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1 See as the father of Indian Green Revolution? M.S Swaminathan [8] Sundartal Bahuguna [C]_ Madhav Gadgil (0) Anil Agarwal 2. Major consequences of deforestation are [A] Destruction of natural habitat of wild species {B] Disturbances in hydrological cycle {Cl Soil erosion \ IDE afof these 3. Following are the effects of extensive and reckless ground water usage Except A] Subsidence UB Lowering of water table \[CHitrease in ground water level [D] None of the above 4. The Cauvery water dispute is between_ ‘amilnadu and Karnataka [8] Tamitnadu and Kerala [C] India and Pakistan [D] India and Bangladesh 5. What is the approx percentage(%) of fresh water in our planet earth? JAY 3%% 1B] 6.5% [C] 97.2 [D] 79% 6. Main cause of drought is- at Taadequate rainfall [8] Heavy raining IC] Shifting cultivation [D] None of the above 7. Which of the following disease is caused by malnutrition- \aHwashiorkor [B] Jaundice [C] Glucoma [D] All of the above in WPS Office 8. “National Forest Commission” was formed by the government of India in the year * [A] 2003 [8] 2005 [c] 2010 [D] 1999 9. Consequences of mining are [A] Landslides [8] Water pollution {C] Soil Pollution \D}Atrof the above 10. Conservation of energy leads to [A] Decrease in pollution rate [8] Decrease in cost rate [C] Conservation of energy resources \1B] All of the above 11. The term “Ecosystem” was proposed by [A] Ernst Haeckel [8] Elton EIA. Tansley [D] Odum 12. Ina Grassland ecosystem there are grasses,snakes, grasshoppers,Toads etc. In this ecosystem, primary consumer is IA] Grass (8) Toad ] Grasshopper [D] Snake 13. Following are the examples [A] Phyto-planktons [B] Plants {C] Zoo-planktons of biotic components except_ \ PI Phosphorus 14, Ra ees -of energy in an ecosystem is_ (8) Fossil fuel (C] Wood [D] All of the above 15, Which of the following is commonly known as poor man’s timber? [a] Rubber »[B}3amboo {c] Coconut [0] Jackfruit 16. Biodiversity hot spot is a region with \(A} High level of endemic species [B] Moderate level of endemic species [C] Low level of endemic species [D] None of the above 17. Biodiversity is the variety and variability of life that includes_ [A] Ecosystem diversity [B] Genetic diversity [cl Species diversity \_[p]Atrof the above 18, Which of the following is an example of artificial ecosystem? a} AGricultural cropland ecosystems [B] Forest ecosystems {C] Marine ecosystems [D] None of the above 19. Functions of an ecosystem includes_ [A] Energy flow through food chain [B] Nutrients cycling (biogeochemical cycles) [Cc] Conservancy of solar energy \_ Dolan the above 20. The energy pyramid of a grassland ecosystem is_ ‘ight (8) Inverted [C] Both ‘A’ and‘B’ [D] None of above 21. The main cause of World Food Problem is- A. Deforestation B.Water Pollution \C.Pepulation explosion D. Natural calamity 22. Biotic factors of environment refer to A. Gases produced by industries B. Nutrient-deficient soils ing organisms D. Fossil fuel 23. Arenewable exhaustible A. Petroleum B. Coal— \&--Forest D. Minerals natural resource is 24. Serious cause of loss of forest Tes A. Ecosystem collapse \e-togging and mining C. Soil erosion D. Flood and volcanic eruption sources is due to- 25. Which of the following is an example of man-made ecosystem? A. Forest B. Tissue Culture \coAquarium D. Herbarium 26. Which of the followi iN9 Groups is absolutely essential functional component Of the ecosystem? A. Producers 8. Producers and herbivores \eProduecrs anc id detritivores D. Detritivores Edit 27. Identify the correct type of food chain: Dead animal -. blow fly maggots -. common frog + snake A. Decomposer food chain \B-Detrital food chain C. Grazing food chain D. Predator food chain. 28. World water day observed on: 2 April \C-27 March D. 22 May 29. Ozone layer of upper atmosphere is destroyed by A. Sulphur dioxide B. Smog C. Aerosols D-htorofluorocarbon 30. Red Data Book is published by \A-10CN B. WWF C. CPCB D. UNEP 31. Which one is non-tenewable resource? \aynatural Gas B) Wind. ©) Sunlight. D) None of these. 32. Result of Drought is/are- ‘A) Agriculture Drought B) Food insecurity C) Water Scarcity \ d) Aeftrese. 33. Give one example of Cleaner: A) Gold. B) Phosphate ‘C) Bacteria D) Natural gas. 34, A long-term damage by flood A) Loss of life. 8) Crop damage C) Loss of power. feplacing what is lost or damaged. 35. Crop lands is a A) Terrestrial ecosystem. 8) Aquatic ecosystem ‘C}4wtanmade or artificial ecosystem D) None of those 36. Frogis a A) Primary consumer. ‘8)SeCondary Consumer. C) Tertiary consumer. D) None of these 39) Which one is micro nutrient-? A) Carbon B) Hydrogen C) Nitr \eyCopper 40) The example of ex-situ conservation is- A) Seed Bank B) Gene Bank. C) Botanical garden. Il of these. 41) Wildlife protection b) 120cm. ¢) 121¢m. d)171¢m 84. Crop Production in the agriculture field Gets reduced due to a) drought. b) Earthquake ©) deforestation all 85. Which one isa single element mineral? a) Iron, b) Phosphate. ©) coal Ad) gota 86. Earth surface is Covered with ocean by a) 66% YT ©) 83% Eat v d) 60% 87. Geo-thermal means _SalsIEat from the earth b) heat from the atmosphere c) heat from the steam d) heat from the coal. 88. Principle fuel component of bio gas is a) Nitrogen b) Propen. C) Methane \dyethane 89. Which one is non-renewable resource? \a)ceat'and mineral b) water and natural gas c) energy and water d) none of these 90. Chipko movement 3 b) 1986 Nc) 1974 d) 1952 91. Artificial or anthropogenic eco-system is of- \@) Maniffiade b) natural Eait with WPS Office c) both a&b 4) none of these ty hey are called 52. Primary consumers mainly consume green planting only, 60 they a) Decomposer b) producer \ohtErbivores d) all of these 93. Energy flow from the sun to the producers and c consumer a) Unidirectional b) bi-directional ©) cyclical 4d) none of these 94. Source of oxygéi in the atmosphere NadProtoopnthent b) evaporation ©) respiration ¢) succession 9. Biotic componept-of an eco-system include aondhie tone decomposer b) producer and consumer ©) producer only 4) consumer only 26. Pyramid of numbers ina grassland ecosystem is ~< Always upright 1 b) always inverted c) botha&b d) none of these 97. Red data book is the name of the book deals with a) rare plants of any region b) endangered animals of any region ¢) rare plants growing in protected areas like botanical garden !) sHfeatened plants and animals of any region 98. Which factor of environment includes plants, animals and microorganisms? > Bi ‘actors E F. Abiotic Factors G. Direct Factors H. Indirect Factors 99. Concept of ecological pyramids was proposed by E. Odum F. Tansley G. Clements- \b-—Tiharles Elton 100. The food chain, in which the microorganisms breakdown the energy-rich organic compounds prepared by the producers, is known as E. Detritus food chain cE Predator food chain G. Parasitic food chain H. Ecosystem it vation? 101. Which one of the following is not used for ex situ plant conse — Field gene banks F. Seed banks \G-~ Shifting cultivation H. Botanical Gardens 102. Which one of the following areas in India, , is a hotspot of biodiversity E Sunderbans \E-—Westem Ghats G. Eastern Ghats H Gangetic Plain 103. The nature's cleaners are E. Producer F. Consumer "SScaVenger and Decomposer H. Symbionts 104. Niche is defined as the a Position of species ‘ina community FE. in relation to other species Place where organism lives 5 Place where organism lives and Performs its, duty H. Place where Population perform their duties 105. The ecological pyramid which can be inverted in atree eco-system ig aa of number F. Pyramid of energy G. Pyramid of Biomass H. Both (8) and (c) 20 106 Which of the following statements is correct? E : Least productive ecosystem is desert and deep lake Sugarcane is the most productive agroecosyste GS Most productive ecosystem is coral reef H All the above. 107. The term “Ecosystem” was proposed by A. Ernst Haeckel B. Elton CAG. Tansley D.E. P. Odum 109. Following are the examples of biotic components except A. Phyto-planktons B. Plants C. Zoo-planktons \_D_Phosphorus 110. Ultimate source of energy in an ecosystem is B. Fossil fuel C. Wood D. All of the above. 111. Biodiversity hot spot is a region with A. High level of endemic species B. Moderate level of endemic species C. Low level of endemic species D. None of the above. } cain wath WPS Ohce fg can w 112. Biodiversity is the variety and variability of life that includes_ A. Ecosystem diversity B. Genetic diversity ©. Species diversity <0. Allof the above 113. Which one is non-renewable resource? \A. Natofal Gas, B. Wind. C. Sunlight. D. None of these. 114, Lowest biomass density per unit area is found in NA Doser B. Forest. ©. Grassland D. Tea garden. 115. Plantation is a example of A. Natural ecosystem. B Aquatic ecosystem C -Affficial ecosystem D. none of those Ze 116. Co is example of rimmary consumer. 22 B. Secondary Consumer. C. Tertiary consumer D. None of these 117... One of the examples of ex-situ conservation is- A. National parks B. Wildlife Sanctuaries. C. Biosphere reserve \.8-Botanical garden. 118.. Wildlife protection act was enacted in the year A. 1982. e972 Cc. 1992. D.1970 119, Which one of the following is not a green house gas A.COz B.CO C.H20 vapour. — D 120. One example of metallic mineral. A. Salt B. Gypsum C. Sand Tron #4) Eait vath WPS Office 23 121. Bituminous is one kind of \ A Coal B. Petroleum C.Gas D. Nuclear fuel 122. One example of biotic components nA_Gréen plants. B. Soil. C. Water, D. Energy. 123. Example of in-organic substance A. Protein. B. Lipid. C. Carbohydrates. \p-Atamrinum, 124. Pitcher plant is an example of- A. Exotic species atthe ‘species C. Key stone species. D. Umbrella species. 24 125. The word Environment is derived from the word "Environ which means “surrounding”. The “Environ”is a A) French word ~B}calin Word c) German Word D) None of these. 126. For sustainability of any developmental project it should be ‘A) Economically viable B) Socially acceptable C) Environmentally sound \.D) Atfof these. 127. Baba Amie is associated with: Sa) 4pikko movements B) Chipko movement C) Narmada Bachao movement (D) None of these 128. Which one is a surface water pool? A) Spring B) Aquifer 8) River D) Rainfall 129. The adverse effects of Dam include: A) Soil fertility B) Salinity of soil C) Water logging of the above 130. The maximum use of fresh water is in A) Agriculture domestic use C) Industry D) Fishery. 131. Which of the following is not a fossil fuel? A) Coal 18) B)Natural Gas €) Gas hydrates Xp) O)Thorwum esource IS 122. The advance technotoay for mapping of ranural resout Xa) Refote Sensing B) Ground photo C) Actial photography D) Survey 133. Planned management of natural resources IS A) Not possible B) Not easy \.£} Called conservation D) Called depletion are 134, The percentage of evaporation of water from land an ocean surf respectively wo & 84% *B)

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