AJ - SLT Sustainability
AJ - SLT Sustainability
AJ - SLT Sustainability
Table of Contents
Introduction to organization..................................................................................................................2
Sustainability in SLT.............................................................................................................................3
1. Theoretical overview...................................................................................................................4
3. The opportunities for Singer PLC of using Digital Marketing and Big Data Analytics.........7
Introduction to organization
Sri Lanka Telecom has been the dominant supplier of telecommunication services in Sri
Lanka.SLT opens up new opportunities for Sri Lankans while increasing their international
reputation. As a consequence of its expansion as a worldwide service provider, the company's
offerings have expanded beyond the telephone to encompass a wide variety of digital lifestyle
solutions and services. They provide mobile and fixed phone telecom services, broadband
services, Internet Protocol Television and many IT and networking solutions to its domestic
and commercial customers (SLTMobitel, 2021).
The notion of sustainability is now widely acknowledged and debated; in essence, it ensures
development that satisfies current human needs without harming future generations'
aspirations. To be successful, the concept must become embedded in civilization and the life
of humanity. Similarly, businesses should implement these best practices that promote
sustainable development with progress that guarantees everyone's demands are met,
effectively providing economic growth and employment while not negatively impacting the
environment (Rabie, 2016).
Sustainability in SLT
Sri Lanka Telecom guarantees that best environmental practices are followed during the day-
to-day business operations so that adverse effects on the environment and key stakeholders as
a consequence of their activities are removed or reduced to the greatest extent practicable. It
involves recycling and green movements, adhering to corporate rules and business practices
to improve space use, reduce waste, and maximize productivity. Furthermore, they contribute
to minimizing total power and space usage by introducing ongoing technological
advancements and launching initiatives. The products assist people and businesses worldwide
in reducing regional and global transit while remaining involved with friends, family, and
prospects, lowering humanity’s carbon footprint. It's their most significant contribution to the
ecology, yet it is hard to measure. They also know that the SLT requires a large footprint in
supplying supporting technology and strives to regulate and reduce it as part of the strategy.
1. Theoretical overview
Social sustainability
Social sustainability refers to an organization's human resource profitability and social status.
It is strengthened by fair and beneficial work practices and corporate public participation, and
the company's economic impact could also be measured. It throws the premise that the lesser
a corporation pays its workers, the greater it may continue in the company into question. In
contrast hand, it assesses the future sustainable development of human resources, with the
understanding that a firm that is also an attractive place to work will be able to operate in the
future due to the presence of labor striving to be a portion of the company. In short,
corporation and worker objectives are inextricably linked (Woodcraft, 2015).
Economic sustainability
Environment sustainability
Energy management
Taking a strategic approach to energy management, SLT has continually advocated for
deploying energy-efficient technologies and implementing the best practices for energy
conservation at any level of the organization. Consequently, a well-planned energy strategy
outlines the correct steps for each component of the company. Furthermore, SLT strives to
enhance current systems and processes via training programs, site evaluations, and proper
alignment of procedures and policies to meet the changing demands of the company, as
shown by continuous review. Almost 98.5% of SLT's electricity needs are completed by the
electric grid, with the remainder supplied by solar power. SLT has continued to pursue
concerted efforts to reduce energy usage by adopting energy-efficient equipment, lighting,
and cooling solutions, to its carbon-neutral ambitions. Meanwhile, the new headquarters
incorporates several energy-saving architectural aspects, such as natural lighting and
ecological themes. SLT is dedicated to lowering its carbon footprint by developing the most
efficient energy-management technologies in its operations and enabling employees to
embrace the capacity to fulfill energy usage at either home or work. They are committed to
ensuring a sustainable future for everybody. Its focus on energy efficiency, renewable energy
sources, and network waste minimization have helped to mitigate the growth and customers'
increasing need for connection solutions in an organization (SLT, 2023).
Carbon neutrality
SLT believes that urgent and persistent action is required to address the environmental issue
and that developing a technologically equitable society that fosters socioeconomic prosperity
should not be at the price of the ecosystem. SLT, as a reputable company, is also keenly
conscious of its environmental responsibilities and makes every attempt to safeguard the
environment in its daily business activities. SLT was the first telecommunications company
in the nation to get the "ISO 14064 carbon footprint certification", placing the company at the
forefront of enterprises that follow globally accepted greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
reporting standards. Its transformation into a digitized service supplier, as well as the use of
its services and technology, allows customers to cut GHG emissions (SLTMobitel, 2021).
Waste management
Waste management was essential, with measures to turn waste into cash assisting with cost
savings. As the only supplier of fiber-to-the-home connection in Sri Lanka, they have started
replacing old copper lines with modern fiber optic cables to offer high-speed internet access
across the nation. The copper wires are then repurposed for typical operations, recycling
materials that would otherwise be dumped as garbage. Another initiative that will help offset
carbon emissions is the Mee Tree Planting Campaign, which has the potential to generate
cash by earning carbon credits. A separate Power and Energy Department is putting measures
in place to diversify their energy sources by investing in renewable energies such as solar and
biomass. Most of the trash created by the Group's activities is electronic waste, which
comprises old equipment, cables, wires, and so on. They have maintained proper garbage
disposal while attempting to reduce waste output. The Group has around 120 hectares of land
spanning 500 lands throughout the island, including numerous excellent properties in
Colombo. The land bank is a rich natural resource that the Group plans to capitalize on in the
short to medium term via brilliant collaborations with foreign investors and local business
organizations. In short to medium term, the Group will prioritize meeting its carbon reduction
goals. This will be accomplished by investigating renewable energy sources and instituting
tight protocols for assessing the fuel efficiency of new equipment. They will also continue to
promote SLT forestry efforts via the tree planting campaign while using SLT brand presence
to enhance stakeholder awareness of this venture (Sri Lanka Telecom, 2021).
3. The opportunities for Singer PLC of using Digital Marketing and Big Data
Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is a marketing strategy that includes internet advertisements for products or
services. Several online advertising methods are available, including social networking sites,
content marketing, short message service (SMS), and videos. Newspapers, live advertising,
tv, and radio are costly promotional strategies. (Desai, 2019)Suppose the target clients are
young individuals well-versed in modern technology and rely primarily on the Internet to
conduct business. In that case, the digital marketing method may improve SLT sales. Since
the new generation is so connected to the Internet, a product or service geared at them may be
effectively promoted via social media platforms.
SLT may spend more money on new stores and subsidiaries because of digital marketing.
Furthermore, only a small number of employees are involved in this marketing. Because
there are fewer staff and no storefronts, a company's operating expenditures are lower,
leading to higher profitability. The main disadvantage of online marketing is the requirement
for face-to-face customer engagement. Direct engagement with consumers would greatly
enhance customer loyalty since such interactions would show the customers' sentiments. SLT
endorsed new methods of working, fostered digital persons and abilities, as well as formed an
agile business model centered on digital marketing and sales, innovative technical structure,
digitization, and “Artificial Intelligence -AI” in customer operations and shared services to
support the Company's digitalization and the Government of Sri Lanka's national digital
strategy. Set assists clients in developing a well-rounded story to reach their business goals
by providing various digital advertising and marketing services. (SLT, 2020). The SLTDS
team comprises individuals with diverse experiences and interests collaborating to provide
solutions to multiple projects. SLT-qualified staff can advise any firm on digitizing the client
buying funnel by allowing them to go online. They also allow SLT customers to establish
digital platforms that enable B2B and B2C e-commerce to improve post-covid 19 financial
operations (Ada derana, 2020).
Big data
Big data is related to massive, complicated amounts of organized and unstructured data that
frequently populate enterprises. (Berntzen & Krumova, 2017). However, what organizations
do with critical data is more important than the kind or piece of information. Businesses use
big data in business technology to function smoothly, enhance customer service, generate
targeted advertising campaigns, and participate in other operations that may boost
profitability and revenue. Big data gives owners a competitive advantage by enabling them to
evaluate many alternative solutions and apply those that work well. Security problems,
ethical issues, planned misuse of big data by hostile actors (e.g., organized crime), and
unintended abuse is the four basic types of significant data dangers.
SLT Big Data Strategy is intended to provide value via an "Internet of Things technology
Interface (API) approach and partner ecosystem, “ which will help develop new business
models and possibilities. Using all these technologies, businesses may increase the quality
and reliability of their products and services while lowering operational costs. Such
innovations, which include automated reporting, data facilities setup automation, customer
enrollment in Customer Relations Management systems, as well as others, have the potential
to alter internal processes. While FinTech firms play an essential part in Sri Lanka's digital
transformation, SLT employs technology like blockchain to allow trustworthy financial
transactions (SLT, 2020).
Sri Lanka Telecom is increasingly involved in sustainable development strategies, and their
efforts are helpful. It should also be noted that, despite their attempts to achieve sustainable
growth, their principal business is destructive to the environment. According to the trifocal
view of sustainability that encompasses society, the economy, and the environment, current
strategies may win the economic and social parts.SLT's dedication to long-term development
is excellent, but there is always room for improvement, notably in environmental areas. As a
consequence, if a company can maintain a good balance between economics, society, and the
environment. The main distinction in digital marketing is that it has designated the customer
as the important objection, giving the consumer a tailored service such as fully answering
their message and inquiry in SLT. Big Data analysis requires scalable, flexible, and elevated
technology to provide timely insights as more data is created and gathered. SLT, in contrast,
hand, faces a rapidly evolving big data environment in which technological advances arise
and soon grow obsolete. Finally, environmental sustainability leads to ecological
requirements that are stable. It opens up resources for people to use. To develop a more
satisfying connection between humankind and its environment, timely provisions must be
made for the modifications that human activities and rivalry for resource usage may cause to
reduce possible conflicts.
However, to achieve true sustainability, SLTs may need to widen their understanding of vital
resources. Once that change happens, it will become natural for companies to predict how
actions will affect current and prospective stakeholders—because those decisions will
eventually affect their present and future business.
Technologies will be a critical component of the answer. But only in part. The challenge will
be cultivating a culture with the focus, tolerance, and fortitude to go beyond short-term fixes
and choose business practices with the most significant beneficial effect and durability.
Conserving as much of life as possible. Also, the following recommendations can be taken to
improve environmental sustainability in SLT,
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