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Predictive Maintenance and Intelligent Sensors in Smart

Factory: Review
Martin Pech, Jaroslav Vrchota * and Jiří Bednář

Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice,

Studentska 13, 370 05 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic; (M.P.); (J.B.)
* Correspondence:

Abstract: With the arrival of new technologies in modern smart factories, automated predictive
maintenance is also related to production robotisation. Intelligent sensors make it possible to obtain
an ever-increasing amount of data, which must be analysed efficiently and effectively to support
increasingly complex systems’ decision-making and management. The paper aims to review the
current literature concerning predictive maintenance and intelligent sensors in smart factories. We
focused on contemporary trends to provide an overview of future research challenges and classifi-
cation. The paper used burst analysis, systematic review methodology, co-occurrence analysis of
keywords, and cluster analysis. The results show the increasing number of papers related to key
researched concepts. The importance of predictive maintenance is growing over time in relation to
Industry 4.0 technologies. We proposed Smart and Intelligent Predictive Maintenance (SIPM) based
on the full-text analysis of relevant papers. The paper’s main contribution is the summary and over-
view of current trends in intelligent sensors used for predictive maintenance in smart factories.
Citation: Pech, M.; Vrchota, J.;
Bednář, J. Predictive Maintenance
Keywords: intelligent sensors; maintenance; smart factory; Industry 4.0
and Intelligent Sensors in Smart
Factory: Review. Sensors 2021, 21,
1. Introduction
Academic Editor: Susana Vieira; Industry sets the direction for the world economy, accounting for more than 70% of
João Figueiredo; João Miguel da the world’s total material production [1], depending on the regional economy’s develop-
Costa Sousa ment. The continuous introduction of new technologies in developed countries has an
impact on its relatively low level of employment of the population at the level of 20% [2].
Received: 31 December 2020
Simultaneously, the share of products and semifinished products in international trade is
Accepted: 16 February 2021
continuously growing, despite the declining share of national Gross Domestic Product
Published: 20 February 2021
(GDP) in developed countries [3]. All these facts are caused by introducing new technol-
ogies, which in the current industrial era of Industry 4.0 are summarised by many authors
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu-
under the name Smart Factory.
tral with regard to jurisdictional
claims in published maps and insti-
This review aims to give the reader a comprehensive view of maintenance and intel-
tutional affiliations. ligent sensors in Smart Factory. As can be seen from the following, current literature re-
views [4–10] have shown that the literature is focusing on specific topics only separately.
The literature specializes in different types of sensors but does not consider them in rela-
tion to those technologies, and industry 4.0. Professional texts lack a summary of literature
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. and texts that would bring the usability and potential of sensors closer to common prac-
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. tice, so that these findings can be clearly used for business management in the implemen-
This article is an open access article tation of maintenance system planning. This would be beneficial for operational manag-
distributed under the terms and con- ers and engineers for the design of new maintenance systems. This article provides a com-
ditions of the Creative Commons At- prehensive overview of current trends to help structure and guide future research. At the
tribution (CC BY) license (http://cre- same time, it answers key questions related to contemporary trends in maintenance pro- cesses in smart factories. We define which Industry 4.0 technologies and intelligent sen-
sors usually provide maintenance in smart factories. Moreover, it helps to find new trends
in smart and intelligent predictive maintenance.

Sensors 2021, 21, 1470.

Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 2 of 39

The article is organised into six sections (Figure 1). After the Introduction (Section 1),
the Theoretical Background (Section 2) discusses the relevant literature about intelligent
sensors, smart factory, and predictive maintenance and defines key terms. In Materials
and Methods (Section 3), we explain the qualitative and quantitative methods used for the
review. Section 4 is focused on the main results of the article, followed by a discussion
(Section 5). The last part presents the conclusion (Section 6), contributions, limitations, and
future research.

Figure 1. Organisation of the article.

2. Theoretical Background
A literature review discussing intelligent sensors for maintenance in smart factories
has not been carried out. The literature currently offers reviews dealing with these areas
separately. Song at al. [4] pays attention to smart sensors in monitoring the condition and
integrity of rock bolts concerning economic and personnel losses. In the field of engineer-
ing, Jin [5] describes multifunctional sensors suitable for industrial production, Feng [11]
describes sensors for intelligent gas sensing in the literature review, and Paidi [6] de-
scribes intelligent parking sensors replacing ultrasonic sensors in combination with ma-
chine learning. Sony and Talal [7,12] then characterise sensors for health monitoring. In
literature reviews, we relatively often find a combination of smart sensors and smart fac-
tories, a key part of the 4.0 industry concept [13]. Lee [9] describes smart sensors’ use to
evaluate and diagnose individual devices in a smart factory. Strozzi [10] expands the lit-
erature review emphasising the actual transition and implementation of large, intelligent
factories. Pereira and Álvarez [14,15] also focus on implementing the principles of a smart
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 3 of 39

factory and emphasise that effective value creation depends on the method of implemen-
tation. The implementation process about managing technological and organisational
changes and desirable competencies is further addressed by Sousa [16], as well as Lee et
al. [17]. They pay attention to the gap between recent researches on the actual level of
deployment. In the field of maintenance of intelligent factories, we find several literature
reviews with the resonant notion of predictive maintenance. In their overview, Carvalho
[18] focuses on machine learning methods, which they consider a promising tool for pre-
dictive maintenance. Sakib [19] observes the shift from service activities to proactive, pre-
dictive maintenance and places [20] in the context of Industry 4.0. Olesen and Shaker [21]
deals with practical use in thermal power plants, and Fei [22] in the field of aircraft sys-

2.1. Intelligent Sensors

We find a critical area in the concept of smart factories, and that is intelligent logis-
tics—transport and warehousing. These operations include identification and detection of
the location of resources across the company. We understand sensors as a technical repro-
duction of natural processes because human nerves transform external stimuli into elec-
trical signals transmitted to the central nervous system—the brain. Smart sensors process
aggregated data from production processes in real-time and enable self-determination of
machines and other smart devices [23,24]. Data on production resources are used to mon-
itor, collect, and evaluate the data obtained. The most common type of wireless sensors
work on radio frequency identification (RFID), ZigBee, and Bluetooth technology [25]. Ei-
fert [26] defines intelligent sensors as a multi-component measuring device that is self-
calibrating, self-optimised, and easy to integrate into the environment for high connectiv-
ity. Besides, intelligent sensors also have process intelligence and can generate multidi-
mensional data information. The literature of the most inflected RFID technology is also
one of the key technologies for implementing the Internet of Things (IoT). In RFID tech-
nology, it is an active and passive tag, where the active sensor sends information for hun-
dreds of meters, and the passive tag receives it. The integrated sensor in production ena-
bles a flexible and targeted strategy of predictive maintenance and control [27]. Sensors
that are part of the IoT can proactively monitor the device and issue alerts when the device
deviates from the specified parameters, we speak of so-called facility management [28].
Karabegovic [29] adds that the sensors convert physical parameters (temperature, speed,
humidity) into signals that can be measured electronically. The use of smart sensors in
Industry 4.0 is characterised by Schmitt [30]. The key element is knowledge of the current
state of the system. Sensor data with other parameters of the given process in the sense of
self-diagnostics and machine learning can be evaluated in real-time. The traceability of
individual components is also essential—from screws to the uniformity of seals, this
knowledge enables the measurement of tolerance and comprehensive monitoring of the
condition of machines and other equipment.

2.2. Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance (PdM) is the latest maintenance policy adopted by many in-
dustries. Above all, these are areas that require absolute reliability, such as power plants,
public services, transport systems, and emergency services. Forecasted information is usu-
ally necessary for the long term and for planning various operational activities (mainte-
nance, production, inventory, etc.). In addition, due to technological and logistical limita-
tions, maintenance cannot always be performed everywhere [31]. Maintenance is a critical
activity that takes place in production. Machine failures during production can lead to
adverse effects on the production schedule, delivery delays, or employee overtime to com-
pensate for the loss. PdM predicts system failures to optimize maintenance efforts [32,33].
According to Carvalho [18,34], PdM is a set of tools used to determine when specific
maintenance is required. The tool is based on continuous monitoring of the machine or
process, and this allows maintenance to be performed only when needed. A secondary,
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 4 of 39

no less important function of PdM is the possibility of early detection of faults, thanks to
tools based on historical data—machine learning—as well as visual aspects of faults—
colour and wear. As a possible part of the Industry 4.0 concept, PdM aims to minimise
maintenance costs, implement zero-waste production, and reduce the number of major
failures [35]. Despite PdM’s benefits, Herrmann [36] highlights the potential risks of re-
mote access to maintenance processes and cites Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) at-
tacks, for example. According to Zonta [20], we distinguish three approaches to PdM,
namely: Based on a physical model, where the main feature is mathematical modelling
requiring the timeliness of the state and statistical methods of evaluation. The second ap-
proach is the knowledge-based approach, which reduces the complexity of the physical
model, and the last approach is the data-driven approach, which we find most often in
the current development of PdM. This approach is based on artificial intelligence, i.e., ma-
chine learning and statistical modelling, and is a satisfactory approach in the conditions
of Industry 4.0 [37]. Farooq et al. distinguish experience-driven and data-driven mainte-
nance [38]. Experience-driven preventive maintenance is based on gathering knowledge
about production equipment, which is then used to plan future maintenance. On the con-
trary, data-driven preventive maintenance is based on analysing a large volume of data
(Figure 2).

Figure 2. Experience- and data-driven predictive maintenance [38].

2.3. Smart Factory

One of the key components of Industry 4.0 is a smart factory, otherwise also a smart
or digital factory. A smart factory represents the future state of fully interconnected pro-
duction systems, without a significant amount of manpower [13]. According to Chen [25],
a smart factory is a manufacturing solution that provides adaptive and flexible manufac-
turing processes that reflect the rapidly and dynamically changing conditions in the world.
On the one hand, this solution can be understood as a combination of software and hard-
ware, which should lead to the optimisation of production and the reduction of waste of
scarce resources. On the other hand, the concept can be perceived as a space for perspec-
tive cooperation with business partners based on the formation of a dynamic organisation.
The smart factory architecture itself includes a physical resource layer, a data and network
layer, as well as an end layer. All elements of the intelligent factory are interconnected,
exchanging information, and recognising and evaluating situations. Thus, physical and
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 5 of 39

cyber technology is integrated, which results in improved controllability, control, trans-

parency of production processes, maximises value for the customer, and in addition, there
is communication between the factory and the market itself [39,40]. The core technologies
of Industry 4.0 include IoT, cloud computing, and high-volume data analysis. IoT repre-
sents the integration of sensors and computer technology in the field of wireless commu-
nication, and cloud services allow access to the network respectively, as a shared pool of
computing resources. The combination of these technologies allows the involvement of
all devices in the concept of a smart factory, but the collection of huge amounts of data
requires another technology, which is the analysis of high-volume data. With the help of
analytical tools—data mining or machine learning—this technology is one of the most
important elements of the entire concept of Industry 4.0 [41]. Other technologies related
to the vision of a smart factory include autonomous robots, additive manufacturing, aug-
mented reality, and cybersecurity. Drastic changes in technology are changing the concept
of production. In the modern concept, traditional centrally controlled processes are re-
placed by decentralised control, which builds on the ability of individual elements of a
smart factory to communicate with each other. In self-regulatory production, people, ma-
chines, equipment, and products communicate with each other [42].

3. Materials and Methods

The paper is based on a review of the literature focusing on intelligent sensors,
maintenance, and smart factories. As part of this review, we analysed, evaluated, and dis-
cussed scientific publications from prestigious databases. This review focuses on combin-
ing three concepts and creating a comprehensive overview of studies to find possible re-
search gaps. The literature review has shown that the current literature contains many
reviews focusing on particular topics only separately. This paper provides an overview of
the contemporary trends that will help structure and guide future research to fill this gap.
The scope of the paper is to review intelligent sensors and maintenance processes in
smart factories. As part of the research, we formulated the following research questions:
1. What are contemporary trends in maintenance processes in smart factories?
2. How are Smart and Intelligent Predictive Maintenance characterised?
3. Which Industry 4.0 technologies and intelligent sensors provide maintenance in
smart factories?

3.1. Research Design

The research procedure and strategy phases are described in Figure 3. First, we de-
fined research questions that helped with keyword selection. Then, we analysed these
keywords separately through burst detection analysis to reveal current research trends.
Data was collected from database sources, filtered, and extracted based on predefined cri-
teria. Further, we performed a content analysis and review of individual publications in
our research team. Based on the analyses, we presented results of the synthesis.

Figure 3. Research design and procedure.

Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 6 of 39

3.2. Keywords Selection

We used the modified Eligibility methodology [43] to prepare the research questions
and achieve the review’s scientific quality. The four parts of this methodology (Prob-
lem/context, Intervention, Comparison, Outcomes) create the PICO logic grid [44]. We do
not use the comparative part, and we have expanded the method into three main ques-
tions. The question “how” is related to the context smart factory. The question “which”
refers to interventions via sensors that are drivers for bringing a change from the tradi-
tional concept of maintenance. Finally, the question “what” focus on outcomes for mainte-
nance. We used software VOSviewer [45] for constructing keywords in the PICO logic
grid (Table 1).

Table 1. PICO (Problem/context, Intervention, Comparison, Outcomes) logic grid.

Context (How?) Interventions (Which?) Outcomes (What?)

Topic Smart Factory Intelligent sensors Predictive Maintenance
Intelligent Factory
Smart maintenance
Synonyms Smart manufacturing Smart sensors
Smart production Intelligent maintenance
System Internet of things Optimisation
Intelligent control Internet Management
Automation Wireless networks System
Neural networks Security Reliability
Simulation Network Diagnosis
Multi-agent systems Big Data Condition monitoring
Robotics Machine Learning Prognostics
Scheduling Management Machine learning
Sensors Cloud Computing Big Data
Keywords Artificial intelligence Energy Industry 4.0
Pattern recognition Smart City (home, grid) Preventive maintenance
Fuzzy control Cloud Performance
Internet Monitoring Prediction
Optimisation Privacy Classification
Software Activity recognition Risk
Expert systems Classification Fault diagnosis
Learning Cyber-Physical System Identification
Mechatronics Blockchain Internet of Things
Data mining Deep Learning Facility management

3.3. Burst Detection Analysis

We examined research topics (smart factory, intelligent sensors, predictive mainte-
nance) separately in this phase. We collected the required data from the Web of Science
(WoS) and Scopus databases. Furthermore, we analysed the obtained publications con-
cerning their trend over time, keywords, and burst detection. Only the most relevant re-
search publications from the WoS database are analysed. The search strategy is shown in
Table 2.
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 7 of 39

Table 2. Search strategy for burst detection analysis (1 December 2020).

Searches Terms/Thesaurus
(“factory” OR “factories” OR “production” OR “manufac-
1. Smart factory/production
ture*”) AND (“smart” OR “intelligent”)
2. Intelligent sensors (“sensor” OR “sensors”) AND (“smart” OR “intelligent”)
(“maintenance”) AND (“smart” OR “intelligent” OR “pre-
3. Predictive maintenance
Query TOPIC (1), TOPIC (2), TOPIC (3)

Burst detection analysis is based on the analysis of keywords in a certain period of

time [46]. Density of the frequency changes of keywords are determined for each moni-
tored period. This analysis helps to identify the main research trends and helps to predict
the future evolution of the literature. Burst analysis can be performed in the Sci2 Tool [47],
which offers a display of the results of temporal bar graph promotions. The number of
publications for burst analysis are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Results of topics searched for burst detection analysis (1 December 2020).

Smart Factory/Produc- Intelligent/Smart Sen- Predictive/Smart

tion sors Maintenance
Web of Science 26,764 53,368 13,994
Scopus 65,350 103,480 28,803

3.4. Collection of Publications for Review

The systematic search strategy (Table 4) combines various keywords and their syno-
nyms to find out quality peer-reviewed journals. In this phase, we searched the publica-
tion’s databases Web of Science and Scopus to combine all three main terms. Our goal was
to obtain publications that connect topics, smart factories, intelligent sensors, and mainte-

Table 4. Search strategy in the second phase (1 December 2020).

Searches Terms/Thesaurus
(“factory” OR “factories” OR “production” OR “manufac-
1. Smart factory/production
2. Intelligent sensors (“sensor” OR “sensors”)
3. Predictive maintenance (“maintenance”)
4. Smart/intelligent (“smart” OR “intelligent”)
Query 1 AND 2 AND 3 AND 4

We present the total number of publications found in Table 5. The result of the search
was 890 publications, which we further filtered based on the selected criteria.

Table 5. The number of papers from Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus bibliographic databases.

Article Other Total

WoS 102 148 250
Scopus 186 454 640

3.5. Data Extraction and Eligibility Criteria

Data extraction is based on the filtering criteria determining the selected publications
in more in-depth research. We filtered search results based on the criteria:
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 8 of 39

1. Not duplicated,
2. Published from January 2010 to December 2020,
3. Written in English,
4. Type of publication: journal paper (not review, white paper, book, short survey, pro-
ceedings, conference paper, etc.) for higher quality of data,
5. Publications with completed information (authors, year, journal name, etc.).
Furthermore, an objective screening was performed based on the title and keywords.
To evaluate the eligibility, we analysed the title, keywords, and abstracts of publications.
For this purpose, we have defined criteria for exclusion. We evaluated the publications at
meetings of the research team. In case of discrepancies in the assessment of suitability in
the title, keywords, or abstract, we compared the opinions of team members and, if nec-
essary, performed a full-text analysis. To document the extraction process, we used the
flow diagram in Figure 4, which captures the entire review flow based on the Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology [48]
and Quality of Reporting of Meta-Analyses (QUORUM) methodology [49] from search to
final selection. The PRISMA checklist is available in supplementary materials (Table S1).

Figure 4. Flow diagram based on PRISMA [48] and QUORUM [49] flowchart.
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 9 of 39

The exclusion criteria are:

1. The paper is a review (paper is focused only on challenges or future perspectives).
2. The paper focused on maintenance, but not on “predictive” maintenance.
3. The paper does not discuss Industry 4.0 technologies.
4. The paper does not have a production/factory focus (for example, we eliminated pa-
pers related to smart cities and smart homes, agriculture, logistics, etc.).
5. The paper has unavailable full text.
6. The paper does not have a scientific structure (abstract, introduction, literature back-
ground, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, references).

3.6. Content Analysis and Synthesis

The results of search query publications were further subject to analysis and synthe-
sis. We performed the analysis in the Endnote software database and Microsoft Excel soft-
ware, which were used to evaluate various aspects of the monitored topics. Our research
team consisted of three members who participated in the evaluation and analysis of search
results. This phase included evaluating the full texts of individual publications based on the
set research goals.
We focused mainly on:
• The research method (case study, experiment, simulation)
• Objectives of the articles
• Used intelligent sensors and data
• Industry 4.0 technologies for smart factories
• Predictive maintenance processes characteristics
• Smart and intelligent keywords domain
We used the clustering method during the analysis, which is part of the VOSviewer
software [45] and allows classification using keywords. Using VOSviewer, we performed a
co-occurrence analysis of keywords, which is based on clustering methods. Cluster analysis
enabled to find a number of paired keywords cited in the same publications. The results of
the cluster analysis clearly capture the knowledge structure of the research frontiers. We
evaluated the quality of publications included for the synthesis (final selection) thorough
review of individual team members. In particular, the ranking of journals, citations of pub-
lications, and their possible biases were considered.

3.7. Excluded Studies

To avoid possible effects of bias, it is necessary to mention the most important pub-
lications, which were eliminated from the sample for qualitative synthesis reasons.
Aheleroff et al. [50] examined the application of smart IoT sensors in the fridge (smart
homes focus). Several publications are mainly focused on the logistic area [51], i.e., from
the automotive industry [52–54] or the aviation industry [55,56]. We excluded from the
analysis publications focused on agriculture, which do not deal with smart factories’ pro-
duction processes. These are publications using intelligent sensors in milling [57] and aq-
uaponics [58]. The review papers were eliminated from the final selection.

4. Results
The results are divided into three parts according to the research question: an over-
view of the main topics, smart and intelligent predictive maintenance, and Industry 4.0
Technologies and Sensors for Smart Factory.

4.1. Main Topics and Trends Overview

First, we identified occurrences of the primary topics “smart factory/production,”
“intelligent/smart sensors,” and “predictive/smart maintenance” in the Web of Science
and Scopus databases. This part of the research related to the research question 1. All three
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 10 of 39

concepts are connected in the research area by engineering, supplemented by telecommu-

nications and predictive maintenance by medicine, or intelligent sensors in computer sci-
ence. The total number of publications in the databases is shown in Figure 4.
The results shown in Figure 5 show an increase in the number of publications over
time. This increase has been apparent for smart factory publications since 2015 and intel-
ligent sensors since 2012. Further, we performed burst detection analysis in the researched
areas for Web of Science publications.

Figure 5. The development of the total number of Scopus and Web of Science publications. Note: square on the line (Web
of Science), circle on the bold line (Scopus).

The burst detection analysis presents key terms for topics of intelligent sensors, smart
factory, and predictive maintenance (see Figures S1-S3 in Supplementary Materials). For
a better overview, we compare the results in three time periods (Figure 6), and then ac-
cording to the individual importance of key concepts (Figure 7). The importance of the
terms was expressed using the obtained burst weights. Based on these findings and anal-
ysis, we tried to answer research question 1 responsibly.
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 11 of 39

Figure 6. The summary of burst detection analysis for main topics. The results are divided into three periods of time (1970–
1990, 1990–2010, and 2010–2020). The terms in each period are sorted according to the burst weights.

Top cited papers from smart factory/production areas focus on using ion batteries for
smart grids [59,60] and nanomaterials’ intelligent design [61]. The results show that the
most used terms in the paper titles are intelligent, Industry 4.0, and agent. Based on Figure
5, we conclude that the oldest wave in smart factories is associated with classical studies
dealing with intelligent, flexible, and automation planning and scheduling of manufac-
turing systems. This wave is the period 1970–1990, characterised by the burst terms intel-
ligent, system, knowledge, plan, and schedule. The second wave in 1990–2010 with the
primary burst terms: agent, manufacturing, control, expert, and process, refers to papers
using holon, RFID, or web technologies in factories. Publications on manufacturing con-
trol systems [62,63] were highly cited in this period. The current trend in smart factory is
related to implementing intelligent manufacturing [64]. In this contemporary wave, burst
terms Industry 4.0, digital twin, IoT, deep learning, digitalisation, smart grid, cyber, and
sustain dominate. These terms are well-known Industry 4.0 technologies and processes.
Top cited papers focused on operational planning of a smart grid [65], deep learning in agri-
culture [66], and big data for the self-organised multiagent system in the smart factory [67].
Top cited papers from smart/intelligent sensors were in areas related to the Internet
of Things [68], wireless sensor networks [69], and nanotechnology applications [70]. We
found that the important paper title terms are IoT, structure, and sensor in the burst anal-
ysis. Figure 5 shows that the early history of intelligent sensors, 1970–1990, emphasised
the first application of sensors (burst terms sensor, intelligent, process). Later, in 1990–
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 12 of 39

2010 came articles focused on the structure [71], optic, and control of sensors, and their
usage for robots. Some essential publications in this period focused on structural health
monitoring [72], piezoelectric laminate beam [73], and free vibration behaviour of the
beam [74]. The most contemporary period from 2010 to 2020, similar to the smart fac-
tory/production, covered the area of Industry 4.0 new technologies. In addition to the
mentioned Internet of Things [75], there is a significant representation of publications fo-
cused on wearable sensor-based systems [76], deep learning [77], edge technology [78],
graphene-based smart materials, blockchain, smart city, and grid.
The last area focused on smart/predictive maintenance. After omitting medical and
ecological articles, the most cited publications focused on proportional-integral-derivative
(PID) control [79], monitoring, and fault diagnosis in production [80]. Based on the burst
analysis results, we found that the most important terms are maintenance, learning, and
predict. We identified three trend waves in area maintenance (Figure 5). In the first wave
from 1970 to 1990, the publications dealt with predictive maintenance. In engineering and
production, maintenance is associated with predicting machines’ status [81] or deteriora-
tion of processes [82]. In the second wave in 1990 to 2010, we found that the publications
dealt with burst terms program, diagnostics, intelligence, knowledge, and database. These
publications focus, for example, on diagnostics, monitoring, or maintenance of intelligent
computer numerical control (CNC) machine tools [83] or power transformers [84]. The
current trend wave is characterised by Industry 4.0 technologies such as digital twins,
deep machine learning, IoT, big data analytics, blockchain, and digitisation for mainte-
nance. The most significant publications of this period focused on big data analytics in
logistics and supply chain management [85], maintenance strategy selection [86], vibra-
tion analysis of rotating machinery, or cloud-enabled prognosis [87] for predictive mainte-
nance in production.
Based on the burst analysis detection, we conclude that in all three areas in the last
10 years, the focus has been on the concept of Industry 4.0 and related technologies. We
arranged the keywords with the highest burst weights into three research areas in Figure
7. The results show that the terms Internet of Things and deep learning have the highest
weight for all topics. The terms Big Data, grid, and intelligent are also common to the area.
From this finding, we can conclude that the current trend in the monitored areas is related
to the collecting of big data through intelligent sensors on IoT devices and their evaluation
using learning algorithms.

Figure 7. The top terms in analysed areas based on the burst detection. Note: The top ten used
terms are highlighted “bold” and top twenty terms are depicted “italic”.
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 13 of 39

The internet, smart grid, and blockchain technology are important for sensors used
in maintenance. The use of sensors in smart factories lies mainly in the area of control,
with a focus on processes. The sensors, together with actuators, are used to collect data to
control and optimise conditions. Piezoelectric, optics, wearable, beam, graphene, and
other sensors’ features are used. A special area of sensors lies in robotics, which has expe-
rienced rapid development in recent years. In the world’s most industrialised countries,
such as South Korea, Japan, Germany, and Sweden, there is the largest share of robots per
10,000 employees in factories [88]. Automation in smart factories requires new types of
sensors that have the ability to automatically calibrate and improve the functions of IoT
devices. The IoT is not aiming only at connect two machines with pre-programmed func-
tions. For IoT communication, it is important to connect embedded devices to the Internet
and communicate with each other [89]. It is an intelligent connection of various products,
devices, and facilities that provide a wide range of functions that evaluate certain condi-
tions. The interaction between systems brings new possibilities. The key elements are min-
iature intelligent sensors [90]. Even though devices and systems were not originally de-
signed to share data, the Internet of Things can. Connecting smart sensors and gateways
to existing devices leads to data collection and analysis, understanding, and better deci-
sion making [91].
Publications about smart factory/production are related to cyber-physical systems,
planning, scheduling, and sustaining them. Maintenance in smart factories relies on In-
dustry 4.0 technologies, digitisation, data-driven manufacturing, agent-based systems,
and digital twins. Predictive maintenance consists of programs for predicting, diagnosing,
and analysing future maintenance needs. Based on the rules, features, and conditions,
there are machines and devices controlled and repaired to maintain their life and future
sustainability. Information and data are collected and shared through databases.

4.2. Smart and Intelligent Predictive Maintenance

We performed a co-occurrence analysis based on original papers’ keywords using
VOSviewer. This part of the analysis related to research question 2. The results show that
the keywords maintenance, optimisation, predictive maintenance, system, and big data
were most often used in publications. Publications were grouped based on keywords into
four clusters (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Keywords of co-occurrence analysis.

Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 14 of 39

• I4: Industry 4.0 for predictive maintenance in general (keywords: Industry 4.0, Big
Data, prognostics, optimisation, performance, predictive maintenance, system).
• CbM: Smart manufacturing for condition-based maintenance (keywords: smart man-
ufacturing, manufacture, condition-based maintenance).
• SFD: Condition, state, and fault diagnosis for maintenance (keywords: maintenance,
condition monitoring, fault diagnosis).
• RUL: Prognostics and health management for RUL (keywords: prognostics and
health management, signal processing, remaining useful lives).
The first cluster consists of publications that focus on intelligent sensors in smart
maintenance factories without preferring specific methods. This cluster is represented, for
example, by publications focused on data-driven simulation [92], big data in an Industry
4.0 environment [93], or performing predictive maintenance in a bottling plant [94]. The
second cluster consists mainly of publications that emphasise the use of condition-based
maintenance. The intelligent condition-based maintenance uses data fusion [95] and the In-
ternet of Things in connection to learning techniques [96]. The third cluster related to pub-
lications mainly emphasised fault diagnosis’ importance for monitoring and maintenance.
The fault diagnosis is used for prognosis in signal processing [97] and maintenance man-
agement systems [98]. The last cluster is characterised by a focus on determining the cur-
rent health and the remaining life of devices and machines. This concept is described con-
cerning edge-cloud platforms [99].
While the concept of condition monitoring has been around for some time, the mar-
ket for more sophisticated predictive maintenance products is still very young. There are
four types of maintenance classified in the literature: corrective, scheduled, condition-
based, and statistical-based maintenance [100,101]. Predictive maintenance has evolved
from corrective maintenance using new technologies and procedures for predicting and
preventing failure. Corrective maintenance is based on the reactive strategy to the mainte-
nance process—however, with a proactive strategy related to the preventive or opportun-
istic approach. Preventive maintenance is then seen as condition-based, dynamic predic-
tive, or scheduled (periodic) maintenance. The corrective maintenance is based on the re-
pair or replacement of assets ex-post. Condition-based maintenance means the decision-
making process, usually in real-time, based on selected indicators computed from the
gathered data.
Table 6 depicts maintenance process characteristics from analysed papers. The con-
dition-based preventive maintenance is discussed in Farooq et al. [38], Kumar et al. [102],
Li et al. [96], Lin et al. [103], Musselman and Djurdjanovic [104], Yan et al. [93], and Sadiki
et al. [105]. Preventive maintenance is regular maintenance of machines, devices, and
equipment to prevent their downtime concerning failure state. The preventive mainte-
nance actions were classified by Doostparast et al. [106] as inspection, low-level repair,
and replacement. These actions are based on fault prediction time statistically, upon fail-
ure accident, time-based (at the age for old machines), or cycle-based (periodically).
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 15 of 39

Table 6. Maintenance process characteristics. *

Authors Maintenance Characteristics Type

The estimation of octane number in the gasoline formed by refineries is presented.
This type of virtual instrument was designed with the aim of replacing measuring
hardware during maintenance tasks. The results of proposed soft sensor mathemati-
Al-Jlibawi et al. [107] I4
cal model will compare with laboratory results for product quality purposes and the
errors between predictive results and actual results will be feedback to improve the
control system performance in particular and manufacturing systems in general.
Manufacturers can take advantage of this methodology to integrate autonomous
Barbieri et al. [99] maintenance policies as features in their machines, keeping their expertise with RUL
standard automation platforms.
The analysis resulted in dimension reduction of feature space and also clustering of
data points for understanding of the outliers in anomaly clusters by incorporating
Bekar et al. [108] I4
maintenance domain knowledge. These knowledge discovery methods using unsu-
pervised ML should be the first step within predictive maintenance implementations.
We established a genetic algorithm (GA) based on multi-sensor performance assess-
ment and prediction procedure for the spinning system. We have successfully
Farooq et al. [38] CbM
adopted a GA-based prediction process for our spinning system, which worked as an
intelligent maintenance and scheduling system for health assessment.
The adaptive remanufacturing simulation is based upon a generic view of material
Goodall et al. [92] flow in remanufacturing operations where a core can be in one of two states: waiting I4
or processing.
This study developed an effective approach that integrated partial least square and
exponentially weighted moving averages approaches for tool health status monitor-
Chien and Chen
ing and prediction to effectively derive the optimal maintenance strategies via trans- RUL
forming and analysing big data collected from the sensors, including the SVID data
and FDC (fault detection and classification) parameters.
An effective predictive maintenance strategy for a conveyor motor based on Industry
Kiangala and Wang 4.0 concepts was proposed. In the proposed strategy, we have rigorously analysed
[94] real-time vibration speed data collected from a vibration sensor mounted on the con-
veyor motor and connected to a Siemens S7-1200 PLC.
The proposed method has been verified using data from a CNC machine monitoring
Kozlowski et al. system. The objective of RUL (Remaining Useful Life) classification and prediction
[110] was to prevent the manufacturing of details that fall short of quality requirements
when the process is performed with the use of a blunt tool.
In the context of condition-based maintenance, the proposed framework allows us to
Kumar et al. [102] overcome the tedious and often impossible task of “labelling” dataset health-states, RUL
and hence, improves autonomy of techniques for diagnostics.
In this work, handling scheduled preventive sensor maintenance via the Lyapunov-
based economic model predictive control(EMPC) system design is considered. A ro-
Lao et al. [111] bust moving horizon estimation (RMHE) scheme is developed that accommodates a SFD
varying number of sensors to continuously supply accurate state estimates to an
EMPC (economic model predictive control) system.
The proposed DAMSID (Deep Adaboost Machine Learning assisted Sampling De-
sign) offers a team training technique based on classifiers offline to tackle by CBM
Li et al. [96] with floats of ideas and information on irregularities, which represents the specific CbM
segments (linear four rates and classifier of nominal and continuous) to be strength-
ened by modifying the following conditions.
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 16 of 39

This work proposes an ensemble learning algorithm using DAMSID that supports the
Lin et al. [103] use of classifiers to cope with three-stage CBM with concept drifts and imbalance CbM
Experiments were run to establish the tension estimation variance when a human
Musselman and completely executed the manual technique (standard approach) and the tension esti-
Djurdjanovic [104] mation variance when the newly designed contact-based device was used for belt ex-
citation and signal collection.
In this study, the lifespan of the servo motor was estimated through accelerated deg-
radation testing methods based on a new system degradation assessment method,
Park et al. [112] which estimates the fault of the system using observer-based residuals with encoder SFD
data obtained from internal instrumentation, and the importance of the maintenance
for machineries within manufacturing sites.
As a result, in the pursuit of the so-called smart factory and the enhancement of the
production process, as well as attenuation of numerous human maintenance efforts, a
Peng et al. [113] SFD
graphical histogram algorithm (GHA) health condition diagnosis and monitoring
strategy is proposed.
With these applications, unscheduled shut down for inspection can be avoided, and
Peng and Tsan [98] preventive maintenance can be deployed when the online sensor is identified as SFD
We evaluated our developed wireless sensor network application in the context of
maintenance monitoring on realistic networks using the Instant Contiki operational
Sadiki et al. [105] system environment. We used Cooja simulator to investigate the robustness of our CbM
system in a scenario where nodes (sensors) will collect data on a real-time basis and
transmit to the central node.
Preventive maintenance of intelligent manufacturing equipment is carried out to re-
Shan et al. [114] duce the failure rate of intelligent manufacturing equipment and promote the devel- I4
opment of the new generation of intelligent manufacturing systems.
System checks if it is capable of doing self-maintenance, otherwise it will request
Tarashioon et al.
maintenance from operators (human maintenance instead of system self-mainte- RUL
This study incorporates Industry 4.0, which considers predictive maintenance, into
the imperfect production systems into economic production quantity (EPQ) models.
Tsao et al. [116] SFD
The predictive maintenances could be implemented by using sensors and data analy-
sis, which maintain production systems before they become ‘out of control’.
This presented solution can be used to monitor production systems and their wear-
susceptible and critical components such as ball screw and bearings. This solution is
Uhlmann et al. [117] to realise, due to decentral data processing on the sensor nodes, the concentration of I4
data and services in the cloud. Mobile provision of data and merging varied distrib-
uted sensors into a sensor network.
Alarms can allow the operators in the plant to conduct proactive management of the
Villalobos et al. [118] CbM
different controls in the machine for predictive maintenance of the equipment.
Model for optimising predictive maintenance of equipment using wireless sensor net-
works based on minimising the costs of maintenance, diagnostics, and deployment of
the equipment.
Vlasov et al. [119] SFD
Monitoring system is proposed. The presented concept of a system of predictive
maintenance based on sensor networks allows real-time analysis of the state of equip-
The findings of this paper indicated that multisource heterogeneous data can provide
Yan et al. [120] new solutions for predictive maintenance, scheduling, and machining process optimi- RUL
sation for energy saving.
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 17 of 39

As a key component of mechanical systems, rotatory machine has significant influ-

ence upon the whole system, and the degradation of rotatory machine may lead to
Zhang et al. [121] deadly industrial accidents. Therefore, prognostics and health management (PHM) RUL
technology is highly desired to reduce maintenance costs and improve system relia-
bility and safety.
Based on the prediction of energy consumption, it is possible to provide proactive
Zhang et al. [122] I4
maintenance on equipment with malfunction and potential failure.
* Acronyms: I4 (Industry 4.0 for predictive maintenance in general), CbM (Smart manufacturing for condition-based
maintenance), SFD (Condition, state, and fault diagnosis for maintenance, RUL (Prognostics and health management for
remaining useful life).

4.3. Industry 4.0 Technologies and Sensors for Smart Factory

Furthermore, full texts of articles concerning Industry 4.0 technologies were ana-
lysed. We performed a cluster analysis of the obtained keywords of Industry 4.0 technol-
ogies. The results of the analysis are shown in Figure 9. The most common keywords in
the articles were sensor, big data, Internet of Things, machine learning, and cloud.
Through cluster analysis, we found three clusters:
• A: Intelligent sensors (keywords: sensor, actuator, intelligence, automation).
• B: Cloud-related technologies (keywords: cloud, cloud computing, Big Data, RFID,
edge, PLC (programmable logic controller), 3D printer).
• C: Internet of Things technologies (keywords: Internet of Things, SCADA (Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition), CPS (cyber-physical system), machine learning, artifi-
cial intelligence, management, challenge).

Figure 9. Analysis of keywords related to Industry 4.0 technologies.

Table 7 presents the results of classification of researched papers according to belong-

ing to the clusters. The intelligent cluster sensors mainly focused on sensors in general.
Kumar et al. [102] analysed remaining useful life (RUL) of cutting machines by a polyno-
mial regression method. Musselman and Djurdjanovic [104] analysed production belt for
automation of material handling in the semiconductor industry. The second cluster is fo-
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 18 of 39

cused on Cloud-related technologies. It means that sensors based on RFID [92] and pro-
grammable logic controller [107] are used for cloud or edge computing [99] and analysis
of big data [109]. The third cluster concerned the IoT technologies based on CPS systems
[38], SCADA [94], and data for deep and machine learning.

Table 7. Classification of Industry 4.0 technologies based on obtained keywords’ co-occurrences.

A: Intelligent Sensors
Kumar et al. [102], Lao et al. [111], Park et al. [112], Peng et al. [113], Peng and Tsan
[98], Tarashioon et al. [115], Tsao et al. [116]
Automation Musselman and Djurdjanovic [104]
B: Cloud-related Technologies
Cloud Kiangala and Wang [94], Uhlmann et al. [117], Vlasov et al. [119]
Cloud/edge computing Barbieri et al. [99], Yan et al. [120], Zhang et al. [122]
Barbieri et al. [99], Kozlowski et al. [110], Chien and Chen [109], Villalobos et al.
Big Data
[118], Yan et al. [120], Zhang et al. [122]
RFID Goodall et al. [92], Sadiki et al. [105], Vlasov et al. [119], Zhang et al. [122]
PLC Al-Jlibawi et al. [107], Barbieri et al. [99], Kiangala and Wang [94]
C: Internet of Things Technologies
Farooq et al. [38], Li et al. [96], Lin et al. [103], Sadiki et al. [105], Shan et al. [114],
Internet of Things
Uhlmann et al. [117], Vlasov et al. [119]
CPS system Farooq et al. [38]
SCADA Farooq et al. [38], Al-Jlibawi et al. [107], Kiangala and Wang [94]
Machine learning Zhang et al. [121]
Artificial Intelligence Bekar et al. [108]

The different sensors’ data are used for prediction and diagnostics of devices, ma-
chines, facilities, and equipment. The results in Table 8 show that data are usually col-
lected from SCADA systems, PLCs, CNC machine sensors, IoT devices, or other special
sensors. Analysed papers mostly used case study and experimental research methods.

Table 8. Methods and sensors’ data.

Authors Method Data Source

Al-Jlibawi et al. [107] simulation DCS (distributed control systems), PLC, or SCADA in refinery
Barbieri et al. [99] case study Alternating current (AC) motor (machinery), Pronistia dataset
Bekar et al. [108] case study Machine motor
Farooq et al. [38] case study SCADA in spinning factory, spinning frame JWF1562
Goodall et al. [92] simulation RFID in remanufacturing facility
health status of plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition
Chien and Chen [109] case study (PECVD) chamber tool in TFT(thin film transistor) and LCD (liquid
crystal display) company
Kiangala and Wang [94] experiment SCADA, conveyor motors
CNC cutter machine sensors for milling of thin-walled aircraft en-
Kozlowski et al. [110] case study
gine components
Kumar et al. [102] case study CNC machine sensors
Lao et al. [111] simulation chemical product concentration and temperature profiles
Li et al. [96] experiment test data from IoT devices and detectors
Lin et al. [103] experiment test data from IoT in smart factory
Musselman and Djurdjanovic automated storage/retrieval systems (belt-driven material handling
[104] device) in semiconductor industry
Park et al. [112] experiment servo motor testing data in smart factory
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 19 of 39

NI-PXI (PCI extensions for instrumentation) and NI-Compact data

Peng et al. [113] experiment
acquisition from production lines in China Steel Corporation
Peng and Tsan [98] experiment production line machines
Sadiki et al. [105] case study industrial machine behaviour
Shan et al. [114] simulation welding robot in automotive production line
Tarashioon et al. [115] experiment LED (light-emitting diode) lighting system technologies
Tsao et al. [116] simulation production system and production lines
Uhlmann et al. [117] experiment ball and screw monitoring of machine tools
melting and extruder machines in plastic bottles production plant
Villalobos et al. [118] case study
(Capital Equipment Manufacturer)
Vlasov et al. [119] case study the supporting bearing of electric machines (AC motors)
vibration signal from the cutter (CNC machine), images captured by
Yan et al. [120] case study a 3D laser scanner, acoustical signal collected by sound sensors, and
power data obtained from power meters
vibration data were collected by the bearing testbed (rotatory ma-
Zhang et al. [121] experiment
Zhang et al. [122] case study LED epoxy moulding compound production line

If we focus closely on individual types of sensors used for predictive maintenance,

we will find a number of them, and we can categorize them according to the method of
detection of the desired variable. The types and descriptions of sensors used in publica-
tions are shown in Table 9. Furthermore, the sensors are elaborated in more details. Vi-
bration and temperature sensors were most often used for predictive maintenance.

Table 9. Sensors’ characteristics.

Authors Sensor Type Sensor Description

Al-Jlibawi et al. [107] virtual software sensor
Barbieri et al. [99] vibration B&R X20CM4800X, Beckhoff EL3632
Bekar et al. [108] temperature, vibration not available
Farooq et al. [38] speed, vibration not available
Goodall et al. [92] position tracking RFID for traceability
Silane (SiH4) flow sensor, radio frequency
multiple (temperature, pressure, flow, po-
Chien and Chen [109] plasma generation sensor, peak-to-peak volt-
sition, power)
age radio frequency sensors
SiemensS7-1200 PLC, vibration sensor (4–20
Kiangala and Wang [94] vibration mA analogue input,
three-axis sensor for torque signals, chuck-
Kozlowski et al. [110] torque
mounted sensor
Kistler 9257B piezodynamometer (sampled at
Kumar et al. [102] torque, force
250 Hz)
multiple (flow, temperature, volatility, en-
Lao et al. [111] sensors and actuators in chemical process
ergy, volume, gas, chemical)
Li et al. [96] not available not available
Lin et al. [103] not available not available
Musselman and Djurdja-
multiple (location, acoustic, tension) not available
novic [104]
Park et al. [112] multiple (torque, temperature, position) not available
Integrated Electronics Piezo-Electric (IEPE)
Peng et al. [113] accelerometer
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 20 of 39

Peng and Tsan [98] accelerometer IEPE sensor

Tmote sky (wireless sensors module) and Z1
Sadiki et al. [105] multiple (temperature, vibration) mote (ADXL345 accelerometer and TMP102
temperature sensor)
Shan et al. [114] movement not available
Tarashioon et al. [115] light, temperature LED sensors architecture
Tsao et al. [116] not available not available
Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) of
Uhlmann et al. [117] vibration, temperature
vibration sensors (LIS3DH)
Villalobos et al. [118] temperature, pressure, speed not available
Vlasov et al. [119] vibration vibration sensors network
multiple (vibration, optical, acoustical, 3D scanner (Microscope OLS3000), power
Yan et al. [120]
power) meters type CW240
Zhang et al. [121] vibration bearing testbed
Zhang et al. [122] energy smart meter (Schneider PM5350)

4.3.1. Motion, Position, Proximity, and Speed Sensors

The first type of sensors are motion-based probes. Position and movement sensors
are mounted for monitoring the machine or product position on the production lines. In-
ductive, photoelectric, potentiometric (resistance-based), capacitive, optical, magnetic,
and other sensing methods are used for detection of position. Sensors based on motion
detection must meet the requirements in the areas of durability, weight, energy consump-
tion, and at the same time, suitability for mass production regarding to the end user—
customer [123,124]. Shoabid [125] describes motion-based sensors as a combination of an
accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, and linear acceleration. The application of these
sensors can be found primarily in the field of healthcare systems, with various combina-
tions of the above-mentioned sensors. A gyroscope is used mainly for gait analysis, fall
detection, or gesture recognition, or in combination with an accelerometer. Proximity sen-
sors detect the presence of an object without contact. These sensors are based on the opti-
cal, ultrasonic, inductive, and capacitive nature. Wearable sensors are able to monitor, for
example, physiological parameters in real time.
Speed sensors have an opportunity for detecting object speed (usually for wheels,
motor, or rotating particles). Enterprises use speedometers, accelerometers, light detection
and ranging (LIDAR) sensors, tachometers, Doppler radars, etc. Farooq et al. [38] dis-
cussed genetic-algorithm-based prediction process for intelligent maintenance of textile
spinning systems. They used vibration and speed data in a multiagent system for tracking
discrepancies and error distribution of machine processing. Integrated Electronics Piezo-
Electric accelerometers have been frequently used for machine vibration measurement.
Peng et al. [113] use them for an automatic health condition diagnosis without field
worker maintenance effort. The results show that dynamic response signals from the ac-
celerometer increased the completeness and performance of the vibration diagnosis func-
tion. Further, Peng and Tsan [98] developed a sensor diagnosis and monitoring system to
classify the health condition of the online integrated IEPE accelerometer. The solution was
integrated into a production line.
Goodall et al. [92] developed, based on the RFID, a data-driven simulation for con-
trolling work-in-process parts in a remanufacturing process and determining the time for
operators to process them [104]. Park et al. [112] performed experiments on servo motor
lifespan using an accelerated degradation testing method based on thermal stresses. The
experimental data are used sensors for monitoring the torque, position, electrical re-
sistance, and moment of inertia of rotor. Shan et al. [114] presented the system architecture
and hardware for the welding line, which provides the real-time fine-grained visualisa-
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 21 of 39

tion of the welding robot operation status. The electrocardiogram of intelligent manufac-
turing equipment technology provides the maintenance of intelligent manufacturing

4.3.2. Vibration and Torque Sensors

Vibration sensors are used for monitoring the acceleration machine vibration, indi-
cating a potential machine issue. Some sensors have modern fast Fourier transform signal
processing to detect failures in machine components. Vibration sensors are the core of
preventive maintenance and provide the condition of the device determination.
Barbieri et al. [99] proposed autonomous health management prognostics for smart
manufacturing via on-board sensors. Kiangala and Wang [94] integrated a practical use
of intelligent sensors in a small bottling plant. Predictive maintenance is used for detecting
early faults and failures in conveyor motors. Uhlmann et al. [117] developed a smart sen-
sor network for condition monitoring in factories. Collected data from MEMS sensors are
processed in the cloud services and visualised on the mobile platform.
Torsion (torque, rotational) sensors convert a torque reaction and rotary into electri-
cal signal. These sensors measure stationary or dynamic variables, usually in motors, tur-
bines, or generators. Kozlowski et al. [110] used a torque sensor for designing a classifier
for cutting tool condition assessment in RUL prediction. Kumar et al. [102] evaluated and
estimated RUL for particular failures in distinct health states and faults. Vlasov et al. [119]
used wireless vibration sensor networks that allow real-time analysis of the state of the
electronic equipment (motor). The purpose of their approach is to minimize the cost of
maintenance and develop a system of predictive maintenance for optimisation predictive
repair. Zhang et al. [121] used vibration sensors for accurate prediction of the remaining
useful life of the rotatory machines. Deep learning model combined a long short-term
memory neural network with an attention mechanism for maintenance in mechanical

4.3.3. Acoustical, Sound, and Ultrasonic Sensors

Another group of sensors are sensors focused on sound detection, usually via micro-
phone devices. When a signal is detected by a sound sensor, the level of voltage is trans-
lated to the appropriate sound level. Kaptan [126] describes the location of city buses us-
ing sound sensors and an accelerometer instead of the standard global positioning system
(GPS) location. In such a scenario, the accelerometers detect the movement of the vehicle
and the microphone sensing distinguishes the sound level inside and outside the vehicle.
Compared to GPS location, energy savings of up to 46% occur. Another possible usage of
acoustic sensors is described by Ryu [127] in the field of material detection. Using machine
learning techniques, sound sensors are able to estimate relevant information such as the
character of an object and its location. Ultrasonic sensors are non-contact devices using
the flight of the sound wave greater than that of the human audible range. Similarly, as
with sonar, the measurement is based on the Doppler Shift principle. Yan et al. [120] con-
ducted fusion data mining to predict the remaining life of a key component of machining
equipment by multisource sensors (acoustical, vibration, optical, or power).

4.3.4. Pressure, Force, Touch, and Tension Sensors

Pressure sensors identify the pressure deviations in the measurement objects or en-
vironment. The change detection is usually based on barometric, piezoelectric, capacitive,
optical, or resonant sensing principles. Examples of these types of sensors are Bourdon
tubes, diaphragms, pressure gauge, or manometers. Tension sensors help with the defor-
mation and movement of the belt automated material handling system monitoring for
intelligent condition-based maintenance [104].
Force sensors monitor tensile compressive force signal and translate it into an output
electric signal. Their application includes lead cells, strain gauges, or sensing resistors.
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 22 of 39

Very popular are piezoelectric and magnetostrictive technologies. Another way of sensing
is based on induction, pneumatic, and hydraulic forces.

4.3.5. Optical, Light, and Machine Vision Sensors

Another type of sensors are sensors with a machine vision function. Machine vision
technology has grown significantly in recent years and is becoming part of autonomous
vehicles, intelligent systems, and robotics. Optical sensor input into the systems makes
these systems intelligent. Visual data are captured in the form of a series of images and
after the digitisation process are processed using a machine learning algorithm [128,129].
In the field of material wear detection, three-dimensional (3D) sensors are also used,
which represent new technical means for obtaining information. Three-dimensional data
provides more information and at the same time, reduces the deviation of the measured
data [130]. A large group of sensors consists of chemical character sensors. Advances in
chemical, sensing, and wireless technologies have accelerated the development of wire-
less chemical sensors. These devices allow the collection and distribution of biochemical
information. The use of these types of sensors can be found in the areas of environmental
or health monitoring [131,132].
Tarashioon et al. [115] described the design of solid-state lighting products based on
the reliability system diagnostics (self-maintenance). The light sensor design using light-
emitting diode technology is used to monitor system ambient light.

4.3.6. Temperature Sensors

Temperature sensors usually detect changes in machine condition or critical state in
the factory (especially in hazardous environments.). The sensors obtain temperature in-
formation directly (resistive temperature detectors, thermistors, and thermocouples) or
indirectly (infrared sensors). Some of these sensors have a temperature display. Infrared
(IR) sensors work on the basis of the optical principle using light. We distinguish reflective
and transmissive IR sensors. Reflective IR sensors’ transmitter and detector are positioned
adjacent to each other facing the object. Transmissive sensors use LED and photo diodes
to detect the object passing between them.
Another group of sensors consists of probes measuring temperature and humidity.
Advances in biomaterials offer opportunities to design electronics with unique mechani-
cal stability capabilities, i.e., sensors whose material composition offers the possibility of
application in medical implants and disposable wearable devices. Suitable applications
can be found in the accurate scanning of biological tissues, internal organs, but also in the
textile and food industry [133].
Bekar et al. [108] analysed the real-world industrial data to implement the PdM strat-
egy for the manufacturing enterprise. They evaluated the quality of the process, vibration
and temperature data by understanding outliers, and developed maintenance solutions.
Sadiki et al. [105] show the advantages of condition-based maintenance for real-time in-
telligent monitoring for the industrial machine. Tmote sky sensors network and Z1 mote
operate through the edge router and enhance the maintenance simulation’s purpose. Vil-
lalobos et al. [118] introduced a flexible forecaster analyser system for anticipation of
alarms’ activation based on the temperature sensor data. The deep learning techniques
based on the short-term memory recurrent neural network contribute to the predictive
maintenance approach.

4.3.7. Liquid, Flow, Gas, and Chemical Sensors

Flow sensors enable the possibility to analyse the cooling water and lubrication flow
rate. These sensors use magnetic, ultrasonic, or thermal detectors to monitor the current
intensity in the pipeline. Chien and Chen [109] used mass flow controllers for monitoring
mode and position of silane reactant flow. Their research is related to a data-driven frame-
work for monitoring equipment’s health condition (RUL).
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 23 of 39

Oil particle sensors enable the possibility of monitoring contamination levels in lu-
brication systems (for example, gear boxes). These sensors target to change the level of
pollution based on the presence of the number of substances processed. They analysed
the light intensity via a laser beam and photo detector.
Humidity (moisture) sensors focused diagnostics on water content in oils to prevent
corrosion of machines. These sensors are usually installed in a lubrication or hydraulic
tank. Humidity sensors play an essential role in the selected automated manufacturing
processes. To achieve the desired atmosphere, it is necessary to detect, monitor, and reg-
ulate humidity in conditions of low and high temperatures. The use of sensors for mois-
ture detection can be found, for example, in monitoring systems and networks, as a mon-
itoring device in agriculture, and as a tool for determining soil moisture during irrigation.
Furthermore, also in the field of corrosion diagnostics in the areas of infrastructure and
construction. The key element in this type of sensor is the materials used and the associ-
ated availability of suitable production technologies [134].

4.3.8. Electronic, Current, Energy, and Magnetic Sensors

Energy and current measurement sensors ensure the density of electrical cable isola-
tion. Their purpose is to measure the current draw of machines. These sensors have been
used in many industrial areas but have had shortcomings regarding demands in the areas
of miniaturisation, energy consumption, and insufficient stability. At present, optical fi-
bres and magnetic fluids are widely used, due to their versatility of application [135]. In
the case of electronic sensors, these can be, for example, gas sensors that are capable of
performing sensitive analysis in real time, thanks to their flexibility and the possibility of
integration with intelligent electronics and mechanical resistance in relation to energy
consumption, and respectively, the performance of electronic components. However, bal-
ancing these variables offers applications not only in the above areas, but also in aviation,
aerospace, and nuclear industry [136] display devices, and there is considerable potential
in the area of environmental monitoring [137]. Zhang et al. [122] described a data-driven
smart production line with installed energy consumption sensors for forecast and fault
diagnosis of maintenance.

4.3.9. Virtual Sensors

Virtual sensors are advanced applications in the software layer of the machine that
enhance the knowledge of the devices. These state-of-the-art sensors obtained data not
only from physical machines (for example robots), but also the knowledge bases [138]. Al-
Jlibawi et al. [107] call them adaptive soft sensors due to their low cost, parallel work,
robust characteristics, easy implementation, and real-time estimation features. They used
PLC and SCADA for collecting data in the refinery via a distribution control system.

4.3.10. Nuclear, Chemical, Microparticles, and Nanoparticles Sensors

The last category consists of sensors that are based on modern technologies using
chemical processes. These are sensors based on nanoparticles and microparticles, which
enable monitoring directly inside the monitored object. Lao et al. [111] present a robust
moving horizon estimation of sensor maintenance based on the observation and monitor-
ing of chemical processes. Comparison of four simulations demonstrates the economic
performance advantages of sensor-predictive maintenance. Jia et al. [139] described the
design of the nanosensors for detection of antibiotics to prevent the production of re-
sistance to antibiotics. Nanomaterial chemistry is used for developing current arsenic de-
tection nanostructures [140]. The main advantages of nanomaterials are the high flexibil-
ity, sensitivity, compatibility, and stretchability of sensors in electronics devices [141].
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 24 of 39

5. Discussion
The discussion is divided into two parts. First, we discuss the sensor-based smart
factory to imagine the factories of the future. Then, in the second part, we focus on insights
and future research issues related to intelligent sensors.

5.1. Sensor-Based Smart Factory Discussion

The essence of the use of intelligent sensors based on IoT lies in smart factories, which
have modern sensor technology, intelligent analytical programs, and networking compo-
nents of production (machines, supplies, components, final products, equipment, etc.).
Smart factories are a new way of organizing production. Their goal is to better serve cus-
tomers through greater production flexibility and resource optimisation. The factories of
the future combine the efficiency of mass production with custom production and opti-
mize the supply chain in real-time thanks to the Internet connection [142]. These factories
handle fluctuations in demand, which are fully automated and fault-durable. The smart
factory is connected to the Internet, however it has advanced security against cyberattacks
that would jeopardize production.
We summarised the intelligent sensor advantages in Figure 10 based on Reference [143].
Sensitivity is defined as the relation unit change between output and input. Smart sensors
such as IoT devices are wireless, using the internet and usually cloud. Intelligent sensors
have low power consumption, automatic diagnostics, calibration, and the ability to pro-
cess and share data in real-time. Robust means good durable material, solid welds, seals,
potting, chemical compatibility, secured wires, and other situational protection. Auto-
matic diagnostics are related to the possibility for making decisions or proceeding action-
based actions for control. Some authors emphasise low cost as a feature for smart sensors,
but we think that it depends on user experience and sensor value added.

Figure 10. Main characteristics of intelligent sensors.

The transformation of a traditional factory into a smart one brings with it a higher
integration of physical production with digital technologies. Sensors and actuators bring
factory communication capabilities and data collection and analysis capabilities [144]. The
intelligent factory brings a change from traditional automation to a fully connected and
flexible system that can use a continuous flow of data from connecting operations and
production systems to learn and adapt to new requirements. The production system in
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 25 of 39

smart factory is different—with more resources for small-lot products, dynamic routing
of production line, comprehensive connections with high-speed network infrastructure,
deep convergence of physical and digital world (digital twins), self-organisation control
system, and big data analytics [64]. A flexible conveying system of the production lines is
designed for the main production loops (cycles), with storage loops on the production line
and branch loops for customizing products. The smart factory can integrate data from
corporate assets to manage production, maintenance, inventory tracking, digitize opera-
tions through the digital twin, and other technologies. In the enterprise infrastructure,
smart logistics, smart grids, smart buildings, and smart distribution are interconnected.
Project management is important for the successful implementation and sustainability of
these systems in smart factories [145].
Due to the frequent occurrence of extraordinary situations caused mainly by external
elements, there is a need to deploy more demanding control systems. Management in
smart factories is decentralised. Decentralisations can offer the ability to make decisions
at process locations, independent of any central entity [146]. The complexity of these en-
vironments with many simultaneous processes, most of which follow each other, as well
as the enormous amount of data that sensors generate in production, can no longer be
served by existing control systems based on the simple technology of recording or pro-
cessing transactions. Therefore, multi-agent systems come to the light, where intelligent
information agents form a network of decentralised and distributed intelligence [147,148].
Beside the existing solutions, these systems are not based on centralised control but are
capable of collective self-configuration. These systems interconnect individual autono-
mous agents (or their digital twins) to communicate, coordinate, and cooperate to achieve
a set common goal. Individual communication elements collect data as needed, which
they later use to improve and optimize production.
In smart factories, thanks to intelligent sensors, each product actively participates in
the production process. The components to be processed contain digital information on
how to process them. They, therefore, communicate directly with robots and production
machines. With the help of a chip with radio frequency identification or other sensor tech-
nology, it can control its production flow. A smart product has access to knowledge re-
lated to its structure, composition, or purpose [149]. On the other hand, thanks to this
connection, the customer uses the user interface and intervenes in production in real-time.
The sensors allow the customer to obtain information for creating the product specifica-
tion, and its adjustment according to needs and requirements [150]. Autonomous vehicles
powered by electricity are also connected to the system, ensuring the transport of stock
and final products around the factory. Vehicle control is provided by a sophisticated sys-
tem of sensors. Parts, materials, and components needed for production are transported
to the factory when they are really needed for production (Just-in-Time system). Sensors
and possibly drones constantly check stock in a smart factory [151].
We performed profound words’ analysis of full-text papers to find phrases contain-
ing the terms “smart” or “intelligent”. Figure 11 shows that the obtained keywords form
various clusters and subclusters related to the predictive maintenance process. We iden-
tified four main components of the Smart and Intelligent Predictive Maintenance (SIPM)
system for smart factories based on cluster analysis. These are the production system, the
monitoring system, the factory planning system, and the maintenance system. The pro-
duction system of SIPM is based on energy saving control, transportation, and economics
costs, with use of controllers for predictive maintenance based on data analysis, and
equipment diagnostics. The monitoring system uses condition-based diagnostics, sensors
network linking management, and production—the factory planning system concerning
different components of objects and agents by using algorithms and meters. The mainte-
nance system is related to using analysis and diagnostics sensor data for predictive
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 26 of 39

Figure 11. Analysis of keywords “smart” and “intelligent”.

From the point of view of preventive maintenance, the machines and robots perform-
ing production communicate with each other continuously and inform each other about
non-standard situations. The machines report themselves to the maintenance staff (in this
sense it is a robot), besides, they precisely define the problem. The sensors in production
are thus connected to other factory systems based on SCADA. All elements can minimize
energy losses or use alternative energy sources for their activities [152]. Zero error rate is
ensured in production using smart sensors. Smart sensors and testers monitor the quality
of the final products.
We discussed the results and interpreted them in the perspective of previous studies
and research. Predictive maintenances in Cavalieri-Salafia’s model [153] includes data ac-
quisition from sensors, data manipulation (filtering, transforming, removing noise), ag-
gregation, prediction, decision-making, scheduling, and further monitoring of status and
configuration. Similarly, it describes the process of data acquisition, data processing, and
machine decision-making [154]. Possible application of artificial intelligence (AI) for pre-
ventive maintenance is discussed by Carlson and Sakao [155]. Modern systems are based
on the Internet of Things that enable real-time prediction and data sharing [96]. Uhlmann
et al. [117] described the solution of sensor network enhanced by cloud. The edge technol-
ogies [156] allow integration between PLC and cloud for modern sensors. Miniaturisation
of current sensors and nanotechnology [157] provides higher flexibility of maintenance
systems. Fernandes et al. [158] emphasise the role of data visualisation, data mining, and
data storage. These models have a standard data flow process which is a part of the pos-
sible prediction preparation. It is necessary to set a reliability model to analyse the dataset
[159]. Ruhi and Karim [160] show that a suitable statistical model can be applied to esti-
mate the optimum maintenance period at a minimum cost. Stodola and Stodola [161]
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 27 of 39

pointed out that a useful model needs to consider human factors and related issues such
as labour intensity, administrative, and human errors.

5.2. Discussion on Insights and Future Research Issues

We discussed practical considerations and potential avenues for future research. The
following directions have been identified for potential further work.

5.2.1. Wireless Network of Sensors

One of the current trends is the use of a wireless network of sensors (WSN), which
according to Vlasov et al. [119] consists of intelligent sensors for sensing physical param-
eters. The individual sensors act as network elements (nodes) that can read, process, and
transmit wireless data in smart factories. They consist of processing, communication, and
the sensor unit. WSN is a network of Micro-Electro-Mechanical systems (MEMS) of sensor
devices [162]. MEMS offers a high potential for condition monitoring applications. These
sensors are, in comparison to industrial sensors, cost-effective, wireless, and highly inte-
grable and configurable [117]. Part of these networks could be process controllers (actua-
tors) that communicate data and operate some units [163]. The cyber-physical systems
integrate these sensors and actuator networks into a coherent form. Vlasov et al. [119]
show that the use of wireless communication channels in the monitoring system is driven
by the sensor network in the shortest possible time. Uhlmann et al. [117] pointed out their
main advantage—low cost. Sadiki et al. [105] recommend to check the viability of these
network applications before their implementation in factories to save operation costs and
improve real-time monitoring performance. Main advantages of industrial WSN, summa-
rising Kumar et al. [163], are: minimal cost and compactness, interoperability, resistance
to noise (and co-existence), self-organizing, robustness (fault-tolerance), link-reliability,
energy consumption, low-delay, service differentiation and quality, scalability, predicta-
ble behaviour, multiple sources, data aggregation, and specific protocols. However, the
limitations of wireless sensors are the spatial arrangement in the environment, deploy-
ment time, maintenance cost of communication channels [119], scalability, and lack of pro-
tocols. Flammini et al. [164] emphasised that fault assumption and transmission errors are
more frequent in wired communication than on wired links. Thus, data quality (in terms
of validity, integrity, accuracy, and reliability) is an important factor of wired networks
connected to the internet [165].

5.2.2. Dominance of Vibration and Temperature Sensors for Maintenance

The analysis of the types of sensors used for predictive maintenance in Section 4.3
showed that vibration and temperature sensors are most often used. According to
Uhlmann [117], the number of powerful MEMS sensors such as vibration and temperature
sensors has increased. Vibration can identify problems before other symptoms, such as
temperature, sound, power consumption, and contaminated lubricants. When the first
signs of a malfunction appear, there is usually only a few months left until a complete
machine downtime. Vibration monitoring enables to determine which phase of the fault
curve the machine is currently in. Excessive vibration is usually the first symptom of in-
ternal problems, such as defective bearings, imbalances, misalignments, and loose com-
ponents, that shorten the life of the equipment. Only after detectable changes in vibration
is it possible to detect possible errors using power, particle, or infrared sensors. Finally,
errors also appear on the temperature sensors. According to Barbieri et al. [99], vibrational
signals are a starting point of the component degradation model. Crucial decision lies in
the selection of adequate signals for failure estimation and maintenance prediction. The
further research challenge in infrared thermography is the signal and image processing to
enhance the detection and simplify the interpretation of the results [166]. Akerberg et al.
[167] pointed out that the requirements for vibration sensors, battery lifetime, update fre-
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 28 of 39

quency, and security are lower than for flow, torque, or proximity sensors. The main ben-
efits of vibration sensors are predictability of impending failures, machine safety, cost,
extended maintenance intervals, machine reliability, and confidence in scheduled mainte-
nance. In the future, these advantages resulting from the use of vibration sensors can be
obtained by using new types of sensors, for example, virtual sensors or nanosensors, etc.
For this reason, current research is focused on minimizing the costs and flexibility of vi-
bration and temperature sensor solutions.

5.2.3. Challenges of the Deep Learning and Big Data Analytics

Components connected to the network generate a large amount of heterogeneous
data that smart industry systems must process. Large industrial data is collected from
multiple sources, such as devices, products, and customers, in heterogeneous forms [108].
Their analysis is crucial for companies in almost all market sectors. Advanced analysis of
big data is a way to get to know customers and devices (machine state) in detail. Compa-
nies that use it will be able to provide customers with literally “tailor-made” services,
lower moods, and increase efficiency in production, including maintenance. Thanks to the
current capacity of computer technology, even large volumes of data can be processed
faster, which allows smart industry systems to move information in real-time. Farooq et
al. [38] consider industrial prognosis and applying predictive analytics using machine
learning techniques as new challenges to identify failure modes and reduce downtime.
The application of the simulation enhances more possibilities for after-market services,
such as maintenance [92]. Learning and intelligent techniques such as deep learning to
analyse industrial big data are proposed as future directions in maintenance [103,120]. We
consider the main problem in the field of data analysis to be the inability to translate and
create a business case for analysts with a comprehensive view. This means that there is no
concept of how to evaluate the analytical results and translate them into actions (for ex-
ample, maintenance schedules). Companies often make the mistake of supplementing
random findings instead of a selective and targeted approach such as predictive mainte-
nance. Results of the analysis must lead to conclusions, which requires a properly chosen
tool for data visualisation. Other possible research directions are related to virtual metrol-
ogy [109].

5.2.4. Challenge of Interoperability

Interconnectivity is a prerequisite for the existence of a smart industry. It is not just a
peripheral connection of one device to another or a centralised connection of the machine
to the control system, but a complex network. In a corporate environment, this means
connecting machines, people, materials, products, information and communication tech-
nologies and systems, and, finally, data in the form of documents. Scalability enables pos-
sible network size enhancing or reduction based on the industrial requirements. This
needs appropriate protocols, standards, and robust integration of hundreds of network
nodes. Interoperability is linked to their compatibility, i.e., all elements of the industrial
Internet of Things should be able to communicate with each other (exchange data) and
interact. Through standardisation, disparate systems that work together can be soldered
into a single process. Today’s factories already use sensor systems for various measure-
ments and operations. The use of new solutions must work with these old systems. This
problem is caused by a lack of robustness, time constraints, and service-differentiated pro-
tocols. One of the future solutions is, for example, the oneM2M [168] or OPC Unified Ar-
chitecture [169] industry communication standards, which are platform-independent and
support semantic interoperability [170]. On these platforms, data objects and each device
have well-defined behaviour on the network, and the capability of horizontal communi-
cation between individual devices processing in real-time. There is a possibility to connect
other components (such as plug and produce), which then have their image in the cloud.

5.2.5. Challenges of Control and Maintenance Systems Decentralisation

Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 29 of 39

Many of the wireless sensor networks still have centralised control (so-called “net-
work manager”). Centralised server-client systems had one central database, which leads
to data consistency, easy administration, and a high level of security. However, centrali-
sation can result in the failure of a single point. High traffic can overload the bottleneck.
A centralised “network management” system can be slow and take a vest to lose data
packets. It is essential to use decentralised solutions within complex digital ecosystems,
such as production factories. The responsibility and need to make operational decisions is
performed at lower levels. A distributed architecture based on decentralisation is suitable
for their coordination and management [171]. Coordination between the individual nodes
involved in cyber-physical systems requires communication between the elements. The
benefit of the distributed architecture of components connected to the network and de-
centralised smart industry systems is the expandability (scalability) of the network, as well
as the increased resistance to failures of the network itself, individual connected systems,
as well as their components. For example, Kiangala and Wang [94] proposed a decentral-
ised monitoring system with a cloud-based dashboard displaying real-time reports for
every maintenance schedule generated. Zhang et al. [122] consider as a future trend ser-
vices in cyberspace that control, plan, and schedule production line items in a timely way.
Smart Industry systems already use intelligent algorithms to monitor, control, manage,
and plan complex processes and operations throughout the production process and sup-
ply chain. Advanced cognitive technologies will be gradually implemented in production
systems to increase the autonomy of individual components of the network. These sys-
tems use the principles of collective intelligence in industrial processes, especially solu-
tions based on multiagent systems. The future of these systems lies in achieving a high
level of artificial intelligence that will use the collective knowledge of all parts of the net-

5.2.6. High Potential of Virtual- and Nano-Sensors

Sensor technology, the elements informing about the state and activity of the object,
is currently unprecedented and developed in various industries due to its reliability. Sen-
sors as sources of primary information about the real environment are the input element
of practically all control, measuring, and automation systems today, and together with
microsystems, they accompany human activity (via biometric sensors) at almost every
step. An interesting trend can be traced in the development of electronics and microelec-
tronics in sensor systems, which include circuits for signal processing, analysis, and uni-
fication in a single compact design with a sensor element. In optimizing this process, a
tighter system connection of electronics and microelectronics with related elements of op-
tics or fine mechanics within mechatronics is increasingly being applied. The intention of
such an interconnection is to achieve the development and production integration of en-
tire systems on a single chip, from input sensors to various types of actuators. From an-
other point of view, it is possible to see the influence of miniaturisation and new sensor
types such as nanosensors. The higher resistance of the sensors to mechanical influences,
acceleration, and vibrations also leads to their placement directly in the parts of the sys-
tem, which in many cases gives the function of the sensor a wider range. Nanosensors
have, due to miniaturisation, good preconditions for massive use in smart factories. These
trends are currently aided by the search for ways to create wireless sensor networks with
remote data transmission. Al-Jlibawi et al. [107] described the properties of soft (virtual)
sensors and their function in parallel work with physical sensors and industrial processes.
Virtual sensors are used for damage detection [172], industrial robot interaction [173],
identification, and approximation tasks, or for digital twin applications. On-line evalua-
tion of input effects directly in the actuator can then lead to a “sensor-less” system, whose
other advantage, in addition to lower one-time investment costs, should be the greater
reliability of the system with protection against possible outages. Li et al. [165] described
automatic control systems without sensors based on wireless nodes, RIFID, and program-
mable logic controller (PLC). Automated devices perform their tasks based on industrial
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 30 of 39

wireless nodes fully responsible for communication. Controllers have the automation con-
trol function based on the received commands from other devices in the network.

5.2.7. Challenges of Availability and Reconfigurability of Sensors

The development of industry systems is progressing towards their maximum mod-
ularity and capability of autonomous reconfiguration based on automatic situation recog-
nition. The self-organisation of production processes therefore also includes reconfigura-
bility, characterised as independent adaptability to internal and external conditions. Con-
dition-based systems are being developed in the field of maintenance. The main problem
in the future may be the use of old sensors (installed on older devices in production),
which will lead to unacceptably high manufacturing and maintenance costs in the long
term. Kozlowski et al. [110] mentioned the unavailability of devices (CNC machines) on
the market to structurally optimally distributed sensors on machine parts. Related to this
issue is the problem of today’s industrial practice—the lack of appropriate measurement
signals. The result is the need for additional installation of sensors on the device. A prob-
lem with the weak signal from the sensors can lead to injury, product losses, and produc-
tion outages. Even small and temporary communication errors can cause significant pro-
duction interruptions [167]. This production issue can be caused by signal inference from
devices that operate on the same frequency. It means that at the same time, waves and
signals coexist in a given environment, which disrupt the function of the sensors. This
problem can be described as a real-time availability issue. Lao et al. [111] show that pre-
ventive maintenance of sensors and actuators in real-time can significantly mitigate the
damage from production losses, process upsets, and downtime based on specific routine

5.2.8. Security and Safety Challenge

The severity of cyber security issues is growing, along with our growing dependence
on technology, both personally and socially. In production, important data is collected by
increasingly connecting production systems or even the robots themselves to computer
networks, sometimes with communication to the cloud, and new security risks arise. Basic
cyber security principles can significantly improve the security of connected devices. The
contemporary challenge of safety is the security of the stored data from sensors. In addi-
tion to the sensors that collect data, which is a physical prerequisite for the Industry 4.0
concept, the sovereignty of the data is important [174], especially from a psychological
point of view. Only enterprises that trust the security of their networks are also willing to
store and share their data. Sensor security does not require high demands on battery ca-
pacity. However, security is considered too complicated, especially for IoT, due to the use
of various techniques such as keying to protect authentication, cryptographic code verifi-
cation, security gateways [175], safety protocols, remote wireless security management
[176], or security analysis to detect attacks. Almost all interconnected systems have their
weaknesses that their creators are unaware of. For this reason, prevention is particularly
important [167]. An important factor due to the number of interconnected devices is the
cost of security. Gungor and Hancke [177] point out that security is a crucial feature in
designing wireless sensor networks. Safe communication protects against external attacks
and intrusion.
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 31 of 39

6. Conclusions
The fourth industrial revolution is permeating the industry, enabling an increasing
number of enterprises to have an incomparably greater overview of their production and
maintenance activities than ever before. The deployment of highly reliable and low-
maintenance devices contributes to the precise planning of production capacity and
equipment’s associated maintenance.
The first research question relates to the contemporary trends in the maintenance
processes of smart factories. The number of papers discussing the key terms sensors, smart
factories, and preventive maintenance increased over time, mostly in the last years. We
found that the contemporary burst trend is related to Industry 4.0 technology. Predictive
maintenance, smart factories, and intelligent sensors publications, together concerned
topics mainly related to deep machine learning, Internet of Things, and big data analytics.
The maintenance process in smart factories is based on digitisation, data-driven manufac-
turing, agent-based systems, and digital twins. Intelligent sensors in such factories use
edge, fog, and deep learning methods for control of manufacturing processes. In the fu-
ture, Internet and blockchain will be important for predictive maintenance.
Smart and intelligent predictive maintenance is characterised to answer a second re-
search question. Here, the results show four different types of maintenance used in smart
factories—Industry 4.0 for predictive maintenance, smart manufacturing for condition-
based maintenance, fault diagnosis for maintenance and prognostics, and remaining use-
ful life analysis. The importance of predictive maintenance is also growing due to the
growing number of robots, digitisation, and artificial intelligence introduced into produc-
tion lines to automate routine activities.
Following the third question’s answer, we can state that the three types of sensors
are mainly used for predictive maintenance in smart factories. Firstly, intelligent sensors
which have the potential to connect to higher-level systems. Furthermore, there is a pos-
sibility to connect these intelligent sensors to the internet—to build up the IoT devices.
Finally, we can use the gathered data in cloud-related technologies. The most prevalent
methods used for collecting and monitoring machines and devices are vibration analysis
[120], SCADA systems, CNC machine sensors, and PLCs. Based on the deep analysis, we
conclude that the current trend, insights, and future research issues are characterised by:
• Usage of multisource wireless networks of sensors in predictive maintenance.
• Dominance of vibration and temperature sensors for predictive maintenance.
• Challenges of the big data analytics and deep learning techniques.
• Challenges of interoperability of multiple sensors and maintenance systems.
• Decentralisation of maintenance control systems.
• High potential of virtual sensors and nanosensors for the future.
• Challenge of availability and reconfigurability of sensors.
• Security and safety of sensor data.
Based on the results synthesis, we proposed the Smart and Intelligent Predictive
Maintenance (SIPM) system for smart factory concerning four major subsystems: produc-
tion, monitoring, planning, and maintenance. These subsystems communicate and collab-
orate through modern IoT and cloud-based technologies. Their main advantage is real-
time management and planning to reduce the economic costs caused by production
From a managerial point of view, the predictive maintenance system in smart facto-
ries is an early warning, especially in high-risk industries. The ability to detect weak sig-
nals of potentially significant strategic impact is a welcome positive in a turbulent busi-
ness environment. The system of predictive maintenance does not reduce the responsibil-
ity or the possibility of personal development of employees, but it must be stimulated by
responsible managers. It offers the possibility to reduce the number of hierarchical levels
between managers and ordinary employees, so that you can bring about higher employee
Sensors 2021, 21, 1470 32 of 39

autonomy and help other innovation processes to be implemented effectively. The chal-
lenge for managers today is to select criteria based on which they will be able to select
intelligent sensors for smart factories. There is a wide range of sensors on the market and
the authors most often state the criteria of sensor sensitivity, sensor cost, flexibility, and
size (miniaturity).
Further research may comprise the advanced machine learning methods as deep
learning, data-driven algorithms. The new concept called “Machine as a Service” (MaaS)
takes over the software as a service (SaaS) model and is another trend suitable for future
research. An interesting direction of future research concerns building performance
model evaluation related to the reasonable cost. The cost/benefit analysis of using preven-
tive tools in contrast to sustainability requirements is challenging for research.
This work suffers from several limitations, notably related to publication collections,
filtering, and analysis. The search strategy is biased by the problematic synonym of the
term “factory”. Primarily, the term “plant” is not interchangeable in the same meaning.
The study is limited because we omitted highly cited publications related to medicine in
burst analysis. Our goal was to bring the reader closer manufacturing- and production-
related publications. Investigated trends in burst detection analysis have weights based
on occurrence in publication titles. Results do not show the quality of publication based
on the times cited. Thus, we instead present examples of highly cited publications of most
important burst terms. The lack of a comprehensive review due to a steadily increasing
number of related works is another notable limitation of this study.

Supplementary Materials: The PRISMA Checklist (Table S1) and burst analysis results (Figures S1-
S3) are available online at, Figure S1: The burst detection in
topic Smart Factory/production based on WoS data, Figure S2: The burst detection in topic Smart
Sensors based on WoS data, Figure S3: The burst detection in topic Smart/predictive maintenance
based on WoS data, Table S1: The PRISMA Checklist.
Author Contributions: Conceptualisation, M.P. and J.V.; methodology, M.P.; software, M.P.; vali-
dation, M.P.; formal analysis, M.P.; investigation, M.P. and J.V.; resources, J.B.; data curation, M.P.;
writing—original draft preparation, M.P., J.V. and J.B.; writing—review and editing, M.P. and J.V.;
visualisation, M.P.; supervision, M.P.; project administration, J.V.; funding acquisition, J.B. and
J.V. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by “EF-150-GAJU 047/2019/S”.
Institutional Review Board Statement: not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: not applicable.
Acknowledgments: The authors thank the University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice for
technical support of the databases search.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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