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QB Chemistry

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1. The process of conversion of vapour into liquid is called

A. Evaporation

B. Crystallisation

C. Sublimation

D. Condensation ✔️

2. The process by which pure salt can be obtained from impure salt is:

A. Filtration

B. Sublimation

C. Evaporation

D. Crystallization ✔️

3. What kind of change occurs when the tip of the blade is placed on a gas stove?

A. Chemical change

B. Irreversible change

C. No change

D. Physical change ✔️

4. Which of the following does not represent a chemical change?

A. Burning of bush

B. Fermentation of palm wine

C. Turning brown of freshly cut pawpaw

D. Freezing of water✔️

5. Which is a method to prevent rust?

A. Crystallization

B. Sedimentation

C.Prevention is better than cure

D. Galvanisation ✔️
6. What makes a solution?

A. Dissolve solution

B. Solute and solute

C. Solvent and solvent

D. Solute and solvent ✔️

7. What happens when a solute crystal is added to a supersaturated solution?

A.The solute precipitates out of the solution ✔️

B. The solution desaturates

C. The solute dissolves in the solution

D.It becomes a colloidal solution

8. A solution made up of numerous components in which each component’s property is the

weighted sum of its separate properties is called...

A. Ideal Solution ✔️

B. Non-Ideal solution

C. Real Solution

D..None of the mentioned

9. The pressure that would be exerted by one of the gases in a mixture if it occupied the same
volume on its own is called...

A. Absolute pressure

B. Partial pressure ✔️

C. Total pressure of a gas mixture

D. None of the mentioned

10. Calculate the molar mass of a given gas whose diffusion rate is 2.92 times the diffusion rate of

A. 2.0 g/mol ✔️

B. 5.54 g/mol

C. 12.7g/mol
D. 18.9 g/mol

11. Sulfur exists in two polymorphic forms.....and....

A. hexagonal and monoclinic

B. rhombic and triclinic

C. hexagonal and triclinic

D. rhombic and monoclinic✔️

12. Which solid structure has a definite and sharp melting point?

A. All types of solids

B. No type of solid

C. Amorphous solids

D. Crystalline solids ✔️

13. 50.A traditional ‘battery’ contains which of the following chemichals?

A. Ethylene glycol

B. Sulphuric acid ✔️

C. Sodium bicarbonate

D. Ethanol

14. Spirit in contact with body gives cool sensation because it is...

A. liquid

B. transparent

C. highly volatile ✔️

D. a good conductor

15. What is the term for a liquid dispersion in another liquid?

A. Emulsion ✔️

B. AerosoltGel

C. Foamy

D. Emulsiferity
16. The chemical formula of washing soda is

A. Na₂SO₄.10H₂O


C. Na₂CO₃.10H₂O✔️

D. Ca(OH)₂

17. The heaviest sub atomic particle is?

A. Proton

B. Electron

C. Meson

D. Neutron ✔️

18. Rutherford's model of the atom accounts for the?

A. Scattering of Alpha particles by metal foils✔️

B. Stability of electron orbits

C. Stability of atoms

D. Line spectra of the light elements

19. When heated, the metal that results in a change of state to gas is

A. Si(s)

B. Al(s)

C. S(s) ✔️

D. P(s)

20. Metal that reacts quickly with Cl₂ is

A. Si(s)

B. P(s)

C. Ar (g)

D. Mg(s) ✔️
21. Another product of the reaction *SiO₂(s) +NaOH(l) → Na₂SiO₃(aq)* would be +

A. HO⁺₃

B. ΟΗ⁻

C. H₂O(l)✔️

D. H₂(g)

22. In O=C=O the bond angle is

A. 180° ✔️

B. 87.5°

C. 120°

D. 109.5°

23. The shape of water molecule is

A. linear

B. non-linear V shape ✔️

C. trigonal

D. tetrahedral

24. In ammonia, greater repulsion is of

A. lone pair-bond pair ✔️

B. bond pair-bond pair

C. lone pair-lone pair

D. bonf pair-bond pair

25. What is the mass of one mole of iodine molecules?

A. 106 g

B. 254g ✔️

C. 74 g

D.127 g

26. One mole of ethanol and one mole of ethane have an equal
A. Number of atoms

B. Number of molecules✔️

C. Number of electron

D. Mass

27. Which one of the following compounds contains the highest percentage by the mass of
nitrogen ?

A. N₂H₄ ✔️



D. NH₃

28. How many mole of oxygen are needed for the complete combustion of two moles of butane?

A. 13 ✔️

B. 10

C. 2

D. 8

29. Which of the following is neither an acid nor base?

A. KCl ✔️


C. HCl


30. A solution having pH equal to zero is known as

A. highly alkaline solution

B. highly acidic solution ✔️

C. weakly acidic solution

D. neutral solution

31. Which one of the following oxides reacts with both acid and base ?
A. Aluminium oxide ✔️

B. Calcium oxide

C. Sodium oxide

D. Potassium oxide

32. When the electronegativity difference between two atoms is 2, what type of bond can be

A. ionic ✔️

B. covalent

C. polar covalent

D. metallic

33. An acid salt has?

A. Double anions in its aqueous solution B. A single cation in its aqueous solution C. Hydrogen ions in
its aqueous solution ✔️

D. Hydrogen atom in its aqueous solution

34. The colligative properties of a solution are affected by

A Nature of the solute

B. Concentration of solute molecules ✔️

C. Amount of liquid

D. Surface area of solute

35. The term "brown air is used for

A. Acid fumes

B. Photochemical smog ✔️

C. Sulphurous smog

D. Industrial smog

36. At 17°C a sample of hydrogen gas occupies 125cm, what will the volume he at 100°C, if the
pressure remains constant ?

A 210 cm³
B 97 cm³

C. 161 cm³ ✔️

D. 735 cm³

37. In the reaction

A⁺ + B⟶A + B⁺ , there is no entropy change. If enthalpy change is 22kJ of A⁺

, calculate the ΔG for the reaction.

A. 273 Kjmol⁻¹

B. 22 kjmol⁻¹ ✔️

C. 0 kj mol⁻¹

D. 73 Kjmol⁻¹

38. Calculate the standard EMF of the cell whose halfcells are given below

Mg²⁺ + 2e⁻ →Mg(s);E⁰ =−2.37V

Cu²⁺ +2e⁻ →Cu(s);E⁰ =+0.34V

A. 2.37 V

B. 2.03 V

C. - 2.03 V

D. 2.71 V ✔️

39. Which of the following organic compounds can undergo both addition and substitution

A. Pentane

B. Benzene ✔️

C. propane

D. Hexane

40. Which of the following is the simplest member of organic compounds?

A. Formic acid

B. Formaldehyde

C. Methanol
D. Methane ✔️


Answers are asterisked (*)

A solid begins to melt when A*. constituent particles acquire greater kinetic energy B. energy of
vibration of particles of a solid is less than the intermolecular force C. constituent particles acquire
energy above average kinetic energy D. energy of vibration of particles of solid equals the
intermolecular force.

The property used in obtaining oxygen and nitrogen from air is the A*. boiling point B. density C. rate
of diffusion D. solubility.

The addition of water to calcium oxide leads to A. physical change B*. chemical change C. the
formation of a mixture D. endothermic change.

In which of the following are water molecules most disorderly arranged A. ice at 10⁰C B. water at
100⁰C C. ice at 0⁰C D*. steam at 100⁰C

A mixture of iodine and Sulphur crystals can be separated by treatment with A. water to filter off
Sulphur B*. carbon(IV)sulphide to filter off iodine C. carbon(IV)sulphide to filter off Sulphur D.
ethanoic acid to filter off Sulphur

Sieving is a technique used to separate mixtures containing solid particles of A. small sizes B. large
sizes C*. different sizes D. same sizes

The fundamental difference between the three states of matter is the A. shape of particles B.
number of particles in each state C. shape of the container they occupy D*. degree of movement of
their particles

Pure solvents can be obtained by A. extraction B. evaporation C*. distillation D. condensation.

The chromatographic separation of ink is based on the ability of the components to A. dissolve in
each other in the column B*. move at different speeds in the column C. react with the solvent D.
react with each other.

A little quantity of trichloromethane (⁰C) is added to a large quantity of ethanol (⁰C).

The most probable boiling point of the mixture is A. 60⁰C - 78⁰C B. 69⁰C - 70⁰C C. 70⁰C -74⁰C D*.
82⁰C - 84⁰C

Group O elements are unreactive because A. their outermost shell contain equal number of
electrons B*. their highest occupied energy level is full C. they are monoatomic gases D. they are

The electrons that are most easily removed from 2412Mg are in which orbital? A. 1s B. 2s C. 2p D*.

The electronic configuration of an element is 1s22s22p63s23p3. Where is the element located in the
periodic table? A. group 1, period 3 B. group 3, period 5 C*. group 5, period 3 D. group 5, period 5
The conclusion from Rutherford’s alpha scattering experiment is that A. atoms are mostly empty
space with big nucleus B*. atoms are mostly empty space with small nucleus C. emissions from
radioactive substance consist of three components D. there is nuclear pull on orbital electrons

If the relative molecular mass of an element is not a whole number, it can be deducted that the
element is A. naturally radioactive B. abundant in nature C. a transition metal D*. an isotopic mixture

P, Q, R, S are in the same group in the periodic table but in periods 3,4,5 and 6. Which of them loses
electron least readily? A*. P B. Q C. R D. S

Which of the following statements is true of proton? A. the mass of a proton is 1.008g B. mass of a
proton is one twelfth the molar mass of carbon C*. the mass of proton is 1840 times the mass of an
electron D. total mass of protons Is always half the nuclear mass

Allotropes of an element differ in their A*. physical properties B. chemical properties C. mass
numbers D. electronic configuration

Chlorine atom forms ion by A. losing one electron B. sharing one electron C*. donating lone pair of
electrons D. gaining one electron

An element Z belongs to group 3. Which of the following formulae is the correct of its compounds A.
ZSO3 B. Z3Cl2 C*. Z2O3 D. ZS3

If the electronegativity difference between elements A and B is small, the interatomic bond between
them is A. ionic B*. covalent C. dative D. hydrogen

Which of the following is not a characteristic property of ionic compounds? A. solubility in polar
solvents B. low melting points C. conduction of electricity in solid state D. fast reaction in solution E*.
B and C

A molecule of nitrogen contains A. double bond B*. triple bond C. single bond D. unpaired electron

The abnormally high boiling point of water is due to A. higher molecular mass B. presence of metallic
bonds C*. presence of hydrogen bonds D. presence of covalent bond

The weakest binding power is provided by A. hydrogen bonds B*. vander waals force C. ionic lattice
force D. metallic bonds

What is the volume of oxygen required to burn completely 45cm3 of methane[CH4] at s.t.p.? A.
45cm3 B*. 90cm3 C. 135cm3 D. 180cm3

If 30cm3 of a gas at 50⁰C is warmed to 80⁰C at a fixed pressure, the fractional increase in volume is
A. 0.91 B. 0.009 C. 1.090 D*. 0.093

Which of the following decreases when a given mass of gas is compressed to half its initial volume?
A*. average intermolecular distance B. frequency of collisions C. number of molecules D. atomic
radius of each particle

25cm3 of a mixture of noble gases was obtained from air after removal of other constituents. What
was the original volume of air if noble gas is 1% of air? A*. 2500cm3 B. 1250cm3 C. 125cm3 D.

According to Charles’ law, the volume of a gas at zero A. -100⁰C B*. -273⁰C C. -373⁰C D. 0⁰C

How many orbitals are in d-sub shell? A. 1 B. 3 C*. 5 D. 7

An element X has isotopic mass of 6 and 7. If the relative abundance is 1 to 12.5, what is the relative
atomic mass of X? A. 6 B. 6.1 C*.6.9 D. 7.0

An element with mass number 133 and atomic number 55 has A. 55 electrons and 55 neutrons B*.
55 electrons and 78 neutrons C. 78 electrons and 78 neutrons D. 78 electrons and 55 neutrons

Which of the following pairs are isoelectronic? A*. Mg2+ and Al3+ B. Cl- and Ne C. Na+ and Mg D. C
and O2-

Which of the following sets of element is arranged in order of increasing ionization energies A.
11Na, 3Li, 19K, 37Rb B. 37Rb, 19K, 3Li, 11Na C. 3Li, 19K, 11Na, 37Rb D*. 37Rb, 19K, 11Na, 3Li

Which of the following electronic configuration is that of a noble gas? A. 2,8,8,2 B. 2,8,2 C*. 2,8 D.

The atomic numbers of elements X and Y are 20 and 17 respectively. Which of the following
compounds is likely to be formed by the combination of the two elements? A. XY B*. XY2 C. XY3 D.

What type of bond is formed between elements P and Q if their electronegative values are 0.8 and
4.0 respectively? A. covalent bond B. coordinate bond C*. ionic bond D. metallic bond

What type of chemical bonding is involved in the formation of NH4+ from a molecule of ammonia
and a proton? A. covalent B*. coordinate bonding C. electrovalent bonding D. hydrogen bonding

What is responsible for metallic bonding? A*. attraction between the delocalized electrons and fixed
positive lattice(cations) B. attraction between positive and negative ions C. sharing of electrons
between the metal atoms D. transfer of electrons from one atom to another

41. Which of the following is not one of the conditions to establish chemical equilibrium? A. it must
be a reversible process B. change in gibbs free energy is zero C. It must be able to resist any change
in the conditions of the system D*. it must be in an open system.

42. An element X has isotopic mass of 6 and 7. If the relative abundance is 1 to 12.5, what is the
relative atomic mass of X? A. 6 B. 6.1 C*.6.9 D. 7.0

43. An element with mass number 133 and atomic number 55 has A. 55 electrons and 55 neutrons
B*. 55 electrons and 78 neutrons C. 78 electrons and 78 neutrons D. 78 electrons and 55 neutrons

45. Which of the following pairs are isoelectronic? A*. Mg2+ and Al3+ B. Cl- and Ne C. Na+ and Mg D.
C and O2-

46. Which of the following is used to determine the arrangement of atoms in a subtance? A. alpha
rays B. beta rays C*. X rays D. gamma rays

Which of the following electronic configuration is that of a noble gas? A. 2,8,8,2 B. 2,8,2 C*. 2,8 D.

Which of the following is used in the treatment of cancer? A. alpha rays B. beta rays C. X rays D*.
gamma rays

What type of bond is formed between elements P and Q if their electronegative values are 0.8 and
4.0 respectively? A. covalent bond B. coordinate bond C*. ionic bond D. metallic bond
What type of chemical bonding is involved in the formation of NH4+ from a molecule of ammonia
and a proton? A. covalent B*. coordinate bonding C. electrovalent bonding D. hydrogen bonding

What is responsible for metallic bonding? A*. attraction between the delocalized electrons and fixed
positive lattice(cations) B. attraction between positive and negative ions C. sharing of electrons
between the metal atoms D. transfer of electrons from one atom to another

14.8g of salt Z dissolved in 250cm3 of distilled water and gives a concentration of 0.8M. calculate the
molar mass of salt Z A. 13.5 B. 47.4 C. 18.5 D*. 74.0

How many atoms are there in one mole of hydrogen gas? [Avogadro’s constant = 6.02 A. 1.2 B. 6.0
C*. 1.2 D. 6.0

What is the percentage of oxygen in K2Cr2O7? [K2Cr2O7 = 294, O =16] A. 14.20 B. 26.53 C. 35.37 D*.

What is the IUPAC name of the compound NaClO4? A. sodium tetraoxochlorate(I) B. sodium
tetraoxochlorate(IV) C. sodium tetraoxochlorate(VI) D*. sodium tetraoxochlorate(VII)

Which of the following statements is true of the molecules of a gas under ideal conditions? The
molecules A. move at random B. undergo inelastic collisions C. attract each other D*. occupy a large

25cm3 of 0.8M HCl neutralized 20cm3 of NaOH solution. What is the concentration of NaOH in
molar? NaOH + HCl ------> NaCl + H2O A. 0.08 B. 0.10 C. 0.80 D*. 1.00

Consider the reaction represented by the equation: Ca(OH)2 + CO2 -----> CaCO3 + H2O. In the
reaction, CO2 act as A*. acidic oxide B. oxidizing agent C. basic oxide D. dehydrating agent

Which of the following compounds is a basic salt? A. Mg(NO3)2 B.(NH4)2SO4 C. K4Fe(CN)6 D*.

What is the oxidation number of chromium in K2CrO4? A. +1 B. +2 C.+4 D*.+6

Which of the following method can be used to separate a mixture of two miscible liquids with
different boiling points? A. decantation B*. distillation C. evaporation D. filtration

Which of the following gas has the lowest rate of diffusion under the same temperature and
pressure? [H = 1, O = 16, Ne = 20, Cl = 35.5] A*. chlorine B. hydrogen C. neon D. oxygen

In a fixed volume of a gas, an increase in temperature results in an increase in pressure due to an

increase in the A. number of collision between the gas molecules B. number of repulsion between
the gas molecules C*. number of collision between the gas molecules and the walls of the container
D. kinetic energy of the gas

The color of phenolphthalein indicator in dilute HNO3(aq) is A*. colorless B. orange C. pink D. purple

An aqueous solution of CaCl2 is A*. acidic B. basic C. buffer D. neutral

Which of the following compounds would dissolve in water to give a solution whose PH is less than
7 A*. Al(NO3)3 B. KNO3 C. N2O D. NH3

Consider the reaction represented by the equation below: KOH + HClKCl + H2O. What volume of
0.25M KOH would be required to completely neutralize 40cm3 of 0.1M HCl? A. 40cm3 B. 32cm3 C.
24cm3 D*. 16cm3
The mass of a certain radioactive sample is 16g. The mass left after 5 half-lives is _______ A. 2g B*.
0.5g C. 1g D. 0.25g

Consider the reaction: 2SO2 + O2 2SO3 ∆H = -ve . increase in the total pressure of the system brings
about A. decrease in rate of reaction of the system B. decrease in temperature of the system C.
increase in temperature of SO3 D*. increase in concentration of SO3

Which of the following is not an instrument for detecting radiation? A. Geiger muller counter B.
diffusion cloud chambers C*. mass spectrometer D. none of the above.

Calculate the quantity of electricity passed when 0.4A flows for 1 hours 20 minutes through an
electrolyte A. 4800C B. 3840C C*. 1920C D. 32C

If 24.83cm3 of 0.15M NaOH is titrated against 39.45cm3 of HCl. What is the molarity of HCl? A*.
0.094M B. 0.15M C. 0.94M D. 1.5M

What mass of a divalent metal M(atomic mass= 40) would react with excess HCl to liberate 224cm3
dry hydrogen gas at stp? A. 8g B.4g C. 0.8g D*. 0.4g

How many kilograms of aluminum will be produced by electrolysis in a cell operating for 24 hours at
400A [Al = 27, 1F = 96500C]? A*. 3.2 B. 6.4 C. 9.6 D. 12.8

Which of the following ions would migrate to the cathode during electrolysis? A*. sodium ions B.
hydroxide ion C. sulphide ion D. chloride ion

Hydrogen and oxygen will be produced using platinum electrode in the electrolysis of A. dilute CuCl2
B*. dilute NaCl C. concerntrated HCl D. glucose solution

If the cost of electricity required to deposit 1g of aluminum is ₦4. How much in naira would it cost to
deposit 24g of copper? A*. 27.02 B. 37.02 C. 47.02 D. 57.02

The common feature of reaction at the cathode is that A. electron are produced B. ions are oxidized
C*. reduction is involved D. electrolyte is diluted

Which of the following is a good conductor of electric current? A. aqueous glucose solution B*.
aqueous solution of potassium chloride C. mixture of ethanol and water D. mixture of kerosene and

Which of the following is arranged in the order of decreasing ionizing power? A. alpha<beta<gamma
B*. alpha>beta>gamma C. gamma>beta>alpha D. alpha<gamma<beta.

If the half life of X and Y are 14 days and 20 days, then _______ A. X is more stable than Y B*. Y is
more stable than X C. The both decay at the same time D. none of the above.

SUBJECT: chemistry 30/12/22 (19:00 GMT )


1. Who is known as the 'father of modern chemistry'?

A. John Dalton

B. Robert Boyle
C. Antoine Lavoisier ✔️

D. Democritus

2. Periodic table contains how many periods

A. 6

B. 7 ✔️

C. 8

D. 10

3. Calculate the molecular formula of a compound which contain 20% Ca and 80% Br by mass. If the
molecular mass of compound is 200.(Ca = 40, Be = 80)

A. CaBr

B. CaBr₂✔️

C. Ca₂Br

D. Ca₂Br₂

4. The emperical formula of a compound is CHO₂. The molecular weight of the compound is 90.
Calculate the molecular formula of the compound

A. C₂H₂O


C. CH₂O₄

D. C₂H₂O₄ ✔️

5. Which quantum number determine the shape of an orbital

A. Magnetic

B. Principal

C. Azimuthal✔️

D. Spin

6. The electrons are filled in various sublevels according to the order of their energies is known as

A. Aufbau principle✔️

B. Pauli exclusive principle

C. Hund's rule

D. None of the above

7. The number of lone pair of electrons in the central atoms of H₂O and PCl₃ respectively are

A. 2,1✔️

B. 3,1

C. 1,2

D. 2,2

8. An electrovalent compound form between

A. Metal and non metal✔️

B. Non metal and non metal

C. Metal and metal

D. Metal and metalloids

9. 1050cm³ of helium gas was produced at -33°C and 700mmHg. What volume would the gas occupy
at 23°C and 750mmHg?

A. 1208.67cm³✔️

B. 794.59cm³

C. 912.16cm³

D. 1387.50cm³

10. Ionisation energy of nitrogen is greater than that of oxygen because nitrogen has

A. High bond dissociation energy

B. Smaller atomic radius

C. Stable half filled 2p sub level ✔️

D. High nuclear charge

11. The aqueous solution of potassium chloride is

A. A weak electrolyte

B. A strong electrolyte ✔️
C. A non-electrolyte

D. Initially weak and then become a strong electrolyte

12. When a mixture of air and steam is passed over red hot coke, the outgoing gas is

A. Producer gas✔️

B. Water gas

C. Coal gas

D. None of the above

13. A hydrated salt of Na₂SO₃ loses 22.22% of its mass on strong heating. The hydrated salt is

A. Na₂SO₃.4H₂O

B. Na₂SO₃.6H₂O

C. Na₂SO₃.H₂O

D. Na₂SO₃.2H₂O✔️

14. Which of the following is the most common solvent for crystallization

A. Benzene

B. Water✔️

C. Salt solution

D. H₂SO₄ solution

15. The colour of phenolphthalein indicator in basic solution is

A. Yellow

B. Green

C. Pink✔️

D. Orange

16. Which of the following will have pH = 2

A. 0.01M HCl✔️

B. 0.01M H₂SO₄

C. 0.02M HCl
D. 0.02M H₂SO₄

17. When barium chloride solution is added to sodium sulfate solution, a white precipitate is formed.
The white precipitate is

A. Barium chloride

B. Sodium sulphate

C. Barium sulphate✔️

D. Sodium chloride

18. Which gives a white precipitate with a solution of AgNO₃, a white precipitate with Dil H₂SO₄ and
a green flame test

A. Copper chloride

B. Copper nitrate

C. Lead nitrate

D. Barium chloride✔️

19. The characteristics oxidation number of atoms in free metal is

A. -1

B. +1

C. Any number

D. Zero✔️

20. What is the oxidation number of lithium in LiCl

A. +3

B. -1

C. +1✔️

D. Zero

21. What is the approximate strength of current that will deposit 0.5g of silver on a spoon in 7.5

A. 1A✔️

B. 0.005A
C. 0.05A

D. 0.1A

22. What is the product formed at the cathode in the electrolysis of Aqueous Na₂SO₄

A. Sodium metal

B. Oxygen gas

C. Hydrogen gas✔️

D. Sulphur

23. Bond breaking energy is also called

A. Bond damaging energy

B. Bond dissociation energy✔️

C. Bond forming energy

D. Bond association energy

24. When ∆H is negative, the reaction is said to be

A. Ionic

B. Reversible

C. Endothermic

D. Exothermic✔️

25. In which of the following process is platinum used as a catalyst

A. Oxidation of ammonia to form nitric acid✔️

B. Hardening of oils

C. Production of synthetic rubber

D. Synthesis of methanol

26. Which among the following is not a characteristic of transition metals?

A. Tendency to gain electrons ✔️

B. Low electronegativity

C. Low ionization energy

D. Malleability

27. Ruby and sapphire are oxides of

A. Copper

B. Tin

C. Iron

D. Aluminium ✔️

28. On increasing temperature, the equilibrium constant of exothermic and endothermic reactions
__________ and ________ respectively:

A. Increases and decreases

B. Decreases and increases✔️

C. Increases and increases

D. Decreases and decreases

29. ¹⁴₇N + X ----> ¹⁷₈O + ¹₁H

In the reaction above, X is a

A. lithium atom

B. Neutron

C. Helium atom✔️

D. Deuterium atom

30. The radioactive radiation used in studying the arrangements of particles in giant organic
molecules is

A. alpha particles

B. χ rays✔️

C. β particles

D. γ rays

31. An allotropic form of carbon used in cutting and drilling is

A. Charcoal

B. Coke
C. Graphite

D. Diamond✔️

32. _______ is prepared by subjecting graphite to very high temperature and pressure for several

A. Artificial diamond✔️

B. Coke

C. Coal

D. Charcoal

33. When ethene is bubbled through a dilute solution of KMnO₄, purple KMnO₄ is reduced to
________ if the solution is alkaline

A. Colourless

B. Green✔️

C. Orange

D. Brown

34. Which metal of trioxinitrate (V) decompose to the corresponding metals , oxygen and brown
fumes of NO₂

A. Potassium

B. Calcium

C. Copper

D. Gold✔️

35. ________ is formed when ethene is bubbled through a dilute solution of KMnO₄

A. Ethylene oxide

B. Ethylene glycol✔️

C. Ethane

D. Ethanoic acid

36. Solvent for sulphur and white phosphorus is

A. Benzene
B. Carbon tetrachloride

C. Carbon (IV) sulphide✔️

D. Toluene

37. Incomplete oxidation of ethanol yield





38. when heated, magnesium react directly with the following non metal except

A. sulphur

B. hydrogen✔️

C. phosphorus

D. Chlorine

39. A organic compound commonly used in disinfectant is

A. Toluene

B. perspex

C. styrene

D. phenol✔️

40. Which of the following contains high content of lead?

A. Coal

B. Cooking gas

C. High octane fuel ✔️

D. Low octane fuel

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