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1.1- Discrimination x racism x structural racism

Rethinking Racism: towards a structural interpretation
What makes systemic racism systemic?
What we now know about race and ethnicity: conceptions of racism
Racism, racial discrimination and trauma: a systemic review of the social science
Confronting institutionalized racism
New approaches to understanding racial prejudice and discrimination
Racial injustice, racial discrimination, and racism: how are they related?
Institutional racism: judicial conduct and a new theory of racial discrimination
Institutional discrimination, individual racism, and hurricane katrina
Critical race theory, microaggressions and campus racial climate: the experiences of
African American college students
Smedley, A., and B. D. Smedley. 2005. “Race as Biology is Fiction, Racism as a Social
Problem is Real: Anthropological and Historical Perspectives on the Social
Construction of Race.” American Psychologist 60: 16–26.
Feagin, J. R. 2014. Racist America: Roots, Current Realities, and Future
Reparations. New York, NY: Routledge.
Feagin, J.R. 2006. Systemic Racism: A Theory of Oppression. New York, NY:
Pieterse and Powell 2016: Pieterse, A. L., and S. Powell. 2016. “A Theoretical
Overview of the Impact of Racism on People of Color.” In Contextualizing the Costs of
Racism, edited by A. Alvarez, C. Liang, and H. A. Neville, 11–30. Washington, DC:
American Psychological Association
Lawrence and Keleher 1995: Lawrence, K., and T. Keleher. 1995. “Chronic Disparity:
Strong and Pervasive Evidence of Racial Inequalities.” San Francisco: CWS Workshop. Definitions20of20Racism.pdf.
Jones, C. P. "Levels of Racism: A Theoretic Framework and a Gardener's Tale,"
American Journal of Public Health 90 no. 8 (2000), 1212-
1.2. Can law be a tool to address structural racism?


From “Calling in Black” to “Calling for Antiracism Resources”: the need for systemic
resources to address systemic racism
Human Rights and Root Causes
Foreword: toward a race-conscious pedagogy in legal education
Makau Mutua, Critical Race theory and international law: the view of an insider-
outsider (2000)
Transnational articulations of law and race in latin America: a legal genealogy of
Paschel, Tianna S, and Mark Q. Sawyer (2008) Contesting Politics as Usual: Black
social movements, globalization and race policy in latin america”

Maria J Matsuda, Looking to the Bottom: Critical Legal Studies and Reparations
Rhonda V Magee, The Master’s Tools, from the Bottom Up: Responses to African-
American Reparations Theory in Mainstream and Outsider Remedies Discourse
E Tendayi Achiume, Transformative Vision in Liberal Rights Jurisprudence on Racial
equality: a lesson from justice Moseneke
Patricia J. Williams, The Alchemy of Race and Rights (KF4757.253 1991)
John Dugard, The role of international law in the struggle for liberation in South Africa
Makat Mutua, Savages, Victims and Saviors: The metaphor of Human Rights
Mari J Matsuda, Voices of America: Accent, Antidiscrimination Law, and a
Jurisprudence for the Last Reconstruction
James Thuo Gathii, TWAIL: A Brief History of its origins, its decentralized Network,
and a tentative bibliography
Vasuki Nesiah, Placing International Law: white spaces on a map
Does international human rights law make a difference
Twenty years of critical race theory: looking back to move forward
The structural turn and the limits of antidiscrimination law
Race, reform, and retrenchment: transformation and legitimation in antidiscrimination
Fleu Johns, Critical International Legal Theory
Roberto Mangabeira Unger, The Critical Legal Studies Movement (1983) – Harvard
law review
(‘Looking to the Bottom’), Patricia J Williams, The Alchemy of Race and Rights
Mari Matsuda, Beyond and Not Beyond, Black and White: Deconstruction Has a
Politics in Francisco Valdes, Jerome McCristal Culp and Angela P Harris (eds)
Crossroads, Directions and a New Critical Race Theory
Mari J Matsuda, Looking to the Bottom
James Thuo Gathii, International Law and Eurocentricity
Robert Knox, A critical examination of the concept of imperialism in Marxist and Third
World Approaches to International Law (Phd Thesis)
Luis Eslava and Sundhya Pahuja, The State and International Law: a reading from the
global south
Rose Parfitt, The process of international legal reproduction: inequality, historiography,
Nick Estes, Our history is the future: standing rock versus the Dakota access pipeline,
and the long tradition of indigenous resistance
Tendayi Achiume, Global Extractivism and racial equality: report of the special
rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and
related intolerance
V. Nesiah and A. Keenan, Human Rights and sacred cows: framing violence,
disappearing struggles in N. Gordon From the Margins of Globalization: Critical
Perspectives on Human Rights
S. Marks, False Contingency (2009)

2. Racism in Latin America

Veias abertas
A region in Denial: racial discrimination and racism in Latin America
Racial subordination in latin America: the role of the state, customary law and the new
civil rights response
Racism and discourse in latin america
Estudios sobre el racismo en América Latina
Understanding Latin American beliefs about racial inequality
Paschel, Tianna S, and Mark Q. Sawyer (2008) Contesting Politics as Usual: Black
social movements, globalization and race policy in latin america”
Safa, Helen I. 2005. “Challenging Mestizaje: A Gender Perspective on Indigenous and
Afrodescendant Movements in Latin America.” Critique of Anthropology 25 ð3Þ: 307–
Pena, Y, J. Sidanius, et all (2004) Racial democracy in the Americans: A Latin and U.S
Hooker, Juliet, 2005 – Indigenous Inclusion/ Black exclusion: Race, ethnicity and
multicultural citizenship in latin America

Racismo, colonialismo y violencia científica
Andrews, George Reid. 2004. Afro-Latin America
Telles, Edward E. Race in Another America 2004
Van cott, Donna Lee 2000. The friendly liquidation of the past: the politics of diversity
in Latin America
Wade, Peter (2003) Afterword: Race and Nation in Latin America: an anthropological
Wade, Peder (2005) Rethinking Mestizaje: Ideology and lived experience
Wade, Peter (2009) Race and Sex in Latin America
Wade, Peter (2010) Racial identity and nationalism: a theoretical view from Latin
French, Jan Hoffman. 2004. “Mestizaje and Law Making in Indigenous Identity
Formation in Northeastern Brazil: After the Conflict Came the History.” American
Anthropologist 116 ð4Þ: 663–74.
Hale, Charles. 2006. Más que un Indio: Racial Ambivalence and Neoliberal
Multiculturalism in Guatemala. Santa Fe, N.M.: School of American Research Press
Race and Class in Colonial Latin America: A Critique
Sawyer, M. Race to the Future: Racial politics in Latin America (2005)
Who Is Black, White, or Mixed Race? How Skin Color, Status, and Nation Shape
Racial Classification in Latin America
2 Blacks and Indigenous People in Latin America
Blackness, Indigeneity, Multiculturalism and Genomics in Brazil, Colombia and

2.1- Argentina

“Helg, Aline. 1990. “Race in Argentina and Cuba, 1880–1930: Theory, Policies, and
Popular Reaction.” Pp. 37–69 in The Idea of Race in Latin America, 1870–1940.
Austin: University of Texas Press” (Telles e Bailey, 2013, p. 1593)

Agudelo, C. E (1998) Cambio Constitucional y organización política de las poblaciones

negras en colombia

Agudelo, C. E (2011) La inclusión de poblaciones negras o de origen africano en las

sociedades de América Latina y el caribe: multiculturalismo, incidências globales y
formas de acción política de los movimentos negros

Frigerio, A (2008) De la desaparición de los negros a la reparición de los

afrodescendientes: comprendiendo la política de las identidades negras, las
clasificaciones raciales y de su estudio en la argentina

Frigerio, A (2008) Quebrando la invisibilidad: uma evaluación de los avances y las

limitaciones del activismo negro en argentina

Frigerio, A (2008) Los afroargentinos: formas de comunalización, creación de

identidades colectivas y resistência cultural y política

Geler, L (2005) Afroargentinos de Buenos Aires: Re-creación de uma comunidade


Kleidermacher Gisele: Africanos e afrodescendentes en la argentina: invisibilizacion,

discriminación y racismo

Monkevicius, Paola Carolina: No tenía que haber negros: memorias subalternas y

visibilización entre afrodescendentes e inmigrantes africanos en argentina

López, Laura Cecilia. De transnacionalizacion y censos: los afrodescendentes en



2.2- Brazil
Sansone, Livio. 2003. Blackness without Ethnicity: Constructing Race in Brazil.
New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Bailey, Stanley R. 2002. “The Race Construct and Public Opinion:
Understanding Brazilian Beliefs about Racial Inequality and Their Determinants.”
American Journal of Sociology 108 ð2Þ: 406–39.
Winant, H. Racial democracy and Racial identity: comparing the United States
and Brazil. Racial Politics in Contemporary Brazil
Racismo e anti-racismo no Brasil )Antônio sergio Alfredo Guimarães)
Preconceito de cor e racismo no Brasil (Antonio Sergio Alfredo Guimaraes)


o desafio de eliminar o racismo no Brasil: combate à desigualdade racial
Racismo, sexismo e desigualdade no Brasil – Sueli carneiro

2.3- Colombia

Paschell, Tianna S (2010) The right to difference: explaining colombia’s shift

from color blindness to the law of black communities
Inclusion of Afro-Colombians: Unreachable National Goal?
The Cultural Politics of Blackness in Colombia
The antinomies of identity politics: neoliberalism, race and political participation in
Patterns of Race in Colombia
Mestizaje y convivialidad en Brasil, Colombia y México

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