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Increasing Amplifier Relay Speed: Bob Wolbert, K6XX

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Increasing Amplifier Relay Speed

Bob Wolbert, K6XX

The first element of all of my transmissions T/R Out

was shortened when running the amplifier. Worse,
the transmitter ALC swung high, which automati- NPN
cally reduced transmitter power for several sec- 1N4001 (Voltage and
current rating
onds. Both problems were traced to a slow acting 1k suitable for
relay used)

T/R relay in the amplifier.

The circuit (Figure 1) speeds the relay by T/R In
blasting it with twice the normal coil voltage when
47 F
first activated. The coil voltage decays to normal 1N4001
within a few milliseconds (decay time is propor-
tional to the capacitor size; 47µF is a good start-
ing point). This circuit was designed by Tony,
K1KP. Figure 1. Relay Accelerator Speeds Your Amplifier
This circuit only does its magic with ampli-
fiers that switch a relay coil to transmit. Also, the
relay must use a DC coil. Suitable amplifiers in- Circuit Operation
clude the Drake L4B and L7, Ameritron amps, When the amplifier is initially powered up,
and the TL-922. the T/R Out voltage rises, charging the capaci-
Does this harm the relay? I don’t think so. tor through both diodes. When T/R In is pulled
For example, W6CYX has modified the relay sup- low (to about zero volts), the emitter of the NPN
ply voltage in his TL-922 (which has an excep- transistor suddenly falls to a negative voltage—
tionally sluggish relay) so that it is double its de- nearly equal in magnitude to the open key volt-
sign voltage full time. He has run it every day for age (VOPEN) on T/R Out. The transistor turns
several years without problems. ON and the instantaneous voltage on T/R Out
After adding these parts to the T/R cable from is –VOPEN. The relay coil sees twice VOPEN across
the rig to the amplifier, my AL-1200 no longer it and closes faster than normal. As soon as the
truncates leading dots, even at high speed. If your capacitor discharges, the relay coil only sees
amplifier has slow T/R switching, try installing VOPEN, so coil power dissipation remains nor-
this simple circuit in the T/R line! mal.
When T/R In goes high, T/R Out stays low
only until the capacitor charges up again—a
very short while. The 1kΩ base resistor is
needed to prevent the transistor from clamping
the negative spike to only –0.7V (and also
avoids destructively high base currents).
Before you select a transistor, measure
VOPEN and the short-circuit (key down) current
through T/R Out. The Ameritron relays gener-
ally run 12V at about 100mA. The L4B switches
50V at 50mA. Make sure your transistor can
handle both the open circuit voltage and the
short circuit current. The capacitor must have a
voltage rating above VOPEN.

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