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Ullman Sails Racing Guide

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Source: https://doksi.



Crew: 1 man crew. For racing, ideal weight of sailor in their proper storage bag when not in use and
should be between 40 and 45kgs. never leave them in the sun. The heat could warp
Dimensions: 2.3 meters in length, 1.13 meters in and blister your foils.
width and ±35kg.
Sail Area: 3.5 square meters.
Class: Restricted (hull shape remains the same from Sail Maintenance & Care
year to year)
Characteristics: Perfect for young teams between the Sail care is also important to your Optimist
ages of 8 and 15 years old who enjoy racing. Dinghy performance. We recommend that you
wash your sail and spars with fresh water after
Difficulty Level: Beginner
sailing. Always allow your sail to dry before the
sail is rolled and stored in its bag. Sailcloth will
Optimist Racing Guide
mildew if it is stored wet. The proper way to roll
your sail is to start at the top and roll to the
In order to ensure you rig your Optimist following bottom parallel to the battens. When you are on
the proper rules, we recommend printing out the the water and not sailing, do not let your sail luff
current year’s regulations from the International for too long. The flapping wears down your sail.
Optimist Dinghy Association’s (IODA) website Your Ullman Sails Optimist
sail is built to the purchase year’s regulations.

Hull & Foil Maintenance

An important step in any boat setup is keeping

your boat clean. It’s a good idea to get into the
routine of washing your boat before and after
sailing. To increase the performance of your
Optimist Dinghy you should keep your hull free of
any dirt or road grime that has gotten on your
boat while traveling or while your boat was
stored. Be sure to wash your foils and store them


Boat Setup • Be sure to read through the

IODA rules about attachments to

OPTIMIST • Before launching your Optimist the centerboard. We recommend

Dinghy check your airbags. This a rope that is just long enough to
pull the entire centerboard out of
is very important for your safety.
Plus, if you are unfortunate and the water, but so the centerboard
capsize, a full airbag will let less is still in the case. This will allow
water into your boat and less you to check the centerboard
water to bail out. Also make sure quickly while sailing and then put
that you have your required bailer it right back without causing too
and having a second bailer is not much disruption.
a bad idea.

• Adjust your hiking straps so

• Make sure your mainsheet and they are not too tight and not too
adjustment ropes are a good loose. A good position is when
length. Excess lines in the boat the ‘bank’ (boat edge) is around
can cause problems when you’re 5cm behind your knees when you
sailing. It is an IODA class rule are fully hiking.
that the boom bridle never
exceeds more than 10 cm from
the boom. This rule was created • Be sure to check that the mast
to greatly reduce the risk of a port, centerboard and rudder are
sailor’s head from being caught in lined up in a straight line.
the bridle during tacks or gybes.


Mast Rake Mast rake is the fore or aft angle of the mast, and affects power and pointing. As
a general rule, your Mast Rake should be adjusted so that the boom is parallel with the water when
you are trimmed in for optimum upwind sailing. To measure your Mast Rake, use a tape measure to
measure from the top of your mast to the rear deck bottom lip. For your Ullman Sails Optimist sail,
we recommend using a Mast Rake between 275cm and 285cm. Generally a heavy sailor will need
more Rake (close to 284cm) and a lighter sailor will need less Rake (close to 278cm). 282cm is a
good average for most sailors. Start with 282cm and adjust it as you see fit.

Sail Ties Sprit

The Sail Ties along the mast allow you to adjust The Sprit is the sail control that is adjusted the
the luff curve of the sail. The IODA rules allow most during racing. As a general rule, try to
you to rig your sail a maximum of 1 cm from the adjust
j the Sprit so there are no creases in the
mast. If you tie all of your Sail Ties the same sail. If you have too much tension on the
length between the mast and the sail, you ou Sp there will be creases from the peak
will keep the sail shape designed by y o the sail to the bottom of the mast. If
Ullman Sails. (The shape won’t change e y do not have enough tension, there
whether you have 1 mm or 7 mm m w be creases from the top of the mast
between the sail and the mast – as long g to the end of the boom. It is important to
as each sail tie is the same). We W rem
remember that in some cases, it can be
recommend setting your Sail Ties at 3 mm in faster tto sail with creases in the sail. Why?
order to allow the sail to move freely. Because the Sprit has a major affect on leech
TIP: A trick to make sure each Sail Tie is an closure. In windy conditions, you can have
equal distance from the boom is to place a creases from the clew to the top of the mast to
pencil under the knot as you tie and then pull open the leech and help depower the sail. If you
the pencil out after tying the Sail Tie where are having trouble keeping the boat flat while
hiking in wavy conditions, adjust the Sprit so
you want it.
there Ullman Sails Optimist Racing Guide – V7 3
The Sail Ties at either end of the boom are the
of 5 are creases in the middle of the sail. This will
most important. We recommend securing these
help depower the sails through the waves by
two Sail Ties at a maximum of 8-9 mm. The
other Sail Ties should all be an equal distance keeping the top of the leech open. Plus, it will
keep the boat flatter so you don’t have to adjust
from the boom. This distance allows the sail to
move easily from side to side. the rudder as much. RULE OF THUMB: More
Sprit for power/Less Sprit to depower.


Boom Preventer

The Boom Preventer controls the 2) Before you raise the sprit, BOOM VANG
height of the boom and is used tighten the boom vang just enough
with the boom vang and sprit to to get rid of any slack. T h e B o o m Va n g
tighten or loosen the luff of the sail. controls the luff tension
To adjust the Boom Preventer, you 3) Rig and tighten the sprit so that upwind and the leech
can tighten the line by twisting it in the red band on the sail is between of the sail when sailing
front of the mast. This will keep the the two bands on the mast. downwind and
boom from dropping down when Remember there are still no wraps reaching. Boom vang
you tension your mainsheet and on the preventer! should be just tight
vang. enough to make the
4) Now you may tension the Boom
top batten parallel to
Your Boom Preventer will not work Preventer by twisting the line to
the boom upwind and
properly if you tension it before match your sailing conditions.
downwind. More
your sail and sprit are hoisted.
See the Ullman Sails Optimist tension will stabilize the
Always follow these steps before
tightening the Boom Preventer: Tu n i n g G u i d e b e l o w f o r sail while releasing it
recommended Boom Preventer will destabilize. Always
1) Rig your sail and hook the Boom settings in different sailing remember never to let it
Preventer with no wraps on the conditions. off completely!
nub on the front of your mast.


Mainsheet ech
trimmed in enough. If the Leech
Telltales are stalled to leeward
The Mainsheet not only controls the you are over trimmed or your ur
position of the boom, but also the vang is too tight. Outhaul
leech of the sail upwind. It is
important to remember that as you Outhaul
adjust the Mainsheet while you’re
sailing upwind, you are controlling The Outhaul controls the foot of
the position of the sail AND the the sail and the bottom of the
shape of the leech. For example, 1 leech. It is easy to adjust the
cm of mainsheet trim is more than a Outhaul on the water and you
5 cm adjustment to the leech! When will want to use the Outhaul to
you start sailing, try trimming the control the shape of your sail as
Mainsheet in tight in heavy air and the conditions change.
easing it out for lighter air. TIP: Less foot tension is
When your sail starts to develop usually only fast downwind!
Leech Telltales creases from the mast to the end of
the boom, it means that you need a Luff Telltales
The Leech Telltales tell you about flatter sail. Tension the Outhaul to
your mainsheet trim. The Leech open the bottom of the leech. When An easy way to remember how to
Telltales should be flying straight the sail looks like it has big waves trim your sail so your Luff Telltales
back. If the Leech Telltales are between each eyelet on the foot, are flying properly is: “Up and out,
stalled to windward, you are not release foot tension to make your let it out. Up and in, pull it in.”
sail deeper and powered up.

Optimist Tuning Guide Below are some general numbers for your rig tune and sail trim.
Remember these numbers are just a guide for you to use as a starting point. Also keep in mind that wave
conditions will make a difference. As you become more familiar with your Ullman Sails Optimist sail, spend
some time testing different settings to figure out what works best for you.

Light wind Medium Wind Heavy Wind Extreme Wind

0-6 kts 7-13 kts 14-20 kts 21+ kts

Mast Rake 284 cm 282 cm 280 cm Under 279 cm

Sprit Tension (crease No crease or just a few No crease or just on top Few creases appear One permanent crease
from mast head to clew) of waves

Sail Ties Release on top and Same space between Close to the mast Release top and bottom
next to boom sail and mast

Boom Vang No Few Full Full

Boom Preventer * 3-4 wraps 1-2 wraps 0-1 wraps 0-1 wraps

Outhaul Few creases across More creases across No creases across the Tight
the boom the bottom boom

* Example of Boom Preventer Wraps:

Boom Preventer No Wraps 2 Wraps


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