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TE17-27-32 - APC200 - Training Konecranes Lifttrucks

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Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

TransAuto – Kone Cranes Lifttrucks

APC200 Basics & Diagnostic tool

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

The feature of TE

TE = Electronic Transmission

Electronic controlled modulation

Clutch overlap control
Inching control
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Purpose of this training

‹ General introduction to TE-transmission and APC200
‹ APC functionality
- Normal Mode APC200
- Diagnostic mode APC200
- Failure codes
‹ Actions if APC200 is replaced
‹ Actions on APC200 if valve and/or transmissions is
repaired / replaced
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Principles of controlling a
TE transmission with a
APC200 controller
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Electronic controlled modulation (E.C.M.)



Phase 1 Phase 2
Filling of clutch Build up of pressure
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Overlap control

pressure Pressure
phase out in
clutch 1

“overlap” Pressure
phase in in
clutch 2

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Electronic controlled inching

Inch speed as function of brake pedal


No Inching
Inch speed (kph)

8 8
6 control
4 Low Speed
2 brake

0 0.3 0
0 25 50 75 100
Brake position (%)
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

TE17 transmission
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE17

Model designation

340 F T E 17 3 ZX - X X

Converter specific¨dash number¨

Model Wheel Group


Enginemount specific ratio/drop

With converter

numberso fgears
Electronically controlledmodel

Model number
Transmission input rating x
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Technical specifications

Converter/Transmission Oil System

Oil Type Î Only ATF Dexron III approved
viscosity at 40°C: 33 → 38 cSt
viscosity at 100°C: 7 → 8 cSt
Oil changeÎ 1000 hours
Filtration Î integral spin on change every 1000 hours
first change or after rebuild : 100 hours
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE17

Temperature specifications
Normal operating temperature 70 -120°C at temperature check
port 71 converterou t
Maximum allowed transmission temperature 120° C

Pressure specifications

Transmission regulator pressure :

25 -30 bar at2200RPM
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE17

Clutch pressures
At 2200 RPM 24 – 29 Bar

Filter bypass
valve set at 3.9 bar

Lube pressure
In neutral 0 : 2.8-3.4 Bar at 80 l/m flow
In FWD 0 – REV 0 : 1.2-1.8 Bar at 80l/m flow

Internal leakage
Converter : 1.0 - 4.0 l/m
Each range clutch : 1.5-4.5 l/m
Each directional clutch : 5.5-9.0 l/m
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE17

Safety valve
cracking pressure 7,5 bar

Converter out pressure (to cooler)

3.0 – 3.5 bar. at max stall speed

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE17

Pump flow
At 2200 RPM : 90 to 110 lpm
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE17

Hydraulic cooler lines specifications

Minimum 19 mm for the internal diameter of lines and fittings.

Suitable for operation from ambient to 120° C continuous operating
Must withstand 30 bar continuous pressure and 45 bar intermittent
Conform SAE J1019 and SAE J517, 100RI.
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Control valve

Variable force solenoids (VFS)

- VFS0 for forward
- VFS1 for 2nd
- VFS2 for reverse
- VFS3 for 1st / 3rd
Pressure reducer
Pressure intensifiers for each VFS
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE17

Solenoid activation

Transmission Gear Activate d Solenoids Activate d VFS Activate d Clutches

Forward 3 Totalneutral Rev, 2nd Fwd, 3rd

Forward 2 Totalneutral Rev, 1st/3rd Fwd, 2nd
Forward 1 Totalneutral, 1st/3rd Rev, 2nd Fwd, 1st

Neutral 1 Totalneutral, 1st/3rd Rev,Fwd, 2nd 1st

Reverse 3 Totalneutral Fwd, 2nd Rev, 3rd

Reverse 2 Totalneutral Fwd,1st/3rd Rev, 2nd
Reverse 1 Totalneutral,1st/3rd Fwd, 2nd Rev, 1st
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE17

Wiring schematics

T oal
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE17

Electrical specifications

Pressure feed back sensor:

1100ohm / 2200ohm fixed on the wiring harness in the valve
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE17

Wiring schematics
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Additional signals
Speed sensors
- Engine speed combined
with oil temperature pick up located at pump gear
- Turbine speed located on input gear forward
- Drum speed located on low drum
- Output speed located on output gear
Pressure feedback sensor
Oil temperature
Converter out temperature switch
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Speed sensor installation

E ngin eturbi ne a nd drum (x 3) s p e ed sen so r

Combineden g i n espeed sens o ran dt e m pera t u er

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Operation of transmission

The transmission is controlled by an APC200 box. This unit hasa microprocessor

that receives certain inputs (gear selector position, speed sensors,…), which are
processed and will give outputsignals to the control valve.
Operation of the valve
Regulated pressure (25-30 bar) is directed to the total neutral shift spool and the
pressure reducer that will decrease the pressure to 10 bar.
This reduced pressure will be used to supply the variable forcesolenoids(VFS) ,
total neutral solenoid and 3rd/1st solenoid.
The VFS will give an output pressure curve from 0 to 6 bar proportional to a current
from 1000mA to 0 mA. The pressure intensifiers with a ratio of 5:1 will multiply
this pressure curve so thataa curve from 0 to 30 bar is available for each direct i onal
and range clutch. Between eachVFS a pressure intensifier is placed a ced and an
accumulator to dampen any hydraulic vibration .
Directional selection
When a direction (forward or reverse) is selected , total neutral solenoid is
activated and the required directional VFS will provide a pressure rise
rise from
from 00 to 6
bar. The directional clutch isthen fed with modulated pressure supplied through
the pressure intensifi er.
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Operation of transmission

Range selection
When 1 s t clutch is selected , the 3rd/1st solenoid is activated and 1st/3rd
3 rd VFS
will provide a pressure curve from 0 to 6 bar. The pressure intensifier
ensifier will
multiply this pressure and will feed 1st clutch via the activated 3rd/1st spool.
When 2nd clutch is selected the 2nd VFS will provide a pressurecurve from 0 to
6 bar . this pressure is fed to 2nd clutch via the pressure intensifier, at the
same time 1st/3rd VFS will decrease pressure from 6 to 0 bar, thus allowing the
release of 1s t clutch in a controlled a
f shion, which will provide clutch overla p .
When 3rd clutch is selected the 3rd/1st solenoid is not activated. The 1st/3rd
VFS will provide a pressure curve from 0 to 6 bar and will feed3rd clutch via a
pressure intensifier and the deactivated 3rd/1st spool. At thesame time the 2nd
VFS will decrease pressure from 6 to 0 bar providing the clutchoverlap.
Neutral selection
When neutral is selected (1st, 2nd or 3rd) , the total neutral solenoid is activated
and the VFS ’s for forward and reverse are fed by a 1000mA current, which will
result in a 0 bar output, thus providing 0 bar pressure to the forward
orward and reverse
clutch. The range clutches 1, 2 or 3 remain activated by theirrespective VFS.
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Operation of transmission

Total neutral selection

Total neutral is only selected by the APC200 in case a severe error is
detected which will cause a shutdown
When total neutral is selected, the total neutral solenoid is not activated
and as a result no pressure is supplied to the pressure intensifiers.
i ers.
Pressure switch
The control valve also has a pressure switch installed between the he total
neutral shift spool and the pressure intensifiers supply. This switch will
verify that a minimum pressure of12 bar to the various pressure
intensifiers is supplied only when the total neutral solenoid is activated.
This information is an input of the APC200 box.
If a pressure is detected below 12 bar the controller will put the
transmission in total neutral which causes a shut down.
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE 13 & TE17


90 -110 lpm @ 2200 RPM

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE 13 & TE17

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE 13 & TE17


90 -110 lpm @ 2200 RPM

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE 13 & TE17
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE 13 & TE17


90 -110 lpm @ 2200 RPM

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE 13 & TE17
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE 13 & TE17


90 -110 lpm @ 2200 RPM

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE 13 & TE17
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE 13 & TE17


90 -110 lpm @ 2200 RPM

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE 13 & TE17
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Check ports
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Check ports
From cooler

Port 42 2n d c l uct h

Port 46
Pressure checkport solenoid
Port 71
Port 31
Converterout temp.
Pressure checkport regulator
Port 41 1st clutch
Port 43 3rd clutch

p ul g
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Check ports

c o oel r

Port 37
Safatyvalve pressure
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Check ports

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Check ports

Port 46
Rev. clutch

c l u ct h

Port 35
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Check ports

To cooler
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Check ports Control valve

REV P ort 5 1 1st / 3
P ort 5 5 P ort 5 0 / 5 2

P ort 5 4
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Control valve installation instruction

Removing the valve

1.Make sure that the area around the valve is clean and that no dirt can fall into
the valve during the disassembly procedure.

2.Unscrew the 7 bolts (marked green with a star on the drawing 1) until you
feel that the tension is out of the bolt. Do not remove them!

3.Unscrew the 20 other bolts (marked blue on drawing 1) some turns. When all
bolts are loose, you should be able to move the valve a bit

4.Remove 2 bolts (marked blue on drawing 1 )and replace with aligning studs.

5.Remove the 15 bolts (marked pink on drawing 2)

6.Remove the remaining bolts (marked blue on drawing 1) and remove valve,
note the sandwich plate between valve and housing
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Control valve installation instruction

Installing the valve
1.Unscrew the 7bolts (marked green with a star on drawing 1) untillall tension
is out of the bolt. Do not remove them!

2. Using aligning studs, install valve , sandwich plate and a new gaskets.

3. Hand tighten all bolts(marked blue and green on drawing 1) according to the
sequence you find on the drawing 1.

4. Torque all bolts in the same sequence as on drawing 1 to a torque of 25Nm

5. Hand tighten the 15 bolts(marked pink on, drawing 2 ) and torque to 25Nm to
the sequence a s shown o n d rawing 2

6 Retorque a l lbolts (drawing 1 and 2) again to the sequences as shown

7. Recalibrate the transmission

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Control valve installation instruction

27* 26* 15* 16 18

25 8 17

14 7 9*
13 6 3 10*

23* 5 4 11 19

24 22 12 20 21
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Control valve installation instruction

15 2

14 3

13 4
12 5
9 8 7
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Speed sensor installation

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Speed sensor installation

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

TE27,32 transmission
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

TE32 :
• short drop
• 4 speed Fwd/Rev
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Technical specifications

Output flange rotation – (transmission forward clutch engaged)

Model Output
Short Drop Opposite
Long Drop Same

Drop :
- Long Drop 624.6mm
- Short Drop 317.8mm
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Hydraulic cooler line specifications


Minimum 32 mm internal diameter for lines and fittings.
Suitable for operation from ambient to 120° C continuous operating
Must withstand 30 bar continuous pressure and 45 bar intermittent
Conform SAE J1019 and SAE J517, 100RI.
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Technical specifications
Converter/Transmission Oil System

Capacity (Approximate: measured at 600 RPMinput speed and oil temp between 60 and 70°C,
neutral) Short drop 60L Long drop 75L Linesand cooler not included

Oil Type ONLY ATF Dexron III approved

viscosity at 40°C: 3 3 38 cSt
viscosity at 100°C: 7 8 cSt
flash point: min 160°C
pour point: max –42°C

Oil change 1000 hours

Filtration 2 x Spin On
change every 1000 hours
first change: 100 hrsor aft errebuild
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Model designation

1X.X TE 32 4 X X - X X

Converter specific¨dash number¨

Model Wheel Group specific ratio
Mounting type
Enginemount=T even n° :long drop
Remotemount=RT odd n° : short drop
Mid mount=MT
numberso fgears
Electronically controlledmodel transmission input rating
( x 100Nm)
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Temperature specifications
Normal operating temperature 70 -120°C at temperature check port converter
Maximum allowed transmission temperature 120° C

Pressure specifications
Transmission regulator pressure :
• 600 RPM 22.5-24.5 bar
• 2200 RPM 23.5-25.5 bar
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Savety valve
cracking pressure 8.8-9.6 bar

Converter out pressure (to cooler)

5 bar min. at 2000 RPM and max. 8.5
bar a t no load governed speed.

Pump flow
System pump flow : 108-128 l/min at 2200
Lube pump flow : 80-95 l/min at 2200 RPM.
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Clutch pressures
A t 1800 RPM 20.5 -24.5 bar

Filter bypass
valve set at 4.1 to 4.5 bar

Lube pressure
0.9 – 1.4 bar at 100 l/min. lube flow.(+/-1000RPM)

Internal leakage @ 1800 RPM

Fwd/Rev max 4 l/min
1st max 9.2 l/min
2nd/3rd/4th max 4 l/min
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Electrical specifications

Variable force solenoids(VFS)

VFS 2nd/4th -VFS 1st/3rd -VFS Fwd -VFS Rev
Coil resistance 4.35 ± 0.35 OHMS. at 25° C
On/Off Solenoids
Total neutral ,1st/3rd & 2nd/4th range solenoids
Coil resistance 12V -28 ± 2 . OHMS at 20° C
Coil resistance 24V -87 ± 2 . OHMS at 20° C

Pressure feedback sensor:

1100ohm / 2200ohm fixed on wiring harness
in the valve.
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Wiring schematics
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Wiring schematics

Pin Wire color Function

1-2 blue VFS 4th/2nd
3-4 green VFS FWD
5-6 yellow VFS 3rd/1st
7-8 red VFS REV
9-10 black Total neutral
11 white Presssure switch
12 yellow Solenoid 4th/2nd
13 orange Solenoid 3rd/1st
14 white common ground sol 4/2 and 3/1
15 white ground pressure switch
16 not used
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Solenoids activated

Trans m ission Activated Activated Activated

gear on /off solenoids VFS’s Clutches
Forward 4 Total neutral Reverse, 1/3 Forward, 4t h
Forward 3 Total neutral Reverse, 2/4 Forward, 3r d
Forward 2 Total neutral, 2/4 selector Reverse, 1/3 Forward, 2n d
Forward 1 Total neutral, 1/3, 2/4 selector Reverse, 2/4 Forward, 1s t

Neutral 4 Total neutral Forward, Reverse, 1/3 4t h

Neutral 3 Total neutral Forward, Reverse, 2/4 3r d
Neutral 2 Total neutral, 2/4 selector Forward, Reverse, 1/3 2n d
Neutral 1 Total neutral, 1/3, 2/4 selector Forward, Reverse, 2/4 1s t

Reverse 4 Total neutral Forward, 1/3 Reverse, 4t h

Reverse 3 Total neutral Forward, 2/4 Reverse, 3r d
Reverse 2 Total neutral, 2/4 selector Forward, 1/3 Reverse, 2n d
Reverse 1 Total neutral, 1/3, 2/4 selector Forward, 2/4 Reverse, 1s t
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Additional signals
Speed sensors
- Engine speed combined
with oil temperature pick up located at pump gear
- Turbine speed located on input gear
- Drum speed located on forward drum
- Output speed located on output gear
Pressure feedback sensor
Oil temperature
Converter out temperature switch
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Technical specifications
Speed pick-up :
- Engine speed combined with temperature
located on pump drive gear
- Turbine speed located on input gear
- Drum speed located on forward drum
- Output speed locatedon output shaft gear
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Speed sensors

Type Magneto resistive sensor.

Sensing distance up to 1.8 mm
Sensor signal generates a square
current with a fixed amplitude
changing between 7 and 14 mA.

Drum spe e d s e n sor

C o m b i n e den g i n espeed senso rand te m perat u er
T u r b i ne a n do u t p u (t x2 ) speed sensor
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Operation of transmission
The transmission is controlled by an APC200 box. This unit hasa microprocessor
that receives certain inputs (gear selector position, speed sensors,…), which are
processed and will give outputsignals to the control valve.
Operation of the valve
Regulated pressure (22.5-25.5 bar) is directed to the total neutral shift spool and the
pressure reducer that will decrease the pressure to 10 bar.
This reduced pressure will be used to supply the variable forcesolenoids(VFS),
total neutral solenoid , 3rd/1stsolenoid and 4th/2nd solenoid.
The VFS will give an output pressure curve from 0 to 6 bar proportional to a current
from 1000 mA to 0 mA. The pressure intensifiers with a ratio of3.5:1 will multiply
this pressure curve so thataa curve from 0 to 20 bar is available for each direct i onal
and range clutch. Between eachVFS a pressure intensifier is placed a ced and an
accumulator to dampen any hydraulic vibration .
Directional selection
When a direction (forward or reverse) is selected , total neutral solenoid is
activated and the required directional VFS will provide a pressure rise
rise from
from 00 to 6
bar. The directional clutch isthen fed with modulated pressure supplied through
the pressure intensifi er.
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Operation of transmission
Range selection
When 1 stclutch is selected ,the 3rd/1st and 4th/2nd solenoids are activated. The
1st/3rd VFS will provide a pressurecurve from 0 to 6 bar. Thepressure intensifi er
will multiply this pressure andwill feed 1st clutch via the activated
ivated 3rd/1st spool.
When 2nd clutch
clutch is
is selected,
selected,The 3th/1st VFS will decrease pressure from 6 to 0
bar, thus releasing the 1 st clutch in a controlled fashion. Atthe same time the
4th/2nd VFS will provide a pressure curve from 0 to 6 bar . This pressure is fed to 2
nd clutch via the pressure intensifier, which will provide clutch overlap.
When the shift is finalised the 3rd/1stsolenoid is deactivated.
When 3rd clutch is selected the 3rd/1 s t solenoid is not acti vated. The 1st/3rd VFS
will provide a pressure curve from 0 to 6 bar and will feed 3rdclutch via a pressure
intensifi er and the deactivated 3rd/1stspool. At the same time the 4th/2nd VFS will
decrease pressure from 6 to 0 barproviding the clutch overlap.
When the shift is finalised the 4th/2nd solenoid is deactivated.
When 4th clutch is selected , the 4th/2nd VFS will provide a pressure curve from 0
to 6 bar and will feed 4th clutch via a pressure intensifier and the deactivated
4th/2nd spool. At the the same
same time
time the 3rd/1st VFS will decrease pressure from 6 to 0
bar providing the clutch overlap
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Operation of transmission

Neutral selection
When neutral is selected (1st, 2n d, 3r d or 4th) , the total neutral solenoid
is activated and the VFS ’s for forward and reverse are fed by a
1000mA current, which will result in a 0 bar output, thus providing 0 bar
pressure to the forward and reverse clutch. The range clutches 1, 2,3
or 4 remain activated by their respective VFS.
Total neutral selection
Total neutral is only selected by the APC200 in case a severe error is
detected which will cause a shutdown
When total neutral is selected, the total neutral solenoid is not activated
and as a result no pressure is supplied to the pressure intensifiers.
i ers.
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Operation of transmission

Pressure switch
The control valve also has a pressure switch installed between the he
total neutral shift spool and the pressure intensifiers supply. This
switch has 2 functions :
1. It will verify that a minimum pressure of 12 bar to the various pressure
intensifiers is supplied only when the total neutral solenoid is activated.
This information is an input ofthe APC200 box and if a pressure is
detected below 12 bar the controller will put the transmission n i total
neutral which causes a shut down.
2. It will verify if only 1 direction clutch and 1 range clutch is activated
when the shift is finalised. If detection is made that 2 direction
ion clutches
or 2 range cluthes are hydraulically activated it will provide an input
signal to the APC200 which will put the transmission in total neutral
which causes a shutdown.
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE32

VFS 2/4 VFS 1/3

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE32

Total neutral
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE32

VFS 2/4 VFS 1/3

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Forward 1st
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

VFS 2/4 VFS 1/3

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Forward 2nd
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE32

VFS 2/4 VFS 1/3

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Forward 3rd
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE32

VFS 2/4 VFS 1/3

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE32

Forward 4th
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE32

VFS 2/4 VFS 1/3

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE32

Reverse 1st
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Connections - top view

To remote filterfrom pump 2

O i lfi l l

To remote filterfrom pump 1

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Checkports - left view

Pressure check 1st clutch port 41

Oil level check port

1/4 NPT
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Checkports - right view

Reg. Pressure port31 To cooler
ConverterIn Pres port 37 Fwd clutch port45

From cooler

From filter2
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Checkports - front view

2nd clutch port42

Rev clutch
Lube press 4th clutch
port34 port44
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Checkports - rear view

From filter1 Conv out press port 32


3r d clutch port 43
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Speed sensor location

Engine speed & transmission temperature

Drum speed sensor

Turbine speed sensor

Output speed sensor

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Checkports control valve

Checkport 4/4 SPEED (TE32)
31b Regulator pressure (before tot a l
66/61 neutral)
4 9A
/51 49/51 VFS 4th/2nd

50/52 VFS 3r d /1s t
9 54 VFS FWD
0/62 55 VFS REV
5 0 / 5C

56 S ystem pressure (after Tot a l
6E5 57 Solenoid (pilot)pressure
5L7 58 Press check range clutche s
3 1Jb
59 Press check direction clutches
66/61 Pressure intensifier 4th/2nd
60/62 Pressure intensifier 1s /t 3r d
64 Pressure intensifier FWD
65 Pressure intensifier REV
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Control valve replacement

Removing the valve
1.Make sure that the area around the valve is cleanand that no dirt can fall into the valve during the
disassembly procedure.
2.Unscrew the 4 hex bolts (marked pink on drawing) until you feel that the tension isout of the bolt.
Do not remove th e m !
3.Unscrew the 15 other bolts (markedblue) some turns. When all boltsare loose, you should be able to
move the valve a bit.
4.Remove 2 bolts(markedblue)and replacewith aligning studs;
5.Remove the remainingbolts(markedblue) and removevalve

Installing the valve

1.Unscrew the 4 hexbolts(marked pink on drawing) untillall tension is out of the bolt.
Do not remove the m !
2. Using aligning studs, install valve and a new gasket.
3. Hand tighten all bolts(21) according to the sequence youfind on the drawing.
4. Torque all bolts 2X in the samesequence as on the drawing to 25Nm
5. Recalibratethe transmission
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

20 18 19

14 1

4 7
5 6

8 11
9 13
Instruction sheet 8100279



Kit 8100278 consists of;

4212257 Wiring harnass ............................................................................................ 1

4207516 Gasket - Protection cover............................................................................ 1

76K16 O-ring .......................................................................................................... 1

4213076 Pin - Stop .................................................................................................... 1

8100279 Instruction sheet.......................................................................................... 1

This modification will block the interlock spool in its open position. This is achieved by fitting a stop pin inside the
spool return spring.

Pages 1 thru 5 applie to transmission TE27/32



8100279 01/2007 1
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Speed sensor installation

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Speed sensor installation

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division TE27, 32

Speed sensor installation

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division



Link with the transmission

APC200 display modes

APC200 diagnostics

System calibration
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

‹ Manual / automatic shifting
‹ Electronic modulation
‹ Overlap control
‹ Electronic inching
‹ Start 1st / 2nd
‹ Limit vehicle speed
‹ Reduce vehicle speed (by use of an input)
‹ Limit engine speed
‹ Direction change protection (speed and engine RPM)
‹ Declutch (in normal mode : neutral / in inching : offset pressure)
‹ Engine control
‹ Seat orientation
‹ Hydro lever function in neutral
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

The link between the

TE transmission
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

APC 200

‹ Device for shifting Spicer Off Highway Products ECM powershift

transmissions (TE transmissions)
‹ ECM -> Electronic Controlled Modulation
- a transmission control technology, available on a range of
transmission models
‹ ECI -> Electronic Controlled Inching
- to run at very low controlled speed at virtually any engine speed
‹ Overlap control
‹ Self diagnostics
‹ Throttle by Wire – engine control
‹ CAN 2.0B Network Integration
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

The communication with APC

‹ CAN 2.0 B
- Communicate with different controllers and PC

‹ RS 232
- To flash a new firmware (main program)
- To download the parameter settings (APT-file)
- To edit specific parameters (GDE-file)
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Incomings signals from transmisson

‹ Speed sensors
- Engine speed combined
with oil temperature pick up located at pump
- Turbine speed located on input gear forward
- Drum speed located on low drum
- Output speed located on output gear
‹ Pressure feedback sensor
‹ Converter out temperature switch
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Incoming signaIs from the machine

PSU = Power Supply Unit

‹ Version : 24V

‹ Two power lines

- PPWR : permanent power

• Connected directly to the battery

- SPWR : switched power

• Connected via key contact to the battery
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Incoming signaIs from the machine

‹ Shift lever (Digital Input)

‹ Parking brake (Digital input)

‹ Declutch (Digital input)

Signals who needs to be calibrated

‹ Accelerator pedal (Analogue input)
‹ Inching (Analouge input)
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

In and out signaIs from the machine to APC

Communicate with the
APC via the CAN bus
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Signals from controller to TE17

‹ Variable force solenoids (VFS)
- VFS0 for forward
- VFS1 for 2nd
- VFS2 for reverse
- VFS3 for 1st / 3rd
‹ ON / OFF solenoids
- Total Neutral Solenoid
- 1 / 3 switch solenoid
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Signals from controller to TE27,32

‹ Variable force solenoids (VFS)
- VFS0 for forward
- VFS1 for 2nd / 4th
- VFS2 for reverse
- VFS3 for 1st / 3rd
‹ ON / OFF solenoids
- Total Neutral Solenoid
- 1 / 3 switch solenoid
- 2 / 4 switch solenoid
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Block diagram APC 200 : inputs

‹ 10 digital inputs
‹ 6 (7) analogue inputs
- Ani0 Pressure feedback switch (resistance)
- Ani1 Sump temperature (resistance)
- Ani2 Converter out temperature switch (voltage)
- Ani3 Aux f.ex. brake pedal (voltage)
- (Ani4 Aux1 of anal. outputs (-pin) (reference voltage 5V))
- Ani5 Aux2 of anal. outputs (-pin) f.ex. servo feedback (voltage)
- Ani6 Aux3 of anal. outputs (-pin) f.ex. throttle pedal (voltage)
- ⇒ input 0 to 2 have a fixed use
- ⇒ input 3, 5 and 6 can be linked to external devices
‹ 4 speed inputs
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Parameter setting

1 approved drive -line = 1 AP T-file

Approved drive -line =

Specific type of vehicle + specific engine + specific

transmission ( + axle + tires )
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Block diagram APC 200 : example

A01 A1 A1 PPWR Pwr Permanent Battery Plus B01 B1 L1 VFS4+ HbrgA Engine control motor A
A02 A2 B1 VFS0+ Pwm Fwd VFS Hi Side Out B02 B2 M1 ANI4 Sns 5V Reference voltage out
A03 A3 C1 VFS0- Sns Fwd VFS Lo Side In B03 B3 N1 VFS5+ HbrgB Engine servo motor B
A04 A4 D1 VFS1+ Pwm 2nd/4 VFS Hi Side Out B04 B4 P1 ANI5 Sns Engine servo pos. input 0-5V
A05 A5 E1 VFS1- Sns 2nd/4 VFS Lo Side In B05 B5 R1 VFS6+ Pwm Analog brake valve
A06 A6 F1 VFS2+ Pwm Rev VFS Hi Side Out B06 B6 S1 ANI6 Sns Accelerator pedal analog input 0-5V
A07 A7 G1 VFS2- Sns Rev VFS Lo Side In B07 B7 L2 CANL Comm CAN Lo
A08 A8 H1 VFS3+ Pwm 1th/3th VFS Hi Side Out B08 B8 M2 CANH Comm CAN Hi
A09 A9 J1 VFS3- Sns 1th/3th VFS Lo Side In B09 B9 N2 RXD Comm RS232 RXD
A10 A10 K1 DO0 Stp RSP Drive Solenoid + B10 B10 P2 TXD Comm RS232 TXD / SPEEDO OUT
A11 A11 A2 ANI0 Ptg Pressure feedback B11 B11 R2 SS3 Sns Turbine speed sensor+
A12 A12 B2 DIGIN0 Ptp Shiftlever 1-2 B12 B12 S2 SPWR Pwr Switched Battery Plus
A13 A13 C2 DIGIN1 Ptp Shiftlever 2-3 B13 B13 L3 DIGIN6 Ptp Inching Enable switch
A14 A14 D2 DIGIN2 Ptp Shiftlever 3-4 B14 B14 M3 DIGIN7 Ptp manual / automatic selection
A15 A15 E2 DO1 Stp 2/4 VFS selector or alarm output B15 B15 N3 DIGIN8 Ptp Parking Brake OFF/ON
A16 A16 F2 DO2 Stp 1/3 VFS selector B16 B16 P3 DIGIN9 Ptp
A17 A17 G2 DIGIN3 Ptp Shiftlever NEU B17 B17 R3 ANI3 Ptg Brake pedal analog input 0-5V
A18 A18 H2 DIGIN4 Ptp Shiftlever FWD B18 B18 S3 SGND Gnd Signal Ground
A19 A19 J2 DIGIN5 Ptp Shiftlever REV
A20 A20 K2 DO3 Stg RSP Drive Solenoid -
A21 A21 A3 GND Gnd Supply ground
A22 A22 B3 SS0 Sns Drum speed sensor+
A23 A23 C3 SS0 Gnd Drum speed sensor -
A24 A24 D3 SS1 Sns Output speed sensor+
A25 A25 E3 SS1 Gnd Output speed sensor -
A26 A26 F3 SS2 Sns Engine speed sensor+
A27 A27 G3 SS2 Gnd Engine speed sensor -
A28 A28 H3 ANI1 Ptg TransmTemperature
A29 A29 J3 ANI2 Ptg Cooler input temperature
B00 A30 K3 GND Gnd Signal ground
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Block diagram APC 200 : outputs (1/3)

‹ 4 digital outputs
- Do0 RSP Drive Solenoid +
- Do1
• 2nd/4th selector (VFS1 is used for 2nd & 4th) on 4-speed
- Do2 1st/3rd selector (VFS3 is used for 1st & 3rd)
- Do3 RSP Drive Solenoid -
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Block diagram APC 200 : outputs (2/3)

‹ Do0 and Do3 : RSP Drive Solenoid = “Total neutral” solenoid
‹ RSP = Redundant ShutDown Path
‹ ⇒ need of a fully reliable device to cut off pressure of all clutches in case
of important failures (shutdown)
‹ Scheme :

Total neutral sol. (valve)


Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Block diagram APC 200 : outputs (3/3)

‹ 7 analogue outputs
- Closed loop current regulation for the VFS’s :
• VFS0 (fwd)
• VFS1 (2nd/4th)
• VFS2 (rev)
• VFS3 (1st/3rd)
- Aux1 to Aux3 : open loop current regulation
• VFS4+ (servomotor engine control A)
• VFS5+ (servomotor engine control B)
• VFS6+ (analogue brake valve)
- Remark servomotor : hardware version with H-bridge requested
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Bootstrap and reset circuit

‹ Bootstrap:
- Special mode, controller wants to receive serial data, to
program the firmware into the program memory
- While in bootstrap all output functions are hold off
- Start : during power up both buttons pressed

‹ Reset circuit : watchdog & supply supervisor will reset the

CPU if either the feedback from the watchdog is outside
10% of timing tolerance or if the CPU has “forgotten” to re-
trigger the watchdog trigger
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division


- 4 red 7-segment LED digits

- 3 status LED lamps
• D -> yellow, Diagnostic mode
• E -> yellow, Errors
• F -> red, Flash mode (f.ex. bootstrap)
- 2 push buttons
• M -> which information group (Mode)
• S -> item within group (Select or Sub level)
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Display modes M

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Display modes
‹ “GPOS” display
- Reflects the actually engaged transmission direction
and range
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Display modes
‹ “VSPD” display
- Shows the vehicle speed in km/h or MPH, with a
resolution of 0.1 km/h or 0.1 MPH
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Display modes
‹ “dist” display
- Shows the distance travelled in km or miles, with a
resolution of 0.1 km or 0.1 miles

Note : the distance can be reset by pushing the “s” button during 3
seconds when being in this display mode.
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Display modes M

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Display modes
‹ “CPOS” display
- Reflects the actually shiftlever position
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Display modes
‹ “Espd” display
- Shows the measured engine speed in RPM
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Display modes
‹ “Tspd” display
- Shows the measured turbine speed in RPM
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Display modes
‹ “Ospd” display
- Shows the measured output speed in RPM
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Display modes
‹ “Srat” display
- Reflects the current speed ration ( Tspd / Espd ), which
is an important factor in automatic shifting
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Display modes
‹ “TQ I” display
- Reflects the measured torque (turbine torque) at the
transmission input side in Nm
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Display modes
‹ “Ttmp” display
- Shows the transmission sump temperature in °C
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Display modes
‹ “Ctmp” display
- Shows the Converter out temperature in °C

Note : due that the converter out temperature is measured by a

temperature switch : 50 on the display means below 120° C
150 on the display means above 120° C
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Display modes M

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Display modes
‹ “Err” display
- Shows all existing error codes (none blinking error
code) and error codes detected in the past (blinking
error code).

(none blinking)
Note : when an error is active, (end of faults)
the error led will be non blinking
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Trouble shooting
Next to the hydraulics of the transmission, the APC200
is continuous checking :
• the hardware
• the power supply
• the shift lever logic
• the transmission ratio
• status of the wirings
• the pressure after the total neutral solenoid
• the different speeds
• turbine torque
• … etc.
Abnormal situations are displayed by error codes.
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Error codes list

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Diagnostic Mode
of APC200
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Diagnostics M




Power up
+ S S S S S
... ... ... ...

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Diagnostics M


Power up
Display test
+ S

Note : for the firmware version, the display is using a

scrolling text moving to the left (continuously).
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Diagnostics M


0 2 4 6 8 10 12

1 3 5 7 9 11 13

Digital input Digital input
test reference
input 3 on
wire 17

Note : input 10 till 13 are the 4 analog

inputs, which could be used as
input not active digital inputs
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Diagnostics M


Analog input S
No . meaning the
test value is in Ω


Analog input
1 st value (kΩ or V) of the 3 on wire 47
1 st 4 analog inputs A . meaning the (47 – 30 pins on
connector A = B17)
S value is in Volts
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Diagnostics M


S Speed sensor test

Speed sensor
0 on wire 22 S

C informs the S

sensor is a current 1st value (kHz

(kHz)) of the 4
sensor, value is speed sensors
expressed in Hz or
kHz (ex.: c2.45) S
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Diagnostics M


Analog output S
3 on wire 8 Output test

Analog output
Current of 997 mA S
S Note : 0 till 6 are
Digital output outputs, and
1 (7 – 6 = 1 ) on 7 till 10 are
wire 10 digital
output active
S outputs.
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Diagnostics M


Voltage test
Voltage switched
power S

22.7 volt

vP = Permanent Volt (A01) S

vS = Switched Volt (B12)
vSEn = Intern Volt 8V
Voltage sensor
8.1 volt power supply
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Control system calibration

‹ Transmission (clutch control) parameter calibration

‹ Heat mode (to warmup the transmission)

‹ Accelerator pedal (throttle pedal) sensor calibration

‹ Brake pedal sensor calibration

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Calibration APC200-Transmission

‹ Menu structure overview

‹ Transmission calibration (clutch filling)

‹ Heat mode

‹ Calibration of the analogue inputs :

- Throttle pedal
- Brake pedal
- Hydro lever
- Servo motor
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Menu structure overview

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Transmission calibration ((clutch filling))

clutch filling
Is determining volume of oil that is needed to fill up the
clutch, untill clutch plates start to transfer torque.
This start of torque transfer is the point when the
programmed modulation curve starts to act.
Since each transmission, clutch ,valve and VFS has its own
tolerances, this fill capacity needs to be determined on
newly assembled units and every time any of these
components is changed.
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Transmission calibration ((clutch filling))

clutch filling
How ?
Direction (FWD/REV)clutches are calibrated by fully
activating 2nd range clutch, and then by gradually
increasing the pressure signal from the directionalVFS untill
a drop in turbine RPM is noted. This drop in turbine RPM is
the touch detection i.e. the point at which the clutch starts to
transfer torque. This VFS signal is stored in the memory of
the APC200 and is used as the start point for the modulation
which was predetermined during prototype testing.
Range clutches (1st, 2 nd,3th and 4th ) are calibrated by fully
activating forward clutch and then by gradually increasing
the pressuure signal to the corresponding range VFS as
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Transmission calibration ((clutch filling))

clutch filling
‹ A transmission calibration has to be performed :
- when the vehicle is built at the OEM
- after 500 hours driving in gear (forward or reverse)
- when the valve is changed
- when an overhaul of the transmission is done
- when the transmission is repaired / replaced
- when the APC200 is replaced
- when firmware and APT-file are updated
‹ Goal :
- guarantee the best shift quality during the complete life
of the transmission
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Transmission calibration ((clutch filling))

clutch filling
How ? (1/3)
‹ Enter the calibration menu by pressing the S-button on the
APC200 display for 15 s during power up of the APC :

‹ Push the S-button to trigger the transmission calibration

‹ Before the calibration can be started, a number of
conditions need to be fulfilled :
- parking brake has to be activated
- sump temperature has to be > 60°C (cfr. Heat mode)
- engine speed has to be kept within 800 ± 200 rpm (note: if the APC
has control over the engine, the speed will be adapted
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Transmission calibration ((clutch filling))

clutch filling
How ? (2/3)
‹ If all these conditions are met, the APC will ask to shift to
forward to start the calibration :

‹ The transmission calibration now starts. This is indicated on

the APC200-display :

etc. (‘c1’ = clutch 1 I.e. fwd ; ‘M1’ = mode 1 of the calibration)

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Transmission calibration ((clutch filling))

clutch filling
How ? (3/3)
‹ When all clutches have been calibrated, the APC200
displays :

‹ This means the calibration has been completed success-

fully. Normal duration : about 15 min.
‹ Now switch off the ignition key of the vehicle and let the APC
power down.
‹ When restarting the vehicle, the calibration results will be
activated automatically.
‹ Important : by selecting REVERSE, the calibration is
stopped immediately (APC powers down).
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Heat mode (1/3)

‹ Goal : warm up transmission in a fast way (stall)
‹ Specific to heat mode :
- fwd/rev can be selected while the parking brake is on
- disables inching and declutch
- the highest gear is forced (3rd or 4th)
‹ How ? Push M-button when ‘trAn’ is on the display :

‹ Push the S-button to trigger the heat mode : actual sumpt°

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Heat mode (2/3)

‹ Perform the following scheme to warm up the transmission :

‹ When the sumpt° is above 60°C, the indication on the APC

display starts blinking.
‹ Now push the M-button until you come back to ‘trAn’
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Heat mode (3/3)

‹ Note : When the converter out temperature would exceed

120°C, the engine speed will be limited to half throttle (if
APC has engine control) or the transmission will be forced to
neutral (when APC has no engine control).
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Other messages during calibration (1/5)

‹ 1. Calibration condition messages
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Other messages during calibration (2/5)

‹ 1. Calibration condition messages (part 2)

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Other messages during calibration (3/5)

‹ 2. Calibration error messages

¾ E1.25 : during calibration, early touch detect.

Possible causes :
ƒ Too much clutch drag because of too thick oil, recalibrate at higher
temperature 90 -100 °C)
ƒ Sticking or burnt clutch which causes turbine to drop before pressure
is applied,

¾ E1.26 : during calibration,no touch detect.

Possible causes :
ƒ VFS faulty (no out put pressure)
ƒ Slipping clutch or too high internal leakage
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Other messages during calibration (4/5)

‹ 2. Calibration error messages continued

‹ E1.10 : during calibration, shift inhibit.

Possible causes :
ƒ Caused by shutdown e.g; in combination with 20/60 error;
ƒ Resolve cause of shutdown before recalibation
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Other messages during calibration (5/5)

‹ 2. Calibration error messages continued

¾ E2.14 : calibration failed ,fill time out.

Possible causes :
ƒ Turbine speed does not decrease caused by too high internal
leakage and or slipping clutch

¾ E2.16 : calibration failed , turbine pull down too early.

Possible causes :
ƒ Faulty turbine speed sensor
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Calibration of analogue imputs

Example : brake pedal (1/4)
‹ Enter the calibration menu by pressing the S-button on the
APC200 display for 15 s during power up of the APC.
‹ When having ‘trAn’ on the display, push the M-button until
you see

‹ Push the S-button to trigger the brake pedal calibration

‹ The APC now asks for the idle position of the brake pedal
(no play in the pedal anymore) :

‹ Push the S-button to confirm the position.

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Calibration of analogue imputs

Example : brake pedal (2/4)
‹ Then, the APC asks for the mid position of the brake pedal
(point where the brakes start to operate) :

‹ With hydraulic brakes : this point corresponds to the

moment the brakes start ‘sissing’
‹ Push again the S-button to confirm the position.
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Calibration of analogue imputs

Example : brake pedal (3/4)
‹ Finally, the APC asks for the full brake position :

‹ Apply full brake and press the S-button to confirm.

‹ If the calibration has been successful, the APC display will

‹ Now switch off the contact key. The calibration values are
automatically stored into the APC200.
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Calibration of analogue imputs

Example : brake pedal (4/4)
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Failure codes

Pressure feedback switch (valve)indicates there is no system pressure

essure present, although
pressure should be ht e re (engine is running)
Transmission goes in shutdown mode
Remark : 1100 Ohm = pressure / 2200 Ohm = no pressure
Check oil level in transmission
Messure if pump / regulatorpressure is present
Remark : if it is not possibleto measure pressure, do the following:
1. Start the engine and immediately accelerate full throttle. fI not the error
comes again It can be a suction problem.
2. Select forward as soon as the engine is started and verify ifthe machine
starts driving (5 s debouncing time on error declaration after engine has
reached 500 rpm). If yes pressure is there.
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Failure codes

If pressure is present and thecode remains present, there are ht ree possibilities :
- Pressure feedback switch is failing (especially when the error sometimes
appears and sometimes doesn’t appear). Replace complete valve wiring.
- One of the pressure check spools in the valve got stuck. This m akes the
APC think that two direction or two range clutches are closed atthe same
time. Replace the valve.
- Two direction or two range clutches are indeed closed at the sam e time.
Check transmission + wiring.
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Failure codes

Invalid shift lever pattern detected fordirections (40.06)

Invalid shift lever patterndetected forranges (41.06)

Verify the CPos on the APC display (is it logic/shiftleverposition?)

Standard shift lever : verify thedigital input pattern sent tothe APC200 by using
the diagnostic mode of the APC, and compare this one to the wiring diagram or to
the pattern in the APT-file

CAN shift lever : measure shift lever pattern sent to the APC on the CAN-bus
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Failure codes

The actual transmission ratio t(u rbine rpm / output rpm)is toolow

The ratio between turbine and output is checked continuously from a certain
vehicle speed onwards and when no shifting orinching is busy.

Goal : detect a slipping clutch

Ratio too low is only possible with slipping clutch in braking m ode (SR > 1 )
check measured turbine and output speed !

Check the transmission ratio settings in the APT-file

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Failure codes

The actual transmission ratio (tu rbine rpm / output rpm)is toohigh

The ratio between turbine and output is checked continuously from a certain vehicle
speed onwards and when no shifting orinching is busy.

Goal : detect a slipping clutch

First check measured turbine and output speed !

Check the transmission ratio settings in the APT-file

Check the transmission fora slipping clutch (pressure ?)

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Failure codes

The transmission converterout temperature switch indicates a temperature >


Transmission is forced to neutral and engine speed is limited to 50% of its

maximum speed

Let the transmission cool down

Check converterout temperature, check converter out switch

Check machine (cooler, cooler bypass…)

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Failure codes

5x.0y = analogue inputs faults

x = number of analogue input

.00 = shorted to ground ; .01 = not connected (open load)

Only the active analogue inputs are checked !

f.ex. 50.01 = analogue input 0 (pressure feedback switch) is notconnected

Check wiring & sensor

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Failure codes

6x.0y = speed channel faults

Only an electrical check !!

x = number of speed channel

.00 = shorted to ground ; .01 = not connected (open load)

f.ex. 60.00 = speed channel 0 (drumspeed) is shorted to ground

Check wiring & speed sensor

Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Failure codes

7x.0y = analogue output faults

x = number of analogue output (note : 0 to 3 are the VFS’s )
.00 = shorted to ground
.01 = not connected (open load)
.02 = the output current (measured by feedback) > 1400 mA
.03 = the output current (theoretically sent value) > 1400 mA
Check wiring
More detail in error code list
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division

Failure codes

8x.0y = digital output faults

x = number of digital output

.00 = shorted to ground ; .01 = not connected orshorted to +

Only the active digital outputs are checked !

f.ex. 81.00 = digital output 1 (2/4 selector)is shorted to gro und

Check wiring
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division


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