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Industry perspective
*Corresponding author
1. Evonik Nutrition & Care GmbH, Hanau-Wolfgang, Germany
2. Evonik Corporation, Indiana, USA

Development and implementation of a

large-scale HPAPI manufacturing process
KEYWORDS: HPAPI, OEL, containment, scale-up, industrial hygiene, risk control, custom manufacturing.

Abstract The development and transfer of HPAPI manufacturing processes to full production scale presents
particular challenges to a CMO. It is especially important to conduct a full risk analysis including setting
of Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) for each high potency chemical step. For this we need both reliable toxicity data and a
high level of expertise in toxicology. The risk control strategy defines the equipment and procedures, at both laboratory and plant
scale, in order to run the process safely. We show how this is achieved in practice with the example of a multi-step HPAPI process,
taken from laboratory to routine large scale production. During scale-up and production, the high potency aspects of the process
are continually reviewed in order to improve the safety and efficiency of the process.

INTRODUCTION the containment challenges for HPAPI manufacture (7).

For a CMO to be a reliable partner in the manufacture of
Highly Potent Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (HPAPIs) today HPAPIs, it is important to have a complete systems approach
constitute a significant and increasing proportion of new drugs. in place for the customer, including not just physical
It has been estimated that more than 25% of all new drugs in containment, but also skilled and experienced personnel for
development, including antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are hazard and risk assessment, effective project management,
HPAPIs (1). A large number of pharmaceutical companies and training of employees working on the HPAPI project, and
contract manufacturing organisations (CMOs) have invested analytical and cleaning protocols, among other criteria. We
in manufacturing facilities for HPAPIs over the last ten years. have previously presented the factors which are important for
Although some are well established, late entrants to the field a pharmaceutical customer in choosing the right CMO for an
still have to gain experience in large scale manufacturing and HPAPI project (8). In this article, we describe the steps taken to
handling of HPAPIs. The manufacture of HPAPIs, especially at determine the OEB for a new HPAPI process, the qualification
large scale, requires particular attention to safe handling and of the equipment, the handling of the project, and the clean-
containment systems, to prevent exposure of the workforce, down protocols, with the aid of a typical project which was
release of a HPAPI or pharmaceutically active intermediate, scaled up from laboratory to full manufacturing scale.
and cross-contamination with other products manufactured
in the facility or on the site. The systems and methods chosen
to achieve this by different manufacturers and recommended DETERMINATION OF OEB/OEL FOR HPAPI PROCESSES
by consultants in the field have been presented previously in
Chemistry Today (2-5). For the manufacture of highly potent compounds, it is
The containment system requirements for any particular process important to have comprehensive procedures and policies
depend on the hazard assessment of the toxicity of the drug in place to cover all aspects of classification and handling of
substance or intermediate, the Occupational Exposure Limit HPAPIs. To this end, Evonik has implemented a policy on potent
(OEL), the risk assessment and risk control strategy. In addition, compound handling, which covers the following key areas:
permitted daily exposure limits (PDE – European usage) or • Toxicological assessment of compounds with
acceptable daily exposure limits (ADE – USA usage) need to pharmacological and/or toxicological activity and
be established in order to select equipment of appropriate setting of OEL and PDE values. In case data are not
cleanability and to set cleaning limits (5,6). In this paper, the sufficient to derive an OEL, assignment of an default OEB
term PDE is used. In order to facilitate the individual risk control range, based on a basic hazard review, applying for
strategy, or in the case that data is insufficient to derive an example in silico predictions of mutagenicity using FDA-
OEL (e.g. in case of intermediates or raw materials), Evonik accepted software tools available in-house.
Health Care uses a system of five Occupational Exposure • Industrial hygiene risk assessments prior to handling
Bands (OEBs) with associated global containment guidelines potent compounds and an ongoing program to monitor
for all its pharmaceutical manufacturing sites, both for drug performance.
substances and formulated drug products as well as for isolated • Guidelines for facility design and exposure control
intermediates. The differences in Occupational Exposure Banding approaches to establish the safe handling of potent
between manufacturers were recently compared in a review on compounds and their pharmaceutical dosage forms at

20 Chimica Oggi - Chemistry Today - vol. 35(5) September/October 2017

laboratory, pilot plant and production scales of operation. and their justification. In the case that sufficient data is not
• Training and communication programs to ensure that available from the customer to determine an OEL, the compound
employees are familiar with / aware of the hazards is assigned to a default OEB, which at Evonik is OEB 3 for an API, if
presented by potent compounds in the workplace and there are no indications of particular toxicological properties such
that they have competent knowledge of the controls as mutagenicity. The internal workflow for the determination of
used to prevent exposure. the OEL and setting of the correct OEB is shown in Figure 2.
• An effective project management system to ensure that
potent compounds are managed appropriately
throughout the project and the product life cycle,
including project evaluation, R&D work, analytical, pilot
and large scale manufacturing as well as waste disposal.
The FDA and consultants advising in the field of HPAPI
manufacture have defined a highly potent active ingredient or
intermediate, as one which has an OEL of ≤10 μg/m3 air as an
8 hour time-weighted average. Based on the OEL, the potent
compound is placed into an OEB, which guides the handling
and control strategy for the material, as well as the substance-
and process-specific risk assessment. The OEBs used at Evonik
are shown in Figure 1, and compounds assigned to an OEL <10
μg/m3 (OEBs 3, 4 and 5) are all considered as highly potent.

Figure 1.
OEB Classification Figure 2. Flow chart for determining OEL/OEB levels.
at Evonik.

The main challenge for the CMO with regard to the hazard
assessment for the process, is the access to the relevant data for
APIs and intermediates which are still in development. If clinical
trials have not yet started, then the drug originator is the only party
having the relevant data and should provide the CMO with all
available data on bioavailability, toxicology and pharmacology.
This information is treated confidentially and only circulated within
a small group of employees. The better the information provided
by the customer, the more rapidly an accurate assessment can
be made by the CMO and the higher the confidence level will
be in the resulting PDE/OEL. As the project progresses through the
On receiving a new customer project request, the high potency clinical stages and the HPAPI receives a market authorisation,
compounds involved have to be assigned an appropriate OEL then more data on the drug is available in the public domain.
for the initial risk assessment in order to allow an initial decision However, the customer’s own data, particularly their own
on procedures and selection of manufacturing facilities. assessments for the derivation of OEL and PDE are typically
The OEL classification of the compound is based initially on preferred as more reliable for determining the Evonik internal
information supplied by the customer as part of the Request For PDE/OEL and the appropriate handling controls.
Proposal (RFP). This may include, among other items, data on The Evonik OELs and OEBs assist in the preparation of the risk
toxicology, pharmacology, bioavailability, clinical trial results, assessment, particularly during the project evaluation period,
and physico-chemical evaluations. Besides the information but for the design of the risk control systems the whole process
provided by the customer, an extensive search for relevant handling sequence, physical properties, routes of potential
literature (e.g. assessment documents from FDA or EMA as well exposure and toxicity need to be looked at in detail. Here the
as scientific publications), is conducted by the toxicologists more than 20 years’ experience of HPAPI handling at Evonik is a
involved, particularly for authorised APIs. The collected internal great help, because of the many best practice solutions shared
and external information is reviewed by an experienced in- among Evonik’s HPAPI expert core team. Normally, the HPAPIs are
house toxicologist, and the most relevant or conservative data manufactured in a multi-product facility, so an additional concern
are selected to determine the point of departure (POD) for the is carry-over of high potency compounds to the production
compound (e.g. a No Observed Adverse Effect Limit – NOAEL, campaign of the subsequent product. The PDE carry-over limits
or the lowest recommended therapeutic dose). This POD are determined in conjunction with the analysis performed
value is then adapted applying different assessment factors, to during the initial OEL/OEB evaluation and are incorporated
extrapolate from effects seen at the POD to an effect-free OEL for into the validation of plant cleaning protocols. ADE and PDE
chronic inhalation exposure in humans. In the case that sufficient values are also determined based on the toxicological
data is not available from the RFP, an exchange and review of and pharmacological data for the product. These limits are
information between toxicologists at Evonik and the customer is calculated according to the relevant guideline from the
initiated to allow a clear assessment to be made. After the OEL European Medicines Agency (9). Suitable trace analytical
and PDE have been established by an Evonik toxicologist, the methods must also be developed for the product, in order to
report is then cross-checked by a second toxicologist to confirm demonstrate the effective cleaning of the plant as part of the
the values determined for the PDE and the OEL, their calculation process validation (10).

Chimica Oggi - Chemistry Today - vol. 35(5) September/October 2017 21


The following case study is a typical business example of

a CMO process to an HPAPI. The customer supplied Evonik
with a multi-stage process to a heterocyclic compound,
which was the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API).
As the process was convergent rather than linear in nature,
only the final two stages were judged to be highly potent,
as it was only at these steps that the final API skeleton was
assembled. The supplied process was considered to be
a good technical fit for the proposed HPAPI production
Figure 3. HPAPI Manufacture at Laboratory and Production Scale.
unit at the Evonik Tippecanoe site (Lafayette, Indiana),
with additional process development work carried out at
our HPAPI lab in Hanau, Germany. The customer supplied Early phase development HPAPIs often come with incomplete
toxicological data (animal studies) to Evonik. Based on data sets, which are not sufficient to determine the initial OEL.
this information, the Evonik toxicologists had sufficient In such cases, conservative default OEB ranges are used, in
information to calculate a quantitative OEL value that was order to ensure personnel protection. The control strategy
within in the range 0.1 – 1 μg/m3. The product was therefore focuses on qualified containment equipment and additional
assigned to Evonik OEB 4. layers of protection. As the project progresses through the
clinical phases, the focus shifts to optimisation of the highly
The isolator in the HPAPI lab was qualified by using potent aspects of the production, in order to reduce the
naproxen sodium as a model drug, and containment exposure risk and to increase the economic effectiveness of
down to an OEL of 5 ng/m3 was demonstrated. (11) The the process. In the case of the process described here, the
laboratory equipment was therefore suitable for the production train used was qualified to manufacture an HPAPI
supplied process. In preparation for the laboratory work, down to an OEL level of 0.1 μg/m3. The customer provided a
analytical methods and reference samples were received well-defined set of data, which facilitated a rapid assessment
from the customer, and the methods were reproduced of the hazards and a speedy transfer to production.
in our laboratories. The analytical development required Although the process was robust, scale-up challenges were
for HPAPIs should not be underestimated, as there was a encountered during equipment clean-down, as the HPAPI
very large number of in-process controls to be transferred was being manufactured in a multi-product facility. This
and reproduced, covering a wide range of techniques: meant that the PDE limits of residual product were set at
GC, HPLC, NMR, water content by Karl Fischer, and a very low level, and there was a high solvent use in order
residual solvents by headspace GC. Over a period of a to reach the required level of cleanliness. Also, equipment
few weeks, all stages were reproduced in the HPAPI lab, may need to be opened and inspected after cleaning
and a multi-gram final product sample was prepared operations, with an additional risk of exposure to high potency
for the customer. The customer’s analysis of the sample materials. Analytical methods were developed to measure
corresponded to that of Evonik, so the project was then levels of HPAPI down to the ppb level (10) In addition, the
cleared for transfer to production scale. The total time from handling and decontamination of the waste generated by
initial project evaluation to customer analysis of the HPAPI the cleaning process had to be addressed. The Tippecanoe
lab sample and preparation for scale-up was less than production facility is equipped for high temperature
4 months. Throughout the process development period incineration of both liquid and solid waste, and is therefore
there were regular tele-conferences with the customer to able to dispose of the high potency waste streams cost
discuss progress; this close collaboration with the customer effectively on site. Secondary issues such as cleaning
contributed greatly to the speed with which the process assumed a higher importance than the chemical process
was developed and transferred to production. itself as the HPAPI was scaled up to the 8 m3 train.
Following acceptance of the laboratory sample by the At the full production scale, additional containment measures
customer, the process was transferred to the Tippecanoe had to be considered. There was an increased focus on the
HPAPI bulk operations production unit (Figure 3), and cleaning protocol; however the larger scale plant had a greater
a demonstration campaign was run in the 2 m3 train. cleanability because of its clean-in-place design, and the
A containment strategy was developed, based on the availability of more “hard” barrier containment systems in place,
defined OELs and the known capabilities of the plant compared with the “soft” containment technologies used on
equipment. After a successful conclusion to this initial campaign, the smaller scale plant. For example, the small scale plant made
and after further discussions with the customer, the process more use of glove bags, rather than the fixed containment
was then scaled up to the 8 m3 train. The experiences equipment such as rigid glove boxes on the full scale plant.
from the initial 2 m3 campaign, including the dispensing Process optimisation also focused on the wider supply
of raw materials, and the cleaning of surfaces, were chain challenges. These included the dispensing of raw
reviewed after the campaign, and revised procedures materials the handling and storage of the highly potent
were implemented for the scale up to the 8 m3 train. intermediates and finished product. On scale-up, the
Routine production has continued at this scale, with robustness of the process allowed for the reduction of
several campaigns run to date. There is a process in in-process checks by up to 50%, which reduced the
place for providing continuous review and improvement complexity of the process and also reduced the handling
of procedures and practices with each subsequent of highly potent materials. These changes, as well as all other
production campaign. process improvements, were only introduced after detailed

22 Chimica Oggi - Chemistry Today - vol. 35(5) September/October 2017

discussions with the customer. With an established large- to implement the in-process, intermediate and final HPAPI
scale production and repeat campaigns, the production analyses, and also to develop trace analytical methods to
team began to look at optimisation of the highly potent support the cleaning protocol for the HPAPI plant. The operation
aspects of the process, to improve the cost efficiency. of the process has to be designed according to the risk control
Concurrently, additional industrial hygiene data and strategy, and this strategy should be reviewed at each scale-up.
workplace monitoring were generated in order to review In all these areas, close contact and dialogue with the customer
the use of additional personal protective equipment by is essential. All significant changes need to be discussed and
operators. A better understanding of the toxicology profile of agreed with the customer before implementation. It goes
the HPAPI and intermediates was achieved, so that potential without saying that for the introduction and operation of a CMO
adjustments in PDE residue limits on clean-down could be production process, and particularly for an HPAPI process, a
introduced. These all led to a streamlining of the production close relationship and mutual trust in the exchanging of sensitive
process, which was particularly important for the customer, technical and toxicological data between the customer and
as the drug product was fast-tracked for commercialisation. the CMO is essential for success of the project.


In order to introduce and scale-up a customer HPAPI process 1. Bowman, M., Speciality Chemicals, 30 (July 2013)
to full manufacturing scale, a wide range of disciplines must be 2. Axon, M.W., Farris, J.P., Mason, J., Chemistry Today, 26(2), 57
harnessed to work together for a safe and optimum process (2008)
introduction. This not only requires the introduction of training 3. Belger, T., Chemistry Today, 32(1), 29 (2014)
programs and employment of highly skilled personnel both 4. Harris, R., Chemistry Today, 33(5), 67 (2015)
5. Winkler, G.C., Mirwald, J., Gromek, K., Lovsin Barle, E., Chemistry
in process R&D and in production, but also toxicologists and
Today, 34(4), 32 (2016)
industrial hygiene specialists, as well as safety and hazard
6. Weideman, P., et al, Contract Pharma, 74 (September 2015)
assessment experts. In addition, specialist analysts are required
7. Dunny, E., O’Connor, I., Bones, J., Drug
Discovery Today, in press (2017), http://dx.doi.
org/10.1016/j. drudis.2017.02.003
8. Haehl, K., Chemistry Today, 31(4),
Supplement, 24 (2013)
9. European Medicines Agency, Guideline on
setting health based exposure limits for use in
risk identification in the manufacture of
different medicinal products in shared
facilities, EMA/CHMP/CVMP/
SWP/169430/2012 (effective 2015)
10. CEFIC Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Committee, Guidance on aspects of
cleaning validation in active pharmaceutical
ingredient plants (2014), http://apic.cefic.
11. ISPE D/A/CH Affiliate, Containment Manual
(English translation), ISPE Publications (2017)

About the author

The API manufacturing
The API API manufacturing
Ian Grayson has many
years of experience in
development and plant

industry isischanging.
is changing.
introduction of
processes for
pharmaceutical and
In order to remain competitive, manufacturers must account agrochemical products,
In order to remain competitive, manufacturers must account
In order tomarkets,
remain forcompetitive,
new markets, tightening regulations, increased competition,
for new tightening regulations, manufacturers
increased competition,must account together with the
and heightened M&A.
for new markets,M&A.
and heightened tightening regulations, increased competition, investigation and development of new
Trusted by 80% of the world’s top 50 generic and API manufacturers,
and heightened
Trusted by 80% ofM&A.
the world’s top 50 generic and API manufacturers,
Newport Premium is the most advanced product targeting, business
chemistry and technology for the
Newport Premium is the most advanced product targeting, business
development and competitive intelligence system for CMOs, CDMOs manufacture of fine chemicals and
development and competitive intelligence system for CMOs, CDMOs
Trusted by 80%
and Pharma Fineof
andthe world’s
Chemicals top 50
Fine Chemicals
firms interested generic
theirand API manufacturers,
in building
in building their
pharmaceuticals. He is currently a member
API manufacturing businesses in marketed drugs.
Newport Premiumbusinesses
API manufacturing is the most advanced
in marketed drugs. product targeting, business
of the Strategic Innovation team at Evonik’s
development andRemain
Remain competitive
with Newport. Visit
with Newport. Visit us at CPhI
us at CPhI Worldwide forWorldwide
CMOs, CDMOs Health Care Business Line.
at Stand 8.0H08, or
at Stand 8.0H08,
and Pharma Fine or
Chemicals firms interested in building their
API manufacturing businesses in marketed drugs.

Remain competitive with Newport. Visit us at CPhI Worldwide

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