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Past Paper Answers

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Answer ALL questions in the answer sheet provided

Questions are 1 mark each

1. According to the OSH Act of T&T, which of the following occurrences does not require
48 hour written notice to the OSH Agency?
a) An accident where an employee dies
b) An accident where an employee’s leg was amputated
c) An outbreak of an occupational illness
d) A confrontational argument between two employees

2. In the POPMAR model of HSE management, what is the function of the Policy?
a) To continuously review the system for failures
b) To set goals and show management’s commitment
c) To ensure that persons within the organization are competent and know their
d) To ensure that risk assessments and other forms of documentation are in place

3. According to the OSH Act of T&T, which of the following is a duty of employers?
a) To charge employees for PPE provided
b) To give notice of accidents
c) To use PPE correctly
d) To not be under the influence of any intoxicant

4. According to the OSH Act of T&T, health records must be kept at least:
a) 25 years
b) 10 years
c) 5 years
d) As long as the person is employed with the establishment

5. Which of the following is not a main reason why companies should implement Health
and safety programmes?
a) Economic objective
b) Moral objective
c) BATNEEC objective
d) Legal objective

6. Which of the following is an example of a confined space?

a) A water tank
b) A control room
c) The driver cubicle of a tractor
d) A laboratory

7. Which class under WHMIS does acute toxicity fall under?

a) Chronic toxicity
b) Biohazardous infectious
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HSEV 1012
c) Corrosive
d) Compressed gas

8. Overexposure to noise and vibration can be classified as what type of health hazard?
a) Physical
b) Biological
c) Chemical
d) Psychological

9. Which of the following is not a device used for electrical safety?

a) Circiut breaker
b) Fuse
c) Conductor

10. Which of the following is true about dilution ventilation?

a) It cannot be used for highly toxic contaminants
b) It completely removes all contaminants
c) It is effective for handling surges and irregular emissions
d) It is effective for large amounts of dusts, fumes, gases or vapours

11. With respect to manual handling, which of the following is a hazard associated with the
a) Heavy load
b) Lighting
c) Skills and experience
d) Clothing

12. With respect to mechanical handling, which of the following hazard is mainly associated
with conveyors?
a) Swinging/loose load
b) Collision with overhead electrical wires
c) Exposure to nip points
d) Overturning of load

13. Which of the following correctly describes the NFPA fire diamond?
a) Red-flammability; Blue – reactivity; Yellow – health; White – special info
b) Red-flammability; Green – health; Yellow – special info; White – reactivity
c) Red-flammability; Blue – health; Yellow – reactivity; White – special info
d) Red-flammability; Green – health; Yellow – reactivity; White – special info

14. Which type of scaffolding is transported via mobile units?

a) Aerial platforms
b) Supported scaffolding
c) Suspended scaffolding
d) Guard rails
15. Which of the following is an example of a self-adjusting guard?
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HSEV 1012
a) A wire mesh over a fan blade
b) A guard on a circular saw
c) A shield on a weed trimmer
d) A railing on a scaffolding

16. In an emergency response plan, the person responsible for ensuring everyone has
evacuated and is heading for the muster point is the
a) Muster point warden
b) Communications officer
c) Incident commander
d) Fire warden

17. Which of the following is true about lock out tag out procedure?
a) Inform workers; turn off switch; isolate from power; lock and tag; bleed residual
energy; test equipment
b) Inform workers; lock and tag; bleed residual energy; test equipment; turn off
switch; isolate from power
c) Bleed residual energy; isolate from power; inform workers; turn off switch; lock
and tag; test equipment
d) Inform workers; test equipment; isolate from power; lock and tag; bleed residual
energy; turn off switch

18. Which of the following is not a major guideline used in a PPE programme?
a) Match PPE to hazard
b) Checking the fit
c) Emergency response training
d) Auditing the programme

19. Which items of PPE are best suited for someone working in an agricultural farm?
a) Hard hat, safety boots, goggles
b) Coveralls, rubber boots, gloves
c) Ear muffs, safety harness, SCBA
d) Hard hat, ear muffs, steel toe boots

20. Which of the following is an example of a job requiring a permit to work?

a) Entry into a laboratory
b) Handling hazardous chemicals
c) Cleaning drains of debris
d) Cutting with a torch

21. Risk = Severity x Probability. In a 3x3 matrix, a value of 4 may be considered:

a) A high risk
b) A low risk
c) A medium risk
d) An acceptable risk
22. Which of the following is not an example of a workplace accident?
a) An employee is injured while in an altercation with another
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HSEV 1012
b) A boiler is overloaded and explodes but no one is injured
c) A hazardous chemical spills into a nearby river
d) An infectious disease breaks out in a laboratory.

23. The sequence of energy flow through a food chain is

a) Primary consumers  producers - higher order consumers.
b) Producers higher order consumers  primary consumers.
c) Primary consumers higher order consumers - producers.
d) Producers  primary consumers  higher order consumers. 

24.  where one organism benefits but the other organism isn’t harmed is called

24. All of the following are principles under the Environmental management Act of Trinidad
and Tobago except:
a) Beautification principle
b) Polluter pays
d) Precautionary principle

25. Which of the following is an organic water pollutant?

a) Motor oil
b) Fertilizers containing phosphates and nitrates
c) Raw resin pellets
d) Heavy metals from mining
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HSEV 1012
26. This method of water testing involves checking the clarity of water for the presence of
dissolved particles:
a) COD testing
b) BOD testing
c) pH testing
d) Turbidity testing

27. Thermal pollution of water can result in all except:

a) Salination
b) De- aeration of water
c) Stream fouling and excess algae growth
d) Food chain disruption

28. Which form of oil spill control refers to sorbents?

a) Using microorganisms to speed up biodegradation
b) Using saw dust to soak up the oil
c) Using gelling agents
d) Using a fence around the spill

29. An example of a chemical waste treatment process is

a) Catalysis
b) Activated sludge
c) Filtration
d) Incineration

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HSEV 1012
Answer sheet for multiple choice questions

Question No. A B C D

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HSEV 1012
Answer ALL questions in the space provided
Questions are 10 marks each

1) Someone is cutting bushes using a gas powered weed whacker (trimmer). Identify five
possible hazards and corresponding control measures.
Hazard Control
Ensure guard is on/
Cut from blade Keep blade away from body

Have persons hold up barriers/

Projectiles in eye/other persons Use goggles

Bites from animals ( snake, scorpion, ants, Wear repellent, coveralls, boots

Drink water/ wear hat with large rim/perform job

Extreme heat/overexposure to sun when place is cooler/ take breaks

Take breaks/ Ear plugs

Exposure to noise

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HSEV 1012
2) With respect to working with the following mechanical equipment, describe one main
hazard and corresponding control for each:
Equipment Hazard Control
Hand held Noise Reduce exposure time
power tools

Saws Cuts Ensure gurad is on/ use push sticks

Lathes Flying projectiles Keep safe distance away/barriers/


Drill Entanglement Avoid loose clothing etc

Metal Exposure to MWF Proper dispersal methods/ proper

working hygeine

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HSEV 1012
3) Complete the fire triangle shown giving an example of each element required.


Oxygen – atmosphere, ignition source – spark from grinding; Fuel – paper, wood, propane
What does the following stand for with respect to fire extinguishers?

4) a)Describe five adverse effects of climate change

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HSEV 1012
i) Melting ice caps resulting in more global warming
ii) rising sea levels
iii) species eradication; acidification of oceans and dying corals; polar beras drowning

iv) stronger storms from hotter oceans

v) changing weather patterns

5) Describe five ways management can motivate and promote awareness of HSE at the
i) lead by example
ii) informal tours
iii) incentives
iv) awareness week/day
v) communication- signs posters etc

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HSEV 1012
6) Identify the five main categories of health hazards giving a practical example of each..
Health Hazard type Example
Exposure to hazardous fumes eg exhaust gases

Working in hospitals around contaminated

needles, dressings etc
Exposure to noisy equipment eg jackhammer

Poor posture at a computer work station


Psychological Impossible deadlines, stress

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HSEV 1012
7) The following is a JSA form for changing a fluorescent light bulb on a twelve foot high
ceiling. Complete the form identifying at least four steps.
1) Collect and set up ladder – back strains, pinch points, contact with other objects –
use proper lifting techniques, exercise caution
2) Climb ladder –fall off ladder, ladder slipping, contact with overhead items, poor
lighting – Proper climbing techniques, 4/1 ratio, proper selection of ladder, have
someone work with you, ensure proper housekeeping, ensure additional lighting
3) Remove bulb – Electric shock, bulb falls, back strains – isolate electrical supply,
perform task carefully, ensure proper experience
4) Get old bulb down ladder – fall from ladder, Bulb falls, bulb makes contact with
object and breaks – pass the bulb to worker on ground before descent,
5) Climb the ladder – see 2
6) Take new bulb from other worker – fall from ladder,back strain, bulb falls or
makes contact with object and breaks - perform task carefully
7) Install new bulb – see 3

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HSEV 1012

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