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Simulation On Consumers Mode of Operation On Electric Propulsion System

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Simulation on Consumers Mode of Operation on

Electric Propulsion System
Kiran Reddy Masarla
Student, EEE Department
G.Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Abstract- Electric vehicles (EV) have recently gained depending on load power demand) better than the existing
much popularity as a green alternative to fossil-fuel cars TQG-based standalone systems used in the military.
and a demand response tool to support high penetration
of renewable energy sources in future smart grid. In this Vehicles have provided society a very convenient
paper, the simulation of the grid-to-vehicle (Battery lifestyle. Personal vehicles are chosen over other modes for
charging) is carried out. The power handling of Three- independ- ence, safety and luxury, while railways, airways,
Phase AC/DC converter is 10kw, DC Bus Voltage is etc., are suited for travelling over larger distances. Without
maintained at 800V, grid voltage of 415V(rms) and these, ani- mals would have been drawing carriages taking
switching frequency of 10kHz. The DC-DC converter and people around. From 1350, the earliest known record of
AC/DC Converter with detailed control methodology railway, number of motor vehicles has reached to 1 billion,
have been done in simulation. The Control techniques through inventions like mechanical vehicles, steam-powered
used in paper are done by Clarke, Park, and Inverse- vehicles, balloon vehicles, push bikes, flights, helicopters,
Park Transformation method. The passive LCL filters aircrafts, etc. The sales of electric drive motors worldwide
are used to reduce harmonic distortion in the Grid side of will rise from $965 million in 2013 to more than $2.8 billion
the converter. The PWM Technique are used to reduce by 2020 [5]. EVs are contributing towards grid support in
the harmonics, in paper the THD comparison of the SG. EVs operate in two modes: Consumers and Prosumers.
SPWM, SVPWM, DPWMMIN, DPWMMAX are In consu- mer’s mode of operation, battery charging current
simulated. The simulation results in this paper shows the is consum- ed from the utility and in the prosumer’s mode,
consumer mode of operation on Electric Vehicle. EVs inject power to the grid at the requisite time specified by
the market operator or depending on the grid loading, such as
Keywords:- Electric Vehicle, G2V, Park and Inverse Park lightly load ed or heavily loaded. In this paper the consumer
Transformation, Clarke Transformation, Phase Locked Loop, mode of ope-ration is concentrate. Likewise, the energy rates
SPWM, SVPWM, DPWMAX, DPWMMIN, Buck-Boost are also affe-ctted by the a-fore-mentioned modes of
Converter, AC/DC Converter, Filters. operation. In the G2V mode, EV behaves as an electrical load
The Paris declaration on Climate change and Electric
In this age of globalization, usage of IC engine vehicles vehicles (EVs) is an essential element in the change from bio
has massive negative impact on environment. The problems -fuel-based vehicles to EVs, aiming to deploy 100 million
With Fossil Fuel Powered Vehicles are as follows: (i) Fossil EVs worldwide by 2030 [6]. India has set up a goal to
fuels are a scarce resource; (ii) Spilling of oil may be hazard- achieve 30% roadside electric vehicles by 2030 and expected
ous; (iii) It is very expensive now a days. Therefore, in recent to save 5 crore litres fuel every year to reduce 5.6 lakh tonnes
days, due to the cheaper rate of electricity and zero pollution of annual carbon emission. smart charging is an excellent
features, EVs are grabbing attention. In [2], the charging sch- reso- urce in the grid due to its flexibility of varying the
eduling of the vehicle in the charging station is presented. charging power, the ability to both charge as well as
The growing concerns over environmental impacts and discharge, and in- telligent functionalities in a sustainable,
energy security, governments worldwide are targeting for low-cost, and effici- ent charging environment. It increases
large pen- etration of electric vehicles (EVs) in the the flexibility of char-ging by controlling the charging power
transportation sector. An increase in the number of EV will and its flow direction. In addition to charging EVs from
require intelligent cha- rging infrastructure. The goal of the renewable, it can be made more sustainable, and the rapid
intelligent or smart char-ging infrastructure will be to ensure growth of V2G networks will increase the distributed storage
that the grid is not over- burdened by EVs. This feature is capacity significantly.
commonly known as grid-to-vehicle (G2V) or Consumer
mode of operation [1]. In [3], the real-life military application II. CIRCUIT TOPOLOGY
of V2V and V2G technolo- gy based microgrid system is
described. The military application involving a In high-performance industrial applications, three-phase
V2V/V2G/G2V based microgrid clearly shows that the voltage source PWM rectifiers/Inverters are gaining wide po-
overall fuel economy be economy benefit of this system is pularity as compared to the conventional diode bridge rectifi-
significantly (which can be around 30% or even more er and thyristors-based control rectifiers because of their no.
of advantages like low input current distortions, improved

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:- 2456-2165.
po- wer factor, regulated dc link voltage, etc. Thyristor rectifier. PWM rectifiers have a total of 8 possible switching
control- led rectifiers contain lower-order harmonics which states out of which the first 6 states are active and are used
increases the cost and size of the filter. Hence, a saturation of for providing dc output voltage to the load and for triggering
the tran- sformer takes place due to the presence of the DC the pulses to turn on/off the respective switches. The
component in the source current. sinusoidal pulse width modulation technique is used and its
performance analysis is shown. By using a closed loop, the
output dc voltage of the PWM active rectifier can be set to
desired value [14].

 Buck-Boost Converter: The use of a bi-directional DC-

DC converter in motor drives devoted to the propulsion
of EVs allows suitable control of both motoring and
regene- rative braking operations. The topology used in
fig.1 is deriv- ed directly from the traditional buck-boost
scheme by introd- ucing a dual switch-diode. The
MOSFET 𝑠1 and 𝑠2 are never operated at the same time,
being switch 𝑠2 always off during the consumer’s mode
of operation. In consumer’s mode of operation the buck-
boost converter circuit states respectively when the
switch 𝑠1 is in the conduction state, battery and the output
Fig 1 Circuit Topology capacitor supply energy respectively to the inductor L
and to the machine load or battery. When the switch 𝑠1 is
LCL Filter provides better filtering performance and off, the Diode is directly biased and the output capacitor
reduces the size of the filter. Unity power factor is not ac- and the load receive energy from the inductor. Thereby,
hieved in the case of diode bridge rectifiers and thyristor the voltage Vo at the output capacitor terminals can be
brid- ge rectifiers because large amounts of harmonics are regulated accordingly with the Battery charging by
present on ac side and due to uncompensated reactive power adjusting the duty cycle of the switch 𝑠1 [8-9].
which is not the case with improved power PWM rectifiers.
The main advantage of using PWM techniques is in the
reduction of harmonics by using the proper no.of pulses per III. CONTROL TECHNIQUE
cycle hence the output voltage can also be controlled by
 Phase Locked Loop:
adjusting the modulation index. Fig.1 shows the circuit
In order to send active power to the load, the currents
topology of the operation of the EVs during the consumer’s
flowing through the grid side have to be in phase with the
modes of opera- tion [6].
grid side voltages. To send this Current, PLL will generate a
reference signal and that signal should be in- phase with the
 Specification of Circuit Topology:
actual voltage.Similarly to send reactive pow- er to the load,
PLL will generate a signal which is 90o out-of-phase with the
 Rated power: 10kw actual voltage. Hence PLL is used to generate reference
 Switching frequency:10kHz signals and those signals are used as a reference for the
 Grid voltage: Three-phase 415V RMS, 50Hz implementation of the current controller in a grid connec- ted
 Grid filter capacitor: 30µF system. There are 2 methods for the implementation of
 Grid filter inductor: 5mH PLL.Open loop and closed loop PLL, In this paper, the
 DC-link capacitor: 5600µF closed loop PLL is used.
 Switching frequency: 10kHz
 Battery Nominal voltage: 360V
 Battery side inductor: 20mH
 Battery side capacitor: 0.625µF
 SoC of Battery: 50%

 AC/DC Converter:
The circuit diagram of the three-phase voltage source
PWM Rectifier is shown in Fig.1. The magnitude and phase
angle of the currents flowing through the ac side is regulated
by using a current control loop. The current control loop has
three controlling parameters. They are i.The currents flowing
through ac side, ii.The line voltag- es on ac side and iii.The
voltage at the dc side of the frontend rectifier. Using these
three controlling parameter values the controlling deci- des Fig 2 Control Block Diagram of AC/DC Converter.
the switching pulses to be applied to the three-phase PWM

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:- 2456-2165.
 Control logic of AC/DC Converter: 120o phase difference with each other. When the sinusodial
The Controlling Block diagram of the Active Front-end reference signal intersects the triangular wave switching gate
Rectifier is shown in Fig.2.5. In this closed loop operation, pulse is produced at that time. Fig.3 shows the refernce signal
the abc coordinates are transformed to dq coordinates by of the SPWM.
using Park’s transformation to achieve two components of
current Id and Iq and angle ωt is obtained from Phase Locked  Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM):
Loop (PLL). It is a technique used in the final step of field-oriented
control (FOC) to determine the pulse-width modulated
signals for the inverter switches in order to generate the
𝐼𝑑 = 𝐼𝛼 ∗ cos(𝜔 𝑡) + 𝐼𝛽 ∗ sin(𝜔𝑡) 1
desired three-phase voltages to the motor. Field oriented
control with space vector pulse width modulation. The
𝐼𝑞 = 𝐼𝛽∗ cos(𝜔 𝑡) − 𝐼𝛼 ∗ sin(𝜔𝑡) 2
SVPWM strategies is based on the injection of the zero
sequence components U0 in reference waveforms (Varef , Vbref
In order to control dc ouput voltage, the error obtained
and Vcref),
by comparing the actual dc output voltage Vdc with Vdc
reference of 800V is fed to PI controller. The output of PI co-
𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑀𝑎𝑥(𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑓 , 𝑉𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑓 , 𝑉𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑓 )
ntroller is taken as Id current reference and compared with
the d-component of input current (Id). The q component of
input current (Iq) is set to 0 for maintating unity power 𝑉𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 𝑀𝑖𝑛(𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑓 , 𝑉𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑓 , 𝑉𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑓 )
factor. The errors obtained from both the components of
current are fed to their respective PI current controllers and
output of both the controllers are scaled and fed to PWM
scheme. After applying inverse Park’s transformation we get
Va*, Vb* and Vc* [14].

𝑉𝛼 = 𝐼𝑑 ∗ cos(𝜔 𝑡) − 𝑉𝑞 ∗ sin(𝜔𝑡) 3

𝑉𝛽 = 𝑉𝑞 ∗ cos(𝜔 𝑡) + 𝑉𝑞 ∗ sin(𝜔𝑡) 4

From the above equations 3 and 4 Va* , Vb* and Vc*

are calculated.

Va*=Vα 5

Vb* = (-Vα + √3 * Vβ)/2 6 Fig 3 SVPWM Reference Signal

Vc* = (-Vα - √3* Vβ)/2 7 In SVPWM technique the periods of use of zwro
vectors 𝑇𝑜 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑇7 are equal, therefore a factor corresponding
 PWM Techniquie: to a distribution of these periods is defined as 𝐾 = 7 . If
𝑇0 +𝑇7
Sinusodial pulse width modulation is one of the k=0.5, this factor results in the technical SVPWM, because
simplest and efficient PWM method used for gen-erating the the time of use of the zero vector 𝑇𝑧 is also distributed at the
gate pulses of the switches used in converter. In this method a beginning and at thr end of timing ( 𝑇0 = 𝑇7 ). The zero
high frequency triangular carrier wave is com- pared with sequence componets of the SVPWM techniques as follows:
modulating refernce wave of desired frequency. The
intersection of both these waves determines the switch- ing 𝑈0 = −
𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥 +𝑉𝑚𝑖𝑛
instants and communication of the modulated pulse. The
SPWM method is linear between 0 and 0.785 of six-step
 Discontinuous PWM (DPWMMIN and DPWMMAX):
voltage value [9]. Therefore, there is poor voltage utilization. DPWMMIN: When k=0, in this case, 𝑇7 = 0 and 𝑇0 =
Employing the zero-sequence signal injection technique, 𝑇𝑧 , one of the pole voltage is conducted to the negative DC
King developed an anolog hardware-based PWM Method bus clamping the pole voltage during 120o while the other
and illustrated the method is linear between 0 and 0.907 of two phases modulate. So the zero sequence components is as
six-step voltage value. Thus, King’s method, is termed as follows:
space-vector PWM (SVPWM) method, significantly improv-
es converter voltage utilization. [10-12]. 𝑈0 = −(𝑉𝑚𝑖𝑛 + ) .

 Sine Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM).

Sine PWM refers to the generation of PWM output with
sine wave as the mosulating signal. A low frequency sin-
usoidal waveform is compared with the high frequerncy tri-
angular carrier signal. The sinusodial reference signals have

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:- 2456-2165.

The simulation results of the consumer mode of

operation on Electric Vehicles (EVs) are shown as follows.

Fig.7 shows the grid voltage and the current of the


Fig 4 DPWMMIN Reference Signal.


Fig 7 Grid Phase Voltage and Current

Fig 5 DPWMMAX Reference Signal.

When k=1, in this case, 𝑇0 = 0 and 𝑇7 = 𝑇𝑧 , one of the

pole voltage is connected to the positive DC bus clamping
the pole voltage during 1200 while the other two phases
modulate. So, the zero sequence components is given as
𝑈0 = −(𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥 − 2 ).
Fig 8 Three-Phase Grid Current out-Phase with Grid Voltage.
 Control Block Diagram for Battery Control:
The controlling of battery reference current we can Fig.8 shows the grid voltage and the current are out-of-
control the battery charging/ discharging mode. In consumer phase which means that, power flow direction is from Grid to
mode of operation of the EVs the battery will charges by the the battery charging. Fig 9 show the DC bus voltage and
-Ibatref as shown in Fig.6. In Control of the Battery charging/ current at AC/DC converter. The direction of the DC bus
Discharging, the PI controller is used. According to the duty current shown in the Fig.9 is from the voltage source to the
ratio of the controller the PWM pulse are generated for the Battery.
DC/DC converter. Fig.6 shows the control block diagram of
the Battery.

Fig 6 Control Block Diagram for Battery Charging.

Fig 9 DC Bus Voltage and Current

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:- 2456-2165.

Fig.10 (a) Battery Voltage Fig 13 Comparison of Different PWM Technique THD (%)

The battery voltage and battery current during the

battery charging is shown in Fig.10. The converted controller
Id and Iq current of the converter is shown in Fig.11.The
active power and reactive power of the converter of Grid
while charging the battery is shown in Fig.12. It represents
that, active power is taken from the Grid supply for the battery
charging. The reactive power is controlled by the Iq reference
current. The simulation result of the Consumer’s mode of
operation on EVs are presented in paper are of the SPWM
technique results. The Fig.13 and 14 shows the comparison of
the THD and power factor of the three-phase supply during
the consumer’s mode of operation, when subjected to the
Fig 10 (b) Battery Current different PWM techniques.

Fig 11 Converted Id and Iq Current Fig.14: comparison of Power factor.


In this paper, the simulation results of 10KW Power

converter for the Battery Charging with maintaining the DC
Bus voltage of 800V. The SPWM technique simulation
results are presented in this paper. The simulation results
concludes that the THD of the different PWM is almost
similar, but the SVPWM will give the less Total harmonic
Distortion (THD). The power factor of different PWM
techniques is almost similar and around 0.99. The major
disadvantage of the converter is the power factor maintains
when subjected to the loads, in this paper we can control the
power factor and the reactive power of the load by
controlling the Iq current in the AC/DC controller. The
Fig 12 Grid active and Reactive Power. simulation results concludes that the SVPWM will gives the

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ISSN No:- 2456-2165.
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