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Solution To Assignment-3-T2-2019

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CVEN4301 T2/2019 Assignment-3

Use the following assumptions and material properties in all of your calculations
Ignore the effect of steel bars when you are calculating gross cross sectional properties (i.e. Ig and Ag) and
location of centroidal axis for the gross cross section.
Ignore the friction between the wall and the backfill.
The elastic modulus of conventional steel bars and hot-rolled prestressing bars is Es= 200 GPa.
The characteristic compressive strength of concrete is  fc  50 MPa . Density of concrete is = 2500 kg/m3.
The displacement  at the free end of a cantilever (with length L) subjected to different types of load;

w w

3 4 4
                                   P  L                                   w  L                  w  L
3 E  I 8 E  I 30  E  I
Question-1: The cantilever tapered retaining wall shown in Figure-1 is post-tensioned and it is constructed
in an arid environment. The cross-section of the wall and the location and spacing of the post-tensioning bars
are also shown in Figure-1. The prestressing bars are 32 mm diameter hot-rolled super grade according to
AS/NZS4672.1 and the prestressing bars have greased-and-wrapped coating.

The backfill is a mix of sand and gravel with a dry weight per unit volume of = 20 kN/m3, angle of internal
friction of  = 15 o and no cohesion. For at rest earth pressure calculation take ko= 1.0 - Sin(). Thickness of
the wall varies linearly. Wall thickness is 360 mm at the base and 300 mm at the top.

- Determine the initial prestressing induced in each (super grade) bar before removing the jacks in such a
way that no flexural crack occurs in the wall under the self-weight and at rest lateral earth pressure
(both with a load factor of 1.0). No surcharge to be considered. Assume that all the short- and long-term
prestressing losses are negligible. Assume that the final shrinkage strain is  cs*  800 106 . (30 marks)
- Assuming that the initial prestress in the 32 bars is 0= 620 MPa and assuming that all the short- and
long-term prestressing losses are negligible; calculate the short-term lateral displacement on top of the
retaining wall under short-term service load including self-weight of the wall, permanent surcharge of
1.5 kPa (on the backfill) and lateral earth pressure (All loads with a load factor of 1.0). (20 marks)

Figure 1 Geometric outline of the cantilever tapered retaining wall.

CVEN4301 T2/2019 Assignment-3
Question-2: The girder shown in Figure-2 is part of a residential building in Sydney coastal area. In
addition to its self-weight, the girder only carries an imposed uniformly distributed action of Q= 21 kN/m
(Live load). The girder is prestressed and the prestressing bars are 29 mm diameter hot-rolled super grade
according to AS/NZS4672.1 and the prestressing bars have greased-and-wrapped coating. The total initial
prestress induced in the prestressing (super grade) bars is  0  650 MPa and both super grade bars are
prestressed simultaneously. Take the size of prestressing circular ducts as 50 mm.

tensioned bars
ec = 360 mm
Centroidal axis

Axis of symmetry

18000 mm
150 mm

29 prestressed 4N20, l=18.0 m

hot-rolled bar conventional bars
1200 mm

29 prestressed
200 mm

hot-rolled bar
100 mm

500 mm

300 mm

10N16, l=18.0 m
1000 mm conventional bars
Cross section

Use the following assumptions and material properties in your calculations.
The elastic modulus of conventional steel bars and hot-rolled prestressing bars (super grade) is Es= 200 GPa.
The characteristic compressive strength of concrete is  f c  40 MPa . Density of concrete is = 2400 kg/m3.
Sydney local aggregates are used in the concrete mix.

Note: If you make any other assumption, please clearly state it.
- Check the flexural (bending strength) adequacy of the proposed reinforcing configuration under the
ultimate limit state design condition. (Note: assume the prestressing bars are bonded). (25 marks)

- Determine the diameter of the stirrups (with 4 legs), i.e. shear reinforcement, assuming that the stirrups
make an angle of 90o with longitudinal bars and the longitudinal spacing of the stirrups is 300 mm
(Note: shear design only for the most critical section(s) of the girder.) (25 marks)

CVEN4301 T2/2019 Assignment-3
Solution to Q1:

Part (a):

 s  20 kN/m3

k0  1  sin   1  sin15  0.741

Ms Ms
If diagram is plotted with respect to depth h , it can be shown that the is monotonically
M cr M cr
increasing. Accordingly, takes its max value at the base of the wall.
M cr

Cross-section at the base of wall:

Ast  5  80  400 mm 2 , Asc  5  80  400 mm 2

Apt   840  2100 mm2 qs  K 0  s h

Ast  d st  Apt  d pt 400  320  2100  210

d   227.6 mm
Ast  Apt 400  2100

Ast  Apt 400  2100 A

Pw    0.011  , Pcw  sc  0.00125
bd 1000  227.6 bd

shrinkage induced tensile stresses,  cs : qs  K 0  s (3.6)

2.5 Pw  0.8 Pcw

 cs  Es  cs*  2.73 MPa  
1  50 Pw

1 1 Ig
Ig  bD3  1000  3603  3.888 109 mm4 , Z  2.16  107 mm 3
12 12 D/2

fct , f  0.6 f c  4.24 MPa

3.6 3.6 3.63

M s  K 0 s  3.6    0.741 20   115.2 kN  m
2 3 6

 P
M cr  Z  f ct , f   cs    Pe
 Ag 

 P  Wself  weight 
M cr  2.16 107   4.24  2.73    P  30
 1000  360 

The Min. prestressing required to prevent cracking:

CVEN4301 T2/2019 Assignment-3
 P 
M s  M cr  115.2  106  2.16  107 1.59    30 P
 1000  360

 P  898 kN

  428 MPa

Part (b):

Lateral soil pressure due to surcharge: P  K 0 S  1.11 kPa

Bending moment at the base of wall due to soil & surcharge

 M s  1.11 3.6   115.2  122.4 kNm

 620  2100  29700 

M cr  2.16  107  4.24  2.73    630  2100  30
 1000  360

 M cr  151.6 kNm  M s

the wall is uncracked

pw  0.011  0.5%  , so I eff  I eff ,max  I g  3.888  109 mm 4

Elastic modulus of concrete:

Es  34800 MPa        Table 3.1.2, AS3600-2018

  0.3 m 1.11 kN/m

(3.6  x) 2 (3.6  x)3

M ( x)  1.11  14.82 
2 23
1  x 
I ( x)   1000   360   in mm 4
12  60 



1  x 
I ( x)    0.36   in m 4
12  60 
54.46 kN/m

CVEN4301 T2/2019 Assignment-3
d 2v dv M ( x)
M ( x)  E  I ( x)    ( x)   dx
dx 2 dx E  I ( x)

apply boundary condition:  ( x  0)  0  v( x)    ( x)dx

apply boundary condition: v( x  0)  0

L mM ( x)
alternatively, use virtual work method:    dx       , m  1.0(3.6  x)
0 E  I ( x)

   2.6 mm

Solution to Q2:

check the flexural capacity of the member:

 2  0.85  0.0015 f c  0.79 

  Clause 8.1.3
  0.97  0.0025 f c  0.87 
 2 f c  c  0.003
Assume that all tendons yield: Cs
f pb  1030 MPa  dn Cc
f py  834 MPa

f py
 py   0.00417

Tp  Apt f py  1386  834  1156 kN

Design for bending moment

Assume that all conventional bars in tensile

Ts1  s1
zone yielded.
Tp  s 200
Ts1  Ts 2  As f sy  1000  500  500 kN 150  s2 100
Ts 2
 d  150   d n  150 
Cs  Asc Es  n   0.003  744   kN
 dn   dn 

Cc   2 f cbw d n  0.79  40  500  0.87 d n  13.75d n kN

F x  0 : Ts1  Ts 2  Tp  Cs  Cc  0  d n  155 mm

CVEN4301 T2/2019 Assignment-3
check whether the assumption of yielding is correct;

0.003  s1
   s1  0.0163   y , O.K.
dn 1000  d n

0.003  pt
   s2  0.0173   py , O.K., even without other strain terms
dn 1050  d n

 s is also bigger than  sy


Let’s calculate Cs and compare it with Cc :

 d  150 
Cs  744  n   24 kN
 d n 

Cc  13.75d n  2131 kN  Cs  effect of comp. bars is negligible

Note:  cs   y , hence the stress in the comp. bars is below yield stress, otherwise, Cs  Asc f sy

 d 
M u  Cc  690  n   Cs  540  Ts1  310  Ts 2  410  Tp  360
 2 

 135 
M u  2131  690    24  540  500  (310  410)  1156  360
 2 

 M u  2116 kN  m

kuo  0.36    0.85 : Table 2.2.2

 M u  1799 kN  m

w*  1.2G  1.5Q  1.2 18  1.5  21  53.1 kN/m

w*  L2 53.1 182
M*    2150 kNm   M u , Not O.K.
8 8

Design for shear

Determine the dia. of the stirrups:

bw  500 mm        , d d  50  50  100 mm

kd  0.8 : plastic duct, bv  bw  kd  d d  420 mm

V * ( x)  477.9  53.1 x

CVEN4301 T2/2019 Assignment-3
critical section for shear is at d 0  1.1 m
477.9 kN

from face of support

1.1 m
M ( x )  477.9 x  26.55 x
* 2

at critical section: V *  419 kN ,
S.F.D 419 kN
M  494 kNm

2150 kNm
Location of tendons in the critical section:
494 kNm
e  0.083 m         , y    0.07  

1.1 m
x B.M.D

Vertical component of prestressing: Pv  P    (1386  650)  0.07

       Pv  63 kN

Effective depth of tensile reinforcements, i.e., Apt & Ast

Ast d st  Apt d pt 2000  1050  1386  773

d  d eq    936 mm
Ast  Apt 2000  1386

Asvmin 0.08 f c bv Asvmin

Min. shear reinforcement:          0.425
s f sy , f s

d v  The greater (0.72 D , 0.9d )  864 mm

Asv Asvmin 0.4

Let’s assume   kv 
s s 1  1500  x

| M * / dv |  | V * |  Pv  0.5 N *  Apt f po
x 
2( Es Ast  E p Apt )

| 494 / 0.864 | 419  63  0.5  0  1386  0.7  1030 / 1000

x   5.2  10 5
2(200  2000  200  1386)

Since  x  0 , we can take  x  0 , if  x is recalculated using eq., it would be very small
 kv  0.4

 Vuc   kvbv dv f c  0.4  0.75  420  864  40  688 kN  V *

CVEN4301 T2/2019 Assignment-3
Since depth of the beam is bigger than 750 mm , Min. shear reinforcement should be provided
according to Clause, AS3600-2018

s  300 mm   ,  0.45  Asvmin  127.5 mm

Use 4 legs N10@300 mm

   Asv  4  80  320 mm 2


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