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Kinds of Law

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Kinds of law

Law is used in different senses. The use of the term “law” is made in various senses. It denotes
different kinds of rules and Principles.

Blackstone says “law in its most general and comprehensive sense signifies a rule of action and
is applied indiscriminately to all kinds of action whether, animate, rational, irrational. Thus we
say the law of motion of gravitation of optics or Mechanics, as well as the law of nature and
nations” it is helpful in understanding the different senses in which “law” is used in various
fields of knowledge.

Kinds of law by Sir Jhon Salmond

Sir John Salmond refers to eight kinds of law

1. Imperative law

2. Physical or scientific law

3. Natural or moral law

4. Conventional law

5. Customary law

6. Practical or technical law

7. International law, and

8. Civil law

1. Imperative law

Imperative law means a rule of action imposed upon by some authority which enforces
obedience to it. In other words it is a command enforced by some superior power either
physically or in any other form of compulsion.

Kinds of Imperative law:-

There are two kinds of imperative law, Divine or human

1. Divine laws

2. Human laws

1. Divine laws are consists of the commands imposed by God upon men either by threats of
Punishment or by hope of his blessings.

2. Human laws are the laws by analogy Sir Jhon Salmond classifies Human Laws into four sub
1. Imperative law imposed and enforced by State is called “Civil law”

2. Imperative law imposed and enforced by members of society is “Moral law”

3. Those imposed and enforced by different institutions or autonomous bodies like Universities,
airline companies etc they are called “Autonomic law”

4. Those imposed upon States by the society of States are called “ International law”

2. Physical or scientific law

Physical laws are the expressions of the

1. Uniformities of nature and General Principles Expressing the

2. Regularity, and

3. Harmony observable in the activities and operations of the universe.

They are not the creation of men and cannot be changed by them. Human laws change from time
to time and from country to country but physical laws are invariable forever. The uniform actions
of human beings, such as law of psychology, also fall into this class they express not what man
ought to do, but what they do.

3. Practical or Technical law:-

It consists of Principles and rules for the attainment of certain ends e.g. laws of health, laws of
architecture. These rules guide us as to what we ought to do in order to attain certain ends.

4. Natural or Moral law:-

It has various other names such as, “the Moral law” “Divine law” “God Law” ‘universal or
eternal law and “law of reason” etc. “by natural law is meant the principles of natural right and
wrong (the Principles of natural Justice)”.

Natural laws have been called

Divine law:- commands of God imposed upon men.

Law of Reason i.e. being established by that reason by which the world is Governed.

Unwritten law:- (as being written not an brazen tables or a pillar of stone but by the finger of
nature in the hearts of people. universal or common law (being of universal validity)

Eternal law (being uncreated and invariable)

Moral law (being the expression of the Principles of morality)

5. Conventional law:-
It is the body of rules agreed upon and followed by the concerned parties to regulate their mutual
conduct. It is form of special law and law for the parties which can be made valid or enforced
through an agreement.

A Good example of the conventional law is the International law, laws of cricket or any other
game, rules of club. It has been father divided into two groups which are:-

1. Rules enforced by the parties themselves but not recognized by the State e.g. the rules of

2. Rules which are recognized and enforced by the State, e.g. contract etc.

6. Customary law:-

Customary laws are those rules of custom that are habitually followed by the majority of the
persons subject to them in the belief of binding nature.

According to Salmond, customary law means “any rules of action which is actually observed by
men (any rule which is the expression of some actual uniformity of voluntary action) “when a
custom is firmly established it is enforced by the authority of the State. Custom is not law by
itself but an important source of law only those customs acquired the force of law, which are
recognized by the courts.

7. International law:-

According to “Hughes” international law is the body of Principles and rules which civilized
States consider as binding upon them in their mutual relations. “ it can be as the name for the
body of customary and conventional rules, which are considered legally binding by civilized
States in their intercourse with each other”. According to Salmond it is considered of these rules
which the sovereign States have agreed to observe in their dealings with one another.

International agreements are of two types:

They are either expressed or implied.

Express agreements are contained in treaties and conventions, while implied agreements are to
be found in the custom or practice of the States. International law is of two kinds:

I: Public International law: It prevails universally all over the world.

II: Private International Law: It is enforced only between some of States.

8. Civil Law

It is the law of the States regarding the land “Civil Law” according to the Salmond , is “the law
of State of or the law of the land, the law of lawyers and the law of the courts”. Civil law is the
positive law, or law of the land which means the law as it exists. It is backed by the force and
might of the State for purposes of enforcement. Civil law differs from special law as the latter
applies only in special circumstances the other term is used for the civil law is Municipal
Law and national law.


Etymological meaning of classification is “the process of putting something into category” or the
basic cognative process of arranging into classes or categories. For a proper and logical
understanding of law its classification becomes necessary. As it elucidates the way of systematic
logical structure of the legal order. It explicates the inter relation of rules and their effect to each
other. It analysis the law that intern is helpful in codification of laws it is an arrangement of rules
in a concise and systematic way.

Original and Meaning of the Classification of Law

Notion of classification is very old. Classification was first made by Roman Jurists. The ancient
Hindu Jurists also laid down eighteen titles or heads of “Vyavahara” civil law. The distinguished
civil and criminal law and classified crime law under various heads.

There are two limitations in classification of law first; any classification will have only a relative
value and no universal principle or rules can be laid down for it.

With the onward march of time, old rule changed their nature and the field of application and
new rules based on different Principles come into existence.

Therefore, a new classification becomes necessary. Roman Jurist analyzed law in old times but
that classification is Vague to present world.

Second, any classification made keeping in view the law of a Particular community or nation is
not applicable to the law of any other Community or nation.

For Example; if one commits a breach of promise to marry, in English law, it falls under
contract, but in French law it falls under delict. So, it’s not possible to discuss the classifications
given by various Jurists, only a General Classification shall be given which has been adopted by
most of Jurists of the modern times.

Classification of Law

(1) International Law, and

(2) Municipal or National law

International law:- The Present form of international law is of recent origin some earlier Jurist
were of the view that the international law is not law as it lacked many elements which law
should have. Austin and his supporters were of this view. Some says international law is law and
it is superior to the municipal law Kelson supports this view.

What is International Law?

The legal Process that concerns legal relations among nations is called international law. Belief
and experience some form international law dates from at least the days of the Roman Empire.
The united nation is are of the Primary mechanism that articulate and create international law.

The major sources of international law are multilateral Treaties, international custom and such
General Principles as are recognized by civilized nations.

According to some Jurists international law may be divided into two classes.

(1) Public international law, and

(2) Private international law

(1) Public international law is that body of rules which govern the conduct and relations of States
with other, really speaking; the term international law is  used for this class of law.

(2) Private international law means those rules and Principles according to  which the cases
having foreign element are decided for example, if a contract is made between an Indian and
Pakistani and it is to be performed the rule and Principles on which the rights and liabilities of
the Parties would be determined would be called Private international law. This class of law is
called “Conflict of laws” also. After knowing the field of application of this class of law, it is
clear that the adjective “international” is wrongly given to it because it applies to individuals and
not to States and these rules and Principles (called Private international law) vary from State to
State and thus lacked uniformity. This class of law is enforced by municipal courts which
administer municipal law and not international law, so, such a law does not process the
characteristics of international law.

In modern times this class of law has gained much importance and every States has made rules
for its administration. Therefore, it must be properly classified. It is submitted that it should be
given the name “Conflict of Laws” and not private international law and should be treated as a
branch of municipal Private law and should be classified as such.

4. The Municipal law, Law of land, Civil law, or law applied within a State is divided into two



A) PUBLIC LAW:- The State activities are largely regulated by Public law. It determines and
regulates the organization and functioning of the State and determines the relation of the State
with the subject. public law may be divided into three classes:-

(A) Constitutional law

(B) Administrative law and

(C) Criminal law

(A) Constitutional law: By constitutional law is meant that law which determines the nature of
the State and the Structure of the Government. It is above and superior to the Ordinary law of the
land. Constitutional law is the basic law or fundamental law of the State. The constitutional law
may be written as in India or unwritten as in England. In modern times there is tendency to adopt
written constitution.

(B) Administrative Law:- Administrative law deals with the structures powers and the functions
of organs of the administration, the limits of their Powers, the methods and Procedures followed
by them in exercising their powers and functions; the methods by which there power are
controlled including the legal remedies available to a person against them when his rights are
infringed by their operation.

(C) Criminal law:- Criminal law defines offences and prescribes punishment for them. Its aim is
the prevention of and punishment for offences. Criminal law is necessary for the maintenance of
order and peace within the State. In civilized societies crime is considered to be wrong not only
against the individual (who has been wronged) but a wrong against the society. Therefore, the
State initiates the proceedings against the offender, and thus it is always a party in criminal cases.

This is why the criminal law is considered as a branch of public law.

(D) Private Law: - This branch of law regulates and governs the relations of citizens with each
other. The parties in such cases are private individuals and the State through its judicial organ
adjudicates the matters in dispute between them. In these cases the State takes the position of
only an arbiter. But it does not mean that the State regulates all the conducts and relations of the
citizens but regulates only such of them as are of public importance and these relations (which
State regulates) constitute the civil rights of the citizens. The major part of municipal law
consists of this branch of law but in Totalitarian States the public law regulates the major part of
the social life.

In the Classification of private law there is great difficulty. Different Jurists have given different
classification, a very General classification is as follows:-

1. The law of Persons

2. The law of Property

3. The law of obligations

4. The conflict of laws

The law of obligations is divided into three classes.

(i) Contract

(ii)Quasi contract, and

(iii) Tort

The classification is only substantive law. The procedural law and Evidence are also the
branches of the Private law.
A chart Presenting the above classification is as below:-


State law/national law international law

Public law private law

Constitutional law Administrative law criminal law

Law of Person law of Property law of obligations the conflict of laws

Contract Quasi-contract Tort

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