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Xona Datasheet 62443

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Meeting Relevant ISA/IEC 62443

Cybersecurity Standards with a Simple and

Secure OT User Access Platform

The ISA/IEC 62443 set of security requirements is an expansive yet flexible framework to
address and mitigate current and future security vulnerabilities in industrial automation and
control systems (IACSs). The standards are applicable to all critical infrastructure industry
sectors and cover a wide range of topics from terminology, concepts, and models to security
technologies for IACS, and much more.

XONA™ provides security capabilities to meet the requirements of the 62443 standards
pertaining to access control, identification and authentication control, use control, data
confidentiality, and least privilege. XONA utilizes protocol and system isolation, encrypted
display, multi-factor authentication, session logging, and recording of user access to support
this compliance, thus securing against cybersecurity risks.

ANSI/ISA-62443-2-1 (99.02.01) – 2009

The XONA platform provides foundational requirements and additional security levels for Access
Control to cyber assets through the following: Element: Access Control: Account Administration – XONA ensures, on an ongoing basis, that only appropriate
entities have accounts that allow access and that these accounts provide appropriate access privileges.

✓ Authorize account

XONA grants, changes, or terminates access on the authority of an
appropriate manager.

XONA maintains a record of all access accounts, including details

✓ Record access accounts of the individual(s) and devices authorized to use the account, their
permissions, and the authorizing manager.

✓ Suspend or remove

unneeded accounts
XONA suspends or removes access accounts as soon as they are no
longer needed (for example, job change). | | 866.849.6629 Element: Access Control: Authentication – XONA positively identifies network users, hosts, applications, services,
and resources for computerized transaction so that they can be given the rights and responsibilities associated with the
accounts they have been granted under account administration.

XONA authenticates all users before using the requested application,

✓ Authenticate all users
before system use
unless there are compensating combinations of entrance control
technologies and administrative practices. Require strong

XONA uses strong authentication practices (such as requiring strong
✓ authentication methods for system
administration and application
passwords) on all system administrator and application configuration
access accounts.

✓ Log and review all access

attempts to critical systems
XONA log files record on all access attempts to critical systems and
reviews them for successful and failed access attempts.

✓ Authenticate all remote

users at the appropriate level
XONA employs an authentication scheme with an appropriate level of
strength to positively identify a remote interactive user.

XONA has a policy addressing remote login by a user and/or remote

✓ Develop a policy for

remote login and connections
connections (for example, task-to-task connections) to the control
system which defines appropriate system responses to failed login
attempts and periods of inactivity.

✓ Disable access account

after failed remote login attempts
After some number of failed login attempts by a remote user, XONA
disables the access account for a certain amount of time. Require re-

✓ authentication after remote
system inactivity
After a defined period of inactivity, XONA requires a remote user to re-
authenticate before he or she can re-access the system.

✓ Employ authentication

for task-to-task communication
XONA employs appropriate authentication schemes for task-to-task
communication between applications and devices. Element: Access Control: Authorization – XONA grants access privileges to resources upon successful authentication
of the user and identification of his or her associated access account. The privileges granted are determined by the account
configuration set up during the account administration step in the business process.

XONA’s permission to access IACS devices is logical (rules that grant Establish appropriate
✓ logical and physical permission
methods to access IACS devices
or deny access to known users based on their roles), physical (locks,
cameras, and other controls that restrict access to an active computer
console), or both. Control access to XONA’s access accounts are role based to manage access to appropriate
✓ information or systems via role-
based access accounts
information or systems for that user’s role. Safety implications are
considered when defining roles. Employ multiple

✓ authorization methods for critical
In critical control environments, XONA employs multiple authorization
methods to limit access to the IACS. | | 866.849.6629 Element: System Development and Maintenance – XONA ensures that the organization’s desired risk tolerance level
is maintained as its IACS assets evolve through the maintenance of existing systems and development and procurement of new

XONA ensures that the organization’s desired risk tolerance level is

✓ Establish and document
a patch management procedure
maintained as its IACS assets evolve through the maintenance of
existing systems and development and procurement of new systems.

Note: XONA does not support - 6, 8 & 9.

ANSI/ISA-62443-3-3 (99.03.03) – 2013

The XONA platform supports requirements for Identification and Authentication Control, Use Control,
Data Confidentiality, Network Segmentation, and Timely Response to Events through the following:

5 FR 1 – Identification and authentication control (IAC) – XONA provides the capability to identify and authenticate all
human users. This capability enforces such identification and authentication on all interfaces which provide human user access
to the control system to support segregation of duties and least privilege in accordance with applicable security policies and

✓ 5.3.1 SR 1.1 – Human user

identification and authentication
XONA provides the capability to identify and authenticate all human

✓ 5.3.3 RE (1) Unique identification

and authentication
XONA provides the capability to uniquely identify and authenticate all
human users.

5.3.3 RE (2) Multifactor XONA provides the capability to employ multifactor authentication for
✓ authentication for untrusted
human user access to the control system via an untrusted network (see
5.15, SR 1.13 – Access via untrusted networks).

✓ 5.3.3 RE (3) Multifactor

authentication for all networks
XONA provides the capability to employ multifactor authentication for
all human user access to the control system.

5.4 SR 1.2 – Software process and device identification and authentication – XONA provides the capability to identify
and authenticate all software processes and devices. This capability enforces such identification and authentication on all
interfaces which provide access to the control system to support least privilege in accordance with applicable security policies
and procedures.

✓ 5.4.3 RE (1) Unique identification

and authentication

5.5 SR 1.3 – Account management – XONA provides the capability to support the management of all accounts by authorized
users, including adding, activating, modifying, disabling, and removing accounts.

✓ 5.5.3 RE (1) Unified account

XONA provides the capability to support unified account management. | | 866.849.6629

5.6 SR 1.4 – Identifier management – XONA provides the capability to support the management of identifiers by user, group,
role or control system interface. Identifiers: user identification may be role-based, group-based or device-based.

5.7 SR 1.5 – Authenticator management – XONA provides the capability to:

a) initialize authenticator content;
b) change all default authenticators upon control system installation;
c) change/refresh all authenticators; and
d) protect all authenticators from unauthorized disclosure and modification when stored and transmitted.
Control system authenticators include, but are not limited to, tokens, symmetric keys, private keys (part of a public/private key
pair), biometrics, passwords, physical keys, and key cards.

5.7.3 RE (1) Hardware security

✓ for software process identity
For software process and device users, XONA provides the capability to
protect the relevant authenticators via hardware mechanisms.

5.8 SR 1.6 – Wireless access management – XONA provides the capability to identify and authenticate all users (humans,
software processes or devices) engaged in wireless communication.

XONA provides the capability to uniquely identify and authenticate all

✓ 5.8.3 RE (1) Unique identification
and authentication
users (humans, software processes or devices) engaged in wireless

5.10 SR 1.8 – Public key infrastructure certificates – XONA provides the capability to operate a PKI according to commonly
accepted best practices or obtain public key certificates from an existing PKI.

5.11 SR 1.9 – Strength of public key authentication – Utilizing public key authentication, XONA provides the capability to:
a) validate certificates by checking the validity of the signature of a given certificate;
b) validate certificates by constructing a certification path to an accepted CA or in the case of self-signed certificates by
deploying leaf certificates to all hosts which communicate with the subject to which the certificate is issued;
c) validate certificates by checking a given certificate’s revocation status;
d) establish user (human, software process or device) control of the corresponding private key; and
e) map the authenticated identity to a user (human, software process or device).

XONA provides the capability to protect the relevant private keys via
✓ 5.11.3 RE (1) Hardware security
for public key authentication
hardware mechanisms according to commonly accepted security
industry practices and recommendations.

5.12 SR 1.10 – Authenticator feedback – XONA provides the capability to obscure feedback of authentication information
during the authentication process.

5.14 SR 1.12 – System use notification – XONA provides the capability to display a system use notification message before
authenticating. The system use notification message shall be configurable by authorized personnel. | | 866.849.6629

5.15 SR 1.13 – Access via untrusted networks – XONA provides the capability to monitor and control all methods of access to
the control system via untrusted networks.

✓ 5.13.3 RE (1) Explicit access

request approval
XONA provides the capability to deny access requests via untrusted
networks unless approved by an assigned role.

6 FR 2 – Use control (UC)

6.3 SR 2.1 – Authorization enforcement – On all interfaces, XONA provides the capability to enforce authorizations assigned
to all human users for controlling use of the control system to support segregation of duties and least privilege.

On all interfaces, XONA provides the capability to enforce authorizations

✓ 6.3.3 RE (1) Authorization

enforcement for all users
assigned to all users (humans, software processes and devices) for
controlling use of the control system to support segregation of duties
and least privilege.

✓ 6.3.3 RE (2) Permission mapping

to roles
XONA provides the capability for an authorized user or role to define and
modify the mapping of permissions to roles for all human users.

✓ 6.3.3 RE (3) Supervisor override

XONA supports supervisor manual override of the current human user
authorizations for a configurable time or event sequence.

✓ 6.3.3 RE (4) Dual approval

XONA supports dual approval where an action can result in serious
impact on the industrial process.

6.5 SR 2.3 – Use control for portable and mobile devices – XONA provides the capability to automatically enforce
configurable usage restrictions that include:
a) preventing the use of portable and mobile devices;
b) requiring context specific authorization; and
c) restricting code and data transfer to/from portable and mobile devices.

6.5.3 RE (1) Enforcement of XONA provides the capability to verify that portable or mobile devices
✓ security status of portable and
mobile devices
attempting to connect to a zone comply with the security requirements
of that zone.

6.7 SR 2.5 – Session lock – XONA provides the capability to prevent further access by initiating a session lock after a
configurable time period of inactivity or by manual initiation. The session lock shall remain in effect until the human user who
owns the session or another authorized human user re-establishes access using appropriate identification and authentication

6.8 SR 2.6 – Remote session termination – XONA provides the capability to terminate a remote session either automatically
after a configurable time period of inactivity or manually by the user who initiated the session. | | 866.849.6629

6.9 SR 2.7 – Concurrent session control – XONA provides the capability to limit the number of concurrent sessions per
interface for any given user (human, software process or device) to a configurable number of sessions.

6.10 SR 2.8 – Auditable events – XONA provides the capability to generate audit records relevant to security for the following
categories: access control, request errors, operating system events, control system events, backup and restore events,
configuration changes, potential reconnaissance activity and audit log events. Individual audit records include the timestamp,
source (originating device, software process or human user account), category, type, event ID and event result.

XONA provides the capability to centrally manage audit events and

to compile audit records from multiple components throughout the
control system into a system-wide (logical or physical), time-correlated
✓ 6.10.3 RE (1) Centrally managed,
system-wide audit trail
audit trail. XONA provides the capability to export these audit records
in industry standard formats for analysis by standard commercial log
analysis tools, for example, security information and event management

6.14 SR 2.12 – Non-repudiation – XONA provides the capability to determine whether a given human user took a particular

✓ 6.14.3 RE (1) Non-repudiation for

all users
XONA provides the capability to determine whether a given user
(human, software process or device) took a particular action.

8.0 FR 4 – Data confidentiality (DC)

XONA provides the capability to protect the confidentiality of

✓ 8.3 SR 4.1 – Information
information for which explicit read authorization is supported, whether
at rest or in transit.

8.3.3 RE (1) Protection of XONA provides the capability to protect the confidentiality of
✓ confidentiality at rest or in transit
via untrusted networks
information at rest and remote access sessions traversing an untrusted

9.3 SR 5.1 – Network segmentation – XONA provides the capability to logically segment control system networks from non-
control system networks and to logically segment critical control system networks from other control system networks.

XONA provides the capability to physically segment control system

✓ 9.3.3 RE (1) Physical network

networks from non-control system networks and to physically segment
critical control system networks from non-critical control system

XONA has the capability to provide network services to control system

✓ 9.3.3 RE (2) Independence from
non-control system networks
networks, critical or otherwise, without a connection to non-control
system networks.

✓ 9.3.3 RE (3) Logical and physical

isolation of critical networks
XONA provides the capability to logically and physically isolate critical
control system networks from non-critical control system networks. | | 866.849.6629

10 FR 6 – Timely response to events (TRE)

10.3 SR 6.1 – Audit log accessibility – XONA provides the capability for authorized humans and/or tools to access audit logs
on a read-only basis.

✓ 10.3.3 RE (1) Programmatic

access to audit logs
XONA provides programmatic access to audit records using an
application programming interface (API).

The XONA platform supports technical security requirements for IACS components in the following

4.4 CCSC 3 Least privilege – When required and appropriate, XONA provides the capability for the system to enforce the
concept of least privilege. XONA provides the granularity of permissions and flexibility of mapping those permissions to roles
sufficient to support it. Individual accountability is available when required.

5.3 CR 1.1 – Human user identification and authentication – XONA provides the capability to identify and authenticate
all human users according to ISA‑62443‑3‑3 [11] SR 1.1 on all interfaces capable of human user access. This capability
enforces such identification and authentication on all interfaces that provide human user access to the component to support
segregation of duties and least privilege in accordance with applicable security policies and procedures. This capability can be
provided locally or by integration into a system level identification and authentication system.

XONA provides the capability to physically segment control system

✓ 5.3.3 Requirement enhancements

networks from non-control system networks and to physically segment
critical control system networks from non-critical control system

✓ 5.3.3 RE (1) Unique identification

and authentication:
XONA provides the capability to uniquely identify and authenticate all
human users.

✓ 5.3.3 RE (2) Multifactor

authentication for all interfaces
XONA provides the capability to employ multifactor authentication for
all human user access to the component.

5.4 CR 1.2 – Software process and device identification and authentication – XONA provides the capability to identify
itself and authenticate to any other component (software application, embedded devices, host devices and network devices),
according to ISA‑62443‑3‑3 [11] SR1.2. All entities are identified and authenticated for all access to the control system.
Authentication of the identity of such entities is accomplished by using methods such as passwords, tokens, or location
(physical or logical). This requirement is applied to both local and remote access to the control system

✓ 5.4.3 Requirement enhancements

✓ 5.4.30 RE (1) Unique identification

and authentication
XONA provides the capability to uniquely identify and authenticate itself
to any other component. | | 866.849.6629

5.7 CR 1.5 – Authenticator management – XONA provides the capability to:
a) support the use of initial authenticator content;
b) support the recognition of changes to default authenticators made at installation time;
c) function properly with periodic authenticator change/refresh operation; and
d) protect authenticators from unauthorized disclosure and modification when stored, used, and transmitted.

✓ 5.7.3 RE (1) Hardware security for

XONA protects the authenticators via hardware mechanisms.

5.10 CR 1.8 – Public key infrastructure certificates – When public key infrastructure (PKI) is utilized, XONA provides or
integrates into a system that provides the capability to interact and operate in accordance with ISA‑62443‑3‑3 [11] SR1.8.

5.11 CR 1.9 – Strength of public key-based authentication – For components that utilize public-key-based authentication,
XONA provides directly or integrates into a system that provides the capability within the same IACS environment to:
a) validate certificates by checking the validity of the signature of a given certificate;
b) validate the certificate chain or, in the case of self-signed certificates, by deploying leaf certificates to all hosts that
communicate with the subject to which the certificate is issued;
c) validate certificates by checking a given certificate’s revocation status;
d) establish user (human, software process or device) control of the corresponding private key;
e) map the authenticated identity to a user (human, software process or device); and
f) ensure that the algorithms and keys used for the public key authentication comply with 8.5 CR 4.3 – Use of cryptography.

5.11.3 RE (1) Hardware

✓ security for public key-based
XONA provides the capability to protect critical, long-lived private keys
via hardware mechanisms.

5.12 CR 1.10 – Authenticator feedback – XONA’s authentication capability provides the capability to obscure feedback of
authenticator information during the authentication process.

5.13 CR 1.11 – Unsuccessful login attempts – XONA’s authentication capability provides the capability to:
a) enforce a limit of a configurable number of consecutive invalid access attempts by any user (human, software process or
device) during a configurable time period; and

5.14 CR 1.12 – System use notification – For local human user access/HMI, XONA provides the capability to display a system
use notification message before authenticating. The system use notification message is configurable by authorized personnel.

5.15 CR 1.13 – Access via untrusted networks – The access via untrusted networks requirements are component-specific
and can be located as requirements for each specific component type in Clauses 12 through 15.

6 FR 2 – Use control

6.1 Purpose and SL-C(UC) descriptions – XONA enforces the assigned privileges of an authenticated user (human, software
process or device) to perform the requested action on the component and monitor the use of these privileges. | | 866.849.6629

6.3 CR 2.1 – Authorization enforcement – XONA provides an authorization enforcement mechanism for all identified and
authenticated users based on their assigned responsibilities.

✓ 6.3.3 Requirement enhancements

✓ 6.3.3 RE (1) Authorization

enforcement for all users
XONA provides an authorization enforcement mechanism for all users
based on their assigned responsibilities and least privilege.

✓ 6.3.3 RE (2) Permission mapping

to roles
XONA provides for an authorized role to define and modify the mapping
of permissions to roles for all human users.

✓ 6.3.3 RE (3) Supervisor override

XONA supports a supervisor manual override for a configurable time or
sequence of events.

✓ 6.3.3 RE (4) Dual approval

XONA supports dual approval when action can result in serious impact
on the industrial process.

6.5 CR 2.3 – Use control for portable and mobile devices – There is no component level requirement associated with
ISA‑62443‑3‑3 SR 2.3.

6.7 CR 2.5 – Session lock

With XONA’s human user interface, whether accessed locally or via a

network, XONA provides the capability:
a) to protect against further access by initiating a session lock after a

✓ 6.7.1 Requirement
configurable time period of inactivity or by manual initiation by the user
(human, software process or device); and
b) for the session lock to remain in effect until the human user who
owns the session, or another authorized human user, re-establishes
access using appropriate identification and authentication procedures.

6.8 CR 2.6 – Remote session termination

With regard to remote sessions, XONA provides the capability to

✓ 6.8.1 Requirement
terminate a remote session either automatically after a configurable
time period of inactivity, manually by a local authority, or manually by
the user (human, software process or device) who initiated the session. | | 866.849.6629

6.10 CR 2.8 – Auditable events – XONA provides the capability to generate audit records relevant to security for the following
a) access control;
b) request errors;
c) control system events;
d) backup and restore event;
e) configuration changes; and
f) audit log events.
Individual audit records include:
a) timestamp;
b) source (originate device, software process or human user acct);
c) category;
d) type;
e) event ID; and
f) event result.

6.13 CR 2.11 – Timestamps

✓ 6.13.1 Requirement
XONA provides the capability to create timestamps (including date and
time) for use in audit records.

✓ 6.13.3 Requirement

✓ 6.13.3 RE (1) Time synchronization

XONA provides the capability to create timestamps that are
synchronized with a system wide time source.

✓ 6.13.3 RE (2) Protection of time

source integrity
XONA’s time synchronization mechanism provides the capability to
detect unauthorized alteration and cause an audit event upon alteration.

6.14 CR 2.12 – Non-repudiation

✓ 6.14.1 Requirement
XONA provides the capability to determine whether a given human user
took a particular action.

✓ 6.14.3 Requirement

✓ 6.14.3 RE (1) Non-repudiation for

all users
XONA provides the capability to determine whether a given user
(human, software process or device) took a particular action.

8.5 CR 4.3 – Use of cryptography

If cryptography is required, XONA will use cryptographic security

✓ 8.5.1 Requirement mechanisms according to internationally recognized and proven security
practices and recommendations. | | 866.849.6629

10.3 CR 6.1 – Audit log accessibility

✓ 10.3.1 Requirement
XONA provides the capability for authorized humans and/or tools to
access audit logs on a read-only basis.

✓ 10.3.3 Requirement

XONA provides programmatic access to audit records by either using an

✓ 10.3.3 RE (1) Programmatic
access to audit logs
application programming interface (API) or sending the audit records to
a centralized system

12.3 SAR 3.2 – Protection from malicious code

XONA qualifies and documents which protection from malicious

✓ 12.3.1 Requirement code mechanisms are compatible with XONA and note any special
configuration requirements.

15.2 NDR 1.6 – Wireless access management

A network device supporting wireless access management provides

✓ 15.2.1 Requirement the capability to identify and authenticate all users (humans, software
processes or devices) engaged in wireless communication.

✓ 15.2.3 Requirement

XONA’s network device provides the capability to uniquely identify and

✓ 15.2.3 RE (1) Unique identification
and authentication
authenticate all users (humans, software processes or devices) engaged
in wireless communication.

15.3 NDR 1.13 – Access via untrusted networks

✓ 15.3.1 Requirement
XONA provides the capability to monitor and control all methods of
access to the network device via untrusted networks.

✓ 15.3.3 Requirement

✓ 15.3.3 RE (1) Explicit access

request approval
XONA provides the capability to deny access requests via untrusted
networks unless explicitly approved by an assigned role. | | 866.849.6629

15.7 NDR 3.10 – Support for updates

✓ 15.7.1 Requirement XONA supports the ability to be updated and upgraded.

✓ 15.7.3 Requirement

✓ 15.7.3 RE (1) Update authenticity

and integrity
XONA validates the authenticity and integrity of any software update or
upgrade prior to installation.

15.8 NDR 3.11 – Physical tamper resistance and detection

✓ 15.8.1 Requirement
XONA provides tamper resistance and detection mechanisms to protect
against unauthorized physical access into the device

15.11 NDR 3.14 – Integrity of the boot process

XONA verifies the integrity of the firmware, software, and configuration

✓ 15.11.1 Requirement data needed for the device’s boot process prior to it being used in the
boot process.

✓ 15.11.3 Requirement

XONA uses its own roots of trust to verity the authenticity of the
✓ 15.11.3 RE (1) Authenticity of the
boot process
firmware, software, and configuration data needed for the device’s boot
process prior to it being used in the boot process. | | 866.849.6629

5.1 Purpose and SL-C(IAC) descriptions

Identify and authenticate all users (humans, software processes and devices), prior to allowing them access to the system or

SL 1 – Identify and authenticate all users (humans, software processes and devices) by mechanisms that protect against casual
or coincidental access by unauthenticated entities.

SL 2 – Identify and authenticate all users (humans, software processes and devices) by mechanisms that protect against
intentional unauthenticated access by entities using simple means with low resources, generic skills and low motivation.

SL 3 – Identify and authenticate all users (humans, software processes and devices) by mechanisms that protect against
intentional unauthenticated access by entities using sophisticated means with moderate resources, IACS specific skills and
moderate motivation.

SL 4 – Identify and authenticate all users (humans, software processes and devices) by mechanisms that protect against
intentional unauthenticated access by entities using sophisticated means with extended resources, IACS specific skills and high

Now more than ever, industrial organizations need the ability to remotely and securely access
operational technology—anytime, anywhere, on any device. With XONA, organizations realize
operational efficiencies and reduced cyber risk through our single, simple, flexible solution
rather than multiple point-access technologies.

We’re trusted by power system manufacturers, industrial control system providers, and other
industry giants to deliver unmatched security without slowing the speed of work. | | 866.849.6629

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