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Detection and Monitoring of Neurotransmitters - A Spectroscopic Analysis

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Author Manuscript
Neuromodulation. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 May 01.
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Neuromodulation. 2013 May ; 16(3): 192–199. doi:10.1111/j.1525-1403.2012.00502.x.

Detection and Monitoring of Neurotransmitters - a Spectroscopic

Felicia S. Manciu, Ph.D.a),*, Kendall H. Lee, MD, Ph.D.b), William G. Durrer, Ph.D.a), and
Kevin E. Bennet, B.S. Ch.E., M.B.A.b),c)
a)Department of Physics, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX 79968

b)Department of Neurologic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905

c)Division of Engineering, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905

Objectives—We demonstrate that confocal Raman mapping spectroscopy provides rapid,
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detailed and accurate neurotransmitter analysis, enabling millisecond time resolution monitoring
of biochemical dynamics. As a prototypical demonstration of the power of the method, we present
real-time in vitro serotonin, adenosine, and dopamine detection, and dopamine diffusion in an
inhomogeneous organic gel, which was used as a substitute for neurologic tissue.
Materials and Methods—Dopamine, adenosine and serotonin were used to prepare
neurotransmitter solutions in DI water. The solutions were applied to the surfaces of glass slides,
where they inter-diffused. Raman mapping was achieved by detecting non-overlapping spectral
signatures characteristic of the neurotransmitters with an alpha 300 WITec confocal Raman
system, using 532 nm Nd:YAG laser excitation. Every local Raman spectrum was recorded in
milliseconds and complete Raman mapping in a few seconds.
Results—Without damage, dyeing, or preferential sample preparation, confocal Raman mapping
provided positive detection of each neurotransmitter, allowing association of the high-resolution
spectra with specific micro-scale image regions. Such information is particularly important for
complex, heterogeneous samples, where changes in composition can influence neurotransmission
processes. We also report an estimated dopamine diffusion coefficient two orders of magnitude
smaller than that calculated by the flow-injection method.
Conclusions—Accurate nondestructive characterization for real-time detection of
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neurotransmitters in inhomogeneous environments without the requirement of sample labeling is a

key issue in neuroscience. Our work demonstrates the capabilities of Raman spectroscopy in
biological applications, possibly providing a new tool for elucidating the mechanism and kinetics
of deep brain stimulation.

Basic science; Raman spectroscopy; neurotransmitters; brain

Corresponding author: Felicia S. Manciu, Department of Physics, University of Texas at El Paso, 500 West University Ave., El Paso,
TX 79968, USA, Phone: (915) 747-8472; Fax: (915) 747-5447;
Conflict of interest statement: The authors report no conflict of interest.
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The purpose of this work is to demonstrate the prospects of confocal Raman spectroscopy
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mapping for fast and simultaneous detection of neurotransmitters such as dopamine,

serotonin, and adenosine. This research is in response to the need for innovations in
minimally invasive tools for biomedical research technology with optimal detection
capability for the development of control systems. Although electrochemical detection such
as amperometry, fast scan cyclic voltammetry, and chromatography are the methods most
frequently applied for neurotransmitter measurements (1-4), applications of optical
spectroscopy, such as fluorescence, reflectance and Raman scattering, would have the
advantage of providing information about tissue composition at the molecular level (5-10).

Currently, the therapeutic success of deep brain stimulation for tremor associated with
Parkinson’s disease (PD) and essential tremor (ET) has led to the early application of deep
brain stimulation (DBS) for an increasing spectrum of conditions, ranging from movement
disorders to neuropsychiatric conditions (11). Preclinical studies using fast scan cyclic
voltammetry and carbon-fiber microelectrodes (CFM) have shown neurotransmitter release
in various efferent targets during DBS (12-14). For example, it has been demonstrated that
subthalamic nucleus (STN) DBS evokes dopamine release in the caudate in the intact rat and
pig and, most significantly, in the parkinsonian rat 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) model
(12-14). Another neurochemical mechanism that may be of particular importance to DBS is
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adenosine release. Proposed as a chemical mediator of thalamic DBS for the treatment of
essential tremor (15), caudate adenosine release can be measured during electrical
stimulation of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic tract (16). It has also been demonstrated that
STN DBS elicits this release (14).

Whereas the use of CFM chemical microsensors offers the advantage of smaller real-time
measurement probes than those previously used in microdialysis (e.g., 5 to 10 μm versus
200 to 400 μm diameter for microdialysis probes), their chemical stability is affected by the
biological environment; they, therefore have the disadvantage of being long-term
degradable. There remains a high demand for technological development, since a complete
understanding of the DBS mechanism remains far from being achieved, in large part
because of the technical difficulties in combining measurement modalities for global
assessment of neural activity and chemical-specific sensing. As demonstrated in this in vitro
research work, Raman spectroscopy, a non-destructive method of detection, provides the
opportunity to combine precise, real time measurement of multiple neurotransmitters to
imaging data.

If used in future clinical studies for better elucidation of the mechanism of action of DBS,
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Raman can also have the advantage of increasing the stability of the sensing mechanism by
employing non-degradable optical fiber as sensing probes; fibers that can be produced with
selected micro-scale dimensions. Furthermore, since light can be collected in real-time via
optical fibers, from living tissue, the benefit of high sensitivity to functional changes and,
consequently, of revealing the dynamics of cells in the nervous system, either via the
absorption of light or emission of light via elastic or inelastic scattering, can be achieved
(5-10). Whereas fluorescence/luminescence optical detection approaches have the advantage
of strong signals, they have limitations as to the chemical moieties that can be detected
simultaneously in a clinical environment. On the other hand, Raman spectroscopy can not
only provide the most detailed and accurate analysis of the chemical composition of the
sample under study, with no evidence of disruption of catecholamine detection due to the
presence of amine-containing metabolites and proteins (5-10), but also, as will be
demonstrated in this work, enables monitoring the chemical dynamics at millisecond time
resolution, which is another important requirement for in vivo applications.

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Thus, in the past few years, various Raman spectroscopic techniques such as surface-
enhanced Raman (SERS) (5-7), surface enhanced spatially offset Raman spectroscopy
(SESORS) (8), localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) (9), and ultraviolet resonance
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Raman (UVRRS) (10) have been proposed and developed for identification of biological
molecules. These Raman techniques have been used for a wide-range of in vitro and in vivo
diagnostic applications, such as non-invasively monitoring blood analytes and in working
with coronary artery and Alzheimer’s diseases, breast cancer and brain tumors, and for
minimally invasive but real-time diagnostics of superficial tissue (skin tissue) and deep
tissue (mammalian tissue) (5-10). Further progress in Raman applications for rapid analyte
detection is based on development of various correlation and classification algorithms such
as the Savitzky–Golay second-derivative (SGSD) method (17), multivariate calibration
(MVC) models (18), and multiobjective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) (19).

Raman spectroscopy also has the advantage of label-free recognition of biomolecules (such
as neourotransmitters, in this case), recording a unique vibrational spectrum for each
different molecular species (every species has its own unique molecular bond
configuration). In particular, this advantage is important in dynamic processes such as
diffusion, since diffusion parameters can be measured by direct observation of the species of
interest, avoiding the possible inaccuracy introduced by the use of chemical labels with
molecules larger or smaller than that of the neurotransmitter analyzed, with possible
resultant changes in biological activity. As a prototypical confirmation of the power of the
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method, in this article we also present an in vitro analysis of the real-time diffusion of
dopamine in an inhomogeneous organic gel medium.


Materials and sample preparation
The detailed and straightforward sample preparation is as follows: dopamine, adenosine and
serotonin were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Sigma-Aldrich Co.) and used as received to
prepare solutions of 100 μM concentration in DI water and gelatin. The solutions were
applied to the surfaces of microscopic glass slides where they inter-diffused, and then
studied. For the preparation of samples for dopamine diffusion experiments in gelatin, 1.4g
of Knox gelatin (Kraft Foods Global Inc, Tarrytown, NY) was dissolved in 25 mL of DI
water with continuous stirring and moderate heat. The measured pH of the gelatin solution
was set at 6 by titration. The solution was allowed to cool until it congealed and cut in small
pieces. For each test, a new volume of gelatin was used as the matrix for the diffusion of the
neurotransmitter, which was applied in solid form to the gelatin surface.

Experimental set-up and data acquisition

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The Raman measurements in this study were acquired at ambient conditions with an alpha
300 WITec confocal Raman system (WITec Inc., Ulm, Germany), using the 532 nm
excitation of a Nd:YAG laser and a 20X, NA=0.4, objective lens. Briefly, the experimental
set-up, which is described in detail elsewhere in the literature (20), consists of a laser source
that is coupled into a confocal microscope via a single mode optical fiber of 50 μm
diameter; the fiber also has the effective role of a pinhole source for confocal microscopy.
The reflected laser line and (elastically) Rayleigh-scattered light are eliminated by an edge
filter, which allows only the (inelastically) Raman-scattered light to be focused and collected
with a multimode optical fiber that is coupled to the spectrometer as an entrance slit. During
measurements, the power output of the Nd:YAG (532 nm) laser was kept low at ~10 mW.
For data acquisition, the WiTec Control software was employed; it also controls the
piezoelectric stage for sample scanning.

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Locally (i. e., at every image pixel), the Raman spectrum was recorded in milliseconds and
the overall Raman mapping record of the inter-diffusion of the three neurotransmitters in a
few minutes. Each consecutive 41.5 × 46.7 μm2 image in this Raman mapping of dopamine
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diffusion was acquired with an integration time of 6.4 s per image and 4 ms per local
spectrum. To obtain the Raman mapping images, the Raman signal was detected by a 1024
× 127 pixel peltier cooled CCD camera with a spectral resolution of 4 wavenumbers; at each
pixel a complete Raman spectrum was recorded.


Direct evidence of the usefulness of the Raman technique in neurotransmitter detection is
presented in Figs. 1 (a) - (d), where the confocal Raman mapping data acquired for the inter-
diffusion of dopamine (pseudo-color: red), adenosine (pseudo-color: blue), and serotonin
(pseudo-color: green) are shown. Not only do these figures confirm the coexistence of these
compounds, but they also allow the correlation of spectroscopic data with specific micro-
scale regions. This information is particularly important for complex, heterogeneous
samples, where modification of the chemical or physical composition can influence the
neurotransmission processes.

Some vibrations are common in these neurotransmitters, as revealed by Fig. 1 (e), where the
standard Raman spectra of dopamine, adenosine, and serotonin are plotted using the same
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pseudo-colors as mentioned above. However, in this case, the Raman mapping was achieved
by detecting and integrating non-overlapping characteristic spectral signatures of the
compounds, as follows: for dopamine the vibration attributed to C-O stretching at 1289
cm-1, for serotonin, the indole ring stretching vibration at 1540 cm-1, and for adenosine
either of the adenine ring vibrations at 320 cm-1 or 1336 cm-1 (10,21,22). One reason behind
considering these frequencies, although other non-overlapping vibrations exist in these
spectra at higher energies (the 2800 – 3500 cm-1 spectral region), is the potential
interference, in the latter energy range, of common vibrations arising from molecular
structures in living cells and other organic constituents of normal tissue, such as the strong
CH-stretching band, the valence vibrations of CH2 and CH3 moieties in proteins and lipids,
and the OH bands, mainly assigned to water. Our choice of frequencies thus establishes a
sound basis for the current study, and, at the same time, anticipates its applicability to future
in vivo investigations. The choice is also based on consideration of the more intense
characteristic non-overlapping vibrations of the compounds of interest, thus increasing
detection sensitivity and accuracy.

As reported in the literature, environmental factors (e.g., pH, solvents, noble metal surface
characteristics, etc.), affect neurotransmitters Raman vibrational lines, mainly through
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chemical processes (6,7,9,20-22). Consequently, they exhibit changes such as frequency

shifts, attenuation, and even complete disappearance. In this context, and for further
confirmation of the appropriateness of previously selected frequencies in performing the
Raman mapping, we present in Figs. 2 (a) and (b) the integrated spectra of these images and
the standard Raman spectra of the analyzed neurotransmitters, respectively. A break
between 1000 and 1200 cm-1 is applied to these spectra to allow inclusion of all regions of
interests in the same figure. Also, for easier comparison and depiction of the features used
for mapping such as the 320, 1289, 1336, and 1540 cm-1 vibrations, we highlight them using
the same pseudo-colors (e.g., red for dopamine, blue for adenosine, and green for serotonin).

Comparison of the frequency positions of these bands in Fig. 2 (a) and Fig. 2 (b) shows only
very slight shifts, validating the suitability of our frequency selection for Raman mapping.
More importantly, assessment of their relative intensities demonstrates that the Raman
technique could also be used as a quantitative method for estimating the relative

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concentrations of neurotransmitters. For example, the adenosine 320 and 1336 cm-1
vibrations, which are highlighted with blue color in Fig. 2(a), have higher intensities in the
Raman integrated spectrum of image (d), corroborating the strong blue color observed in
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this image (see Fig. 1 (d)). Furthermore, besides the dopamine vibration at 1289 cm-1, which
was considered for Raman mapping, there is another unmarked dopamine Raman line
around 400 cm-1 which has a higher intensity in the integrated spectrum of image (c) than in
that of image (a). This observation is again in good agreement with the intensity of the red
color seen in the Raman mapping presented in Fig 1 (c) as compared to that in Fig. 1 (a).
However, an accurate quantitative analysis by taking into account the ratio of Raman peak
cross-sections is obstructed by the above mentioned observed shifting and by the influence
of other closely located vibrational modes, an influence that results in a broadening of these
bands due to the possible convolution of various vibrations.

Further analysis of the complex process of neurotransmitter diffusion is presented in Fig. 3,

where we consider only dopamine in a non-uniform gel medium for a fast-scan confocal
Raman mapping. A good signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio was obtained because the green 532 nm
wavelength does not excite the fluorescent molecules typical of the organic gelatin medium;
therefore no interference from a high background signal was observed in the acquired data.

There are three important and also interrelated issues to be considered for future in vivo
investigations: a fast acquisition time, an acceptable S/N ratio, and the penetration depth of
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the laser wavelength employed. Concerning the S/N ratio and the penetration depth, a 785
nm near infrared (NIR) laser excitation of a diode laser has been used most commonly for in
vivo experiments due to its deeper tissue penetration (of the order of millimeters) and its
good S/N ratio, in spite of fluorescence signals expected from the cellular molecules of
living tissue. An even longer-wavelength excitation, such as the 1064 nm line of the
frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser, will further reduce the tissue fluorescence by
approximately two orders of magnitude, therefore improving the S/N ratio. However, a
drawback in using this excitation is the increased signal absorption by water at longer

On the other hand, because the intensity of the Raman signal is proportional to the fourth
power of the frequency of the excitation, the signal obtained from the green light excitation
(which was employed in our experiments) is much stronger than in the other cases, allowing
us to decrease the acquisition time by more than an order of magnitude (for a similar S/N
ratio). This short acquisition time was instrumental to obtaining information in real time
about the diffusion of dopamine in an organic medium and without fluorescence
interference, although just for a penetration depth of a few tens of micrometers, as is usual
for the 532 nm excitation.
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The Knox gelatin was used for the following reasons: it has higher heterogeneity than the
standard agarose gel and has mechanical properties closer to those of brain tissue (23); thus,
in a very simplified way, the diffusion of dopamine in a gelatin medium may provide a more
appropriate model of the natural process occurring in brain tissue.

The sequential confocal Raman mapping images of Fig. 3 reveal the non-uniform “random
walk” character typical of diffusion on the microscopic scale, in this case for dopamine. The
estimation of the diffusion coefficient of locally deposited neurotransmitter was performed
by fitting two consecutive cross-sectional average concentration-time profiles, which were
obtained from two consecutive images. The results are presented in Fig. 4, where the thick
solid line is the Gaussian fitting curve. For fitting we applied a simplex algorithm to a
solution of the diffusion equation:

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where C(x) is the concentration distribution, D is the diffusion coefficient, t is the time
elapsed from the beginning of the diffusion, and A is related to the total amount of
dopamine. The value of 1.28×10-8 cm2/s for the coefficient of diffusion D obtained in this
way is two orders of magnitude smaller than the one calculated by the flow-injection method
(24). Whereas the flow-injection method addresses the diffusion of dopamine in liquid, here
we study a more involved problem, in which gelatin generates a porous gel-like structure in
water (somewhat similar to the brain). Therefore, the diffusion depends strongly on the
dimensions of the channels available to dopamine as well as on the gelatin structure, which
might create traps (temporary or permanent) for dopamine. A temporary trap, where the
dopamine is initially stored and then slowly released back into the gel network, as well as
physical movement constraints due to the network structure, strongly reduce the long range
diffusion, as suggested by the results of the fitting from Fig. 4.

Since real-time and accurate detection of neurotransmitters in inhomogeneous environments
by nondestructive characterization and without the requirement of sample labeling are key
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issues in bioscience, the work reported here demonstrates the capabilities of Raman
spectroscopy in future neuroscience applications.

Although extensive research has been done in DBS, and preclinical studies (12-16) have
demonstrated that the function of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, adenosine, and
serotonin is affected by Parkinson’s, etc. diseases, the mechanism of DBS is far from being
completely understood. As a contribution to this active field, it is possible that optical
techniques such as those presented in this study, with their capacity for obtaining real time
maps of molecular species concentrations, can create a basis for future visualization and
measurement of neurotransmitter release in living systems and thereby provide significant
insights into the action of DBS.

In the work reported here, in vitro inter-diffusion of dopamine, adenosine and serotonin have
been directly visualized and analyzed using confocal Raman mapping, where integration of
characteristic non-overlapping signatures of these neurotransmitters such as the 320, 1289,
1336, and 1540 cm-1 vibrations were considered for detection. Not only is chemical
differentiation of these compounds observed at almost stationary time frames (4 ms
integration time per spectrum), but the acquired results could form a strong foundation for
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further accurate quantitative analysis by dynamic functional imaging of chemical and

morphological properties of these compounds’ biological environments. This quantitative
analysis, based on the ratio of Raman peak cross-sections, is beyond the scope of the
research presented here since some of the investigated Raman bands exhibit shifting and
broadening; these phenomena require additional consideration from a theoretical modeling

We also report here a value of 1.28×10-8 cm2/s for the estimated diffusion coefficient of
locally deposited dopamine, a value that is two orders of magnitude smaller than the one
calculated by the flow-injection method. A lower value for this coefficient is expected in a
solid non-uniform porous medium such as gelatin, since the process will depend on the
various dimensions of the available channels for dopamine diffusion. Furthermore, the
diffusion process can be quite complex in this gel network structure, which creates
temporary or permanents traps for dopamine to be stored and then slowly released back into

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the medium; phenomena that will strongly reduce the long range diffusion. From this
perspective, although in a very simplified way, the diffusion of neurotransmitters in gelatin
mimics quite well the natural process occurring in brain tissue.
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In conclusion, Raman spectroscopy can provide critical insights into the problems of
accurate detection and fast monitoring of neurotransmitters’ diffusion and distribution in
inhomogeneous environments. This technique has tremendous clinical potential, and there is
substantial room for future advances.

Source(s) of financial support: This work has been supported by NIH K08 NS 52232 award and by a research
agreement between Mayo Clinic and the University of Texas at El Paso and The Grainger Foundation to KEB and

Dr. Felicia S. Manciu provided the expertise in Raman Spectroscopy, designed the studies and the experimental
approach. Prof. Kevin E. Bennet and Dr. Kendall Lee provided the relevance, additions to the studies and obtained
the funding. Dr. Manciu developed the original manuscript with assistance from Prof. Bennet. Dr. Manciu and Dr.
William Durrer conducted the experiments, analyzed the data, and made the figures. All authors reviewed the data
and provided editorial improvements and approved the final manuscript.

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Figure 1.
(a) - (d) confocal Raman mapping images of dopamine (pseudo color: red), serotonin
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(pseudo color: green), and adenosine (pseudo color: blue) recorded in different spots, and (e)
the standard Raman spectra of these neurotrasmitters, as labeled. The spectra are vertically
translated for clarity and recorded for the 150 to 3500 cm-1 spectral region.

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Figure 2.
(a) integrated spectra of the previously acquired Raman mapping images and (b) standard
Raman spectra of the neurotrasmitters in the 150 to 1800 cm-1 spectral region of interest; the
latter spectra are presented for comparison purposes.
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Figure 3.
Sequential confocal Raman mapping images of dopamine diffusion in gelatin.
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Figure 4.
Dopamine diffusion curves. The solid line through each graph is the fitted theoretical curve.
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