English Practical Work PDF
English Practical Work PDF
English Practical Work PDF
Picture of each
Role/fonction of each
ROLE: the wood make it possible to make envelope of the building : boards, walls, roof of
ADVATANGES : its advantage is due to its durability, but also it is favorable to the
construction of buildings since, it is light and elastic, which offers better resistance to ground
mouvements and therefore to the ffects of time.
Will maintained wooden building can serve for decades or even centuries.
DISADVANTAGES : wood has poor thermal inertia, which ensures that the accumulated heat
is quickly diffused. Sensitive to humidity, it must be treated so as not to deteriorate.
ROLE : iron is an essential element used to form : the skeleton of buildings, reinforcing
concrete, reinforcing foundations. It is used for piping, it covers facades.
ADVATANGES : the metallic structures make it possible to have the lowest possible
permanent load and an elastic behavior, even in the cose of plastification of certain zones. In
the cose of buildings, these characteristics are particularly interesting for structures in areas
of marked seismicity.
ROLE : its role is to constitue the skeleton and the framework of the concrete.
ADVANTANGES: its advantage is at the level of the blow compared to the expense
during the works ; it is thanks to this that concrete is an economical material because
we had put a maximum to fill the void during the mixing with the cement.
DISADVANTAGES : the gravel can be risky in the event of an overdose of the
material, indead the overdose of the material during the mixing of the concrete for
easily weaken the structure.
ROLE : the cement acts as a hydraulic binder (which hardens under the action of
water) ; it is also used in the preparation of concrete.
DISADVANTAGES : cement material has low tensile strength and should only be used
for this ; it also has a low resistance to deformation during manufacture, but also it is
easy to crack and may be broken.
ROLE : plastic materials contribute to the improvement of our constructions, the are ideal for
window froms and water pipes.
ADVANTAGES : plastic materials are light and malleable. They are perfectly waterproof ; they
resist corrosion and wear ; they do not rot and do not conduct electricity.
DISADVANTAGES : plastic materials are even materials that are too fragile in the face of fire ;
once in contact with fire, the material can easily collapse and disappear in the smoke.