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Issue 030 - October 2011

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The document discusses various paranormal and UFO related topics such as ghost sightings, alien abductions, and mysterious youth. It also provides information about upcoming paranormal events and lists contributors to the magazine.

The story describes a 17-year old youth who wandered into Berlin's City Hall declaring that he was alone in the world. He was carrying camping gear and claimed to not know his identity or background, having lived in the forest with his father for the past 5 years.

Ryan recalls stories of paranormal happenings at a Broadway theatre in New York City that has a ghostly history, including strange activities encountered while working as a barman there.


Hello to all. Well, October is here again in force with its

Halloween enticing paranormal groups the venture forth Page 2: A Haunting on 44th Street.
into graveyards, old halls, castles and the like. But for us New York City is unarguably known for many things. Among those
here at MAPIT, we simply put our feet up as it is the only being its famous ghosts who haunt the dingy basements of its endless
official one day holiday we have. Yes... One day, I would
even participate on an investigation over the Christmas
amount of bars and hotels. But on the west side of 44th street, in
period if necessary. Manhattan, one Broadway theatre has a ghostly history all of its own.
Ryan Sprague whilst working as a barman came across strange
Missing all the ridiculous hype and media rubbish on October 31st stories of paranormal happenings. Ryan recalls some of the stories...
can be a real treat. So... If your like me, why not settle back and
have a look through our October issue. It promises to be an
enlightening read. Hope you enjoy and I’ll see you next month. Page 5: Timeslips & Apparitions.
Time travel is the concept of moving between different points in time
SUB-EDITORIAL in a manner analogue to moving between different points in space,
either sending objects, or in some cases just information backwards
Welcome to autumn, the darker nights and probable in time to some moment before the present or to the future without
increase of paranormal and UFOlogical reports, and of the need to experience the intervening period, at least not at the
course, Happy Halloween… A modern day Kasper Hauser normal rate... Robert Young BSc. Explains...
tale seems to be the newspapers choice of peculiar oddity
this month. The youth, who is apparently 17, wandered
into Berlin's City Hall on September 5th and declared: Page 9: In Search of Elementals.
"I'm all alone in the world." Many people throughout the world have reported seeing strange
things, be it balls of light in the sky to unusual shapes and Orbs
He was carrying a tent, a sleeping bag and a backpack and claimed during paranormal investigations. But could some of these sightings
he did not know who he was or his background. The boy, who is in
good health, called himself Ray and spoke in fluent English with only be explained away as Eye Floaters? Floco Tausin, a graduate of the
a few words of German. He said he had walked from the forest, Faculty of the Humanities at the University of Bern, Switzerland
where he had been living with his father for the last five years. looks deeper into these visual conditions...
According to his story, his father was killed in a fall a few weeks ago.
He has claimed to have buried the body in a shallow grave and
covered it with stones before walking to civilisation. Peculiarity,
Page 15: In-depth Observations on Eye Floaters.
hoax or a medical issue, it will be interesting to learn more. Many people throughout the world have reported seeing strange
The UPIA and I will be involved in this month’s Halton Library’s things, be it balls of light in the sky to unusual shapes and Orbs
paranormal week in the Runcorn area. We are most looking forward during paranormal investigations. But could some of these sightings
to our inclusion in the event. A programme of events is included in
be explained away as Eye Floaters? Floco Tausin, a graduate of the
this month’s edition. Reviews will be included in the coming months.
We will also be attending an organised paranormal event in Faculty of the Humanities at the University of Bern, Switzerland
Sheffield, both for review and to offer opinion and pointers on the looks deeper into these visual conditions...
event itself...
Page 18: Recent Crop Formations around the United Kindom.
Each year the United Kingdom receive a barrage of crop formations
in farmers fields in the southern part of the country. Many of the
formations are complex and mathematical in composition. These
regular and now world renowned incidents are considered by some to
be the product of earth energies and human consciousness, UFO
related, and even hoaxes. Have a look at a few of 2011’s formations.

Page 23: Spookology - Who Put The Norm in Paranormal?

In the way-back-when of my time editing Paranormal Magazine, I
jokingly coined the term ‘Spookology’ in one of my editorials. I was
writing in response to a certain amount of reader confusion regarding the likes of the Owlman, Black Dogs and other weird things that
A special thanks to all our contributors. If you would like to inhabit the twilight world of the paranormal. In this regular feature
contribute yourself, please contact Phenomena Magazine at: Richard Holland will be looking deeper into Spookology...
Page 25: What Lies Beneath?
THIS MONTHS CONTRIBUTORS There cannot be many who haven’t heard of Bob Lazar’s claims
Steve Mera, Dave Sadler, Colin Veacock, Robert Young BSc. Oliver Morel, concerning S4 at Groom Lake, Nevada, in regards to retrieved flying
Lucy Pringle, Mark Fossell, Stuart Dike, John Montgomery, Steve Alexander, discs and bodies of their alien crews, or the incredulous tales told by
Ryan Sprague, Steve Parsons, Ann Winsper, Peter Elson, Mark Rosney,
Ken A. Jackson, Renown Pictures LTD, Floco Tausin, Chris Parr, Jade Ashcroft, the late Phil Schneider who claimed to have shot two aliens in the
Brian Allen, Richard Holland, Colin Veacock, Richard Sauder Ph.D. underground base at Dulce, New Mexico. Colin Veacock looks into
Graham Brown & Bryce Zabel.
the subject of Deep Underground Military Bases.
PHENOMENA MAGAZINE EDITOR: STEVE MERA - Page 31: Orbs, Vehicles of Consciousness, Communication Devices?
PHENOMENA MAGAZINE ASSISTANT EDITOR: DAVE SADLER - Could Orbs be vehicles of Consciousness or communication devices? The subject of consciousness alone has been the philosophers
concern for centuries, its multifaceted and mutable form often times
DISCLAIMER evading description and definition. That which is unknown to one
Due to UPIA and MAPIT protocols, personal or group promotion will mind, is perfectly understood by another via varying avenues of
not be accepted. All submitted articles to Phenomena Magazine cognition. Jade Ashcroft explains...
must be 'Original Work'. MAPIT / UPIA are not responsible for
articles that appear in the magazine which do not belong to the
individuals submitting them. MAPIT / UPIA do everything in their Page 34: Shades of Gray.
power to credit individuals work and images. If you are aware of any All ufologists know, of course, that Betty and Barney are not just the
material featured in Phenomena Magazine that is not credited Flintstones' next door neighbours, but the names that belong to the
correctly, then please inform us as soon as possible. The MAPIT Hills, the married couple who became the ignition point of the
Copyright covers only articles wrote by MAPIT & UPIA investigators
and group logos found throughout the magazine. The views and modern alien abduction era. Around 50 years ago, on September 19,
opinions expressed in any of the articles are those of the authors and 1961, Betty and Barney had an amazing and traumatic UFO
do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of UPIA, experience. Bryce Zabel discusses the possibility of a new movie...
MAPIT or Phenomena Magazine.

Phenomena Magazine is covered under the Creative Commons

Plus: Latest News Items, Sppok in Wrestlers home / Government not doing enough to
Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives ‘Free License’. investigate UFO sightings / Corrie couple to develop UFO obsession / It’s raining Satellites / New NASA images released / Mysterious objects stun teen / NASA ex-
employee whistle blows? & Councillor reports Big Cat. All this as well as book & video
Page 1 reviews, details on events and conferences, advertisements and much more...
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30
A Haunting on 44th Street
By Ryan Sprague

Haunted Theatres UK

The most haunted theatre in

the UK is said to be the Drury
Lane theatre in London. The
most well known of all its
alleged spectral inhabitant’s
is the ‘Man in Grey’ who is
said to appear dressed in
elaborate costume wearing a
tri-cornered hat, a powdered
wig and a long cloak,
carrying a sword.

The phenomena is considered

residual, much like a
recording of an event many
years back. Witnesses say, he
makes no sound and always
walks in the same direction
and through a wall. He has a
habit of appearing to actors
who are rehearsing their lines
on the stage. Those who see
the ghost believe his
visitations are a good omen
that a play will do well at the
box office...

New York City is unarguably David Belasco, owner of the An usher (who requested
known for many things. Among those theatre. But what struck this guard and anonymity) was closing up one night
being its famous ghosts who haunt the many others who heard the footsteps as when she innocently said goodbye to
dingy basements of its endless amount odd was that Mr. Belasco died in 1931. Mr. Belasco’s spirit. On that calm,
of bars and hotels. But on the west side windless night, the outer lobby doors
of 44th street, in Manhattan, one It wasn’t just footsteps that suddenly swung open in unison. Soon
Broadway theatre has a ghostly history would catch people’s attention. His after, the usher, terrified by the event,
all of its own. apparition would also appear to many promptly requested to be transferred to
actors and employees of the theatre. He a different theatre. It’s obvious that Mr.
After recently becoming a bar tender on could often be seen, wearing his full-
Broadway, I learned that our company suit attire, wandering throughout the
was also a highly established security many twisted hallways of the building.
outfit that patrols the theatres up and Actors could claim to see a dark figure,
down a three block radius of the great watching them from the upper level
white way. I had heard stories about a seats of the theatre’s lonely balcony. It
ghostly visitor that often haunted one of would also be stated that the ghost was
our contracted theatres. Naturally, I had vocal as well. He would sometimes
to learn more. So I spoke to a guard walk directly up to an actor, shake their
about the prestigious Belasco Theatre, hand, and compliment them on their
expecting it to be surface-level various performances. Some were
conversation lasting one or two terrified, but others took at as a kind of
minutes. It soon turned in to much ‘Good Luck Charm’ or an omen that
more. He explained that the Belasco they were to continue being successful
maintains an unusually high degree of on the stage.
security on the top floor. The entrance Belasco has made this theatre his
is also kept securely locked at all times. Other strange activity has been reported permanent home in life and in death.
It’s ominously covered by a dark, throughout the years. Sometimes doors My hopes are that I will someday tend
heavy curtain and alarms are littered would magically swing open when the bar at this theatre and will smell the
throughout the entire interior, access curtain would rise for a performance. sweet waft of Belasco’s cigar. Maybe
being granted only by special Cigar smoke could also be smelt even I’ll even get to have a drink with him.
permission. The guard explained that when no smoking occurred onstage or But be forewarned theatre-goers…
footsteps could often be heard on the off. Even a private elevator is even at the ridiculous prices to see a
top floor. This would be normal for the sometimes heard to be functioning even Broadway show, if you hold a ticket for
mere fact that the top floor was an though the motor was disconnected this theatre, you’re apt to get a bit more
apartment building rented out to Mr. many years ago. than you paid for...

Page 2
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
Page 3
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
This Years Speakers:
Marcus Allen: After a career with a major Motor manufacturer, Marcus changed jobs completely and became the UK publisher of
NEXUS Magazine, which he and his wife first introduced to this country in 1994. Since then, he has appeared on many TV and
radio programmes and given numerous presentations both here and abroad, discussing subjects sometimes considered
controversial. These include the Apollo Moon Landings, political conspiracies, and UFOs, as well as promoting NEXUS
Magazine. The continually increasing number of readers evidently like what they read - they have made NEXUS the world’s best
selling alternative news magazine. He has found that selling a good magazine is very similar to selling a good car - both should
have the ‘Wow!’ factor. Marcus will be talking about the Ancient Technology of the Egyptians.

Tony Topping: He began his journey in early childhood, and in the years ahead was subjected to extraordinary paranormal
experiences and UFOs over his home which as a result brought harassment from an unknown covert agency intent on keeping the
existence of UFOs quite. He has been to hell and back and began a steady stream of media contributions. Tony Topping is a UFO
& Paranormal Espionage Specialist contributor to the BBC, UFO Specialist In Residence For National Station Talksport, and also
has appeared for Channel 4 and many others. Tony will be talking about The Roswell UFO Incident (A Black Comedy).

Brigitte Barclay: She looks like an ordinary housewife more at home making the school run than giving speeches at public
conferences around the world. But her extraordinary experiences mean she is in big demand both here and in America. For
Briigitte is widely recognised in the UFO world as the Briton most visited by aliens. In her 40 years she claims to have had at least
17 encounters with UFOs, including five up close. "Why me? I don't know. I can't understand it but I need answers," she said. "I
can't explain what's happening to me. I feel very happy that I've witnessed what I have”. The Title of Brigitte’s Talk is Visitation
& Experiences: Interviewed by Mike Freebury.

Winn Keech: His great interest in UFO's is approached from a scientific and objective point of view. UFO and crop circle
investigator Win Keech is clearly a man with a mission. He has been coming to the Vale of Pewsey in Wiltshire every year for 16
years. His hi-tech state-of-the-art cameras, which film in visible and infra-red light and are a hundred times more sensitive than the
human eye, make him one of the top night-time, low-light photographers in the country. Winn will be talking about his

Page 4
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
Timeslips & Apparitions
By Robert Young BSc.

Time travel is the concept of moving

between different points in time in a
manner analogue to moving between
different points in space, either sending
objects, or in some cases just information
backwards in time to some moment
before the present or to the future without
the need to experience the intervening
period, at least not at the normal rate.

Although time travel has been a common

plot device in fiction since the 19th
century, and one way travel into the
future is arguably possible, given the
phenomenon of time dilation based on
velocity in the theory of special
relativity, exemplified by the twin
paradox, as well as gravitational time
dilation in the theory of general
relativity, it is currently unknown
whether the laws of physics would allow
backwards time travel.

Any technological device, whether

fictional or hypothetical, that is used to
achieve time travel is commonly known
as a time machine. Some interpretation of
time travel also suggests that an attempt
to travel backwards in time might take
one to a parallel universe whose history
would begin to diverge from the
traveler’s original history after the traveled back to the past to encounter them around the gardener’s cottage, the The above photograph
features on the Parascience
moment the traveler arrived in the past. solid apparitions of long dead people theatre and other pavilions. website in regards to reported
Some theories, most notably special and and environments. Both ladies experienced feelings of Timeslip incidents. Dave
general relativity, suggest that suitable depression and dreariness and extreme Sadler can be seen on the left.
geometries of space-time, or specific Probably the most famous is the quietness, a factor that occurs in many
types of motion in space, might allow account which comes from 1901, near cases of people experiencing time slips.
time travel into the past and future if Versailles near Paris, France. The Perhaps this is a point where a quantum
these geometries or motions are possible. account concerns Charlotte Moberly time loophole opens up and forms a
In technical papers, physicists generally and Eleanor Jourdain and their visits to bubble around the participants that
avoid the commonplace language of the palace of the Petit Trianon when allows them a trip to the past? As they
moving or traveling through time. they saw and apparently experienced passed what appeared to be the Temple
apparitions of the 1700s. In 1901 the De L,Amour, they saw a man of
Movement normally refers only to a two ladies were introduced to each repulsive appearance sitting on the
change in spatial position as the other to see whether they could work balustrade surrounding the building.
coordinate is varied, and instead discuss together at St Hugh’s College. So they Suggestions have been put forward as
the possibility of closed time-like curves, were not that well known to each other to who this person might have been,
which are worldliness that form closed when, on the 10 August 1901, they set including King Louis XVI himself.
loops in space-time, allowing objects to out together to visit the Palace of
return to their own past. There are known Versailles. Another man directed them to the right
to be solutions to the equations of general and they came to the rear of the Petit
relativity that describe space-times, It was 4.00pm in the afternoon when Trianon. Miss Moberly saw a lady in
which contain closed time-like curves, Miss Moberly suggested visiting the Summer clothes sitting on the lawn
but the physical plausibility of these Petit Trianon, a small house and below the terrace, though it appears that
solutions is uncertain. gardens within the estate of Versailles, Miss Jourdain did not. Miss Jourdain
presented to Queen Marie Antoinette in came across a story that Marie
The theory of general relativity does 1774 by Louis XVI. There were two Antoinette herself was often seen
suggest scientific grounds for thinking structures, some distance apart, known sitting outside the Petit Trianon on a
backwards time travel could be possible as the Grand Trianon and the Petit certain day in August. Miss Jourdain
in certain unusual scenarios, so perhaps Trianon just northwest of the main even suggested that Miss Moberly had
these unusual scenarios are paranormal in Palace of Versailles; and the ladies seen Marie Antoinette herself. On
nature which may simplify time travel came first to the Grand Trianon. To reaching the terrace, a young man
without the need for a hypothetical time have reached the Petit Trianon they directed them to the front of the house
machine. What if these loopholes or ought to have first turned down the and walked around with them until they
holes in space-time can occur at random Allee des Deux Trianons. However, found the entrance of the Allee Des
intervals and during certain quantum they crossed this road and entered a Deux Trianon. Then everything seemed
conditions that allows a person to simply small lane at right angles to it, not to become normal again as inside the
walk back in time without knowing they realising that by doing so they were building they followed a group of
have just took a path to the past? In ghost passing the Petit Trianon on their right. visitors on a guided tour and then
lore there are many accounts where an Their route to the Petit Trianon was returned to their hotel for tea. Both
alleged witness or witnesses have therefore fairly circuitous and took ladies later went on to have more time

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Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
Timeslips & Apparitions
By Robert Young BSc.

slip experiences at the same location a appearance. All in all, the evening was left them slightly bemused before
few years later. Miss Moberly decidedly strange, but following their packing their luggage into the car and
confirmed Miss Jourdain’s suggestions hearty meal and local ales they laughed asking the innkeeper for their bill.
that the topography was different, about how rural France was and about Minutes later he rejoined the group
distances seemed shorter, the grounds their adventure. They all retired to their with a wide grin on his face. ‘It was 19
were less ornate and some features bedrooms soon after dinner and slept francs!’ he proclaimed. ‘What, for the
were not visible. They later wrote up soundly. Len remembers hearing only breakfast?’ asked Geoff. ‘No. For
their extraordinary experiences in a the sound of a distant train during the everything!’ Len replied. The complete
book entitled, An Adventure, published night, the road outside the hotel being charge for two rooms, bed and
in January 1911. strangely silent. breakfast for four people with dinner

Another incredible account happened

near Avignon again in France when in
1979, Geoff and Pauline Simpson
decided to take a late Summer holiday
with their friends, Len and Cynthia
Gisby. They decided on a Spanish
destination and planned to drive to
Spain via France, stopping overnight en
route. At the end of the first day they
left the main AutoRoute at Montelimar
North and followed a sign for a local
motel. Unfortunately, it was fully
booked and they were advised to try
some of the hotels along one of the
smaller, less busy roads towards,

Cynthia noticed that, once they got

away from the motel and began to
navigate the smaller country roads,
everything became extremely quiet, and
she recalls laughing at the quaint, old
fashioned posters advertising such
things as a local circus. After a while,
the road became nothing more than a The following morning, the group and drinks came to an equivalent of
cobbled track, by which time they had decided to take some photographs to £2.50!
pretty much given up hope of finding a commemorate their nights stay in this
bed for the night. Then they came peculiar place. After Len and Geoff had Following a fantastic sunny holiday in
across a long, barn like building. Len snapped a few frames with their Spain the holiday makers decided they
parked the car and went inside to respective cameras, they sat down to would spend another night in the theme
discover that it was actually a breakfast. The food was once again odd hotel. So, they made their way off the
restaurant. He went up to old fashioned in taste and appearance. ‘The bread was same AutoRoute exit on their return
counter and asked the gentleman there heavy and course,’ Cynthia recalls. ‘It journey. They found the big
if the restaurant had accommodation. was sort of brown, like in wartime and Montelimar motel where they had been
It took some time to get him to very sweet.’ The coffee too, was advised to take the road to Avignon.
understand Len’s English, but strange, and described by the group as After driving up and down the road
eventually it turned out that they did ‘black and thick’. Their breakfast was four times they were dismayed and
have two vacant rooms. Pauline interrupted by the entry of two somewhat perplexed that they could not
remembers that the bedroom she gendarmes (policemen) wearing dark find the hotel. After making a thorough
entered was weird, it had starched blue uniforms with gaiters up to their search of the area they came to the
sheets, a thick furry bed cover and no knees. This seemed odd because the conclusion that the hotel simply wasn’t
electricity. The window had no glass in group had seen gendarmes the day there.
it, just shutters, and there were no before, dressed entirely differently to
pillows, just a bolster across the top of these two characters. They put it down They were certain they were on the
the bed. The bathroom too, was strange, to the old fashioned charm of the place same road, for there were no other
it was reached by going down a long and thought no more about it. roads that led to Avignon from the
corridor and had a sunken bath and a AutoRoute. They even located the old
spike on the wall on which the soap The next player to enter this peculiar fashioned posters that they had found
was stuck on it. scenario was a young woman wearing a so amusing two weeks before and the
long purple dress and strange boots. lay by where the hotel had been, but the
Cynthia felt equally odd downstairs in She could have ‘stepped out of a fancy hotel had simply gone. ‘What struck us
the dining room, where a woman in an dress party,’ Cynthia recalls, but at was that the trees down the road had
old fashioned cap and dress was trying 7.00am in this part of rural France been small during our first visit, and
to ascertain what they wanted to eat. seemed very unlikely. Len decided to now they were huge!
They were having language difficulties ask if there was a quicker way of
and could not explain their wishes, so returning to the main AutoRoute They put their experience down to
in the end the ladies ended up with egg (motorway) than the one they had taken tiredness and the heat and cast it to the
and sautéed potatoes and the gentlemen to get there. He was convinced that, back of their minds, but then on
with steaks. The cutlery was also despite the language barrier, they had receiving their developed photographs
peculiarly heavy and basic in never heard of an AutoRoute, and he from the holiday both couples were

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Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
Timeslips & Apparitions
By Robert Young BSc.

amazed to find that the photographs they solid food, drinking solid fluids and
had each taken at the hotel had not come using solid objects to eat with. What
out. about sleeping in real beds on real
wooden floors, in a seemingly real
There was no sign of them on the building?
negatives either. It was as if they had
never been taken. Research into the case It seems that these accounts are not
revealed some interesting facts. The manifestations of the Stone Tape theory
dress worn by the woman in purple and but actual time travel experiences that
the outfits worn by gendarmes both theoretically maybe possible in physics.
matched the same time period, the turn of Anybody that is interested in time slips
the 20th century. In fact a French friend and apparitions.
of Len and Cynthia told them that the
gendarmes outfits they described had not Please read more incredible accounts
been used since 1905. Bizarrely, when in John and Anne Spencer’s
checking the price of accommodation Encyclopaedia of Ghosts And Spirits
and meals during the early 1900s in that Volumes one and two.
region of France, travel agents Thomas
Cook said that the cost of four people
with dinner would have been about 19 The Stone Tape theory is a
francs. More local research into the area paranormal hypothesis
showed that there was a building on the that was proposed in the
spot where the hotel had been, long in the 1970s as a possible
past. Locals couldn’t remember if it had
explanation for ghosts. It
been a guesthouse, but they did inform
speculates that inanimate
the group that there had been a local
village police station next door, all at materials can absorb some
about the turn of the 20th century. form of energy from living
beings; the hypothesis
So what are we to make of these speculates that this
extraordinary accounts? Are there really "recording" happens
loopholes in time that just happen to especially during moments
open if being in the right place at the of high tension, such as
right time? Or could it be that timeslips murder, or during intense
are not fractures in time but full moments of someone's life.
manifestations of the Stone Tape theory? This stored energy can be
If it was a manifestation of the Stone released, resulting in a
Tape theory, how then can the display of the recorded
apparitions that are witnessed in these activity. According to this
two accounts have communicated with hypothesis, ghosts are not
the experiencers? spirits but simply non-
interactive recordings
We know that if it was the stone tape
similar to a movie.
theory, then communication with these
Paranormal investigators
apparitions shouldn’t be possible as they
are usually regarded as just audible and
commonly consider such
visual recordings in the environment. phenomena as Residual
Also what the group in the second Hauntings...
account experienced were eating real

Rob Young BSc is a Parapsychologist based in

Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. He is also the
founder of TOPS, The Office of Parapsychological
Studies. For more information on investigations
and research please contact Rob Young directly
on: 01623650462 or at his email address: or alternatively contact
him through his organisation and website

Page 7
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
It is with the greatest of pleasure that I can announce that the line-up for this years Paranormal
Week has been finalised! It is going to be a very special event this year, not only because we have
some amazing speakers and talks, but also because this is our 10th year!

Monday October 24th

Wonderland News ith

s oci ation w ly
In 1990, paranormal researcher and author s d
i b rar i es in a natural prou ton
L er l
Jenny Randles nicknamed the district of Halton Halton Planet-Pret k 2011 at Ha
s & ee
‘Wonderland’ because of the numerous and Eximiu aranormal W ncorn, UK.
t P Ru
diverse paranormal events that have occurred presen ea Library, ission b er 28
L A d m ct o
here for centuries. Free th to Friday O
d a y O ctober open 6:30pm pt!
Join researcher Mike Jaega & author Mark M on Doors 7.00pm prom
Rosney for a round-up of all the latest Talks s
paranormal news from Halton, plus a special
recap of the past 10 years of alleged spooky
activity reported in this mysterious borough.

UPIA (Unknown Phenomena Investigation Association) Paranormal Clinic...

Tuesday October 25th

Kevin McCann -It’s Gone Dark: An Evening of Ghost Stories

Night Vision Investigations - Making the Unbelievable – Believable

Wednesday October 26th

Jebby Robinson - Nazis: The Supernatural Solution

Mark Olly - UFOs – Featuring UK’s ‘Roswell’

Thursday October 27th

Twisted Tales Presents - An evening of Occult Horror

Featuring readings by: Ramsay Campbell, Adam Nevill and John Reppion

Friday October 28th

Mike Jaega & Mark Rosney - 9/11 Redux

The full programme will be available from Monday 19th September. To get your copy, send an email to: marked up ’PW e-programme’ Further details can be found at: http://
Page 8
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
In Search of the Elementals
By Ken A. Jackson

‘Is it in humanities nature to want the paranormal, so if it wasn't

true he would invent it, or is it truly real?'

There is a force within nature that we cannot see, or is beyond

our comprehension; a force that has lived along side us since the
days of mans first steps. It has been our constant companion, yet
it has been our darkness and fear, it is that of the ‘Elementals'. It
is believed that our physical world, our being in connection with
the earth was the catalyst to the elementals, which were the four
basic elements, earth, air, fire and water.
The elementals were supposed to be in existence in another
dimension between man and his creator, God, they had no
independence or free will, and they just were, and ever will be.
Their purpose was speculated to be of keeping our world and
realm in harmony with the winds and the tides, our seasons, and
thus evolution itself. A non-sentient guardian of our world, but
they soon became something more, something darker…

Page 9
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
In Search of the Elementals
By Ken A. Jackson

Elementals. It has also been speculated that man however, many have proclaimed them I cannot for one moment understand
himself originated from elementals, and hoaxes perpetrated by man. why, if the stories of attempted abduction
An elemental is a
mythological being that we ourselves grew away from their are true, that they would even want to
first appearing in the form into solid flesh and blood beings, I would have thought that it would abduct human beings. If they have their
alchemical works of with a consciousness' and self probably be more realistic to assume that own realm and lives, surely we are
Paracelsus in the 16th they are something different. We live in a
century. Traditionally,
determination, and that the ladder of nothing to them, I can imagine humans
there are four types: evolution, in some sense, took over universe of random chaos, where abducting them, but I would have
reality and our world. anything, or virtually anything is thought that they are older and wiser than
gnomes, earth
possible. I can easily imagine that some us. I also cannot actually think of
elementals Over time the notion of elementals type of intelligence cohabitates and anybody who believes that they are or
undines, Also known expanded and took on a new and greater operates with and along side of us, and have ever been ‘real', maybe that's
as Nymphs, water dimension, and today they have many that this is what we mean when we refer because they have never been abducted
elementals sylphs, air
elementals names and many identities, of fairies, of to as elementals, and possibly the true by the elementals. Although over the
salamanders, fire pixies and leprechauns, of spirits and creators of some crop circles. years many children have perpetrated
elementals. angels, and demons, until they became hoaxes and have claimed to have seen
the very shadows on our walls at night We have all, without exception if we are fairies at the bottom of their gardens, or
The exact term for that gave us fear and anxiety, and honest with ourselves, experienced in the woods.
each type varies darkness itself. strange phenomena to some degree. We
somewhat from source
to source, though these have all seen shapes and movement in The same scenarios apply to pixies,
four are now the most From primitive times to modern day, the darkness, and then dismissed it. We goblins and elves, they have been
usual. Most of these man has validated and given credence to have seen orbs, little floating dots of light perceived as very real, and very
beings are found in
folklore as well as
these mythical and mysterious creatures. that have come and gone in moments, structured and organised. I suppose there
alchemy; their names We have grown in fear of their power might these occurrences be the are only two possibilities, either they are
are often used and perceived mischief, until our own elementals of which I am referring to. real and exist, or they are fantasy and do
interchangeably with mental projections have given them cult not, or never have existed. However, I
similar beings from
folklore.[2] The sylph, status and notoriety. We take their names We have frightened each other with have already stipulated that our laws of
however, is rarely and use them in our everyday lives, ghost stories and tales of supernatural physics are not set in stone as we once
encountered outside of aimed at mischief and evil, such as an happenings. Our world, our universe and believed, and it could be that these
alchemical contexts our physics appear not to be set in stone,
and fan media.
imp and banshee. mythical little beings did once exist
a rigid set of laws that are inflexible and because of us, as pure energy beings.
If these beings are now, or have ever will not bend, but a series of malleable Created by our thoughts, our hopes and
To this day, many
people still believe in
ascended into reality and dwell in our and learning curves of which we are only dreams, and inner most nightmares.
Elementals: those who realm or universe, it is mans mental just beginning to grasp.
work in Witchcraft projection that has put them there, and In the same breath, what are the
and/or follow Nature- man alone who will pay the price for this Now that our science is opening up to possibilities that these little people are
based Religions.
act of superstition and fear. possibilities of alternate dimensions and just aliens, beings from another world, or
the thought of time travel, we might start another dimension to our own? Alien
The basic concept of
an elemental refers to
Lets imagine for one moment that gaining an insight into what these visitors that found themselves stranded
the ancient idea of elementals are real in the sense of energy elementals and energy forces really are, on our world centuries ago, caught
elements as only, if so what might they be? Is it and even if the are real and exist at all. amongst the savagery and primitiveness
fundamental building possible that they are us, after death? of human beings, in time gone by. How
blocks of nature. In the
system prevailing in Maybe, but I can easily envisage that For centuries there have been tales of would they have survived our lack of
the Classical world, these elementals are you and I whilst ‘fairies', mythical little mischief-makers understanding towards them? There
there were four alive, we have very powerful emotional who try to abduct human beings, and could be an argument, that human beings
elements: fire, earth, take them to their realm. It was
air, and water. This
forces and exceedingly large brains, of would have perceived them as ‘The
paradigm was highly which we do not truly understand the full speculated that in their world was an Devils Work', demons and succubae, or
influential in Medieval potential of. If we can associate entire infrastructure and hierarchy, of incubi and divas.
natural philosophy, ‘Poltergeist' activity to human emotions kings and queens, of workers and
and Paracelsus
evidently intended to and behaviour, why not that of the soldiers, of war and love, of civilisation Although they might have been superior
draw a range of elementals, there is no disparity to imply and hope. in technology or of using the power of
mythological beings that their presence and activity are any the mind to manipulate matter, they
into this paradigm by
identifying them as
different. would have been defenceless against the
belonging to one of hoards of god-fearing people, hell-bent
these four elemental Every year farmers all around the on their destruction.
types. country, and on occasion in other
Wikipedia countries, report what is referred to as In our modern and technological world
‘Crop Circles', whereby they're wheat or we hardly ever think of, or refer to these
other crops have been damaged by little beings that once terrified us so
shapes and designs that have broken the much. Most of our attention and
stems of these plants, and have superstition is applied to UFO's and the
formulated patterns. Many have grey alien, is there any stretch of the
speculated that these ‘Crop Circles' are imagination that can link or connect the
messages from some great intelligence or two, with these elementals?
other world.
It would appear that there is great
Although there is no proof of this, or any similarity; most alien contact is reported
proof of what these messages could to follow with an abduction scenario, as
mean, many have interpreted them as with most elemental encounters. What
warning signs of impending doom and follows this is an experimental or
disaster, others as messages of greetings medical examination or procedure; this
and star charts, showing the artists or again has been recorded with elemental
authors origination or home world, abduction. Whilst all this is transpiring,

Page 10
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
In Search of the Elementals
By Ken A. Jackson

the whole episode can only be what is This would have been very difficult, if If they are not from outer space, but The Paintings.
described as ‘in a dream state'; again not impossible during such times in possibly inner space, an alternate
both apply to each scenario. As with human history, especially for women. It dimension that runs parallel to our own,
encounters with incubi and succubae, the strikes me, that if we are forced into then there is obviously a way of coming
victim is nearly always awoken from these positions and scenarios without any through into our domain. My own
their sleep, this too matches the pattern real choice, then it is not our fault. We personal preference on this is that it is
as with the alien abduction syndrome. have not instigated the physical contact; not technology that is being used to
There is most certainly a pattern or we are not to blame as it is against our bridge the space between dimensions, but
correlation at work here, to what degree, will. vortexes and gateways, a naturally
and why is unknown, although I must occurring phenomenon that exists. It
look at the psychological make-up of the I am not intimating for one moment, that might be a question of finding these
human race in all of this. all contact and abduction with elementals doorways through scientific research, or The Elementals
and aliens are the result of deep-rooted just accidentally stumbling across them.
All the patterns and experiences with any sexual oppression, however, it may just The latter may be slightly perilous as we The balance of nature
of the elemental beings, and with alien be closer to the truth for many of the could just stumble upon them and find is maintained by the
four elements, Earth,
abduction syndrome really do appear to encounters, a psychological urge that has ourselves catapulted to another world, Water, Fire, Air. A
be one and the same, it appears been extinguished without fear of guilt and be unable to return home, I did gnome (earth) is
inescapable, maybe there is something and retribution. speculate earlier in this chapter that this offering Undine
within us that forges this correlation and (water) a precious
might have happened to some of the stone of which he has
occurrence. As I have already stipulated Of course, if sleep is involved anywhere elementals. many, having delved
the human mind is an amazing, yet in this scenario, and it is, then anything is deep beneath the earth
hardly understood entity, it is capable of possible. Especially when we consider If so, and all these different dimensions to collect. The
Salamander (fire)
achieving massive jumps in our scientific that we let our guard down when we are are real, and they exist somewhere, what watches over them
knowledge, yet it is capable of deceiving asleep and our inner most feelings and else may be out there somewhere? There both as the Sylph (air)
us on a grand scale. It is prone to failure desires come the fore. This could be one could be dimensions that are devoid of drifts timelessly above
and breakdown, yet again, record the of the defining moments in this saga; anything, and are just dark, uninhabitable them surrounded by
whirling leaves,
minutest detail, it truly is a living many people who have undertaken and barren wastelands. If we found blossom, birds and
paradox of grandest proportions. hypnotic regression have told of their ourselves catapulted to any of these, we butterflies. Together
encounters with alien abduction, would surely perish very quickly. It they unite to ensure
that all the forces of
The psychology of us as individuals has hypnotism by its own definition could also be that some dimensions are nature combine to
no fewer complexes either; we all have encourages people to become relaxed very populated, and very advanced, and bring stability to a
wants, needs, and desires. We are all and tranquil. Again it is the feelings of more than aware of our existence. They world that will survive
delicate and ethereal, afraid of being our inner most desires that will probably might have technology that easily despite Mans
alone and unloved. I can think of nothing come to the fore and that will lead us to surpasses our own, and have sealed off
that would suit our ego and personalities these scenarios, all our pent up emotions any vortexes and gateways, especially to Josephine.
better than to feel that we are being and frustrations will be released, it is the keep beings like us out. (Acrylic on Canvas)
40 x 30 – 2008
abducted by aliens or little creatures from nature of humanity. Original for Sale -
somewhere else. It would genuinely Our history is replete with legends and Price on application
prove that we are special, that we alone I cannot and will not however, dismiss myths of strange happenings and To Purchase please
stand out in this world of faceless and all elemental and alien experiences and occurrences; we have folklore that contact the gallery -
number ridden ideologies. However, in encounters out of hand. The universe we intimates there are certain places or areas
Tel/Fax +44 (0)1202
the centuries gone by, there was not this live in vast, it is extremely possible that that have these portals to other worlds 739169
fear of being faceless and lacking there are many, if not an infinite amount and dimensions. These same places have
Email: josephinewall-
identity, the world had fewer people to of alternate dimensions, so all things are a higher than usual amount of people
sustain, and hardly any technology to possible, and we should never forget that. whom disappear every year, but our
hinder our individual dreams. rational and mundane ideology tells us
So, I think that we should take a serious that this is myth and legend and should
There is another possibility, one that look or exploration into how any beings not be taken too seriously. If we consider
would certainly attain to the past, from somewhere else are reaching our all the people who do go missing every
especially during a time of massive world... year, in our country alone it is in the
religious fear and domination. That is the hundreds of thousands, although most of Above: Woodland
thought of sexual repression and them are found or return home Fairies in the
Moonlight by A.W.
inhibition; centuries ago Christian themselves eventually. Most have just Crawford
doctrine and philosophies ruled our lives runaway because of personal problems or
in the same manner as consumerism does family feuds, some may have fallen foul
today. There would have been no to dastardly deeds and been murdered.
escaping from the church, and its
overseers. Any sexual contact was for However, there is a percentage who are
marriage alone, thoughts of sexual never seen again, is it possible that the
fantasies and sexual experimentation same people have fallen through a portal
would have been portrayed as abhorrence or vortex to another dimension? And at
against god. In fact, I can easily perceive this very moment are with the elementals
that in the vast majority of cases or in their realm, surviving in any way they
relationships, sex was not really a can. That is assuming that space and time
pleasure, but a chore to be carried out to are the same in this alternate dimension,
satisfy the need for childbearing, and we may find if we step through the
procreation of the species, and nothing doorway that our fate is instant death! It
more. is an almost impossible scenario to even
contemplate, let alone believe. I feel we
However, there is an inherent need must try and move away from our
within the human personality for sexual preconceptions of these mythical little
satisfaction, for pleasure and release. creatures being funny and possessing

Page 11
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
In Search of the Elementals
By Ken A. Jackson

The Author. entertaining mannerisms, such as understand us, in a way that we cannot effects they have on the human brain. If
leprechauns collecting gold, and elves understand ourselves? Or could it be that elementals are mere illusion, nothing
Ken A. Jackson is the
author of the Highest repairing our shoes, or fairies granting we ourselves are creating the image or more than a figment of human
Echelons series of wishes. If these elementals are real, then illusion, in that we in some unfathomable perception, it could be these
books and The they are a life form in their own right, way are bending or manipulating matter electromagnetic forces help initiate the
Keepers of the Rods
books. He is a
and could pose a danger to us and other and forming the visualisation? If any of onset of an encounter.
paranormal worlds. We ourselves have a history of this scenario of elementals and aliens,
investigator and conquering perceived lesser or less their history and ours combined, have On the other hand, it could be these
parapsychologist. He advanced civilisations, they just might been, are now, or ever will come to forces that help them breach our
has worked on both TV
and radio studying the have the same philosophies and fruition, then this must be along the right dimension and give them access to our
subject of all things ideologies as we do, and therefore we lines, either one or both of these world, access to create a very real threat,
spooky! should take any evidence we have of scenarios are near the truth, I cannot or perceived threat at the time. There is a
them very seriously indeed, if we really really see any alternative. human saying, an analogy of life that
What fascinates him
most about the do have any evidence of their existence
paranormal is its at all.
In our world of three dimensional
existence, of sight, sound and touch, of
electrical and petrol driven technologies,
we are, or may appear ‘mundane' to
many life forms from these other worlds.
It might actually be cases of these
elementals have an extra sensory talent to
us, in that they can play or alter matter in
someway! Their legends are replete with
magical mischief in some form or

If the elementals live and dwell in great

numbers, they would need a massive
infrastructure, huge food supplies and
distribution networks, and trade, or
maybe not? If they have a gift of
manipulating matter in some form, they
might not need anything else. If you are
hungry, you can transform rocks, sticks,
anything into food. You may want some I must consider another possible option usually helps find us the truth, and that
shelter from the rain or cold, well, and scenario with these little beings, an is, ‘There are two sides to every story'. I
manipulate matter and create your own idea that intimates that they are still here, wonder what the chances are that the
home. It would appear with talents of this and all around us. They may be living elementals are genuine, flesh and blood
kind, you would not really need outside of our space and time, and as a creatures, who have legends about us?
anything, except company. Another result we cannot see them, unless they Their stories might tell of giant people
possibility is that we too would attain want to be seen or contacted. However, from another realm, which will pursue
these abilities if we could transgress to their dimension still dictates that they are and kill you, as soon as they look at you,
their realms of existence. Whilst on earth, and living along side of us, and it is just as possible that they have grown
contemplating alternate dimensions, we that they can see us, but we cannot see in fear of us, in the same way that we
cannot overlook another startling them. have of them.
possibility, and that is of us, ourselves
and our mortality, is it possible that when I do not believe that any notion of them I cannot really say either way if any form
we pass away, that our energy leaves our still being here is really that farfetched, of elemental being exists or not, I do not
flesh and blood three dimensional as I have already intimated, we know really know if I believe in them or not!
existence and becomes a pure energy life very little about the universe around us. There is probably more of the
form, living continuously in another Since science tells us, and can prove that subconscious than conscious about them,
realm? I did touch on this earlier, but I plants and trees scream when we cut there is probably more of an illusion than
intend to take a closer look at the subject them, I can believe most things. It does impugn to the stories and history of
in another chapter. point to the fact that many perceived them.
primitive and obsolete religions, do have
Another factor in this equation is that of a point and fact in nature, and of their However, we have feared the shadows on
angels, by their very nature and visual basis in nature. There is one aspect that our walls, we hide under the duvet when
perception they are extremely difficult to could have a contributory factor with the we hear a sound in the darkness. It is in
believe in. They are alleged to have the elemental scenario that I have not our nature to frighten ourselves with
appearance of being humanoid, but with mentioned, and that is of electromagnetic horror stories and science fiction, we
feathery wings. I cannot help but wonder forces. Our ancestors were verging on understand that nature does not respect a
with this entire scenario, are we actually obsession with theses particular forces; I fool, and we run for home when we hear
seeing a perception, something that either suppose it is possible that they held an the thunder and see the lightening.
we want to see and can mentally accept, insight into the elementals, such as where
or something that some other alien or we could find them, and especially, And only a fool would deny the
entity feels is acceptable to us? If the where we could avoid them. existence of something so powerful, that
latter is along the lines of truth and it could physically blow them away like
reality, who is determining what it is that Electromagnetic forces might hold a a leaf on the breeze, and a sane and
we see? Can some alien or elemental significant key in the search for them, in rational person will know, that the truth
force reach deep into our minds and that we do not truly understand the points to itself...

Page 12
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:


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Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
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In-Depth Observations on Eye Floaters
By Floco Tausin

Many people throughout the world have This ophthalmological description is the contain a core and a surround, viz. they Is seeing
reported seeing strange things, be it latest offshoot in a tradition recorded are polar. The polarity is joined by a Believing?
balls of light in the sky to unusual since the time of Hippocrates. Over the dualism, for there are two types of dots:
shapes and Orbs during paranormal centuries, the terms muscae volitantes those with bright surround and dark core, No, not really. It’s
easy to wrongly
investigations. But could some of these (Latin, “flying flies”) or myodesopsia and those with dark surround and bright interpret Eye
sightings be explained away as Eye (Greek, “seeing fly-like corpuscles”) core. So we can speak of a dualistic-polar Floaters...
Floaters? were used in Greek, Arab and Western principle in eye floaters. It’s hard to
European ophthalmology to describe imagine that randomly clumped vitreous In May 2011, I noticed
ghost images in my
For centuries, scholars try to find an subjective visual phenomena that look fibrillae produce dots with such clear and vision, particularly in
explanation for the mobile, scattered and similar to flying flies. From the repeated morphological characteristics. viewing light colours,
transparent spheres and strings in our beginning, a number of eye diseases and such as white,
oranges, neons, etc. in
visual field. Early on in disorders were associated with flying a dark or room that is
ophthalmological tradition, the origin flies, e.g. scotoma, cataract or retinal not well lit.
was thought to be in the eye. The detachment. This reflects the endeavor to
phenomenon was considered a disorder localize and explain eye floaters which, No. I wasn’t being
haunted, there was a
or degeneration somewhere between in turn, depends on the dominant rational explanation.
cornea and retina. Today, eye floaters philosophy: the ancient natural
are believed to be an opacity of the philosophers and scholars stressed that I went to the
optometrist and he
vitreous. However, careful observation of floaters must be in the liquids near the said that the ghosting
floaters reveals properties that challenge eye’s lens, which was taken as the main is a result of my
this dominant view and call for a element of seeing. Later, the materialistic astigmatism, and he
reconsideration of the ophthalmological -mechanical philosophy, on which early prescribed new
contact lenses. Since
explanation. modern ophthalmology is based, The two contrasting types of polar then, the ghosting has
promoted the notion of floaters as floater spheres. Source: author. become less, but has
In ophthalmology, “eye floaters” is a physical objects that move in the liquid not completely gone
away in darkened
collective term for vitreous opacities of the vitreous near the retina, depending Why are there different states of floaters? rooms.
which are attributed to different causes. on the movement of the eyes,
In most cases, however, the phenomenon consistency of the medium, gravity as On closer observation, floater spheres I also have eye
is considered a non-pathological well as laws of hydrodynamics. 19th and strings show different states over floaters, occasional
ones, especially when
(idiopathic) age-related clouding of the century Czech physiologist Jan time: one and the same sphere can appear outside or against
vitreous. In this article, my statements on Evangelista Purkinje explained the as big and rather hazy or as small and light backgrounds.
floaters refer to this idiopathic type. spheres and strings as fibrillae, vessels or clearly outlined. The transition from one Optometrist said this
was normal...
According to ophthalmologists, this wide dead materials near the retina whose state to another is fluid and proceeds in
-spread symptom occurs due to the shadows were projected on the retina different time duration. For the sake of Michelle.
liquefaction (synchysis) and collapse of when light enters the eyes. Most present- simplicity, I distinguish an initial or
the collagen-hyaluronic structure of the day eye doctors basically refer to relaxed state and a final or concentrated
vitreous (syneresis), which at some stage Purkinje’s description (Hirschberg 1889- state. In general, it seems that most
causes the detachment of the vitreous 1912; Plange 1990). floaters are initially relaxed, viz. bigger,
from the retina (posterior vitreous closer and more transparent; with
detachment) (Sendrowski 2010). In In my view, this historically grown increasing time of observation, they
daylight, degenerated vitreous structures equating of spheres and strings and fly- change into the concentrated state. After
which are clumped together cast shadows like visual disorders or cloudings is the completion of the concentration – a quick
on the retina and become visible in the result of a one-sided objective approach glance to somewhere else may suffice –,
field of vision. Supposedly, this is what and of disciplinary narrowness. To the spheres and strings change back into
we see when we are looking at our balance this, I’m going to provide some the initial relaxed state.
mobile, scattered and transparent dots challenging observations on floaters that
and strings. I have collected in my many years of
holistic research (Tausin 2009a, 2010b).
Since individual observation is my
starting point and base for my
conclusions, I do not claim general
validity, but I do encourage the inclined
reader to spend some time in close
observation of his or her own floaters –
as a way to make my findings The two kinds of floater spheres in
comprehensible. transition from a relaxed (left) to a
concentrated (right) state. Source:
Inconvenient questions to author.
ophthalmology .
Why do floaters start to light up after
Where does the morphological regularity some time of concentrated observation?
of floaters come from?
It is interesting to realize that, in the
Floaters as vitreous opacities. Floaters are dots and strings. The strings concentrated state, the spheres and
Source: flickr, are filled with rows of dots or spheres strings increase in brilliance. Considering that are more or less clearly visible. The an energetic explanation for this, we
andrewcoulterenright/4106224/ dots are circular and concentric; they could say that the amount of light or

Page 15
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
In-Depth Observations on Eye Floaters
By Floco Tausin

Eye Floaters. energy contained in a sphere or string If floaters are particles floating in gravity influencing the upward
does not change in the process of liquefied parts of the vitreous, why do we movement of floaters.
Apart from eye concentration; rather, the energy gets keep seeing the same spheres and
floaters being
responsible for
compressed due to the reduction of space strings? I have asked dozens of eye doctors about
paranormal reports as resulting in more brilliance (Tausin this with no convincing results. Most
well as UFO reports. 2009a, 2010b). This effect may be Anyone who closely watches his or her ignore the fact of the inverted retinal
Some people claim to influenced by “external” factors: it is floaters will soon become acquainted image, or consider floaters or the retinal
see things out of the
corner of their eyes encouraged by bright lighting conditions with them. For these spheres and strings image isolated from one another. Some
and often interpret it and the distance of the focal point – the remain the same for years. Through admit that floaters have to rise in the
as a paranormal closer the focal point, the brighter the vigorous eye movements we may change vitreous if we see them sinking in our
floaters. Also, observing the spheres and the relative positions of the spheres and visual field. This leads them to speculate
The thing is... Your eye strings through the eyelashes or a pinhole strings to one another, but only about thermodynamics (heat as lifting
doesn't have any in a sheet of paper lets the floaters appear temporarily – the floaters take their force) or density (floaters are lighter than
corners. It's roughly concentrated. It is important to starting position soon again. This the vitreous liquid) as responsible
spherical (unless
something went experience, though, that the observation contradicts the notion of free mechanisms for that observation (Tausin
seriously wrong). concentration state is also reached floating particles in the liquefied parts of 2010a).
Noticing things in your without these aids, solely by focusing on the vitreous – these would be whirled
peripheral vision is
extremely common.
floaters for a while; it is quickly brought around with every eye movement and Further inconsistencies in
Humans are especially to an end by visual distraction. Thus, take up new constellations. The medical ophthalmology.
attuned to motion in floaters seem to reflect both outer and argument goes that some floaters do not
the periphery of their inner conditions of light and nearness, or move freely in the vitreous but are Why can’t eye doctors see floaters in the
field of view. Why?
Because that motion concentration and presence, respectively. attached to the still existing vitreous eyes?
might be a predator structure. From the individual observer’s
about to attack. The Ophthalmology does not provide an perspective, there is no evidence: while If the so-called “idiopathic eye floaters”
brain is also very good
at interpreting random
explanation for the different states and some of the strands whose ends go are really clouding particles in the
data as meaningful the lighting up. Eye doctors, when asked, beyond my visual field might be vitreous, then one would think that eye
patterns. So... Best not tend to ignore the question. Some try to attached, other strings and all of the doctors see them when looking in the
to put much stock in explain the change in size as a result of spheres do not seem to be attached patients’ eyes. In reality, there is often a
such things...
floaters getting closer to the retina while anywhere – but still appear in their discrepancy between the patient’s
looking up to the sky – gravity pulls the characteristic constellations. observation of eye floaters and the
floaters back to the retina. The argument doctor’s findings in the eye. In many
is unconvincing since the same effect can Why do floaters tend to sink? cases, doctors can’t see anything while
be observed irrespective of whether the patients very clearly perceive, describe
eyes look up to the sky or down to the Through eye movements, we can move and draw their eye floaters (cf. Weber-
ground. Others trace the brilliance effect floaters in all directions. But as soon as Varszegi et al. 2008; Tausin 2008). Then
back to the scattering and reflectance of we keep our eyes still, we realize that the diagnosis goes somewhat like “age-
light. This is supposed to happen when they sink down in our visual field – the related harmless eye floaters”, together
light strikes the floaters inside the nearer and bigger ones faster, the others with the advice to just ignore them.
vitreous (Tausin 2005a). The lens effect more slowly. Gravity effects seem to be a Explanations for this discrepancy are
explanation implies the above-mentioned plausible explanation for this sinking of easily found: the opacities are too small
moving of floaters inside the vitreous. It physical particles in the vitreous. The to be relevant; the technology used is not
is problematic insofar as it does not take case is more complicated, though: As we accurate enough; the doctors do a poor
into consideration the evident regularity know, our eyes project an upside-down examining job; the patient is
of the altering of floater states (the nearer image of what we are looking at on the exaggerating or has a mental problem.
the focal point, the brighter the floaters; retina. While there might be some truth in all
the longer the observation, the brighter these points, we also should keep in mind
the floaters). Moreover, the notion of the possibility that floaters are not what
moving dots and strings inside the today’s ophthalmology claims.
vitreous raises further questions.
It is no surprise that explanatory
Why do floaters move so quickly if the innovation comes from laser surgeons. In
vitreous is a jelly-like fluid? order to treat floaters with the Nd-YAG
laser, surgeons have to localize and
Floaters can be set in motion by eye recognize the different floater types very
movements. Doing so, they often seem to carefully. The eye doctors James Johnson
glide very easily and with high speed Source: and Scott Geller explain on their
across the visual field. This is all the fiwee/?p=279 (15.6.11) websites that some floaters, especially
more surprising if we consider that the those in young people, cannot be seen
vitreous is thicker than water and If floaters were particles close to the and treated with laser. The description of
described as a gel (Ruby 2007). retina that are pulled down by gravity these “ill-defined” floaters fits the
and cast shadows on the retina, then I idiopathic ones at issue. The surgeons
How can there be any particles moving would have to see floaters rise in my hold the opinion that this type is not
so quickly and effortlessly in a jelly-like visual field. Since I do not see floaters located in the vitreous, but must be
mass? The classic answer is that the rising but sinking, the conclusion would between vitreous and retina, a space
vitreous liquefies over time and floaters be that the corresponding particles in the called “bursa premacularis” (Geller, n/a;
become very mobile. This leads straight vitreous do not sink but rise. If that is Johnson n/a; cf. Tausin 2009b). This
to the next question... true, there would be other forces than space is potential insofar as it exists only

Page 16
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
In-Depth Observations on Eye Floaters
By Floco Tausin

if fluids separates vitreous from retina. In influenced by a number of factors such start from individual observation. We
these fluids, rests of cells or fibrillae as visual improvement due to removing also have to keep in mind that perception
could remain that become visible as cataract and even subjective expectancy is shaped not only by sensory data but
floaters. While the theory is not – the latter, together with the also by our consciousness state, mental
acknowledged among eye doctors – as incomprehensible patients’ strain as a dispositions, motivations, cultural and
laser surgery of floaters is itself treated motivation to get rid of floaters, tends to social environments, etc. The Author:
with reservation by many –, it does not turn floaterectomy into a kind of
contradict the main strategy to remove psychotherapy (Tan et al. 2011; Tausin For example, it is my experience that The name Floco
Tausin is a
floaters: vitrectomy. 2008). size, luminosity and movement of floater pseudonym. The
spheres and strings alter according to author is a graduate of
different consciousness states. I think the Faculty of the
that the understanding of experiences Humanities at the
University of Bern,
like this are crucial in the search of a Switzerland. In theory
more reasonable understanding of and practice he is
floaters (Tausin 2009a). engaged in the
research of subjective
visual phenomena in
The subjective approach does not replace connection with
but complement and inform altered states of
physiological research. consciousness and the
development of
consciousness. In
For example, the observations presented 2009, he published the
in this article suggest to consider the role mystical story
“Mouches Volantes”
of the visual nervous system in the about the spiritual
process of seeing floaters... dimension of eye
The pictures are taken from image hosting websites, from scientific
publications (online and print) and/or from my own collection (FT). Either
they are licensed under a Creative Commons license, or their copyright is
expired, or they are used according to the copyright law doctrine of
‘Zitatrecht’, ‘fair dealing’ or ‘fair use’.

Source: http:// Also, there are many reports of patients n/a (n/a): Floaters only vitrectomy. In: Degenerative Vitreous Community. that have experienced floaters after e0djmy4 (15.6.11)
floatersyoung.html (11.6.11) vitrectomy (Schulz-Key 2011; Geller, Scott (n/a): Eye Floater Treatment Center. Who Can We Help?
Degenerative Vitreous Community n/a). (29.9.09)

Does vitrectomy prove the vitreous They are explained as remaining vitreous Hirschberg, Julius (1899-1918): Geschichte der Augenheilkunde. In:
Handbuch der gesamten Augenheilkunde, ed. by E. Graefe and Th.
opacity theory of floaters? fibrillae or newly developed floaters. Saemisch, Vol. 12-15. Leipzig/Berlin: Springer

Finally, if idiopathic floaters are no Johnson, James H. (n/a): Vitreous Floater Solutions.
The most powerful argument for the longer seen after FOV, there still might (12.11.09)

notion of floaters as vitreous opacities be other explanations for this. It is Plange, Hubertus: Muscae volitantes – von frühen Beobachtungen zu
Purkinjes Erklärung, in: Gesnerus 47, 1990, S. 31-44
are the different forms of vitrectomy, a conceivable that the light is channeled Roth, M. et al. (2005): Pars-plana-Vitrektomie bei idiopathischen
surgery to remove and replace the whole through the eye in a different Glaskörpertrübungen, in: Klinische Monatsblätter der Augenheilkunde
222: 728-732
or parts of the vitreous. Laser surgeons (unstructured) way and, therefore,
Sendrowski, David P.; Bronstein, Mark A. (2010): Current treatment for
assume that even bursa floaters might be stimulates the retinal neurons differently, vitreous floaters. In: Optometry 81: 157-161
removed by vitrectomy if the vitreous is resulting in a vision with less or no Schulz-Key, Steffen et al. (2011): Longterm follow-up of pars plana
previously detached from the retina (cf. floaters. Therefore, I suggest that the vitrectomy for vitreous floaters: complications, outcomes and patient
satisfaction. In: Acta Ophthalmologica 89: 159-165.
Tausin 2009b). In literature, there are origin of floating spheres and strings
Tan, H. Stevie et al. (2011): Safety of vitrectomy for floaters. In:
cases of successful floaters-only should be looked for in the activity of American Journal of Ophthalmology. 151, no. 6: 995-98.
vitrectomies (FOV), or visual neurology (Tausin 2009c, Tausin, Floco (2010a): Aus der Wissenschaft. Von aufsteigenden und
“floaterectomies”, in patients with translation forthcomming). absteigenden Mücken. In: Ganzheitlich Sehen 1. http://www.mouches- (9.6.11)
“idiopathic” or “persistent” floaters
Tausin, Floco (2010b). Eye Floaters. Floating spheres and strings in a
which had no or little objective Conclusion. seer’s view. In: Holistic Vision 2.
-june2010.htm (15.12.10)
correspondence (Roth et al. 2005; cf.
Tausin 2005b). In clinical studies that Present-day ophthalmology provides a Tausin, Floco. (2009a): Mouches Volantes. Eye Floaters as Shining
Structure of Consciousness. Bern: Leuchtstruktur Verlag
evaluate the outcome of vitrectomies for frame to understand and describe the Tausin, Floco (2009b): Aus der Wissenschaft: Mouches volantes nicht im
floaters performed to relieve the patient’s subjective visual spheres and strings Glaskörper? In: Ganzheitlich Sehen 4 (Dezember). http://www.mouches- (11.6.11)
subjective strain, patients’ satisfaction is known as harmless or idiopathic eye
Tausin, Floco (2009c): Mouches volantes – Glaskörpertrübung oder
strikingly high – around 90% (Schulz- floaters. It is a historically grown melting Nervensystem? In: ExtremNews.
Key et al. 2011; Weber-Varszegi et al. pot in which floaters got associated with gesundheit/e01c12cc1d3c89f (22.12.09)

2008). This figure must not be taken as a a number of eye disorders. A close Tausin, Floco (2008): Neues aus der Wissenschaft: “Floaterektomie” als
Psychotherapie? In: Ganzheitlich Sehen 3 (Oktober). http://www.mouches
proof for the harmless floaters being observation of floaters reveals properties (15.6.11)

vitreous opacities, though, for several for which the disorder theory fails to Tausin, Floco (2005a): Neues aus der Augenheilkunde: Nicht
repräsentative Umfrage unter Augenärzten zum Thema “Mouches
reasons: in these studies, it is never provide a convincing explanation. volantes”. In: Ganzheitlich Sehen.
entirely clear what kind of floaters these Moreover, inconsistencies within this news/newsaugust2005.htm (9.6.11)

patients really saw; even if they are explanatory frame itself tell us to remain Tausin, Floco (2005b). Neues aus der Augenheilkunde: Klinische Studie
über die Pars-plana-Vitrektomie bei Glaskörpertrübungen. In:
called “idiopathic”, patients might not critical. The spheres and strings are a Ganzheitlich Sehen.
newsnovember2005.htm (15.6.11)
have seen the floater type at issue. subjective phenomenon. To study them
Weber-Varszegi, V. et al. (2008): „Floaterektomie“ – Pars-Plana-
Moreover, the patients’ satisfaction is means to be aware of that fact and to Vitrektomie wegen Glaskörpertrübungen, in: Klinisches Monatsblatt
Augenheilkunde 225: 366-369

Page 17
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
Recent crop circles 2011

Windmill Hill, Avebury Stonehenge Chaddenwick Hill, New Warren Farm

Trusloe, Wiltshire. Amesbury, Wiltshire. Mere, Wiltshire. Lane End, Hampshire.
Reported 13th July 2011. Reported 13th July 2011. Reported 13th July 2011. Reported 14th July 2011.

Overton Down, East Kennett Roundway Hill, Roundway Hill

Avebury, Wiltshire. Avebury, Wiltshire. Devizes, Wiltshire. Devizes, Wiltshire.
Reported 18th July 2011. Reported 22nd July 2011. Reported 23rd July 2011. Reported 25th July 2011.

Etchilhampton, West Kennett, Windmill Hill West Woodhay Down,

Devizes, Wiltshire. Avebury, Wiltshire. Avebury, Wiltshire. Inkpen, Wiltshire.
Reported 25th July 2011. Reported 25th July 2011. Reported 26th July 2011. Reported 29th July 2011.

Bridge Inn, Bishop Temple Farm, Knoll Down, Jubilee Plantation,

Cannings, Wiltshire. Rockley, Wiltshire. Beckhampton, Wiltshire. Cherhill, Wiltshire.
Reported 4th August 2011. Reported 7th August 2011. Reported 13th August 2011. Reported 15th August 2011.

Page 18
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
Spook in Wrestler’s home?

Government not doing enough to investigate

sightings, says Cumbrian UFO expert.
Is there anyone – or anything out there? Are we journeying on a
speck of dust spinning through time and space all alone? Does
anyone care? Absolutely they do, judging by the number of
reports of UFO sightings and claims of visitors from outer space
made to the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in recent years. Three
recent sightings in Cumbria were reported to the authorities,
according to newly-released Government documents.

The National Archives has just released another 34 ‘UFO files’ covering the period 1985 to 2007. The files
from the MoD contain top secret memos in which UFOs are discussed, as well as as sightings and incidents
reported by members of the public, parliamentary questions, briefings and photos. In all, almost 9,000 pages
of new material are now open to the public. But according to one Cumbrian UFO expert, the new files don’t
provide any new information and he says the Government should be doing much more to examine and
investigate the evidence provided by the public. Chris Parr, from Whitehaven, has been a ‘Ufologist’ for
many years, and is the former co-ordinator of British UFO Hunters. “I’m not impressed by the latest
TNA Wrestling superstar Matt Hardy posted to his own Twitter the
following: releases,” he said. “I know many Ufologists who have forwarded cases, sometimes with videos, sometimes
with photographic evidence and they have not got a proper reply. The Government is not doing enough to
“I know I've mentioned to all of you about the footsteps, or investigate these sightings. There is enough history in the UFO subject to be worth scientific research.” Mr
"presence" in my house. Tonight we actually saw something, & it Parr said that UFO sightings had dwindled in recent years after peaking in 1995 thanks to the popularity of
was insane.
The X-Files TV series. “There was a global fascination for the subject and many UFO groups originated
And when I say insane, I mean terrifying. Some of it is on around that time. It all started to dwindle in 2001 which coincided with the end of the series.” Mr Parr says
camera, you'll see. I don't know if I'll be able to sleep in my own he has witnessed “a handful of mysterious sightings”. But he adds: “Nothing conclusive for me to believe in
bed tonight.
an alien visitation. My main sighting was in 1984 in Whitehaven. It was a stationary object which
Reby & I were shooting footage for my next YT entry, when we accelerated, I would estimate at between five and 10,000 miles per hour and shot across the Irish Sea.”
caught something VERY unexpected on camera. Footage is Sadly, the Cumbrian reports as stated on the files are somewhat vague. On August 6, 2005, a report was
uploading now.. made of the strange phenomena of “about forty orange and red lights in the sky”. A precise time is given –
I'm gonna put it up on my YouTube channel, at 10.15pm – but it is not said where in the county these were seen. And there is more vagueness
MATTHARDYBRAND so the World can see my home's entity, surrounding another incident. The claim states simply that “A UFO was witnessed” and was “Seen
spirit, or whatever it is.” sometime in 2005” in Kendal. There was more detail concerning something spotted at 10.45pm on May 10,
You can view the footage at - 2004 at Storth, near Milnthorpe. A report was logged of something that “looked like a bright star and was
moving around like a kite”.
v=PQIHbHJNjj8&feature=player_embedded But while the public remains fascinated by the idea of aliens and keen to report strange phenomenon in the
sky, the MoD certainly is not, judging by these latest file releases. The papers show a lack of interest and
resources to study the reported sightings in Cumbria – or thousands of others registered from across the UK.
The details of the Cumbrian sightings are revealed along with an explanation on how the MoD views such
reports. It states: “The MoD examines any report of ‘unidentified flying objects’ it receives solely to
establish whether what was seen might have some defence significance; namely whether there is any
evidence that the United Kingdom’s airspace might have been compromised by hostile or unauthorised air
activity. “Unless there is evidence of a potential threat to the UK from an external source, and to date, no
‘UFO’ report has revealed such evidence, we do not attempt to identify the precise nature of each sighting
reported to us. “We believe that rational explanations, such as aircraft lights, or natural phenomena could
be found for them if resources were diverted for this purpose, but it is not the function of the MoD to
provide this kind of aerial identification service.” Elsewhere, a military officer predicts embarrassment if
the public discovered a “lack of funds and higher priorities” were stopping UFO investigations. National
Archives consultant Dr David Clarke said it was about time the data was released. “One of the most
interesting documents in the files is a piece from an intelligence officer who basically says that despite
thousands of reports that they’ve received since the war, they’ve never done any study or spent any money
The video shows Matt Hardy being filmed by his or time on the subject, and they say that people just won’t believe that when they find out.” The internal
wife in his alleged haunted home. As he talks to memo from a defence intelligence wing commander dated 5 July 1995 says the media’s portrayal of DI55 [a
camera the legs of a figure can be seen to move secret unit dedicated to UFO investigations within the Defence Intelligence Staff] as a “defender of the
across the upstairs landing from right to left. Earth against the alien menace” is “light years from the truth”. The file shows the officer feared that if
intelligence’s interest in UFOs was to be revealed it could cause “disbelief and embarrassment since few
MAPIT Response: We have looked at this piece of people will believe the truth that lack of funds and higher priorities have prevented any study of the
footage a number of times and believe it shows no thousands of reports received.”
signs of being tampered with nor evidence of special
effects etc. Quite a simple piece of filming which A Freedom of Information request from Mr Parr was also made as to whether the infamous photograph by
claims to capture an apparition walking on the Jim Templeton in 1964 featuring a spaceman was of interest to the authorities. Carlisle fireman Jim
upstairs landing. Matt’s wife does seem to show Templeton took three photographs of his five-year-old daughter Elizabeth on a day trip to Burgh Marsh.
signs of vexation as the camera shakes and her When the photos came back, one of them showed what appears to be a space-suited figure in the
breathing becomes short and fast. This could be a background. The so-called Cumberland Spaceman has been a source of international fascination ever since.
fear response which lends some possible credibility An MoD official responded that the Templeton photo was of no interest to the MoD and added: “With
to the video footage. However, it is not impossible to regard to a photograph taken of a space-suited figure by Mr James Templeton of Carlisle in 1964, if such
fake. The mysterious figure could have simply been information has survived, it will now be open for viewing at The National Archives.” MOD files were
another person and the short fast breathing by routinely destroyed after five years until 1967 when they were generally preserved for the National
Reby, Matt’s wife, could be a well planned hoax. Archives. A few have survived before 1967 and these together with records up to 1977 are now available
We are unsure as to the authenticity of the video for public viewing.
footage. However it is interesting. Well worth a
looking at: What do you think? We would love to The National Archives can be contacted at Ruskin Avenue, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU or
know. Send in your comments to Phenomena telephone, 020 8876 3444. The National Archives also have a website giving information about the records
Magazine. they hold and how to access them at The Ministry of Defence Freedom of
Information website also contains some released information on UFOs. This can be accessed via the internet
at: The latest 34 UFO
Page 19 files can be downloaded free of charge for a month from the National Archives website.
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
Corrie couple to develop UFO obsession. It’s Raining Satellites.

Coronation Street duo Julie Carp and Brian Packham are expected to
become UFO fanatics in a forthcoming storyline on the soap. According
to the Daily Star the couple, played by Katy Cavanagh and Peter Gunn,
will develop a shared interest as they think they spot flying objects
overhead. Apparently the pair will keep a watch over the night skies with
John telling Julie that he knows a "respected expert" in the field of UFO
landings. Julie gets caught up in the light-hearted storyline grabbing John
and telling him: "This UFO spotting business is really turning me on."
Speaking to the newspaper, a Corrie source said: "This could only
happen to Julie."

NASA Unveils New Detailed Photos of Apollo Moon Landing Sites.

NASA recently announced that one of their satellites is due to
burn up over Earths atmosphere, but where it will land, no
one knows. So... Does this mean you can put in a huge
insurance claim against NASA if you find a piece of satellite
has landed on your car?... Who knows.

A six-ton satellite belonging to NASA plunged to Earth early

yesterday, yet more than eight hours later US space officials still
didn't know where it had come down. Most of it fell over water
and they believe the debris probably hurt no one. The bus-sized
satellite first penetrated Earth's atmosphere somewhere over the
Pacific, but that doesn't necessarily mean it all fell into the sea.
NASA's earlier calculations had predicted that the 20-year-old
climate research satellite would burn up in the atmosphere with the
surviving debris falling over a 500 square mile area that could
include land. The fact that its descent began over the ocean and
that there have been no reports of people being hit "gives us a
good feeling that no one was hurt," Stephen Cole, a NASA
spokesman, said. But officials didn't know for certain. Government
agencies said the 35ft satellite fell sometime between 3.23am and
5.09am British time, but with no precise time or location.
Speculation on the internet and Twitter focused on unconfirmed
sightings and even video of debris over Alberta, Canada. Mr Cole
said that this was possible because the last estimated path for the
satellite would have taken it over Canada, starting north of Seattle
and then travelling in a large arc north then south. From there, its
path continued through the Atlantic and south towards Africa, but
it was unlikely the satellite got that far if it started falling over the
Pacific. Mr Cole said that NASA was hoping for more details from
the US Air Force, which was responsible for tracking debris.
However, given where the satellite is likely to have fallen, officials
may never know precisely. Some 26 pieces of the satellite,
representing 1,200lb of heavy metal, had been expected to rain
down somewhere. The biggest surviving chunk should be no more
than 300lb. As the days past a further news release confirmed the
satellite broke up and fell into the Pacific Ocean...

Will this put an end to the Moon Hoax Conspiracy...? Probably not as the photographs will be considered to Mysterious objects stun teen.
be fake or doctored... New photos of several Apollo moon landing sites were released on September 6th by
NASA, showing extraordinary new details about three areas on the lunar surface that were visited by
humans. The images include the sharpest views yet of tracks left by the astronauts and their lunar rovers.
"The images look very spectacular, as you can see for yourself," Mark Robinson, an Arizona State
University, Tempe scientist, who is the principal investigator of LRO's camera, said in a news briefing. The
twists and turns of the last tracks left by humans on the moon crisscross the surface in this LRO image of the
Apollo 17 site. In the thin lunar soil, the trails made by astronauts on foot can be easily distinguished from
the dual tracks left by the lunar roving vehicle, or LRV. Also seen in this image are the descent stage of the
Challenger lunar module and the LRV, parked to the east. Other photographs include...
To view these incredible images in
higher detail, visit:
A WIGAN teenager was left stunned after photographing three bizarre UFOs above his home. The youth, 19, who doesn’t wish to
-apollo-moon-landing-sites-photos be identified, captured the objects on his Iphone as they hovered in
-lro.html the skies above his house in Swinley on Sunday evening Sept 18th.
He said: “I was just getting into my car and looked up to see these
three black objects in the sky pretty much above me. I managed to
rattle of a picture or two but when I nipped back inside to tell my
mum to come and have a look they had gone. “I’d say they were
about as big as a house but perfectly round and there was three of
them spaced evenly apart. I’m not sure but I also thought I heard a
bit of a humming noise.” There have been a spate of UFO
sightings in Wigan in the recent months and while most sightings
can be explained away as Chinese lanterns, kites or other
legitimate flying objects, some, like these, are harder to
explain.“They weren’t moving, floating or doing anything - they
were perfectly still, it was eerie but I felt totally at ease looking up
at them,” said the dumbfounded teenager. “Everybody knows
someone who has ‘seen a UFO’ and I’d be the first person to take
the micky out of them but now I’m not so sure they were lying.
“Seeing something with your own eyes puts things into a different
perspective. “I wouldn’t say I’m ‘converted’ and suddenly believe
in ET - but these objects have opened my eyes to the possibility
that there are other crafts than the ones we know about flying
about up there.”

Page 20
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
Beyond Best Evidence: The UFO Enigma is a feature-length documentary that will take the cases
shown in Best Evidence, as well as a couple of new ones that highlight what appear to be some of
the more "high strangeness" aspects of the phenomenon, and explore with the three key possible
explanations with world's leading experts on the subject, as follows:

1. Extraterrestrial Hypothesis - This explanation maintains that UFO sightings represent proof of
visitation to Earth by advanced extraterrestrials from another world, most likely within what
proponents term of "local galactic neighbourhood."

2. Interdimensional Hypothesis - This explanation maintains that UFO sightings involve visitations
from other "realities" or "dimensions" that co-exist alongside our own. It also holds that UFOs are a
modern manifestation of a phenomenon that has occurred throughout recorded human history,
which in prior ages were ascribed to mythological or supernatural forces and creatures.

3. Psychosocial hypothesis - This explanation maintains that UFO Sightings can be explained by
psychological or social means, examples of which include wishful thinking, hallucinations, hoaxes,
and misidentification of prosaic objects, such as satellites, aircraft, or natural phenomena.

To learn how you can help and more information, visit:
Many Thanks, Paul Kimball.

Tuesday 11th October: The Nine Freedoms - Our

Journey to Assension and Beyond by Mark Bennet.

Profound revelations and practical techniques for world

healing, taking us ever closer to the blissful realisation
of our Divine Selves. Discover the secrets of bravery,
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other worlds, as channelled by a cosmic intelligence
through the great medium Dr George King. Mark is a
dynamic, inspirational, youthful speaker, and is the co-
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In each issue of Paranormal

MAPIT FACEBBOK GROUP Magazine, we hope to bring
SEP FACEBOOK GROUP you examples of such
UPIA FACEBOOK GROUP phenomena at work and
PARANORMAL NEWS even more besides. If we
can supply possible
answers, we will, so stay
with us because the journey
may prove to be all you ever
hoped for.

The Forbidden Universe By Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince.
A new book by Lynn Picknett and Clive prince is normally something to look forward to and The Forbidden
Universe lived up to all expectations. It can be very difficult to make frequently obscure and esoteric
subjects, something in which both authors and researchers specialise, both interesting and accessible and in
this case once again they manage the feat with consummate ease. What makes it even more special is that it
contains flashes of ironic wit and humour that serve to illuminate some of the more obscure points. In many
ways this book is a natural progression from their previous works, both together and individually, and works
such as, ‘The Templar Revelation’, ‘The Stargate Conspiracy’, ‘The Masks of Christ’ and the truly
remarkable ‘The Secret History of Lucifer’ serve as stepping stones to their latest, and possibly best, work to
date. The first section of the book deals with the early scientists and thinkers and how their theories were
gradually accepted as the truth, mainly because the principles upon which their arguments and theories were
bases were unarguable. The Church seeing its authority in all matters questioned did not like this and fought
a furious rearguard action, but was eventually forced to concede defeat in a prime example of fact versus
faith (and sheer blind dogma). At its core the book casts fresh light on the occult origins of science and
encompasses such subjects as alchemy, astronomy and mathematics, all of which were regarded with
considerable superstitious fear by the early Church fathers. So much so that the pioneering scientific greats
such as Paracelsus, Agrippa, Galileo, Copernicus, Tycho Brae, and all the rest ran considerable risk of being
branded as heretics and piously murdered for daring to challenge the overweening superstitious orthodoxy of
the Catholic Church. Other pioneers like Sir Isaac Newton and Dr John Dee, although professing
revolutionary thinking, were less likely to face death from the church, but more from the state who declared
the practise of alchemy illegal. It did so on the grounds that an uncontrolled source of gold would destabilise
the economy…nothing changes, does it?
It was no accident all these characters, particularly Cornelius Agrippa, Paracelsus, Isaac Newton and John
Dee, were hermeticists and primarily considered to be sorcerers rather than scientists and as such were
viewed with grudging admiration and trepidation in equal measure. The fact that they also used specific
aspects of sorcery (and alchemy which was looked upon as much the same thing) in their work added to this
impression, but they did so simply because they believed it was effective. The second part of the book deals
with what is perhaps the only branch of science that is closest to magick, and that of course is quantum
physics where the impossible becomes not only possible, but often demonstrably so. However, as the authors
point out, it is not unknown for Newtonian scientists to come out with such foolishness as, ‘Even it was
proven I still would not believe it’. The book is very refreshing in that it never loses its sense of wonder at the
possibilities offered by the universe and all it contains. The authors also have the chutzpah to take a healthy
sideswipe at the dogmatic atheism of such modern luminaries and self appointed defenders against
‘superstition’ as Professor Richard Dawkins.
The rabid and instinctive rationalism of Prof Dawkins et all is every bit as much of a religion as the views held by the conventionally religious and is equally as
tedious. What this book does do in spades is suggest very plausibly that the universe appears to have an inbuilt function to deliberately both create and support
life and that it was designed that way. What the book does not do, however, is say who or what did it and why this should be, it tantalises and teases, it hints and
nudges, but leaves the final decision to the reader, and rightly so. One (of the many) electrifying propositions made is the notion that the universe created us, and
through us observing it, allow it to exist in the first place, a truly mind blowing concept and only one of many. This is an important book and one that deserves to
be read by anyone who has even the slightest interest in cosmology and, yes, magick. I heartily recommend this book to any seekers of wisdom out there and
suggest that you go out any buy it now, you will NOT be disappointed.
Title: The Forbidden Universe. Publisher: Constable, London. Authors: Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince. Price £18:99. ISBN: 978-1-84901-409-0
Review by Brian Allen.


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Spookology - Who Put The Norm in Paranormal?
By Richard Holland

Strange tales from ‘The Old Prophet’ In the way-back-when of my time editing
Paranormal Magazine, I jokingly coined the
Last month I introduced the Rev term ’spookology’ in one of my editorials. I’ve
Edmund Jones, an 18th century minister started using ‘spook’ as a handy word for any really
who became known as ‘The Old weird and inexplicable ghostly phenomenon. At a time when the
Prophet’ for his fire-and-brimstone supernatural, an area of research in which we still understand
preaching style and his visionary very little, is becoming increasingly codified, the bizarre nature of
approach to religion. Jones not only the spooks recalled in this column may serve as a reminder that
wholeheartedly believed in ghosts, he it’s way too soon to start normalising the paranormal...
considered it close to blasphemous for
others to deny their existence. For
Jones any ‘apparitions of Take, for example, the extraordinary There is something unnervingly
spirits’ (including the Fairies) were experience of Thomas Miles Harry one werewolf-like in these descriptions.
Richard Holland is the
editor of the ghosts and manifestations of God’s power on evening near Cwmbran. Returning from
folklore website Uncanny Earth. Abergavenny, Mr Harry’s horse shied, Even more horrible was the apparition
UK and the former editor of apparently startled by something in the seen by a Mr Jeremiah James at
Paranormal Magazine. A
journalist of more than 20 As well as witnessing strange road which the rider could not see. It Abertillery in what is now the unitary
years’ experience in apparitions himself, Jones collected then bolted home, Mr Harry clinging on authority of Blaenau Gwent. A man
newspapers and magazines, accounts from his family, friends and for dear life. In the safety of his own named John Jenkins hanged himself in
he is the author of five yard, Mr Harry saw what had spooked a hay-loft and when his sister saw his
books, including ‘Haunted
neighbours and put them down in two
Wales: A Survey of Welsh books: ‘An Account of the Parish of the animal: the apparition of a woman dangling body she cried out in horror.
Ghostlore’ which is to be Aberystruth’ (1779) and ‘Apparitions ‘so prodigiously tall as to be about half Alerted by her cry, Mr James looked
republished by the History of Spirits in the County of as high as the tall beech trees at the out of his window and saw, not only the
Press in October. To read
more of his articles, and Monmouth’ (1780). He was working on other side of the yard’. gruesome sight of the suicide, but also a
those of other authors on a third collection when he died, and two grotesque, humanoid thing coming out
the subject of the partial copies of this, each in a different In the same neighbourhood, a Mr of the hay-loft and ‘violently turning
supernatural in Britain, Edward Frank had a not dissimilar upwards and downwards topsy-turvy
please visit:
hand, survive in The National Library
of Wales archive. The accounts encounter. Walking home one night he towards the river’. This was, as recorded by Jones are generally well heard footsteps approaching, then, Edmund Jones puts it, ‘a dreadful sight
attested: he is able to provide the looming out of the darkness, he saw to a serious godly man’. Jones believed
witness’s names and the location and ‘the ghost of a marvellous thin man, that the topsy-turvy thing ‘could be no
year of the sighting. And yet they whose head was so high above the other but an evil Spirit going with his
remain some of the weirdest ghostly observer’s line of vision that he nearly prey, the self-murderer, to hell’ – this
encounters on record. fell over backward in his efforts to gaze callous attitude towards suicide being
at it’. He cried out: typical of the time.

“In the name of God what is Some ‘spirits’ had no human

here? Turn out of my way or characteristics at all. For example,
I will strike thee!” Edmund Jones’s servant Henry Lewelin
was bringing some holy books to ‘The
The giant ghost vanished at Old Prophet’, when he had occasion to
these words and the shaken pass by an ale-house ‘with an evil
Mr Frank found a handy reputation’ near Bedwas, Caerphilly.
cow to lean on while he His horse stopped in the road as
steadied his nerves. (As Wirt something very peculiar emerged onto
Sikes put it 100 years later the highway. It was ‘a living thing
in his book ‘British round like a bowl [or ball], rolling
Goblins’: ‘The naϊveté of from the right hand to the left … It
this conclusion is appeared to be of a reddish colour with
convincing.’). Many of the a mixture of an ash colour.’ ‘What
spooks recorded by the Rev seekest thou, thou foul thing?’ Lewelin
Jones were sub-human, half- demanded. ‘In the Name of the Lord
formed shapes lacking Jesus go away.’
detailed features. Two
young men, Lewis Thomas On hearing the holy name, the object
and Thomas Andrew, saw vanished, sinking into the ground
on separate occasions in the beneath the horse’s hooves. So many
vicinity of Ebbw Vale a weird and fiendish things were reported
strange, bestial ‘resemblance to Jones, I can’t help wondering
of a man walking on his whether members of his congregation
hands and feet’. Mr Andrew were making up these stories just to
described it as ‘creeping on please him. Either that or two centuries
all fours, scraping the ago the South Wales Valleys were so
The title page of the 1813 edition of Edmund Jones’s collection ground, and looking aside badly haunted that one would hardly
of bizarre ghost encounters, ‘Apparitions of Spirits in the one way and the other, also dare step outside one’s own door after
County of Monmouth’, which was first published in 1780.
making a dreadful noise’. dark!...

Page 23
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
NASA Whistleblower: Alien Moon Cities Exist?
Former National Aeronautics and Space Administration Data and Photo Control
Department manager, Ken Johnston, who worked for the space agency's Lunar
Receiving Laboratory during the Apollo missions has been fired for telling the
truth. Johnston asserts NASA knows astronauts discovered ancient alien cities
and the remains of amazingly advanced machinery on the Moon. Some of the
technology can manipulate gravity. He says the agency ordered a cover-up and
forced him to participate in it. Over the past 40 years other scientists, engineers
and technicians have accused NASA of cover-ups and obscuring data. The
growing number of accusers' allegations range from hiding information about
anomalous space objects and lying about the discovery of artifacts on the
surface of the Moon and Mars, to denying the evidence of life reported back by
the Viking lander during the mid-1970s.

According to Johnston, Apollo astronauts brought back photographic evidence of the artifacts they found during their
lunar extravehicular activities (EVAs). Johnston claims NASA ordered him to destroy the EVA images while he was
at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), but he refused. When he went public, the space agency terminated him. In a
news release, Kay Ferrari, the JPL Director of the SSA Program, explained why she asked Johnston to resign: he had
publicly criticized his employer. When Johnston refused to tender his resignation, he was summarily dismissed
without cause. After his abrupt departure, he indicated he'd had enough and was tired that the U.S. government had
been sitting on the proof for more than four decades that ancient alien cities are the Moon. “I have nothing to lose," he
said. "I quarrelled with NASA and I got fired." Ken Johnston isn't the only one to have a bone to pick with NASA.

The scientist who oversaw the important life-detection experiment aboard the 1976 Viking space probe mission on
Mars continues to blast the U.S. space agency.
Gilbert Levin insists his biology experiment proved life is in the Martian soil. "We obtained positive data
corresponding with all the pre-mission criteria, which proved the existence of microbial life in the soil of Mars," Levin
told National Geographic. The prominent scientist is so angry at NASA he's even created his own website designed to
shout to the world that life really is on the Red Planet.

The colour of deception.

Many space scientists have challenged NASA about yet another fraud the agency allegedly perpetrated for decades: the colour of the Martian sky. For years the
space agency released photos of Mars with a reddish tinged sky and rusty red landscape. They got away with it too until independent researchers and Mars
missions undertaken by the European Space Agency (ESA) revealed that the Martian sky actually looked very similar to Earth's sky and the Martian landscape
pretty much resembled the pale salmon-coloured terrain of the American Southwest. Holger Isenberg has written about it on the German site "The Colour of

Page 24
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
What Lies Beneath.
By Colin Veacock

Why Are We So Deaf To DUMB?

(Deep Underground Military Bases.)
A Tentative Tip Toe Through The Potential Minefield
Of Underground Bases.

There cannot be many who haven’t heard of Bob Lazars amazing claims concerning the
underground levels of S4 at Groom Lake, Nevada, where they supposedly house retrieved flying
saucers and the bodies of there alien crews, or the jaw dropping, some would say incredulous
tales told by the late Phil Schneider who claimed to have shot two aliens in the underground base
at Dulce, New Mexico. Or how about the 42 underground levels in Antelope Valley, California
which belong to Northrop, or the reputed subterranean installation beneath the new Masonic
influenced Denver airport complete with it’s disturbing murals depicting blazing cities, mass
graves, and the reference on the terminal floor to Australian Antigen. Is this a reference to some
future man made world epidemic designed to wipe out a percentage of the earths population, or
simply the chemical symbols for gold and silver?...

Page 25
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
What Lies Beneath.
By Colin Veacock

Some would argue that the shadowy Then there’s the still classified and Services who investigated Britain’s
elite are planning our downfall by hotly denied top secret base built in UFO intrusions were housed. They
slowly releasing a deadly contagion 1966 by the British Broadcasting have since been relocated to RAF
while others say it’s already happening Company, housed beneath a hill in the Henlow in Bedfordshire.
high above our heads… But a debate on grounds of Wood Norton Hall just off The base beneath Corsham utilises the
chemtrails is one best left for another the A44 near Evesham. This complex WWII Beaverbrook underground
day. If, when the day comes when lies ten storeys down is 175 ft long and aircraft factory where Wellington
plague ravages the world our the area around the single, known, bombers were made, and nine quarries
governments and those in power and entrance is surrounded by CCTV which incorporated roughly 2,250,000
positions of influence will retreat deep cameras and security staff. It is here if sq ft of space, and then went deeper to
underground to wait it out. Many the A bomb was dropped that the BBC create a huge complex once known as
Helsinki goes underground. people don’t realise that tales of deep would report on the end of the world Burlington. It has also been known as
underground military bases (DUMB for why we sat at home and melted! In Stockwell, Subterfuge, Turnstile, but is
Finland's capital is taking short) aren’t confined to America! intelligence circles this base is known now known simply as Site-3. It is here
unusual steps to combat
urban sprawl. Helsinki has as PAWN, Protected Area, Wood that the Royal Navy stores depot, the
gone underground, carving There are rumours of truly massive Norton. MOD and RAF communications and
out a swimming complex, a bases at Pine Gap in Australia, beneath computer centre and the purpose built
shopping mall, and a church
from the bedrock beneath its
Berlin in Germany, a huge installation Of course, if the UK had been nuked Central Government Emergency
city streets. Underground beneath Montreal in Canada and a city the chain of command, the government, Relocation Site is housed. In the deeper
Helsinki also has a hockey sized underground base beneath the Royals and key military personnel, levels are secreted the ultra mysterious
rink, "parking caverns," and urban sprawl of Beijing designed to would have to prevail hence the reason CCC, Corsham Computer Centre, a
many facilities used by the
municipal government. accommodate six million people. There a complex was built deep beneath super advanced computer linked to
Another subterranean are also persistent rumours of another parliament known as CLC-1 (Central GCHQ and the National Security
operation is a big computer somewhere within the mountains of London Complex 1), which has been Agency.
data center cooled not with
electricity from a polluting
Tibet. Not all these underground continually upgraded and kept in
power plant, but with chilly habitats are secret however! Helsinki, readiness in case the faeces well and If the Citadel beneath Salisbury Plain is
water channelled in from the for instance, has found a novel way of truly hit the fan. It is rumoured that designed to save our government and
ocean. expanding the town without stretching both ex Prime Minister ,Tony Blair and royalty plus the elite of British society
its boundaries by creating huge Gordon Brown, have both held from some unnamed global catastrophe,
subterranean suburbs where tens of COBRA (Cabinet Office Briefing the sinister rumours surrounding an
thousands of people happily live their Room A) meetings in the upper levels installation beneath Peasemore in
lives. during the Iraq war and fuel blockades. Bedfordshire is more of a mystery. This
This installation is connected by a base is known as AL-499 and is
Even here beneath the rolling hills of tunnel to Buckingham Palace. In a case thought to be used for experimentation
the United Kingdom we have top secret of emergency the Royals, government into biological and psychic warfare as
and sensitive underground installations and senior military advisers would well as the testing of top secret
created during the dark days of the cold retreat underground to sit out the crisis, technology since the mid 1960s. There
war. There were at least 1,536 and if London fell they could use a are also uncorroborated hotly contested
relatively small bunker like monitoring myriad of tunnels mentioned in Peter reports of mind manipulation, genetic
posts designed to keep there Royal Laurie’s (1979) book, Beneath The City engineering, psychic testing and
Observer Corp staff safe during a Streets, to escape the capital for the military sponsored and carried out
nuclear attack. In the 1950s these well west country where there appears to be abductions codenamed Project
hidden bunkers were used to identify a host of connected underground bases, Mannequin.
and track hostile Soviet aircraft and, if rumours are to be believed, a
encroaching on UK air space. By 1968 city sized installation measuring some This base is linked to Harwell Labs in
most fell into disuse and in 1991 all the 25 square miles beneath the military Oxfordshire, Greenham Common and
remaining active posts were testing grounds on Salisbury Plain. This Watchfield Military Science College.
unceremoniously shut down. One of the is known as the Citadel. Originally it was built a mile
declassified larger underground underground, was 450 yards by 650
bunkers, Kelvedon Hatch in Epping, in This complex is rumoured to be yards in size and consisted of 6 levels
south east England, was designed to connected to much smaller bases but is now considered by intelligence
keep safe 600 military and civilian beneath Boscombe Down, Porton researchers to be considerably larger
personnel behind it’s blast proof doors Down and Rudloe Manor, now known and deeper! It is here that experiments
if nuclear weapons had rained down on as Joint Service Unit Corsham, where which the government would rather you
Britain. until recently the Provost and Security and I didn’t know about are carried out
in seclusion.

As I write the Daily Mirror (Friday 22nd

July ) are reporting how Frankenstein
animals created by scientists who splice
animal/human embryos together should
kill off their mutations at the fourteen
day gestation mark for fear of creating,
to use their word- “monsters”. The
Academy Of Medical Sciences also
state that they are against any
experiments which make animals more
like us, and that scientists are close to
being able to replace a monkeys brain
with a brain made up of human cells…
We can only imagine what horrors and
abominations lurk confined in this
mysterious and disturbing underground
series of laboratories…

Page 26
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
What Lies Beneath.
By Colin Veacock

We can also only pray that one of these area drastically increased. Scores of Books by Richard
creatures never escapes its underground these UFO sightings mention objects Sauder Ph.D.
prison… Chupacabra anyone! either hovering, entering or leaving the
waters off the Welsh coast near Stacks
However, all these mentioned Rock, St Brides Bay, which has led
underground facilities pale in some to ponder on whether there may
comparison with a new reputed base, be a underwater entrance to the base
codenamed Trapdoor, which sits somewhere along the coast… UFOs
beneath Crug Hywel mountain in the have also been seen entering and
Ninety minutes later, and a mere eighty
forbidding dark and brooding hills of leaving the waters off the coast of
miles away, a police helicopter watched
the Brecon Beacons. The base was Cornwall where some say yet another
a similar object apparently trying to
commissioned in the weeks and months comparatively small underground base
land at St Anthon, and 12 year old
after the Rendlesham Forest incident, is situated somewhere near the
schoolboy, Shaun Williams,
by then Prime Minister Margaret picturesque village of Zennor.
photographed a saucer shaped craft at
Thatcher, in the early 1980s.
3.00pm in the skies over Llanelli.

Did these objects originate in the deep

underground base known as Trapdoor
or are the sightings of these brightly lit
flying objects in the skies over the base
just a coincidence? It’s impossible to

What can be said with some certainty is

that our government and military have
subterranean complex’s throughout the
UK in readiness for some future
Available at Amazon.
A catastrophe that would be so
disastrous that the only way to survive
would be to disappear and retreat deep
below ground. What that disaster may
be is a mystery but the internet rumour
mongers continually churns out
She also gave the go ahead for the On the 27th June 2008, the Sun suspects ranging from Australian
forming of the ultra secret Group 5-8 newspaper reported on how a university Antigen, Comet Elenin, solar flares,
whose job it is to investigate, and clear don from Cardiff university, Dr Simon 2012 planetary alignments, terrorism,
up wreckage from crashed alien craft in Griffey, watched a series of seven or even a zombie infestation!?
the UK. It is also here that captured lights in the night sky above Talybont-
alien craft are housed and tested. On-Usk in Llangynidr Mountains. The Whatever the cause of mankind’s
Trapdoor is linked with a top secret same brightly lit object was also seen downfall may be one thing is clear.
rocket testing station at Aberporth, a earlier in the month, Saturday, 7th June, It seems our governments top scientists
school for Hawker Hunters at Brawdy when at 12.00pm three soldiers on may believe that the end of the world as
and a unknown US Navy underwater manoeuvres watched at least thirteen we know it is closer than anyone
research station which tracked Soviet spinning objects for fifteen minutes in imagines…
submarines during the cold war. The Shropshire.
Trapdoor base has also been blamed for
animal, and human, mutilations which
have occurred within the Brecon
Beacon range. An often reported story
doing the rounds on the internet
conspiracy and UFO websites and
forums consists of how the mutilated
bodies of a 16 year old girl and 21 year
old man were found in a remote area of
the beacons with their eyes and sexual
organs missing. Although it is often
reported it is worth mentioning that
there is no back up information
concerning this incident and therefore,
just like the fore mentioned bases, must
be treated with more than a touch of

A lot of the land that makes up the

Brecon Beacons is owned by the
military and access is restricted, and it
is known that the worlds toughest
special forces, the SAS, use the remoter
areas for their training exercises.
However, it is a fact that since the base
was first rumoured UFO activity in the

Page 27
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
'It was something pretty sizeable' — Angus councillor reports big
cat sighting.
By Graham Brown

A councillor says he could be the latest person to have

witnessed a big cat roaming in Angus. Donald Morrison was
on his way into Montreathmont Forest, between his home
near Letham and Brechin, when a black creature he is sure
was a big cat crossed his path around 10am on Sunday. Mr.
Morrison was on his way to walk black labradors Cuillan
and Holly on a regular route in the sprawling woodlands
when the encounter took place.

"We had just passed Red Roofs, just off the Forfar to
Montrose road, and were heading into Montreathmont when
it ran across the road in front of us," said the Arbroath East
and Lunan SNP councillor. "I've seen very big male tom cats
and I know the size of a fox having also seen them around the
wood but this was just a wee bit smaller than my lab," said
Mr Morrison. "When I first caught a glimpse of it, I thought
it might have been another black lab. But it had a curled-
down tail and definitely looked like a big cat.

"Maybe it could have been a big wildcat but I was only about 100 yards away and close enough to know that it was something pretty sizeable.
"I reckon it was bigger than a wildcat and if someone's got a domestic cat that size then it must be a super-breed.

"You often see deer running across the road but it wasn't chasing anything — it just ran over and disappeared into the woods." Reports of
Angus big cats have been made in the past, including some in the Montrose and Brechin areas, and Mr Morrison believes the scale of the
Montreathmont Forest would give the animals plenty of cover. "It's coming to autumn so it's perfectly possible that they could be moving
around," he added. A couple of years ago another Angus man reported a big cat at Rossie Braes, several miles east of Montreathmont,
part of a growing catalogue of sightings. Many of those have taken place at night but Mr Morrison said the fine late summer morning had
given him a clear view of the animal. "Holly will investigate things but I doubt she would have gone after that," he added.

Page 28
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
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Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
Page 30
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
Orbs: Vehicles of Consciousness? Communication Devices?
By Jade Ashcroft.

Having had a keen interest in ufology 5th dimension Space as a living field of being" without our consent or
and esoteric matters for years inevitably energy (electromagnetic force) knowledge through the use of high and
I find myself now drawing parallels represented as a five pointed star low frequencies then lets proceed.
between the Science of Magick and the integrating the four elements and
"activity" of anomalous phenomena. "spirit". 6th dimension Intuition or Imagine yourself in a place where there The Enlightening Times
This is not a new concept, I know but Sixth Sense (awakening of the third are no radio waves, satellite signals, Magazine is a digital
publication whose focus is
please bear with me. eye, pineal gland) giving access to all magnetic fields or other broadcasts. on raising Consciousness,
information represented as two Turning attention inward away from the promoting Independence
The subject of consciousness alone has intersecting triangles or the 6 pointed physical world and all its "attractions", and Freedom. Articles, Art
and other Digital Media is
been the philosophers concern for star. 7th dimension realm of higher deep within the core of ones own submitted for publication by
centuries, its multifaceted and mutable functioning intelligence. A seven conscious awareness or knowing. members of the Online
form often times evading description Pointed Star. 7th level of conscious Welcome to the "Otherworld" of gods, community, and select work
and definition. That which is unknown awareness, activation and awakening of myth and legends. is published in each edition
of the Magazine. Currently
to one mind, is perfectly understood by the "spiritual body" or merkaba. we send out four issues a
another via varying avenues of Brian Ruhe defines some UFO's as year on each Solstice and
cognition. The difficulty arises when “devas from the god realm who have Equinox. As a member of
the community you receive
one persons experience, or memory, of the power to manifest themselves as notifications of each issue,
an event doesn’t fit within a generally unidentified flying objects, when and and can post your own work
understood or socially accepted where they choose.” Perhaps the "God for inclusion.
framework. realm" is simply the resonant field
within which particular frequencies can
Enlightening Times UK is
Ufology, Metaphysics? perform instant information transfer. the place to share YOUR
Metapsychology? Pseudoscience? Spiritual experiences,
How far down the rabbit hole do you Telepathic communication between Philosophy, Ideas and
want to go? human minds is possible, plausible and Thoughts. YOUR input
demonstrable, so consider the channel
You could offer the experiences which on which we broadcast our thoughts Any questions please email
you know to be true to you, and face being open to direct communication the editor directly at
humiliation, (stoning, or public with these other forms of intelligence... etimes@surgeryforthesoul.c
execution) at the hands of those less not native to our physical bodies?
perceptive, or accept what you know You can read the latest
and enter into the shadowy realm The late Dr John Mack lectured edition here:
within your own conscious experience extensively on subtle realms and the
and begin the personal quest for abduction phenomena, to the detriment
discovery of truths in these matters. of his career some may say. You don’t
This vehicle through which have to agree with any of it but merely community/node/3
Having found the latter to be less consciousness expands travels allowing consider the implications in relation to
painful for all concerned it inevitably direct contact with, and experiences in other dimensional beings. Authors on
still leads back to the road of higher levels of awareness and this subject range between theorising
presentation of an hypothesis of results existence. (outside that of those termed such communication as the work of
obtained during investigations. Normal or everyday perception) demons/angels to the "experiencer"
suffering from delusions or
Consider this....inner/inter dimensional Outside of these levels is too lengthy schizophrenia.
"beings" that pass in and out of our for this particular piece but will be
physical or third dimension as light picked up at a later date. Religion has long sought to control
orbs, (those seen by the naked eye). humanity through suppression of
Living, resonating, intelligence that What becomes obvious when you begin information and guarding us in locked
does not possess a solid body but is to study the field of consciousness and cages of predetermined thought. The
perceived as balls of light, or awareness is the significant difference faculty of belief proceeds religion and
consciousness; pure information. from human to human depending on if the threads of human experiences are
Vehicles of communication or where their perception or attention lies. carefully linked together, and followed
transmission carrying a signal of direct Two people may look at the same throughout history, it becomes clear
transfer through telepathy. ie without painting and one remembers six that there are lines of communication
the need for computer technology, but significant details and the other only that are outside our "normal" states of
harnessing power and energy that we remembers two. What is the difference awareness. But can they be responsible
have been taught is not part of the between those people? Awareness. for the evolution of consciousness
human makeup.
"If only you could see what I have seen Psychic, religious and mystical
Science Fiction or possible fact? The with your eyes" said the replicant to his experiences that of subjective "visions"
6th Dimension spoken of here is creator in Bladerunner the movie. If experienced during deep meditation are
attributed to the Akashic Records you can accept that Altered States of found to be similar in content
wherein all human experiences in the Consciousness can allow perception of regardless of which areas of the globe
past, present or future can be accessed things not previously recognised by the the information issues from. Some may
via the faculty of the Third Eye. 3rd normal waking state, and that the argue that these are collective
dimension represented by a triangle, 4th functions of perception and awareness hallucinations, but perhaps they are
dimension "Time" or the hypercube, can be manipulated into other "states of ghostly impressions from rites of

Page 31
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
Orbs: Vehicles of Consciousness? Communication Devices?
By Jade Ashcroft.

Soul Taking. passage which have been torn from our

conscious awareness by those seeking
Details of Jade’s earlier
article entitled Soul Taking
to thwart expansion of awareness or
can be viewed at the discover knowledge of our true selves.
following site: Multi dimensional beings!
http:// In the words of Bill Hicks "we are all
community/node/471 one consciousness experiencing itself
subjectively, life is but a dream and we
Featured on the are the imagination of ourselves." If
Enlightening Times Website. beings from another dimension contact
us through the veil of our
understanding... they don’t have that far
to travel, except through the "maya" or
projection that we call reality.
I say thirteen because I count the backwards, the consciousness crossing
The question I am asking is do you serpent bearer ophicius as the thirteenth through dimensions of space. Using the
know where to look for answers? It sign of the Zodiac as being a kind of fourth and fifth dimensions to access
seems to me that at a certain level those mercurial glue that holds everything the Sixth of the Astral plane or
who would seek to distract you with the else together. In an earlier article the projections of images/information;
illusion and projection of the consensus Zodiac as Soul Taking, suggesting Thinking of time as non linear, and our
trance, are slowly loosing the grip on meditation upon each sign in turn as a perception of it being divided into past,
the reigns they have held tightly for so living being to awaken the whole present and future.
long. As more people wake up to the psyche. Completion of this Cycle in my
fact that their "World" is what they own journey can only be described as Floating balls of light have been
make of it, not what they are told it is, it coming home. hypothesised as marsh gas, optical
seems we stand at a pinnacle where we illusions, dust motes, alien space craft
are presented with two choices. Accept The journey back to the self is one etc etc. Beings, intelligent entities,
and submit, or stand up and be counted. fraught with pitfalls and dangers, and communicating through higher/lower
from a reference point without (than normal human perception)
It’s no secret that there are operations conditioning it then becomes possible frequencies, via non verbal
which have taken place over the years to begin traveling, dissecting and communication. For years I have
to "dumb down" the populations of the recording experiences as we follow the witnessed "orbs" of varying size, colour
world so it is easier for the slave individual map. But to get to the point and duration in both the inner and outer
masters to control us. It’s also no of perception of ones own opinions, spheres of reality.
coincidence that a lot of people have thoughts or theories may be harder to
neither the time nor inclination to reach than you realise. First you have to While their origin is considered by the
investigate spirituality, or any other sift through everything that has been masses to be outside of the current
subject for that matter, in great depth "taught" since birth and literally begin understanding of the collective it makes
which is outside of those deemed again from a point of knowing nothing. them alien (by definition as non human
"useful" methods for gaining power, or having no physical body); when
wealth and fame. Michael Tsarions latest work on absorbed by the consciousness of
Posthumanism and the Manipulation of humanity their function could be
Hypnosis via the mainstream media has Mankind explores the fragmented described as that of messengers or
worked well for some time, and now nature of the human being and the split vehicles of transmission for transfer of
that people are switching to different in the psyche as a result of a primordial consciousness, and information.
channels, or frequencies the war on trauma at the inception of our species.
consciousness has begun in earnest. My own investigations are in debt to Prior knowledge concerning this and
his series of lectures and books which other related phenomena has been used
Who are you? Why are you here? are a valuable resource for anyone by those who have appointed
"What is your Purpose?" These are the looking for a firm grounding in esoteric themselves our masters....wherein the
questions being asked and there has theory. function of this anomalous phenomena
been an explosion of efforts by in relation to conscious awareness
individuals and groups alike to attempt That which one has experienced becomes one of slavery and the method
to draw back the curtain and expose directly is advocated as a foundation to employed being sorcery.
these truths and methods to survive the begin understanding the nature of
coming onslaught. reality, rather than that being "spoon At the moment there is a great deal of
fed" to us through our education attention being directed towards the
Restoring the missing pieces and systems. Defining the nature of ones 21st of December 2012, with a
rediscovering individual paths when the experiences however becomes tricky multitude of prophesised outcomes...
fog of confusion is lifted, and healing like trying to build a castle on shifting none of which can be anything but
fragmented selves to begin in earnest sands, and often spawns into a pseudo- specualtion until the event. There is
what we came to this planet for. If we science or fringe subjects of their own. however a matter that does concern me
briefly digress to the Zodiac as thirteen To experience Time other than in the leading up to this event which has been
divisions of the Soul and reuniting of present moment is projection of largely ignored. It relates to what some
those as becoming ones own master. conscious awareness forwards or describe as the "war on consciousness".

Page 32
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
Orbs: Vehicles of Consciousness? Communication Devices?
By Jade Ashcroft.

Chris Parr: "Numerology is the following image of the Supernatural in your life. But be aware that there will WWW.
EXPOSED 'limitation or illumination Boar... always be an opposite path should you
Specialising in experiential
technique' to vacuum the pure soul. research focused on voice-
Numerical ritual event dates are now based disclosure
clearly evident. It insults the receptive technology, paranormal
mind. photographic imaging and
infrared UFO videography
explored within a classical
If you are informed about psychic self yoga meditation framework.
defense and are working on your "Self"
then you may stand a chance of Well worth a visit:
Steve Mera PM
escaping some of the traps laid by the
attention snaring Masters controlling
the mind of humanity. If you are not
aware of the pitfalls and are content to
be led into the new world order, and
dictated to by the system then they have
won the war for your right to BE YOU. Crystals and Atlantis. lose your footing then those who do not
have your best interests at heart, will
The perception of the passage of time Harnessing the power of Information or inevitably be there to cushion the fall.
in relation to this subject is an Knowledge, transmitting as well as An understanding of the Secrets of the
important factor. We live in the present receiving information with your new Ancient Civilizations studied in tandem
moment yet we have memory of the sense of being or Diamond Body- What with Personal and Spiritual
past and the ability to think about choice will you make with those tools Development can give you the tools to
possible futures. If we consider the in your hands? Will you choose to begin your ascent back to your Self and
mind theoretically as a trinity of past, enslave others with the technology at awaken to your higher possibilities...
present and future where three parts your disposal, or will you assist and
result in a whole "being" and the awaken others to their potential?
The quetzalcoatl oil painting by Jade
function of intelligence as an
What if consciousness is stored in Ashcroft.
impenetrable glue that holds these
functions together, Time travel accessible hard copies, in the rock
becomes a matter of a shift in formations of natural crystals and the
perception or projection. land itself. What story do you think
they would tell?
Jon Kelly’s research into imagery
produced by photographing anomalous Perhaps they would tell that a long time
phenomena during mantra recitations ago, in a world not too dissimilar to
produced some startling imagery of ours, a catastrophic event took place in
"deities" that correlates with those which the "thought forms" or
mentioned in the baghavad gita. "Collective Consciousness" of an entire
Civilization was crystalised in the form
of what we know today as semi
precious stones or crystals; And that the
current industry of trading money for
rocks has not only divided us from our
natural inheritance of this intelligence...
but parodies the split which ripped the
fabric of existence into matter and
spirit, or dividing the physical and Jade is an investigative researcher and
spiritual aspects of human nature from was coincidentally born in the year of
the Chinese astrological Tiger...
each other?

Light dissected by a crystal pyramid

begets the Colours of the Rainbow. If
each colour has its own resonance or
tone/frequency that affects our bodies,
minds and emotions. We can open our
wheels of light, each colour at a time to
be experienced as a state of being in its
own right, or a manifestation of a small
part of the greater whole. Harmony
being produced when certain colours -
During experiments he captured images frequencies - waves are displayed
of breath condesation and produced together.
pictures by creating a duplicate mirror
images of his photographs and splicing Realise that YOU have the potential to
them back together. Such as the create harmony so should you desire it

Page 33
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
Shades of Gray
By Bryce Zabel
The 1961 Betty & Barney Hill UFO Abduction Being Developed for Film on 50th Anniversary of Case.

The feature film, Shades of Gray, to tell their story based on new information from the book Captured!
The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience by Stanton T. Friedman and Kathleen Marden.

All ufologists know, of course, that Betty and Barney are not just the Flintstones' next door neighbours,
but the names that belong to the Hills, the married couple who became the ignition point of the
modern alien abduction era. 50 years ago, on September 19, 1961, Betty and Barney Hill were
driving home from Canada and about 100 miles northwest of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, when
they saw a UFO at close range and then suffered one of the first recorded "missing time" episodes.
Later, under hypnosis, they gave strikingly similar and detailed accounts of their kidnapping.
It is a compelling and seminal narrative of the UFO abduction phenomenon. Over the
years, it has spawned books, articles, a film and even, in my own instance, an
appearance in the Dark Skies series. I'm pleased to announce, in time for the 50th
anniversary, that my production company, Stellar Productions, has optioned the film
rights to Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience (New Page Books) by Stanton T.
Friedman, MSc. and Kathleen Marden. Friedman, of course, is the leading scientific ufologist of our
time and a former nuclear physicist, the man who broke the Roswell case. Marden is Betty Hill's niece
and the trustee of her estate. I'm thrilled to be in business with them in bringing this profound and
unsettling case to what we all hope will be its largest audience yet. Their book, published in 2007, reveals a
wealth of new information about the Hills’ lives, the UFO encounter and abduction, and the scientific evaluation
of the evidence. It has given new life to the Hills’ extraordinary story, and has caused me to get involved.

I will be working on this with friend and Reports of a hurricane whirling up the coast had caused
Betty (1919-2004) and Barney Hill (1922-1969) to cut
producer Don Most, my collaborator on Majic their Canada vacation short. As they wheeled south
Men, the film script that was just completed through upstate New Hampshire on September 19, a
strange lighted cigar-shaped object swooped down in
about the competition between Stan Friedman their direction. As it descended closer, travelling only
and Don Schmitt to prove the Roswell story hundreds of feet from the passenger side of their 1957
Chevy the couple discerned a circular disk shape with a
beyond reasonable doubt during the late 80s row of brightly lighted windows that lined the forward
and early-to-mid 90s. We'll have an update on edge. Shortly thereafter, according to the Hills’ original
report, it hovered less than 200 feet above them. Barney
that project soon. This won't be the first time brought the car to a halt in the middle of the highway
that Betty and Barney's story has been filmed and stepped out for an unobstructed view. He could see
that the silent disk was about 80 feet in diameter.
or a book written about them, but it will be the Effortlessly, it glided to Barney’s left and he followed it
most definitive book/film combo that has come into a farmer’s field in North Lincoln. As it hovered
only 100 feet over Barney’s head, he lifted his
to the screen. A 1966 book, The Interrupted binoculars to his eyes for a better look at figures
Journey, written by John Fuller, topped the moving about behind the windows. The original
investigation reports indicated that they were dressed in
New York Times best-seller list and went on to shiny black uniforms and were “somehow not human.”
be the basis of a primetime NBC movie of the Something about these figures was so disturbing that
Barney developed a mental block about their facial
week, The UFO Incident, in October 1975. features.

Captured! - the book I have under option that will form the basis of the film Shades of Gray -- includes previously Thinking that he would soon be captured if he remained
in the field, he fled back to his car and sped down the
unpublished information about the lives of the Hills before and after Barney's death in 1969, their status as celebrities, highway. He intended to report his sighting to a police
Betty's experiences as a UFO investigator, and other activities before her death in 2004. Kathleen Marden writes in depth officer. But only moments later, his plan was thwarted
when a series of code-like buzzing tones caused the car
about new details from her discussions with her aunt Betty about the event and her riveting hypnosis sessions about their to vibrate. Almost immediately, a strange tingling
time onboard the spacecraft. Stanton Friedman, the original investigator of the Roswell incident, reviews and refutes the sensation passed through the Hills’ bodies. They
remembered very little of their journey for the next 35
arguments of those who have attacked the Hill case, as well as the star map that Betty Hill saw inside the craft and later miles. As if only a moment had passed, a second series
recreated. That map, by the way, provides a whole new window on where humanity fits in the larger scheme of things by of buzzing tones jolted the couple into full
consciousness. Again, they looked for the disk but didn’t
showing two sun-like stars that are 30 times closer to each other than our sun is to the next star over and a cool billion see it, so they traveled home arriving later than
years older than our own sun and less than 40 light years away from us. On a personal level, this project will allow me to anticipated. But that was not the end of their story.
Betty’s dress was torn in several areas, the tops of
tell this story in detail after a lifetime of interest in their case. While I was producing NBC's Dark Skies series (1995- Barney’s shoes were scraped, their watches never ran
1997), I included Betty and Barney Hill as characters in the pilot episode. My passion for this story exists in one line I again, the trunk of their car was spotted with shiny
circles that caused a compass needle to whirl, and they
wrote for Barney Hill in that scene. When the investigator asks him if he's not concerned that people will "say things" if he felt contaminated and uneasy. Weeks later, Betty
speaks before a congressional committee about his experience, Barney fixes him with a stare and says, "I am a black man noticed that her dress was coated with a pink powdery
substance and Barney observed a perplexing concentric
married to a white woman, Mister Loengard. People already say things." Shades of Gray will tell this story from a very circle of lesions on his groin. Their search for answers
personal point-of-view. Those of you who have seen The Help know just how much a part race played in America in the led to additional questions. It was Betty’s curiosity and
Barney’s declining health that led the couple to Dr.
early 1960s. Barney and Betty Hill were an interracial couple during a time when that really, really mattered. They were Benjamin Simon, a highly regarded Boston psychiatrist
socially aware and politically active. Barney, just 39 years old, was the legal redress chairman of the Portsmouth NAACP skilled in the use of deep trance hypnosis. He knew
almost nothing about UFOs but had earned his place in
and on the board of the Rockingham County Poverty Program. Betty, two years older, was a state social worker, worked the annals of medical history for his huge success in the
with the NAACP herself and was the UN envoy for her Unitarian - Universalist Church. During a time in our world where treatment of WW II psychological casualties through
regressive hypnosis.
their race played a dominant part in theirs and everyone else's lives -- for good or bad -- the only place where they were
seen as just another human being was on those exam tables aboard an ET spacecraft. In several weeks of separate hypnosis sessions, with
amnesia reinstated at the end of each, the Hills recalled
an eerily similar abduction and physical examination by
Think about it. Last August, by the way, the State of New Hampshire’s Division of Historical non-humans aboard a landed disk. The doctor
Resources erected a historical marker in commemoration of the Hills' UFO event. It is located speculated that it may have been a shared dream mixed
with confabulation in hypnosis. But a number of
on U.S. Hwy. 3 in North Lincoln near cabin #20 at the Indian Head Resort, just south of scientific researchers have uncovered evidence that it
Franconia Notch. This will not be an easy process, getting such a controversial book made might have been real. The information was to remain
secret forever, but a violation of confidentiality led to a
into a film, but difficult or not, it starts now... series of articles in a Boston newspaper in late October
1965. The Hills were horrified. The interracially
married couple was well-known for their civil rights
Bryce Zabel is co-author of A.D. After Disclosure. Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel ask and advocacy and community involvement. Barney had been
answer questions such as: What is the most likely way that Disclosure will occur? Will there appointed to serve on the State’s advisory committee to
the US Civil Rights Commission. They had worked on
be public panic, and if so, how severe? What will the most likely 'blowback' be? Who wins? political campaigns and a literacy program for the right
Who loses? How will Disclosure affect the economy? Our political institutions? The media? to vote. He was the chairman of the board of directors
for his county’s community action program. Betty was a
Organized religion? Science? How will it all play out in the end what will be 'the new social worker, employed by the state, and Barney
normal'? A.D. After Disclosure also asks candidly, calmly, and thoroughly the important worked for the post office. They expected to lose their
jobs and their sterling reputations. But the public
question: who are the Beings behind the UFO phenomenon? What do they want?.. response was better than they anticipated...

Page 34
Phenomena Magazine: October 2011 - issue 30:
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