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2123NESTS-Nepal 140430meeting 1st-Draft

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National Environmentally

Sustainable Transport (EST)

Strategy for Nepal

April 2014

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport (MoPIT)
with technical support from
United Nations Center for Regional Development (UNCRD)
Nagoya, Japan

Table of Contents

1.  Introduction  ....................................................................................................................................  4  
1.1.  Background  ...............................................................................................................................  4  
1.2.  Environmentally  Sustainable  Transport  (EST)  and  relevance  for  Nepal  ......  5  
1.3.  Framework  of  strategy  formulation  ..............................................................................  6  
2.  Vision  ..................................................................................................................................................  7  
3.  Objectives  and  Targets  .............................................................................................................  8  
4.  Key  Challenges  and  Opportunities  ....................................................................................  9  
4.1.  Major  Trends  and  Issues  ..................................................................................................  10  
4.2.  Future  driving  factors  for  transport  sector  in  Nepal  ...........................................  12  
4.2.1.   Higher  economic  growth  and  economic  restructuring  ..........................  12  
4.2.2.   Significant  change  in  the  pattern  of  spatial  development  .....................  12  
4.2.3.   Rapid  urbanization  .................................................................................................  12  
4.2.4.   Increasing  demand  for  transport  (all  purpose)  .........................................  12  
4.2.5.   Increasing  demand  for  fossil  fuel  .....................................................................  12  
4.2.6.   Climate  change  agenda  (emissions  from  transport  and  vulnerability  
of  transport  system  due  to  disasters  from  climate  change)  ................  12  
4.2.7.   Introduction  of  new  technology  in  transport  sector  ...............................  12  
4.3.  Key  challenges  ......................................................................................................................  13  
4.3.1.   Making  adequate  investment  for  transport  infrastructure  ..................  13  
4.3.2.   Overcoming  technical  constraints  for  infrastructure  building  ...........  13  
4.3.3.   Decoupling  economic  growth  and  motorization  (cars  and  
motorcycles)  .............................................................................................................  13  
4.3.4.   Haphazard  urban  development  and  settlement  patterns  .....................  13  
4.3.5.   Maintaining  environmental  and  safety  standards  in  low-­‐cost  rural  
roads  .............................................................................................................................  13  
4.3.6.   Shifting  from  road  to  railway  mode  (after  railways  development)  ..  13  
4.3.7.   Promoting  non-­‐motorized  modes  (NMT)  ....................................................  13  
4.3.8.   Enhancing  institutional  capacity-­‐  regulation,  database  and  research
4.4.  Opportunities  ........................................................................................................................  13  
4.4.1.   Possibility  of  achieving  more  appropriate  physical  form-­‐  Physical  
structure  of  transport  and  spatial  system  still  evolving  ........................  13  
4.4.2.   Real  prospect  of  developing  a  comprehensively  integrated  transport  
system  ..........................................................................................................................  13  
4.4.3.   Public  transport  is  still  dominant  mode-­‐  just  need  to  keep  it  .............  13  
4.4.4.   Good  prospect  for  commercial  viability  of  public  transport  due  to  
higher  population  density  in  urban  area  ......................................................  13  
4.4.5.   Possibility  of  corridor  development  and  appropriateness  of  rail-­‐
based  intercity  transport  .....................................................................................  13  
4.4.6.   Real  prospect  of  zero  emission  public  transport  because  of    
hydropower  generated  electricity  ...................................................................  13  

4.4.7.   Possibility  of  synergy  rather  than  trade-­‐off  between  environmental  
and  economic  dimensions.  ..................................................................................  13  
5.  Strategic  Perspective  for  EST  strategy  in  Nepal  ......................................................  13  
6.  Strategic  Components  ............................................................................................................  15  
6.1.  Investment  for  essential  and  sustainable  transport  infrastrcture  ................  15  
6.2.  Planning  and  development  of  integrated  transport  system  .............................  15  
6.3.  Introduction  of  technology  for  efficiency  and  sustainability  ...........................  16  
6.4.  Priority  for  improving  public  transport  and  non-­‐motorized  transport  ......  16  
6.5.  Travel  demand  management  (TDM)  ..........................................................................  16  
6.6.  Environmental  and  social  safeguards  ........................................................................  17  
6.7.  Enhance  institutional  capacity  and  undertake  reform  .......................................  17  
7.  Strategic  Actions  ........................................................................................................................  17  
7.1.  Investment  for  essential  and  sustainable  transport  infrastructure  ..............  17  
7.2.  Planning  and  development  of  integrated  transport  system  .............................  18  
7.3.  Introduction  of  technology  for  efficiency  and  sustainability  ...........................  19  
7.4.  Priority  for  improving  public  transport  and  non-­‐motorized  transport  ......  19  
7.5.  Travel  demand  management  (TDM)  ..........................................................................  19  
7.6.  Environmental  and  social  safeguards  ........................................................................  20  
7.7.  Enhance  institutional  capacity  and  undertake  reform  .......................................  20  

National Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) Strategy for Nepal

1. Introduction

1.1. Background
Rapid urbanization and increasing economical activities in cities have dramatically
increased vehicle ownership and usage in urban areas of Nepal. The current patterns
of motorization adversely affect traffic congestion, air and noise pollution, and traffic
accidents and injuries. The unsustainable trends in transport sector as presently
observed would further worsen social equity, lower energy security, increase
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and destroy natural habitats and ecosystem, which
ultimately have adverse impacts on national productivity and human development. At
the same time, frequent natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and landslides
are on the rise across Nepal. These natural catastrophes cause the losses of a human
life and immense damage to public transport infrastructure each year. To make
Nepal’s transport system more productive, resilience, and sustainable, it is important
to strike a balance among economic progress, social equity, a healthy and protective
environment and people-friendly infrastructural development. The Environmentally
Sustainable Transport (EST) concept calls for all these essential elements to be
integrated at the level of policy formulation, plan preparation, infrastructure building
and transport service operation.

With an aim to create a new paradigm in transport practices and to build a common
understanding across Asia on the need for EST integrated into overall policy,
planning and development, the Asian EST Initiative was jointly launched by the
United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) and Ministry of the
Environment of the Government of Japan (MoE-J) in 2004. The main objective of the
EST Initiative in Asia is to integrate EST in the overall policy, planning and
development, by sensitizing the local and national governments, private sectors and
civil society. As a key component of the Asian EST initiative, UNCRD provides
technical assistance to developing countries for the formulation of National EST
Strategy. It aims to promote the EST in Asia to build a sustainable society through the
effective use of safe, reliable, socially inclusive, economically viable,
environmentally protective, people-friendly, and seamless transport system for the
benefit of all. The EST initiative is build on the objectives of the Bangkok 2020
Declaration-Sustainable Transport Goals for 2010-2020 and Bali Declaration on
Vision Three Zeros-Zero Congestion, Zero Pollution and Zero Accidents towards
Next Generation Transport Systems in Asia, and the Rio+20 outcome -The Future We

With the technical support from UNCRD, Government of Nepal, Ministry of Physical
Infrastructure and Transport is taking a lead to prepare the National EST Strategy for
Nepal in collaboration with other related government ministries.

1.2. Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) and relevance for Nepal

In order to judge on the sustainability of a transport system, relevant indicators are

used. Table 1 lists such indicators under different dimensions of sustainable transport,
namely economic, environmental and social. Both direct and indirect indictors are
lumped together in the table for the sake of simplicity. Also some indicators may be
common to all dimensions. For example, higher mode share of public transport is an
indicator that simultaneously serves the purpose of economic efficiency (lower
operating cost per pass-km), environmental sustainability (lower emissions per pass-
km) and socially equitable and safe.

The most critical challenge for policy makers is that they may need to go for a trade-
off between different dimensions of sustainability. There is a concern that improving
environmental sustainability of the transport system may undermine economic
efficiency. However, there is good scope of avoiding such a trade-off and achieve a
win-win solution. For this, it is important to focus on the indicators that serve the
underlying objectives across different sustainability dimensions. Public transport for
passenger mobility and intermodal freight transport are policy options, which can
produce win-win solutions.

Table 1: Common indicators for sustainable transport

Economic aspects Environmental aspects Social aspects

• Degree of • Local emissions • Traffic safety

accessibility • GHG emissions • Accessibility
• Transport costs • Pass-km per capita • Inclusiveness
• Productivity • Fuel consumption • Affordability
• Efficiency • Fuel quality • Gender
• Congestion • Ecological impacts • Universal access
• Mobility • Soil/water pollution • Resettlement
• Employment • Noise and wastes • Poverty reduction
• Comfortability • Transport use of arable • Road use parity
• Profitability land • Participatory
• Energy efficiency • Per capita travel • Impact on heritage
• Public subsidy • Transit mode share • Security
• Load factor • Natural resource • Fitness/health
• System reliability exploitation • Livability
• Multimodality • Climate resiliency • Spatial separation

In Nepal, environmental issues related to transport sector are addressed through

several mitigative or project level instruments (such as emission mitigation, EIA,

accident reduction etc). Broader meaning of Environmental Sustainability demands
better integration of sustainability concerns into the sectoral policy. National EST
Strategy is expected to serves as an important policy guide to formulate
environmentally sustainable transport policies.

Figure  1:  framework  for  formulation  of  EST  strategy  

1.3. Framework of strategy formulation

Figure   1   shows   the   framework   for   the   formulation   of   national   EST   strategy   for  
Nepal.  First  a  vision  statement  is  articulated  that  encompasses  key  principles  of  
sustainable  transport.  Relevant  objectives  and  target  are  then  set  which  support  
the  realization  of  the  Vision.    However,  perusing  the  objectives  and  achieving  the  
targets   is   a   quite   daunting   task.   Intuitive   policy   instruments   may   not   work  
effectively  as  the  transport  system  itself  constitutes  a  complex  system,  and  for  a  
long  run  vision,  we  have  to  deal  with  strategic  challenges.  In  order  to  correctly  
pin  down  the  challenges  and  opportunities  (if  any),  it  is  important  to  examine  the  
major  trends  and  issues  related  to  the  different  components  of  transport  system.  
Also  examined  is  the  factors  that  drive  the  future  scenario  of  transport  sector  in  
Nepal.   After   identifying   key   challenges   and   opportunities   along   with   some  
defining  features  of  Nepal’s  transport  sector,  an  insight  is  drawn  about  strategic  
perspective,   which   would   help   to   tailor   strategies   and   actions   to   Nepal’s   context.  
Strategic  components  are  then  identified  based  on  their  relevance  to  address  the  
key   issues   overcoming   the   challenges   and   reaping   the   opportunities.   Finally,  
specific  actions  are  proposed  under  each  strategic  component.    

2. Vision

The vision statement for National EST Strategy (2015-2040) for Nepal is set as

“Developing a transport system that is efficient, accessible, people-centric,

affordable, reliable, safe, inclusive, and environmental friendly”.

This vision is based on the following principles:

Efficient: Economic efficiency is the core element of sustainability that directly

contributes to other aspects too. For example, efficiency requires low energy intensity
and better operational performance, which automatically translate to lower emission
and lower cost of operation making the service more affordable.

Accessible: Accessibility of transport system relates to the concept of both physical

and social accessibility. Physical accessibility is about proximity of transport
infrastructure and facilities for prospective users, where as social accessibility is about
the possibility of use by all section of society. Well-developed road system in the
absence of public transport system would not provide accessibility to users without
private vehicles.

People-centric: Transport system includes infrastructure, vehicles and terminals,

stations and transfer facilities. There is the movement of both vehicle (with passenger)
and pedestrians, but the performance of transport system is judged on the basis of
services rendered to the users, in-vehicle or pedestrians. The transport system should
therefore be designed and operated to make it people-centric (comfortable for people)
rather than vehicle-centric (convenience for drivers).

Affordable: The transport service should be affordable to various section of the

society. For the economically weaker section, government may need to make
provision of cross-subsidy or direct public subsidy. But the best option would be to
bring down the cost through better productivity and efficiency.

Reliable: Service reliability is another important attribute of transport system. It is

about high degree of predictability of service availability and travel time. Unreliable
service may require extra time to be allocated to the trip in order to hedge possible
uncertainties in service availability and travel time.

Safe: Transport infrastructure, vehicles and operating and maintenance system should
ensure adequate safety for the users.
Inclusive: Transport system should not exclude or impose any sort of discrimination
to any section of society (specially children, elderly, physically challenged, and other
marginalized peoples) particularly in terms of accessibility and ease of usage. There

should not be any physical or institutional barrier to use transport infrastructure and

Environmental friendly: Building of transport infrastructure involves use of and

some degree of damage to natural resources. In addition, service operation produces
emissions. Utmost care should therefore be taken to make the transport system
environmental friendly.

3. Objectives and Targets

The vision envisages sustainability in environmental, economic and social aspects. In

order to deliver the vision effectively, it should be supported by relevant objectives.
Appropriate targets need to be set to guide the process of formulating strategies and
actions and monitor the progress of achieving the objectives. While setting objectives
and targets, past trend and current situation along with strategic directions as reflected
in various policy papers of the Government of Nepal have been taken into account.
Targets are expressed either in the form of numerical target (subject to be confirmed
in the final version of the document) or broad strategic directions of related indicators.

Key objectives and associated targets are listed below clustering under different
aspects of sustainability (viz economic, environmental and social). Also indicated is
the related transport subsector, namely intercity transport (ICT), urban transport (UT)
and rural transport (RT) where applicable (if not specifically indicated, the item is for
all transport subsectors).

Table 2: Objectives and Targets of National EST Strategies for Nepal

Objectives Target/indicators
Economic dimension
1. Efficiency in investment and • Resonable IRR and profitability
service operation
• Operating cost per vehicle km

• Energy consumption per pass-km

2. Improved accessibility • Minimize time to road head (ICT, RT);

• % Coverage of public transport (with 15 minute

walk) (UT)

3. Secure higher mobility • Average travel speed in city area (30 km/hr) (UT)

• Average travel speed for ICT (general highway 50

km/hr; Exp ways 80 km/hr; railway ###km/hr)

4. Ensuring affordable transport • ICT/RT- fare per Km as % of per capita income

• UT- daily commuting cost as % of per capita income

5. Provision of reliable transport • Provision of schedule services (% of delay)

6. Leveraging transport for poverty • Degree of labor intensive technology

• % of investment in backward areas

Environmental dimension
7. Ensuring sustainability in the use • Minimize use of arable land for infrastructure
of natural resources and nature
conservation • Minimize impacts on ecological resources (ICT, RT)

8. Minimize local pollution and • Minimize car/motor cycle ownership (#/population)

noise effects (UT)
• Mode share of public transport (#%)

9. Minimize CO2 emissions from • Per capita CO2 from transport sector
• CO2 emission per pass-km (## g CO2)

10. Increase climate resiliency of • Reduced incidence of infrastructure damage by

transport infrastructure climate related disasters

Social dimension
11. Improve transport safety and • Reduced traffic accidents (# per vehicle, # per
security vehicle-km)

• Reduced incidence of travel related crimes

12. Ensure inclusiveness of transport • % of public transport coverage; % of barrier-free

system vehicles

13. Ensure gender equity in transport • % of all-women public transport vehicles; % seats
services for women

14. Minimize social impacts of • Minimize degree of community separation due to

transport development transport routes

15. Integrate transport and public • Minimize local pollution

• Share of NMT modes in total trips

ICT: Intercity Transport; UT: Urban Transport; RT: Rural Transport

4. Key Challenges and Opportunities

The vision, objectives and targets set above basically reflect the desirable path that the
Nepal’s transport development should follow. However, in a developing country like
Nepal, there is a wider discrepancy between the business-as-usual and desirable paths.
There is a range of factors that may act as barrier in perusing identified objectives and
achieving of intended targets. It is important to clearly understand such key
challenges in order to formulate effective strategies and actions. In addition, some of

the defining features of Nepal may also offer unique opportunities to achieve the
objectives of EST. This section first summarizes the review of key trends and issues
on various components of transport sector (Annex-1) and identifies key factors
driving the future trends. Based on such a review, key challenges and opportunities
for developing environmentally sustainable transport system in Nepal are identified.

4.1. Major Trends and Issues

Table 3 shows major trends and associated issues related to the different components
(sub-sectors) of transport sector of Nepal.

Table 3: Key trends and issues related to various components of transport system
Components Trends and Issues
Intercity • Road transport- always a priority investment in five-year plans
• Two districts yet to be connected to Strategic Road Network (SRN)

• SRN standard- basic mobility

• Only 47% of SRN is paved road

• Recent initiatives for higher grade roads eg KTFT and KKHT

• East-West Railway- DPR under preparation

• Poor condition of bus services in intercity routes

• Haphazard settlement along national highway routes (ribbon-type settlement)

• Growing concern for ecological damage from new road/rail construction

• Increased landslide vulnerability due to road construction in hilly areas

Urban • Lower urbanization rate (17 %)

• Higher growth rate of urban population (3.16%)

• Problem of urban primacy- Kathmandu valley 2.5 million population

• Rapid motorization (growth of cars and motorcycles)

• Over 2008-13, annual rate of growth for four-wheel light vehicle was 8.4 %

• Over 2008-13, annual rate of growth for motorcycles was 8.4 %

• Car (includes van, jeeps) ownership rate in Kathmandu- 34 per 1000 pop

• Over 2008-13, petrol consumption increased by 2.2 times

• Total road length in Kathmandu valley 1,595 km

• Average road area ratio in urban area of Kathmandu valley is only 6 %

• Road expansion lagging behind the pace of motorization causes congestion

• Evening peak average speed in five busiest route is 8.8 km per hour

• Poor condition of infrastructure for NMT- walk ways and bicycle lanes

• Disparity in road space allocation in Kathmandu- expanded road mostly for

vehicle movement

• NMT share decreased to 40.7% (in 20119 from 53.1 % (in 1991)

• Public transport mode share decreased to 47.8 (in 2011) in motorized trips

• Weak regulatory provision is reinforcing syndicates in public transport

• Initiatives are under way to improve urban transport in Kathmandu

• In smaller cities, limited provision of public transport; NMT plays a role

• Ten market towns (50,000 population) are being planned along the mid-hill
highway- road infrastructure is the key element of the plan

• Need of better public transport and NMT provisions in cities and towns that
are popular tourist destination (eg Pokhara, Janakpur etc)

Transport • Rural road initiatives since 1970s under IRDP

• DoLIDAR for rural roads since 1997

• Low cost, labor-intensive and non-engineered rural roads

o Ecological damages

o Land-slide hazards

o Road safety hazards

o Poor service and maintenance problems

• Exemplary initiatives for green roads and bio-engineering

• Transport service through formal/informal paratransits

• Rapid growth in motorcycle use (replacing bicycle)

GHG • Per capita CO2 emission from fuel combustion is low (133 kg)
emissions and
• Growth rate of CO2 emission from fuel combustion is higher
local pollution
• Share of transport sector in total CO2 in Nepal is 45%- higher in the world

• For given per capita income, Nepal’s transport CO2 is still at the bottom

• Good prospect of developing low-carbon transport

• Vehicular pollution is an issue in Kathmandu valley

• Average PM10 concentration is higher than national standards

• Important policy initiatives were taken in the past to control vehicle emissions

• EURO III standard was enforced in 2012

Transport • Road traffic accidents are in rise (in Kathmandu and at the national level)
• Fatalities trend is on rapid increase at the national level (may be because of
rapid expansion of sub-standard roads)

• Increasing trend of accidents involving intercity bus- supposed to be safer

• Government of Nepal formulated road safety action plan (2013)

Transport • Weak regulation is promoting syndicates of operators

• Problem of monopoly- barrier for service improvement

• Ad-hoc route permits causes inefficient operation of public transport

• Domination of small public transport vehicles- inefficient road use

• Initiatives underway to improve public transport service in Kathmandu

• Plan to replace small public transport vehicles by higher capacity buses

• Plan for regulatory reform

• Draft National Strategy for Transport Management- emphasis on efficient

public transport, transit oriented development (TOD) and demand

4.2. Future driving factors for transport sector in Nepal

4.2.1. Higher economic growth and economic restructuring

4.2.2. Significant change in the pattern of spatial development
4.2.3. Rapid urbanization
4.2.4. Increasing demand for transport (all purpose)
4.2.5. Increasing demand for fossil fuel
4.2.6. Climate change agenda (emissions from transport and vulnerability of
transport system due to disasters from climate change)
4.2.7. Introduction of new technology in transport sector

4.3. Key challenges
4.3.1. Making adequate investment for transport infrastructure
4.3.2. Overcoming technical constraints for infrastructure building
4.3.3. Decoupling economic growth and motorization (cars and motorcycles)
4.3.4. Haphazard urban development and settlement patterns
4.3.5. Maintaining environmental and safety standards in low-cost rural
4.3.6. Shifting from road to railway mode (after railways development)
4.3.7. Promoting non-motorized modes (NMT)
4.3.8. Enhancing institutional capacity- regulation, database and research
4.4. Opportunities
4.4.1. Possibility of achieving more appropriate physical form- Physical
structure of transport and spatial system still evolving
4.4.2. Real prospect of developing a comprehensively integrated transport
4.4.3. Public transport is still dominant mode- just need to keep it
4.4.4. Good prospect for commercial viability of public transport due to
higher population density in urban area
4.4.5. Possibility of corridor development and appropriateness of rail-based
intercity transport
4.4.6. Real prospect of zero emission public transport because of hydropower
generated electricity
4.4.7. Possibility of synergy rather than trade-off between environmental and
economic dimensions.

5. Strategic Perspective for EST strategy in Nepal

Nepal, a least developing country, is featured with some special characteristics, which
may demand specific perspective while formulating EST strategy. Transport
infrastructure and other physical system are at the very preliminary stage of

development in Nepal. This offers an important opportunity of better integrating
transport and land use at the national and urban level. The concept of integrated
transport has recently been broaden to achieve integration at different level, such as
integration at the planning level, at the investment level, at the operation level and
also integration between transport and other sector (such as health). As the overall
physical and spatial structure in a developing economy like Nepal is just evolving, it
is possible to go for comprehensive integration.

High population density and inadequate road infrastructure is another defining feature
of Nepal. The road space or the reserved right-of-way in major metropolitan area is
much inadequate to serve the rapid trend of motorization. Because of land scarcity,
land acquisition for roads is now a thorny issue even in non-urban areas. On the other
hand, the current national road network in Nepal is just for very basic accessibility.
The transport service has to be speeded up to cater a high-growth economy. Such a
condition in Nepal demands that public transport be fully utilized for mobility to
make efficient use of limited road space. In addition, railway may offer even better
option given the future scenario of large-scale demand for both urban and intercity
transport. Higher population density at the national and urban level further provides
an opportunity to run public transport services on commercial basis.

Source:  Adapted  from  Morichi  and  Acharya  (2013)  
Figure  2:  Foundation  and  Pillars  of  Sustainable  Transport    

In developed economies, EST strategies normally involve institutional, regulatory or

technological solutions. New investment for infrastructure or facilities is rarely
applicable since infrastructure and facilities are already there. However, in a
developing country like Nepal, transport infrastructure and facilities are grossly
inadequate. Under such circumstances, only institutional or regulatory (so-called

software) instruments may not be that much effective. Hence, in Nepal, it is important
to adopt a strategic perspective that places equal emphasis on both hardware
(infrastructure and facilities) and software (institutional) aspects. In a way, integrated
development of infrastructure and facilities provides a sound foundation on which soft
policy measures can more effectively work (Figure 2). In addition, appropriate
physical structure (involving transport infrastructure and spatial patterns) would make
it possible to achieve a synergy rather than trade-off between environmental and
economic objective.

6. Strategic Components

The issues, challenges, opportunities and the strategic perspective discussed above
lead to few strategic components that require priority focus in the future in order to
deliver the articulated vision of EST in Nepal. Commonly discussed strategic
components in the literature include so-called Avoid, Shift and Improve (ASI)
strategies. Here, Avoid means avoiding excessive travel, Shift is about moving from
environmentally damaging to environmentally friend modes, and Improve means
improving various aspects of transport system. Though these strategic components are
quite relevant for the developed countries’ case, it may be incomplete or inappropriate
for developing countries. For example, in developing countries, investment for new
infrastructure or adoption of new technology (which may be just a conventional
technology in the developed world) might be more important than they are in
developed countries.

Key strategic components for developing Environmentally Sustainable Transport

(EST) system in Nepal are listed below. A brief discussion including intended issues
to be addressed under each component is also included.

6.1. Investment for essential and sustainable transport infrastrcture

Because of grossly inadequate transport infrastrcture, higher degree of infrastrcture

investment is urgently needed for intercity transport, urban transport and rural
transport. Priority should be laid first for essential infrastrcture for basic accesibility,
such as general roads. Later, pripority should be shifted to more sustainable
infrstrcture, such as intecity railway and urban mass transit (BRT or MRT). The
issues to be addreessed by this strategic components includes: Provision of high-
quality public transport; expansion of road capacity and easing of congestion;
exapnded coverage of public transport; better connectivity of regions and local cities;
improved accessibility and mobility; reduced emissions due to sustainable modes
6.2. Planning and development of integrated transport system

The   core   element   of   sustainability   is   to   make   the   best   use   of   transport  
infrastructure  and  facilities  developed  with  scarce  capital  resources.    For  this,  it  
is  important  to  plan,  develop  and  operate  transport  infrastructure  to  produce  a  
truly  integrated  transport  system.  Such  an  integrated  system  allows  making  the  
best   use   of   each   mode   offering   flexible   and   high-­‐quality   transport   services   to   the  
users.  It  is  important  to  achieve  integration  at  the  level  of  physical  infrastructure  
(including   land-­‐use   and   transport   coordination),   intermodal   and   network  
coordination,   service   operation   (coordinated   scheduling   and   fare   integration)  
and  regulatory  integration  (level-­‐playing  field  for  competition  between  different  
modes).    The  issues  to  be  addressed  by  this  strategic  component  include:    Transit  
oriented  development;  Seamless  public  transport;  competitive  public  transport;  
Transport  efficiency;  higher  mode  share  of  public  transport  and  NMT.  
6.3. Introduction of technology for efficiency and sustainability

Since Nepal is a backward country in terms of use of modern transport technology,

there is good prospect of serving EST objectives through technological options. These
involve improved vehicle engine, improved fuel quality, introduction of low-emission
fuel such as biofuel, introduction of mass transit technology (BRT, MRT), and high
speed railways, introduction of ITS, use of bio engineering etc. The issues to be
addressed by this strategic component include: energy efficiency, vehicular emissions,
quality of transport service, congestion in urban roads, road safty, erosion and land
slide hazards.
6.4. Priority for improving public transport and non-motorized transport
The   dynamics   of   modal   competition   normally   works   in   favor   of   private   mode  
mainly   because   of   unfavorable   cost   dynamics   for   public   transport   and   users’  
preference  for  private  mode  as  income  grows.  Because  of  such  phenomena,  just  a  
provision  of  good  public  transport  facilities  is  not  enough  to  attract  users.  Some  
kind  of  public  support  (not  necessarily  a  subsidy)  may  be  necessary  to  maintain  
competitiveness   of   public   transport.   Also   important   is   to   give   priority   for   NMT  
on  its  own  merit  and  also  as  supporting  factor  of  promoting  public  transport.  The  
issues   to   be   addressed   by   this   strategic   component   include:     improving   mode  
share   of   public   transport;   transport   safety;   lower   transport   emission;   inclusive  
transport;  improve  public  health.  
6.5. Travel demand management (TDM)
Travel  demand  management  is  about  reducing  need  of  travel,  shortening  the  trip  
length,   shifting   to   or   maintaining   share   of   public   transport   modes,   and  
scheduling   trip   time   to   avoid   congestion.     The   issues   to   be   addressed   by   this  

strategic   component   include:     lower   transport   emissions   per   capita;   public  
transport  mode  share.  
6.6. Environmental and social safeguards
This   component   includes   environmental   and   social   impact   assessment   for  
transport   projects.   Because   of   vulnerable   topographical,   geological   and   seismic  
condition  of  Nepal,  transport  infrastructure  projects  should  be  carefully  assessed  
to   minimize   ecological   damage   and   landslide   and   other   hazards.   The   issues   to   be  
addressed   by   this   strategic   component   include:     ecological   impacts   of   intercity  
and   rural   roads;   Landslide   hazards   due   to   low-­‐cost   rural   roads;   separation   of  
community  by  high-­‐speed  transport  routes.      

6.7. Enhance institutional capacity and undertake reform

In   order   to   make   all   above   components   more   effective,   institutional   capacity   of  
Nepal’s  transport  sector  needs  to  be  significantly  enhanced.  Also  necessary  is  to  
undertake   reform   to   be   responsive   to   emerging   challenges.   The   issues   to   be  
addressed   by   this   strategic   component   include:     public   transport   regulation;  
data-­‐base  and  research;  organizational  coordination  

7. Strategic Actions

This section presents a list of strategic actions under each strategic components
discussed above. At this stage of draft document, the actions are just identified and yet
to be put in the format of action plan showing a clear time line. This part will be
completed after the consultative meetings with the related government agencies.
Table 4 shows relevant actions for achieving the objectives and thereby delivering the

Table 4: Strategic Actions under each strategic component

7.1. Investment for essential and sustainable transport infrastructure
Intercity transport • Completion and upgrading of Strategic Road Network (SRN)
• Construction of KTFT and KKHT roads

• Acquire right-of-way for by-pass roads in towns along national highways

• Construct service stations on national highways

• Construction of Mechi-Mahakali-Kathmandu-Pokhara electric railways

• Study for Kathmandu-Hetauda high-speed railway (HSR)

Urban transport • Expand road network in Kathmandu Valley

• Designate the road hierarchy and complete missing links in Kathmandu

• Improvement of major intersection in Kathmandu valley

• Improvement of traffic management system in Kathmandu valley

• Planning and implementation of outer ring-road in Kathmandu valley

• Make provision of mass transit in Kathmandu (high capacity bus, LRT)

• Invest for pedestrian and NMT infrastructure in Kathmandu and other cities

• Make provisions for bus terminals, bus stops, and transfer facilities

• Make provision of parking facilities in Kathmandu

• Undertake road network planning in secondary/tertiary cities

Rural Transport • Upgrade the design standard of rural roads

7.2. Planning and development of integrated transport system

Intercity • Achieve integration between national transport network and regional
Transport development plan

• Match transport hierarchy with city hierarchy

• Coordinate railway development with regional development and local town

development plans

• Physical integration of highways, railways and airports with the provisions

of intermodal (transfer) facilities

• Coordinate the development of road-side service station with the function of

market for local agricultural and other productions

• Balancing social cost and benefits of different intercity modes through

subsidies and taxes

Urban Transport • Coordinate land-use and transport development

• Promote transit oriented development (TOD) in big and small cities

• Promote high-density and compact city development (minimize travel)

• Plan for future Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) routes and locate the high-
density housing (such as apartments) along the MRT routes

• Make adequate provision of transfer facilities (connecting different modes)

• Make provision of parking for introducing park-and-ride system

• Enforce integrated fare system (eg distance-based) for public transport

• Seek balance between the cost of private mode and public transport fare

• Recognize walk and NMT modes as the means of improving public health

Rural Transport • Undertake settlement planning/restructuring in the rural area before
planning for the rural roads

• Integrate rural roads with rural economic activities

7.3. Introduction of technology for efficiency and sustainability

General • Improved standard for vehicle energy efficiency

• Upgraded emission standards

• Use of alternative and low-emission fuels

• Electrification of transport vehicles

Intercity • Consideration for possible use of high-speed rail (HSR) in future for the
Transport proposed East-West railways routes (civil structure to be designed for HSR)

Urban Transport • Introduction of trolley buses or electric buses in Kathmandu

• Provision of high-quality buses (with bus info system, WiFi)

• Barrier free public transport vehicles (eg low floor buses)

Rural Transport • Use of green road technology and bio-engineering to minimize ecological
impacts and landslide hazards due to construction of rural roads

7.4. Priority for improving public transport and non-motorized transport

General • Taxing private modes (vehicle tax and fuel tax) and provide subsidy to
public transport form the collected revenue

• Improve service level of public transport (speed, vehicles standard,

reliability, safety)

Intercity • Planning for bus lane in newly constructed intercity expressway routes
• Pedestrian way and NMT lane along national highway

Urban Transport • Make provision of bus lane during peak hour

• Setting standards for pedestrian way and NMT lanes in urban areas

• Study for possible restriction of motorcycles and cars (during peak hour) on
the busiest routes in Kathmandu valley

• Provision of public transport (electric vehicles) and NMT facilities in

cities/towns that are popular tourist destination

Rural Transport • Promote bicycles use in rural areas

• Bicycle club targeting rural tourists

7.5. Travel demand management (TDM)

Intercity • Plan for regional economic zones and transport connectivity to minimize
Transport intercity travel

Urban Transport • Reduce travel demand by

o Land-use and transport coordination

o Pricing transport to reflect real social cost

• Arrange staggered working/school hours

• Promote tele-commuting

• Promote modal shift (from private to public)

o Raising public awareness on the benefits of public transport

o Imposing higher cost on private modes (‘push’ factor)

o Making public transport attractive (‘pull’ factor)

7.6. Environmental and social safeguards

General • Reviewing guidelines for environmental and social assessment

• Provision of considering positive environmental benefits of railways in EIA


• Regulation on aging vehicles

• Provision of safety audit for infrastructure and vehicles

• Checking drivers’ condition

Intercity transport • Provision of service lanes on national highways

• Provision of over/under pass on national highway and railways

Urban Transport • Up scaling vehicle emissions standards in Kathmandu valley

• Strict monitoring of compliance of vehicle emission standard

Rural Transport • Upgrading engineering and environmental standards of rural roads

7.7. Enhance institutional capacity and undertake reform

General • Building capacity of government institutions

• Upgrade technical capacity of private firms involved in infrastructure design

and construction (consultants and contractors)

• Start courses on railway planning, engineering, and management in public

engineering campus

• Establish railway training institute

• Building capacity for transport policy research

o Establish in-house think-tank within government agencies

o Establish long-run collaboration for transport policy

research with some research center of public university

• Maintain data-base of basic transport data

• Restructure transport regulatory institutions and reform regulatory

provisions for transport services.

Intercity • Improve/enforce regulation for axle loads of heavy vehicles plying on the
Transport national highways

Urban Transport • Regulate use of motorcycle on some busiest routes (as a pilot project)

• Conduct periodic personal trip survey for Kathmandu valley

• Design public transport routes and franchising policy based on scientific


Major  trends  and  developments  in  the  transport  sector  and  its  impacts

In order to provide a broad picture on themes potentially related to EST, this section
describes major trends related to the sub-sectors of transport and some cross-cutting
themes (namely emissions and safety).

1. Intercity transport (national transport network)

! In the beginning First Five Year Plan (1956-61), Nepal had only 624 Km of
roads and 59 km of railways. The planning for East-West highway and North-
South routes were conceived during the Second Five year Plan period. Review
of past plans reveals that successive plans placed policy priorities in
expanding road network to provide basic access and connectivity. However,
the pace of investment for transport infrastructure and physical achievement is
not so much impressive. Two of the district head quarters are still not
connected to national road network. Only 47 % of the Strategic Road Network
(SRN)- which is basically intercity road network- has paved surface, and the
rest is just earthen and gravel (Figure 1-1).

Nationwide  Road  Network  Growth  trend    

h 8000.00
t Earthen  
gn 6000.00
eL Gravel  
Black  Top

Figure  1-­‐1:  Trend  of  Strategic  Road  (national  roads)  Network  

! Recent major policy initiatives for road sector include construction of

Kathmandu-Tarai Fast-Track (KTFT), Kathmandu-Kulekhani-Hetauda Tunnel
(KKHT) Highway, and Mid Hill Highway. The track-opening work of KTFT
is already completed. Likewise, KKHT Highway is under construction
through Public-Private Partnership. Missing links of Mid Hill Highways are
under construction. There are attempts for some innovative approaches in
these road projects in terms of mobilizing private sector financing or planned
land development along the road corridor. For example, ten towns are being

planned (each for 50,000 to 100,000 population) at the major nodal points
along the Mid-Hill Highway. Likewise, KKHT project is planning to develop
land around the highway for possible townships involving local people.

! In recent years, Nepal government has given priority for nation-wide electric
railway network. Feasibility study for Mechi-Mahakali and Kathmandu
Pokhara routes have already been completed (total 1318 Km). The total
estimated cost for these routes is US$ 6.54 billion. Detailed project report
(DPR) for Berdibas-Simara Section of Mechi-Mahakali route has already been
completed while DPR for other sections is under preparation.

! Other major mode for intercity transport is civil aviation. Because, of longer
travel time by road, air transport has been preferred for time-sensitive
passenger. Other passenger segment that has to rely on air transport is from
remote areas, where road access is either unavailable or not reliable. Currently,
39 Airports are under operation, of which one is of international level, four are
of regional level, and rest are of local level. International airports in Nijgarh
and Pokhara are under planning stage.

2. Urban transport

Urbanization trend

! According to 2011 Census (CBC 2012), urbanization rate in Nepal is

relatively lower at 17 % with average annual growth rate of urban population
over 2001-2011 as 3.16 %. Urban population is distributed among 58
municipalities across the country. Kathmandu valley comprising three
districts, namely Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur with total land area of
899 sq km has a population of 2.5 million. The urban core of the valley
consists of five urban administrative units with total population of 1.4 million.
Kathmandu Metropolitan city is the largest urban unit with a population of
975,453. Greater Kathmandu with an approximate radius of 12 km now
function as a single contiguous urban area. Pokhara, the second largest city is
home to 255,465 people. As the city rank goes down city population gets
smaller. Population of the smallest municipality, Dhulikhel, is only 14,283. As
the government is about to embark on a path of high economic growth, a rapid
urban growth is expected in the future.

! Lately, Nepal has witnessed rapid growth of motorized vehicles. In 2013, total
vehicle number adds to 1,557,478, large proportion (78 %) of which included
motorcycle. Over 2008-2013, national level average annual growth rate for
motorcycle and 4-wheel light vehicles (car, jeep, van) remained as 19.5 % and
8.4 % respectively. Total vehicle population in Bagmati zone for the year 2013

accounts for 647,895 that is 41.6 % of the national figure. Vehicles registered
in Bagmati zone basically are plying on the roads in Kathmandu valley. From
2008 to 2013, average annual growth figure for motorcycle and light vehicles
in Bagmati zone recorded as 12.4 % and 7.9 % respectively (DTM 2014).
Figure 1-2 shows the trend of motorcycle and light vehicle population in
Bagmati zone. Car ownership rate (include jeep and van) for Kathmandu
valley is approximately 34 per thousand populations.
! One of the direct impacts of increasing vehicle population is in rapid increase
in motor fuel (diesel and petrol). From 2008 to 2013, annual Diesel
consumption increased by 2.36 times to 716,747 KL. Likewise, over the same
period, annual petrol consumption increased by 2.2 times to 221, 676 KL
(NOC 2014). This trend of fuel consumption obviously has serious
Registered  Vehicle  in  Bagmati  zone  (Cummulative)  
o 500
h 400
b 300
u car  /  Jeep/van


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
/9 /9 /9 /9 /9 /9 /9 /9 /9 /9 /0 /0 /0 /0 /0 /0 /0 /0 /0 /0 /1 /1 /1 /1
9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
9 9 9 9 9 3 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Figure  1-­‐2:  Trend  of  vehicle  (cars  and  motorcycles)  in  Bagmati  Zone  
implications for climate change concerns.

Urban transport infrastructure and services

! Urban areas in Nepal depend on road and non-motorized modes for mobility.
There is no urban rail system in Nepal. Road infrastructure is inadequate and
the network is with inefficient hierarchy especially in the largest
agglomeration of Kathmandu valley. Road network length in three district of
Kathmandu valley totals to 1,595 Km, out of 555 km road is managed by DOR
and rest is by local government units. Average road area ratio in five urban
administrative units (metropolitan city and municipalities) of Kathmandu
Valley is around 6 % of total urban area (Panta 2010). Such figure for the road
ratio falls in the lower bound range even by the standards in developing
countries. There are continuous efforts to improve road network by
constructing new roads, namely strategic missing links and roads along the
river corridors. Recently, government also implemented road-widening
projects in urban areas of Kathmandu valley. Despite such efforts, the pace of
road network expansion and improvement lags far behind the speed of

motorization. As a result, road traffic in Kathmandu valley is facing severe
congestion particularly during peak hours. JICA (2012) reports that average
traffic speed within the ring road is less than 20 km/hr. In the top 5 busiest
routes, evening peak average speed is 8.78 km/hr.

! Expansions of metropolitan area and increasing motorization have direct

impact on the share of different travel modes. JICA (2012), including both
motorized and non-motorized modes, reports that between 1991 and 2011,
share of walk decreased from 53.1 % to 40.7 % while share of motorcycle
increased significantly. Figure 1-3 shows mode share pattern considering only
motorized trips. Motorcycle share in 2011 reached 45 % from 23 % in 1991
largely at the cost of decreasing mode share of bus.

Mode   Share  (Motorize   Trip   only)  

Motorcycle   Car   Bus  

2011 45.0 7.3 47.8

1991 23.1 9.4 67.5

Data  Source:  JICA  (2012)  
Figure  1-­‐3:  Trend  of  mode  share  in  Kathmandu  
! With assistance of ADB, Nepal government is currently undertaken
Kathmandu Sustainable Urban Transport Project (KSUTP) with the aim of
improving urban transport situation in Kathmandu Valley. The project
involves four distinct components, viz public transport improvement through
investment and management, improvement in traffic management,
pedestrianization of heritage areas, and capacity building for emission
monitoring and inspection. All of the project components have direct bearing
on the various EST components.

! In smaller size municipalities outside Kathmandu Valley, there is no provision

of public transport services. Proper planning for pedestrian space is also
lacking. Non-motorized three wheelers, known as Rikshwa, service as
important public transport mode in municipalities in Terai region. There is
increasing trend of motorized three wheelers replacing Rikshwa. Bicycle use,
which was most common in the past, has now now been replaced by
motorcycle use.

3. Rural Transport

Rural roads

! Nepal’s rural areas traditionally faced lack of access to road transport. Because
of limited budgetary resources, priority was given to complete the basic
national road network. The adverse topography and geology also posed
challenges to rural road construction. 1970s, some efforts were made to
construct rural road under the auspices of Integrated Rural Development
Projects. Provision of direct block grant to VDCs initiated in 1995 provided an
impetus to construct rural road mainly with people’s participation. In 1997 a
new department called Department of Local Infrastructure Development and
Agricultural Road (DoLIDAR) was established to better plan and implement
rural roads. DoLIDAR has issued guidelines for the District Transport Master
Plan (DTMP). Following DTMP, each district prepare District Road Core
Network (DRCN), which connects VDCs with the district head quarter or
Strategic Road Network (SRN) (DOLIDAR 2010).

! However, because of low cost and labor-intensive approach combined with

local urge of quick completion of complete route, proper engineering
standards are grossly lacking in rural roads. Large proportion of the rural road
stock is just earthen or gravel most, which is not usable by vehicle especially
during rainy season. In addition, in hilly area, non-engineered rural roads are
causing ecological damage including erosion and landslide hazards
(Upadhyaya 2002).

Green roads and bioengineering

! To address the issue of possible environmental damage by road construction

particularly in hilly region, innovative approaches have been promoted by
various agencies. Green road and bioengineering approach had been
successfully applied to rural road construction in various hilly districts
(GTZ/SDC 1999). This approach is about constructing roads with minimum
disturbance of natural earth based on labor-based technology (without using
heavy equipment), balanced cut-and-fill, and use of locally available materials.
Bio-engineering and balanced cut-and-fill techniques were also used in JICA
assisted Banaepa-Sindhuli road project.

Rural transport services

! Informal para-transit (jeeps, three-wheelers and vans) is the primary public

transport in rural area. However, rural population face low coverage,
monopoly behavior of operators, and very poor quality of service including

safety risks. This has caused rapid growth of motorcycles in rural areas.
Motorcycle has replaced bicycle, a popular non-motorized mode until recent
years in the rural area of Terai region. Increasing motorcycle use has resulted
in more accidents.

GHGs emissions and pollution

! According to IEA (2013), Nepal’s per capita CO2 emissions from fuel
consumption in 2011 is only 133 kg against the world average of 4,504 kg per
capita. However, growth rate of emissions is among the highest in the world.
From 1990 to 2011, CO2 emission from fuel consumption increased by 395 %
in Nepal while the average figure for Asia and the world is just 172.5 % and
49.3 % respectively. In 2011, the share of transport sector in the total CO2
emission of the world remained as 24 % while that in Nepal is 45 %. Relatively
higher share of transport emissions in Nepal indicates importance of reducing
transport emission to address the issue of GHG emissions.

Asian  countries
Other  countries USA
5000 CAN

4000 y  =  0.133x0.943 SAU AUS UAE
p R²  =  0.828
/g 3000
 C 2000
1000 THA
0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000
GDP  per  capita,   PPP  $  2005  price
Data  Source:  IEA  (2012)  
Figure  1-­‐4:  Transport  sector  CO2  per  capita  Vs  GDP  per  capita  

! Figure 1-4 shows plotting of GDP per capita (PPP $) versus transport CO2
emission per capita across the countries in the world. The trend line has
reasonably good fit, and shows that GDP per capita and transport emission per
capita are strongly correlated (following a power function with exponent <1).
We can see that some countries are above the trend line while others are below
it. Per capita transport emissions in developed East Asian countries or region
such as Japan, Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong is below the cross-country
trend while that in north American and oil producing middle east countries is
higher than the cross country trend. Some rapidly growing Asian countries

such as Malaysia and Thailand are also above the trend line. Nepal is just at
the bottom of the trend line, but there is a risk of following upper bound
trajectory if the country’s transport system continues to depend on the road
transport with conventional fuel. On the other hand, for Nepal there is real
possibility of decoupling the GDP growth and transport emission by adopting
low-carbon transport system. Under such scenario Nepal may follow a
trajectory leading to a minimum level of CO2 emission with higher level GDP
per capita.

! In the largest urban agglomeration of Kathmandu valley, air pollution caused

by vehicular emissions is once of the key public health concern. MoEP (2005)
reported that air pollution is responsible for 1600 premature death annually in
Kathmandu valley. Aging vehicles, inefficient engines, and poor quality of
fuel is primarily responsible for emission of pollutant. Vehicles plying on the
roads with poor pavement condition also contribute dust and particulate
matters. According to MoEP monitoring data, In 2007, annual average
concentration of PM10 in roadside and residential areas recorded as 173 and
115 micro grams per m3 (against the national air quality standard of 120 micro
gram per m3 for average annual concentration of PM10).

! Nepal government has taken series of policy initiative to address the problem
of vehicular emissions. Table 2 shows the chronological list of major policy
initiatives. As a result of the implementation of these policies, the situation of
vehicular emissions improved to some extent. For example, in 2003, average
annual PM10 concentration in residential area was 149 ug/m3, which dropped
down to 115 ug/m3 in 2007. Despite such improvement there is still an
upward pressure for worsening pollution because of increasing number of
vehicles and road traffic congestion.

Table: 1-1 Chronological list of major policy initiative targeting vehicular emissions
1991: Banned diesel three wheelers registration.
1994: Emission standards for in-use vehicles
1999: Banned three wheelers operated by diesel
1999: Subsidies for electric vehicles.
2000: Nepal Vehicle Mass Emission Standard EURO I.
2000: Stopped two stroke registration
2001: announced for ban of 20 years old vehicle, but not implemented.
2001: National Transport Policy
2003: National Ambient Air Quality Standards
2004: Two stroke three wheelers banned from operation
2009: National indoor air quality standard and implementation guideline
2012: EURO III standard

Fatalities   Injuries  
National   Kathmandu   14,000
1,800 National   Kathmandu  
1,600 12,000

1,400 10,000
1,200 o
s 8,000
iet 1,000 ei
il r
taa 800 u
j 6,000
F In
600 4,000
200 2,000
0 0

Data  Source:  MoPIT  (2013)  
Figure  1-­‐5:  Trend  of  Road  Traffic  Accident  (Country  Total  and  Kathmandu)    

3.1.1. Transport safety

! As the process of motorization gains momentum and passenger mobility is

dependent on the motorized modes, the problem of traffic accident is getting
further aggravated. In Kathmandu valley, because of poor service quality and
lack of accessibility, people have to rely on motorcycles, which
characteristically is less safe mode. The mixed traffic involving different types

of vehicles also increases risk of accident. In addition, lack of pedestrian
facilities and public awareness about traffic rules and discipline makes
pedestrians more vulnerable to traffic accident. Figure 1-5 shows the trend of
traffic accident (injury and fatalities) at the national level and in Kathmandu.
Fatalities in Kathmandu modestly increasing but the is rapid increase in
fatalities at the national level. The key sources of national fatalities is traffic
accident involving public transport vehicles such as buses, vans or jeeps
operating on intercity routes or regional or district level routes. In appropriate
road geometry and poor road condition particularly in hilly regions are among
the major causes. In addition, negligence of drivers and poor quality of
vehicles are also the causes of frequent accident on long-distance routes. It is
an irony that public transport mode- supposedly a safer mode- is subject to
more frequent accidents in Nepal.

! GoN/MPIT (2013) formulated an action plan addressing road safety issues in

Nepal. The action plan identifies five strategic pillars, such as road safety
management, safer roads and mobility, safer vehicles, safer road users, and
post crash response. Activities under each strategic pillars are proposed along
with responsible agencies and estimated budget.


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