Iot Unit-1 PDF
Iot Unit-1 PDF
Iot Unit-1 PDF
Introduction to IoT
• Definition of IoT
• Characteristics of IoT
• Physical design of IoT
• Logical design of IoT
• IoT protocols
• IoT levels and deployment templates
• Self Configuring : allowing a large number of devices to work together to provide certain
functionality ( weather monitoring).
device has the ability - configure themselves
- set up the network
- Fetching latest s/w updates without manual intervention.
Interoperable Communication Protocols : Communicate through various
- protocols
- other devices
- infrastructure
Unique Identity : each IoT device has unique identity and unique identifier
(Such as Unique IP Address or a URI)
IoT devices:
- Dynamically discovered in the network by other devices or other network.
- Capacity to describe themselves
ex: weather monitoring system (smart).
Physical Design of IoT
• Things in IoT
• IoT Protocols
Things in IoT
• Refers to IoT devices which have unique identities that can perform sensing, actuating and monitoring
- exchange data with other connected devices or collect data from other devices and process the data
either locally or send the data to centralized servers or cloud based application back-ends for processing the
-connected to actuators that allow them to interact with other physical devices (relay).
Generic Block Diagram of an IoT Device
4 Fiber…..10Gbits/s
3 4G LTE
• The datagram contain the source and destination addresses which are used to route
• Exclusive Pair is a
bidirectional, fully duplex
communication model that
uses a persistent connection
between the client and the
• Once the connection is set
up it, remains open until the
client sends a request to
close the connection.
• Client and server can send
messages to each other after
connection setup.
• REST architectural constraints apply to the components, connectors and data elements
within a distributed hypermedia system.
• Cloud Computing
• Communication protocols
• Embedded Systems
• Distributed Devices with sensors used to monitor the environmental and physical
• Consists of several end-nodes, routers and a coordinator.
• each node has several sensors attached to them
• Routers route the data packets from end nodes to coordinators.
• Coordinators collects data from all nodes / acts as gateway that connects WSN to
• WSN is a self organizing networks.
Ex: weather monitoring system (nodes collect temperature, humidity and other data,
which is aggregated and analyzed)
Example of WSNs in IoT & Protocols used
• Weather monitoring system
• Indoor Air quality monitoring system
• Soil moisture monitoring system
• Surveillance systems
• Health monitoring systems
• Zigbee:
- operates at 2.4 GHz
- data rates 250 kB/s
- range from 10 to 100 meters
Cloud Computing
• Deliver applications and services over internet
• Provides computing, networking and storage resources on demand and providing these
resources as metered services to the users , in a “ pay as you go model”.
- Computing resources can accessed using standard access mechanisms to provide platform
independent through the use of heterogeneous client platforms such as work stations,
laptops, tablets and smart phones.
- Computing and stored resources of cloud are pooled to serve multiple users.
• Cloud computing services are offered to users in different forms:
1) infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
2) platform as a service (PaaS)
3) software as a service (SaaS)
Cloud Computing
• It provides the users the ability to provision computing and storage resources.
• Resources are provided as virtual machine instances and virtual storage.
• These resources are suppled by cloud service providers are pooled to serve multiple users.
• Here multiple users are served by same physical hardware.
• Users assigned virtual recourses that run on top of the physical resources.
• It provides user as a complete software application or the user interface to the application
• The service provider manages includes servers, OS, storage and application software and
user unaware of the underlying architecture of the cloud.
Big Data Analytics
• Collection of data sets whose volume, velocity or variety is too large
and difficult to store, manage, process and analyze the data using
traditional databases and data processing tools.
• It involves data cleansing, wrangling, processing and visualization
• Lots of data is being collected and warehoused
• Web data, e-commerce
• purchases at department/ grocery stores
• Bank/Credit Card transactions
• Social Network
Big Data Analytics
Variety refers to different forms of data
Big data comes in different forms:
• Structured
• Unstructured, including text data, image, audio, video and sensor data
Velocity Refers to how fast the data is generated and how frequently it varies.
Modren IT, industrial and other systems are generating data at higher speeds.
• Web Service: Web services serve as a link between the IoT device, application,
database and analysis components.
it can be implemented using HTTP and REST principles (REST service) or using
the WebSocket protocol (WebSocket service).
• Analysis Component: This is responsible for analyzing the IoT data and generating
results in a form that is easy for the user to understand.
• Application: IoT applications provide an interface that the users can use to control
and monitor various aspects of the IoT system. Applications also allow users to
view the system status and the processed data.
IoT Level-1
• A level-1 IoT system has a single
node/device that performs sensing and/or
actuation, stores data, performs analysis
and hosts the application.
It is collected in point solutions It is collected in the cloud (can be public, private or hybrid cloud)
Data collection
and often in on-premises storage It analyzes the data and stores the results in cloud data base.
and analysis
infrastructure. These results are visualized with the cloud based application
On-remises applications like
diagnosis , service management , Cloud applications such as analytics, enterprise, remote diagnosis and
On-remise enterprise management applications.