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Water Quality is measure of condition of water relative to the requirements of biotic species,

and any human need or purpose.

The most popular definition of water is basic on physical, chemical and biological
The Source of pollution are.
1-Direct or point sources pollution
2-indirect or non point sources

Direct source emit fluids directly into urban supplies

They come from special source. Factories, Refineries and waste treatment plant
They can be controlled by permit system
Indirect or Non point sources pollution
They come from soil or ground water system and atmosphere from rainfall
Atmosphere contaminants also come from human practice such as
A-Gas emissions from automobile.
B-Factories and bakeries
Contaminants can also be broadly classified in two
A- organic and inorganic B- acid and base. C- radioactive
Example of Non point sources pollution (NPS)
1- Oil and gases from car 2- fertilizer. 3- animals waste. 4 - septic systems 5- grass
Natural type of water pollution
1- Based on pollutants source
Industrial, agricultural, urban and natural pollution source
2- based on physical and chemical characteristics
Physical chemical and biological pollution
3- based on degradation
Degradation ( non conservative or reactive pollution)
Non degradation ( conservative or non reactive pollution)

Types Definitions Examples

Biodegradable They can be broken down Paper, leather, animals
pollution into simpler harmless bones, wood, clothes and
substances by micro agriculture residue
organism such as bacteria
Non They can't be broken down Plastic, polythene, bags,
biodegradable into simpler substances in the insecticide, metal, mercury,
pollution nature. lead and arsenic

Only the physical appearance of water is enough to distinguish the quality of water
The assessment of water is done by monitoring or analysis the water Quality parameters
Physical parameters Chemical parameters Biological parameters
Turbidity, Temperature, Taste PH, Alkanilty, chloride, Bacteria, algae, virus and
and adore, color, solid, and hardness and Acidity protozoa

: exit in water either in
Solutions or in suspension they have diameter of about 2 micro meters or less
They can be identified using glass fiber filters
Suspension : they can be retain at the top of the filters
Dissolved solid pass through filter with water
Solid as waster is known as Total dissolved solid (TDS)
TDS exit in all dissolved constituents such as Ca, cl, Na, etc.
Term TDS and conductivity of water interrelate
TOTAL SOLID = TDS + TSS(Total suspension solid)
FIXED SOLID: they are the residue of TDS and TSS after heating them to dryness at specific
temperature for period of time
volatile solid: they're those solid lost on ignition (550 C°)
1- Roughly approximate the amount of organic matter
2- helpful for waste water treatment plants
Classifications of water base DIAMETER (mg/L TDS)
on TDS
FRESH WATER Less than 1500
BRACKISH WATER 1500 - 5000
SALINE WATER More than 5000

Suspension solid : are minerals, or organic in origin

They result in water due to. Dirty slit, sand in water
- air in cooling towers system - biological matter ( dead or living one)
- corrosion products ( iron oxide)
Standard test for settle able solid
Placing 1L of Imhoff of cone and noting the volume of solid in millimeters that settle after
specifie time about 1hours
B- Temperature Parameters
Is important parameter because of its effect on chemical reactions, aquatic life and
sustainable of water for beneficial use
Oxygen is less soluble in warm water than cool water
Increase in rate of biological chemicals reaction increase temperature
Change in temperature leed to high Rate of mortality aquatic life
Abnormal high temperature result increase of undesirable water plants
Viscosity, solubility, ador and chemicals reaction are influenced by temperature
Sedimentation, chlorination, biological oxygen demand depend on temperature
Also temperature affects the absorption process of dissolved heavy metals
Taste and odor Color
They are objectionable Caused by organic substance ( algae, humanic)
Caused by foreigners matter Dilution method are used to determine the color of standard unit
( organic materials, inorganic Spectrophotometer
compound these materials
came from domestic or Color scale (0-70 the color unit
agriculture source
Pure water is colorless zero color unit
Its unit is express in term of Conductivity or electrical conductivity is the ability of water to carry
threshold electric current
TON(threshold odor number Pure water is poor conductor of electricity
TTN( threshold taste number Measured in (Siemens /meters S/M)
TON= Vol of sample + Vol of Ultra pure water ( 5.5×10-6). - Drinking water ( 0.005 _0.05 S/M)
pure water needed to
remove any odor / vol of sam Sea water (5 S/M)
TDS= EC × K k increase with increase in ion of water
TDS is used to the ionic strength of water in application of ground waters recharging by
treated water waste
Electrometer method

3-TURBIDITY is the cloudiness of water, its measure the ability of light to pass through water
Caused by suspension particle ( clay slit) and organic materials ( plankton)
Underground water has very low Turbidity because of natural filtration that occur when the
water pentrate through the soil
Turbidity is measure in ( Nephelometric turbidmeter)
NTU = 1g/l of silica in suspension
Turbidity more than 5NTU is available to avarage human
Muddy water Turbidity exceed 100 NTU
1- increase the cost of water treatment in variou uses
2- provide hiding place for harmful microorganisms shielding them in disinfection process
3- suspension particle provide adsorption media for heavy metals ( mercury, chromium, lead
and cadmium)
4- amount of available food is decreased because of higher Turbidity raise water temperature
because suspension particle observed more sun heat there (O2 conce is decreased)
PH PARAMETERS Unit Strength Narrow PH Higher PH
1-Its negative Dimensionless Acid and base Microganism Greater the tendency
algorithm of Lower PH solutions survive formation
Hydrogen ion Determine Corrosivety is decreased
conc Tendency of solubility of of
water is metals
corrosivety is

HARDNESS is measure of property of mineralized water

Problem caused by mineral in water - scale deposits in hot water pipes
Calcium(Ca2+) and Magnesium (Mg2+) ion cause greater portions of hardness in natural
occurring water
They inter into water from contact with (soil, rock and limestone)
This ion exit inform of ( bicarbonate, sulfates, chloride and nitrate)
Groundwater is harder than surface water
Type of hardness
1- temporary hardness : due to carbonate and bicarbonate can be removed by boiling
2- permanent hardness : due to chloride and nitrate can't be removed by boiling
HARDNESS is measure using Titration with( ethylene diamine tetra acidic acid EDTA)
HARDNESS usually express in term ( Mg/l of CaCo3)
Total hardness = Calcium hardness + magnesium hardness
HARDNESS LEVEL (Mg/l of CaCo3) Classifications
0-50 Soft water
101-150 Slightly hard water
151-200 Moderate hardness water
201-300 Hard water
>300 Very hard water

Acidity is measure of acid in solutions. Acidity of water is quantitative capacity of naturalizing

strong base to select PH level
Acidity is dude to (CO2, mineral acids hydrolyzed salt such as Ferric aluminum sulfate)
CO2 cause Acidity or aquatic organism cause Acidity when dissolved in water and form ( H2CO3)
Acidity influence ( corrosion chemical reactions and biological activities)
It's determined using titration
Chloride occurs naturally in ground water, stream and lakes( measured using Titration with Agcl)
It's inter surface water from ( Chloride containing Rock, agriculture runoff, wastewater)
High concentration of Chloride in water causes ( unpleasant salty taste) at 250mg/l
Magnesium and calcium Chloride at 1000mg/l
For satey drinking CL should not exit 250mg/l
Alkanilty measures of OH carbonate and bicarbonate in water
Carbonate and bicarbonate combine with CA and MG hardness forming SCALE
Increase in PH Alkanilty increase
Alkanilty is broken down into CO2 by heating water that has carbonate or bicarbonate
Then CO2 combine with water forming corrosion
Iron and Mg exit in water as dissolved cation but they precipitate and cause ( fouling
Device used to measure heavy metals ( atomic observation spectrometry)

Dissolved Gases all natural water containing Gases caused corrosion

CO2 in water causes caused hardness and Acidity in water
Water aquire this Gases from ( air, contact with decomposing vegetation
Coagulation ( reaction of Ferric Chloride and limestone)
Hydrogen sulfide Gives disagreeable taste and rotten egg odor to water
Harmful in large amounts ground water observe ( by passing over sulfate bearing rock)
Caused - distruction of cement, concrete and corrosion of metal)
It's present in water increase water corrosivety
Dissolved oxygen is due to ( atmosphere and aquatic plants)
Higher conc of DO better the water quality( Amount depend on ( P, T and Salinity)
Oxygen is slightly soluble in water and sensitivity to water ( decreased in P of water release O2 to
Dissolved iron in water of O2 Enter into the system caused precipitation of insoluble iron oxide
causing plugging
It's important because DO is aquire by microorganism and fish in aquatic system
Natural water DO amount Method for measuring DO
Stream, river typically world 3-9mg/L Colorimetric (expensive)
Winkler titration
World wide observed 0-19mg/L Electrometric method
DO IN Mg/l at 20C° RATE
8-9 Good
8-6 Slightly polluted
7-4 Moderate polluted
4.5 HEAVY polluted
4 Gravity polluted
DO are removed by (mean of aeration or use of activated carbon)

Biological oxygen demand : is the amount of oxygen required by living organism for oxidation of
biodegradable organic matter in water under aerobic conditions
CH2o + O2 - - - - - - - -> co2+h2o( Microganism)
High value of BOD is indication to water pollution
Biological chemical demands (BOD) Chemical oxygen demand
Oxidation of organic Matter (20-30 days) It's value is greater than BOD
Calcaluted by 5day incubation method
Does not contain non biodegradable organic K2Cr2O7 oxide contains both non and biode
Can't determine if water contain toxic or antimi Can determine toxic

Microganism (bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa and viruses)

Bacteria cause (corrosion, and plugging)
Fungi grow in low moisture areas and low PH environments
It's release CO2 and nitrogen during break down of organic matter
Algae take color of pigment (which is catalyst for photosynthesis)
Algae caused taste and odors in natural water

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