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Evaluation of Commercially Available Remote Sensors for

Highway Bridge Condition Assessment

Khatereh Vaghefi1; Renee C. Oats2; Devin K. Harris, A.M.ASCE3; Theresa (Tess) M. Ahlborn, M.ASCE4;
Colin N. Brooks5; K. Arthur Endsley6; Christopher Roussi7; Robert Shuchman8; Joseph W. Burns9; and
Richard Dobson10
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Abstract: Improving transportation infrastructure inspection methods and the ability to assess conditions of bridges has become a priority in
recent years as the transportation infrastructure continues to age. Current bridge inspection techniques consist largely of labor-intensive sub-
jective measures for quantifying deterioration of various bridge elements. Some advanced nondestructive testing techniques, such as ground-
penetrating radar, are being implemented; however, little attention has been given to remote sensing technologies. Remote sensing technologies
can be used to assess and monitor the condition of bridge infrastructure and improve the efficiency of inspection, repair, and rehabilitation
efforts. Most important, monitoring the condition of a bridge using remote sensors can eliminate the need for traffic disruption or total lane
closure because remote sensors do not come in direct contact with the structure. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate 12 potential
remote sensing technologies for assessing the bridge deck and superstructure condition. Each technology was rated for accuracy, commercial
availability, cost of measurement, precollection preparation, complexity of analysis and interpretation, ease of data collection, stand-off dis-
tance, and traffic disruption. Results from this study demonstrate the capabilities of each technology and their ability to address bridge chal-
lenges. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000303. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Nondestructive tests; Structural response; Monitoring; Radar; Digital techniques; Imaging techniques;
Highway bridges; Inspection; Remote sensing.
Author keywords: Nondestructive testing/evaluation; Structural health monitoring; Noncontact; Radar; Thermal IR; Photogrammetry;
Digital image correlation; Bridge inspection.

Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engi- The condition of transportation infrastructure, specifically bridges,
neering, Michigan Tech Transportation Institute, Michigan Technological has received a great deal of attention in recent years as a result of cat-
Univ., Houghton, MI 49931 (corresponding author). E-mail: kvaghefi@mtu.
astrophic failures, deteriorating conditions, and even political pressure.
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engi- However, the challenges of a deteriorating infrastructure have been at
neering, Michigan Tech Transportation Institute, Michigan Technological the forefront of transportation authorities’ attention for many years as
Univ., Houghton, MI 49931. they attempt to establish maintenance priorities for an aging in-
3 frastructure with decreasing funds. The United States is home to nearly
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Michigan Tech Transportation Institute, Michigan Technological Univ., 600,000 highway bridges. Structural deficiency, which describes the
Houghton, MI 49931. condition of significant load-carrying elements and adequacy of wa-
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, terway openings, typically correlates directly to the age of a bridge
Michigan Tech Transportation Institute, Michigan Technological Univ., (AASHTO 2008). As of 2010, the number of bridges listed as struc-
Houghton, MI 49931. turally deficient was 69,223 (11.5% of U.S. highway bridges), clearly
Research Scientist, Michigan Tech Research Institute, Michigan Tech-
demonstrating the need for a uniform rating system to make sure the
nological Univ., Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
Assistant Research Scientist, Michigan Tech Research Institute, Mich- correct bridges receive the necessary and needed funding [Federal
igan Technological Univ., Ann Arbor, MI 48105. Highway Administration (FHwA) 2009]. The concept of structural
Senior Research Scientist, Michigan Tech Research Institute, Michigan health monitoring (SHM) presents a broad generic framework that is
Technological Univ., Ann Arbor, MI 48105. well suited to help address the challenges that pertain to the dete-
Codirector, Michigan Tech Research Institute, Michigan Technological riorating bridge infrastructure in the United States. SHM is the practice
Univ., Ann Arbor, MI 48105. of monitoring a structure to verify its structural integrity and safety.
Senior Research Scientist, Michigan Tech Research Institute, Michigan In a more general sense, the objective of SHM is to observe infra-
Technological Univ., Ann Arbor, MI 48105. structure condition, assess in-service performance, detect deterioration,
Research Associate, Michigan Tech Research Institute, Michigan Tech- and estimate remaining service life. The use of remote sensing tech-
nological Univ., Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
nologies presents a potential complement to this challenge and has the
Note. This manuscript was submitted on April 28, 2011; approved on
August 30, 2011; published online on August 30, 2011. Discussion period potential to augment current practices by providing both qualitative and
open until April 1, 2013; separate discussions must be submitted for indi- quantitative measures of a bridge’s condition in a noncontact manner.
vidual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Bridge Engineering, This paper details the evaluation of remote sensing technologies to
Vol. 17, No. 6, November 1, 2012. ©ASCE, ISSN 1084-0702/2012/6- assess and monitor the condition of bridge infrastructure while im-
886e895/$25.00. proving the efficiency of inspection, repair, and rehabilitation efforts.


J. Bridge Eng., 2012, 17(6): 886-895

Bridge Condition Assessment A general definition of remote sensing is the collection and mea-
surement of spatial information about an object, area, or phenomenon
Included within the scope of SHM for bridges is condition assess- at a distance from the data source, without direct contact (Falkner
ment, which serves as the basis for determining safety, remaining 1995; Aronoff 2005). From an infrastructure perspective, remote
service life and maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation schedules for sensing can be defined as a form of stand-off SHM, and a form of
state and local transportation agencies. Current practices used for NDE and nondestructive testing (NDT), where the device-gathering
condition assessment are a function of the level of inspection, which data are not in contact with the object or feature being measured.
can include initial, routine, hands-on, fracture-critical, underwater, Remote sensing is distinct from what is called remote monitoring, in
in-depth or scoping, damage, or special inspections (NCHRP 2007). that it does not include emplaced sensors, such as strain gauges or
Routine or hands-on type inspections serve as the primary mech- temperature sensors. These sensors are in direct contact with the
anism for long-term condition assessment and performance bridge component whose characteristics are being measured. Classic
evaluation. A variety of methods are used when conducting the examples of remote sensing that may be familiar to the bridge engineer
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inspection of a bridge, but all inspections are completed in accor- or inspector include satellite imagery, aerial photography, laser
dance with the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) scanning [such as light detection and ranging (LIDAR)], and ground
(FHwA 2004). The Bridge Inspector’s Reference Manual (BIRM) is penetrating radar (GPR). The formal integration of remote sensing
available to help the bridge inspector with programs, procedures, and techniques into the bridge monitoring and condition assessment
techniques for inspecting and evaluating a variety of in-service scheme has the potential to enhance inspection practices and also
highway bridges (FHwA 2006). All inspectors must be certified provide temporal assessments between inspection cycles without
through a National Highway Institute (NHI) comprehensive training traffic disruptions.
program and are required to keep this certification current through
refresher courses.
Challenges on Bridge Structures
According to NBIS, publicly owned bridges in the United States
must be inspected at least every 2 years, whereas bridges with With routine bridge inspection processes, bridges can be monitored
problem areas need to be inspected more frequently than the mini- and issues or challenges are mitigated to help extend the service life of
mum 2-year requirement. The condition of a bridge can also be used a structure. This integration of remote sensing has to be evaluated for
in the load-rating process for a bridge, which in some cases results each primary bridge structure component to attend to the relevant
in a reduced load-rating capacity for bridges in poor condition. challenges in those locations. The primary components of a bridge can
From a transportation agency perspective, bridge condition affects be categorized as the bridge deck, superstructure, and substructure.
maintenance and repair schedules, but it also influences allowable Although all three components are essential to the performance of
load limits for vehicle traffic, all of which significantly impact the a bridge, only considerations for the deck and superstructure are
public’s experience and perception of the current state of the U.S. presented herein.
bridge infrastructure. Within the scope of current practices for Bridge decks serve as the driving surface while also protecting
bridge inspection and condition assessment, visual evaluation the superstructure and substructure from the environment and con-
serves as the primary tool used by inspectors. Other techniques for taminants (salts and chemicals). Bridge decks can be classified, to
assessment can be employed, such as specialized sensor technol- a certain extent, as a sacrificial element because they can be replaced
ogies to evaluate specific challenges or measurement of the bridge as they degrade over time. However, as the integrity of the deck is
response to known loading; however, these techniques are rarely compromised through the degradation process, the protection
used in routine and hands-on inspections. As a result, routine afforded to the superstructure and substructure also diminishes,
inspections are highly subjective and rely on experience-based often providing a catalyst for deterioration or accelerating degra-
knowledge that must be developed over time. At first glance this dation of these elements. From a broad perspective, the issues that
may appear ineffective, but when considering the volume of in- most often plague concrete bridge decks can be categorized by lo-
service bridges, available resources, and most importantly, the lack cation as either surface challenges or subsurface challenges, with
of an all-encompassing solution for evaluating structural condition, one often leading to the manifestation of the other.
few alternative approaches exist. Elements of bridge superstructure in the United States are typi-
cally constructed of either steel or concrete (prestressed or rein-
forced) girders and are frequently paired with a reinforced concrete
Nondestructive Evaluation Remote Sensing
deck. These members serve as primary load-carrying members, and
Approaches for Bridge Condition Assessment
their importance correlates directly to safety and integrity of the
Bridge inspection procedures commonly use nondestructive structural system. Superstructure elements are not replaced as often
evaluation (NDE) methods for assessment of the condition of as bridge decks in maintenance operations, and they are expected to
bridges with visual inspection being the predominant method. last for the duration of the bridge design life. Defects observed in and
Visual inspection consists of two components: routine inspections on a girder have the potential to result in a decrease in cross-section
and in-depth inspections. Technical reviews of visual inspection capacity. Issues occurring within the girder’s cross section have
reliability have found that routine inspections are completed with the same consequences as those on the girder surface. However,
significant variability (Washer 2001). The use of remote sensing detecting these issues is significantly more challenging because they
technologies presents a potential alternative method to assessing may be hidden or not easily accessible.
bridge condition challenges and has the potential to augment Other bridge health challenges, related to the bridge system as
current practices by providing both qualitative and quantitative a whole, cannot be categorized within the individual elements or
measurements. For the typical bridge engineer, the concept of components. These challenges, referred to as global metrics, may
remote sensing is often associated with satellite imagery and not be observable during a routine inspection of the bridge or in-
aerial photography for applications in the earth sciences; however, dividual elements, but their change has the potential to indicate
additional remote sensing techniques have been used in in- overall condition change.
frastructure applications without being specifically labeled as In this study, the challenges associated with bridges have been
such. organized into (1) deck surface, (2) deck subsurface, (3) girder


J. Bridge Eng., 2012, 17(6): 886-895

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Fig. 1. Performance rating of commercial remote sensing technologies for each bridge challenge

surface, (4) girder subsurface, and (5) global metrics. Fig. 1 provides Three-Dimensional Optics
a table summary of the broad challenges, their associated indicators,
Deck Surface, Girder Surface, and Global Metrics Challenges
and scored results of the potential remote sensing technologies for
Three-dimensional optics (specifically photogrammetry) is a tech-
identifying indicators. The following sections define remote sensing
nology that can provide depth and height information that cannot
technologies and rating methodology for assessing the capability of
otherwise be obtained from an individual image. This can be done by
each remote sensor to address these challenges in designated bridge
overlapping two images, taken from two different angles of an object,
with at least 60% overlap when combined. The instrumentation
consists of commercially available, high-resolution digital cameras.
Remote Sensing Technologies The cameras can be mounted on an aerial or satellite platform, either
manned or unmanned; however, to achieve the resolution required for
The ability to apply remote sensing techniques to the bridge inspec- bridge assessment applications, a much lower stand-off distance is
tion and monitoring practice has great potential value, especially often necessary. A vehicle-mounted system may be best suited
considering the sheer number of bridges in the U.S. transportation for imaging deck and girder surface features that require high-feature
system and limited funding for inspection, maintenance, and re- resolution. Global metrics may be evaluated using an aerial platform,
habilitation (Ahlborn et al. 2010b). This paper focuses on 12 forms such as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or airplane (Ahlborn et al.
of remote sensing technologies that are potentially valuable to assess 2010a). Fig. 2 demonstrates the application of 3D optics for calcu-
bridge conditions. The technologies, described in following sec- lating the volume of spalls on inaccessible locations using close-range
tions, include three-dimensional (3D) optics (including photogram- photogrammetry tools.
metry), high-resolution StreetView-style digital photography, optical
interferometry, spectral analysis, digital image correlation (DIC),
Streetview-Style Photography
electro-optical (EO) satellite and airborne imagery, LIDAR, thermal
infrared (IR) imaging, radar (including backscatter and speckle), Deck Surface and Global Metrics Challenges
GPR, interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR), and remote The term StreetView-style photography refers to any serial col-
acoustics. The discussions also include the locations of bridge health lection of photographs with a 3D geospatial projection, especially
challenges that are more applicable for deployment of each remote where the photographs have been projected into a continuous 360
sensing technology. viewing environment (Fig. 3). The description that follows is based


J. Bridge Eng., 2012, 17(6): 886-895

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Fig. 2. Application of 3D optics for calculating the volume of spalls for inaccessible locations on the bridge deck

Optical Interferometry
Deck Surface, Girder Surface, and Global Metrics Challenges
Interferometry refers to a nondestructive technique that involves
combining two or more light waves to obtain finer information in the
image. Interferometry consists of techniques that generate Young’s
fringes and/or isothetic fringes as well as (optical) speckle pattern
interferometry (SPI). Speckle patterns in this technique can be used
to determine surface features and surface roughness on the bridge
deck. In the performance assessment, it was determined that the
technology, like most digital camera-based [charge-coupled device
(CCD)ebased] techniques, was most useful for yielding information
about deck surface conditions. The technology’s semblance to other
optical imaging techniques means that its resolution capabilities are
also a product of the collection geometry, including the capabilities
of the digital camera used for sensing; for interferometry, the spatial
resolution is especially high (Ahlborn et al. 2010a).
Surface cracks at millimeter and submillimeter scales have suc-
cessfully been detected using optical interferometric techniques,
namely, electronic SPI (ESPI) (Hatta et al. 2005). The measurement
Fig. 3. Example image of part of a bridge deck taken with a bridge of spalls and scaling on the concrete deck should be possible because
viewer remote camera system submillimeter depth resolution has already been achieved for other
materials (Krajewski 2006). Optical interferometric techniques are
likely to also provide an indication of whether expansion joints are
on the original concept presented by Google’s StreetView. This filled with gravel and other debris based on their resolution capa-
type of instrumentation is typically mounted on a vehicle platform bilities. The high resolution this technique promises makes it one of
for rapid collection with little or no interference with traffic. Be- the few technologies reviewed that may help in measuring fine
cause many bridges may not allow for driving underneath or structural cracks in concrete or steel girders and beams.
alongside, this category must be limited to collection from a vehicle
driving along the deck surface. The value of this technology is
Spectral Analysis
realized when the bridge inspector or manager uses a StreetView-
style application to assess a bridge from the office. The technology Deck Surface and Girder Surface Challenges
enables anyone to review a bridge’s structural condition, in which Spectral analysis is the measurement of a target surface’s spectral
indicators can be detected visually, without actually traveling to the reflectance or absorption of light (both visible and IR). Spectral
bridge. analysis is typically described as the identification of characteristic
Bridge inspectors might find such an application useful for peaks—wavelengths at which a large amount of radiation is ab-
reviewing a bridge in which they have already performed an in- sorbed or reflected. This includes spectroscopy—any measurements
spection on by looking at updated imagery ahead of its next based on identifying characteristic peaks or spectra corresponding
scheduled inspection. This technology would be most useful for to structural defects, as well as IR spectroscopy, which is distinct
bridge deck surface features, including torn or missing expansion from IR deformation mapping or thermal mapping—techniques that
joint seals, damage to armored expansion joint plating, cracks and are instead magnitude-based. Reflectance and/or absorption are
spalls near expansion joints, map cracking, scaling and spalling of measured using a camera with a range of color bands (termed as
the bridge deck, and delaminations expressed as surface cracks. The multispectral or hyperspectral EO imaging), so response at fine
resolution requirements for these challenges can very likely be met, wavelength bins is known.
but there appears to be no available literature on using high- A spectroradiometer is used to measure reflectance and/or ab-
resolution panoramas to assess these or any other bridge condition sorption. In general, these devices need to be white balanced before
indicators (Ahlborn et al. 2010a). collection. Field collection is typically done with a backpack unit


J. Bridge Eng., 2012, 17(6): 886-895

and hand-held spectroradiometer; however, a vehicle-mounted de- Electro-Optical Airborne and Satellite Imagery
vice is conceivable. In the performance evaluation of this technol-
Deck Surface, Girder Surface, and Global Metrics Challenges
ogy, it was determined that spectroscopy is impractical for most
EO imagery is a technique to obtain information from airborne or
deck surface applications, except for chemical leaching. Other deck
satellite images in the visual, near IR, or thermal IR bands. Manned or
features such as scaling and spalling could potentially be detected by
unmanned aerial vehicles may be considered, and this category
the difference in tone between intact concrete and the feature of
excludes imagery that is used in 3D models (excluding imagery
interest, but this precludes direct measurement, and there is no way
collected as stereo pairs) because the collection of such imagery has
to measure the dimensions of these features using this technology.
already been discussed in the “Three-Dimensional Optics” section.
According to the available literature, no attempt has been made to
EO imagery may be useful for identifying deck condition indicators.
produce calibration curves or a model of spectral reflectance based
Hauser and Chen (2009) reported a lower limit of 13-mm resolution
on bridge deck defects (Ahlborn et al. 2010a).
using small-format aerial photography (SFAP), which may be suf-
ficient for spotting some features or defects of bridge decks, including
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Digital Image Correlation spalling, scaling, and map cracking. Brooks et al. (2007) were able to
Global Metrics Challenges calculate the sufficiency rating for Michigan road segments with
DIC refers to a technique consisting of the correlation, typically on 88.1% accuracy on asphalt roads and 80.5% for concrete roads using
a pixel-by-pixel basis, of two EO images separated in space or time. commercially available satellite imagery. These methods have the
This is done by automated computer algorithms that measure potential to be applied to bridge deck surfaces.
changes between the two photographs and calculate the displace- It is less likely that this imagery will also be capable of resolving
ment and/or rotation of unique features in the image plane (structural expansion joints and damage to them, but subpixel estimates of
elements), or most commonly, markers such as paint spots (Fig. 4) or expansion joint conditions can likely be made with advanced post-
a pattern of dots projected on a surface. These displacements may be processing. Subpixel (or mixed pixel) detection techniques have
defined as rigid, global displacements, or local deformation. This been demonstrated in other applications where the technological
technique was found to be sufficient for applications such as approach is essentially similar. Kant and Badarinath (2002) showed
measuring bridge settlement, transverse bridge movement, vibration that oil fires less than 2% the spatial extent of a pixel could still
of a bridge or a structural element, and detecting a change in bridge be identified. Mikhail et al. (1984) achieved accuracies to within
length. All of these applications are concerned with the global 0.03e0.05 pixel in measuring the position of subpixel targets. This
metrics of a bridge, and this is a consequence of the fact the technique indicates that the potential exists for detecting the presence of cracks
is limited to the correlation of surface observations, separated in that are otherwise too small to resolve as well as damage to ex-
time, which are representative of comprehensive bridge structural pansion joints.
DIC is practical for measuring vibration, and in that application,
Light Detection and Ranging
still has to address an unknown frequency response, necessary
target preparation, and small coverage area. The frequency re- Deck Surface, Girder Surface, and Global Metrics Challenges
sponse is dependent on the camera used, and may not be high LIDAR is a technique used to measure the range (distance) to the
enough for measuring the vibration of some bridges. To its ad- object according to the laser pulse travel time and speed between
vantage, the camera-target geometry ensures that data collection sensor and target. This technology includes terrestrial laser scan-
will not interfere with bridge traffic, but the target surface prepa- ning (TLS) and aerial/airborne laser scanning (ALS). A typical
ration is a part of the measurement that demands contact with the LIDAR instrument includes a receiver, a transmitter, and a system
bridge structure. Hutt and Cawley (2008) described their collection controller unit. A review of the literature suggests that this tech-
using a two-camera system developed by Dantec Dynamics and nology is most applicable for deck surface and global structural
processing using ARAMIS [software by Gesellschaft für Optische health challenges (Ahlborn et al. 2010a). Hauser and Chen (2009)
Messtechnik (GOM)], which consisted of simple-windowed block demonstrated that LIDAR can contribute useful information to
matching where correlations took from a few seconds up to several identify and map steel and concrete section loss. LIDAR, in
minutes. combination with high-resolution digital photography of a bridge,

Fig. 4. Images of paint spots on a structural I-beam for digital image correlation: (a) paint spots should have a wide distribution of sizes; (b)
postprocessing of images is used to bring the spots to a contrast threshold; (c) postprocessing displacement response


J. Bridge Eng., 2012, 17(6): 886-895

in a StreetView-style system, holds promise as a means to assist developed to create a large antenna aperture synthetically to obtain
bridge inspectors with reviewing and understanding bridge a narrower beam width and demonstrate finer details. This advanced
condition features (Ahlborn et al. 2010a), as well as creating radar processing helps to increase cross-range resolution and oper-
readily available 3D models of bridges and their surrounding ating frequency, allowing for clearer subsurface imaging (Morey
environment. 1998). Moreover, SAR has the capability to be mounted on a vehicle,
the forward motion of which provides the necessary translation of
the antennas, and take measurements while moving along the bridge.
Thermal Infrared
Deck Surface, Deck Subsurface, Girder Surface, and
Ground Penetrating Radar
Girder Subsurface Challenges
Thermal IR imaging is a technology based on measuring the ra- Deck Surface, Deck Subsurface, Girder Surface, and
diant temperature of the material. This has been used in bridge Girder Subsurface Challenges
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condition assessment to evaluate subsurface issues in concrete. GPR is a type of radar acquisition characterized by relatively low
The concept behind this technique is that the anomalies and sub- electromagnetic frequencies (center frequencies as low as 100 MHz
surface delaminations interrupt the heat transfer through the con- but usually no lower than 500 MHz) and a wide bandwidth, intended
crete. Thus, surface delaminations will appear as hot spots during to maximize depth of penetration and the radar’s sensitivity to
the day and cold spots during the night (Washer et al. 2009). embedded features. This category includes both air- and ground-
Emissivity of the materials is one of the factors that can affect coupled antennas. Ground-coupled surveys require the antenna to
the thermal IR measurement. Emissivity depends on the amount of rest on the ground and can collect data at walking speeds (8 km/h),
radiant flux (the amount of electromagnetic energy exiting an whereas the air-coupled antenna can be mounted on a moving
object) emitted from the material. Surface roughness, color, and vehicle (80 km/h). Commercial GPR systems are mostly used for
moisture content are some of the factors that can influence the subsurface assessment (deck and girder subsurface).
emissivity of the materials. GPR has been frequently used to locate delaminations in con-
ASTM D4788 (ASTM 2007) describes the test method, crete bridge decks. These experiments have constrained the pene-
equipment, and environmental condition for detecting delamination tration depth of GPR to between 7 and 12 cm at typical stand-off
in concrete bridge decks with this technique. Although this tech- and emission frequencies (Warhus et al. 1994). Voids and areas of
nique has been used mostly for detecting subsurface anomalies, potential delamination are mapped with GPR, but the dimensions of
surface defects will likely manifest as thermal anomalies in the these areas are not usually known because of the limitations of the
thermal IR image. A literature review found no studies where technology. By combining SAR with GPR, Scott et al. (2001)
surface defects, such as expansion joint damage, cracks, and spalls demonstrated the potential to measure the dimensions of subsurface
near expansion joints or otherwise, and map cracking, were imaged features. In a FHwA funded project, the High Speed Electro-
using IR thermography, but it is believed that these defects will magnetic Roadway Mapping and Evaluation System (HERMES)
exhibit thermal anomalies as well. Laboratory setup and thermal IR was used to locate and characterize the condition of embedded steel
image of the test specimen with simulated defects are demonstrated reinforcement, detect corrosion-related delamination, as well as
in Fig. 5. locate voids and debonded areas. Depth of penetration achieved
with this system was 12 cm below the concrete surface (Scott et al.
Deck Surface, Deck Subsurface, Girder Surface, and
Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
Girder Subsurface Challenges
Radio detection and ranging (Radar) is a technique to record range Global Metrics Challenges
(distance) to an object based on the round trip travel time and ve- Interferometric SAR (InSAR) uses SAR data collection and pro-
locity of the wave propagation. For bridges, this technique provides cessing to acquire data from two different viewing angles to form
penetrative capabilities that can be used to detect subsurface fea- detailed images. Phase and amplitude differences of these images are
tures. Although moisture can attenuate the signals and efficiency of compared with make measurements. Aerial- or space-borne InSAR
the method, this technique can be deployed in all weather conditions. offers the potential for rapid assessment of bridges from high stand-
The use of SAR is considered in this evaluation. SAR is a technique off distances without requiring calibration or preparation of the

Fig. 5. Thermal IR laboratory setup and thermal IR image of the slab with simulated defects; defects can be seen as thermal anomalies


J. Bridge Eng., 2012, 17(6): 886-895

structure and without interfering with traffic. In the performance All performance criteria receive a score from 0 to 2, where
evaluation, InSAR was determined to be useful in only a few a higher score is more satisfactory and zero indicates that the tech-
applications, all of which were global metrics, and the technique nology does not satisfy that criterion. An overall perfect score for
scored well in these applications. Interferometric radar techniques each technology would be 16. The most important criteria in this
have the potential to monitor change in bridge length, bridge set- assessment were Criteria A and B, whether the technology has the
tlement, and transverse bridge movement by calculating phase dif- capability to satisfy each indicator at the required resolution and
ferences between the two radar images of the same scene (Ahlborn whether the technology is commercially available, only research
et al. 2010a). InSAR data can also be applied to calculate road grade, or has never been used for that application before, re-
surface condition indicators, such as the international roughness spectively. Their importance is reflected in the total rating; if the
index (IRI) (Brooks et al. 2007). technology does not meet the requirements (i.e., it cannot sense the
Measurement of these phase differences allows for the detection bridge condition indicator of interest) or is not actually available for
of small changes in surface elevation; bridge settlement is therefore use (i.e., only theoretical) for a given indicator, then the technology
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one metric that may be obtained using InSAR. InSAR might also be is not considered applicable for observing that specific bridge con-
useful for detecting changes in bridge length and position (trans- dition indicator, and it is not recommended for further research and
verse bridge movement). For this application, the difference in development or commercial implementation (and receives a score
backscatter between two images would be used rather than the phase of 0). The cost of measurement, considered in Criterion C, is an im-
difference. Several Italian reports on ground-based interferometric portant factor in this evaluation because of the modest budget of the
radar addressed these condition indicators with measurements down user base, which consists mostly of state and local transportation
to 0.1-mm displacement resolution at up to 2-km stand-off distance agencies. This criterion was judged for each technology based on
(Pieraccini et al. 2008). professional experience and was defined on a per bridge basis.
Excluding operational costs, which in this case would be limited Criterion D considered the amount of time and work required to
to personnel and processing time, the cost of InSAR for most bridge prepare a bridge structure, element, or remote sensing instrument
remote sensing applications is encapsulated by the price of com- (i.e., calibration) before usable data could be collected. The com-
mercial SAR imagery. However, ground-based acquisitions have plexity of the analysis is considered in Criterion E and is intended to
capital costs associated with the equipment purchase and possible represent the amount of time and work required to process the
additional operational costs depending on deployment and the ex- remote sensing data collected into useful information for bridge
pertise of the available staff. condition assessment and whether data can be interpreted immedi-
ately after acquired by the device or if it requires further post-
processing. Ease of data collection is reflected in Criterion F. This
Remote Acoustics criterion considered whether the training needed for the operator or
Deck Surface, Deck Subsurface, Girder Surface, and the instrumentation is used as the manufacturer intended or has been
Girder Subsurface Challenges modified for use in an unconventional way. The stand-off distance
Acoustics is a well-established method to detect bridge subsurface of the instruments is assessed in Criterion G; it indicates a measure
deteriorations. Although the subsurface bridge condition indicators of how far the instrument is from the target or target enclosure’s
that are measured with acoustic techniques are not in contact with the surface (for subsurface features) during the data collection pro-
equipment when a measurement is made, the bridge or structural cedure. Traffic disruption is an important factor that be considered
element itself is in contact with the instrument. The technique uti- in any commercial technology’s practicality for bridge condition
lizes reflected or transmitted acoustic waves (sound waves) in evaluation. This factor was considered in Criterion H and intended
a medium to measure certain parameters of that medium and infer to measure how much the technique interferes with traffic when
its condition or composition. Sophisticated instrumentation is used collecting data. More detailed description of the rating system
to monitor these acoustic waves and measure their amplitude, associated with each criterion is presented in the project report
frequency content, and travel time through a medium. Acoustic (Ahlborn et al. 2010a). Scored results of this study are demon-
emission impact-echo method, acoustic tomography, and Lamb- strated in Fig. 1.
wave monitoring were considered in this evaluation. Although
these techniques are similar to the tap test and chain dragging,
those traditional methods of bridge inspection are not considered Conclusions
in this category nor in any part of this technology performance
evaluation. In this evaluation, it is indicated the technologies are Although remote sensing technologies have been successfully
only applicable to subsurface features or cracks and section loss of implemented in a number of industries, their application to moni-
deck and girder surfaces (Ahlborn et al. 2010a). toring and maintenance of transportation infrastructure has been
somewhat limited to date. Remote sensing technologies can be used
to assess and monitor the condition of bridge infrastructure and
Technology Rating Methodology improve the efficiency of inspection, repair, and rehabilitation
efforts. Most importantly, monitoring the condition of a bridge using
The 12 remote sensing technologies discussed in the previous sec- remote sensors can eliminate the need for traffic disruption or total
tion were evaluated and assigned grades under eight criteria. These lane closure because remote sensors do not come in direct contact
criteria were established based on application requirements of the with the structure.
remote sensing technique for bridge condition assessment. The as- Monitoring how damage or deterioration changes over time will
sessment was mostly based on existing literature and professional provide state and local engineers with additional information needed
experience; however, the lack of sufficient information in the liter- to prioritize critical maintenance and repair of our nation’s bridges.
ature regarding specific performance was one of the difficulties in The ability to acquire this information remotely from many bridges
the rating. The technologies were rated based on eight criteria sig- without the expense of a dense sensor network will provide more
nificant for condition assessment. The list of criteria (AeH) and accurate and temporal assessments of bridge conditions. Improved
rating system associated with each one is described in Table 1. assessments allow for limited resources to be better allocated in repair


J. Bridge Eng., 2012, 17(6): 886-895

Table 1. Definition for the Criteria Used in Rating Remote Sensing Technologies for Their Efficiency in Detecting Bridge Condition Indicators (Ahlborn et al.
2010a, reproduced with permission)
Criteria Score (0–2)
A Is the requirement met? 2 • Resolution is specifically within the current capabilities of the technology
• Full range of measurements are met or better
• Other requirements directly measured
1 • Lower limit of resolution/requirements is not within capabilities, but upper limit is
• Technology can measure somewhere between the range or within 25% of upper limit
• Some requirements are only indirectly measured
0 • Upper limit of resolution not met within 25%
• Current capabilities do not allow direct measurement at any necessary resolution
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B Availability of instrument 2 • Technology is currently commercially available and used for similar application(s)
• Technologies components are immediately available for use as manufacturer intends (e.g., there is no commercial
DIC or 3D photogrammetry platform, but digital cameras are widely available for the same purpose)
1 • Technology is available only for research purposes
• Components are available commercially, but they may have not been applied to this purpose and are not
specifically designed for the application
0 • A complete system has not been demonstrated in research
• The technology is only theoretically available and would have to be built from very fundamental components
C Cost of measurement 2 • Low capital cost/moderate capital cost with reuse (low operational cost)
1 • Moderate capital cost/low capital cost with high operational cost (e.g., dedicated equipment that cannot quickly
or easily be reused)
0 • High capital cost/moderate capital cost with high operational cost
D Precollection preparation 2 • Absolutely no preparation of the structure/no or minimal calibration of the instrument are required
1 • The structure requires moderate preparation/the instrument requires moderate calibration
0 • Both the structure and/or instrument require extensive preparation
E Complexity of analysis 2 • Analysis consists of either pattern recognition by user (bridge inspector can easily understand the output)
• Automated turn-key processing by a computer (software commercially available)
1 • Analysis consists of detailed measurements made by a human user from raw data
• Processing by an algorithm that must be tuned or trained for each dataset/more than one algorithm is needed
0 • Analysis consists of very complex calculations and measurements made by a human user from raw data
• Processing by an algorithm that (1) requires extensive human supervision, (2) a large amount of time per bridge
(more than a day), or (3) requires multiple algorithms chained together with human-in-the-loop input/output
F Ease of data collection 2 • Instrument is used in a straightforward manner as intended by manufacturer and requires little more from the
operator than supervision (i.e., push the start button and start collecting)
• Easily accessible structure components
1 • Instrument is used in a custom fashion (may have been modified for this purpose)
• Requires input from operator/requires real-time verification (quality assurance/quality control) of results
• Environmentally dependent/considerable time window for data collection/physical challenges
0 • Instrument is used in a custom fashion and requires either input from the operator or real-time verification (quality
assurance/quality control) of results/hidden components/team needed
G Stand-off distance rating 2 • No part of the platform is touching the earth
1 • Part of the platform is on the earth or bridge (i.e., on a ground-based vehicle or some other grounded mount), and
the instrument is not in contact with the structure
0 • Instrument is in direct contact with structure; technique is not technically remote sensing
H Traffic disruption 2 • Absolutely no lane closure or traffic disruption
1 • Minor/short-term traffic disruption or minor lane closure
0 • Major/long-term traffic disruption or major lane closure


J. Bridge Eng., 2012, 17(6): 886-895

and maintenance efforts, thereby extending the service life and safety of Transportation, the Michigan Tech Transportation Institute,
of bridge assets, and minimizing costs of service-life extension. the Michigan Tech Research Institute, and the Center for Automo-
This report presented a performance evaluation and rating of tive Research. The views, opinions, findings, and conclusions
commercially available remote sensing technologies for infrastructure reflected in this paper are the responsibility of the authors only
condition assessment, specifically bridges. In this study, 12 remote and do not represent the official policy or position of the USDOT/
sensing technologies were reviewed to evaluate their potential to de- RITA, or any state or other entity.
tect a series of indicators related to common challenges faced by typical
U.S. bridges. Using a rating methodology developed specifically for References
assessing the applicability of these remote sensing technologies,
a collective evaluation of these technologies for bridge challenges AASHTO. (2008). “Bridging the gap: Restoring and rebuilding the nation’s
located throughout the bridge was performed. bridges.”〈〉
The key findings within this rating methodology assessment are (Nov. 22, 2010).
Downloaded from by Lulea University of Technology on 04/30/21. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

as follows. Ahlborn, T. M., et al. (2010a). “An evaluation of commercially available re-
• Technologies such as 3D optics (including photogrammetry), mote sensors for assessing highway bridge condition."〈http://www.mtri.
StreetView-style photography, LIDAR, optical interferometry, org/bridgecondition/doc/RITA_BCRS_Commercial_Sensor_Evaluation
thermal IR, spectral analysis, and radar demonstrate the potential .pdf〉(Nov. 22, 2010).
to detect surface-related challenges. These challenges primarily Ahlborn, T. M., Harris, D. K., Brooks, C. N., Endsley, K. A., Evans, D. C.,
include those that are observable to the human eye and can and Oats, R. C. (2010b). Remote sensing technologies for detecting
bridge deterioration and condition assessment. NDE/NDT for highways
provide additional quantified measurements of the features of
and bridges: Structural materials technology (SMT) 2010. American
interest. Three-dimensional optics and StreetView-style photog- Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), New York.
raphy have the greatest potential and resolution in this case. EO Aronoff, S. (2005). Remote sensing for GIS managers, ESRI Press, Red-
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applicability to deck surface challenges as well, but were not ASTM. (2007).: “Standard test method for detecting delaminations in
always able to satisfy the resolution requirements. bridge decks using infrared thermography.” D4788-03, West Con-
• Radar technologies, including GPR and SAR collection, as well shohocken, PA.
as thermal IR imaging, have the greatest potential to measure Brooks, C., Schaub, D., Thelen, B., Shuchman, R., Powell, R., and
subsurface bridge condition challenges but are limited in spatial Keefauver, E. (2007). “TARUT pilot studies technical details report.”
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PublisherseCRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
IR data). Acoustics also demonstrated promise in detecting Federal Highway Administration (FHwA). (2004). “National bridge in-
subsurface-related challenges; however, this technique requires spection standards (NBIS).”〈〉
contact with the bridge in most cases, which precludes it from (Oct. 7, 2010).
consideration as remote sensing. Federal Highway Adminstration (FHwA). (2006). Bridge inspector’s ref-
• EO airborne and/or satellite imagery, 3D optics, InSAR, DIC, erence manual, BIRM, Washington, D.C.
and LIDAR are technologies with the potential to detect global Federal Highway Administration (FHwA). (2009). “National bridge
metric challenges. Among these, InSAR and DIC are the most inventory (NBI).” 〈〉
promising and have the greatest potential to meet the require- (Oct. 7, 2010).
ments for these applications. Hatta, H., Aly-Hassan, M. S., Hatsukade, Y., Wakayama, S., Suemasu, H.,
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Future Work 1106.
Hauser, E. W., and Chen, S.-E. (2009). Integrated remote sensing and
visualization (IRSV) system for transportation infrastructure operations
Although this evaluation highlights sensor technologies that have
and management, Center for Transportation Policy Studies, Univ. of
the potential to enhance current practices, it also highlights some North Carolina, Charlotte, NC.
technologies that have low potential and require additional research, Hutt, T., and Cawley, P. (2008). “Feasibility of digital image correlation
sensor development, and commercialization. Ongoing and future for detection of cracks at fastener holes.” NDT Int., 42(2), 141e149.
activities of this study will investigate the performance of some of Kant, Y., and Badarinath, K. V. S. (2002). “Sub-pixel fire detection using
these technologies for specific challenges related to bridge perfor- Landsat-TM thermal data.” Infrared Phys. Technol., 43(6), 383e387.
mance. These technologies were selected based on the preliminary Krajewski, J. E. (2006). “Bridge inspection and interferometry.” M.Sc.
rating with consideration for other ongoing projects in these areas thesis, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA.
and include 3D optics, StreetView-style photography, DIC, EO Mikhail, E. M., Akey, M. L., and Mitchell, O. R. (1984). “Detection and
satellite imagery, thermal IR, radar (including GPR), and InSAR. sub-pixel location of photogrammetric targets in digital images.”
Photogrammetria, 39(3), 63e83.
In addition, the output from these studies will form a framework
Morey, R. M. (1998). “Ground penetrating radar for evaluating subsurface
for a decision support system demonstration for bridges that will conditions for transportation facilities.” Synthesis of Highway Practice
complement bridge inspectors’ maintenance and rehabilitation de- 255, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
cisions in a safe and timely manner. National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP). (2007).
“Bridge inspection practices.” NCHRP Synthesis 375, Transportation
Acknowledgments Research Board, Washington, DC.
Pieraccini, M., Fratini, M., Parrini, F., Atzeni, C., and Bartoli, G. (2008).
“Interferometric radar vs. accelerometer for dynamic monitoring of large
This work was supported by the Commercial Remote Sensing and structures: An experimental comparison.” NDT Int., 41(4), 258e264.
Spatial Information Technologies program of the Research and Inno- Scott, M., Rezaizadeh, A., and Moore, M. (2001). “Phenomenology
vative Technology Administration (RITA), U.S. Department of Trans- study of HERMES ground-penetrating radar technology for detection
portation (USDOT), Cooperative Agreement No. DTOS59-10-H- and identification of common bridge deck features.” Rep. FHWA-RD-
00001, with additional support provided by the Michigan Department 01-090, Federal Highway Administration, Research, Development,


J. Bridge Eng., 2012, 17(6): 886-895

and Technology TurnereFairbank Highway Research Center, Washer, G. (2001). “Reliability of visual inspection for highway bridges.”
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Livermore, CA. portation Research Board, Washington, DC, 107e114.
Downloaded from by Lulea University of Technology on 04/30/21. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.


J. Bridge Eng., 2012, 17(6): 886-895

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