Finance Management System
Finance Management System
Finance Management System
1. Introduction
This project with title “Haramaya University Finance Management System (HUFMS)” is
developed with the aim of improving the quality of finance with regard to time efficiency,
resource minimization, and also decreasing man power. The project we develop can completely
and effectively replace the present system of the finance management system.
It is obvious that, every computerized system should have a clearly described requirements
specification in order to communicate with the user effectively and efficiently. The Document
describes the system requirements for finance management system. And it is believed that this
document will give a good look of the system being developed. For the propose of ease of
tracing this document is divided into different chapters; so that one can refer to the chapter that
he/she is looking for easily.
Finally, the new project will be tested extensively to make it free from any kind of bugs. It is
our hope that this project can effectively replace the present system.
1.1. Background
Haramaya University (HU) was established as an institute of higher education 1954, when the
governments of Ethiopia and United States of America agree to jointly establish the Ale Maya
College of Agriculture. It was aimed and designed to conduct institution, research and extension
(demonstration, popularization) and other education activities that promote the development and
use of agriculture.
In 1985, the College was upgraded to an agricultural University and was renamed Ale Maya
University of agriculture. In 1996 the university launched faculties of education and Health
science and was promoted to a full-fledged in 1999, renamed Ale Maya University. Additional
faculties including Faculty of Business and Economics and Faculty of Law, Faculty of veterinary
Medicine and Faculty of technology was opened. HU runs both under graduate and post graduate
(M. Sc and PHD) program in various fields of study. In 2006 Alemaya University was renamed
HU. The HU Financial system was housed in administration building basement hall and Finance
Management System of HU has the same age with HU. This finance management system was
established for the primary purpose of improving finance management and accountability in the
public sector. Currently this finance has many sections, such as payroll section, accountant room,
cashier room and manager room. Manage are control over all activity of finance.
Currently the finance is facing many problems due to the use of manual system in its day to day
Loss of document.
Problem in Organized Data.
Problem of duplication of items i.e. it needs to manipulate all the items individually in all
users client by transferring the items which need modification manually.
1.3. Objective of the Project
Included in the general objective, our project is also expected to fulfill or achieve the following
specific objective.
The project automates the activities by providing, updating, searching, deleting and so on
activities. The major area of the finance system includes:
During information gathering we have used a number of techniques that helps us to get full
information about the system. These techniques are: -
1.5.1. Observation
We all have observed physically by going to the place. That most of the finance activates are
carried out manually. We have seen that there was no any well-developed computerized system
in the finance. And also information about the finance and the services that the finance provides
were not available easily.
1.5.2. Interview
The other most important method that helps us to get the most important and critical information
about the general view of the finance is by interviewing the different staff members of the
finance. They also told us the background of the finance. The other method that we are going to
use for designing our system is the structured methodology. This designing method helps us to
understand the system more easily. Under structured methodology we have other two methods.
HU-Haramaya University.
Id- Identification number
HUFMS-Haramaya University Finance Management System
HUFMS Final Project Page 4
Department of Computing Science
2. Proposed System
In our newly developed system we need to include different features about the finance. We have
so many functional requirements in our newly developed system but the main are as follows.
Documentation: The system will provide information about how to use it and all the
indispensable information about the system.
Error handling: our system handles error by showing the message” invalid input” when
the user enters invalid input.
Performance: The system has high performance example accessing information and
performance activities in a short period of time.
Security: Except the concerned body any one cannot change, delete retrieve or append
2.3. System Models
To produce a model of the system which is correct, complete and consistent we need to construct
the analysis model which focuses on structuring and formalizing the requirements of the system.
Analysis model contains three models: functional, object and dynamic models. The functional
model can be described by use case diagrams. Class diagrams describe the object model.
Dynamic model can also be described in terms of sequence, state chart and activity diagrams.
For the purpose of this project we have described the analysis model in terms of the functional
model and dynamic models using use case and sequence diagrams.
Use case defines set of interaction between actors and proposed system models considerations.
It is a methodology used in system analysis to identify, clarify and organize all system activities
that have significations to contain. Use cases of the system are identified as can be seen from the
diagram each actor has access to different Use Case.
Use cases of the system are identified to be create account, login, register, receive money,
calculate payroll, search employee information, add employee information, update employee
information, delete employee information and detail report.
The simplest possible class diagram of our proposed system is shown in Fig.1.
Actor Administrator
User name
3. Saves the account information.
4. Displays acknowledgment.
5. Clicks close.
Actor Employee
case description for check Employee registered
Actor Administration
Pre Condition he or she must login in to the home page and add
employee information.
Actor Administration
A class diagram depicts classes and their interrelationships. Class diagrams describe the structure
of the system in terms of classes and objects. Classes are abstractions that specify the attributes
and behavior of a set of objects. Objects are entities that encapsulate state and behavior. In our
new proposed system boxes including three compartments because it is a standard convention
depict classes and objects. The top compartment displays the name of the class or object. The
center compartment displays its attributes, and the bottom compartment displays its operations.
The attribute and operation compartment can be omitted for clarity. Object names are underlined
to indicate that they are instances. The simplest possible class diagram of our proposed system is
shown in Fig.2.
The sequence diagram is used primarily to show the interactions between objects in the
sequential order that those interactions occur. Much like the class diagram, typically think
sequence diagrams were meant exclusively for them. Besides documenting an organization's
current affairs, a business level sequence diagram can be used as a requirements document to
communicate requirements for a future system implementation. The simplest possible Sequence
diagram of our proposed system is shown in Fig.3, Fig.4 and Fig.5.
2.4. Interface
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Department of Computing Science
Activity diagram shows the conditional logic for the sequence of the system activities needed to
accomplish a business process. It clearly shows parallel and alternative behaviors that can be
used to show the logic the activities in the system. The simplest possible activity diagram of our
proposed system is shown in Fig.8, Fig.9 and Fig.10.
3. System Design
3.1. Introduction
System design has a great part which describes the first solution of the system problem. So
designing a system is the important and necessary step in any computer system. System design
provides a clear description of the overall design of the HUFMS and bridging the gap between
desired and existing system in a manageable way.
The internal part of this system design document is organized as: subsystem decomposition,
software and hardware mapping, persistent data management, access control, object design and
database design.
3.1.1. Purpose
The purpose of this project is to support the finance in many ways. From those ways some of
them are:-
Save the time that is lost while doing some jobs manually.
Protect the data of the finance from access by unauthorized person.
Support simulations document preparation of different office of the organization and
finally to enable the insurance performance.
3.1.2. Design Goals
The design part is very important so as to make the implementation very easy. The non-
functional requirement is the description of the feature characters and attributes of the system.
Some of the design goals are:
1. The system should be secured: as the system is finance system the security requirement is a
critical issue. So that the system should prevent unauthorized access to the data stored in the
database, and in addition the system should maintain data about what activities are performed by
whom and when.
2. Ease of access to the required data: any data can be required at any time for some purpose,
i.e. modify or view. So that the system should enable the user acquire the required data easily
and timely with no need of navigating too many files.
3. Error handling: The system should be able to give response (error message) when the user
enter incorrect input. This recommends the user to enter correct input.
To reduce the complexity of the system we decomposed the system into different and simple
subsystems. The following are identified to be subsystems of the systems:-Administration
subsystem, Register subsystem and Payroll subsystem.
Administration subsystem
Administration Subsystem
Register subsystem:-
Register subsystem
Payroll subsystem:-
Payroll subsystem
The DBMS subsystem is mapped to a server which has more processing power and
storing capacity, hence the system is build as a client/server application and
communicates to any other computers, so the system is a dependent component that runs
on any computer node. UML deployment diagram illustrate the hardware/software
mapping of the system.
Deployment diagram shows a static view of the non-run time configuration of processing nodes
and the component that run on those nodes. Deployment show the hardware for your system, the
software that is installed on the hardware and the middleware used to connect the disparate
machines to one another. We create deployment model for applications that are deployed to
several machines. The simplest possible deployment diagram of our system design is shown in
A relational database management will be used to maintain the persistent data in its
advantages that it provides several services and utilities that help to attain the design
goals of the system.
The system uploaded on a central server to be accessed by multiple users. It will have user
interfaces to interact with the users easily. User will type their user name and password on the
login form and the system will check the validity of the user in the database. If a match is found
the user will be allowed to access the system with the privilege level assigned to him/her. If a
match is not found in the database the system will display a message telling the user to re-enter
the user name and password or else service will be denied.
3.3. Detailed Design
Conceptually, we think of system development as filing gap between the problem and the
machine. The activities of the system development incrementally close this gap by identifying
and defining objects that realizes part of the system.
System design reduces the gap between the problem and the machine by defining a hardware
and software platform that provides a higher level of abstraction than the computer hardware.
During object design, we the analysis and system design models identify new objects, and close
the gap between the application object and off-the-shelf components. This includes identification
of custom objects and the precise specification of each subsystem interface and class. As a result,
the object design model can be partitioned into set of classes such that they can be implemented
by individual developers.
In object design documentation we try to find out all the definition of the class and association
that will be used in the implementation as well as the interface s documentation and pseudo code
of the method used to implementation.
The design of the DB is portrayed as a special model, database schema. It is the physical model
or blueprint for a DB, which represents the technical implimentations of the logical data model.
A relational DB schema defines the DB structure interms of tables, keys,indexs and integrity
rules. A DB schema specifiece details based on the capablities, terminologies, and constraints the
chosen DBMS.
Fig.12. ER diagram
Accountant registration table: - It is one part of our database system which contains
personal information of the accountant.
4. Conclusion
The finance management system conversion from the present system the new system is based on
the radical change which based an acceptance from the users of the system.
Moreover, the system will bring radical change to the finance current working condition of the
payroll system department.
Finally, we concluded that the finance management system will be give efficient and effective
service for employee.
5. Recommendations
This system will give a solution for some of the problems in the registration process of
the employee.
We recommend to the University department of computing science to provide its students
the opportunity to work on developing systems that are aimed in solving the real
6. Appendix
The simplest possible Sequence diagram of our proposed system is shown in Fig.14, and Fig.15.
7. References
1. Software Engineering book (Jalote).
2. Jeffery, D.Bently (2001) Object Oriented System Analysis and Design Method (5thedition).
3. Joseph, S.Valacich. (2004)Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design (2nd edition).