in the inverter, this
voltage will be called VIL . Figure 2.39 illustrates our calculations.
The transition process will continue until the transistor goes into
saturation mode. This point is designated as B on Fig. 2.39. After
that, our inverter will be in the state “0”. As the transistor enters
into saturation with the voltage VBE = 0.7 V, the input voltage
relating to point B will be equal to VIH = 1.4 V. The argumentation
is similar to that underlying the calculation of point A. Now we
64 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
can find the noise margins as shown in Fig. 2.33, on condition that
VCC = 5 V:
The DTL logic has several deficiencies, such as high dimensions, high
power consumption, non-symmetric transfer functions, etc. However,
this logic family was a prototype for TTL, the first logic family
created by applying integrated circuits built using planar technology.
In 1965, “Texas Instruments” presented their logic series 7400 which
became the industrial standard of logic circuits. The main basic logic
gate in this family was the two-input NAND gate. However, the main
difference between this gate and the others was the replacement of
an input diode assembly on the novel semiconductor device — the
multi-emitter transistor, as shown in Fig. 2.40.
This transistor may be considered approximate to the diode
assembly, thus the simplest TTL logic gate looks like the DTL
Logic Families Based on the Bipolar Devices 65
in Fig. 2.42, the base voltage is always greater than the collector
voltage. The input voltage, Vin = VA = VB , may be less or more than
the base voltage. If the input voltage is less than the base voltage,
the transistor will be in the saturation state. The input voltage will
be equal to “1” (more than the base voltage), and the transistor will
switch to the reverse linear mode (see Table 2.2). In this case, the
calculation of the circuit currents will be different than in the case
of the DTL inverter.
Let us assume that Vin = VA = VB = VCC , so that the input
transistor will be in the reverse active mode. Due to Kirchhoff’s law,
we can write the following equation:
The most common pattern in the TTL logic is called the “totem-
pole” scheme. It is presented in Fig. 2.43. This scheme got its name
due to the fact that all devices in the output circuit are on the
same vertical line, as in the Indian totem. Two diodes, D2 and D3 ,
represent protection against the voltage fluctuations which may occur
on the ground bus.
Logic Families Based on the Bipolar Devices 67
If both the input terminals are in the high state, “1”, the input
transistor switches to the reverse linear mode and all currents from
the inputs and the BC junction of transistor T1 enter into the base
of transistor T2 . Transistor T2 switches to the saturation mode and
shorts the bases of transistors T3 and T4 . Transistor T3 enters the
saturation state that is Vout = VCE,sat3 = 0.2 V and transistor T4
enters the cutoff, due to a low voltage on its base: VB,4 = VBE,on3 +
VCE,sat2 = 0.7 + 0.2 = 0.9 V which is lower than the voltage required
for the activation of transistor T4:
N A B V0
1 0 0 1
2 0 1 1
3 1 0 1
4 1 1 0
The second step of the analysis is the calculation of all the voltage
drops and currents in the circuit for two different states of the gate
and the estimation of the maximum fan-out. This analysis is usually
a fairly routine calculation and here we will consider the difference
in the estimation of the maximum fan-out. We consider later on a
concrete example upon which detailed analysis has been performed.
If we compare the two circuits shown in Figs. 2.38 and 2.43, we can
see that calculation of the maximum fan-out makes sense only in the
case of the low state of the circuit, Vout = VCE,sat = 0.2 V. In both
circuits, the output transistor consumes the input currents of the load
inverters, however in the TTL “totem-pole” the closed transistor T4
Logic Families Based on the Bipolar Devices 69
Breakpoints T1 T2 T3 T4
+ 0.5 − 0.2 = 1 V.
Now, let us find the value VoutB . In this interval, A-B, a current
flowing through resistors R2 and R3 will be practically equal, in other
words, if we neglect the current through the base of transistor T2 ,
one can say that the collector current and the emitter current of the
transistor T2 are approximately equal, or ic2 ≈ ie2 .
Ve2 VB2 − VBE2,on Vin + VCE1,sat − VBE2,on
ie2 = = = . (2.63)
R3 R3 R3
Vcc − VB4 Vcc − Vout − VD1,on − VBE4,on
ic2 = =
R2 R2
Vin + VCE1,sat − VBE2,on
= = ie2 . (2.64)
The differential of Eq. (2.63) gives us a transfer function in the
interval A-B:
dVin dVout dVout R2
=− ⇒ =− = const. (2.65)
R3 R2 dVin R3
Therefore, the transfer function in this interval represents a direct
line or a linear function. The exact value of the voltage VoutB may
be calculated using Eq. (2.65) as follows:
VOH − VoutB R2
=− . (2.66)
VIL − VinB R3
The break point C may be defined by the transition of transistor
T3 to the saturation mode. At this point, the voltage Vout reaches its
minimum value VCE3,sat and the circuit enters the logical “0” state.
The input voltage relating to this state is calculated as follows:
Vin = VIH = VBE3,on + VBE2,on − VCE1,sat = 1.2 V.
Therefore, the coordinates of the break point C will be
(VIH ,VOL ) = (1.2, 0.2). The transfer function built using the above
calculation is shown in Fig. 2.44.
Logic Families Based on the Bipolar Devices 71
One of the main problems of the TTL logic family is how slowly
it switches. This problem is caused by the accumulation of a large
electrical charge in the base region of the transistor which is in
the saturation state. This charge requires a long time to discharge
the base capacitance while the transistor is switching. A good
solution to this problem is not to let the transistor go into a
deep saturation state. Technically, this problem can be solved by
the parallel connection of the Schottky diode to the base-collector
junction of the transistor as shown in Fig. 2.45. Here, the metal, when
connected to the base (a p-type semiconductor), forms an Ohmic
contact with the base. At the same time this metal forms a Schottky
diode with the collector, which is an n-type semiconductor, see
Fig. 2.45(c). Figure 2.45(b) represents a transistor with the Schottky
diode and Fig. 2.45(a) designates such a transistor.
A transistor with a Schottky diode works as follows: when
the voltage on the base begins exceed over the collector voltage, the
Schottky diode transits into the conductive state and shorts the base-
collector junction. Thus, the transistor cannot enter into the deep
saturation state. A typical TTL NAND gate using the Schottky
diodes to speed up its performance is shown in Fig. 2.46.
72 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
Fig. 2.45. The application of the Schottky diode in the BJT transistor.
Fig. 2.46. A typical TTL NAND gate using the Schottky diodes.
All logic gates, in the steady state, can be in one of two states: a
logical zero, “0”, or logical one, “1”. To connect two or more outputs
of logic gates, we can short an output which is in the high state with
an output which is in the low state. In this case the circuit will not
Logic Families Based on the Bipolar Devices 73
the circuit are defined by the states of the input logic terminals: A
and B. So, the terminal E = “1” does not affect the operation of the
If E = “0”, the transistor T1 is in the saturation mode. Therefore,
as was mentioned for the circuit in Fig. 2.43, transistors T2 and T3
are in the cutoff mode and the terminal Vout is not connected to the
low state (the transistor T3 does not conduct any current). On the
other hand, the diode D5 will be in the active mode and the potential
of the base of the transistor T4 will be no more than 0.9 V (VB4 =
Vin“0” + VD5,on ). This voltage is not enough to run the transistor T4 .
Thus, the transistor T4 is in cutoff mode and its collector is not
connected to the supply. Therefore, the output terminal Vout of the
circuit is separated from the “low state” and from the “high state”
and it is in the high impedance state (the third state).
V in V O2 V O1
Now, assume that the input voltage is high, Vin = “1” = −0.8 V.
In this case, the difference between base voltages Vin − VR = −0.8 −
(−1.3) = 0.5 V and iC1 /iC2 ≈ 2 · 108 . So, the current practically
does not flow through the transistor Q2 ; instead, it flows through
the transistor Q1 . We have the following states of the transistors:
Q2 is closed (“off”) and Q1 is open (“on”). The output voltage VO2
will be equal to 0 V since no voltage falls on the resistor RC2 . Now,
we can calculate the output voltage VO1 which is low due to current
flow through the resistor RC1 . The voltage at point E (see Fig. 2.50)
will be VE = Vin − VBE,on = −0.8 − 0.8 = −1.6 V. Then the current
iE = (VE − V − )/RE = (−1.6 + 5.2)/1.2 = 3 mA. If we neglect the
base current, the emitter current will be equal to the collector current
iC1 = iE = 3 mA. Using this current, we calculate the output voltage
VO1 = 0 − iC1 · RC1 = −3 · 10−3 · 270 = −0.8 V. The voltage VCE
for the transistor Q1 will be VCE1 = VO1 − VE = −0.8 − (−1.6) =
0.8 V > 0.2 V = VCE,sat which means that transistor Q1 is in the
active mode. The voltage VCE2 of the transistor Q2 is equal to VCE2 =
0 − VE = 0 − (−1.6) = 1.6 V > 0.2 = VCE,sat that also means that
the transistor Q2 is in the active mode.
To summarize:
• Both transistors are always in the active mode and cannot enter
into the cutoff or saturation modes, thus time to recharge the base
regions in the transistors is not required in this circuit. Because of
this, the ECL family is the fastest of all logic families;
• The circuit ECL (see Fig. 2.50) represents the digital switch of the
currents and has two output voltages;
• Both outputs are always in opposite states, so we can call this
circuit the inverter/buffer;
• The output voltages “0” and “1” are not compatible with the input
voltages as shown in Table 2.5.
78 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
Fig. 2.51. The basic ECL circuit with compatible input-output terminals.
Fig. 2.52. A typical ECL inverter/buffer loaded with the same circuits.
Example 5.
Figure 2.52 represents a typical ECL inverter/buffer loaded with N
of the same circuits.
Index “L” designates the parameters related to the load circuit.
It is known that all transistors are the same with the gain β = 50
and VBE,on = 0.7 V. Also, let us suppose that under loading by
N load circuits, the value of logic one cannot decrease lower than
50 mV, therefore the output “buffer” is in the decreased high state
VBU F = −0.75 V instead of the “normal” “1” = −0.7 V. Here N is
the maximal fan-out.
Solution 5.
As all transistors in the scheme are in the active mode, the base
current of the transistor Q1 in each loading circuit iL1 will be equal
80 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
= 3.18 mA.
So, the base current iL1 = 3.18/50 = 62.4 μA and the total load
current iL = iL1 N .
A current i3 flowing through the resistor R3 is equal to i3 =
(VBU F − V − )/R3 or
VinA and VinB , are symmetric and have been designated randomly.
Therefore, no matter which of the transistors, QA or QB , we will
analyze, the second will behave similarly.
As we have seen earlier, if one or both of the inputs are in the
high state, the current will flow through the resistor RC1 and the
transistor Q2 will be closed. In this case, the output voltage VN OR
will be low and VOR will be high. The transistor Q2 will conduct
all current only if both inputs are low, VinA = VinB = “0”. These
arguments can be illustrated using a truth table:
Since any logic function can be built on the base of the logical
gates NOR only, the ECL logic family is complete and self-sufficient.
A typical ECL logic circuit is presented in Fig. 2.55. As shown,
this circuit contains three symmetrical inputs and two matched
E A B V out
1 X X High impedance
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
2.8. Problems
2.8.2 The silicon PN diode consists of the N-layer with the donor
concentration of 4·1017 cm−3 and the P-layer with the acceptor
concentration of 4 · 1015 cm−3 . Calculate the capacity of the
PN junction if we know that its interface area equals to
10−4 mm2 and the relative dielectric constant of Si is equal
to 11.7.
2.8.3 The diode from problem 2.8.2 is forward biased with a voltage
of 0.6 V. Estimate the diffusion capacity of the diode at room
temperature if we know that the mobility of charge carriers
is equal to μn = μp = 400 cm2 /V·s, the lifetime of the minor
charge carriers is 0.1 s and the length of both sides of the diode
is 1 mm.
2.8.4 Calculate the average power dissipated by the RTL circuit
presented in Fig. 2.58 in two different states: “1” and “0”.
Neglect power dissipation in the transistor.
2.8.5 The BJT transistor of NPN type, prepared from silicon,
is at room temperature. The semiconductor layers of the
transistor are doped in the following way: NDE = 5 · 1017 cm−3 ,
NAB = 1016 cm−3 , NDC = 1015 cm−3 . It is known that
the intrinsic concentration of free charged carriers is equal to
ni = 1.5 · 1010 cm−3 and the thickness of the base region is
0.8 μm.
a. Calculate the concentration of minority carriers in the
transistor’s layers.
86 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
92 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
the drain to the source when we connect the supply VDS with the
body of the transistor. The direction of movement of the electrons
is shown in the picture. These electrons flow through the area equal
to A = W × h, where h = 2(a − d) is the height of the conducting
The height of the conducting channel, h, is a value which depends
on the potential difference between the gate and the conducting
channel. The gate is heavily doped and it represents an equipotential
surface. The potential of the conducting channel is variable and
depends on the voltage drop on the channel due to current flowing
through the transistor. So, for a channel of n-type, we can apply the
equation relating the width of the depletion region and the potential
difference for the asymmetric p+ /n junction:
2ε0 εr (Vx − VGS )
d(x) = (3.1)
Fig. 3.4. The distortion of the depletion region along the length of the transistor.
dVx dVx
jDS = σE(x) = −σ = −qnμe (3.2)
dx dx
where σ = qnμe is the conductivity of the conducting channel, μe is
the mobility of the electrons, E(x) is the electric field created by the
supply VDS , and n is the concentration of electrons.
A full current through the transistor can be calculated as follows:
We can obtain the solution for this equation after the integration
of the following equations:
L VDS 0.5
2ε0 εr
iDS dx = −2W qND μe a− (Vx − VGS ) dV.
0 0 qND
Logic Families Based on the Unipolar Devices 95
2W qaND μe
iDS = −
2 2ε0 εr 0.5
× VDS − [(VDS − VGS )1.5 − (−VGS )1.5 ] .
3 qND a2
In this equation, the coefficient placed before the part of the
equation enclosed within braces is a constant value which has a
dimension of conductivity:
2W qaND μe
G0 ≡ . (3.7)
It is constant and defined by the type of material (μe ), the
technological parameters (a, ND ) of the material, and the geometric
dimensions (L, W ) of the material.
If we return to Eq. (3.1), we can calculate the maximum value of
the voltage which disables the current flow through the transistor.
Assuming that dmax (x) = a, and squaring both sides of Eq. (3.1), we
obtain the following equation:
2ε0 εr
a2 = (Vx − VGS ). (3.8)
Now, we can define the voltage which stops the current from
passing through the transistor, or the pinch-off voltage, as follows:
qND a2
Vp ≡ VGS − Vx = − . (3.9)
2ε0 εr
After that, Eq. (3.6) takes the following form:
iDS = −G0 VDS − √ [(VDS − VGS )1.5 − (−VGS )1.5 ] .
3 Vp
An analysis of this equation shows that if the voltage VDS supplied
to the body of the transistor is low, the equation reduces to the
iDS = −G0 VDS .
96 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
Fig. 3.5. The simplest electrical scheme connecting the JFET transistor of
Fig. 3.6. The I–V characteristics family for the JFET transistor.
Fig. 3.8. The state of the transistor without the control voltage.
Fig. 3.9. The formation of the inductive induced channel in the NMOS
This process continues with the increase of voltage VGS until the
conductive inverse layer, called an induced layer, is created with an
electron concentration equal to the body basic concentration p. The
value of the required control voltage needed to create this induced
channel is called the threshold voltage VT . We can say that after
compliance with the condition VGS > VT , current can flow through
the induced channel and all electrical transport between the drain
and the source is carried out by one type of charged carrier, electrons
in our case. Therefore, we are talking about a unipolar transistor.
It should be emphasized that in the static state, the control current
iGS = 0 always since the dielectric layer does not allow any current.
Therefore, all control of the current flow between the drain and the
source is carried out using the potential VGS with respect to the
The value VT may be calculated using the following equation:
Qox 2∅F Qb
VT = VMS − + − (3.13)
Cox q Cox
where Cox is the permittivity of the dielectric layer, Qox is the specific
charge on the dielectric-silicon border, VMS is the difference between
the work functions of silicon and the electrode material, Qb is the
charge associated with the negative ions remaining in the depleted
zone of the silicon after leaving its mobile holes, and ∅F = EF i − EF
is the difference between the Fermi levels of the intrinsic and doped
Figure 3.10 illustrates the state of the transistor with VGS > VT
and VDS low.
In this state, when the voltage VDS is low, the current iDS will
be proportional to the voltage VDS . This mode of work is called the
triode or Ohmic mode. One can say that the transistor behaves as
a linear resistor in this mode. When the voltage VDS continues to
rise, a distortion effect similar to that in the JFET transistor will
occur. Due to the different potential differences between the gate
and various points in the induced channel, as shown in Fig. 3.11, the
shape of the induced layer will change and we obtain the so-called
pinch-off effect. When reaching VGS − VDS = VT , the transistor goes
into the saturation mode.
Logic Families Based on the Unipolar Devices 101
Fig. 3.11. The distortion effect of the induced channel shape under VDS >
VGS − VT .
where the current iDS does not depend on the voltage VDS and
represents the parabolic function of the gate voltage VGS . Here, the
product Kn = μn Cox is called the process transconductance parame-
ter and the product Kn = Kn (W/L)n is called the transconductance
of the NMOS transistor.
Let us consider the simplest electrical connecting scheme for the
NMOS transistor, see Fig. 3.13. Let us assume that we provide
measurements of the I–V characteristics of the NMOS transistor
which is presented in Fig. 3.13. Without the input voltage, voltage
VGS , the transistor will not conduct the current iDS and will continue
to be closed up. The inverse conductive layer will not be created
until the input voltage rises up to the value of the voltage threshold,
VGS = VT .
When the input voltage is more than the VT value, the collector
current iDS begins to flow through the transistor and for each value
of VGS > VT we can measure this current. At low VDS , the current
changes in a linear manner that is described by Eq. (3.19) if we
1. Cut off mode — V GS ≤ V T .
2. Triode mode — V DS < V GS − V T .
3. Saturation mode — V DS ≥ V GS − V T .
Fig. 3.14. The I–V characteristics family for the NMOS transistor.
this transistor does not require additional bias on the gate to make
it applicable without the distortion of the input signal.
Fig. 3.19. (a) PMOS transistor and (b) the simplest electrical scheme using a
PMOS transistor.
Fig. 3.20, there are three different modes of operation for the NMOS
transistor defined by the following relations:
1. Cut off mode: V GS ≥ V T ; iDS = 0.
2. Triode mode: 0 > V DS ≥ V GS −V T ; iDS = −μe Cox ( W
L )[(VGS −
VT )VDS − 12 VDS
2 ].
and (3.24):
Kn 2
Vout = VDD − RD iDS = VDD − RD [2(VGS − VT )VDS − VDS ].
At point C, the input voltage is equal to logic “1”, therefore
Kn 2
VOL = VDD − RD [2(VDD − VT )VOL − VOL ]. (3.26)
If we neglect the second order of smallness, the approximate
solution of this equation will be presented as follows:
VOL = . (3.27)
1 + Kn RD (VDD − VT )
Now, when the extreme operating points are defined on the work line
using the I–V characteristics of the inverter (see Fig. 3.24), we can
build a transfer function describing the transition behavior of the
NMOS inverter. To achieve this goal, we will divide the transition
performance during the switch from logic “1” to logic “0” into three
steps defined by the transistor behavior mode:
1. Cut off mode, Vin = VGS ≤ VT , iDS = 0, Vout = “1”, the O-A region.
2. Saturation mode, Vin ≤ VDS + VT = Vout + VT , iDS = 12 μe Cox
L )(VGS − VT ) , the A-B region.
3. Triode mode, Vin > VDS +VT = Vout +VT , iDS = μe Cox ( WL )[(VGS −
VT )VDS − 12 VDS
2 ], the B-C region.
Now, we can build the transfer function. In the first region, O-A,
the function is constant and equal to VDD = VOH = “1”.
In the second region, A-B, we can obtain the function behavior
from a combination of Eqs. (3.20) and (3.24).
Vout = VDD − RD iDS = VDD − RD (VGS − VT )2
= VDD − (Vin − VT )2 . (3.28)
As shown, this function represents a branch of an inverted
parabola with vertex coordinates Vin = VT and Vout = VDD , (VT ,
VDD ). This parabola finishes its propagation at point B. Here, the
114 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
Fig. 3.25. The transfer function of the NMOS inverter with the resistive load.
Logic Families Based on the Unipolar Devices 115
N A B V0
1 0 0 1
2 0 1 0
3 1 0 0
4 1 1 0
N A B V0
1 0 0 1
2 0 1 1
3 1 0 1
4 1 1 0
1 1
0 = iDSL = KL (VGSl − VTD )2 = KL (VDSL − VTL )2
2 2
= (VDD − Vout − VT L )2 . (3.38)
Logic Families Based on the Unipolar Devices 121
For our circuit at point C when Vin = VGSD = VDD , and using
the voltage definitions presented in Fig. 3.30, this equation may be
rewritten as follows:
KD [2(VDD − VTD )VOL − VOL ] = KL (VDD − VOL − VT L )2 .
Fig. 3.32. The transfer function of the NMOS inverter with the enhanced
mode load.
124 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
This shows that the transistor driver should have very large
width relating to the transistor load to decrease the transition region
between stable digital states. The third deficiency of this inverter
is an asymmetric transfer function, which is very far from ideal.
Therefore it makes sense to consider another type of inverter that
uses a depletion type transistor as a load.
Fig. 3.35. An I–V characteristic of the NMOS inverter with the depletion-mode
loading transistor.
Fig. 3.36. Transfer function of the NMOS inverter with the depleted type load.
VinB = VinC = constant during the whole time that Vout changes
from VoutB to VoutC . The transfer function of the circuit shown in
Fig. 3.33 is presented in Fig. 3.36.
To calculate the output voltage at the points B and C, we need
to use conditions defining these transition points and Fig. 3.35. At
point B, the transistor load enters the saturation mode from the
triode mode, therefore
using Eq. (1.4). Evidently, this circuit has many advantages and it
was applied in the industry.
Fig. 3.39. Two transistors NMOS and PMOS connected in one circuit.
• The first region is up to the point A, Vin ≤ VTN (NMOS is cut off);
• The second region is A-B, VTN < Vin ≤ VinB (NMOS is saturated
and PMOS in the triode mode);
• The third region is B-C , VinB ≤ Vin ≤ VinC (both transistors are
• The fourth region is C-D, VinC ≤ Vin < VDD + VTP (NMOS is in
the triode mode and PMOS is saturated);
• The fifth region is from point D onward, VDD + VTP ≤ Vin ≤ VDD
(PMOS is cut off).
We get this great result once more! The obtained equation shows
that the input voltage is constant and the output voltage changes its
value instantly in the region B-C . So, VinB = VinC is constant all the
time when Vout changes from VoutB to VoutC . If all four conditions
of complementarity for NMOS and PMOS transistors are met, we
obtain the CMOS inverter that the transfer function presents in
Fig. 3.43.
In this case, VT N = |VT P | = VT , which leads to the transition of
Eq. (3.71) as follows:
gives VoutM = VIL + 0.5VDD . Now, we substitute the value VoutM into
Logic Families Based on the Unipolar Devices 139
The propagation time and the time delay in the various logic
circuits define the speed of operation of the computers and other
digital systems. The inverter is the basic element of each digital
technology. Therefore, the propagation time, tp , is the fundamental
parameter characterizing the digital system and the suitable digital
technology. In the past, CMOS technology was the most common
digital technology. Thus, we should estimate the propagation time
delay in the CMOS inverter. To achieve this goal, assume that
the output capacitor represents all possible loads for our inverter.
Also, assume that an ideal rectangular pulse represents the input
signal. Figure 3.46(a) represents the CMOS inverter loaded by the
Fig. 3.46. The dynamical behavior of the CMOS inverter: (a) an inverter loaded
by the capacitor, (b) both the input (blue) and output (red) signals.
142 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
Fig. 3.47. The current behavior in the CMOS inverter through transition from
“1” to “0”.
Logic Families Based on the Unipolar Devices 143
= 1
W . (3.81)
2 Kn L n
(VDD − VT )2
In the second stage, the discharge current behaves according to
the following equation:
iDN = −C (3.82)
which may be rewritten as follows:
W 1 2 dVDSN
L n 2 dt
W 1 2 dVout
Kn (VDD − VT )Vout − Vout = −C . (3.85)
L n 2 dt
Now, we can separate the variables:
Kn W dVout
− L n
dt = 2 (3.86)
2C 2(VDD − VT )Vout − Vout
and rewrite this equation as follows:
Kn W 1 dVout
− L n
dt = 1 . (3.87)
2C 2(VDD − VT ) 2(V V2
DD −VT ) out
− Vout
The obtained form of the right side of Eq. (3.87) corresponds with
the well-known tabular integral axdx 2 −x = ln(1 − ax ). Therefore, we
144 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
The obtained Eq. (3.90) is only right for the pulse transition
through the CMOS inverter.
To evaluate the propagation delay for the CMOS inverter, let
us take the following numerical values for the parameters included
in the tPHL : Kn = 20 μA/V2 , C = 20 pF, VDD = 5 V, VT = 1 V.
The substitution of these parameters into Eq. (3.90) shows that
tPHL ≈ 0.32 μs. Thus, the propagation delay in the modern devices
reaches several nanoseconds.
A result similar to that in Eq. (3.90) may be obtained in another
way, through approximation. It is based on the simple averaging of
the current flowing through the NMOS transistor while the capacitor
discharges. Let us consider Fig. 3.47 once more. At the beginning
point, A, the NMOS transistor is in the saturation mode, described
by Eq. (3.19). At the finishing point, D, the NMOS transistor is in
Logic Families Based on the Unipolar Devices 145
Using this equation, one can estimate the energy on the capacitor
as follows:
∞ ∞
Ep = Pp dt = CL (VDD − Vout ) dt
0 0 dt
Logic Families Based on the Unipolar Devices 147
= CL VDD dVout − CL Vout dVout
0 0
1 2
= CL VDD . (3.95)
The discharging process of the capacitor is illustrated in Fig. 3.50.
Considering this figure and calculating the energy dissipated in the
transistor NMOS in a similar way as before, we find that it is equal
to the following:
1 2
En = CL VDD . (3.96)
3.5. Problems
3.5.1 Figure 3.52 presents a logic circuit with the following param-
eters: VTNQ2 = VTNQ3 = 0.8 V, VTNQ1 = −2 V, (W/L)Q2 =
(W/L)Q3 = 4, (W/L)Q1 = 1, kn = μn Cox = 35 μA/V2 .
Logic Families Based on the Unipolar Devices 149
3.5.3 Figure 3.54 presents a logic circuit with the following parame-
ters: (W/L)n = 4/2, Vtn = −Vtp = 0.8 V, μn Cox = 3 μp Cox =
50 μA/V2 , (W/L)p = 10/2.
a. Calculate the noise margins of this circuit.
b. Calculate a current flowing through the circuit for the
following input voltages: Vin = 0, 2.5V, 5 V.
c. Calculate the propagation time tPHL for this circuit.
3.5.4 Figure 3.55 presents a logic circuit with the following param-
eters: (W/L)n = 2, Kn = 50 μA/V2 , VTn = 1V, VDD = 5 V,
RD = 50 kΩ, C = 5 pF.
a. Calculate the minimal output voltage.
b. Calculate the propagation times tPHL and tPLH .
3.5.5 The parameters of the transistors Q1 and Q2 presented in
Fig. 3.56 are as follows: L1 = L2 = 10 μm, μn Cox = 20 μA/V2 ,
VT = 2 V.
Logic Families Based on the Unipolar Devices 151
154 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
Fig. 4.2. The general definition of the CMOS combinational logic circuit.
output line. A PDN comprises all elements of the circuit which are
between the output line and the ground. By this logic, each one of
the networks implements a suitable function: a PUN implements the
function F and a PDN implements the complementary function, F̄ .
In this construction, if all input variables (A, B, . . . C) are in the
high state or “1”, all the NMOS transistors which are in the pull-
down network will be in the conductive (triode) mode of operation
and all the PMOS transistors which are in the pull-up network will
be in the cutoff state. Thus, the output point, F , will be isolated
from the supply and connected with the ground. In other words,
the output function will be equal to zero. If all input variables (A,
B, . . . C) are in the low state or “0”, all the NMOS transistors will
be in the cutoff state and all the PMOS transistors will be in the
conductive (triode) mode of operation. Therefore, the output point,
F , will be connected with the supply and isolated from the ground.
So, the output function will be in the high state, “1”. Therefore, in
Analysis and Synthesis of Digital Logic Circuits 155
The main idea of the design of any logical circuits using CMOS
technology is to build a circuit with the symmetric transfer function
158 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
PDN and the PMOS transistors in the PUN. Let us assume that we
have two NMOS transistors connected in series as shown in Fig. 4.4.
In this case, the full resistance of the PDN will be as follows:
RP DN = RnA + RnB =
Kn w
L nA (VDD − VT )
+ . (4.5)
Kn w
L nB (VDD − VT )
And using Eq. (4.3), we obtain:
1 1
Kn w
L ne (VDD − VT ) Kn w
L nA (VDD − VT )
+ w (4.6)
Kn L nB
(VDD − VT )
where ( w L )ne is the ratio of the width and length for the equivalent
or basic NMOS transistor from the basic inverter corresponding with
our logic circuit. As the designations A and B for the transistors in
the PDN are casual, we can consider these transistors the same. So,
these designations, A and B, are indexes and we can write: i = A, B,
C, . . . All the transistors mentioned in Eq. (4.6) are built in the same
crystal/wafer; therefore, we may simplify this equation as follows:
1 1 1 1 1 2
= + = + = or wni = 2wne . (4.7)
wne wnA wnB wni wni wni
The physical meaning of this relation is very simple; we see that
two transistors connected in series have two times the width of one
equivalent transistor. This is due to the quantity of charged carriers
which should transfer through two transistors at the same time as in
the one equivalent transistor. If the number of transistors is three,
then the width of each transistor will be three times the width of
one transistor. Thus, Eq. (4.7) may be generalized as follows for N
transistors connected in series:
wni = N wne . (4.8)
Let us consider a parallel connection of the transistors in the PDN
as shown in Fig. 4.5. In this case, we must use the equation describing
160 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
If we assume that the transistors in the PDN are the same, this
equation may be simplified as follows:
1 1 1 1 1
1 wnA · wB wni · wni wni wne
= 1 1 = 1 1 = or wni = . (4.10)
wne wnA + wnB wni + wni
2 2
A generalization of the obtained equation for N transistors
connected in parallel can be done as follows:
wni = wne . (4.11)
The application of both Eqs. (4.8) and (4.11) enable us to
calculate the resistance of any circuit.
In the case of complex circuits, which include both types of
connections, connections in parallel and connections in series, we use
an additional principle that is named a “worst case” principle. Let
us consider the complex logic circuit from Fig. 4.6 once more:
In this circuit, the PDN consists of two branches. Each one
includes a different number of transistors. Here, the same state of
the circuit is possible under different combinations of input signals,
for example the state F = “1” can be reached if:
1. A = “1”
2. B = C = “1”
3. A = B = C = “1”
Evidently, the calculation of the transistor’s dimension may be
done only once for the circuit. Therefore, we must calculate each
branch of the circuit separately (cases 1 and 2). It is clear that the
time of operation in the third case will be lower than in case 1 or 2.
So, we calculate the dimensions of transistors QN B and QN C and
after that, the width of the transistor QN A .
Analysis and Synthesis of Digital Logic Circuits 161
Fig. 4.8. A complex CMOS circuit with signed ways to the current.
To calculate the area required for the circuit, we need values for
some initial conditions. These conditions are the length of the transis-
tors, L, the characteristic of its semiconductor properties presented
by the relation m n /m p , and the relation between the width and
length of the basic/equivalent NMOS transistor, (W/L)ne . Using the
initial conditions, we can calculate the area occupied by the circuit
presented in Fig. 4.8.
We can calculate the area occupied by the presented circuit by
calculating some of the values associated with the basic CMOS
inverter. It consists of two transistors as shown in Fig. 4.9:
The area of this inverter is the sum of the surfaces occupied by
the transistors.
SCM OSe = SP DN + SP U N = SN M OSe + SP M OSe. (4.12)
Therefore, the full area occupied by the basic CMOS inverter will
be as follows:
2 W 2 W μn
SCM OSe = L · +L ·
L ne L ne μp
W μn
= L2 · · 1+ . (4.15)
L ne μp
phase, the circuits connected with the systems take a suitable state,
“1” or “0”. A general view of a digital circuit built with dynamic
technology is presented in Fig. 4.10. As shown, this circuit consists of
a PDN system only connected with the supply and ground using two
specific transistors, Qp and Qe . These two transistors are triggered
by the timer’s signal φ and operate in antiphase. This signal divides
the circuit’s work-time into two non-equal parts: setup/precharge
(transistor Qp ) and evaluation (transistor Qe ).
Let us consider the work-cycle of the circuit. The PDN consists
of NMOS transistors which have several input variable signals:
A, B, C, . . . Also, the circuit comprises an additional input φ
which may be at a low or high level. In the case of φ = “0”, the
transistor Qp will be open/conducting and transistor Qe will be
closed. Thus, in the case φ = “0” the PDN will be disconnected
from the ground and the output contact Y of the circuit will be
connected with the supply through the transistor Qp . At this time,
the load circuit designated using a capacitor CL will be charged
up to the voltage VDD through the Qp transistor, Y = “1”.
The same operation is performed simultaneously in all circuits in
the dynamical system. This is the precharge or setup phase of
Analysis and Synthesis of Digital Logic Circuits 165
Each logic circuit is usually loaded with logic circuits from the same
family. Let us consider a serial connection of two of the simplest
dynamic circuits as shown in Fig. 4.12. Here one dynamic inverter
loads the second dynamic inverter. As both circuits are in the same
system, the timer signal f is the same for both inverters, i.e. both
circuits have the same setup phase and the same evaluation phase.
The following discourse is a detailed analysis of the system’s work:
are colored by red lines; transistors Qe are in the cutoff state; the
value of input variable A is irrelevant, Y1 = Y2 = 1.
2. f = 1 — evaluation phase of operation; transistors Qe are in the
triode state and conduct the discharge current; transistors Qp are
in the cutoff state. In this case, it is possible to have two different
behaviors depending on the value of the input variable A:
a. A = 0, transistor Q1 is in the cutoff state; Y1 = 1; transistor Q2
is in the conductive/triode state; the capacitor CL2 discharges
through two transistors Q2 and Qe2 ; Y2 ⇒ 0; the circuit works
properly, from the logic point of view.
b. A = 1, transistor Q1 is in the conductive state. Due to the
initial stage of Y1 = Y2 = 1, both capacitors CL1 and CL2 begin
discharging simultaneously (the discharge paths are marked by
blue lines). When the voltage Y1 falls lower than the threshold
voltage of the second inverter, the output voltage Y2 also will
take time to fall so low that it will be enough to bring the
following load from the logic state. Therefore, we obtain the
states consequence, indicated by green symbols, which presents
the contradiction.
To repair this situation, it will be enough to connect the static
CMOS inverter to the output contact of a logic circuit as shown in
Fig. 4.13.
The most convenient logic circuit design uses both the serial and
parallel combinations of switches. In this way, one can create various
logical functions as shown in Fig. 4.14. Here, the combinations
of switches realize such logical functions as logic multiplication
VY , which is an input voltage for the load circuit, may be less than
is necessary for the reliable closing of the loading circuit.
Figure 4.17 presents the case of the left flow of the current.
When the voltage at point A drops as shown in Fig. 4.17(a),
VA = 0, and a virtual capacitor is full (VY = VDD − VT ), a discharge
current of the capacitor CY begins flowing in the left side through the
transistor, as shown in Fig. 4.17(b), if the voltage on the gate is equal
to “1” (VC = VDD ). Figure 4.17(c) illustrates the voltage decreasing
process at point Y . Evidently, the processing time here will be equal
to tP HL and may be calculated using a suitable equation describing
the current flow through the pass transistor. In the case of the left
flow, the source and drain of the transistor change places. Therefore,
the voltage difference between the transistor’s body and the source
will be zero, a body effect is absent.
When the input voltage VA drops, the transistor immediately goes
into saturation mode and a current flowing through the transistor will
be as follows:
1 1
iD = Kn (VGS − VT )2 = Kn (VDD − VT )2 . (4.22)
2 2
Now, we obtain a complete discharge of the capacitor CY , and at
the end of the process, VY = 0.
Let us consider a series connection of two CMOS inverters through
the NMOS pass-transistor. Figure 4.18 represents such a connection.
We designate the output of the driving inverter Q1 -Q2 as A. A switch
S1 represents a logic variable B, which will be equal to “1” in the case
of a closed switch and “0” when a switch is open. In other words, the
172 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
F = Aφ + B φ̄. (4.23)
the lower transistors will transfer the input voltage from point B to
the output and the upper switch will be open. Using this principle
of operation, we can represent the required logic functions according
to Eq. (4.23).
Now, let us build the logic function AND in the form of Eq. (4.23)
using the rules of the Boolean algebra:
F = AB = AB + 0 · B̄. (4.24)
Figure 4.26 represents the electronic circuit implementing the
logic function AND. Figure 4.26(a) shows the principal electronic
circuit of this function and Fig. 4.26(b) presents a simplified function.
As shown here, only a change in the input parameters enables us to
implement the logic AND.
To prove that the built circuit really implements the required
function, Fig. 4.26(c) represents a truth table filled for this circuit.
As shown, the obtained circuit truly implements the function AND.
The logic and function OR may be realized in the same way:
F = A + B = A(B + B̄) + B = AB + A B̄ + B
= B(A + 1) + A B̄ = 1 · B + A B̄. (4.25)
Eq. (4.25) may be implemented in the same way as Eq. (4.24).
Figure 4.27 illustrates the electronic circuit on the base multiplexer
2:1 implementing the OR function.
As presented in Fig. 4.27, the logic function OR may be realized
in two ways: Fig. 4.27(b) presents the logic OR obtained using
the complementing through De Morgan’s theorem, Fig. 4.27(c)
Analysis and Synthesis of Digital Logic Circuits 179
represents the same function in a more logical and optimal way. Sure,
the second variation is better as it uses a minimum of various logic
elements. Figure 4.27(d) shows the electronic scheme implementing
this function. The behavior of this circuit is illustrated by the truth
table presented in Fig. 4.27(a).
Now, we have the two basic logic functions AND and OR realized
on the base of the PTL-CMOS and the function NOT implemented
by the elementary CMOS inverter. Using these functions and their
combinations, any complex logic function may be implemented. For
example, Figs. 4.28 and 4.29 present the multiplication and addition
of logical functions respectively. Evidently, increasing the number of
multiplied or added terms significantly influences the propagation
time for these circuits. Therefore, they can be efficient in functions
with a small number of variables.
Logical functions which are designed using the described technol-
ogy may use variables of both types: direct and complement. The
180 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
Fig. 4.36. The general logical scheme and functional table of the SR-latch.
Q1 = Q0 R̄ + S R̄. (4.26)
Analysis and Synthesis of Digital Logic Circuits 185
Fig. 4.38. A logic schemes of the latch with implementation using NOR and
NAND logic gates.
and discharging suitable capacitors, the latch circuit enters into the
stable state and remains in it until it receives the novel control
signals S and R. The novel control signals will change the state
of the latch. This circuit is good and behaves according to its
assignment. However, this circuit contains two deficiencies: the first
one is that there are eight transistors in the circuit, and the second
is that this circuit is asynchronous, it does not work according to the
The circuit presented in Fig. 4.41 represents a synchronous latch
or flip-flop triggered using a timer which generates control signals f .
This circuit represents an integration of two different technologies:
CMOS-latch technology and pass-transistor logic. Here, there are two
pairs of PTL-NMOS transistors: Q5 -Q6 and Q7 -Q8 . If the signal f
is zero, the circuit retains their state and all changes are forbidden
due to the cutoff state of both transistors Q6 and Q8 . If the signal
f is high, the transistors Q6 and Q8 will be in the triode state
that enables them to change the state of the circuit using external
signals S and R. This circuit does not consume power in the stable
Let us consider the work of the synchronous latch shown in
Fig. 4.41. Assume that the initial state of the circuit is Reset: Q = 0,
Q̄ = 1, VQ = 0, VQ̄ = VDD . Now, we want to set this circuit to the
188 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
Fig. 4.42. An S-R flip-flop based on the behavior of the two inverters.
Fig. 4.44. The rearranged Karnaugh map for the S-R flip-flop.
Let us consider Fig. 4.43 once more. To avoid the insertion of two
identical signals S = R = “1” in the circuit and to increase the
reliability of the circuit, we can connect the inputs through an
additional inverter as shown in Fig. 4.46.
Figure 4.46 represents a so-called D (data) flip-flop. This device
is intended for storing and transmitting information. Figure 4.46(a)
190 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
Fig. 4.49. The D flip-flop implementation. (a) The D flip-flop and (b) the
synchronized D flip-flop.
Fig. 4.50. The general logical scheme and functional table of the JK flip-flop.
Fig. 4.51. The truth table and the Karnaugh map for the JK flip-flop.
Fig. 4.58. The two-stage dynamical shift register based on CMOS technology.
circuits can be in two alternative states: high or low level (logic “1”
or logic “0”). A bistable circuit represents a family of circuits called
multivibrators. Multivibrators may be one of three types: bistable,
monostable, and astable.
When the switch is turned on in the state Vin = VDD , the first
NOR gate inverts the state and V1 will return abruptly to the low
state. This change looks like the δ-function. As the resistance of the
capacitor is inversely proportional to the frequency of the voltage
change, Rc = 1/ωC, in the case of the δ-function this resistance
tends to zero. Sometimes, it is said that the capacitor is transparent
to the high-frequency pulses. Thus, voltage V12 = V1 = 0 and
the second NOR circuit, which is connected as the NOT circuit,
also inverts. In this way, the output voltage will jump to the high
level, Vout = VDD = “1”. At the same time, the charging process
of the capacitor will begin through the following elements of the
circuit: Supply VDD −> R −> pointV 12 −> C −> pointV 1 = 0.
The charging process will go on till the voltage V12 is equal to the
threshold voltage of the second NOR gate (inverter): V12 = VIL . After
that, the second NOT will invert and we obtain Vout = 0. Therefore,
the output voltage will be high through the charging time from zero
up to T which relates with the voltage VIL . Figure 4.61 represents
the one-shot circuit implemented using CMOS technology. To better
understand this process, let us consider the behavior of the circuit
in this figure. We will provide an analysis of this circuit using the
timing diagram shown in Fig. 4.62.
200 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
Fig. 4.62. The timing diagram of the behavior of the monostable multivibrator.
V12 , is connected to the supply VDD through the resistor R. Thus, the
left side of the capacitor also should be connected to the supply. It
is only possible through two consequently connected transistors Q1
and Q 2 when they both are in the conductive state. So, the point V1
is connected to the supply. The high state of the point V12 causes the
inverter Q 5-Q 6 to be in the zero-state. Therefore, the output signal
V out is low and it keeps the transistor Q 2 in the open state and the
transistor Q 4 in the closed state.
At the time t = 0, the switch S connects the input voltage to
the supply: the high voltage opens the transistor Q 3 and closes
the transistor Q 1. The voltage V1 falls to almost zero and this
sharp drop passes through the capacitor as a high-frequency signal
(δ-function). Now, the voltage V12 is low and the inverter Q 5-Q 6
causes a high logic state at the output point. This state is not
stable. The capacitor begins to charge through the following electri-
cal path: Supply VDD −> R −> pointV 12 −> C −> pointV 1 =
transistor Q3 and transistor Q4 (in parallel) −> ground. Af-
ter the end of the input pulse t, the switch S returns to the initial
state and closes the transistor Q 3. The charging of the capacitor
continues through the transistor Q 4. Evidently, the input pulse
duration should be more than the inverting time of the inverter
Q 5-Q 6.
The charging current through a capacitor may be presented by
the following equation:
− τt
iC (t) = IC (0)e 1 . (4.30)
IC (0) = , τ1 = C(R + Ron ) and
R + Ron
Ron = (see Eq. (3.23)).
Kn (VDD − VT )
The voltage on the capacitor V12 may be calculated using the
V12 = VDD − iC (t) · R. (4.31)
This voltage increases to reach the threshold value for the inverter
Q 5-Q 6. After that, the inverter flips and the low voltage comes to
202 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
T = C(R + Ron )ln . (4.33)
VDD − Vth R + Ron
The threshold voltage in the inverter is the maximum input
voltage keeping the logic “1” in the output of the inverter, so
Vth = VIL . However, sometimes the threshold voltage in such circuits
is approximately equal to 0.5VDD . In this case, if the value Ron is low,
in other words, if Ron R, Eq. (4.33) will decrease to the reduced
T = CRln2 = 0.69CR. (4.34)
t VDD − t
ic = I0 e− τ = e τ and τ = C(R + Ron ). (4.36)
R + Ron
When the voltage VC reaches Vth , Eq. (4.35) transforms into the
VDD (R + Ron ) − C(R+R
VDD − Vth = e on ) (4.37)
R + Ron
that after rearrangement produces the following:
VDD − Vth
T = −C(R + Ron )ln . (4.38)
Evidently, in the case Vth = VDD /2 and Ron R, this equation
reduces to the form T = −CRln2 = 0.69 CR.
There are many different astable multivibrator circuits based on
the described system. For example, the circuit presented in Fig. 4.66
enables us to build a multivibrator with a controlled duty cycle.
Here, the duty cycle is defined by the relation between two resistors
R1 and R2 .
Fig. 4.66. The astable multivibrator with different charge and discharge paths.
206 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
4.5. Problems
Low Low
Low High
High Low
212 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
216 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
ferromagnetic ring may have two different values: +1 and −1. This
field continues to be retained in the ring even after the current
cutoff. Due to these properties, the magnetic memory is a non-volatile
To change the state of the memory element, we need to change
the direction of the current passing through the wire and the ring.
218 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
Fig. 5.5. The magnetic memory and the principle of information storage.
Fig. 5.7. A logic scheme of the memory element used in the RAM.
220 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
of the memory cell is a gate enabling two stable states. Here, the SR
flip-flop plays the role of a digital element storing the information
bit. Such a scheme may be easily used in building the memory net.
The logic circuit presented in Fig. 5.7 works as follows. Each signal
connected with the memory element may be in the two different logic
states “1” or “0”. So, two opposite actions, read and write cannot
occur simultaneously. We know that the flip-flop is a logic circuit
that is dependent on the time, therefore this element always stores
a suitable logic state, “1” or “0”. To read this information, we need
to take a Read/Write signal equal to “1”. This signal will enable
the information to move to the output and disable the charge of the
memory cell. If the cell is selected, the information goes to the output
node and will be read. A Read/Write signal equal to “0” disables our
ability to read the information stored in the cell. At the same time,
it enables “Set” in the flip-flop so that it is in the required state
for writing. Such a logic scheme may be easily embedded into the
memory net.
The first MOSFET transistors were patented in 1959 by D. Kahng
and M. Atalla from “Bell Labs”. This invention had ushered in a
novel era in electronics. The miniaturization of electronic devices
has become the main direction in the development of electronics.
Figure 5.8 represents two commercial integral circuits: the logic gate
created in 1960 and the microprocessor Intel 486 created in 1989. The
first scheme consists of four transistors and two resistors. The second
scheme consists of approximately 6 million transistors arranged on
a surface with an area less than 1 cm2 . This device consumes low
power, has small dimensions, and can produce approximately 40 · 106
instructions per second. The devices of the present day contain
hundreds of millions of transistors in the same area and work with a
frequency of several gigahertz.
Now, we begin to consider the memory organization based
on the semiconductor devices, specifically the NMOS and CMOS
technologies. Figure 5.9 illustrates various types of semiconductor
memory and the relation between the different types.
Semiconductor memory may be divided into three big groups,
each one of them used to solve different problems. The first group
Semiconductor Memory Architecture 221
Fig. 5.8. Two integral circuits produced with an interval of about 30 years
between them: the “Fairchild” logic gate consisting of four transistors and two
resistors and the Intel-486 microprocessor.
Fig. 5.11. 8-inch, 5 14 -inch, and 3 12 -inch floppy disks and the suitable drives.
One can see further development of the floppy disk systems in the
disk called “ZIP”. 100 MB of information may be stored on such a
system. Figure 5.12 shows the “ZIP” floppy disk and a suitable driver.
Unfortunately, these systems were short-lived. Approximately in
2007 they were increasingly being replaced by other forms of digital
storage. The compact disks were built and introduced into the
market due to their capacity of ∼650 MB. Figure 5.13 shows the
CD-ROM disk and a driver. The compact disk (CD) is a digital
optical disc data storage format released in 1982 and co-developed
by Philips and Sony. The format was originally developed to store
and play only sound recordings but was later adapted for the storage
of data (CD-ROM).
224 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
Fig. 5.12. 100 MB “ZIP” floppy disks and the suitable driver.
Fig. 5.17. Programming a NOR memory cell (setting it to logical 0), via hot-
electron injection and erasing a NOR memory cell (setting it to logical 1), via
quantum tunneling.
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.18. (a) The principal construction of a flash memory cell and (b) the
internal view of a typical USB flash drive.
choosing the row, the column will be chosen and information from
the cell will be transferred to the I/O terminal or written to the cell
from the I/O terminal. The sequence of all memory operations is
controlled using a timer and suitable control signals.
When a memory cell is chosen, all the memory cells that are in
the parallel memory nets will also be chosen and a full word will
be sent on the I/O terminal. The row decoder can address 2M rows
if M designates length of the code (in bits) in accordance with the
selected row. The column decoder addresses 2N columns. Therefore,
the presented memory net can address 2M+N memory words. Thus,
a memory net with M = N = 10 consists of 106 memory cells.
Let us consider the SRAM memory cell in more detail. Figure 5.20
presents an SRAM memory cell. This memory cell represents a
230 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
simplified S-R flip-flop mentioned above (see Fig. 4.42). Now the
input S and R electrodes are connected with suitable bit-lines: B
and B̄. Also, instead of the timer signal ∅, the word line related to
some row’s number W is applied to control the pass transistors Q 5
and Q 6. In other words, two CMOS inverters are connected in series
to the ring so that they form a latch. The inputs of these inverters
are connected with the bit lines through the pass-transistors Q 5 and
Q 6. The input capacity of the inverter Q1 − Q2 is presented by the
virtual capacitor CQ . The input capacity of the inverter Q3 − Q4
is presented by the virtual capacitor CQ̄ . Also, the bit-lines have
suitable virtual capacities as these lines are not connected with the
supply or ground. The information bit which should be stored in
this memory cell represents a charge presented in the capacitor CQ .
It may be equal to VDD for the logic “1” or zero for the logic “0”.
All operations involving memory in digital systems such as
computers occur periodically according to suitable control signals.
Before the operations of writing or reading from the memory cell
occur, the capacitors of bit-lines should be charged up to the voltage
VDD /2. This operation (precharging) is performed using a specific
electrical circuit (equalizator) which simultaneously charges all bit-
lines in the memory net for the defined voltage. The equalizator
principal electric scheme is shown in Fig. 5.21. This circuit consists
of three NMOS pass-transistors connected with the supply, which
Semiconductor Memory Architecture 231
begins to go to the low state such that the transistor Q1 will open
a little bit and the transistor Q2 will close by the same value. This
change will act on the inverter Q3 − Q4 such that transistor Q3 will
close a little bit and the transistor Q4 will open by the same value. In
this way, using the described positive feedback, the inverter Q1 − Q2
will reach the logic “0” state and the inverter Q3 − Q4 will reach the
logic “1”. This whole process occurs very quickly and the bit-lines
Semiconductor Memory Architecture 233
coming into the memory net. Figure 5.25 represents a timing diagram
of the voltage measured on the bit-line B.
The system works as follows:
1. The equalizator circuit charges the bit-lines up to the precharge
voltage VDD /2 after the short control signal φp = 1.
2. The precharge signal is switched to zero. The row decoder chooses
a suitable W = 1 and the reading process begins.
3. The sense amplifier is turned on with the control signal φs = 1
and simultaneously connects the bit-lines to the input/output
terminal. In this order, the required information is read and
refreshed in the memory cell.
The writing process occurs according to the same timing diagram.
However now the information comes from the input/output terminal
to the chosen bit-lines and charges the suitable memory cell according
to the chosen word-line through the chosen bit-line.
All processes in the memory cells take time. Let us analyze the
time required for reading the information from the memory cell.
Figure 5.26 illustrates our analysis.
Assume that this memory cell has the following data: μn Cox =
50 μA/V2 , μp Cox = 20 μA/V2 , VDD = 5 V, VTN0 = −VTP0 = 1V,
Semiconductor Memory Architecture 235
Fig. 5.26. The currents flowing through the memory cell while reading.
2Φf = 0.6 V, γ = 0.5 V0.5 , W 4 10
L n = 2 , L P T L,n = 2 , L p = 2 ,
CB = 1pF. Also assume for simplicity that this memory cell stores
logic “1” or VQ = VDD and both bit-lines are charged up to VDD . Let
us now calculate the time required to reach 0.2 V between bit-lines.
In our calculation, it needs to be taken into account that the source
and body of the transistor Q5 are not connected and the voltage
between source and body exists. This voltage acts on the threshold
voltage of Q5 as follows:
VT = VT 0 + γ( 2∅f + Vsb − 2∅f ). (5.1)
Where γ = 2qN A εs
Cox is a parameter of the fabrication process (see
Eqs. (4.20) and (4.21)). According to our assumptions, after choosing
the word-line W = “1”, the right part of the circuit does not conduct
a current such as VQ = VB = VDD . At the same time, the bit-line B̄
begins to charge the virtual capacitor CQ̄ through the two transistors
Q5 and Q1 and a current i5 flows in the right direction. The NMOS
pass-transistor Q5 with gate and drain connected to VDD will be in
the saturation mode and the transistor Q1 with a small difference
between its source and drain voltages will be in the triode mode of
operation. Evidently, the current i1 flowing through the transistor
236 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
Q1 is equal to the i5
W 1 2
i1 = (μn Cox ) (VDD − VT N 0 )VQ̄ − VQ̄
L n 2
1 W
= (μn Cox ) (VDD − VQ̄ − VT )2 = i5 . (5.2)
2 L P T L,n
This equation contains two variables: VQ̄ and VT such as the
source of Q5 is separated from ground in the considered state. We
can solve this equation using the iteration method. To do this, let us
assume that VT = 1 V in the first approximation. The substitution
of this value into Eq. (5.2) in number form gives:
−6 4 1 2 1 10
50 · 10 · (5 − 1)VQ̄ − VQ̄ = · 50 · 10−6 · (5 − VQ̄ − 1).
2 2 2 2
The solution of this equation gives us the value VQ̄ = 1.86 V.
Now, we will use this value in Eq. (5.1) which results in the second
approximation VT = 1.4 V. The substitution of this value into
Eq. (5.2) will give VQ̄ = 1.6 V. The third iteration does not provide
an additional refinement in our case, therefore we can substitute
the obtained values into Eq. (5.2) and calculate the current flowing
through transistor Q5 . It equals to i5 ≈ 0.5 mA and this current is
constant as it flows through the transistor in the saturation mode.
The time required to decrease the voltage of the bit-line VB̄ from
VDD such that the ΔV = 0.2 V is:
CB̄ · ΔV 1 · 10−12 · 0.2
Δt = = = 0.4 ns. (5.4)
i5 0.5 · 10−3
However, in this case, there are several differences due to the one
bit-line organization. Let us consider the reading process. The first
control signal, φp = 1, charges the bit-line up to a voltage equal
to VDD /2. When the control signal for row selection will be chose
the W = 1, the circuit shown in Fig. 5.28(a) will be converted as
shown in Fig. 5.28(b). Now, the reading process begins. During this
process, a common charge will be obtained in two capacitors, CM
and CB , connected in parallel. If we assume that the voltage VM is
stored in the capacitor CM representing the memory cell, according
to the charge storage law, the reading process may be written as
CM VM + CB = (CB + CM ) + ΔV . (5.5)
2 2
From this equation we obtain
ΔV = VM − and such as CB CM ,
CB + CM 2
ΔV = VM − . (5.6)
CB 2
We have two possibilities for the voltage VM : (1) VM = “1” = VDD −
VT N and (2) VM = “0” = 0. These possibilities relate with logical
“1” and “0” stored in the memory cell. Therefore, according to the
content of the memory cell, Eq. (5.6) will transform as follows:
1. VM = “1” = VDD − VT N : ΔV1 = − VT N . (5.7)
CB 2
2. VM = “0” = 0 : ΔV0 = − · . (5.8)
CB 2
240 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
W0 = A0 · A1 · A2 = A0 + A1 + A2 .
W1 = A0 · A1 · A2 = A0 + A1 + A2 .
W0 = A0 · A1 · A2 = A0 + A1 + A2 .
Fig. 5.31. The sequence of NOR circuits arranged together and playing the role
of the NOR decoder.
through the precharge time, all the rows are charged up to VDD .
When the control signal changes the state on φp = “1”, the evaluation
time, only one row, according to the suitable code, will store the logic
state “1” and all other rows will be discharged. Thus, according to
the inserted code, the row will be chosen.
Semiconductor Memory Architecture 243
The main column decoder used is also based on the NOR decoder
scheme. However, this NOR decoder is integrated in one module
with the pas-transistor multiplexer so that it can be applied to
columns. The principal electric circuit of a column decoder, con-
sisting of a NOR decoder and a pas-transistor, is presented in
Fig. 5.32.
As can be seen from Fig. 5.32, the column decoder integrates
two technologies in the same device: a NOR decoder and a PTL
multiplexer. Each chosen row on the output of the ROW decoder
promotes a high voltage (logic “1”) on a suitable gate of the PTL
transistor, getting on the required column and connecting it with the
input/output terminal. In this way, a code on the input of the ROW
decoder defines the suitable column chosen.
Another type of column decoder is presented in Fig. 5.33. This
circuit is called the three-decoder. In this circuit, a code for the
required column is inserted into a tree built from 2:1 multiplexers.
By this method, we can decrease the number of used transistors,
however, in this scheme, the signal propagation time increases
Fig. 5.33. The principal electric circuit of a column decoder of the three-type.
5.6. Problems
250 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
2.8.3 According to the definition (see Eq. (2.4)) and using the
Shockley model, we can calculate the diffusion capacity under the
external direct voltage of 0.6 V:
dQ d (iD t) dI s e Vt − 1
τ Is VVa
CD = = =τ = e t.
dVa dVa dVa Vt
Dn = μn Vt = 400 · 0.026 = 10.4 .
V ·s
√ √
The diffusion length (see Eq. (2.3)) Ln = Dn τn = 10.4 · 0.1 =
1.02 cm.
Is = 1.6 · 10−19 10−6 2.25 · 1020 = 4.9 · 10−19 A.
1.02 · 1015
τ Is VVa 0.1 · 4.9 · 10−19 0.6
CD = e t = e 0.026 ≈ 20 nF.
Vt 0.026
2.8.4 The presented digital circuit can be in two different states,
Vout = “0” and Vout = “1”.
Solutions 251
If the input voltage Vin = “0”, the transistor is in the cutoff state,
the currents in both circuits are zero and the dissipated power is zero
(P0 = 0). If the input voltage is “1”, the transistor is in the saturation
state and we have currents in the base circuit and in the collector
circuit. The dissipated power will be the sum of the power dissipated
in both resistors, Rb and Rc. 5
Therefore, P1 = Vcc VRccb + VRccc = 5 10000 5
+ 1000 = 27.5 mW .
Average power: Pav = 0.5(0 + 27.5) = 13.75 mW.
2.8.5 We will calculate the required parameters according to
Eqs. (2.5) and (2.6) and the charge conservation law for semicon-
ductors (n2i = NA ND ) at room temperature.
a. According to the data presented in the exercise,
nnE = NDE = 5 · 1017 cm−3 , pnE = n2i /nnE = 2.25 · 1020 /5 · 1017 =
4.5 · 103 cm−3 ;
ppB = 1016 cm−3 , npB = n2i /ppB = 2.25 · 1020 /1016 = 2.25 ·
104 cm−3 ;
nnC = 1015 cm−3 , pnC = n2i /nnC = 2.25 · 1020 /1015 = 2.25 ·
105 cm−3 .
b. Built-in potential:
ND NA 5 · 1017 1016
VBE = Vt ln = 0.026ln = 0.8 V
n2i 2.25 · 1020
ND NA 1015 1016
VBC = Vt ln = 0.026ln = 0.64 V.
n2i 2.25 · 1020
Depletion zones of the base-emitter junction without any external
2ε0 εr VBE NA
xB0 =
qND (NA + ND )
2 · 8.85 · 10−14 11.7 · 0.8 · 5 · 1017
= 16 = 320 nm.
1.6 · 10−19 · 10 (5 · 1017 + 1016 )
252 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
2ε0 εr VBE ND
xE0 =
qNA (NA + ND )
2 · 8.85 · 10−14 11.7 · 0.8 · 5 · 1016
= 17 = 14 nm.
1.6 · 10−19 5 · 10 (5 · 1017 + 1016 )
Depletion zones of the base-collector junction without any external
2ε0 εr VBE NA
xB0 =
qND (NA + ND )
2 · 8.85 · 10−14 11.7 · 0.64 · 1016
= 15 = 127 nm.
1.6 · 10−19 · 10 (5 · 1017 + 1016 )
2ε0 εr VBE ND
xC0 =
qNA (NA + ND )
2 · 8.85 · 10−14 11.7 · 0.64 · 1015
= 16 = 13 nm.
1.6 · 10−19 · 10 (5 · 1017 + 1016 )
c. The following Fig. 6.1 represents the exercise’s data:
2.8.6 The right and simple way to identify the type of logic gate is
to build the truth table (see Table 6.2).
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0
N A B C D Vo
1 0 0 0 0 1
2 0 0 0 1 1
3 0 0 1 0 1
4 0 0 1 1 0
5 0 1 0 0 1
6 0 1 0 1 1
7 0 1 1 0 1
8 0 1 1 1 0
9 1 0 0 0 1
10 1 0 0 1 1
11 1 0 1 0 1
12 1 0 1 1 0
13 1 1 0 0 0
14 1 1 0 1 0
15 1 1 1 0 0
16 1 1 1 1 0
a. To find the logic function we build the Karnaugh map (Table 6.4):
AB\CD 00 01 11 10
00 1 1 0 1
01 1 1 0 1
11 0 0 0 0
10 1 1 0 1
VBE2,on 0.7
iR5 = = = 0.7 mA
R5 1
Vcc − VBEA,on − VBE1,on − VBE2,on
iBA = iBC =
5 − 2.1
= = 0.725 mA
Vcc − VCE1,sat − VBE2,on 5 − 0.2 − 0.7
iR2 = = = 2.56 mA.
R2 1.6
256 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
βF ib2
βF iB2 = iC2 = iL = N iin , therefore Nmax = Int
iB2 = iR2 + iB1 + iB4 − iR5
iB1 = iB4 = iBA + iA + iB = iBA (1 + 2βR )
= 0.725 · (1 + 0.2) = 0.87 mA
iB2 = 2.56 + 2 · 0.87 − 0.7 = 3.6 mA
βF ib2 50 · 3.6
Nmax = Int = Int = Int {352.94} = 352.
iin 0.51
2.8.9 To identify the logic function, we build the truth table shown
in Fig. 6.3.
Fig. 6.3. The behavior of the logic circuit and the truth table of the implemented
5 − 2.1
iC1 = 1.01(1 + 0.2) = 1.24 mA, iB6 = = 2.1 mA
iC6 = 2.1 · 1.1 = 2.28 mA, iB2 = 1.24 + 2.28 = 3.52 mA,
iE2 = 2.93 + 3.52 = 6.45 mA, iB4 = 6.45 − 0.7 = 5.75 mA
βF iB4 = iC4 = iL = N iin ,
βF ib4 50 · 5.75
Nmax = Int = Int = Int{196.91} = 196.
iin 1.46
Vx Vy V1 V2
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
1 1 0 1
A B Vout
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
a. Drain and gate of the transistor Q2 are shortly connected
therefore it is in the saturation mode, so, VinB = VoutB + VT 1 .
As the currents through the transistors are equal,
iD1 = Kn (VG1B − VT 1 )
L 1
= Kn (Vdd − VoutB − VT 2 ) = iD2
L 2
Kn (VinB − 1) = Kn (10 − (VinB − 1) − 1)
L 1 L 2
(VinB − 1) = (10 − VinB );
L 1 L 2
VinB = 1.9 V, VoutB = 0.9 V.
50 · 10−6 10
= (5 − 2.5 − 0.8)2 = 0.24 mA.
3 2
c. The propagation delay tP HL is the time it takes to transit from
the high state to the low state tP HL = CΔV iav , here iav is the
average current through the transistor QD in two different modes:
triode and saturation. In other words, this current is the discharge
current of the capacitor C.
iN 0 + iN 1 VDD
iav = , ΔV =
2 2
1 W
iN 0 = Kn (VDD − VT N )2
2 L n
= 0.5 · 50 · 10−6 · 2 · (5 − 0.8)2 = 0.88 mA
iN 1 = Kn (VDD − VT N ) + = 1.36 mA
L n 2 2 2
iav = 0.5(0.88 + 1.36) = 1.12 mA,
0.1 · 10−12 2.5
tP HL = = 0.22 s.
1.12 · 10−3
3.5.5 Here both transistors are in the saturation state due to their
diode-type connection. Therefore, the current through the circuit is
equal to:
1 W
i = (μn Cox ) (VGS − VT )2
2 L n
Q1 : 200 = 0.5 · 20 · 0.1 · W1 · (3 − 2) => W1 = 200 μm
Q2 : 200 = 0.5 · 20 · 0.1 · W2 · (4 − 2) => W2 = 50 μm
R = (10 − 7)/0.2 · 10−3 = 15 kΩ.
3.5.6 This circuit represents the SR latch. Assume that the initial
state of the latch is:
Q = “1” and Q̄ = “0”.
To transit the circuit into the complement state, we need to apply
the following signals to the inputs: S = “0” and R = “1”. In this case,
the transistor T5 will be open and the current through transistors
T3-T5 begins to flow. In the initial stage T5 will be in the saturation
mode and T3 will be in the triode mode.
2 1 2
K5 (VR − VT ) = K3 2(VQ̄ − VT )VQ − VQ̄
VR = VQ = ; K5 (2.5 − 1)2 = K3 [2(5 − 1)2.5 − 2.52 ]
2.4 · 2.5 − 2.52
K5 = K6 = K = 6.11K.
264 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
A truth table (Table 6.7) built for the circuit will help us to find
out what the input’s states for minimum Vout are.
b. For calculation according to Fig. 6.4, we can choose the state
when only transistor Q3 will be conductive. In this case, both the
inputs A and B should be in the low state.
A B C Vout
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0
3.5.8 Figure 6.5 represents the studied inverter, its V-A characteris-
tic and the transfer function diagram.
Fig. 6.5. The CMOS inverter with connected input and output and its
266 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
a. Y = (A + B) + (A + B) = (AB) + AB = (A + B)(A + B) =
AB + AB = A ⊕ B.
b. Figure 6.7 represents the CMOS circuit implementing the function
defined in the previous part a.
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1
268 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
(a) (b)
Fig. 6.9. CMOS implementation (a) and PTL-CMOS implementation (b) of the
defined logic function.
2 W
b. SCM OSe = SN e + SP e ; SN e = LWN = L
2 2
= 2 · 1.5 = 6 μm
μN 2 W μN
S P e = L · WP = L · WN =L
μP L N μP
2 2
= 2 · 1.5 · 2.5 = 15 μm
SCM OSe = 21 μm2
SP T L−CM OS = 6 · SCM OSe = 6 · 21 = 126 μm2
SCM OS = 2 · SCM OSe + 3 · SP e + 3 · 3 · SN e = 141 μm2 .
c. The circuit designed in part b is the CMOS circuit, therefore the
propagation delay is:
1.6C 1.6 · 10 · 10−12
tP HL = tP LH = W = = 0.43 μs.
Kn L n VDD 5 · 10−6 1.5 · 5
Solutions 269
F(t) A C F(t+1)
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1
00 01 11 10
0 0 0 1 0
The Karnaugh map helps us to define
1 1 0 1 1 the required function.
Fig. 6.10. The PTL-CMOS and CMOS implementations of the logic function.
270 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
4.5.4 To identify the logic function, we use the truth table method.
D Y(t + 1)
a. D = (A + B)⊗Y’(t) ; Y(t+1) = D · Clk 0 0
1 1
1 1
T = 2ntP HL , ts P HL = = = 10−7 s.
2nf 2 · 5 · 108
t VDD − VD,on − T 1
ic = I0 e− τ = e R1C
VT h = = VDD − VD,on − ic R1
(VDD − VD,on )e− R1C = − VD,on
0.5VDD − VD,on
T 1 = −R1Cln
VDD − VD,on
= −R1 · 10−6 ln = 10 · 10−6 , R1 = 11.5 Ω
T 2 = 40 · 10−6 = −R2 · 10−6 ln , R2 = 46 Ω.
Solutions 273
a. Figure 6.14 implements the shift register function.
T1 = , T 2 = W ,
2iDp Kn L n VDD
1 μA
iDp = Kp (VDD − |VT |)2 , Kn = Kp = 30 2
2 V
274 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
μn μn W
Wp = Wn = L = 3 · 2 · 2 = 12 μm
μp μp L n
CVDD 10 · 10−15 5
T1 = 2 = = 0.02 ns
2 12 Kp W (VDD − |VT |) 30 · 10−6 · 6 · 42
L p
1.6 · 10 · 10−15
T2 = = 0.05 ns,
30 · 2 · 5 · 10−6
T = 0.02 + 0.05 = 0.07 ns, T 3 = T · 3 = 0.21 ns.
Low Low Off
Low High On
High Low Off
b. The width of the input pulse should be more than the transition
time of the inverter Q3 − Q4. As these transistors are complemen-
tary, one can use the propagation time equation for CMOS:
1.6C 1.6 · 10 · 10−12
Tin,min ≥ tP HL = W = = 36 ns.
kn L n Vdd
100 · 10−6 · 1.5 · 3
276 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
0 0 A
0 1 B
1 0 C
1 1 D
F = X̄ Ȳ A + X̄Y B + X Ȳ C + XY D
F̄ = X + Y + Ā X + Ȳ + B̄ X̄ + Y + C̄ X̄ + Ȳ + D̄ .
A 8 0 2 B F 4 5
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 X0
1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 X1
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 X2
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 X3
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
5.6.3 In this circuit, Fig. 6.21, the bit-lines are precharged up to high
voltage, the cell contains low voltage and the complementary contact
Q̄ = 1 = VDD . Therefore, after applying the voltage to the word-line
that is the voltage on the gates of transistors Q 5 and Q 6, the current
will flow only in the circuit shown by the red color (VB→ Q6 → Q3
→ ⊥) as presented in the following picture. Here, transistor Q5 is
in the saturation state and transistor Q3 is in the triode state and
they have a common current i6 = i3 .
W 1
i3 = (μn Cox ) (VDD − VT N 0 ) VQ − VQ2
L n 2
1 W
= (μn Cox ) (VDD − VQ − VT )2 = i6
2 L P T L,n
1 2 1
40 · 10 · 2 (5 − 1) VQ − VQ = 40 · 10−6 (5 − VQ − 1)2
2 2
3VQ2 − 24VQ + 16 = 0, VQ = 0.73 V.
Evidently, only one of the two solutions is right, as the second is more
than VDD .
280 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
When the row is selected, currents begin to flow in both parts of this
symmetrical circuit.
I3 = 0.5k n (Vdd − VT N )2
L n
= 0.5 · 40 · 10−6 · 2 · (4 − 0.8)2 = 0.41 mA.
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Mano, M.M., Computer System Architecture, Prentice Hall, New Jersey,
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Shiva, Sajjan G., Computer Organization, Design, and Architecture, CRC-
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284 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View
286 Digital Electronic Circuits: The Comprehensive View