project. It provides high-level details about the proposed project, including the context/business need, potential outcomes, impact, success criteria, assumptions, constraints, and initial risks. Key information includes that the is requesting the project and would be the project owner, with an estimated effort of person-days and a target delivery date of . The project aims to address and would result in ."> project. It provides high-level details about the proposed project, including the context/business need, potential outcomes, impact, success criteria, assumptions, constraints, and initial risks. Key information includes that the is requesting the project and would be the project owner, with an estimated effort of person-days and a target delivery date of . The project aims to address and would result in .">
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(OPM2-01 I TPL v3 0 1) Project - Initiation - Request (ProjectName) (Dd-Mm-Yyyy) (VX X)

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Organisation [Name]

Department [Name]

<Project Name> Project Initiation Request

<Project Name>

Date: <Date>
Doc. Version: <Version>
Template version: 3.0.1

This template is based on PM² V3.0

For the latest version of this template please visit the PM² Wiki

<The PM² Methodology originated from the European Commission. Open PM² provides many guidelines
and templates to facilitate the management and documentation of your projects.>
<Project Name> Project Initiation Request

Document Control Information

Settings Value
Document Title: Project Initiation RequestProject Initiation Request
Project Title: <Project Name>
Document Author: <Document Author>
Project Owner: <Project Owner (PO)>
Project Manager: <Project Manager (PM)>
Doc. Version: <Version>
Sensitivity: <Public, Basic, High>
Date: <Date>

Document Approver(s) and Reviewer(s):

NOTE: All Approvers are required. Records of each approver must be maintained.
All reviewers in the list are considered required unless explicitly listed as Optional.
Name Role Action Date
<Approve / Review>

Document history:
The Document Author is authorized to make the following types of changes to the document
without requiring that the document be re-approved:
 Editorial, formatting, and spelling
 Clarification

To request a change to this document, contact the Document Author or Project Owner.
Changes to this document are summarized in the following table in reverse chronological order
(latest version first).
Revision Date Created by Short Description of Changes

Configuration Management: Document Location

The latest version of this controlled document is stored in <location>.

<These notes should be deleted in the final version :>

Notes for Templates:

 Text in <orange>: has to be defined.
 Text in <blue>: guidelines on how to use the Template. Should be deleted in the final version.
 Text in green: can be customised. Should be recolored to black in the final version.

Date: <Date> 2/4 Doc. Version: <Version>

Project Title: Initial project title proposal.
Initiator: Any person (usually from the Organisation / Unit: Organisation/Unit
business community) can requesting the
define a project request. project.
Project Owner (PO): The organisation funding Date of Request: Date that the Project
and being the main Initiation Request is
beneficiary of the outputs of completed.
the project usually
nominates a person as the
owner of the project, namely
the Project Owner (PO).
Solution Provider (SP): The organisation, that will Approving Authority: The appropriate
execute the project and will decision maker as
be accountable for the specified in the
deliverables requested by organisation's
the PO, will nominate a governance
person to act as the structure.
supplier, namely the
Solution Provider (SP).
Estimated Effort (PDs): High level estimates in Target Delivery Date: Date that the project
Person-days. If known, any delivery is needed.
other costs should be
Type of Delivery:
In-house Outsourced Mix Not-known

Context / Situation (Business Need/ Problem / Opportunity)

<Describe the reason why a project should be initiated. Think of the situation that the project will address
in terms of responding to a business need, or providing an answer to a problem or taking advantage of
an opportunity. The context of the project can be described by a combination of any of the above

Legal Basis
<The legal basis, if any, for the Project Initiation Request. Provide the link to the organisation's Strategic
goals. Can be in the form of a Directive coming from the organisation’s senior management>

Outcomes (high level)

<Identify and describe at a high-level the main outcomes that can be expected from the project to be
initiated. Think of outcomes as the result of change that the project will implement in the organisation –
the future or desired state. It should be possible to link measurable benefits directly to the outcomes.>

Impact (high level)

<Describe the impact that the current situation or/and the desired solution will have in terms of the
internal perspective of the organisation (impact on processes, people, culture) and in terms of how the
situation or/and solution may impact external stakeholders of the organisation. Keep this at a relatively
high level.>

Date: <Date> 3/4 Doc. Version: <Version>

Success Criteria
<This section should describe the high-level success criteria of the proposed project. Think of success
criteria as the criteria based on which the proposed project can be evaluated as a success or a failure.
Success criteria may be on scope, schedule and costs>

Assumptions (high level)

<This section should describe any project assumptions related to business, technology, resources,
organisational environment, scope, expectations, or schedules. At this stage, assumptions are considered
to be facts (true); however, they need to be further validated to ensure that they are indeed facts. Note
that assumptions that have not been validated may become risks.>

Constraints (high level)

<Describe any key constraints in areas such as schedule, budget, resources, or products to be used or
acquired. You can also present decisions and compliance related constraints, and constraints that arise
from the organisation and external environment as well.>

Risks (high level)

<Add any initial risks that have been identified. Focus on the business risks.>

Date: <Date> 4/4 Doc. Version: <Version>

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