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Thermodynamics Workshop

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Escuela Técnica “Bernardino Rivadavia”


PROFESORA: Roxana Andrea Rios

ESPACIO CURRICULAR: Inglés Técnico 3 (Electromecánica)

Profesora: Roxana Andrea Rios

Student`s Name:………………………




Scientists Nearing Absolute Zero

(1) Los Angeles- scientists believe they are near to creating a temperature close to zero
degrees Kelvin, the theoretical condition known as absolute zero wherein a system
contains no internal energy. This sounds impressive, but most readers probably don`t
understand the Laws of Thermodynamics, so let`s run through some of the basics:
(2) The First Law of Thermodynamics deals
with the conservation of energy. It says that
energy can be changed, but it can never be
created or destroyed. The Second Law of
Thermodynamics addresses entropy, which is
the measure of how organized a system is.
Absolute zero would involve entropy reaching
its minimum value. The Third Law of
Thermodynamics states that attending absolute zero is impossible. A system at
absolute zero could not reach equilibrium with the systems around it, because if it
received any of their energy through the transfer of heat, it would no longer be at zero.
(3) But even though absolute zero cannot be reached, the team of scientists is seeing
how close they can come to it. They say this
research is valuable because it helps them
understand deep space, a place that consistently
experiences temperatures near absolute zero.
Creating these conditions in a laboratory allows
these scientists to study processes and reactions
that they could only imagine before.

Escuela Técnica “Bernardino Rivadavia”
PROFESORA: Roxana Andrea Rios

A) Read the newspaper article. Then choose the correct answer:

1. What is the article mostly about?

a) a scientific experiment
b) methods of decreasing entropy
c) the achievement of equilibrium
d) the importance of conserving energy

2. A system`s organization is measured by

a) internal energy
b) equilibrium
c) entropy
d) temperature

3. What can be inferred about the experiment?

a) It has been made performed in outer space too
b) It has been continuing for several months
c) It has made little progress towards its goal
d) It will never reach absolute zero

B. Vocabulary: Match the words (1-7) with the definitions (A-G)

1)……….1st Law of Thermodynamics A) a concept that addresses entropy

2)………….2nd Laws of Thermodynamics B) a set of separate bodies that form a
3)………3rd Law of Thermodynamics
C) a concept that addresses the
4) ……….temperature conservation of energy
5)………..heat D) energy resulting from the motion of
6)……….internal energy substance`s molecules

7)……….system E) a concept stating that systems can`t

reach absolute zero
F) the measure of the kinetic energy in
G) the transfer of energy from one system
to another

Escuela Técnica “Bernardino Rivadavia”
PROFESORA: Roxana Andrea Rios

C. Translate paragraph number 2 from the text: “Scientists Nearing Absolute Zero”


D. Watch the following video and order the explanation:

(…….) This Coal is just a type of rock but for

scientists this rock contains an energy that
produced HEAT Energy when it undergoes a
complete combustion. Actually some
powerplant utilizes this coal to generate
electrical energy or what we call as electricity.
(…….) Now the heat energy, will transfer its
energy to a water above it making it into a
steam, and this steam will rotate a Turbine
(and that’s a Mechanical Energy right there)
and then this Turbine will rotate a Generator which converts that energy into Electrical Energy.
(……..) Don’t overthink this too much, this law is all about HEAT as energy, and follows the law
of conservation of energy and that’s it.
(…….) Now to appreciate the application of this law let’s try a very good one example.
(…….) What they do is that they feed this coal into a boiler furnace and with an assistance of
oxygen and a little heat, this creates a combustion in a form of heat energy.
(..1….) The first of law of thermodynamic says that heat is a form of energy, and as what all
other forms of energy is subject to, it follows the law of conservation of energy.
So what does this mean? It means that Heat Energy also cannot be created nor destroyed and
can only be transferred to one form or another.

Escuela Técnica “Bernardino Rivadavia”
PROFESORA: Roxana Andrea Rios

E. Watch the following video and match:

The Major statements for the second law are the following:
It is impossible for any system to operate in a thermodynamic cycle
Clausius Statement;
and deliver a net amount of energy by work to its surroundings
while receiving energy by heat transfer from a single reservoir

It is impossible for any system to operate in a way that

Kelvin-Plank Statement; entropy is destroyed

It is impossible for any system to operate in such a

Entropy Statement;
way that the sole result would be an energy transfer
by heat from a cooler to a hotter body

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