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UK Nandoca Handbook January 2023 PDF

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Han d b o o k
The Nando’s experience It's what's inside that counts

The life and soul of Nando’s Sparking connections

4 Where the cockerel first crowed 38 How we spark connections
5 The life and soul of Nando’s 39 Nandoca reps
6 The Nando’s values 39 Social media guidelines
7 The character of a true Nandoca 42 Acknowledgement of risk
We’ll take you on a journey – Welcome to the family
and release of liability

your own voyage of discovery. 10 Embracing difference – equal

Time out
opportunities and diversity policy 44 Holidays – go from tired to inspired
12 Bullying and harassment 46 Sabbatical
13 Relationships between Nandocas 47 Attendance
14 Probationary period 50 Family friendly policies
14 Hours of work 52 Maternity leave
Discover how special it’s to belong to the Nando’s family. 16 General standards 52 Paternity leave
16 It pays to be a Nandoca 52 Adoption leave
16 Nandoca meals 53 Jury service
Experience our traditional hospitality, warmth and fun. 17 My Nando’s 54 Internal transfers
18 Nandoca discounts 55 Leaving Nando’s
57 Retirement – no age limit
Fire up your senses with the unique products and tastes Realising talent
of Portugal – prepared with pride and passion. Nando's heavy section
20 Internal training
22 Time off for training 58 No under the table stuff please
22 The tip of the iceberg 58 Let’s keep Nando’s secrets
Be touched by the magic that is the Nando’s way. to ourselves
Supporting success 60 Dealing with the media
61 Watch out for long fingers
25 What to do when you’re not happy – 62 Security rules
grievance procedure 63 Lost and (hopefully) found

Book belongs to: 28 Investigations – getting to the heart 63 Right of search

of the problem 63 Licensing laws
28 Disciplinary process – when we need 64 Personnel records
to get serious 65 Whistle-blowing
33 Appeals 66 Nando’s driving policy
34 Nandocas companion at meetings 35 68 IT acceptable use policy
71 Health and safety
Suspension – let’s stop things
from overheating 73 Accidents
36 Helping to improve performance 73 Fire safety
75 Bomb alert
76 Personal hygiene

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The life and soul of Nando's PORTUGUESE FLAVOUR, AFRICAN FIRE

A brief history of Nando’s

Ask people in the UK where Nando’s comes from and you’ll get a whole

Life &
load of different answers. Portugal? Mexico? Right here?

Our story actually starts in the Portuguese neighbourhood of Rosettenville,

South Africa, enjoys a big helping of Mozambique and is eventually served
up in the UK.

Back to Rosettenville… Robbie Brozin and Fernando Duarte brought their

first chicken restaurant here in 1987, when South Africa was in turmoil
and their lack of experience led many to question their sanity.

However, after several years of long hours, grilled chickens and steady
success, Robbie and Fernando opened a second restaurant. And then
Welcome to Nando's – a proud and another. Always flying by the seat of their pants, taking risks, reacting
against apartheid and feeling as though they could fail at any moment.
close working family of Nandocas.
In 1992, Robby Enthoven was charged with helping Nando’s spread its
At Nando’s restaurants, we surround our wings to the UK. For the first few years, he fought a losing battle against
customers with the traditional spirit of fast food chains. Times were tough, but the UK team saw themselves as a
family, redesigning restaurants, opening more, pushing the food forwards
Portuguese warmth, hospitality and fun. and creating a fun, exciting and empowering place to work.
We also sell the best tasting chicken in the
world (even if we do say so ourselves). As the nineties gave way to the noughties, Nando’s UK expansion went into
overdrive. Currently, we’re a family of 14,000 in a country that has well
and truly seen the light of PERi-PERi. Our sauce is now the best-selling hot
Your passion will be to help us deliver sauce in the UK and our restaurants have survived and thrived in spite of
the Nando’s experience to hundreds and recession and risks. We’re still growing, too, opening or refurbishing 25
thousands of PERi-PERi chicken-lovers. restaurants a year.

We hope you enjoy your time at Nando’s.

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The Nando's values

“If you value the Nando’s values you’ll have valuable

Nandocas who add value.” – Jean PERi-PERi Bird

Pride, Passion, Courage, Integrity and Family – these are

our Nando’s Values.

On paper they are just words, but in the life of a Nandoca

they’re everything. The pride in what we do, the passion
for who we are, the courage to do it, the integrity to do it
right and the family to share it all with.

These values are our mirror and our inspiration. Did I act
courageously? Can I be more courageous? Did I show
my passion? Can I create more passion?

In no time at all you’ll see the Nando’s values in action –

from the way your Patrão or Manager works with you and
through your first few weeks on the job.

As nice as our values sound, it’s when they’re put into

action that they show their true meaning – after all,
actions always speak louder than words.

Pride Passion

Integrity Courage

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The character of a true Nandoca

“If you want a degree go to university, if you want character learn

from adversity.” – Charles Chickens

A Nandoca is what we call a Nando’s employee, a member of the family and the most
special breed of people on the planet.

These are the qualities that make Nandocas who they are and who they can become:

True Nandocas have heart – it's this belief in the principles of faith,
justice and good luck that makes them champions.

They understand the power within – a true Nandoca knows that

if it you can dream it, you can do it.

They have a sense of pride in what they achieve and this pride
lights the way for others.
It's the
By taking care of others, they take care of themselves, knowing people that
make the
that they’re only as good as the people around them – they’re
team players in the dream team.

True Nandocas are enthusiastic optimists – they’re in control of
their destinies and know that in any problem lies a solution and
an opportunity.

True Nandocas are true to themselves, because they are true to

everyone and their integrity is the source of energy and courage.

True Nandocas are blessed with a great sense of fun – they play as hard
as they work and they know that laughter is the sweetest sound of all.

They work with the community to make a difference, giving back

to the people who consistently vote for Nando’s.

Nandocas are magicians – they make every customer’s experience

with Nando’s a magical one.

True Nandocas never stand still – they know that life is a never-ending
adventure into the future and they remain forever young.

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Welcome to the family

Embracing difference - Equal opportunities and diversity policy

At Nando’s we pride ourselves on having the most diverse family on the planet.
“At Nando’s, birds with all types of feathers flock together.”
This is one area where our values of ‘Integrity’ and ‘Family’ come to life. Sometimes,
– A. Platter
it may take courage to stand up for what you believe in. We stand up against any form
of discrimination, harassment or victimisation. At Nando’s you’re free to be you.
Some companies say they are passionate about people,
but at Nando’s we’re passionate about people.
“When we say it’s the people that make the chicken we mean all people
We know that actions speak louder than words, so the – Sir Cluckalota
way we approach life and business is the same: people
will always come first.
Within the Nando’s family, we’re all absolutely committed to promoting equality
of opportunity and diversity for all, including current Nandocas, customers,
Nando’s people are known as Nandocas and together, visitors, suppliers, job applicants and all members of our community. It’s our
we’re one big family. Once a Nandoca is part of the goal to create an environment across all of our restaurants where our Nandocas
Nando’s family they can be part of it for life. That know that they can always harness their true potential, free from any form of
doesn’t mean they’ll never leave, but we think, if we live discrimination or harassment, in an atmosphere where decisions are based
purely on merit.
up to our word, they’ll never want to.

Like all families we’re not perfect, nor are we all the • We value difference and diversity.
same. We embrace our differences so that we can • We respect all of our people for their individuality, abilities and inspirations.
learn together. We do have rules and these rules • We’re committed to the elimination of all forms of discrimination, including
ensure the freedom for all Nandocas to flourish. With a direct and indirect, victimisation and harassment.
great induction, each Nandoca will take off in the right • We treat everyone with respect and fairness irrespective of age, disability,
direction and not like headless chickens. gender reassignment status, marital or civil partner status, pregnancy or
maternity, race, colour, nationality, ethnicity, national or caste origin, religion or
belief, sex or sexual orientation, fixed-term or part-time status, or indeed any
other characteristic.

Our Nandocas recognise that the world is made up of many different people,
beliefs and origins and embrace the world in all its diversity. It’s the responsibility
of every Nandoca to make sure that you don’t discriminate in any way. All
Nandocas have a duty to uphold this policy.

Nando’s takes any breach of this policy seriously and it’s dealt with under our
disciplinary procedure (see the ‘Nando’s heavy section’ later on). We may treat
any such behaviour as gross misconduct and it may result in dismissal.

We believe that all decisions about, and treatment of, our Nandocas should be
based on each individual’s abilities, skills, performance and behaviour as
well as our business requirements.

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Disabilities Immigration
Questions relating to an individual’s age, disability, gender reassignment status, Nando’s is required by law to ensure that all of our Nandocas are entitled
marital or civil partner status, pregnancy or maternity, race, colour, nationality, to work in the UK. Assumptions about immigration status won’t be made
ethnicity, national or caste origin, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, based on appearance or apparent nationality. All prospective Nandocas,
fixed-term or part-time status, or indeed any other characteristic, shouldn’t be regardless of nationality, must be able to produce original documents
relevant or taken into account for the purposes of recruitment, development, (such as a passport) before they start working with us in order to satisfy
remuneration and promotion. current immigration legislation.

We take appropriate steps to accommodate the requirements of different

religions, cultures and domestic responsibilities within our business.
Bullying and harassment
Disability should only be considered in the context of the particular
As an equal opportunities employer, Nando’s believes that any form of
requirements of the job and our policy is to encourage the employment of
harassment in the workplace is unacceptable and is determined to ensure
disabled people where reasonably practical.
that all Nandocas are treated fairly, with dignity, respect and courtesy, free
from harassment and bullying.
The requirements of job applicants and existing Nandocas who have a disability
will be reviewed to ensure that wherever possible reasonable adjustments are
Harassment of individuals based on any of the issues listed in our equal
made to enable them to perform as well as possible during the recruitment
opportunities and diversity policy (age, disability, gender reassignment,
process and while employed by Nando’s.
marital or civil partner status, pregnancy or maternity, race, colour,
nationality, ethnic, national or caste origin, religion or belief, sex or sexual
Opportunities for promotion, access to benefits and facilities won’t be
orientation) is neither permitted nor condoned.
unreasonably limited and all reasonable adjustments will be made.
Harassment may involve any unwanted and unnecessary physical,
All reasonable measures will be taken to ensure that disabled Nandocas are
verbal or non-verbal conduct that has the purpose or effect of affecting
given the opportunity to participate fully in the workplace, in training and with
a Nandocas dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading or
regards to career opportunities.
offensive environment. A person may be harassed even if they weren’t the
intended target.
Examples of harassment include, offensive or intimidating comments, the
Our disciplinary procedures and penalties are applied without discrimination, display of pornographic pictures or objects, touching or brushing against
whether they result in disciplinary warnings, dismissal or other action. another Nandocas body to assault or coerce sexual relations, sexual
advances or propositions, insensitive jokes or pranks, isolation or non
We ensure that fixed-term and part-time Nandocas are treated equally, ensure co-operation, or coercion or intrusion by pestering or spying.
that their conditions of service are comparable and that they are offered
appropriate access to benefits, training, promotion and permanent employment We take harassment extremely seriously and a single serious incident can
opportunities. Where relevant, we monitor progress to ensure that they are able result in summary dismissal for gross misconduct.
to access permanent vacancies.
Bullying is offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, which,
through the abuse or misuse of power, makes the recipient feel vulnerable,
Career opportunities upset, humiliated, undermined or threatened.

Nando’s ensures that information about vacant posts is circulated as

widely as possible to make sure it reaches all sections of our community.
Our recruitment literature or advertisements will never imply a preference
for any one group of applicants. Recruitment and employment decisions
will be made on the basis of fair and objective criteria.
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Probationary period

“All fledgling Nandocas must go through an incubation period.” – Chi King

Examples of bullying include, ridiculing or demeaning others, particularly junior
colleagues, overbearing supervision and unjustifiably excluding colleagues from All new Nandocas are considered to be employed on a trial basis during their
meetings or communications. fi rst 4 weeks of service. During this time your contract may be terminated
without notice by you or Nando's.
We take bullying extremely seriously and a single serious incident can result in Continued employment is subject to a probationary period of 12 weeks.
summary dismissal for gross misconduct. During this time your performance and suitability for continued
employment will be monitored through probationary reviews that are
Bullying doesn’t include legitimate and constructive criticism of your normally conducted around weeks 4, 8 and 12 of your probation. Nando’s
performance or behaviour, an occasionally raised voice, reasonable instructions may terminate your employment at any time, during or at the end, of your
in the course of employment or an argument. Nandocas are expected to treat probationary period. In this circumstance, 1 week’s notice will be paid out
their colleagues and others with dignity and respect. They should always to you along with any accrued, but untaken, holiday hours.
consider whether their words or conduct could be considered offensiv e.
Even unintentional harassment or bullying is unacceptable. Nando’s reserves the right at its sole discretion to extend any
probationary period for up to a further 12 weeks where it deems it
This policy covers harassment or bullying which occurs both in the workplace necessary. The probationary period and trial period run concurrently. Any
itself and in settings outside the workplace, such as business trips, events or promotion is subject to a probationary period of 12 weeks (unless
social functions organised for or on our behalf and on or offourpr emises. It otherwise stated) and to downgrading or cancelling the promotion in the
covers bullying and harassment by Nandocas and also by third parties such as, event of inadequate performance or potential in the new position.
customers, suppliers or visitors to our restaurants.

If you consider that you’re being bullied or harassed by your colleagues or by

Hours of work
any member of management (and whether this is because of what someone
has or hasn’t done), you should raise the matter under the grievance procedures “Work is not work when you’re doing something you love.” – Barci the Chicken
(set out in Section 4, Supporting Success). Please note that you don’t have to
raise a grievance through your immediate Manager if this would be diffi cult – The staff rota will tell you what shifts you’re scheduled to work. Rotas for the
you can raise your concerns directly with HR. current and upcoming week are clearly displayed in the restaurant and on the
Nandoca App.
•Please remember:
• Nando’s is usually open 7 days • Once the rota has been done,
Relationships between colleagues a week, which means you’re shifts may not be swapped
expected to work weekends. except in exceptional
We know that many people meet their partner through work. If the situation
• Make sure you understand the circumstances and only with
arises that your relationship with a fellow Nandoca moves beyond friendship,
rota and make a clear note of the authorisation of your
please notify your Manager or the HR team.
your shifts. Patrão.
Sexual relationships between individuals in a direct or indirect reporting line are • Arrive at the restaurant early • You’ll be rota’d for your
a cause for concern, as the objectivity and integrity of business decisions may be enough to be at your work area, contracted hours per week,
called into question. Additionally, this type of conduct can often be construed as in the correct uniform, at your but if you continually fail to
sexual harassment. designated shift time. work your contracted hours,
• If you don’t want to we may discuss the possibility
We’ll seek to implement an agreed transfer so that affected individuals are work a particular of decreasing your contracted
not working in a direct line of report, but if no agreement can be reached, we’ll shift, let your hours accordingly.
assess the situation and decide on appropriate action. Manager know before • Your break entitlement will
they do the weekly be based on hours worked on
rota. Although the a shift. The maximum hours
Manager will try you’ll be contracted to work per
and accommodate week is 48. All breaks are paid.
you, this cannot be
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Other work
We’re aware that that on occasion you may want to work with another company at the same
Young workers (under 18) time as working for Nando's. Before you engage in any business or other employment, or
involve yourself in any activities that may reasonably be considered to interfere with, or
• The minimum age to get a job at Nando’s is 16 years. adversely affect, the proper performance of your work, you must first write to your Patrão
• If working a shift less than 4 hours, you’re entitled to a meal outside of working hours. or Manager requesting permission (such permission will not be unreasonably withheld).
• Once 4.5 hours have been worked, you must have a 30 minute rest break.
• You may not work more than 8 hours a day. General standards
• You may not work more than 40 hours per week.
• You must have at least 12 hours of uninterrupted rest in every 24 hours. We’ve to be flexible in the work we do, and you’re required to comply with any reasonable
• You must have at least 48 hours rest per week. request to promote the smooth running of the business.
• You shouldn’t work past 11pm.
• You must have completed the risk assessment for under 18’s available on the intranet. General standards required on a day-to-day basis are that you:
• You may not sell alcohol. • Arrive for work on time.
• Devote your time, attention and abilities during your working hours to Nando's business.
Adult workers • Carry out your duties with diligence and reasonable expertise.
• Treat Nando's property with due care and avoid waste.
Hours worked Break entitled Meal • Are courteous to customers, colleagues and others having business with Nando's.
Up to 4 hours No rest break 1 meal outside of working hours • Observe Nando's rules and procedures.
Between 4 & 6 hours 1 x 20 min break 1 meal to be taken during break
Between 6 & 8 hours 1 x 30 min break 1 meal to be taken during break
Between 8 & 10 hours 2 x 20 min break 1 meal to be taken during break
Between 10 & 12 hours 2 x 30 min break 2 meals to be taken during breaks It pays to be a Nandoca
On rare occasions and in emergencies Once you have accepted your offer you will be asked to provide/complete the
Over 12 hours 1 x 30 min break 2 meals to be taken during breaks following through Workday:
1 x 1 hour break
• Personal details;
• Bank details i.e. bank account number, sort code, name and
We take the safety of our restaurants very seriously and so our Managers are expected to stay in • New starter checklist;
the restaurant during a break unless another Manager is on shift at the same time. • National Insurance Number.

All Nandocas are entitled to breaks and a meal when working their shift. Although this is
standard at Nando’s, how and when breaks are taken is at the discretion of the Manager. Without this information your payment may be delayed. All Nandocas are
paid by direct debit into the bank or building society account nominated by them.
We understand that your personal circumstances can change which could affectthenumberof
hours you can work. If you wish to increase or decrease the number of hours you work, please Please note that it’s Nando’s policy to only pay into a bank or building society account
put your request in writing to your Manager, who’ll consider your request. However, if you do in the name of the Nandoca. It’s your responsibility to provide timely and accurate
have any questions in regards to this process, please contact your Manager or a member of the information to allow payments to be processed.
HR team.
We want to pay all our Nandocas on time, but you need to make sure we’ve your bank
Workforce agreement
details so that we can do this!
We have a Nandoca Commitment in place and this, together with your contract and handbook,
forms part of your terms and conditions. This commitment can be found on the noticeboard in
your restaurant and on the intranet. Revisions to the terms and conditions may be made from
time to time and you’ll be notified of any changes in writing.

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Nandoca meals (free as a bird) Nandoca discounts (you are also our customers)
“No man or woman can feed others when hungry.” – Kumon Sense (ancient A generous staff discount is available to all Nandocas. From your fi rst day
philosopher) with Nando's, you’re entitled to Nandoca Discount. It allows you to enjoy a
meal at any of our restaurants and claim a discount for yourself and up to 5
Meal breaks are taken at the Patrão's or Manager's discretion and these should be other people. Ask your Patrão or look at the noticeboard for more information
eaten in the designated staff area. There is a food allowance for all Nandoca meal on what discount you qualify for.
breaks, which varies according to the length of the shift worked. Your Patrão or
Manager will notify you as to what this is. Your discount can only be claimed at the till, if you’re paying and are present,
by showing the Nandoca App. It’s not transferable to family or friends.
• Always check with your Manager before taking a meal break. Naturally, you won't be able to get a discount if you leave Nando's.
• Ensure that the food you take is recorded.
• Make sure you know what items are on the staff menu.
Pension – having fun now is easy, having fun later in life needs planning
• Please refer to the table on page 16 for details on how many meals you can have.
For pension information please check out the benefits section on
Workday is our HR system that you can use to view and make changes to your
personal details (such as address and marital status), your bank details, access your
payslips and more at any time of the day.

Access is by downloading the Workday App on iOS and Android.

Please remember that it’s your responsibility to update any changes to your address or
personal details.

Public and Bank Holidays

Nando’s regards public and Bank Holidays as normal working days and they’re paid as
a normal working day. These days are included in your holiday entitlement.

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Realising talent

Realising talent -
from fledgling to ruling the roost

All our Nandocas have natural gifts and abilities. We aim to nurture and
develop talent by providing our Nandocas with plenty of opportunities to
reach their potential.

We offer a wide range of learning and development opportunities for

all job roles, and look to provide the right tools, skills, knowledge and
behaviour to aid career development within Nando’s and for the rest of
your life.

We’re committed to developing your skills and recognise that training

For Nando’s to grow, we need to know benefits all of us. You’ll receive training appropriate to your role and
subject to business needs, operational and budgetary considerations.
that our Nandocas are growing too.
Our Nandocas are our mirrors; if we’re
Internal training
genuinely passionate about people,
they’ll reflect it. There are many exciting “There is nothing like learning on the job” – Lord Cockerel

ways we help our Nandocas realize When you first join Nando’s, you’ll take part in an induction – an introduction to
their potential through learning and the business, how we operate and what our values are. It goes a long way to
making feel part of our family and a valued member of our team. Then, you’ll be
development. We want you to grow, so given training suited to your job role to help you feel confident and capable.

it’s very important that you understand Full training is provided for all job roles at Nando’s and is vital in ensuring that
what opportunities exist for you and our Nandocas are compliant and correctly trained, as this keeps you, your team
and our customers safe. You need to be 100% confident that you understand
which fit you best. everything you’ve been trained on and don’t attempt to do something you haven’t
been trained on.

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Whilst being trained, remember the following: Time offf or training — we want you to be your best
• Don’t use any equipment or do anything unaccompanied until your training
record has been signed off for that activity.
• If you’re not sure about anything, please ask. Your trainers are there to
help you get the confidence and training you need to do your job well. You may want to undertake even more training to develop your skills. If you’re eligible,
• Follow all safety procedures and policies shown in your training – keep you can request time offworkf or study or training and you won’t be subjected to any
yourself and others safe. detriment or lose any career opportunities as a result.
• Don’t be intimidated if trained Nandocas seem to work much quicker than
you at first. Concentrate on getting your skills right, the speed will come Any additional training must be relevant to your job at Nando's. If you’re a student and
with practice! need time offf or your own training unrelated to Nando's, please see our Extended Unpaid
Leave policy.

Contact your manager to find out more about requesting time off for training or further
Once you’ve received your initial training, you’ll continue to develop within
your role. Part of this development is our review process. All Nandocas have
regular reviews to discuss how they’re doing, what areas they’re happy with
and what areas they’d like to work on. Feedback is a big part of this process
and will help you and others to see what you’re good at and what you would
like to work on.
The tip of the iceberg

There are so many great things we do to realise talent and develop our
Nandocas that we couldn’t possibly fit it all in here!
There are lots of ways you can find out more:
• Speak to your Patrão or Manager.
• Look at the material available on the intranet.
• Speak to a member of the Learning and Development team.

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Supporting success

Are we cooking our goose? Not everyone is the same. A Nandoca

may have individual needs and might not be happy all the time.
Thinking we’ve a great place to work may not be enough. “How did the chicken really cross the road? Nando’s helped it.” – Cockrates

If a Nandoca is unhappy or has a concern they’ll have their We want to create a great place for you to work and make sure you’ve a part to
reasons and we need to find out what they are. Have we created play. Your Patrão or Manager will make sure you understand what’s expected
of you and how it fi ts in with everything else.
the right environment for them to succeed? What can we do to
make things right? Continually questioning ourselves leads to We’ll review your progress on an informal and ongoing basis, both individually
quicker answers. and as part of a team. You’ll also get on the job feedback from the restaurant
management team, so you'll always know how you’re doing.

Please ask your Patrão or Manager for more information.

Sometimes we may need to support a Nandoca to do better, this
may be related to their conduct or capability, or we may just feel
that they are in some way letting our family down. It’s essential
to handle the situation with integrity. Even if we’re flaming
mad, we need to do everything we can to help them succeed. “There are times in life when true character is tested. Without these times
However, where necessary, we won't shy away from a difficult you would not know your true character.” – Lady Cockerel
decision, but as heated as it may be, we never lose our cool.
We believe that clear, open and fair procedures for the resolution of problems
are necessary for Nando's success and the fair treatment of our people.

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What to do if you’re unhappy
Informal procedure
(grievance procedure)
We’re a business that genuinely cares. We care about our people, we care about If you’ve got a problem with a particular person at work, first consider whether or not
our customers, our suppliers and the environments in which we operate. This you should speak to them directly. Try to work out what would solve the problem for
care, which comes from the heart, is the soul of Nando’s. So, if you ever have an you and make positive suggestions. This will often lead to a quick resolution.
issue or a complaint at work, our philosophy is to take genuine care in trying to
resolve it as quickly as possible with minimal fuss. Take responsibility for giving clear feedback when you think you’re not being treated
as you should be. Make sure that when you do raise concerns, you don’t raise them in
We’ll always view the raising of any complaint as a positive thing. Knowing front of customers or colleagues. Make arrangements to have a private talk if that’s
about a problem is much better than remaining ignorant of the fact that you’re what you need to do. If you feel uncomfortable making a direct approach, speak to your
unhappy or disgruntled about some aspect of your work. If a complaint is raised Patrão or Manager.
(formally or informally), this provides an opportunity for us to resolve it, and the
sooner we address a problem, usually the easier and quicker it’s to resolve and If you’ve a problem relating to the work itself, or how Nando's policies or procedures
decide on appropriate action. are being applied in full, speak to your Patrão or Manager. If you’re not getting along
with your Patrão or Manager, speak to their Manager, or a member of the HR team.
You should raise a grievance when:
• There are work issues that are worrying or concerning you. Tackling problems informally doesn’t stop you from proceeding with a formal
grievance if matters are not resolved to your satisfaction. You don’t have to follow the
• You think you’re not being fairly or properly treated, whether by
informal procedure – you can go straight to a formal grievance if for whatever reason,
management or by your colleagues.
you think that’s best.
• You think the Nando's values are not being properly followed.
• You have a concern, complaint or problem in relation to an action that
the Company has taken or is contemplating taking in relation to you.

Formal procedure
If a Nandoca says they’re unhappy about something at work or if it’s about your
behaviour, listen carefully and try to empathise with their position. If the two of
you cannot successfully resolve the problem, please seek help from your Patrão
or Manager without delay. You should use the formal grievance procedure if:
• You think the matter is too serious to be dealt with informally.
If it’s not really anything to do with you, encourage your fellow Nandoca to raise • You don’t want to raise the matter informally.
the matter as a grievance – whether formal or informal – with their Patrão or • You’ve tried an informal chat and the matter is still unresolved.
Manager, or someone sufficiently senior, to resolve the problem. Please be
aware that anywhere a grievance is found to have been raised maliciously, this You need to make it clear to your Patrão, Manager or Regional MD that you wish to
may result in disciplinary action for possible gross misconduct. raise a formal grievance. If the problem is with that person, you can raise it with a
member of the HR team.

It’s best to set out your complaint in writing, so you can take your time in getting down
all aspects of your complaint. The more detail the better – it helps to be clear about
what’s happened and how you see the problem. If you can see a way of solving the
problem, let us know your ideas.

25 26
Once we’ve received a formal grievance, you’ll be invited to attend a grievance meeting with an
appropriate Manager as soon as possible. You’ve the right to be accompanied at this meeting, notes will
be taken and you’re entitled to a copy of them. Any notes taken in your grievance meeting may be shown
to others as part of the investigation process.

Following the grievance meeting, a full investigation will take place and an outcome reached. You’ll
be notifi ed of the decision in writing after the meeting, although sometimes the Manager that held
the grievance may meet with you to discuss it in person. On occasion, if your grievance was about a Investigations — getting to the heart of the problem
fellow Nandoca, and if appropriate, there may be a facilitated meeting between you to agree how you
can best work together in the future. “We don’t have secrets at Nando’s. Except for our PERi-PERi recipe.” – PERi Potter

If you’re dissatisfied with the response to your formal grievance, you may appeal (the details of who If something goes wrong, we may need to talk to you as part of our investigations. This
to appeal to will be outlined in the written decision on your grievance). Your appeal should be made in doesn’t mean you’re guilty of anything. We’ll be asking questions because we want your
writing stating the full grounds of appeal, within seven days of being given the decision. version of things and don’t want to make up our minds without first getting the facts. We
may be investigating an issue that you’ve raised, or something about you, or we may want
You’ll be invited to attend a meeting to discuss your appeal, and as with the first grievance meeting, information from you. because you can give information on other people or circumstances
you’ve the right to be accompanied to this meeting, and notes will be taken. The grievance appeal that you’ve witnessed.
meeting may be allocated to any senior Manager – our aim is to ensure that matters are dealt with
reasonably promptly, and are decided as far as possible by a Manager who is not involved in any of The investigation meeting is a formal procedure for capturing information, so that we’ve got
the issues. a full picture of the events and circumstances before deciding on a grievance or disciplinary
matter. If you’re called to an investigation meeting, you’re required to attend and fully
The grievance appeal outcome will be communicated to you in writing after the meeting, as soon as the co-operate. It’s important that you answer the questions fully and accurately. It must be
appropriate further investigations have taken place. Once this outcome has been decided, there are no an honest account of the matters within your knowledge.
further stages to the appeal process.
An investigation meeting may be held at any time, by any Manager. You’ll may not necessarily
Anonymous complaints get any advance notice of an investigation meeting and you don’t have the right to be
accompanied by a ‘companion’. However, we may allow you to have a companion if it helps
Please try to avoid submitting anonymous complaints, it makes it very hard for us to resolve you overcome a diffi culty caused by a disability or any diffi culty in understanding English.
the issue. If something is going wrong and you want it to change, you’ve to take personal
responsibility for setting the procedures in motion. If you’ve got serious concerns about Notes will be taken at an investigation meeting and you’ve a right to request a copy of these
your position if you raise a particular complaint, please discuss the matter with your notes. If you would like to make any corrections or add any further comments, please discuss
Patrão, Manager or the HR team. this with the Investigating Manager. Any notes taken in investigation meetings may be shown
to others as part of the investigation process.

Disciplinary process - when we need to get serious

We expect good conduct and performance from our people. We accept that things will go
wrong from time to time – in fact we’re probably not challenging ourselves enough if mistakes
don’t happen! Your Patrão or Manager will normally talk to you when things go wrong in order
to try to get things to go right. Learning from our mistakes is useful and necessary, but it’s not
OK to keep making the same mistakes.

27 28
The formal disciplinary procedure will also be used where informal discussions have Disciplinary meetings will normally be conducted by a Patrão or more senior Manager
failed to get the necessary improvement in your conduct. Choosing to conduct a accompanied by a fellow Nandoca who will take notes. You’re entitled to a copy of these
disciplinary hearing with a Nandoca is a significant decision, and will only be taken once notes. You also have the right to be accompanied by a fellow Nandoca that works for
the Manager is confident that all other possibilities have been exhausted. Nando’s, or a Trade Union representative.

Disciplinary action is about helping you to do your job to Nando’s standards, but you At the disciplinary meeting the evidence will be reviewed and you’ll have the opportunity
should be clearly aware that if disciplinary action is taken against you, you’re putting to respond to any allegations that have been made against you and provide any relevant
your job at risk if you don’t correct the problems identified. information that you wish to be considered as part of the disciplinary process.

Disciplinary action will only be taken in instances of misconduct (or gross misconduct). Most of the time you’ll be informed of the disciplinary outcome at the end of the
Misconduct is any type of behaviour or conduct at work that falls below Nando’s meeting, however, on occasion, the Manager may need to consider their decision and
standards or is in breach of Nando’s policies or procedures. inform you of this at a later point (without delay).

Matters that may lead to formal disciplinary action include, but are not limited to:
• Any breach of company rules, policies or procedures.
Disciplinary outcomes
• Failure to meet the standards of good conduct, quality of work or productivity.
• Persistent bad timekeeping or attendance record. After the disciplinary meeting, you’ll always be informed of the outcome in writing
together with the reasons for our decision.
• Insubordination or failure to follow a reasonable management request.
The possible outcomes of a disciplinary meeting are:
A criminal investigation, charge or conviction relating to conduct outside work may be • No disciplinary action to be taken.
treated as a disciplinary matter if we consider that it’s relevant to your employment. • Meeting adjourned to allow for further investigation or consideration (in which
case you may be suspended until the meeting starts again – which might be on
Certain things are regarded so seriously that you can be dismissed without any prior
warning. These are called ‘Gross Misconduct’ offences. This procedure applies to all the same day or later).
Nandocas, regardless of status, and no disciplinary action will be taken until the matter • Verbal warning.
has been fully investigated.
• First written warning.
Following any investigation, if we consider there are grounds for disciplinary action, • Final written warning.
you’ll be invited to a disciplinary meeting in writing and given at least 48 hours notice. • Dismissal with notice.
The letter will inform you of the date, time and place of the disciplinary meeting, and the
name of the Manager conducting the hearing. • Summary dismissal.

The letter will also normally include: In addition, another possible outcome of a disciplinary hearing is that you may be
• A summary of the allegations against you and the basis for those allegations. demoted to a less senior role, which could result in changes in your pay rate and day
• All documents to be used at the disciplinary meeting. to day responsibilities.

• Witness statements to be used at the meeting, except where a witness’ identity is to The level of disciplinary action taken in any particular situation will be in response to
be kept confidential, in which case we’ll give you as much information as possible the seriousness of the particular issue, and your service and record will be taken into
while maintaining their confidentiality. consideration.

Normally, lower levels of warning will be issued for minor offences, and at higher
levels for serious offences or situations, or in cases where you’ve already received
lower level warnings.

29 30
However, the company can issue any level of warning for a particular Gross misconduct
case (including dismissal). It’s not a term of your contract that you’ll
receive any or any particular number of warnings before dismissal. Some things are so serious that even if you do them just the once, you’ll normally be
dismissed for gross misconduct. This is called ‘summary dismissal’, which means that
Where the disciplinary decision is to issue a warning, the letter you’ll you won’t be entitled to notice pay, or any bonus payments (if applicable) and you’ll
get will make it clear what you did wrong, what you’ve to do to put it only receive your statutory accrued holiday pay and any other rights arising out of your
right and what will happen if you don’t. If that is not clear, you should contract of employment up to the date your employment terminates.
find out what you need to do.
While we may dismiss you without notice for other serious breaches of contract, this
Warnings are intended to encourage you to improve your conduct, list gives you some examples of what constitutes gross misconduct.
performance and/or behaviour. If you do improve and maintain the
improvement, then an old warning will normally be disregarded if new
problems arise later and disciplinary action is taken against you about • Theft from Nando’s, its employees or • Improper disclosure of confidential
the new issues. The timescale for this is called the ‘lapse period’. customers, including any fraudulent information.
activity. • Working in competition with the
Unless the written confirmation of warning says otherwise, verbal • Dishonesty. Company.
warnings will ‘lapse’ after a period of 6 months of good conduct and
performance and all written warnings will ‘lapse’ after a period of • Falsification of time sheets, sickness • Unauthorised absence.
one year of good conduct. Lapse periods run from the date of the claims, expense claims or other • Unauthorised selling or distribution of
disciplinary decision. In extreme cases, final warnings may be specified documents for your own or other’s gain. Nando's property without permission
as indefinite (that is, they will never lapse) and you’ll be notified in • Breach of security rules, including cash including food, uniforms, loyalty cards,
writing if this is the case. handling and till stock procedures. vouchers and any additional Nando's
• Removal of company property without property.
Lapsed warnings may be taken into account in exceptional
authorisation. • Attending work whilst behaviour
circumstances and you should be aware that the record will remain
• Wilful damage to, or deliberate misuse appears to be affected by alcohol or non
on your personnel file, so that we keep a complete history of your time
of Nando's, customers' or fellow prescribed illegal drugs or possession
with Nando's.
Nandocas' property. of illegal substances whilst at work.
In cases of dismissal not involving gross misconduct, you’ll be given • Gross breach of health and safety • Any form of discrimination,
your full contractual notice period or payment in lieu of notice. procedures. victimisation, harassment or bullying on
You’ll also be paid your statutory accrued holiday pay and any other any unlawful grounds.
rights arising out of your contract of employment up to the date your • Fighting, threatening or abusive
behaviour, sexual or racial or other • Posting derogatory or offensive
employment terminates. comments on the Internet about the
company, a customer, a supplier or a
• Any serious act of insubordination or fellow Nandoca.
wilful refusal to comply with a lawful
instruction. • Any action that could be considered
to cause a breakdown of trust and
• Gross insubordination. confidence between employer and
• Breach of liquor licensing laws, employee.
gaming laws, food safety and hygiene

31 32

You’ve the right to appeal any outcome of the disciplinary procedure. Your right of appeal
and who to address your appeal to will be clearly stated in any disciplinary outcome letter Nandocas companion at meetings
that you receive.

You should appeal if you think: At grievance, formal PIP review, disciplinary or appeal meetings, you’ve the right to
• The decision was unfair. be accompanied by a person of your choice who is a fellow Nandoca or a Trade Union
• The penalty was too severe. representative. Under exceptional circumstances, Nando’s may allow someone else to be a
• Procedures were not properly followed. companion. This is at the sole discretion of the Manager carrying out the meeting and should
be discussed with him or her beforehand.
Your appeal should be made in writing to the person stated in your disciplinary letter
within 7 days of receiving written confirmation of the outcome of the disciplinary. The following principles regarding a companion apply:
• You’ll be given the opportunity to be accompanied at a grievance, disciplinary or
Your letter should state clearly what you’re appealing about and the reasons why you think appeal meeting.
the decision shouldn’t be allowed to stand. • You may not be accompanied by more than one person, unless an additional person
is required to ensure that all parties understand what is said during the meeting (e.g.
The appeal may be allocated to any Manager we think is appropriate and this will usually an interpreter).
be a more senior Manager than the Manager who made the decision at disciplinary stage.
They’ll have the authority to overturn the previous decision, if they see fit. • You’re responsible for ensuring that your chosen companion is notified of the time and
venue of the meeting and arrives at the meeting on time.
Once we receive an appeal letter from you, the Appeal Manager will write to you as soon • If you wish to be accompanied by a particular companion who isn’t available at the
as possible to invite you to attend an appeal hearing to discuss your appeal. The Appeal scheduled time of the meeting, you must ensure that the Manager conducting the meeting
Manager will be accompanied by a note taker (you’re entitled to a copy of the notes taken at has been informed before the meeting is due to begin. The meeting can then be postponed
the meeting) and you also have the right to be accompanied by a fellow Nandoca that by up to five working days if that would allow the companion to attend. If your companion is
works for Nando’s, or a Trade Union representative. In some situations, more than one not able to attend the postponed meeting, we may ask you to choose a different companion.
meeting will be necessary.
• If the desired companion doesn’t want to accompany you to the meeting, no pressure
should be put on them to force them to do so. In this instance, you’ll need to choose a
We’ll inform you in writing of our finaldecisionaftertheappealmeeting.
different companion.
The decision on your appeal may be:
• To set aside the decision that disciplinary action should be taken. Even if you’re accompanied, you’ll be expected to speak for yourself and answer questions
put to you.
• To impose disciplinary action at a lower level.
• To confirm the disciplinary action already imposed.
The role of the companion
• To impose disciplinary action at a higher level (in this instance, you’ll be given the
opportunity to appeal again).
If you’re asked by a fellow Nandoca to be a companion at a grievance, formal PIP review,
The date on which any dismissal takes effect won’t be delayed pending the outcome of an disciplinary or appeal meeting, the decision is yours to make and won’t reflectbadly
appeal. However, if the appeal is successful, you’ll be reinstated with no loss of continuous on you either way. You’re helping us make sure that matters are dealt with fairly, and
service or pay. we appreciate your assistance in achieving that.

Where the decision on appeal is to increase the disciplinary penalty, you’ll have a further
right of appeal to the next level of management. In all other cases the decision at appeal
will be final.

33 34
You’re not obliged to agree to be someone’s companion, but you should be clear that whatever
your fellow Nandoca may have done or not done won’t count against you just because you’re Helping to improve performance
their companion at a meeting. Your role is to make sure that procedures are properly followed
and that your fellow Nandoca has support and is entitled to that, whatever the circumstances. We believe that Nandocas set out to do a great job! On occasion, there may be a time when
you’re not meeting the required level of performance. To assist you in improving performance
As a companion you’re present at the meeting as a witness. You’re free to take notes and we we may use a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) – to allow you to improve.
encourage you to do so. You should also join in with the discussions where you’ve relevant
input and ask questions if you don’t understand. You may address the hearing in order to At the start of a Performance Improvement Plan you’ll attend a meeting with your Patrão or
put forward your colleague’s case, sum up their case or respond on their behalf to a view Manager and will agree on the key areas to focus on. In doing so, an action plan will be created
expressed at the hearing. However, you’re not a representative of your fellow Nandoca – your that will outline key areas to improve, including key activities and measurements.
fellow Nandoca speaks for themselves and you shouldn’t answer questions put to your fellow
Nandoca. It’s right for you to help your fellow Nandoca present their arguments as well as Your action plan will be reviewed approximately every 4 weeks to understand how you’re
possible and you may ask for an adjournment to discuss what is going on privately with your doing and whether it has been achieved or not. If it hasn’t been achieved, the outcome of the
fellow Nandoca. meeting will be a formal follow-up meeting known as a ‘Formal Performance Meeting’ and the
possible outcomes of that meeting could be a level of warning (disciplinary sanction). In all
Meetings you attend as a companion are confidential and shouldn’t be discussed except with instances, the action plan will be reissued to ensure that you stay clear on what remains to be
the fellow Nandoca you were helping or with the Manager that is conducting the meeting. done to achieve a satisfactory level of performance.

At a formal performance meeting you’ll be notified at least 48 hours beforehand, you’ll also
Suspension – let’s stop things overheating have the right to be accompanied and have the right to appeal the outcome.

Nando’s believes that the majority of people who work here want to do a fantastic job and In extreme circumstances, and if you’re repeatedly not meeting performance standards, a
perform to the best of their abilities. However, on occasion one of our Nandocas might possible outcome could be your dismissal with notice from Nando’s.
perform or conduct themselves in such a way that they need to be suspended from the
business in order to allow an investigation to take place. Please remember that the aim of the PIP process is to support you in improving and assisting
you in gaining further knowledge or support in order to improve performance. In the event
Nando's reserves the right to suspend any Nandoca on full basic pay at its absolute discretion. that your Patrão or Manager starts a PIP with you, they’ll fully explain how the process works.
While on suspension, you must be available for work or interviews, if required, during your If you’ve any queries please contact your MD or a member of the HR team.
normal working hours. If you fail to make yourself available for meetings or are not
contactable, we may choose to cease your suspension pay.

Likewise, if you’re signed offsickwhilesuspended,wemaytakethedecisiontoinstigateour

sickness procedure and your pay will revert to SSP (statutory sickness pay) until you’re fitto
return to work. At that time, the conditions of your suspension will be reinstated including full
basic pay.

During suspension, you’re not entitled to access any Nando’s premises without prior
agreement of your Patrão or Manager, or to contact any Nandocas (unless they are a member
of your family or a close friend or you’ve been authorised to do so by your Patrão or Manager).
There may be other conditions to the suspension that Nando’s may impose at its discretion
where appropriate. Lastly, suspension is not a disciplinary penalty and doesn’t mean we’ve
made up our mind.

35 36

Sparking connections

“Some say it, we live it.” – Charles Chickens

At Nando’s we truly have an appetite for life that revolves around fun, food and
laughter. We know how to live at Nando’s and we love to have fun at work. While
we take our business and our brand very seriously, we’re always ready to have fun,
working hard, playing hard and even having a party or two.

As much we love chicken, especially Sparking connections makes Nando's unique. We want you to enjoy your job and have
our flame-grilled PERi-PERi chicken, fun at work with your colleagues.

we do know there is a bit more to

life than just delicious birds. At the How we spark connections
end of the day, the week, the month,
the year, no company truly lives the In Nando’s there are a variety of things we do to support the philosophy of
‘work hard, play hard’.
philosophy of ‘work hard, play hard’
Here are just a few to give you an idea:
better than Nando’s. • Family days: Once a year we run family days across the regions, helping
our own families to become part of the Nando’s family. From traditional
sports days to BBQ’s and games for Nandinos, the true essence of these
There is a spark in every Nandoca. days remains the same – family and building relationships.

A few fun and inspiring things away • Team builds and parties: These events build relationships within your
team through doing something together. They’re one way we recognise
from the daily grill will keep our and reward you for your hard work and commitment to Nando’s.
• The Nando’s Indaba: Our annual conference is a residential event, where
Nandocas firing on all cylinders. our people participate in a range of social and business activities. Each
As someone once said “recognition year Patrãos and 1st Assistant Managers alternate and we invite some
of the Nandocas from Central Support to come too. Indaba always has
is worth more than gold". the purpose of building a sense of team across the business and is
always a fun event.

Whatever the event, or however you spark connections (including Social

Media), there are a few important things to always remember:
• Always live up to the Nando’s values of Pride, Passion, Integrity, Courage
and Family.
• Always respect your fellow Nandocas and don’t do or say anything to
make them feel uncomfortable or hurt. Don’t discriminate against anyone
in anyway as a result of their age, disability, gender reassignment, marital
or civil partner status, pregnancy or maternity, race, colour, nationality,
ethnicity, national or caste origin, religion or belief, sex or sexual

37 38
Nandoca Reps – we have a rep to protect

We want to always be known as a fantastic company to work for. Each restaurant has a “The general rule is, if you’ve nothing positive to say, keep your beak shut.”
Nandoca Rep, elected by the other Nandocas in their team. – Winston Chickenhill

They’re the voice of the Nandocas and act as a communication link between Nandocas and
Managers when needed. They also help to organise team events and trips. Your Nandoca Rep There are a few social media guidelines we’ve put in place to ensure that
attends a Nandoca Forum twice a year – an opportunity to share thoughts and feedback from Nandocas don't do anything online that wouldn’t be in the best interests of
their Nandoca teams with the business. Please ensure that you pass on any ideas, thoughts or Nando's. We don’t want to stop you having fun and chatting about Nando’s online,
feedback you may have to your Rep for the forums. but we have to do this both for legal reasons (to protect both you and the company)
and to make sure everyone's clear on the NanDo's and NanDon'ts right from the
start – especially as the lines between your professional and personal lives are
naturally blurred on the web.
Social media guidelines - spreading the bird responsibly
Social Media Guidelines
Use of social media as a Nandoca (and as yourself)
• See what we're up to and follow Nando’s on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok,
Social networks like Facebook and Twitter enable us to engage directly with Nando's fans Twitter and LinkedIn
around the world. Along with our website, blog and other social media channels, they’re really • Having a Nando's? Tag us at @nandosuk
useful ways for us to share information, grow a community and look after our customers.
• Spread the word by retweeting, liking and sharing all the good stuff we do
Most Nandocas use social media for all the same reasons that Nando's does and we’re • Keep it clean and be considerate. If you wouldn't say it in front of your family,
obviously not going to try and stop you. In fact, if you're not on Facebook or Twitter then we'd it's probably not a good idea
actively encourage you to get involved and see what you’re missing out on. • Stay safe online and protect your privacy
• No filming or photography back of house
• Don't create local restaurant accounts
• We're happy for you to use your own personal social media accounts to share
your life at Nando’s, we even have a hashtag for #nandoslife. Anything you do post
should follow the guidelines and points below:
• Always get permission before filming on shift from your Patrao or manager
on duty
• Never record a customer, they're there for an uplifting experience not to be
recorded by us

39 40
Social Media Guidelines Acknowledgement of risk and release of liability
•'s a secret. Somethings are best left untold, so make sure you're It’s not quite the same risk as being a chicken but there is still risk.
not filming anything that gives away how we do certain things in the kitchen,
including new product launches At Nando’s, we love our socials, trips away and team building events. We want you
• If you're experiencing any issues at work, speak to your Patrao, another to be part of these events, to have fun and enjoy yourself. We don’t, however, want
Nandoca or someone more senior rather than sharing anything on social media you to get hurt or do anything (particularly) silly that could mean that you miss out
• Let us know about anything you see online that reflects poorly on us or on the fun.
anything you think we need to take a look at
• Don’t respond to any comments, blogs, newspaper articles on behalf of When coming to the party/trip/event/ extravaganza/etc please take a careful note
the brand. If you see something you think needs a response, flag it to your of the following:
Patrao and they'll take the appropriate action or email the press office at • The responsibility of Nando’s is limited. Nando’s is not responsible for any losses arising due to your attendance at any Nando’s event.
• Your coming to an event could involve inherent risks and dangers of accidents,
serious personal and bodily injury (causing death) and property loss or damage.
You agree that, having looked carefully at the nature, scope and extent of the risks
The serious bit: involved, you voluntarily and freely choose to assume and accept these risks.
• Nando’s won’t be held responsible or liable for any personal injury, damage or
Any unsuitable material, inappropriate information, pictures or comments theft of belongings (such as your luggage, valuables or money) or for any error,
you post online can usually be traced back to you even if you don’t use your accident or failure caused to or by any person at the event.
name. You may be asked to remove any content which breaches this policy.
• You acknowledge that if you do want insurance of any kind (for example travel
All incidents will be investigated and, in cases of misconduct, disciplinary action
insurance), you’ve to obtain your own. If you do get ill, or have any accident or
will be taken. In extreme circumstances We’ll treat this as gross misconduct.
injury at an event, you’ll pay your own medical emergency expenses and all
This could mean being dismissed from your job. If in doubt about anything,
subsequent medical expenses. You waive the right of your insurer (if you’ve got
always speak to your Patrão before posting.
one or get one) to make a claim against Nando’s based on insurance payments
made to you or on your behalf for any reason, meaning that your insurers (if any)
won’t have any right of subrogation.
• You’ll indemnify (on demand) Nando’s from, and for, any sums, costs, or
expenses (including legal fees) incurred by Nando’s or paid by Nando’s to
anyone (including you or your insurers, if any) in connection with any accident,
loss, damage, or injury (including death) sustained by you or others in
connection with your attendance at an event (including transportation related
to an event). This means that you’ll pay Nando’s back if anyone makes a claim
against us based on damages or injuries that you suffer or cause.
• Nothing in the above will exclude Nando’s from any liability that can’t be
excluded by English law, including any liability for death or personal injury
caused by our negligence.

Please note, it’s very important that you understand by signing the contract at the
back of this handbook, you agree that you’ve read, understood and will comply with
these terms and conditions and with anything we tell you to do at or during an event
(don’t worry – we just want to keep you safe!)

41 42

Time out Holidays – go from tired to inspired

We all need time off from the restaurant to recharge our batteries and this
is where holidays and sabbaticals come in. Nando’s recognises that the
successful management of holidays requires advance planning, consultation
and a measure of give and take.

A holiday week is defined as the number of shifts or hours you’re normally

contracted to work during a working week. An example would be if you work
Sundays only, 2 weeks’ holiday means being away from work for 2 Sundays
and still being paid the amount you would normally get paid.

Here is some useful information about holidays for you to be aware of:
• A holiday year runs from 24th February to the 23rd February each
• If you start part way through a holiday year, your entitlement
commences from your start date and will be calculated on a pro-rata
basis for the rest of the year.
• Holidays must be taken within the year they are earned. You can’t
carry forward any outstanding holiday into the next holiday year. It’s
“Unlike chickens you can have a break from time to time”
your responsibility to utilise all your holiday prior to the end of the
- Ancient Periverb holiday year. There are exceptions to this such as, maternity leave,
long term sick leave (4 wks+ sickness) and anyone still in their
We recognise the importance for our Nandocas to take time out probation. Any other exceptions will be due to business reasons and
will be agreed with your Patrão/MD or Manager.
from the business. You may need a little time off to recuperate
from being unwell, or to hatch and nurture a Pee Wee Pee Wee. • No pay in lieu of outstanding holidays will be made.
You may need to move to another Nando’s to spread your wings, • No more than 2 weeks holiday may be taken consecutively, unless
approved by a Manager.
or you may even leave the Nando’s coop forever. At all times
• Your holiday pay reflects your contracted hours as well as any
We’ll look for ways to support and care about you. additional hours worked over the previous 52 weeks (unless you've
taken maternity, adoption, shared parental or long term sick leave).

43 44
Holiday requests

• Holiday requests should be made at least • Nando’s reserves the right to refuse a
4 weeks in advance, through Workday. request for holiday where the resulting Sabbatical – the longer you are
• Your Manager must approve all holiday absence would adversely affect the with us the more you can leave us
requests, in order to allow arrangements normal operating standards of the
for cover to be made and not jeopardise restaurant or department involved. At Nando’s we wish to reward our loyal Nandocas, so once you’ve reached
our ability to give our customers a great • Anyone who takes annual holiday that 5 years’ service, you’re entitled to an additional, one-off 4 week paid break.
Nando’s experience. hasn’t been previously approved may be This is our way of saying thank you for being such a valued member of the
subject to disciplinary action, which may Nando’s Family.
• Where there are conflicting holiday
requirements priority will be given to the lead to dismissal.
Here’s how it works:
Nandoca whose request was received first. • Once approval has been given, it will not • Your sabbatical needs to be taken within two years of being eligible.
• If you are new to Nando’s, every effort will normally be withdrawn, unless we deem it
necessary in the circumstances. Where • You must request your sabbatical through Workday providing six
be made to meet any holidays that you’ve
this has to be done because of the needs months’ notice of your wish to take time off which will be authorised by
already booked before joining Nando’s,
of the business, every effort will be made your manager.
but please tell your Patrão of any holiday
plans at the earliest opportunity. to minimise any inconvenience or hardship • The amount of pay you receive whilst on sabbatical will be calculated
for the Nandoca. by using an average of the last 26 weeks you’ve worked.
• Please be aware that if you resign or are dismissed before taking your
sabbatical leave, you won’t be entitled to or paid out for this leave.
When you leave Nando’s employment, any excess holiday taken over your accrued
entitlement will be deducted from your final pay on leaving. If this amount is in excess of your
final pay, we’ll seek to recover this money from you. Payment for accrued, but unused
entitlement to holiday on leaving will be added to your final pay.

If something unexpected happens

If, for any reason, you know that you’ll be returning late from holiday, you must contact your
Patrão or Manager and inform them of the reasons of your late return and your return date as
soon as possible. If you don’t we may consider this as unauthorised absence, which could
lead to disciplinary action (including your dismissal).

If you are ill for a period of time whilst on holiday please inform your manager in the normal

45 46
Attendance Sickness
“It’s rare for Nandocas not to come to work on time. If you are unwell and unable to attend work you must follow the following procedure:
Make sure you have a very good reason.” – Cockrates a) Notify your Patrão or Manager, at least one hour before you are due to start work
on the first day by telephone, stating why you’re absent and when you
expect to return. If you are unable to get through, it’s your responsibility to
continue to try and phone your Manager.
Lateness b) Maintain regular contact with your Patrão or Manager if you’re off for more than
one day, and agree how regularly they’d like you to keep in contact. For example,
Please don’t let your fellow Nandocas down by being late, as they’ll have to
if you expect to be off for a week then making contact every other day will
cover for you until you arrive.
probably be fine, but if you are signed off for two months, weekly contact will
normally be enough.
If you’re unavoidably delayed, give your Patrão or Manager on duty a call
immediately and explain when you’ll be ready to start work. c) If you’re sick for less than a week (7 days), you will be entitled to receive
Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) for the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th day off after your first full
It’s important that you’re aware that cases of persistent lateness or attendance day of sickness. Unfortunately, no monies can be paid for the first full 3 days you
issues could potentially lead to disciplinary action. are off, as they are known as your ‘qualifying’ period.
d) For an absence of 8 calendar days or more, a doctor’s certificate, aka ‘sick note’ ,
Please be aware that text messages are not an acceptable form of is required, stating the reason for your absence. The original sick note must be
communication for notifying lateness or absence. given to your Patrão or Manager. When you’re able to return to work, you may be
asked to provide a certificate of fitness for work, also known as ‘fit note’, stating
that you’re fi t and able to work along with any doctor’s advice to help facilitate
your return to work. This may take place at a return to work meeting. If there’s
nothing that we can do to help you back to work, then you’ll remain on sick leave
and We’ll set a date to have an absence review meeting.

Failure to follow the sickness procedure may result in disciplinary action being
taken against you and it may also affect your statutory sick payments. If you’re ill or
injured during a period of pre-arranged annual leave you may choose to treat those
days as sickness absence instead of annual leave. To do this you must inform your
Patrão or Manager of your incapacity and its likely duration as soon as possible,
and you’ll be required to provide us with medical evidence of your sickness.

Nando’s doesn’t pay company sick pay. If you‘re off sick, you’ll be able to receive
SSP in accordance to government guidelines. This means that we must receive an
original copy of your sick note. You cannot receive monies for the first 3 days, SSP
only lasts for 28 weeks and you need to qualify first.

Nando’s pays your SSP in the same way you receive your normal wages and tax/NI
will be deducted. Any queries on the amount received for SSP or the process can be
directed to your Patrão and/or you can contact HMRC directly.

47 48
Family-friendly policies – family is our most important value

If you are absent for four weeks or longer, we may request for an appropriate Today’s family dynamics are ever-changing and we believe that families can take
Manager or someone from HR to meet with you, to see how you’re doing and get an on many different forms. With that in mind, in this section you’ll find family-friendly
update on your progress through an absence review meeting. policies that can support you and your family.

Once you return to work following any absence, your Patrão or Manager will meet Nando’s understands that you may have caring responsibilities that may, on
with you to conduct a return to work meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to occasion, affect your ability to attend work on a conventional work pattern.
discuss your recent absence, how you are, and any additional support to aid your
return and prevent further absence. If you need additional time off to fit with your responsibilities outside work, please
discuss the matter with your Patrão or Manager.
If necessary, Nando's may request your permission for a report from your doctor.
We may also require you to undergo a medical examination by a company doctor or Nando’s will adopt a sympathetic stance to requests for time off for you to meet
occupational health specialist and their report will be sent to the company and kept your external responsibilities, but your Manager’s primary concern must be to
in your personnel file. ensure that both the people needs and operation needs are balanced. For example,
Saturdays are a very busy day for our restaurants as many customers love to
We’re aware that sickness absence may result from a disability. We’ll give eat PERi-PERi chicken on a Saturday; if you request every Saturday off, this will
particular consideration to whether there are reasonable adjustments that could likely not be granted, unless there is a change to your contracted hours so that we
be made to the requirements of your job or other aspects of your working can best accommodate your needs with our own operational needs. If time off is
arrangements that will provide you with support at work and/or assist your return granted for this reason, it will normally be unpaid.
to work. If you consider that you are affected by a disability or any medical
condition that affects your ability to do your job with us, you should inform your Notwithstanding the above, you are entitled to take a reasonable amount of time off
Patrão or HR straight away. work without pay to deal with certain unexpected sudden emergencies involving a
dependant, including:
If your absence continues for 4 weeks or more you’ll trigger our Long Term Sick • Assisting a dependant who falls ill, is injured or assaulted, or who gives birth.
procedure, details of this can be discussed with your Manager or the HR Team. • Arranging longer term care for an ill or injured dependant.
• Unexpected problems with a dependant’s care arrangements.
• Dealing with an unexpected incident affecting a child during school hours.
Long Term Sickness (LTS) A ‘dependant’ includes your husband, wife, partner, civil partner, child or parent,
or someone living with you as part of your family and any other person who relies
We understand that certain medical conditions may mean that you’re absent from solely on you for help in an emergency.
work for an extended period of time. In situations where you’ll be off sick for more
than four weeks, We’ll consider this as a prolonged sickness, referred to as Long You should notify your Patrão or Manager as soon as possible of your need to take
Term Sick (LTS). The same sickness procedures apply (see Sickness section within leave, the reason and its likely duration. Further details in relation to the right for
Absence) including maintaining regular contact with us. time off for dependants are available from a member of the HR Team.

We’ll work with you to help facilitate your return to work and make any reasonable You are expected to cope with routine domestic situations in your own time, so
adjustments. The process involved in supporting you may include asking for medical medical and dental appointments, visits by service engineers to your home and so
records, utilising Occupational Health and Therapy or, in extreme circumstances, on, must be arranged outside working hours or during holidays. Where this is not
following a formal process to assess your medical suitability to work. possible, consideration will be given to granting time off, but you should always
seek prior approval before making an appointment. You’ll normally be expected to
make up for lost time as necessary, but your Manager may authorise you to take the
absence as holiday or in exceptional circumstances as unpaid leave.

If you are a parent of young children or disabled children, you do have the right
to take parental leave. All Nandocas have the right to request flexible working,
compassionate leave or emergency time off.

49 50
Parents of Nandinos - Pee Wee Pee Wees

Parental leave We talk a lot about family, because it’s fundamental to how we operate. As a Nandoca,
you’re a part of the Nando’s family in your restaurant, your function, your respective
For every child, parents have the right to request parental leave until the child is 18 country and Nando’s worldwide.
years old. The limit on how much parental leave you can take per year is 4 weeks and
18 weeks total per child. If you request parental leave, you must take the leave as an Being a parent is something to be celebrated and Nando’s always welcomes new additions
entire week with a maximum of 2 weeks at a time, unless otherwise agreed with your to our family! We want to take every opportunity to support our Nandocas at all times,
Manager or Patrão. All leave under parental leave is unpaid. especially those who are expanding their family. Our policies are subject to change
depending on statutory requirements set out by the government. All changes will be full
communicated beforehand. However, this may result in the some of information here being
inaccurate. If you’ve any questions, please speak to your Patrão or contact HR.
Flexible working
Maternity leave
We pride ourselves on being a different place to work. One way that we hope to
deliver this is to allow flexible working patterns that work both for you and the We want to take care of our pregnant Nandocas and their babies. To help us do this, please
business. In many cases, there are different ways of working that that continue to let your Patrão or Manager know that you’re pregnant and when you’re due to give birth
deliver top service to our customers. This can include flexibility on hours, days as soon as possible. We’ll carry out an appropriate risk assessment and order a maternity
worked and in special circumstances different locations. book for you. This is full of hot tips for pregnancy and motherhood and explains in detail
how maternity leave works at Nando’s, including enhanced maternity pay.
If you’d like to make request for flexible working:
• You must have 26 weeks continuous service. Pregnant Nandocas are able to take up to 52 weeks of leave; this is split up as 26 weeks
• You can only make a request for flexibility once every 12 months. Ordinary Maternity Leave and 26 weeks Additional Maternity Leave.

Any approved flexible working requests are a permanent change in your terms and Paternity leave
conditions of employment.
As the second parent you are entitled to take paternity leave. Currently, you can either take
If you agree to the above, ask your Patrão or Manager for a flexible working application one week or two weeks, but if you take two weeks they need to be consecutive. If you
and complete it in full. Your request will be considered and an outcome will be given decide to only take one week, you’ll lose entitlement to the second week. Leave can start
to you. We commit to handling your request objectively and fairly. You’ve the right to on any day of the week on, or following, the date of birth or placement.
appeal any decision made.
If the child is born early paternity leave can be taken within the period from the actual date
of birth or up to 56 days after the first day of the expected week of birth.
Compassionate leave Only one period of leave will be available irrespective of whether you’ve twins or triplets,
or if more than one child is placed together. If you wish to take paternity leave please
Nando’s understands that on occasion you may need to take compassionate leave in
complete a SPP - Paternity Leave and Pay Form that you can request from your Patrão.
order to deal with bereavement or a similar situation. Individual circumstances should
be discussed directly with your Manager to agree the leave required.
Adoption leave
Adoption leave works in a very similar way to maternity leave and we’re fully supportive
of anyone that adopts a child. Nandocas adopting can take up to 52 weeks of leave; this is
split up as 26 weeks Ordinary Adoption Leave and 26 weeks Additional Adoption Leave, it’s
to be taken by the lead parent.

Following Maternity, Paternity or Adoption Leave you’ll be entitled to return to the same
job on the same terms and conditions that applied before you commenced leave. New
legislation or governmental changes to the above statutory requirements will be reflected
at Nando’s, meaning from time to time things may change.
51 52

Internal transfers

We hope that you love working in your

current restaurant, but we understand
that sometimes it may be in your best
interest to transfer to a different
restaurant. This can come about due to
your personal circumstances changing,
moving house or wanting to further your
career in Nando’s.

If you would like to transfer within Nando’s, there is a simple process to follow:
Jury service – you be the judge • Meet with your Patrão, in advance, and explain why you wish to transfer.
• If the transfer is feasible, following a conversation with the Patrão from your
If you’re required to undertake jury service new restaurant they will confi rm your rate of pay, position and contracted
or witness service, you need to claim any
• Your change of contract with then be issued to you through Workday
fees claimable, including payment for
• All transfers are permanent and any additional transfer (even back to your old
loss of earnings and declare this on your restaurant) must follow this process.
return to work. Nando’s will then make
up any loss of earnings payments made
by the Court/Employment Tribunal where
necessary to your normal basic salary. We’ll always be supportive of your request to transfer to another restaurant and do the
best we can to facilitate your request. However, please bear in mind that your transfer
may be denied for conflicts with your availability, no job vacancies at the desired new
restaurant and/or your specified contracted hours are not available. We reserve the
right to deny a transfer request for reasons of your conduct. There may also come
a time when we may need you to transfer to another restaurant because of a business
need either on a temporary or permanent basis.

53 54
Leaving Nando's

During Notice
“As hard as it’s to believe, Nandocas do leave.” – A. Stounding.

As you love being part of the Nando’s family, you also have your own During your notice period (whether notice has been given by you or us), we may
dreams so, if you do decide it’s your time to fl y the nest, please discuss exercise one or more of the following options:
your intentions with your Patrão or Manager as soon as possible. Once
you’ve made up your mind, please write to your Manager confi rming the • We may require you to take any • We may require you not to attend your
reason as to why you’ve decided to leave and when you would like to outstanding accrued holiday entitlement. normal place of work, but to remain
leave. • We may require that you don’t take holiday at home during normal working
booked in your notice period, although it hours known as ‘garden leave’. During
had previously been authorised, but work ‘garden leave’, we’re not obliged to
out your complete period of notice. provide you with work, but we’re
paying you, so you cannot go and work
Notice periods: • We may re-allocate you to different duties, for someone else. You do have to be
Your employment may be terminated by notice, given either by you to the which may be less senior than you were available to come in to work if we ask
company or by the company to you as outlined in your employment previously carrying out. you to.
• We may require that you work at a
different location for some or all of your
• The company reserves the right to make payment in lieu of notice and
payment in lieu of accrued, but unused, holiday entitlement. notice period.

• The rights to all or part of the notice period may be waived by

mutual consent. Company property
• There is no entitlement to notice from the company if your employment is On termination of your employment, for whatever reason, you must return all company
terminated on the grounds of gross misconduct. property in your custody or under your control. This includes all company documents,
computer data, uniforms and equipment supplied by the company.

You are reminded that the obligation on you to keep company information confidential still
applies after your employment has ended. On leaving the company you must hand back
all company data and documents in your possession or under your control and neither
make nor keep any copies.

Final pay
On leaving, your final pay may be subject to the following deductions:
• Any overpayments made to you.
• Outstanding balance of any loan to you made by Nando's.
• Cost of Nando's property not returned in reasonable condition or other charges
that are your responsibility.
• Excess of holiday taken over accrued holiday entitlement.

If the amount to be deducted exceeds what you are due in your final pay, you must pay us
the balance immediately.
55 56

Nando's heavy section

“If you don’t know the rules you can never truly enjoy the game.”
– David Peckham

At Nando’s we’ve got a sense of humour. We love our own jokes

and we’re generally quite a jovial company of happy, noisy
Nandocas getting the most out of chickens and life. However,
there is a serious side to Nando’s... and this is one area where
you cannot make a cluck up!

Retirement - no age limit

Nando’s recognises the value and contribution of all its Nandocas regardless No under the table stuff please
of age. With this in mind, we don’t have a forced retirement age. However,
you may request to retire if you choose to do so. To find out more about our You may not accept gifts from suppliers or contractors to the company without
retirement policy, contact a member of the HR Team. disclosing the details and having the prior written permission of your direct line
Manager. Failure to do so could be construed as gross misconduct and may be dealt
with under our disciplinary policy, which could lead to dismissal. You may not remove
any items of stock from the restaurant without written permission of your Patrão or

Let’s keep Nando’s secrets to ourselves - never let the chicken out the bag.

A lot of information you get through work is confidential. This type of information
should only be discussed or used by you internally in the business and where it’s
relevant to your job. Don’t discuss any confidential information with people outside
Nando’s, unless it’s part of your job and you’ve been authorised to disclose that
specific information.

Business matters shouldn’t be discussed in public places or where you can be

overheard. Be especially careful when using mobile telephones. You must also ensure
that you don’t disclose any such information on the Internet, including on any social
networking website.

57 58
After your employment ends, you still mustn’t reveal or use confidential information,
unless the information has lawfully become public knowledge other than through you. Dealing with the media
Information is considered to be confidential if it’s information you’ve obtained through
work and it’s not generally published. Nando's lives by its reputation. We've all worked hard to build it and we
want to look after it.
This includes information about Nando’s Chickenland Ltd and any associated
companies, and includes: If you are approached by the media, for whatever reason, good or bad, it
• Financial information, including margins, discounts, buying prices and needs to be managed by the PR Team. This applies to negative stories,
management accounts. such as a fire or theft, as well as positive stories like permission to film
• Information about security arrangements, including computer access codes. in your restaurant or to cover an event you are involved in.

• Future organisational or promotional plans. You must never comment on our business yourself. If you’re contacted
• Personal information about colleagues. please immediately get the Patrão or Manager on duty to take the call.
• Customer details and lists.
If you are the Manager, then you shouldn’t engage in conversation, but
• Supplier details and lists, terms of business and discounts. politely ask:
• Sites where we intend to open new restaurants, or potential sites under • Why they are calling.
investigation. • What their name is.
• What their job title is.
• Work processes, ingredients, recipes, techniques and technical know-how. • Which publication or programme they are calling from.
• Any other information not generally known to other employees, customers or • What their phone number and/or email address is.
competitors. • What they would like to know.
• Unauthorised recordings or pictures of internal procedures or property.

Information about customers, other companies and people that you acquire in the Should you need to provide any information to someone,
course of your work must also be treated as confidential information, unless you please direct all questions or comments to
see it published generally and you weren’t the source (directly or indirectly) of the

You shouldn’t make any attempt to access confidential information that you’re not
authorised to receive and that is not directly required by your duties. You shouldn’t
enter any data into manual or computer company records unless you’re authorised to
do so, and then you should make sure (as far as you can) that the data you enter
is accurate.

59 60
Watch out for long fingers
Theft from Nando's is a very serious matter. If it’s alleged that you’ve committed an act
Please familiarise yourself with the procedures for handling money and tips, and follow of theft from Nando's, as well as taking disciplinary action against you, Nando's will expect
the till procedures set out in your training, the ‘Operations Manual’ and the ‘Counting Your to recover from you the amount of money that it’s alleged you’ve stolen.
Chickens’ folder. If you are unsure how to proceed, ask your Patrão or Manager. You’re
responsible for the contents of the till and for any shortages. We’ll deduct from any payments due to you, (including, but not limited to, your wages
or any bonus payments), a sum which is equal to the amount of money that it’s alleged
When working on the till, you can help prevent till shortages, errors or thefts by following has been stolen. This can at Nando's discretion be a single one off deductionoraseries
this procedure: of deductions.
• Take payment as soon as your customer orders or take a credit card if your customer
is running a tab.
Security rules – safe as houses
• If you suspect anyone may be trying to leave without paying, tell your Manager.
• Don’t serve your own friends and relatives. They’re welcome to visit the restaurant as Our security rules are designed to minimise the risk of loss to Nando’s, our Nandocas and
customers, but to avoid misunderstanding they should be served by another fellow our customers and your fullest co-operation in implementing, maintaining and improving
Nandoca. those security procedures is required.
• Once you’ve taken an order, you’ll be personally responsible for collecting the money
from the customer. If customers leave without paying due to your own negligence, The security rules are also designed to protect you. In addition to the general security
you’ll be held responsible. rules set out in this handbook, specific security rules may apply to particular areas of the
business. We’ll tell you where those rules apply to your work.
• Every sale must be properly registered in the till.
The world is a busy place full of mostly good people. While we try to focus on the good It’s everyone’s responsibility to ensure the prevention of thefts of money, goods or
people, there are some dodgy ones and we can’t ignore them. Stay sharp and alert on the resources from the business. If you notice anything suspicious or become aware of a
job, and together we can minimise theft. breach of any security procedures, report it to your Patrão or another available member
of management as soon as possible. Don’t attempt to deal with a dangerous situation by
You can discourage thieves by following these rules: yourself.
• Don’t leave money or handbags lying around.
It’s your responsibility to keep private the details of any password or security codes issued
• Ensure that if you do bring any valuables to work that you place them securely to you. You’re also responsible for regularly changing your password or security codes
in your locker or in the restaurant safe. and to inform a Patrão or Manager immediately if you think it’s possible that someone else
• Encourage customers to keep their bags in view. has learned your password.
• Be vigilant.
Any suggestions for improvements in the security procedures are always most welcome –
• Do everything you can to help us to maintain a crime-free environment. these should be taken up with your Manager in the firstinstance.
• Never jeopardise your own safety.
Please also note that your Patrão or Manager doesn’t have the authority to allow you to
ignore or disobey any security procedures. If ever you’re in doubt. please speak to a more
senior Manager or a member of the HR team.

Nando’s accepts no responsibility for lost belongings.

61 62
Supper hour certificate
Lost and hopefully found
If an enquiry has been made by a customer for a lost item: Some Nando’s have a Supper Hour Certificate that allows for alcohol to be served
a Get a description of the item and details of the time the item was lost or last seen at the following hours. Please check with your Patrão to see if your Nando’s has
by the customer. Try to match this description with articles handed in. You’ll need this facility.
to get your Patrão or Manager to look in the lost property area.
b Never say, ‘Yes, we have it’ – always tell them that we’ve got an item that fits the • 11:00 to 24:00 hours Monday to Saturday
description and would they like to come in and identify it. • 12:00 to 23:30 hours Sundays and Good Friday
c) Make a note of the customer’s name, the description of the item and the time they
reported the missing item to you in the diary. Please don’t serve alcohol until you’ve been trained and authorised to do so.
Please refer to the E-learning module for more information on licensing laws.
All lost property will be kept by Nando’s for a period of 1 month. Thereafter anything Under 18’s mustn’t sell alcohol.
of high value not claimed, should be given to the Police by the Patrão.
Personnel records

Right of search If you make any change to your home address, bank details, emergency contact
these can be done through Workday. If you require a change to your name,
In the interest of general security and to safeguard the interests of the vast majority marital status or nationality please contact the People Team. If you need any
of Nandocas who are honest, we may ask you to submit to a search (including your help with accessing Workday please speak to your Patrão or Manager or a
bags, vehicles and other possessions). Searches will be made by a person of the member of the HR team.
same gender and in the presence of a third party (also of the same gender). Refusal
to submit to a search, may lead to suspension and disciplinary action. You’ve access to your personnel file and the records Nando’s holds in relation to
you. Please ask your Patrão or Manager if you wish to see your fi le or records.
Personal data about you is held to ensure we can contact you if we need to, to
enable the employment contract to be performed and to provide a record of your
Licensing laws (hic) service and performance. By signing your statement of terms and conditions of
employment, you consent to our collecting, storing, using, altering, disclosing
Please adhere (hic) to them carefully (hic). It’s your responsibility to ensure you and destroying data. We may use your information for internal purposes such as
follow the law relating to the sale of alcohol in your restaurant. In most restaurants promotions, job vacancies, etc.
alcohol may only be served with a meal.
Nando’s may need to collect, store, use, alter or disclose such data for the
Our Core Licensing Hours are: purposes of salary, pension or health administration, equal opportunities
• 11:00 to 23:00 hours Monday to Saturday monitoring, training and appraisals or any company benefit administration.
• 12:00 to 22:30 hours Sundays and Good Friday Personal data must be accurate and kept up to date. For more information
please see our Privacy notice on Workday.
You may not serve alcohol to persons under the age of 18, persons who are drunk,
who haven’t ordered a meal or only order a takeaway.

Drinking-up time is 20 minutes, last orders are at 23:00 (22:30 on Sundays and
Good Friday), and drinks must be removed from the table by 23:20 (22:50 on
Sundays and Good Friday).

63 64
Nando’s driving policy
Never be too chicken to tell us.
“Never drive while eating chicken with your hands.” – Wiseman
Nando’s seeks to conduct its business honestly and with integrity at all
times. Nevertheless, we acknowledge that all organisations face the You may choose, or be required, to use your own car for various reasons in conjunction
risk of their activities going wrong from time to time, or of unknowingly with work – we expect you to do so in a legal and responsible manner. If you don’t wish to
harbouring misconduct. By encouraging a culture of openness, drive on official business, you can always travel by means of alternative transport if you
accountability and strong values within Nando’s, we believe that we wish to do so.
can help prevent such situations occurring.
If in doubt, discuss transport arrangements with your Manager. If you drive your own
This is officially called ‘making a disclosure in the public interest’ in terms car or motorbike for work purposes, (e.g.: coming to or from work, or travelling between
of UK law. ‘Whistle-blowing’ is a term used when a Nandoca reports restaurants), either as an essential part of your employment, or travelling on a casual
suspected wrongdoing in the workplace. The law protects you from losing basis, you’re personally responsible for ensuring that the car is of suitable age and
your job for reporting any wrongdoing under this procedure. It takes appropriately maintained, taxed and repaired, and that at all times you are the holder of a
courage to act if you think the company is doing something wrong, and this current valid driving licence entitling you to drive in the UK.
procedure is in place to help you raise any concerns you might have.
Nando’s has created this policy to set out the standards to be met by everyone who drives
The sort of wrongdoings we’re talking about could include the following: their own personal vehicle in relation to their employment with Nando’s.
• Someone’s health and safety is in danger.
• The environment has been, is being or is likely to be damaged.
• The law is being broken.
• Someone is deliberately covering up any of the above.

Any other concerns that you’re unhappy with, or would like to resolve,
can also be handled informally by your Patrão or by formally utilising our
grievance procedures in the Supporting Success section of the handbook.

How to ‘blow the whistle’?

If you’ve information that suggests that there may be some serious

wrongdoing at work then you should contact your Patrão, MD or HR via Insurance
post, email or phone. By doing this, we’ll have the opportunity to
investigate and address your concerns accordingly. Nando’s is committed The law requires that you ensure that you’re adequately and appropriately insured if
to investigating disclosures fully, fairly, quickly and confidentially where you drive on the public highway. Anyone who drives a car or a motorbike in connection
circumstances permit. with their employment with Nando’s must ensure that at any time where they drive that
vehicle, a valid and effective insurance policy is in place to cover you and anyone with
Finally, no disciplinary action taken against you for ‘blowing the whistle’ you. This also means that any person driving, albeit occasionally in connection with the
(or raising a formal grievance) provided that you raised the concerns in business of Nando’s, must be properly covered for ‘business use’. This is usually referred
good faith. Meaning that you’ve got reasonable grounds for believing that to on your personal insurance policy.
negligence has occurred, is occurring, or is likely to occur at Nando’s. A
reasonable ground for belief means more than just a possibility or risk of
it occurring.

65 66
Fitness to drive Reporting accidents

It’s your responsibility to ensure that you’re medically fit to drive on the public If you have an accident in your own vehicle when driving on work business, you should
highway, irrespective of whether you are doing so as an individual for social, let your Manager know as soon as possible.
domestic or pleasure purposes, or whether you’re doing so as a work-related activity.
Driving standards
If you suffer from any medical condition that might adversely affect your ability to
drive safely, (e.g. epilepsy, diabetes), you should consider whether it’s suitable for Under the Road Traffic Act, drivers are legally responsible for their own actions on the
you to drive that vehicle. If you’re in need of any assistance with such matters, please road and for keeping to all traffic regulation.
contact a member of the HR team, who may be able to assist.

If you require corrective glasses and/or contact lenses you must ensure that these
are worn whenever driving on company business and you must ensure that you
IT acceptable use policy
take regular eye tests and meet the requirement in the Highway Code whereby you
Please take note that the full version of this policy is available from IT – we’ve just
are able to read a car number plate from 20 metres (20.5 metres for the old style of
highlighted some of the main points here!
number plates).
Nando’s has in place Information Systems, considered to be all computers, laptops,
You mustn’t drive if you don’t feel well enough to do so. If you begin to feel unwell or
any other computing devices, telephones, smart phones or mobiles, fax machines,
in any way impaired whilst driving, stop where it’s safe to do so and don’t continue
electronic fobs and cards, CCTV and any software applications, (please take note
your journey until you feel well enough.
that this list isn’t exhaustive), that are designed to be used for business purposes
in serving the interests of the company and our customers in the course of normal
If you’re required to drive long distances on company business you must ensure that
business operations.
you take regular breaks and that these are taken where it’s safe to do so. You mustn’t
drive when you are tired, and if you begin to feel tired whilst driving on company
By having this policy, the intention is to inform Nandocas of the reasons why we
business you must stop and only resume once you are rested.
have Information Systems and to let you know what the good practice of using these
items is. It’s not our intention to impose restrictions that are contrary to Nando’s
Assessing risk
culture of openness, trust and integrity. It’s the responsibility of every user of Nando’s
Information Systems to know these guidelines and to conduct their
You should carry out any risk assessments before beginning any journey. This
activities accordingly.
includes assessing the condition of the vehicle, weather conditions and route, and
your own fitness to drive. For example, when planning a car journey, you should
follow the safest route available. This may not necessarily be the most direct or
the quickest.

In adverse weather conditions, consideration should be given to postponing or

cancelling car journeys. Nando’s also advises you to carry in your vehicle a mobile
telephone for emergency use, a first aid kit, and extra clothing for warmth in case
of vehicle breakdown in cold weather when there may be lengthy delays before
assistance arrives.

67 68
Be aware that all Information Systems and the information held and
created by these systems, remains the property of Nando’s. Because
of the need to protect and monitor Nando’s Information Systems,
confidentiality of any information or privacy cannot be guaranteed. The following activities are strictly prohibited on Nando’s Information
Systems (please note that this list isn’t exhaustive but you should
The System Administrator has access to view all data and all e-mails refer to the full policy available from the IT Department):
and any attachments, including all internet sites that have been • Unauthorised copying, downloading and distribution of copyrighted
accessed. This also includes all history of e-mails and internet sites material on any of Nando’s Information Systems including the
used. Please take note that all e-mails on Nando’s systems are installation of any copyrighted software for which Nando’s doesn’t
retained and will remain the property of Nando’s. have an active licence.
• Revealing your account password to others or allowing use of your
You’re responsible for the security of the equipment allocated to or account by others. This includes family, friends, colleagues and
used by you, and you mustn’t allow it to be used by anyone other than other household members when work is being done at home.
in accordance with this policy. If you’ve been issued with IT equipment,
• Using the internet to access, view and download content
ensure that it’s kept secure at all times, especially when travelling.
from a pornographic web site, or material which is offensive,
obscene, or criminal, liable to cause embarrassment to Nando’s,
You’re responsible for exercising good judgement regarding the
discriminatory, offensive, derogatory, confidential information
reasonableness of personal use. Your Patrão or Manager is
about Nando’s or in breach of copyright.
responsible for creating guidelines on what constitutes legitimate
work use and personal use. Personal use should be minimal and take • Sending unsolicited e-mail messages, including the sending of
place substantially outside of normal working hours. or forwarding of ‘chain mail’, ‘junk mail’, jokes, gossip or other
advertising material.
Passwords are issued to all users of Nando’s Information Systems. If • Agree to terms, enter into contractual commitments or make
you’ve been issued with a password, then you’re responsible for the representations by e-mail unless appropriate authority has been
security of this password and account. If at any time, you feel that the obtained. A name typed at the end of an e-mail is a signature in the
security of this password has been compromised, then please contact same way as a name written in ink at the end of a letter.
the IT Service Desk to have your password reset.
• Any form of harassment via e-mail or telephone, whether through
Passwords are to be reset at least every 6 months with restaurant language, frequency or size of messages.
Patrãos responsible for setting and communicating new passwords
to their Nandocas. When a new Patrão is assigned to a restaurant Please ensure that you are familiar with the full IT policy that is
or when a member of the management team leaves, it’s the available from your Patrão or Manager, IT or the intranet. If anyone
responsibility of the Patrão to ensure that passwords are reset. is found to have violated this policy (including the full IT policy),
Please note that you aren’t authorised to connect or install personal they may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including
equipment or software to Nando’s Information Systems. termination of employment.

69 70
Health and safety

Keeping yourself and others safe at Nando’s

Health and Safety at Work Act

It’s Nando’s policy to provide safe and healthy working conditions for all Nandocas. Chemicals
Nando’s recognises and accepts its responsibility in connection with the provisions of
adequate safety measures and prevention of accidents. • Before handling any chemical, make sure that you’ve been trained in its use.
Nando’s doesn’t allow any unsafe working practices to operate in any restaurant or • Never mix chemicals and keep chemicals in their own containers making
department. It’s the responsibility of the Patrão of each restaurant or department to sure that they’re labelled properly.
ensure that the welfare and safety of all Nandocas and any visitors to the premises under • Always use the required personal protective equipment such as goggles,
his or her charge at all times, takes preference over any other consideration. Under this aprons and masks.
law, you’ve a responsibility to yourself and to your colleagues, to work safely and prevent
accidents. We’ll show you safe ways of working that we insist you follow.

• Dispose of rubbish immediately in the correct place.

Health and safety rules
• Keep all passageways and fire exits clear.
While at work you must take reasonable care of the health and safety of yourself and of • Clean up any spillages immediately and follow the wet floor procedure.
others who may be affected by you and your actions.
• Immediately report any hazards to the Manager on duty.
You must comply with the following health and safety rules:
• Insist on proper training in the use of all potentially dangerous equipment. This includes Electrical
chemicals, anything that is electrically powered, knives or anything that uses gas.
• Use all such equipment in the manner in which you’ve been trained. • Report faults immediately (bare wires, sparks, broken plugs) to your
Manager on duty.
• Wear the correct uniform.
• Unplug equipment when not in use.
• Report any hazards which you find to your Manager on duty immediately.
• Don’t attempt to repair any electrical equipment yourself, always leave it to
the experts.
Dangerous machinery
• If in doubt about the safety of any electrical equipment, don’t use it and
This is any machinery, which, if incorrectly used, could injure you, for example fryer, report it to your Manager on duty.

knives, grills, ovens and coffee machines.
• Always use machinery in the way that you’ve been trained and ensure you use the
safety features. • Always follow the manual handling procedure – keep your back straight
• Don’t touch any moving parts while in motion. when lifting and bend your knees.
• Before assembling, taking apart or cleaning machinery make sure that it has been • Heavy objects should be stored near the ground.
turned off at the mains.
• If using knives, carry by the handle, by your side and pointing down. As soon as
you’ve finished and cleaned it, return it to the knife rack.

71 72
3. If you need to call the Fire Brigade

Accidents (happen) a) Dial 999.

If, despite following these precautions, you still suffer an accident, you must b) Give your telephone number.
report it to your Manager. A report of the accident will be entered on the accident c) Ask for the Fire Brigade.
reporting system. All accidents will be investigated to minimise the risk of them
happening again. d) Speak clearly and inform them that there is a fire at your Nando’s. Give them the
address and phone number of your restaurant.
A serious accident or an accident resulting in the Nandoca being off work for e) Wait for the Fire Brigade to acknowledge the call and repeat the address before
more than 7 working days will be reported under the RIDDOR requirements. replacing the receiver.
f) Stand by to receive and advise the Fire Brigade.

Fire Safety - sometimes when things get very hot you 4. Evacuation of premises
may have to get out of the kitchen
a) The premises will be evacuated on instruction by the Manager on duty stating “We
The code name for a fire in Nando’s is CHILLI. Everyone is responsible for
have an emergency situation, please leave by the nearest exit”.
taking the appropriate action if there is a fire in your restaurant:
b) Designated Nandocas will open exit doors and assist customers clearly to the
1. On discovering a fire nearest exits.
c) Other duties will be assigned as required by the restaurant’s fire plan.
a) Activate the nearest fi re alarm by breaking the glass panel. If there isn’t one,
use your voice and shout to make people aware d) When out of the building, go straight to the assembly point.
b) Ensure that everyone is aware that this isn’t a drill e) Under no circumstances should you go back into the building unless told by the
c) Call the Patrão or Manager authorities that it’s safe to do so.
d) Close all the doors to prevent the fi re from spreading
e) Never panic – never use the word ‘FIRE’ when alerting people, rather use CHILLI

5. Ventilation/extraction
“CHILLI in the kitchen” means: “there is a fire in the kitchen”
a) Close off all ventilation to prevent the spread of fire.
b) Close all windows.
2. If you hear the fire alarm c) Turn off the power.
a) Leave the building by the nearest exit and do not stop to go back to collect d) Turn off the gas main.
your belongings.
b) Point out fire exits to others and offer assistance where you can. 6. Doors
c) Keep calm and be thoughtful of others. Apart from exit doors all doors must be kept closed to prevent the spread of fire.
d) Don’t use lifts, always use the stairs.
e) If it’s safe to do so, close the windows and doors on your way out.

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Personal hygiene

Do’s and don’ts 1. Hands should be thoroughly washed and dried using bacterial soap in a hand wash basin:
• Before starting or return to work • After handling cleaning chemicals
a) Never shout, “Fire”. Always use the code CHILLI .
• Before handling food (particularly ready to eat • After handling rubbish
b) Ensure that the exit routes are ALWAYS free from obstructions.
c) Ensure that all kitchen cooking equipment is kept scrupulously • After eating, drinking, smoking or vaping.
clean. Hot fat and grease are highly flammable. • After visiting the toilet
• After every break
• After handling raw food
d) Ensure all machinery, heaters, etc., are unplugged/isolated from • After using a personal mobile device
the mains when not in use. • After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing
e) Switch off all equipment not being used. • After cleaning or touching cleaning implements
f) See that rubbish is moved. Don’t allow accumulation of rubbish 2. Dressings:
inside or outside the premises.
• Burns and wounds must be covered with a waterproof dressing – use a blue plaster
(as it will show up if it falls into food).

Bomb alert 3. Hands

The code word for a bomb alert is “BLUE CHILLI”.
• Hands and nails must be clean and well kept.
For example: “Blue Chilli in the kitchen” means “there is a • Your nails must be kept short. Long nails are difficult to keep clean, may break off into
bomb in the kitchen”. Each restaurant has an evacuation the food and harbour bacteria.
procedure for a bomb alert, please familiarise yourself with this. • Nail varnish and fake nails mustn’t be worn – they hide dirt and may chip off or fall into
the food.
• Don’t bite your fingernails – this may transfer germs from your mouth onto the food.

4. Smoking

• Smoking is not permitted inside any of our restaurants.

Personal hygiene 5. Never cough or sneeze over food

As we work in the food business, we have a legal obligation to maintain a high • Always wash your hands after blowing your nose.
standard of hygiene. People naturally harbour bacteria in their bowels, mouth, • Don’t handle food if you’re suffering from a cold or any discharge from eyes or ears.
nose and on the surface of the skin. As we’re constantly handling food, it would
• Linen handkerchiefs harbour vast numbers of bacteria so rather use a paper tissue.
be very easy for us to transfer bacteria to the food. The food may become
infected if the bacteria has the right conditions to breed, i.e. food, warmth and
moisture. Therefore personal hygiene is of great importance. 6. Do not eat in the kitchen

• Don’t lick utensils or your fingers – cross contamination can occur from mouth
ONE breach of food hygiene law may result in a heavy fine to hands.
or 6 months imprisonment.

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7. Hair 11. Illness

• Hair must be clean, tied back and in a style that does not require frequent readjustment. In food • If you are unwell, but consider yourself fit to work report this to the manager on
preparation areas hair must also be pulled back from the face under Nando’s approved head- duty before arriving or starting work.
wear. Approved head-wear includes the Nando’s cap, headband, head-wrap and headscarf, or • Some illnesses can cause food poisoning, so your Manager might ask you to see a
any head-wear that forms an integral part of a Nandoca’s religion (including head scarves, doctor, if they suspect it’s one of these.
skullcaps, hijabs and turbans) that has been safety checked with a Manager.
• Beards should be neatly trimmed. In food preparation areas, long beards (15mm+) should be • If your doctor has told you that you have some disease, they may have to tell the
contained in a beard snood or securely tied. local Environmental Health Officer.
• If your doctor tells you that you may not handle food, you may not return to work
8. Bathe daily until they say it’s safe to do so. Make sure that you take your sick notes into work if
this happens.
• Use a deodorant, not an anti-perspirant.
• Don’t wear heavy make-up.
• Don’t use heavy perfume.
12. Serve food safely

9. Uniforms • Follow fridge, freezer and other storage plans.

• Your uniform should always be cleaned and ironed. • Ensure that fridge temperatures are controlled and monitored.
• Put away your clothes in a designated area or locker. • Rotate stock as it’s prepared.
• Footwear must be fully enclosed, non-slip and of impervious material to protect the • Ensure all food is dated.
feet from restaurant duties. • Store all food off the ground in clean, covered plastic containers.
• If you work in a food preparation area, it’s your responsibility to wear clean protective • Always keep raw and cooked food separate.
clothing at all times.
• Use separate areas and utensils for the preparation of raw and cooked food.
• Staff may wear religious dress that forms an integral part of their religion (including
head scarves, skullcaps, hijabs and turbans). unless it breaches this policy or • Follow recipe cards for correct preparation.
compromises the health and safety of the wearer, their colleagues or any other • Always check the condition and temperature of goods on deliver.
• Follow cleaning schedules.
• Trousers/jeans must be full length with no exposed skin from the bottom of the
trouser to shoe.
13. Allergy management
10. Jewellery
• If a customer asks for information regarding the menu for medical or allergenic
Visible jewellery must be removed including watches, facial piercings, and festival/ reasons, refer them to the manager on duty.
charity bands except for sleeper earrings worn in the ears and one plain ring.
• Follow Nando’s recipes and use Nando’s ingredients at all times.
Jewellery, religious or otherwise, can be worn if it is covered by clothing. Ear
stretchers are permitted if they are one continuous piece. Dermal piercings that
cannot be covered with clothing must be covered with a blue plaster. Thank you for reaching the end of the Nandoca Handbook. If you have any
questions or need further information, please feel free to contact the HR/
No other visible jewellery is permitted as it can harbour bacteria or cause unforeseen People Support team on 0203 040 5600 or email
accidents and incidents. or write to: People Support, Nando's Chickenland Ltd, 93-99 Upper Richmond
Road, Putney, SW15 2TG

77 Goodbye 78

My Contract

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It’s t h e pe o p le
a ke t h e c h i c ke n !
that m

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