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The effectiveness of physical activity interventions in improving wellbeing across office

based workplace settings: A Systematic Review

Keywords: Physical activity, review, intervention, employee, workplace, worksite


Objectives: Although the benefits of regular physical activity are widely accepted, most of
the population fail to meet the recommended levels of activity. Public health bodies such as
the World Health Organisation (WHO), emphasise promoting physical activity within
workplaces as key intervention setting to reach the health and wellbeing of the working
population. Given the importance of wellbeing in workplace settings, it seems worthwhile to
explore the evidence of effectiveness in the literature. This systematic review aims to assess
the effectiveness of physical activity (PA) interventions for improving wellbeing in working
adults. It provides a review of current evidence, assesses the quality of the research into this
topic area and identifies issues and recommendations for future research.

Study Design: A systematic review, guided by the Cochrane Handbook was conducted.

Methods: PsycINFO, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, EMBASE, MEDLINE and

Cochrane Library literature searches were conducted from 2007 to April 2017. Using the key
words ‘Physical Activity’; ‘Exercise’, ‘Wellbeing’; ‘Employee’ and ‘Workplace’ 5 articles
were obtained that fit for the inclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria were: - a workplace setting,
an intervention including a physical activity intervention and an outcome measure including
wellbeing. Extraction of articles and quality assessment of the papers were performed
independently by two authors using the Cochrane’s data extraction form and the Cochrane’s
risk of bias. Due to heterogeneity in population characteristics, intervention components,
outcomes measures and the durations of interventions, a narrative synthesis was conducted.

Results: The review identified 5 workplace physical activity interventions in promoting

wellbeing in 1326 participants. The included studies varied substantially in sample size
characteristics, methodological quality, and duration of follow up, types of interventions and
assessed outcomes. Three out of the five included studies were of high quality. The types of
physical activity intervention included yoga, exercise and three studies focussing on walking
interventions. The findings evidenced that exercise, yoga and walking interventions improve
wellbeing as measured across workplace settings compared to no intervention. Some studies

did not include a placebo control group and therefore a form of PA intervention regardless of
the type may be better than no intervention at all.

Conclusion: This review found mixed evidence that PA interventions can be effective in
improving wellbeing across workplace settings. Although, the findings are promising, due to
methodological failings there is no conclusive evidence. Current evidence indicates that
employees can improve their wellbeing by participating in any form of physical activity
interventions in the workplace.


Workplaces have been established as one of the priority settings for health promotion in the
21st century1. They have been shown to directly influence the physical, mental, economic and
social wellbeing of employees and as a result the health of their families. Regrettably the
concept that the workplace is an important area for health campaigns of many kinds, as well
as basic occupational health and safety programmes may not yet be widely accepted 2. The
concept of promoting health in the workplace is becoming increasingly relevant as more
organisations recognise the importance of a healthy workforce to obtain success across their
organisation. There are several benefits for employers in investing in the health of their
employee such as reduced sickness absence, increased productivity and better staff retention3.

Physical activity interventions have been shown to be cost effective across workplaces 4, 5, 6.
Numerous studies have conveyed the importance of physical activity in improving health and
wellbeing 7,8,9,10. According to the Department of Health11, terminology around wellbeing is
often used interchangeably and sometimes incorrectly. Wellbeing refers to an individual
realising their own capabilities and able to feel good and function well with the normal
stresses of life whilst working12. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recognises that
wellbeing is an important marker of health and plays an important role in employee and
employer relations as well as job satisfaction and productivity 13, 14.

It has been widely emphasised that workplace physical activity strategies to improve mental
wellbeing and employee productivity should focus on reducing sitting time by increasing
physical activity across workplaces 14. However; a systematic review examined workplace
health interventions for increasing physical activity and found the evidence to be
inconclusive1. As evidence on workplace physical activity interventions is unclear, this

review aims to provide clarity on the effectiveness of physical activity interventions across

Although the benefits of physical activity in promoting wellbeing are widely accepted, links
between physical activity interventions and wellbeing across workplace settings remain
unclear and often anecdotal. This is the first review to the authors’ knowledge where the
effectiveness of physical activity in improving wellbeing is synthesised. Given the
importance of wellbeing in workplace settings, it seems worthwhile to explore this emerging
area. This systematic review aims to assess the effectiveness of PA interventions for
improving wellbeing in working adults. It provides a review of current evidence, assesses the
quality of the research into this topic area and identifies issues and recommendations for
future research.

This systematic review guided by the Cochrane Handbook was conducted to assess the
effectiveness of physical activity (PA) interventions for improving psychological wellbeing
in working adults in an office setting. This review was registered prospectively to the
PROSPERO register. Registration number CRD42017068826.

Data sources

A systematic literature search was performed for English Language articles from 2007 to
April 2017 in PsycINFO, PubMed, Science Direct, Web of Science, EMBASE, MEDLINE
and the Cochrane library using the following search terms and keywords: ‘Physical activity’;
‘exercise’; ‘wellbeing’; ‘work’; ‘workplace’; ‘worksite’; ‘employees’ and ‘employee’.
Additional reference lists of included studies and related systematic reviews were manually
checked for further relevant articles.

Study selection

The approach of this systematic review was based on the Cochrane handbook for systematic
reviews of interventions 15 and PRISMA flow chart shown in figure 1. This approach ensured
that this systematic review consisted of limited bias and the evidence provided in this review
was of a reliable nature. The search of the databases and the exclusion and inclusion of
relevant studies based on titles were done by the first author (SA). The full text of the
remaining studies was reviewed by SA and a second reviewer (RW) considering the
eligibility criteria. Any disagreements were resolved by discussion. Data was extracted by

two authors (SA and RW) and it was planned that the third author (JBD) would assess should
there be no agreement in discussions between the two authors.

Types of studies

Study designs of all types were eligible if they met the criteria of inclusion. Studies were
limited to published, peer reviewed articles written in English language.

Types of participant

Studies had to represent adults in a office-based workplace environment.

Types of intervention

Any studies focusing on face-to-face physical activity or exercise interventions were

included. Non-behavioural interventions were excluded such as educational and counselling.
All included studies measured the effects of the intervention on psychological wellbeing
levels as a primary outcome. Psychological wellbeing was reported through various outcomes
such as stress, life purpose, life satisfaction and subjective wellbeing. Some studies reported
physical activity outcomes using step counts.

Quality assessment of included studies

The quality of the included studies was assessed using the Cochrane’s risk of bias tool 15. The
tool covers six domains of bias: selection bias, performance bias, detection bias, attrition bias,
reporting bias and other biases. The validated tool provided a conclusion of risk of bias using
low risk, high risk and unclear risk for each study. A methodologically weak strong quality
paper will have a low risk for each domain.15 Each study was assessed independently by the
first two authors to limit bias. The quality of the studies was used in combination with the
evidence of effect throughout the synthesis.


Figure 1 PRISMA Flowchart

Five studies with a total of 1326 participants met the inclusion criteria. Of these, three were
randomised control trials 16, 17, 18, one was an experimental design19 and one uncontrolled
feasibility trial 20. Due to heterogeneity in population characteristics, intervention components
outcomes measures and the durations of interventions, a meta-analysis was not feasible 21. A
narrative synthesis was conducted for this review.
The mode of physical activity interventions across the studies included one exercise study,
one yoga study and five walking studies. The length of studies ranged from a minimum of 9
weeks 17 to two years20. All the included studies measured wellbeing differently using a range
of questionnaires and scales. Two high quality studies 18, 20 did not report physical activity
Three studies were conducted in University settings 17,18,20, one study was conducted amongst
small to medium sized organisations16 and one study did not report the type of workplace
setting 19 however it was mentioned that 10 worksites were involved. Four studies were
undertaken across Europe 16, 17,18, 20 and one was conducted in Australia19. Four studies were
conducted at a single workplace, with one being conducted across ten Australian worksites19 .

According to the quality assessment, three studies 17, 18, 20 were of high quality. Two studies
16, 19
were of low quality. None of the included studies used a theoretical base in their
Evidence of effectiveness

Table 1 show the main outcomes of all included studies. The outcomes are described by
grouping the included studies as type of interventions.


Hartfiel, Havenhand, Khalsa, Clarke and Krayer 18 found good quality evidence that yoga
was statistically significant in increasing wellbeing compared to controls. The yoga
participants felt significantly less anxious (p<0.0005), less confused (p<0.0005), less
depressed (p<0.01), tired (p<0.002) and less unsure (p<0.010). Moreover, yoga participants
had a greater sense of life purpose and satisfaction (p<0.0.009) and were more confident
during stressful situations (p<0.001). Although, participants in the yoga group reported
feeling less hostile than the control group, this was not significantly evident (p>0.189).
However, as there was no placebo control group high quality study can only conclude that a
form of intervention is better than none.


Three walking interventions studies showed mixed evidence of statistically significant

increases in improving wellbeing 17, 19, 20. However, one of the studies 19 was of low quality
and as a result the quality of the three studies compromises the strength of the findings that
walking interventions are effective in improving workplace health.

Thogersen-Ntoumani et al 20 found significant improvement (P<0.001) in health perceptions,

subjective vitality, work performance and fatigue. These changes were sustained at four
months follow up. However, this high quality study highlighted that there were no changes
identified for enthusiasm, nervousness and relaxation at work.

A low-quality study 19 found that after the four month intervention, subjective wellbeing
improved significantly immediately (p<0.001) and was sustained eight months after
completion of the programme (p<0.001). However, as there was no placebo control group
high quality study can only conclude that a form of intervention is better than none.

Puig-Ribera, McKenna, Gilson & Brown17 found good evidence that individuals who
reported low activity at baseline, showed the greatest increase in step counts, improved
quality of life and wellbeing and work productivity (p<0.01).However, the findings of this
high quality study demonstrated no significant group differences in changes to work day step
counts. Although, participants in the intervention groups maintained their step counts, control
step counts decreased with the approach of winter. This study implies that this walking
intervention works best with sedentary employees compared to a control group.


Kettunen, Vuorimaa & Vasankari 16, conducted a 12 month exercise programme found low
quality evidence that statistically significant decreases of stress symptoms and improved
mental resources and cardiorespiratory fitness and these positive changes were retained after
1 year follow up compared to control group.

The findings evidence that exercise, yoga and walking interventions improve wellbeing as
measured across workplace settings compared to no intervention. Some studies did not
include a placebo control group and therefore a form of PA intervention regardless of the
type may be better than no intervention at all. Two studies 17, 20 did not follow participants for
a sufficient duration to allow definitive conclusions to be drawn.

Table 1 –physical activity Interventions to promote wellbeing across office employees

Study Sample and Setting Design and Measures Findings Quality

Intervention Assessment

Kettunen et al (2015) Sample: 371 RCT, 1 year Physical Activity Stress symptoms of Low Quality
employees from intervention with 1 the exercise group
Finland The weekly leisure
small and medium- year follow up., data decreased by 16%
time physical activity
Aim: To investigate sized companies. collections occurred (p<0.0001)and mental
(LTPA) questionnaire.
the effect of an at baseline, 4 month, resources, leisure time
Intervention group:
exercise-training 8 month, 12 month Cardiorespiratory physical activity as
programme with a N = 338 , mean age and 24 months. fitness well as
moderate volume and 45± 8.8, Women = cardiorespiratory
Maximal oxygen fitness improved
low intensity on stress 212, Male – 126
uptake during the 12 month
symptoms, mental Intervention Group:
Control Group: n=33, intervention and these
resources and 12 month exercise
mean age = 41±6.9. positive changes
cardiorespiratory programme which
Women= 17, Male = Wellbeing remained after the
fitness of healthy contained 2 days
16 follow up year.
working adults. training camps at a
The Occupational
sport institute.
Study Length:2 years stress questionnaire
Individuals were put
(OSQ) measured the
into groups and each
characteristics and
group had the same
stress factors of work
coach for the
and stress reactions of
duration of the
employees. Mental
intervention. Every
resource index (MRI)
participant had an

exercise programme.

Control group:
received no
supervised exercise
or programme

Hartfiel et al (2011) Sample: 48 RCT Physical Activity: The yoga participants High Quality
employees from a at the end of the
United Kingdom Intervention Group:
British University. program felt
Attended at least 1
Aim: To examine the Wellbeing: significantly less
Intervention Group : of 3 60 minute
effectiveness of yoga anxious (p<0.0005),
N = 20 lunchtime classes per Profile of Mood States
in enhancing confused, (p<0.0005),
week for six weeks Bipolar (POMS-Bi)
emotional wellbeing N= 17 Female, Mean depressed (P<0.01),
with a yoga
and resilience to stress age: 40.6 tired (P<0.002) and
instructor. Each Inventory of positive
amongst university unsure (P < 0.010) and
participant received psychological attitudes
Control Group: N=20, had a greater sense of
employees. (IPPA)
Women: n=19, Mean a Yoga CD which
life purpose and
Study Length: 1 Year Age: 38.0 included a guided 35
satisfaction (P<0.009)
minute home
and were more
practice session.
confident during
stressful situations

Control Group: No
Although the yoga
group reported feeling
less hostile than the
control group, this
difference was not
statistically significant

Freak-Poli et al (2014) Sample: 762 adults Data was collected at Physical Activity: Wellbeing improved Low Quality
from 10 Australian baseline, four Reported as part of immediately after the
worksites. months, and eight self-reported health program
Aim: To evaluate months after questionnaire (P<0.001) and was
whether the completion of the incorporating sustained eight
participation in a four programme. demographic months later
month, team based information and (P<0.001). Out of the
pedometer based behavioural measures 25% of individuals
workplace health including meeting with poor wellbeing
program known to physical activity initially, 49.5% moved
Intervention: The guidelines. into positive wellbeing
improve biomedical
Global Corporate category immediately
risk factors is
Challenge (GCC) after program
associated with
consisted of a team- completion and
improved wellbeing. Wellbeing:
based, visible step sustained eight
Study length: 4 count pedometer WHO-Five Wellbeing months later
Months challenge. The target Index (WHO-5) to (P<0.001).

10 | P a g e
is for teams to assess subjective
achieve 10,000 steps wellbeing.
per day to virtually
walk around a world
map. Weekly
encourage emails
were sent. A website
was used for logging
daily steps, access to
additional heath
information such as
the number of steps
required to burn off
food item were

Thogersen-ntoumani Sample: 75 physically Uncontrolled Physical Activity: Increases in High Quality

et al (2014) inactive non- feasibility trial. perceptions of health,
academic employees subjective vitality and
United Kingdom Intervention: first 10
from a large British Wellbeing: work performance and
weeks consisted of 3
Aim: To examine well- university. decreases in fatigue at
groups led 30 minute MOS Health Survey
being and work work were observed.
lunchtime walks and
performance changes Subjective Vitality
2 self-initiated week
accompanying 92% female, mean Scale
end walks per week.
participation in a 16 age= 47.68. Changes were
In the following 6
sustained four months
weeks, all walks were
after the end of the

11 | P a g e
weeks lunchtime All individuals had self-initiated. The job Affect Scale intervention. No
walking intervention desk based jobs. Participants were (JAS) changes were
provided with identified for
Participants were World Health
unsealed enthusiasm,
eligible to take part in Organisation Health
Study length: 4 pedometers. nervousness and
the intervention if and Work
months relaxation at work.
they reported Performance
engaging in less than Questionnaire (WHO
the recommended HPQ)
levels of physical
Positive and Negative
activity and worked
Affect Scale (PANAS)
full time.

Puig-Ribera et al Sample: 70 university RCT Physical Activity: Low active participants High Quality
(2008) employees showed the greatest
Intervention Group Step Count
increase in step counts
Spain 1: n= 19 Walking
Wellbeing: SF-12 and improved quality
Aim: To examine the Questionnaire of life and work
impact of two walking productivity.
interventions on
Intervention Group
quality of life and job Work limitations
2:n= 25
performance of Questionnaire
University employees. Walking while
Study length: 9 Weeks
Control: n= 26

12 | P a g e

The five studies included in this review found mixed evidence that physical activity
interventions can be effective in improving wellbeing in adults, with evidence of
improvement being maintained for up to 2 years after intervention. Inconsistency of measures
and outcomes meant it was not possible to pool the data of the included studies in to a meta-
analysis. All intervention types were able to elicit some improvement in wellbeing versus
control group with no active placebo, therefore the evidence can only conclude that
something is better than nothing. One RCT found no significant group differences in quality
of life and step counts 17. However, when data from the two intervention groups were pooled,
positive changes were found compared to controls. Therefore, suggesting that some form of
physical activityis better at improving the wellbeing of individuals than partaking in no
physical activity. . Although the findings demonstrated positive results, due to the differences
in quality assessment of the included studies, the results should be taken with caution. Out of
the 5 studies, three studies included a sample size of fewer than 100 participants 17, 18,20 .
Furthermore, due to the heterogeneity of the difference in settings definitive conclusions
cannot be drawn. All five studies varied in their outcome measures of wellbeing and physical
activity, with two studies opting to not report physical activity in their studies.
Recommendations for future research and limitations

The evidence around the benefits of physical activity in promoting wellbeing are widely
accepted however the link between PA interventions and wellbeing across workplace settings
is poorly evidenced, highlighting a gap in the literature. Out of the five included studies, three
high quality studies demonstrated promising results however due to the lack of placebo
controls, the findings do not highlight a direct link to effectiveness.

Therefore, future studies should use rigorous designs and methods to provide conclusive
evidence around workplace interventions and wellbeing.

Interventions should incorporate a theoretical framework and use behavioural change

techniques22 to implement interventions across the targeted workforce population. A recent
systematic review1 investigated a review of behaviour change techniques within workplace
health promotion interventions for increasing PA. Although the studies included in the review
demonstrated evidence that workplace physical activity interventions are somewhat effective,
overall the results were inconclusive.

13 | P a g e
Moreover, the type of PA intervention in workplace settings may influence employee
wellbeing. As yoga includes an element of mindfulness, this type of physical activity may
influence wellbeing differently to traditional PA interventions such as exercise and walking.
Regular exercise is intended to tone and strengthen body, whist yoga focuses on physical and
mental fitness. Therefore future reviews such focus on one type of PA to conclude the
effectiveness on employee wellbeing.

A key improvement issue evidence from this review indicates that further work is required to
define and measure wellbeing. A limitation of this review is that the keywords used during
the search strategy may not have yielded all published articles. However, the comprehensive
search that was conducted explored the relationship between PA, wellbeing and workplace. It
is recommended that more physical activity interventions in promoting wellbeing are
conducted across workplaces using similar measures and consistent operationalisation of
terms. This would enable reviews to examine the explanations for heterogeneity across
different PA workplace interventions.

The review was limited to academic studies published in English Language, therefore may
have missed some relevant studies published in other language or in grey literature sources.
Furthermore, despite a comprehensive search of the literature across a wide range of
databases, this review identified only five studies in improving wellbeing through PA
interventions. The limited number of studies causes difficulty in establishing a link between
the effectiveness of PA interventions in promoting wellbeing. Moreover, this review
investigated all types of PA interventions in workplaces, with only one study focusing on
yoga, one on exercise and three on walking. The differentiation across types of PA
interventions make it difficult to reach a straightforward conclusion on the topic.

Two of the included studies were carried out in the United Kingdom, one in Spain, one study
in Australia and the other in Finland. The vast difference amongst study settings raises the
question of generalisability to other countries. The feasibility and the effectiveness of these
interventions are potentially limited due to differences across the globe in infrastructure,
workplace settings, policies and social norms.

Due to the nature of a systematic review, there remains a risk of publication bias as
interventions yielding a negative or insignificant outcome are less likely to be published 23.
The heterogeneity within the studies identified makes it challenging to provide
recommendations for policy makers and health professionals. Nonetheless, the evidence

14 | P a g e
gathered in this review offers promising individual studies highlighting that a form of PA
intervention regardless of the type of physical activity may be better than no intervention at


This review found mixed evidence that PA interventions can be effective in improving
wellbeing across workplace settings. The findings are promising however due to
methodological failings there is no conclusive evidence. Current evidence indicates that
employees can improve their wellbeing by participating in any form of physical activity
interventions in the workplace. However, the evidence base on the most effective intervention
type is inconclusive and lacks depth or theory around the range of behavioural underpinnings
such as motivation and intentions. The current review has identified a need for better future
research to investigate this topic further to draw well founded conclusions relating to this area
of workplace health.

Author statement


This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

Ethical Approval

None Sought

Competing Interests

None declared

15 | P a g e

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17 | P a g e

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