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(Penaguru - Com) Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Dan Kunci Jawaban

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TRY OUT 3 Februari 2021

TAHUN 2020/2021

Instruction : Choose the correct answers of the four o tions.

B. congratulate Fahmi on his

winning the competition
C. inform the classmates that Fahmi
is the best
D. admire Fahmi’s bright smile

4. Th phrase “your bright smile lights

up ur classroom every day” means
that ....
A. Fahmi’s smile glow every day
1. By reading the text the readerswill B. Joanne likes Fahmi’s smile
.... C. The students in the class admires
A. take freely the food and the drink Fahmi’s hospitality
inside the fri ge D. Fahmi always smile everyday in
B. be forbidden to put the drink the classroom
inside the fri ge
My Laptop
C. put their food there without
feeling guilty I have a laptop. My father bought it for
D. keep the refr gerator away from
me la t month. It is a nice laptop with
black olor. It has a 14 inch screen. This
is th latest product from Asus
2. If the readers do not obey the notice
The p rformance of this laptop is also
they might ....
great. Using it I can play games tha
A. put chemicals in the refrigerator
B. put all the food and the drink requir high specification. I can also play
there music, watch movies and draw using it
C. be afraid put something inside the And t e most important thing is that
fridge can type using it. So, if I have the
D. not know where to get the food assignment from my teacher, it will help
and drink me. I also can find many reference
from internet using my laptop
I really like this new laptop, because i
alway be helpful to me in various
Congratulations situati ns.
To :Fahmi
For Being a bright and enthusiastic student 5. Th text is about ....
in Class IX-5. your bright smile lights up our A. the writer’s laptop
classroom everyday. Great work this year B. the writer’s experience
Jack. C. The best laptop she has
Joanne D. the uses of the write’s laptop

6. With the laptop, the writer can do the

followings, except ...
3. The card is sent with the aim to ....
A. play music
A. express Joanne’s appreciation on
B. type the assignment
Fahmi as the class star
C. watch film
D. call a friend
7. The main idea of the second 10. What is the most interesting thing for
paragraph is .... the writer in the Oceanorium?
A. the laptop is very useful for the A. A man who fed the shark
writer B. the life creature under the water
B. the performance of the laptop is C. the girls who ride on the back of
nice whale
C. the writer always bring the laptop D. the restaurant around the Sea
D. the laptop application system is World
11. The writer spent his holiday ...
8. the writer loves her laptop very much Australia.
... its great advantages. A. in
A. due to B. at
B. so that C. on
C. in order to D. for
D. because

I really enjoyed my holiday in Australia. To : All Students of SMP Bunga Bangsa

Last Sunday I visited a marine park Denpasar
called Sea World which was at surfers’
Paradise near Brisbane. It’s Australia’s There will be a welcoming ceremony
largest marine park and I had a next Friday, March 1st 2019, to welcome
wonderful day there. the exchange students Program from
England in our auditorium. All students
The first thing I saw was the
must wear Batik/Endek uniforms and
Oceanorium where you could watch all
must be polite. Be punctual!
sorts of sea fish and animal under water.
There were huge turtles, sharks, and a
From: The Principal of SMP Bunga
beautiful tropical sea fish. The most
Bangsa Denpasar
exciting thing was watching a man
feeding the sharks. He wore a special
diving suit. Then I watched the
12. The text is written to ....
performance of sea animals. The show
A. inform the students about the
was in a big outdoor swimming pool.
welcoming ceremony
There were killer whales, dolphins and
B. tell the students about the
sea lions, and they did all sort of
exchange students program
fantastic things in the water. One of the
girls in the show rode around the pool C. let the students know the
on the back of killing whale, and another dresscode on Fridays
girl rode underwater on the back of a big D. remind the students to attend the
turtle. After the show I had lunch. There ceremony
were several big restaurants in the park
and I had lunch in a restaurant that was 13. What will the students of SMP
shape like a ship! Then I watched a Kusuma Bangsa do?
wonderful water skiing show which was A. attend the flag ceremony
held on a lake. B. hold the students exchange
C. wear the new school uniform
(Source: D. welcome the guests from
9. The writer wrote the text to ....
A. tell how to come to the Sea World
B. share his experience in Australia A hen was so jealous at her friend, a
C. show his admiration to the fish goose, who could lay golden eggs. The
D. describe Sea World in detail. farmer was very caring with his goose
and he always feed the goose the best
corn and wheat, as opposed to other
livestock which were provided only with My family and I went to my
the usual fodder. grandmother’s house in Yogyakarta last
month. It was my first trip to this city. We
“The goose is so lucky. She lays golden went there two days after my sister’s
eggs so she gets more affection from graduation ceremony in Semarang. We
our master,” said the hen. arrived at Yogyakarta at night. We spent
a week staying in my grandmother’s
One day, the farmer came into the barn
house which is 5 minutes away by foot
and said greedily, “I wonder if there are
to Malioboro street.
many golden eggs inside the goose."
Then, he captured the goose, took her In the first morning, we were still too
to his home, and butchered her. The tired after a long trip from Semarang to
hen, knowing the fate of the poor goose, Yogyakarta. So, we decided to stay at
said, “I am so lucky! If only I had laid home to recharge our energy. I walk
golden eggs, I would have been dead around the neighborhood with my sister
instead of the goose!” just to experience how it is like to be in
Yogyakarta. There were too many
14. What is the writer’s intention to write
houses, I think, which made the space
the text?
between a house and the other was so
A. To teach the readers to be
small, even the road was also small that
grateful person
only bicycle and motorcycle can go
B. To teach the readers how to help
C. To persuade the readers to enjoy On the second day, all of us went to
the story Malioboro street. We saw so many
D. To remind the students the merchant with various of products which
impartance od a friend they claim to be a traditional product of
Yogyakarta. I bought some wooden
15. From the text we can conclude that figurines and T-shirt with the word
the han is.....creature. “Yogyakarta” printed on it, while my
A. generous sister bought some leather handbags.
B. envious
C. selfish On the third day, we went to Taman Sari
D. stingy and Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat
to see some historical buildings in
16. The problem of the story Yogyakarta. We took a lot
occuredwhen .... of pictures there. We also took
A. the farmer brought the goose some pictures of the building so we can
home check it again at home. We found some
B. the farmer treated the two places providing Yogya traditional food
animals unfair around the building and we jumped in
C. the hen wanted to have golden right away.
egg like the goose
D. The farmer slaughtered the We spent the rest of our week in
goose to get more golden egg Yogyakarta by visiting some Shopping
Malls such as Jogja City Mall, Malioboro
17. “.....took her to his home” (paragraph Mall, Hartono Mall and Ambarrukmo
3) Plaza. We realized that Yogyakarta
The underlined word refers to .... turned out to be very warm during the
A. the hen day, that was the reason why we
B. the goose decided to spend more time in
C. the farmer air conditioned building like these.
D. the egg
18. The text is about ....
A. the writer’s first time in 22. Rendy wrote the text to ....
Yogyakarta A. let his father know his lateness of
B. the writer’ experience in coming home
Malioboro street B. tell that he will take his Mom to
C. the places we can visit in the supermarket
Yogyakarta C. inform that the English
D. the hostircal story of Yogyakarta extracurricular is cancelled
palace D. tell that his Mom will go to the
supermarket with him
19. What did the riter see in Taman
sari? 23. Aft r reading the message Rendy’s
A. wooden houses fat er will likely ....
B. historical buildings A. come home late from the office
C. traditional merchandise B. Join the English extra-curricular
D. shopping center C. go to the supermarket with his
20. “ ... that was the reason why we D. tell his wife what their son has
decided to spen more time ...” (last texted
The underlined word refers to ....
A. the crowded treet
B. the high temperature
C. visitting shopping mall
D. the condition d building

Doni : Disa, Do y u have any plan to

go out today?
Dissa : No, I don’t. hy Doni?
Doni : I’m bored staying at home.
Dissa : That will be a good idea. We
can see the sunset, can’t we? 24. Th text above is written to.....of Milk
Doni : It sounds great, all right, I’ll pick Calcium
you up right away. give the detailed information
promote the superiority
21. What is the mo t suitable sentence advertise the benefits
to complete the dialogue above? tell the side effects
A. I will go to ac ompany you.
B. How about going to the beach?
25. Th medicine is produced to ....
C. I will wait for ou in my house.
A. heal the fever
D. Don’t be lat to pick me up at
B. cure headache
home. C. increase health
D. decrease temperature

26. “D
Good Afternoon Father, aily value has not
be n established.”
Today I will come home late Th underlined word is closest in
because I must join the English
meaning to...
extra-curricular. Plea e tell Mom
A. arried
that I cannot take her to the
B. elped
supermarket. Thanks.
C. rdered.
Rendy. D. etermined.
Once upon a time in the jungle, there The Wood’s cycad is quite possibly the
lived a fox. His name was Rox. No one rarest plant on this list. Scientists believe
didn’t know him. Everybody in the jungle it is completely extinct in the wild, but
was afraid of him because his face and there are specimens living in several
style looked very vicious. botanical gardens throughout the world.
One day, in a beautiful summer All living plants are clones grown from
clippings taken from a few surviving
morning, when Rox was drinking at the
specimens that were gathered by
side of river, he saw a little rabbit in researchers near the beginning of the
danger. A snake came sneaking behind 20th century.
the little rabbit. The snake was going to
eat it. Rox jumped over the snake as As a native to South Africa, the Wood’s
soon as possible and scared it away. cycad looks like a pretty typical palm
The little rabbit then felt relieved tree. It has a wide, sturdy trunk, and can
grow as high as 20 feet. While the
that Rox just saved his life from the Wood’s cycad does have both male and
threat of the dangerous snake. After female varieties, a female plant has
that, it told the whole jungle that Rox never been discovered, so they can’t
was a kind fox. He just saved its life. reproduce naturally unless one is found.
There was no need to be afraid of him Here’s hoping that botanists come
anymore. across one someday so we can see
what a female plant looks like!
27. The text is written to ....
A. inform the animals life in the If you haven’t noticed, we can get pretty
forest excited about rare plants. But we also
B. share the writer’s experience hope that many of these plants won’t
C. amuse and give lesson to the stay rare forever, and that due to
readers conservation efforts, they will once again
D. describe the characteristics of have vibrant, plentiful populations.
Protecting our world’s fragile
ecosystems has never been more
important—and we hope this list helps
28. The message of the story is we must prove that.
A. be close to a stranger 31. What effect will the readers
B. suspect other people experience after reading the text?
C. blame someone else A. Like to find and observe the plant
D. forget one’s kindness B. Willing to take part in protecting
the plant
29. The text tells us that the rabbit is C. Plan to find the place where the
a/an.....creature. plant grow
A. honest D. Hope to be able to enjoy the
B. polite beauty of the plant.
C. cute 32. The plant is considered unique
D. kind because ....
30. Rox – reason – afraid – incorrect –
A. Wood’s cycad does have both
1 2 3 4
male and female varieties.
they – with – were – of
B. It only can be discovered in West
5 67 8
C. The plant is fragile and hard to
Which is the best arrangement for
the jumbled words?
D. They can be reproduced very
A. 5-7-3-8-1-6-4-2
B. 5 7-3—6-4-2-1
C. 5-6-7-8-1-2-3-4 33. The Wood cycad is categorized as
D. 5-7-4-2-8-3-7-6 endangered plant, because ....
A. the shape of the plants is typical.
B. it only can be seen in South Africa
C. the female plant has never been 7. Preheat oil and pan
discovered 8. Fry the tofu on all sides until golden
D. the government does not build the brown before serving and serve with
conservation chili if you like.

35. The text above will be very useful for

34. Which one is the best arrangement
those who ....
of the jumbled words?
conservation – rare – the plant – the human A. love to taste local cuisine
1 2 3 4 B. want to try a modern food
– in – never – effort – will – with C. like to cook traditional baverage
5 6 7 8 9 D. eager to taste international food

A. 3-1-8-6-2-9-4-7-1
36. When should we fry the tofu and
B. 3-5-4-1-8-2-6-9-7
C. 3-8-6-2-9-4-7-5-1
A. after they are cool from the pot
D. 3-8-6-9-4-1-5-2-7
B. before we put them into the pot
C. when they have been cut into
Ingredients D. when the seasoning has been
 14 oz extra firm tofu cut into 3 x 3- absorbed
 8 oz tempe cut into triangles 37. What will likely happen if we do not
 4 cups coconut water you may need turn the heat down?
more A. the coconut water will not taste
 2 Tbsp cooking oil divided
B. the tofu and tempe will be dry too
Aromatics and spices:
 1 Tbsp coriander powder C. the seasoning will not be
 1 Tbsp galangal powder absorbed
 3 shallots peeled and finely chopped D. the pan will be too hot to cook
 4 cloves garlic peeled and finely
minced 38. “ ... until the water is almost all
 3 bay leaves evaporated....” (step 5)
 Seasonings: The underlined word is closest in
 3 Tbsp or sweet soy sauce meaning to ....
 3 Tbsp brown sugar A. disappeared
 Salt to taste B. soaked
C. arrived
Instructions D. boiled
1. Place the cut tofu and tempe into a
large pot,
2. Add in 4 cups of coconut water until
it just barely cover the tofu and
3. Add aromatics, spices, and
4. Bring to a boil and then lower the
heat to let them gently simmer until
the water evaporates half
5. Turn the tofu and tempe over and
boil until the water is almost all
evaporated and the spices are absorbed
6. Remove from the pot and let them
cool down
A. Can you help me?
B. Could I see your class?
C. May I join your class today?
D. May I borrow your dictionary?

If Earth was attacked by monsters

from outer space,
Would we pull together as a human
Oh tell me, is that what would have
to take place,
For us to be a world united?

And if the law of gravity changed

So that things on Earth began to float
Then maybe every country would
start to say,
We better think as a world united!

39. The text will be very useful for those CHORUS:

who ... We don’t need catastrophe,
A. need a job for themselves For us to see that were all family.
B. need to buy cleaning tools Respect and understanding, that’s
C. like to get the discount of service what could bond us,
D. are very busy outside their house It’s not beyond us, I believe it... I
believe it!
40. Judy will give $10 discount to those
who use her service for the ... And if one day the sun decided to
A. first leave,
B. second And the whole world over people
C. third started to freeze,
D. fourth Oh tell me, would every nation then
say “Please!,
41. The word “service” in the text is We’ve got to think as a world united!”
closest in meaning to ...
B. help
C. send And if nations feel the challenge to
D. deliver go to war,
Let us see the day when they will say
Jojo : Soni, I have an English project to
Oh let’s accept the greater challenge
translate a story from my teacher.
and explore,
Soni : Ok. What Can I do for you?
The ways to be a world united!
Jojo : . .....
Soni : Sure, Just come to my class
Oh we could be a world united!
after the break.
Jojo : Ok. I will come to your class.
43. What is the message that the writer
Thank you very much.
want to deliver?
Soni : Your welcome.
A. Create the new world for the
42. The suitable expression to complete
B. We must be aware of the monster
the dialogue is ....
C. People must prepare to survive brown, black and grey, but most of them
D. Live in the world peacefuly
have a combination of some colors.
Rabbits communicate to each other by
performing various body position and
44. The phrase “we could be a world
united” in the song lyric means .... also by making a few sounds.
A. every country has different race
B. we need peace living in the world 46. A. recorded
C. we need good leaders in the world B. thought
D. there are many people in the C. predicted
world D. examined

Shop-keeper : Can I help you Sir? 47. A. because

Customer : Yes. I want to buy a cloth B.although
for my son. He is five years old. Can you C. if
give me a suggestion?
Shop-keeper : Ok. I have two models for
your son. The first is a cloth with animal 48. A. from
picture and the second is a cloth with B. to
robot picture C. for
Customer : My son really likes to D. at
watch robotic movie.
Shop-keeper : I suggest you to choose 49. Arrange the jumbled sentences into
the cloth with robot picture. a good order of how to take a picture
Customer : ..... using a camera.
Shop-keeper : I think so.
Cutormer : OK. I will buy this 1. Center the object in the LCD and
45. Which option is correct to fill the manage the zoom control untill you
gap? get the best view
A. I agree with you. He will like it. 2. When you are ready to take the
picture, hold the shutter speed, and
B. He will be sad if I buy this for him
various other calculations.
C. I think he will hate the robot 3. Then, a light should appear that let
picture you know the camera is set to go.
D. In my opinion he prefer animal 4. Handle the camera and turn on it
picture 5. After that, press shutter all the way
Rabbits are four-legged herbivorous
A. 1–2–3–4–5
mammals with long ears, a divided
B. 4–5–2–3–1
upper lip and two powerful back legs C. 2–1–4–3–5
which make them a good hopper. All D. 4–1–2–3–5
rabbits has a typical short tail. Their
50. Arrange the following expression to
average body size are 20 to 50 cm long
make a good dialog.
and the average weight around half to 2
kg. It is 46
that adult rabbit has 3 years 1. Citata :Pleased to meet you, too
2. Citata : That's very kind of you.
lifespan in their natural habitat, but it is
3. Cindi : Let me help you to bring your
also believed that they can live longer ... suitcase.
they are under human care. Just like 4. Dani : Hello, Citata. Nice to meet
human, they sleep 48
about 8 hours in
5. Cindi : Not at all. Let me introduce
their underground burrows. They have a you to my friend. Dani, this is Citata.
wide variety of color, start from white, Citata this is Dani.
A. 4–1–3–5–2
B. 3–4–2–5–1
C. 3–2–5–4–1
D. 2–4–5–1–3

Jawaban soal nomor 1 adalah C. ini sesuai dengan pernyataan teks dimana hanya
makanan dan minuman yang diperbolehkan di dalam pendingin.
Jawaban nomor 2 adalah A. Jika pembaca tidak mematuhi teks tersebut, bisa saja mereka
memasukkan bahan-bahan kimia.
Jawaban nomor 3 adalah A. Joanne mengirim ucapan selamat kepada Fahmi atas
keberhasilan menjadi bintang kelas.
Jawaban nomor 4 adalah D. Ini sesuai dengan kalimat pertanyaan.
Jawaban nomor 5 adalah A. Teks tersebut menceritakan tentang laptop si penulis.
Jawaban nomor 6 adalah D.
Jawaban nomor 7 adalah A
Jawaban nomor 8 adalah D
Jawaban nomor 9 adalah B. Penulis menceritakan pengalamannya di Australia.
Jawaban nomor 10 adalah A. Ini bisa dilihat pada paragraf 2 baris 6 dan 7.

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